c ' -" " " " " 1 ' j - , r " ' r" ? DAILY J OURIj.L-OBSBR y;ER t. SATURDAY OCT Q B E It , 6 ;l 88 3. 1 Hep BUSINESS NOTICES. Did She Die? No! She lingered and suffered alone, pining away all the time for years, The doctors doing her no gxd: And at last w s oared by this Hop Bitters the pa er say so much about. Indeed! Indeed 1 How thankful we should be for that medicine, ADATJGHTIK'S XI3XBT. Eleven year, our daughter suffered on a bed of misery. From a complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble and nervous debility, Under the care of the best physicians, w no save her disease various names, But no relief. j- . And now she is restored to us In good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned for years before using It The Parents. TATHJCK IS 9KTTHIG WILL, Mr daughters nay: How much better father Is since he used Hop Bitters He Is ettlng well after his long suffering from a disease declared Incurable And we are so elad that he u: el your Biters. A lady of Ttlca. N. T. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In earn. Wholesale by SPRINGS & BUR WE LI mayl Charlotte, C. In chronic dyspepsia and liver complaint, and In chronic constipation and other obstinate diseases, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is beyond all compar ison the best remvdy that can be taken. As a means of restoring the strength and vital energy of persons who are sinking under the depilltating effects of painful disorders, this standard vegeta ble lnvigorant Is confessedly unequalled. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. p3 A SURE Pop Fir Complexion Positire relief and immuni ty from complexional blem ishes maybe found in Hasan's Magnolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by druggists eyerywhere. It imparts the most bril liant and life-like tints, and the closest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly Biscolorations, Eruptions, Ring Marks under the eyes, Sallowness, Redness, Rough ness, and the flush of fatigue and excitement are'at once dispelled by the ? Magnolia Balm. It is the one incomparable Cosmetic, C 3 NEW SUPPLY GOODS. JUST RECEIVED. CROCKERY, .GLASSWARE, ' TINWAUE, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY .V. .:: - An Inspection is Invited. . rn.rf .t .: " t , a ' t M. Etheredge, . . Variety Btori, wider the Traders' National Ban v - : Building. maris , - t. ' V J ' :- ; . WHOUSALE GROCER j: AND (X)MipSSION,MIE0HANT, College 0t Charlotte. - , Orders solicited and promptly mM, Troyal pswat ji NJ S3 , Ssm $ f 3 'ill s h iflll is Sails mmxisttnz. TI1E NEWS IN BRIEF. Over 1.200 dudiIs attended the public schools in Jackaonrille at their opening on Monday. Sullivan andSlade will give a slugging match in Wilmington the latter part of this week. " A Chicago judge recently granted di vorces at the rate of one every nine minutes.- . t . A deaf mute in Iowa tried to marry his brother's widow, and enraged at his failure, wounded her severely and killed himself. ; : . Howard & Caudles, of Atlanta, whole sale druggist8,were burned out Tuesday. Loss on stock $40,000 ; insurance, $80,000 Total loss on stock, building and adja cent stores, $50,000. i At the annual election of the Louis ville nd Nashville Railroad, held Tues day Jay Gould and Russell Sage were elected directors. Mayor, Dancy, of Jacksonville has notified the Express Company that mes sengers or packages from Fensacola will not be allowed to come or be brought inside the city limits. Over 500 letters were posted in New York on Tuesday for foreign countries prepaid by two-cent stamps, the parties evidently supposing the reduction of postage was general. A hail storm in Southern Maryland did extensive damage to the tobacco crop on Tuesday. A storm also visited the southern part of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The Northern hotel proprietors are coming South on the way to Florida to make preparations for the coming win ter season. It is said that many of the tourists this winter will prefer the low er St John's, near Falatka, to Jackson ville. Board of Trade circles in Chicago are excited over the publication of certain circulars alleged to have been sent out by a few prominent commission houses of that city and New York to country commissioners, outlining a method by which they can speculate on (Jnange on a small scale. The sword which was voted to Col. Daniel Appling by the Georgia Legisla ture nearly three-quarters of a century ago, and which owing to the death of that officer before it could be made, has hung in the executive department, was by vote of the late General Assembly transferred to the custody of the Geor gia Historical Society in Savannah. The Supreme Court of the United States will convene for the October term of 1883 on Monday next. All of the justices are expected to be present. The number or cases on the doeses is 1,011, an increase of 53 over the number docketed at this time last year. There is still much doubt whether the legal, tender case will be argued when it is reached on Tuesday next. The Free-Trade Conference at St. ouis concluded its labors Wednesday. There was a long debate between some of the members who insisted upon ab solute free trade, and others who favor ed an attempt to eliminate protection as the first step. The latter opinion pre vailed. An address to the people of the country was adopted, declaring that pro tection was a ruinous measure, and that all possible means should be taken to abolish it immediately. STATJE NEWS. Danbury Reporter: The Winston Republican wants Pat Winston nomi nated for Governor. Republicans up this way think there is too good Presi dential timber in Pat to be sacrificed for a little gubernatorial office. Mr. Buck Over by, aged 98 years, died at Thomas Tillattson's, near Quaker Gap postoffice, in this county, on the 12th inst. Mr. uverDy served in tne war or 1812. Murphy Independent : Mrs. Harris, wife of Rev. Henry Harris, of Persim mon Creek, Cherokee county, was killed en Tuesday last by the falling of a tree. She had gone to the Held in which ner husband and son were at work gather ing beans. They had no idea of the terrible calamity until on their way home, late in the evening, when her body was discovered beneath the fallen tree, horribly mangled, showing that death must have been instantaneous. Alamance Gleaner: A little negro boy named Ben Williamson, about ten years old, died in Alamance last week from the effects of eating too many chinquepins. He is said to have eaten nearly a gallon. Quite enough for one time. On Mr. Jack Thompson's place, in Melville township.there is a curiosity in the hog line belonging to Lena Rogers, a colored woman. This porker's hind feet are like those of its kindred, but its fore-legs branch or fork at the knee joint giving two feet to each fore leg. Raleigh News and Observer: The work on the Governor's mansion is progressing rapidly, and Gov. Jarvis expresses himself as highly pleased with both the progress and style of building. Andrew A. Green died Monday night of typhoid fever, in the thirtv second year of his age. The executive committee of thefcstate Agri cultural Society met Tuesday night. The committee are using every effort to make the fair a great success.and the outlook is fair for one of the largest and most attractive exhibitions we have seen yet. Wilmington Star: Hon . Wharton J. Green and Capt. R. P. Paddison are going on a cruise up Black river to see if it will do for an appropriation from Congress to improve it. Where is Black river? At a meeting of the Historical and Scientific Society on Monday night, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau reported that he had the following to give the society : A picture of Mrs. ex-President James K. Polk ; a collection of small pictures, in colors, of the flags of all nations; a copy of the Carolina Watchman, con taining an old poem, reciting American victories ; a copy of the first dispaf ch sent over the international wires, jand caught at Wilmington by the operator. The residence of Mrs. W. E. Hill, on Fourth, between Chestnut and Mul berry streets, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday night, Mrs Hill and her chil dren making a narrow escape from the flames. '.It is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary, A Wldw With If ine Children May have as mricti krouble th tnem as did the old woman who Ued In the shoe. The children will all he time be getting their boms bumped, their heads bruised, their angers cnt.anduielr rtomachs aad bowels disordered by unripe fruit. The mother who is wise enough to keep a bottle of Perrr Davis's Pain. Killer saves her children much suffering, aad herself a great deal of trou ble. ii m ' Gold ana Silver. A recently published statement Of the Vield of precious metals shows that in 1882 the output f gold for the entire world was valued at $118,000,000 and of silver at: $64,000,000. It is a fact not generally understood that Kussia is the third Greatest producer of gold, the yield f that country, being $30,000,000, nniv 400.000 less than the United States, and $2,000,000 less than Austra' lia. The United States is the greatest silver producer, the yield in 1882 being $16,950,000. - Australia, though ranking second in the production of gold, con; frihnfoa RftAfcnlv anv silver to the world's supply, while u Mexico, a great ailvor nrnrinrw. vields but little gQlp. f h mrriDarative , data show that the. United States is the 'only nation In which bottf of the precious metals are found In great abundance. , :' , A World of Good. -if . One o W most popular mtdlctaM now before thiAmertcaapublw, l Hop Blttej s. Yoasee it everywhere People take It with BOOdeflocWJtt builds mama. It la not m bleasantto the tarte as some other bitten, it is not a, wnisKey unms. It li more like .be 9 SSSSSnvSk that has donee world ot good. JffOj float leel )aat right, try bop blttew.-Neyiaa Hews. H - r mtscellauBtrtis. mmrnm GENUINE FACSIMILE Promtaeat LU ten, ALL white oa black piui Beware of dealer who attempt to palm oB IMITATION, SUBSTITUTION orWORTH LBS8 (Mdi which yield them a LARGER PROFIT. None aro genuine without the tw SAFE. 3 II. H. WARNER 6c CO., Rochester, N.Y. aprlS A REAL REMEDY. If eltber My etical nor Indian in Origin bat Scientific and Specific, A BE3IEDV of over Twenty-Five years standing. A KEJJLEDY more popular at home, and where best known, than all other Remedies of Its kind. A REMEDY endorsed by the best Physicians and Druggets at 1st home. A RE TIED IT that Mr. C. W. O'Neill, Goodwater, Ala., sajs rais ed nia wne irom an invalid' s Dea, and ne believes saved her life. A HEJIEDY of which a prominent Atlanta merchant said, "I would have given f 500 as soon as soon as I would a nickel for what two bottles of your medicine did for my daughter." A REMEDY In regard to which S. J. Cassels, M.D. Druggist, of Thoma8Ville, Ga , says: "I can recall instances in which It aSordei relief after all the usual reme dies had ial ed " A RE TIE IVY. about which Dr. W. B Ferrell, La Granee, Ga., writes: "1 have used ror the last 20 years the medicine you are putting up, and consider it the best combination ever gotten together for the di seases for which It is recommended." A REMEDY of which Dr. Joel Branham, Atlanta, said: "I have examined the recipe, and have no hesita tion in advising Its use, and confidently recom mend it." A REMEDY which the Rev. H. B. Johnson, near Marietta, Ga. says he ttas used in his family with "the utmost satisfaction," and recommended it to the families "who found it to be ust wnat it is recommended A REMEDY of which Pemberton, Iverson & Denlson say: "We have been selling It for many years, with con stamly increasing sales. The article is a staple witn us, and one oi aosoiute merit." A REMEDY of which Lamar, Rankin & Lamar say: "We sold 50 gross in four months, and never sold It in any place but what it was wanted again." A REMEDY by which Dr. Baugh, of LaGrange, Ga., says: "I cured one of the most obstinate cases of Vicari ous Menstruation that ever came within my knowledge, wlih a lew bottles." A REMEDY of which 2r. J. C. Huss. Notasulea. Ala., says: "I am fully convinced that It is unrivalled for that class of diseases which it claims to cure." A REMEDY about which Mai. Jno. C. Wbltner. of Atlanta, weU and favorably known all over the United States as a General Insurance Agent says: "I used this Remedy, before the war. on a large plantation o a great number of cases, and alway with absolute success." A REMEDY about which J W. Stranee. of Cartersville, Ga certifies that one bottie cured two members of his family of menstrual irregularity of many years standing. A REMEDY that is CHAPER THAN ANT OTHER MEDICINE Of Its kind In the world, because one or two bottles WILL CURE THE MOST OBSTINATE CASE. A REMEDY in regard to whose unfailing, unrivalled curative proorietlves I have many hundreds of testimo nials. This great popular remedy is Brad field's Regulator. (Woman's Best Friend.) For sale by all Druggists. Price: Smallslze 75 cents. Large size 81.50. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, J. BBADFTELD, No. 108 S. Pryor Street Atlanta, Q. Swift's Specific has been the means of bringing health and happiness to thous and who were pronounced Incurable of Blood and Skin Diseases. HE4R THE WITNESSES. Saved From a Horrible Death. Up to May last I had spent at least five hundred dollars for treatment by many of the best medical men, without any benefit. I suffered excrutiattngly, and all mf best friends advised me that the Icy hand of death was fast apploachlng. I caught at S. S. S. like a drowning man at a straw After taking two bottles I could feel a change for the better. The sores began to discharge freely and the rheumatism to abate. When I had taken six bottles every sore had healed and my skin began to as sume a natural appearance. I persisted until I had taken twelve bottles, large size and there Is not a symptom of the disease remaining, and I feel as well as I ever did. I have gained twenty-one pounds in flesh, and my friends wonder at my improved condition. I have recommended it to many, and In every Instance with complete success. I believe that S. a 8. has saved me from a horrible death. C. H. SMILEY. Quincy, 111. I am sure that Swift's Specific saved my life. I was terribly poisoned with malaria, and was given up to die. Swift's Specific relieved me promptly and entirely. I think It is the greatest remedy of the age. C G. SPENCER. Sup't Gas Works, Rome, Ga. write for a copy of the little book free. Sl.000 REWARD will be paid to any chemlrt who will find, on the analysis of : 100 bottles 8. S. 8., one particle of Mer cury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 8. Atlanta, Ga. TUTT TORPID BOWELS ' DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths oi the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate tneir existence : aam u Appetite, jsoweia c Appetite Bovrela costive, Slclc Hea- acne, raunes alter eating, xertlon of body or mind, ache, fullneis after eatlni , aversion to eruon or body or mind, Asructafcon food. Irritability of temper, iow qpirita, A feeling of bavin g ne gifted some dnty, THimineut, ; JElnttering At the Heart, Dot before the eyres, bjgbjy col' red Urine, COJSSTIPA.TIOW, And de mand the use of remedy that actslirecy on the Liver. As aLiver medicine TUTT'S I PILXJ9 have no eqnaL Their action on tag Kidneys fcnd Skin is also promptremoving all imDurltiea throuah these thie " ea nrers of the system." DroiQciniT aPP1 use. BO tmu uuraaiiiun. retruiar ,wi vj; ear akin and a vigorous body. SPIXJU9 cause no natisea or eni nor interfere with daily work and are a rfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA- HE FEELS LIKE A NEW MAW. ! "I have 1 TyBpes?,yr ioMmvz tiom two years, and have tried ten different kinds o piUs and JXim? Jttollrrt that nave done me Any jgood. TbT. nW cleaned me utJnicrft iMT -PPf nlendid. food digeetd ready y, and A now) IWKlor"! passages. 1 1 (I frlderllew,MviOffloiA Ktoay 8x TUTraimin DYE Gray Hats or Wktbkicm changed 7in fctantly to GU)BtT StAtarrbr inP PUoatlonof this. ma. i Sold by prugarta. brsentlwexproiptrJ MBoei44 Murray BtreeMev.xoxmv" .. t lim'S MANUAL OF USEFClt:E&ttfTf83 1 I i " - ' i, PILLS I Oni nprebeqsive Plans for a I'IEST-CI-iASS Mil Eslailmifiil Will Embrace this season the keeping of Every Essential of Men's, Youth's and Boy's Outfits. Our Mr. L ATTA is now in New York takinz advantage of low prices in that market in their advanced season, and securing every Novelty in Clothing, Furnishings and Gentlemen's wearing apparel, as presented to the fine retail trade in the great metropolis. Every steamer has large shipments will be our pleasure to exhibit our STOCK COMPLETE. .7 " The assortment will be boundless in boy and child to wait, and a long, cold naste should be tempted to buy elsewhere. The mothers, anxious'for the fcomfort of their boys, we will especially re quest to wait, for we, will make a most attractive offering. E. D. Latta fe Bro. I E OFF1R8 TO THE TRADE A Large Stock of PURE WHITE LEADS, VARNISHES, &C. Also- fWO CAR LOADS mm oil H. McADEN. Mm Wholesale and Retail Liiseed ui Mors J. V-4 I for us, and during the coming week it variety, to the interest of each man, winter of regrets to the person who in piistcUatutms. 'A TENT STANDARD "Ready for Use." This Kalsomlne Is an article that In the most Inexperienced bands cannot fall to produce a pleasina effect. It is endorsed by Painters, Dealers and House keepers wherever tried. It is ready for use by the addition of water only. It will not rub or scale from the wall. It will work well upon absorbent, or what are known as hot walls, and also on wood work, It is invaluable In cleansing and disinfecting walls that are impregnated with germs of disease. It is made ot the purest White, and in grada tions of (he leading and fashionable Tints, Shades and Colors. It is sold from sample card; all the tints, shadee and colors are warranted in every respect accu rate. It will keep for years without change In Quality or Color, and after being mixed with water will, keep for months. It is packed in strong manilla paper packages, of box form, holding six pounds and one pound, with full directions for use. It is also packed In bulk, in barrels of about 800 pounds, in half bar rels of about 150 pounds, and boxes of 25 and 50 pounds each; and being In a dry condition, It can be cheaply transported. A six pound package will cover over 400 square feet with one coat on a hard finished waU. It saves the loss of time and waste of materials common with the old mode of mixing to produce desirable tints, etc. A pall of this Kalsomlne can be mixed In five minutes. The people who wish to beautify tuelr homes at small cost, our Kalsomlne and Fresco Palnst are especially adapted. For sale by Wilson Bros., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Charlotte, N. C ALWAYS ON HAND. A FULL, ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every grade, from the finest to the heaviest We carry a large stock of the very finest goods for both Ladles and Gents, and guarantee satlsfao'lon In every particular at . Prices as Low as any House Can make for the same grade it goods. The best stock of Children's Shoes ii tne city. A full line of Trunks and Valises. Excelsior Button Fasten ers and Needle, etc, etc E. RANKIN & BRO., Tryon Street Opposite Buford House. F. C. MUNZLER ' - AGENT FOR Jt) ft Beriner Efigel Breweif omsaiiys (Of PhOadelphla, Pa.,) folebratcd lager Bfter,- In Kegs and Bottles.1 BOTTLED BEER A SPECIAtTT. 0Haye lust received a small lot of BOTTLXD ALB and POBTKB, which I offer to the public at a reasonable prlue. Addres ILJW i - - TBKD C. MUNZLEB, Lock Box 255, Charlotte, H. C. nbi38 r DOWD. Attorney- and CJonBtBellor a-t iiaw , m Demi A OnuBtdUtaa,, ... 5 CBAMtOTTA i 1 DRY SIZED KAMI EL P. EDMOND, Successor to Ettenger & Edmond, RICHMOND, VA. WORKS ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1830. BUILDKB OF STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES, SAW BIIEES, GRIST BULLS, MILE O EARING, &C BOILERS OF ALL KINDS MADI TO ORDBB OF IBON, OB 8TEKL. CALKING DO Nil WITH Connery's Patent Calking Tool, which does not gash the sheet HYDRAULIC PRESSES, And all Kin da of Engines and Hydraulic Pnmpi for Rlknnfactnre of Tabaoc Particular attention called to our D0VBU HIDBAVU0 PC MP for setting Presses. BT8end for Catalogue. ABE BRADY FOB ij Of all kinds, Styles am Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses', Boys', and Children's Shoes, INCLUDING THE BEST AND MOST POPULAR MAKES. We have given special attention this season to BOYS' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, of which we claim to have the nest stock In the city, and which we can recommend for durability and good sei vice. We respectfully solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction in goods and prices In every case. MOYER & HIRSHINGKR, BURGESS NICHOLS. WHOLXSAUI AJTD BRAIL DXALSB IB ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE J BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINE OF CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PABLOB and CHAMBER 8UIT8. COF FINS ot all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade street. Charlotte, North Carolina. CENTRAL HOTEL eo w H V 09 CO The Traveling Public Will Find that the CENTRAL HOTEL, keeps np with all Improvements In Comfort and Fare, and is Now. ae for Years Past, the Acknowledged Beat Hotel South of Washington. CarriEges and Porters meet all trains. CHAMPION SITE. WAKE HOUSE: NO. 631 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. Two Medals and Diplomas awarded at Centennial, 1876. Grand Gold Medal, Paris, 1873. aug21dawtf Cotton Seec W W W A NN N TTTT FEB I DUD WWWW AA NN N T B D D WW WW A A N N N T EE DD WWWW AAA N NN T B D T W W A A N NN T EBB . SDD We will pay 18 cents per bushel for good cotton seed, delivered at our mill, known as "The Old City Mlils," on 9th street, near the Air-Line rail road, or will exchange one ton cotton seed meal tor two ton seed. CHARLOTTE OIL COMPANY. septl2dawlm THE LARGEST AND Best Assorted Stock OP CIGARS In the market can be found at O.NiSBET&BRO'S., FBOM 81 A 100 UP. We are Now Receiving TH8 LABGBST STOCK OF THE FOL LOWING GOOD8 TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Rubber tnd Leather Bsltinr, Old H ekorv Wagons, I McSneery Grain Drills, Pittsburg Steel Plows, Wcodn Ware, General Hardware and Cutlery. Walkers and Juniata Horse and Mate Shoes, Eale, Snowden and Baranas Horse Nails, Axes, Handles, Iran, Nails, and Everything In the Hardware , 1 Line made ot Steel, Iron or Wood ORDERS SOLICITED. BBOWN, WEDDINGTON & CO. sep'.30dtf BATTLE of the BOOKS. Knn ruin i TOLUM18, the choicest Uteratnre of the world. One hundred page catalogue free. Lowest prices ever known. - Ket sold by dealers. Sent for ex anaaop -bet are payment, on evidence of good iJOHN jB. ALDENk .Fubllsler,i 18'Tesey St. New Yort . P. Q., Box, 1,327. , s7d4w 1 ita;--i i a,, r my81y THE FALL TBADS. Splendid toitii and Qualities of - CHARLOTTE, N. C. 4 H. C. ECCLE3, Proprietor. 9 Prize MedalslAwarded. World's Fair, London. Exposition Universelle, Pans, World's Fair, New York. W WH1L1L PM TO CALL ON v, COR. TRADE AND COLLEGE STS.1 FOB TOUR G-R-O.CE-R-I-E-S. I have In store and to arrive a full assortment of Heavy and Fancy Goods to supp'y any demand, consisting In part of the following. HAMS, BACON, BREAKFAST STRIP, CANNED MEAT AND FRUITS, GRAIN Of All Kinds, Mixed Feed, Bran, Floar and Meal, Coffee, Sugar Molasses, Syrups, Vinegar, LarJ, Smoking and Chewing Tobacso, Snoff and Cigars. Bice, 6rlts. Crackers, Soda and Starch, and a great vailety of goods Impossible to mention. Call and see how cheap we sell for CASH. J. M. MILLER. sept2tf Valuable Property for Sale. Being In delicate health, and having other out side business mat requires all the time and atten tion I am able to give, I wish to retire Iron the mercantile business, and offer for sale my stores house, lot and stock of goods. This property con sists of a neat and convenient storehouse, a two room cotlsge and one acre of land, within thirty yaids ot Llnwood Depot, on the B. 6 D. railroad, 7 miles south of Lexington, N. C, 10 miles north of Salisbury, being surrounded by one of the best farming noun tries in North Carolina and having' dally nulls and all necessary shipping facilities at hand. Bere is an ODDortonHy lor a ttve narebant to get a valuable piece l property and make' money. Liberal terms can be given, tor further Information apply to ' .'' :- IJtlWOOdP.atlJsonCtvN.CL 'septieplm -t j 1 M 'J hi i

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