--.-' ...- (5 1 V "1 .--.-- -: TOE DJIIIY CHHLOTTE J7IUrjt.Z jUTSJt THE DjtlLJT CUJtZ.OTTJS OJ3SEItEIZ, COJrarOXXO-f XJCBt SXwf 1883. ii n. i ! i m niii.in iitakiuk If tajta . - . ' ' CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 1883J PRICE FIVE CENTS toij CkartMt Jeanal, sMaUaee iifM ii, iisa. , . : . 5 ' . v ' ; - ( J , i 1 r -i i ,: - ml 1 ' I I : t I f I I I CHARLOTTE; SATURDAY, OCT. EC30BB3eOS:R - WOlSf -ALL UNITED IN ONC VACT and COLOSSAL EXHIBITION ?crJf:Kc i ::lfXr;' lfiS :i Ik! I fill " f ' riO OTHER SHOW-HAS Q?JE OF THESE FEATURES ! HERDS OF AS!ATI0 ELCPKAKT IHNE AFRICAN ELEPHANT THE OKLV WCCLY ELC?HAST A 8 c o n r of A SCHOO!. CF LI0r!3 dT f X X a dlue K3SE tsANDnnS.rV iVt?jUJ!J. VXr.: V4V Two HORDED H0;gg.V B A B B 0 0 H Sw gV t A P E8 ttSNKEVsV g mB-0F4M BIRDS TSTNffiP fejEg&g j r t(o clowns fO GrtatnerXX! fet-' LAOYF.IDERS 6 8awjscf". - .Vt-:L::J-. WO scores pr.ror-a" s- ... . ,,.. L. yrrpHpca CST con8CU3 r "cr.i-?r v . V .. - THE FEATL'S OF ACU riATJEE&l - H i P P O POT A - Stf ! . vWill also exhibit "at Chester, balem, Uct, 10, Balisbury, Oct OPERA HOUSE. Grand Operatic Event Tnesdoj Eve, Octobtr 2d. GRAU'S Famous Opera Co., 45 Artists. OBAKS CHOBUeJ AtaVXHTZD OBCHZSTBAf to jndran'a Comla Opara, , "OLIVETTE." ar-eoB6zous cosTUxzst Oaneral AdBtMloaSl- ' FrteM: S1.Z5 for itoMrrad Sea a. oa aalaat xxraAi dlam oaaad after TbomUy moraine 1 1 DEALEE3 IK Boots, Shoes, Trunlcs and Valisca; - - r - . 5 .; t .. . ,, ;. .; kiitf, ilisrf, Gt ntf tzlhji FIIlC GOODS: ft SFECilLTYJ 88 88 Pegram & Co.y, ftaj 6th! 3: S).E1IS?IHI3H1G5 AHLKAe scaerjs WS2 fit - (for J f )' ' DROVE OF RIRAFFE8 v.nr-E nccu 0? OSTRIWFS A FI VE TO H ' RUIKOrEROS v PtVU'ngWCAL TIGERS P.Cf!?OflUING ZEBRAS CVLY LION SLAYER Crtut LEAPERS na ef GYMNASTS ?njSTALlfg3 WH.TE3 DOG CIRCUS FRENCH FAMILY .v n miles 0? stb MILES 0? STREET DISPLAY h THrit'SAKO MEN AND KORSES A &11TTC3:WS ROYAL MARCH T::!SAKD COSTLY BANKERS A PAIR OF LIVIMC . A & FEMALE co aitsjftf.'na so trcsi aa ExbibithA. ihaa zczz'.l shot Oct.4 4, i Greensboro,? Oct. 9, 11. dagocS-S-wSt Shoes! Shoes! ! Now is the Time When tte Popia baaia to 1 k aroand .1 : VOB i r Children ScEool Shoes. W. would remind Umbb that wa kwg tba wi oeac nsaaa mat aca ooarea u iu aiaM -AND-T-: -1 At prlaas that wffl Indue, rea to bar vnan roa aaa Give Us a Call. C.RAY& BRO. Jon! 8.1888 ' vr; K 5 THE LARGEST ajto Best Assorted Sto ck i CIGARS la tha mazkat eaa be taad at 'TV . 1 t ' i V A'T.iCAW ELANDS I RBoWiarfottj Gray & Brother, . RICHJIOXDXKDDAHTtLIJS. ' : Lost Air Ll. Depot 8.B0 ft. ra.anda.80p. Bfl Arrive. 2LO0 a-sa. aad I.60P. M. ; . A1BLUTX. Xaf2.?0a.m.and310D.a. ' Arms 8 20 a. av ana 4.10 p. av. ' CBABXjOTTZ. 00U7JCBU ASO AUe?STA.: Leave X10 p. en and arrlTe 440 P- a. v c. a t. a Dinaiox. Lmn 4.60 . ml. a4 ftrrtr at ia00 a. M. H CABOUHA CXSTSAL. 1MWMIP.H. u4 7.10 a. M. rrlT 7-00 m. ui Pl m. ' ' , : -: a C- 8HZLBT WTtSIOX La 8.00 .'l. and utn 8.40 p. av I. "i ,; South Allan ticjrencrally fair weHtbar. soatbeast to aouuiwet, winds, uecom- tog tati&di, stationaxj on aiigbt fall in Daro malar ana leraperaiare. . ' t trom his sItoi exander Las ratoroed Wright, the Eclectic geography 'Stat, waa In the city yrs- -Mi JJ-ry L. Groaa left - yesUrday aftmvHin for New-York on aeTtral months visit to friends la that city. It is about time for n kind frost to come along i aud strike , the baseball clubs from off the face of the earth. The number of scholars now in It tendance upon the city craded schools foots up eleven hundred, and more are yet to come.' : . ' ' ' "Old Time," the man in woman's clothes, was seen at the cotton platform lst mzht by the police, who gave him chase, bat he esciped them- ; ; t Morgan, Shoffner, postmaster at Company Shops, has renewed bis .offi cial bond in 'the sum of 5,000. The bond has been accepted by the dapart- menL ' The reserved seats for Gran's Oli vette will be pat on sale at the osoal places this morning at 0 o'clock. and the indications are that there will be a The repairs lately In progress at the Second Presbyterian church hare been completed and all -the scaffolding moved. Regular services to-morrow bth morning and night., i2t k t ' ,i i Wittkowsky & Barucb give lsoUco that on account of Jewish holidays.tkeir store willlee closed from sundown ion Monday Oct. 1st to sundown on . Oct. SnL. and also from sundown lOct 10th to sundown Oct. nth. ' . ' A postal card from Pineville in forms as that Misses Isla Parks, Alice Grier and Maggie Mdlwalne left that piaca yesieraay xor iao . west emaie College, and were accompanied. . by nn- merous e icorts as far as Chester. Passenger trains from the north on the Richmond & Danville railroad come in now anywhere from one to four hours late. The trouble is caused by delays on the Virginia Midland and the 'de lays are caused by heavy freights and long trains. J ; '.Vj. - The Macon school and Athletic baseball clubs met in fierce conflict yesterday afternoon and the Macon's whipped their opponents by a score of 88 to 111 The biggest man on either e lub was nofhlgher than a baseball bat. Mr J B Watt, a ' prominent . yoans; farmer of the Steel Creek 'settlement this county, was married in Washing ton City last Thursday to Miss Emma WiUon. :The bride and groom parsed through the city yesterday on, the way to their home in Steel Creek. ' - i Cataage of Bchedale mm the C.C Rail Next Monday, October 1st, a general change of -schedule will go' into effect on the Carolina Central Railroad. On and after that date, the mail train will arrive here from Wilmington at 730 a xn,' and leave for Wilmington at 8:15 p m.: The local : freight ' and passenger. train from Laurinburg will arrive here at 4:40 p m, and leae at 7:40 a m. On the Shelby division, the change is rather slight, i Trains will leave here for Shel by at 8:15 a m, and returning arrive here at 5:40 pm. ; -l ."-'.kc '.-; mm m rreaaoted to Train Dispatcher. . Mr Frank, Blair, a -young mas of this city who baa been la the employ af the railread company for eighf or xilnre years, has been promoted towards .the top of tbe ladder, andn the first of October will . go to SaHabury to fill the position of train -lspatcher: for the Western North Crollna Railroad, un der Capt VE MaBee. Mr ; Blair was one , of CharbHte's : most . promising young men, steady In his habits and strictly" attentive to business. He baa well earnKi his promotion aad In taking leave ef Charlotte, he carries with him the beat wishes of all his friends for bia futor success and'proaperity, iU olaatala Gets sir. XXeJUanea. 1 Col F W McMaster, of Columbia, one of the commissioners appointed by the Presbyterian church in that" city to meet with "the Concord Presbytery and consult with them relative, to the re moval of Rev X HcHinnon to Colum bia, was in the city yesterday on his re turn from Salisbury. . The Presbytery met in that town Thursday nlht and after hearing the flea of - the Columbia ciurei. for tv.5 r:rt' ::a -or- ZIr XlcHia con, fiaally Called to leave the matter ' THE IICIIIIOJID l DAMtlXLE. ' J i-: ;:v . - "-vy -i.r-n Kotlee to BBdhoiaersMJBaralags aad. . zpea ditar e-Am latpertaat Meet lag at the Directors. .;; At a meeting of the directors of the Richmond & Danville Railroad, held In New York City on last Thursday, CoL A. S. Buford, the president, was ordered to issue the following notice to the de benture bondholders: , TJy the terms of debenture bonds it becomes the duty of the board of directors to r ascertain, within sixty days after September 80th, 1882, whether or not the earnings of the fiscal year ending on that date, exclu sive of the expenditures made for re pair, removal and improvement of ex isting property, as. wall as for purchases or the construction of additional prop erty and equipment neccessary for the proper conduct of its business.were suf ficient for the payment of a sum not exceeding 'six per cent per 'annum' of the debenture bonds. That board hav ing omitted to perform this duty it de volved upon the present' one to deter mine whether the company have real ized a sufficient sum in excess of anch improvement to authorize its board, to declare a dividend i to the debenture bondholders on October 1st, 1883. The net earnings for the year ending Sep tember 30, 1883, as shown by the annual report were HJA&fizL. Deducting the fixed charges.' 1.219,068, leaving a bal ance of S78j8G6. There' was expended for new equipments. and .betterments $922j&48; dividends to debenture bond holders, October 1, 1882, S88.760; tOtaT, 81,021,608,' which was provided oat of the profits on the sales of securities owned by the companymd the increase of its floating debts. It thus appears fro on the foregoing statement that the net earnings of the company having been expended In providing additional new equipments ana betterments, as authorized by the terms of the debent ure bonds, they should not,'? therefore. hare been applied to the payment of dividends on these bonds. ; For the' In formation of the stack and bondholders of this company, it is proper to state that the ascertained net earnings fox eleven months of the present fiscal year, orer the operating expenses and fixed charges, have been 1307,801 estimated for September, $72,738; total, $38040. The expenditures for the eleven months for the new equipments and better ments have amounted to tiXOJXfl. The gratifying' increase in the company' business and earnlngaand the improved conditions of Its roads and the deter mination of this board to materially reduce the expenses of its operation and administration.warrant it in expressing the opinion that the net . result' ef the business far the comlog year will be eminently satisfactory to all holders of the seemrities, . .. - - i : A ' The Eagltsk Opera. , -; v . Grant " English ' Opera Company, which is to be in Charlotte next Toes- day night; is pne of the largest and best known companies of the class before the public, and our people have a treat in atore at their; coming.". Tbe New York; Telegram says ef their, recent performance in that city: Tbe English Opera Company presented La Maseott at the matinee yesterday eftexnoon to a very fine audlertoo of ladles who thor oughly enjoyed the performance. , In the evening Olivette j was given with much taste and spirit. Tbe opera was well put on, the ensemble being; capital at all points. From tbe ringing np of the curtain to its final fall on the last act the audience manifested its delight in the most liberal manner. The chorus id orchestra went well together and gave the principals ' good apport. In the Torpedo and jae Whale this was especially noticeable and encores were frequently demanded : during the even ing. Audran's charming- and witty opera certainly gives plenty of oppor tunities 'for clever burlesque artists. The chief feature last night was the reilly able acting; of Mr ' Fred Freer L ..... m 1 - 'nose personauon ox ' ub, xunny xuaov Caqueecot could not be surpassed.. Jle kept the boose in roars ' of . laughter. Miss FJma Delaro is as charming and artistic as ever and uses her sweet con tralto voice with good effect in her 'sev eral numbers. ' Her delineation of - Ba thilde, the Countdss, is very piquant and captivating. In fact the company was good' throughout and was highly appreciated by the audlence.r ' - - W G Berry hill, the, marble dealer is still Belling oat bis stock 'Of mono- meats and head stones ; at cost. - Call and see him. Taw! - Hetel Amvala. ; .. ' - Cektkat. Hoxxu ConninghasanaU, Rlchmond;Ya; Samuel Towean, Jlal eigh ; W W Watt, 8 W Wilson, Balti more; J B Watt and wife, Mecklen burg ; Jno J Rouse, Cincinnati ; F W McMaster, Columbia; R B Gwyn, N Carolina; J T. Jam ev Richmond ; J A: Deal, Blacks, 8 0 ; C C Moore,1 Morven. N C ; W F , Croft. Cherry vllle, N O; J M Payne, Jno Har grave, Norfolk,' Ya ; Mrs M B Carrick, Greenville, NO ; Mrs N W Baine, High Point; O D McRae, Rockingham; T M Whitaker, , York riUe,tsC; 8 F Alexander, N C; W L McDonald, Tfinnsboro; OS McDonald, Steele Creek; R W She! ton, J C Ross Hscklenburjf ; W B Gather, North Car olina; Thomas Powers, Newbern,N C; J A Motz, LauxInbar?, 'Pa; G 1L' En ; glehart, MilSinbnfj, Pa; W M Smith, Bennetts vllle, S C; CH II arris Atlan ta, Ga; JC Wright, New York; John A Wellington, Sal tin ere; L'L Ilors- boone, Chicago; k J 21 Gammon, Dor ham, N C; Rev A Prentiss, Yoxkrille, S C; W 8 Bynum, Llncolnton, N C : E T.Wade, Monroe; Jno C Tipton, Lln colnton ; .W E Spratt, Fort Mill, 8 0; W E Younts, Pineville, N a ; ; :-' j Ice cream pact ti end drliVered to any part of tta c : ,ty J B llarrics ton.;j ;';;'";'.".'-'- '. ' It . fiappreaaiag f he Pohee.Gasette. .. : The war egai&si Ibe Police Gazette, .which has broken out in various cities of the iad during the past few weeks, is about to be raised in Charlotte also. The success which lias altended the ef forts to, suppress lltiai. publication , in other to wns appears to have, had a good effect in Charlotte, jmd an organized effort is to . be raade to banish the Gazette from this city. No doubt about It, the Police Gazette 4s too giddy and loud to be tolerated . among; moral people, bat we are glad to say that it is scarcely recognized in .Charlotte except as barber shop literature. -Not many people will mourn to know that a de cided movement is en foot to suppress what few copies are sold in Charlotte. ,v Sella Brothers Circus. r.-V;- '-i, il 'CS Speaking of the coming circus the Chicago Herald , gives it this indorse ment: "If there is one virtue above all others which, when found in ajclrcus manager, should be extolled to the skies that virtue la candor.' (That Yijtue is found in the Sells Brothers, whoirange as the statement . may appear to those in the haplt of reading ffircus literature, advertise- merely, what they have and exhibit exactly what they advertise. Their show now on Lake Front, at the usual spot, at the foot of Madison street. Is a good pne-r-an un usually, food .one, ana tne thousands of people who pack ed the tents yesterday appear to t think SO." .-.;-...- - .'. $r.m- A TreaaeadMS Fretgat Train. , i r- To fully realize the amount Of freight now being moved on therailroads one need only to watch the depots when the- trains are coming in these days.' Yesterday between and 2 o'clock, 'five freight trains arrived at the Richmond & Danville depot, all laden with goods from the North t orCbarlotte and points further South. Ia the five trains were two hundreaTbox carsnd they filled the traekjf rom the Air Line junction bp the passenger depot and on bey ondjthe tres tleHear the Pitcher mine. ; It was all virtually one' freight train (No 20) cut- up into sections and. drswn by fire en gines. It's business in the freight . line Eel Wagesi freaa tae Catawba. : The number of darkies seen on the streets yesterday ; mornlnie - carrying long strings of eels, and snch large ones, was the subject of 'general comment. The reporter on ' making an investiga tion, found that the eels were bought from a wagon that had just arrived from the Catawba river, and was dis tributing its load to customers from its stand in Independence square. The wagon body, ; which ? was - canlkedT tight, was filled with piles of the crawl ing, creeping things of all lengths and sizes. The largest eel in the lot weigh ed seven; pounds. There 'was alsorer quantity of catfish in the wagon. The fish and eels were caught in traps in the river, and the like of them has never been known in' Charlotte. They . sold cheap and the colored people were ex-; daslTe buyers. Something f less than COO little cabins about, town were redo with the odor of fried eel at supper time yesterday. .. ' ;'''' k j; Paat KUdneaa Ileaaemnerefl. ' A '; -' Mr. Arthur Bacon, rxianager of the MeSsolth 1 music house in this city, ar rived . in Winston last Thursday. A friend writing to tbe JouBxax-O enee was soon discovered by the xnexd- bers of the Wachovia cornet band, as they still hadfceab in their memories' their kind treatment by Mr. Bacon and theMeSmith band while they were passing through Charlotte n their re turn from Davidson College. The mem bers of, this far famed band serenaded Mr. Bacon at his stopping ) place, the Central hotel, and after a few pieces were played he appeared in response to calls.and delivered a well timed and ele gant address to the members of the band. He has rnade fast friends during his short stay here, not only among- the members of the .band, but among all be has met, and we only; regret that we cannot capture him as . waThave done other Charlotte boys." V- -: - - - ; WaNTED. Ten or 13 table boarders at J B Harrington's Dining Room. ; It ' Tke Soldiers II ; to be Cilvesu eAa fatertainntena; The "fund for the endowment of the soldiers home has . now reached 91S15, another Raleigh Major , putting: himself down. for and sv poor son1 of an ex-Confederate subscribing bis mite, 815. The movement for the es tabllshsxeat of the . home may 'now be sAari4snAl wa TKa T! m MMAoa swsn ' Tt- . wuoa-MM w uoiAuij uuuwf vwmj uv i ww w.omp) eysww w yiaiii lime ew aa aj w mi wm tertainment at an early day in ; behalf of th home, and we know their efforts will be most liberally rewarded by ear people. : The' entertainment will be given sometime next' week, but : when the arrangements are more; complete we will give further particulars. When we consider the object in view.wa know it will be a useless waste ot words for us to call upon our people to assist the ladies in their undertaking. . The wo men, God bless them, have never yet forgotten the men who wore the gray. and in the erection . of the soldiers heme thsir share of help will be con ; tributed. i'-YUiXYni, i V . ' -XXwpoloow BSpUwpoT Carsd. - Tbe d>ftft pwwunced tnyesfe to beeneef nopeieaaepe-ptf," saja ccr eorr-s- at. W. Brownies, at .rr-.nr at law, ' Joasot "and declared otttuj tm bo tj?x only ruet . --tan Kerrine aaa euced me " 6oatXral. vLtO . ' ': ? - 'a is&vm Tint Kertaaat, - f riaTl,, raefrI ?vtJ r'st ?s r" ' ed by Ui s"-uUis arvi e 5 r end bcor n onr'ifJ t...at !,:.... f. ooitisis i. i n p 3j.- tv a ftlc.e r cured a sorr-jr fur tie.J. i. Oa refto.. k and ac'J&.j. . rt t's ."i r.ist bo L4 c aue rt.jwsd to l. iv u .ml t.; t n f 9 ims e- 7- Li 1 vricf I tr:.-. 4 a. T. .4 1L:t r." - t te c. .a tarsf i 1 ' . IX, mX I TI1E HEH H IN BRIEF The immense fires nurinir in the for ests and ranches above ' Santa Cruz, CaU have done terrible damage, t ? The schooner Kodiack has brought to san irrancisco xour A l as Kan mum mies, which are supposed to be at least three centuries old. They are intended for the Berlin museum. . - . An electric light is to be placed oa each front of the treasury building at Washington early next month, on trial xor thirty nays. , ' ." ' ;-j . - A severe storm passed over parts of Ireland Wednesday. Wo win z down sev eral houses in Limerick and doing dam age else where. .. . The figures for the past eight months show that the shipments during, the prsesent year of Calif enia fruits to the East will aggregate 12.000 tons, an in crease of over eight hundred per cent in tnree years. . v? - r---c The British Association for the Ad vancement of Science has decided to in vite the American SocJety,for the 'Ad vancement of Science to become hon orary members of the association du ring ita visit to Montreal in 18844 - - - Tbe ceremony of receiving' Sitting Bull, the great Indian chief.- into the Catholic Church,' which - was to have taken place this week at Fort Yates, nas Deen maeantteiy: postponea,- be caase Sitting Bull cannot make-up his mind which ef his two wives he will let ao.-. '- - - : .. . ;- ; . j- Mr. C P. Hnntington. president of the Chesapeake .- and Ohio Railroad, nas purcnasea a trace or grouna xront ing on the Ohio river, between Smith and John streets, .Cincinnati, and ex- tenamg to jrront street, ror depot par- poses, me present aepot canniy be reached by ferry across the river, or by using the connecting track on Front street.. v ' ., . t Abont October 1, when the two cent stamp act goes into effect, it ia expected that the Fostomee-Department , will introduce a new letter wrapper, corn- binding letter envelope and newspaper wrapper in one bheet of paper, to . be stamped with two cents. It is a design of the inventor- of the gummed and stamped newspaper wrappers, which nave Deen in use xor 22 years. - , Tbk Allan line has just completed contract with a Clyde firm for the con struction of another large steamship. one is to ne namea tne odoerian, . and will be a freight ship after the model Of tbe . vessels - Hannoverian, Corean and Grecian. like thent, she is to be of steel, bat she will be . much longer. oeing ox ions register. ' . I am now prepared to furnish meals to families at abort notice. ; -'. . It f - - J B HiBTtnsroToa., . m. mm -V -- 4& unci n Jtniwna .:. , t . - ' The most curious of all the ' Paris curiosities will cease to exist when the demolition ef the ' Grand Hotel Le- Siay, known as "La Table d'Hote des onsters.' is completed. - The hotel in itself is like any common provincial hotel, bat the guests of its tool ahote, as described by the reporter of theZan- urne. rorm an assembly haraiy ta be met with' in any other place. "Dinner being announced." says this DriTilesed goeevthe first couple to enter the din ing hall with an air of perfect proprie ty are a oearaea woman: accompanied: -oy a, sxeieron'UManntltssc-'e eetTea- uiuspers wua uougtrtfoi eyes, genuy stroking ner oeara. i A. dwarf with an enormous, nose sits next to them on a high stool;, her neighbors are a well-known showman, who now and then turns his face round to the middle of his back a conven ience whenever the waiter is wanted r aad a yonng giantess of sixteen, weigh in g. 400 poueas. ftomnamDuusts, acro bats, and many more of tbe same school complete the circle, who after : their, meal is ended, will sometimes for the benefit of an occasional visitor. unite in a dance, - fantastic, grotesque aad hideous to the last degree." -. t - ' " , ;'.-'. .'. inaeWrttia'.- ' ' : t mnadelpma Star. - 4" Y The coy gurgle of the' soda fountain I naiad still Dlends in rippling cadence with the cricket's autumn chant ; but the marble syren is standing on tip-toe. prepexea to mire ner annual uu?ntana at the first sigh of ber ' no rt hi and blast; i her classic form will skip the fountain, ! aincea irawe over me straw Darry scents aad away.---- -r- -;vv.-:w - A rood BaptUt eiarrjnaan of Bum. N. T atretic iafmaaa nan, - auUtad - wtUr kidnsr troatM. BMiralrta. and Wnw almost to blind new. ever too rears after na was told that Hop umara would eore htm, beaose be waa afraid or aad iNotadiosd against E. Siaeo his euro . ratiop mnera. : 2Jctnr - aijcrtlacmctttiJ. NOTICE. ; ; '' . : '- -. -, ; - . -- . -. !. ' Oa aeeoant of Holidays oar respective places ot baatneeawUl bo ked troni sundowa aion 4ar Oetooor lac nnttt aandofrn October Sods - Also, trosa aanoovm uo-ober iota. uoUl na dowo October lit. Oar patrons wtil please naafca nesaottaia.' - f - WITT1UW5WI BJJUJCH. axxAsacoHza. w. .; . rept39iX3t ... - . - - V -. !! COUPON NOTICE. 1 ". " " L C. 4; Ai B. B. Co. i - - Coutkbia. a. C,Sepcembr iU. J8S3.) Tbe Coaoons of bends at tls Comntsr wbJen due oa tit arse ml Oetoamr. 1 will. bODOJ4atlofOOBSlPsrkBafik ef KawTork:- citf, mixiutAe CeaasJKaaensi Ba&lEeX Cotaas- .- A-: C. B. BTtTTH. ,- sept2w!2t 'Ji.-i 4 ' , Iretaarar,-' mm f-asawsi mm m mm mm, . fm ' mm mm fmm - - We aranoe reeetrioc our new fan Styles of r.iiLLrNERY" ; -. . . .-. - ' - - -' ..... . XXAISy BOIRfSTS WEASXrEBSr . , . rXaTIIKUXS', T7LX7XXX3 SATXK?, Lv SXTLK XXinBO.T, XI.TJSIX,4KS. win nave oar stock emspleto ei4 f3 open oar ; E't paoornaoc iiaxd ana j an . nrueddsbct. Wltenwa U.show.tf' fcrwt asd.ioosteom- ; f v- Vi ww mT yrmim'mrj J - 1 "H ' ' -.4 MAt-vT oj i, rr Uw), ,as L,a.ii ts have errd an axrr"-' im msAif, rrom fctuamora, u i: - ! " pipsrod to turoun a&xUucx 1 io i atrt Lne 2's Chaoplon Send to; the nmniifctrirers, Farrel & Co., 631 , Chestnut street, Philadelphia, and get : testimonials. ..... ;" ' . : : - . Scarcely a day passes with out ; receipt , of testimonial. from , some quarter- of the globe, of the wonderful sue- : cess of the Pat Try Chemical Filling which genertites car bonic acid -under the ef fects -( of the ; fire itself -and saves the contents Of the safe. Julins O. Smith, Greenville, 8.1O.1 Wright & Coppeclc, lwburyyi S, '? C, the owners ; of four safes ) in ihe Kimball House, Atlanta. Ga., and Clos 8eua Bakery, Charleston, S.O., -all j having had ' recent fires --give nothing but; praise for the CiTAirriOisv Sales in Au gust by Farrel & .Co, double ' those of last year; and orders to replace new wet filled safes are pouring in from Georgia, Alabama, and - all Southern States all of which isi posi tive evidence that good goods, -together with the; best filling, on; which scientific men.have ' spent years ;of study, and for which . thousands of ' dollars have Been spent j by us in se curing patents. T7TXL "WIN IN the - end, , and the day for cheap ? trash ; and concrete or wet filling is near an end. , In safes for -fire, as well" as bur- , glars, our motto - for 40 years has been: "The very best is none; too; good. ; i : Or-:o:- 84 06 CC AVESFES TO akwoukcx THAT wx wm t f offer UUa season a atoefcot . . YOUTHS '1KB CHILDREN?S .Tbatire feel mnBrtent will ilerit f.Y, .- ii-.' Otar Stock, as bere:orore, wia embrace tao HAjrtJTACTJC22 BT C8 TO K1XT TEX BXv i QUlES2CCSTa ;oi; TE0S3 APPESd-1 'A IIOriESTLY nADECLOTilil.'O Tne reputation of ear "makes tclre fuHy tanllsned, we deen ft tmaeeeasanr to msis try 'furtier etaima, cat refer roa to tnose ir&owlUfrb- t!se abore, and they are found aaiczx-5', LkB beat lreds&i people tnthls iclnItytT" r" ? L Xmnslrtr j on for past farora, c!:c:i2 1 , ' ectrisa&ee, rs are 1 JOCTS, Herrin Safe. Aliead as Dsnal! 188 and Winter 18 aantSate YEXm f 1 'A 100 CP. la Hr 2icIH-scn'a hands." Aftsr due U "f .1 Ll: nd ft 1 1--1 - , I . 11 ' 9 1 : r.it ---ita u j f" et j Ce r " r 1 a ix i i . t l (u " . 1 uo . E. iv j i t J C'1!- -, -e ... r 4 ''jPfilCESOLOYZ ti Li ill .'1 CHARLOTTE, ST. C 1'Ca LiU. . . j l k.. . , ... titt La T.C-'.: tc-;;t tl3c II to C.'.zia- XTell't Kay X .lCsaadi:- H -ck.i i t.OT Cft - " ' - I -l -j j, . i k 1 I I t i i t Mil ' 5 ' r rt. t!a, t: AftiAt tLi-LwvCS. C .... LOST. c'. .: .5 C! its C" ...... . .73. :n I :i Cczzz - ,r3 c.tc v T f ... . - v .. . . r r. r - . 'ir'totr A r 1 1 Aa asywltere la UU country. row ope' l-"? --" i , i . I -r Jail t 9 cccac t- L To f o r : ' ictvjOD ci r r, 1 clt t t If . ' i A oat . ti r e-t C ''I. a eeo. t eea u. u. lira mi t "-t w. JL b? ri, Mir'.-i , t -1 cA?uj U 4 i.tT fat -.v . - r H. IT. f wt of c!3 C-.w 1 iSO. - -. - - eita Lin r rr:TJr; 1 -1 . .AV. fT -' -T , w ' - " rxa to . . .jT Ta3?AX LIRG. P. QUERY. crdcr rct.cr, . w. i mi