J.' f i 1 'ft ft Q i "-'"i - ' J. o- o o - k v v " "v ' 1 ' '' T i r r - St- 3. THE 6.1;! FOh Believes and cures RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, HEAMCHE, T00TH10HE, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, 8WELLTNG8, SPRAINS, Soreness, Cuts, Bruises, FROSTBITES, BOBNS, SCAI.M, And all other bodMy aches And pains.. FIFTCEMTS A BOTTLE. Bold by all Dromtata and Dealers. Directions In 11 languages. TheCharies A.VogeterCo. (Imm u A. TOOKLim S 00.) Btltkaar, L, C. & 1. ottzvUs NKW OKliXANS, AUKUSt 1, 188?. TO THE PUBLIC! Inreatii:t (or YonrselTea. i niwaham hAvlni? m Wished a wilful and malicious falsehood In regard to the character oi ido iKjuisisumoiam u""viu,ji the tallowing tacts ate given to the public to prove his fctatement, that we are engaged In a fraudulent W..tAaa tn rA f SI OA Q Tl ft lint THIP. Amount of pnzes paid by ihe Louisiana State Lottery company irom jsauarj i. join, present aaie: Orleans, T M wescuat, manager... 8J,36B,800 Paid 10 Louisiana national diuis, ..,, Jos H Oglesby, president 488.900 d.m to T .m ifalanfl HtufA Na?flnnaJ BAHK. 8 ft Kennedy, president 125,100 Paid to New Orleans National Bank, A Baldwin, president 88,500 Paid to Onion National Bank, S Chartaron, cashier 64,450 Paid to Citizens' Bank E L Carrtere, president 57,000 Paid to Uermanla National Bank Jules Cassard, president 30,000 T.. i ntfuimlfl Nafinnn.1 Rand chaa Palfrey, cashier.. 37.000 Paid to Canal Bank, Ed Toby, Cashier 1 3, 1 50 Y j -l ... U i.rnal Nntlnnal Yanlr Jos Mitchell, cashier 8,200 Total paid as above $2,258,650 Paid in sums oi unaer si.uuu i iue throughout the United tJtates 2.627.410 Total paid by all 84 88 1 ,060 For the truth of the above facts we refer the public to the officers of the above named corpor ation, and i or our legality and standing to the mayor and officers of the city of New Orleans, to the State authorities of Louisiana, and also to the f.nnaat Mid correct in all our transactions, as much so as any business In the coon try. Our Rtendins Is conceded by all who will Investigate and our stock has for years been sold at our Board of Brokers, and owned by many of our best known and respected cttizens. M A DaUPHIN, President -CAPITAL PBIZE, $75,0001 Ticketa only 95. Shares In Proportion Louisiana State Lottery Co "W da Kerrhtj -vrHfiii that, we xunervuB the at rangements for a .th Monthly and SemirAnnuA Drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery Oompant and in person manage and control th Drawing, themselves, and that the same are conducted wut honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all par tin. and we authorize the Comvanv to use this certifl.- cafe, 'ctth facsimiles of our signatures attached, n i icutverttsement." Commisslonenh Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable nurooses with a capital of $1,000-000 to which a reserve fun d of has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise waa maae a part oi the present state constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1 870. ' The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by iue,peopie oi any mate. It mm& scales oh postponm. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBSB Drawings will utse piace monthly. A 8PLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN FOBTUNS. TENTH GBaND DBA WING, Class & at New Orleana. Tuesday. Oct. 9, 1883 161st Monthly drawing. I" CAPITAL PBIZE, $75,000. 3 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions In Fifths, In proportion. LIST or PBIZXS: 1 CAPITAL PKIZK. 1 " PBIZE 1 PBIZE 2 PBIZE3 OF 88,000. . 5 PB1ZBS OF 2,000.. 10 PHIZES OF 1,000.. 20 " 500.. 100 " 200.. 800 " 100 . 600 " 50.. 000 " 25-. APPROXIMATION PRIZBS. 9 Approximation Prizes of V750. . . H Approximation Prizes of 500. .. ii Approximation Prizes of 250- . . 875,000 . 25,000 . 10,001. . 12,000 - 10,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 . 20,000 30.000 . 25,000 . 25,000 -86,750 .. 4.50U .. 2,250 1,987 Prizes, amounting to 265,500 Application for rates to clubs should only be mAilA tA thA nfflfA rf thA Mmnftnf In Ku, AriAina " V VUV WM.MJJ u. .,on V11DOUB. For further Information write clearly, giving full Buttress, mase f. u. Money orders payable and ad aress segistered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La Ordinary letters by Mall or Express to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. $30,000 FOR $2. ftl BEGULAB MONTHLY DBA WING WILL n take place in the Masonic Hall, Masonic UlU BuUdlng, In Louisville, Ky , Thursday, October 35th, 1883. A lawful Lottery and fair drawings, chartered by the Legislature of Ky., and twice declared legal by the highest court In the State. Bond given to Henry county In the sum of $100,000 for the prompt payment of all prizes sold. ABSOLUTION IN SINGLE NUMBES DRAW INGS. iVEvery ticket holder his own supervisor, can call out the number on his ticket and see the cor responding number on the tag placed In the wheel In his presence. These drawings will occur on the last Thursday of every month. Bead the magnificent OCTOBER SCHEME. 1 Prize , 1 Prize 1 Prize, 2 Prizes, 82,500 each, ........ 880,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 o razes, l.uuo each, a aavvvia odvu., mmm .... ai.i n n s razes, ouu eacn, ,. iu,uuu 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 60 each, 10,000 500 Prizes, 20 each, 10,000 1000 Prizes, 10 each 10,000 0 Prizes, 8800 each, Approximation Prizes 82,700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " 1800 9 Prizes, 100 " " " 900 1.S57 Prizes. 8110,400 Whole Tickets, 82; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets 850; 56 Tickets, 8100. Bemlt Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTER ED LETTER OB POSTOFFICB ORDER, until farther notice. Orders of 86 and upward, by Express, eaa be tent at our expense. Address all orders to J. J. DOUGLAS. eptl LonlsTille, Ky. DOVE'S frae I orf Oil. TO PHYSICIANS, FARMERS, LIERY STA BLE KEEPERS AND RAILROAD MEN AND HEADS OF FAMILIES: If any member of your household, from parents to the merest infant, are afflicted with Malignant Sores, scrofulous or other wise, Salt Rheum or Scald Head, Burns, Wounds, no matter how severe, or of how long standing, or from whatever cause produced, send and get a 25-oent bottle of TURF OIL, and we guarantee a eon or no pay. It cores' before other remedies begin to act. It Is equally applicable to all the tjloers or Sores', or Inflamed.. Surfaces of all do mestic animals, or Anything that moves on the Tort. . One or two applications are all that lsTiec essary to neutralize the action of the Tims and beal the Ulcer. It arrests at once the progress of. Erysipelas and removes the Inflammation left In the track of the disease . 1 , For sale by ail druggists and country stores. BT" Ask for the "Turf oil SpeUlng-Book and Header," with certificates of eraes. PURCELI LADD ft COu Ifay 9lft - BjchmondfVaV i NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. ThA T.inn.nln PrncrrftSS say 9! Oq last Saturday as Mr. J. H. lfobWy, prom inent citizen of CherryVille, .was at temptiug to clear his gin of motes, his band was caught by tue saws ana nis aim uiawii mtiu tiic uivuuic i. hand and araa to the elbow were horri bly mangled. Sarah Hause, a mar ried woman, whose iutimacy with a boy named Eli Helms, gave rise to an indictment and conviction of Helms for fornication and adultery, at 'the last term or .Lincoln superior uourc, has eloped with the boy since his term of imprisonment expirea. iney went to some point in cjouth Carolina and have not been heard of since. Joseph Hause, husband of the woman. h take preliminary steps towards se curing a divorce The Aslieville Citizen says: Major Herndon with his wife visited the Southern Exposition, and returned from Louisville with some valuable trophies of his trip. He brought back a second premium 2 year old stallion ; a first premium 2 year old black filly from the Shelby county fair, and also two other fillies, and also a registered Jersey heifer. All these are valuable acquisitions, which stock men and oth ers will appreciate. The Spirit of the South says that George Brown, a colored boy about 16 years of agp, was shot at Old Hundred last Sunday by Frank William8,coIored, and died fiom the effects of the wound received a few hours afterwards. Ar thur Bennett, colored, was lodged in jail here Monday by Deputy Sheriff Livingston as accessory to the murder, Williams making his escape. Last Tuesday Mr Martin Rush, one of Mont gomery county's oldest and best citi zens, was so severely injured by his horse running away with him near his residence (he had started to Troy court) that he died the following day. ecirio, N. Y., Dec 1, 1879. I am the pastor of the Baptist church here, and an educated physician. I am not in rctlce, but am my sole family physician, and advise in many chronic coses. Over a year bko (recommended your Hop Bitters to my invalid wife, who has been under medical treatment of Albany's best pbytl HRns several vears. She has become thoroughly cured of her various complicated diseases by their use. We both recommend them to our friends, man t of whom have alto been cured of their varloes ailments by them BEY. E R. WARR1N. JTlether Swao't Worm Syrnp. Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic; for feverlshness, restlessness, worm3, constipation, 25 cents. He Had a Great Head. I lfe Abraham and Joshua had been in vited to a splendid dinner. It was im possible for Joshua not to make capital out of such an opportunity; accordingly he managed to slip a silver spoon into his boot. Abraham was green with envy at Joshua's success, for he had not even manipulated a salt-spoon. But an idea struck him. "My frents," he cried. Ml will show you some dricks." Then taking up a spoon he said1 "You zees dees spoon? Veil, it ees gone!" he cried, passing it up his sleeve. "You will find it in Joshua's bood." It was found. Dry Tetter. For years I was afflicted with dry tetter of the most obstinate type, eras treated by maay of the best physicians; took quantities f meicury, pot i sh and arsenic, which. Instead of curing the let ter, crippled me up with mineral poison sad rheumatism. The tetter continued to grow worse, and the Itching almost made me crazy. In this condition I was induced to take Swift's Specific, and the result was as astonishing as It was gratl fjlng. In a few months the tetter was entirely weU, the mercurial poisoning all out of my sys tem, and I was a well man and due only to Swift's Specific. All like sufferer should take It, Jajces Dubnihg. Louisville, Ky. Owning a whole Coal Mine. From Detroit Post and Tribune. About two miles north of Grand Ledge, in the heart of a large old for est, lives an eccentric but happy fellow named Dick Luke. His daily labors are devoted to the interest of a coal mine, which extends 500 feet into the side of a hill, and wherein, by the aid of the rays f a lard-oil lamp, Dick Luke has for ten years past crouched on his side and back and slowly picked the treasure from the mother earth. The tunnel is only about three feet in diameter, and Dick's companions are his long clay pipe and pick-axe. About one and one half tons of coal per day are extracted from Dick's one-man power mine, which is sold at the mine for $3.50 per ton. Nothing: Like It, No medicine has ever been Known in the Sooth so effectual in the cure of all those diseases aris ing from an Impure condition of the blood as Rosadalls, the Great Southern Remedy, for the cure of scrofula. White Swelling, Rheumatism. Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, Vene'eal Sores and Diseases. Consumption, Ooltre, Boils, Cancers, and all kindred diseases Rosadalls purifies the the system, brlsgs color to the chesks and restores the sufferer to a normal condition of health and vigor. It is asserted that the ordinary cosmetics used by ladles are productive of great mischief. We believe this Is so. and that a better means of se curing a beautiful complexion Is to nse some good blood medicine like Rosadalls. the Great Sou'hem Remedy, whch cleanses the blood and gives per manent beauty to the skin. MABKFT3 BY TJELEGBAPH. OCTOBEB 6, 1883. FINANCIAL, raw TOBX Four per cents, coupon : : : : 1.204fe 1,20ft do registered, : ; : : ; 1.204ai.20Vi Four and a half per cents, coupon l. 41 do registered. : : : : : l 14U Three per cents, 1881 : : ; l.OOftai.Ol 8T0CS. Chesapeake and Ohle, : : : : 15 C,C.,C. I. :::::: B6 Canada Southern, : : : : : 5214 B. & L :::::: : .24 C, C, C. & L C, : : : : 21 Central Paclfilc, : : : : : 65i Delaware Lackawana and Western, 1.16 Delaware and Hudson, : : : 1.0614 Denver & Rio Grande, : : : : 26 grle, 30i Hannibal and 8t Joseph, 8 do preferred, : : : : 92 Houston and Texas. : : 58 Illinois Central. : : : : : : 1.28 Ind, RAW, ;::::: 23ft Lake Shore. : ; : i : Louisville and Nashville. : : Lake Erie and Western. : : i Michigan Central, : : 80ft Missouri Pac'fic. : : : 953, Mil sou 1 1 Kansas and Tex., : : : 23 Manhattan Elevated, : 89 New York Central, : : : : 1.1 414 Northwestern, : : : : 1.2M do. preferred, :::::: 1.884 New Jersey Central. : : : : 791 Northern Pacific, common, : ; : 8214 Northern Pacific, preferred. : : : si4 Ontario and Western, : : : 21ft Pacific Mall. : : : 87ft Rock Island, ::::::. 1,20 Reading, :::::: 49 St Paul, ::::::: 09 St Paul preferred, : : : : : 1.16$ Unlonlaolfic, :::::: 85ft Western Union. : : : : : : 791 Wabash Pacific, :::.:: 20ft Wabash Pacific preferred. ; 1.164 Colorado Coal, :::::: 4 Bast Tennessee, : : : : : 7&k . do. pref'd : . : : : : 14 Metropolitan Elevated, : : : 90 New York Elevated, : : : 95 Norfolk and Western, preferred, : 89ft Ohio Central. : s : : : : : 21ft P. A.R.R. : : : : : Qf Richmond and Allegheny 4ft R.4P,- ; : : : : : : Richmond and Danville, : : : : 58 Texas and Bio Grande, : : : : 77 Texas Pacific, :::::: 25 .Bid. tLaatbld. lOffd. lEx. Dlv. tAsked NAVAL STORES. WruraOTOH-8pir!tsof Turpentine firm atJP'RIZR frOODS 85ft. Bosln-dull strained, 81.12ft; good de; x A,A'11' VVVJO, ei.iiWf ar-urm a 91. eu. J urpenune aiaaay; nsra t.zo; son virgin, 82.00. PRODUCE. Baltmorb Flour steady; Howard Street and Western buperfine, 83 2583.65; do Extra, 88 752)14.75; do. Family, 85.00 86 00: City Ml is buperfine, 83.00a88.76; do. Extra. 84.00 S6.&0: do. Rio. brands, 86.0086.25: Patapsco FamUy, 86.75; do. Super, patent 87.50. Wheat Southern firm; Southern red 81.08081. 18; amber 8l.l2a8117. Corn-Sonihern stsady: So til hern white 68064; yellow 64066 Cats flrmj . Spotbsrn 85088. - Provisions nlet; Coffee firm; aUo cargoes, ordinary to fair, 9& 10ft.. Sugar firm; A soft 8; copper refined firm atl4ft014. Whiskey -steady at 81.18 8L18ft. freights dun. , Chjoaso Wheat-dull and weak; October 98; November 1 6; December 97. Corn-lower! October .47ft; November 46 Oats-quiet and weM.ycwDer2Mw; ovemDer274. . Provisions onsettled. Pork Tower -lowers uewner sio 85: Novem- I her 110.471. Lard lower; October S7.2iTT November 87.60-rShort ftbsWoweri October 90.VJ, novemoer so.vo. ? f COTTON. . i '- Nw Tobs- (eUTnlOaanaj 10 7-ioL r . . . HXfibBKb. KtW (,S Frifllr A'nwil ahaarf.- aalu IE'). 000 biles. feptembor October .. l0.57a.B8 November 16669 67 DccsmU-r ... .. 1779 JfOHUirj 10.b3&94 feoruiir ... M.OHS.Cb VztcU 11 2891.24 Awfll ll.8P8H May 11469 47 June. 1 1 67fl.fi8 July .. . 11 67.K An, net 11.763.77 Liverpool Cotton market. Litebfool,Oc tber 6 Ssot cotton firm; s&Im 10. 000 bales at 1-I6d advance and closed strong, future?) 6 64dS7 04d hUher than yesterday Ins cemr.er aud January delivery fi Hl-64d: January and February 5 62-6 Jd; April and May 7 6 Id. CITY COTTQJV MARKET. Oma or Tbx Jouknal-Obskhvxb. i COAKLOTrx, N. a. Oc ober 7. 1888. i The city cotton market yesterday c ost d steady at the following euotatlons: Lew Middling, and gin cut Ga&fe Middling 9 Strict Hlddllng 9 Good Mid JllBg l u BB0XIFT8 BIHCS B iPTXMBEB FTE8T. Receipts since Sept. ) st to yesterday 5.513 Receipts yesterday 137 Total rec ipts to date R.540 Receipts same date 1882 6,1 78 Receipts same date 1881 .. 3,457 CITY PRODUCE MARKET. Reported by T. B. Masill. OCTOBER 5, 1888. BUYING PBJCSa Cobb, per btuhl.. MKAIm " WHXAT, Bxam8, white, per bushel .f ' ou -S0a82 on jt&ab, vinj perDuao. White. " Pkaottb, per bushel Flouk Family Extra..... Super Oats, shelled Dbixd Fhuit pples. per lb pBaches, peeled " Unpeeled Blackbsrrles.. PiTATO8 Sweet Irish..... Cabbage, per pound, Ohiohb, per bushel Beeswax, Btjtteb North Carolina. Kess, psr dozen. POULTBT Chickens Spring Ducks Turkeys, perlb Geese Bnr, per Eb., nei Motton, per tb.. net Pork. " Wool,, washed, " unwashed, Featekbs, new Bass, per pound 70a75 l.ieal.15 76a80 1.25 2.50a2.60 2.40a2.50 2.85a2.40 60 5a6 7a9 5a6 8a4 65a75 75&80 2a2ft 40a5o 25a28 22a28 20a22 20a25 12al5 25a80 lOall 85a40 7a8 7a8 fialO 80S83 2022 45a50 lft SELI WG PRICES WHOLES AL3 . Ptlk Meat? -Clear rib sles 73&i8 liARD. per pound 81Aa9 CorrsB fme Rio Ilal2ft lUWll Molasses Cuba nnsi Sugar Syrup 80a42 Choice New Orleans 60a66 Common 89a40 Liverpool flna 80a85 coarse 7 5a 80 DABttias, lOftall ties, new. per bundle. 1 7fi Ties, spliced 1.80A1.50 WHISKEY corn, per gallon Ji.25 ajo, noneonanng, Bbamdt Apple, per gallon. SI . 50 Pefch " 52.00 Won,, Jupi ."nong, per gallon. 00 RETAIL. UEESSE , 20 Lakd, per lb 12H2ft Tallow, perlb 7ag BAOUH N. C hog round 12al4 Hams, N. C ISaiS Hams, canvassed. 17al8 B3a 9aio Shoes! Shoes!! Now is the Time When the People begin to Tok around FOR Children School Shoes. We would remind them that we kaep the veiy best make that are offered In the market -AND- At prices that will Induce you to buy when you see the goods. Give Us a Call. W WE GUARANTEE SATIS FACTIONfa3 QRAY& BRO. June 6-1888 011TI Candy'tManufaclurers and; Jobbers of Plain and Fancy Candies, 8UGAR FRUITS and TOYS, CHEWING GUMS, Peanuts, 000 o o I08 Went Trctde Street 5HARLOTEI Nl er25dtf . 7 ..'IT (. V ' ''! 7t Gray & Brother, "HX fM l -I II VM Ht f y ... - YoaeIabai too much for SAatAsi- AS NltBVIHE,': I BaTsaskeptic.tHor can one medicine be I a specific for Epl; lepsr, Dyspepsia Aleoholtsm: Oplvxe JSmOtmgt Rkensawttsn SpermstOTv rhas, er Sealnal Weakness, mmA fifty other complain taf We claim it a specific sim ply, because the virus of all diseases arises front the blood. Its Nervine, Resolvent, Alterative and Laxative properties meet all the conditions herein referred to. It's known world wide as It quiets and composes the patient not by the introduction of opiates and drastic cathartics, bat. by the restoration of activity to the stomach and nervous Bystem, whereby the brain is relieved of morbid fancies, which are created by the causes above referred to. ' '- , To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary men, Mer chants, Bankers, Ladies and all those whose sed entary employment causes nervous prostration, irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels or kidneys orwho require a nerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Samaeitan Nsbvufs is invaluable. Thousands proclaim It the most wonderful invig orant'sthat ever sustained the sinking system. 81.W. Sold by all Druggists. The DR. S. A. RICH JsIOD USD. CO., Proprietors, St Joseph, Mo. fhu. V. Grlttntoa, Agiat, Xtw Igck Gltj (4) . Mason (S Hamlin Organs. NewTllustrated eatalozue, (49 pp. 4to) for sea son of 1888 4, including many new styles; the best assortment of the best and most attractive organs we have ever offered, and at lowest prices, S22 to $800, for cash, easy payments or rented. Sent free. Mm & Hamlin Piano and Organ Co., Boston, 154 Tremont st ; New York, 46 East 14th st; Chicago, 149 Wabash Ave. oct5d4w WORTH SENDING FOR ! Dr. J. H. SOHENCK has Just published a book on; DISEASES OF THE LUNGS !S HOW TO CURE THEM which is offered FREE poetpaid.to aD applicants. It contains valuable information for all who suppose themselves afflicted with, or liable to any disease of the throat or lungs. Mention this paper. Address Or. J. H. SOHENCK & BON, Philadelphia. Pa. 0S if yo with nglieli or franuu Sook y oct5d2w GEO WOODS' PIANOS km ORGANS. Are the finest in Tone, Are the finest In Design, Are the fins&t in Workmanship. Send for catalogue with music freo. GEO. WOODS' COMPANY, 608 Washington t Boston, Mass. 02t5d4t NOTICE LOST. A blank book, the property of the Ladles' Be nevolent Society of the Associate Reformed Pres byterian church. The finder will confer a favor by leaving same at office of the Journal Observer. OCt5 W. T. WALLER. Springs k Burwe JUST RECEIVED, 100 BARRELS PATENT ROLLER LOUR, THE FINEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET, 800 BUSHELS BOLTED MEAL, 500 BUSHELS WHITE CORN. SPRINGS & BURWELL. sept80dtf Elegantly Trimmed Hats FOR Ladies and Children. dj'PlWlng EVERY DAY the most beau tlftil line of all kinds of Millinery ever opened in this city. Our stock is complete la every branch and we always strive to please our friends and customers. We call especial attention of our patrons to the fact that MISS JENNIE LANEHAltT Jswiui ins again this season, and we feelvure she needs no recommendailon as a Trimmer from Wfor CU8t- Opening Every Day During this season, and we consider It a Dleasnre to show our goods at all times Pleasure v JrS?.. your past Pnnage and asking RheTwee' 0W Sm p,,TCna8 Respectfully, MRS. S. & G. NEWCOMR Orders from our patrons at a dlstanea wUl have prompt attention. uiBwnce We are Now Receiving Weekly Shipments of the Jellico Mountain Tennessee Coal, IS c?.e are 8lt8 tow States of North S6 Caroltoa, Pure Luj. Coal, f ?e I rom dust, for domestic and run of the mines t.w Ltomrablcllwe iEES& ??wih t Sr wn'te Ash. as may beoeired ".'"onndotxand .New WwKi teSv S iSK'JSPHS' wewKarDtee n of the tarIftMd POSITIVELY (JAStt ' ,J . septaidm f : , ANTHONX ft B8YCX. BICHnOHD & DANVILLE R. R. Jf NC. DIVISION.. . lit Ain a nuUTL No 51, I r o. 53, Ittily. Dally. ate Sfpt 16. 1883. Leave Charlotte. Leave Salisbury Leave High Point..... Arrive Greensboro Leave Greevsburo... .Arrive Hilisboro -". Arrive Durham. ... Arrive Raleigh Leave haieUh !Arr?y 'Goidsboro. 8 8'Hm 4 31pm o 6 pm 7 21 pm 7 54 pm 6 24 a re 6.45 a n: 7 25 a m 10 to aw 12 23pmJ 1.1J4 p mi 2.2 S p 11W 3.uu v m 5 20pm - . a a. tr 1 1 .. ,K. n .. j !'' Leave Gensoro 4!0 p m J ' Arrive at RalelgU . J 1 . hi p m -y'' - Arrive Goldsporo 5.00 am - No. 61 Connects at ureenburo with u&i)BB for alt points North. East and West of Danville. tsllsoury with W N C R-R for all points in Western: N C. At Goidsboro with WtWhK dally. NOT 51 and 53 connect at Greensboro with HAD R R nnl for all points on Salem eranch. TttAlWo GuIlMG auUTtL No. 60, Dally. No. 52, Lally. Date, Sept 16, 1883. Leave Goidsboro .. Arrive-SalHUrh. . .- . Leave. Raleigh ..... Arrive Durham Arrive Hilisboro... Arrive Greensboro LeavB Greensboro AiriyeHigh Point. Arj 1 ve ballsbnry . . . . arrive t hariotte . . . 10.00 am 12.20 pm 3 cfp m 4 4fl pm n 58 pm 7-40 p m d 05 pm 1 0 4 1 put 1 2 uO u'gt Ifitiam! 10.10 a m in. 45 a m 12 06 pm 1.50 put ,No. 16 Dally except Sunday. Leave Goidsboro' I 30 p m . Arrive Raleigh 5.50 p m Lave Raleigh 615pm Arrive Greens bo -o 2.20 am No; 50 Connects at Salisbury for all points on WNCBB, and at Charlotte with A 4 Air Line for all points In the south and southwest. No. 52 - Connects at Charlotte with C, C & A R R for all points South and Southeast, and with A & C Air-Line for all points South. N. W. N. C. RAILROAD, &ODSS BODTTH. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro. 10.15 p m Arrive Eernersville. 11.20 pm Arrive Salem 12.00 n'gt NO. 62 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.21 a m Arrive Eernersville 1 1.80 a m Arrive Salem, 12.04 p m eopie MOBTH. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 5.40 p m Arrive Eernersville 6.20 p m Arrive Greensboro.. 7.8O p m NO. 58 Dally. Leave Salem 5.80 a m Arrive Kemersville -. 6.05 a m Arrive Greensboro 7. 10 a m 8TATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. No. 1, Dally ex. Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Sill,. Arrive University,. . 11.15 a m 12.16 p m No. 2, Daly GOING SOUTH. hi. Sunday. Iave University,.. Arrive Chapel Hill,. 12.45 p m 1.46 P m PnlUsan MM Cars Witliont aw On Trains 50 and 51, between New York and Montgomery, and between Raleigh and Old Fort. On Trains 52 and 53, between Washington and Augusta, and Danville and Richmond, and Char lotte and Montgomery. W Through tickets on sale at Greensboro. Ral eigh, Goidsboro, Halisouryand Cbarlotte, for all points South, Southwest, west, North aud East or Emigrant lates to Louisiana, Texas, Arkan sas and the Southwest, address T M R TALCOTT, M SLAUGHTER, Gen. Manager, Gen. Pass Agent. Richmond. Va. CABOLMCENmlffiLROADCO. r0rara of BupxsiimNPXKT. ) Wilmington, N. U, 8ept30, 1883. f o N and after Oct. 1, 1883, the following schedule will be operated on this railroad: Passenger, Mall and Express Train: Daily. Lea Wilmington at 7 OOP. M. f Arrive at Charlotte at 7.80 A. M. No. 1 1 Leave Charlotte at 8.15 P. M. No. 2 1 Arrive at Wilmington at 8 25 A. M. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations only, and points designated In the Company's Time Table. Train No. 1 Dally except Sunday. Do. No. 2 do do do. Local Freight with Passenger Car attached. Leave Laurinburg at 6.15 A. M Arrive atCnarlotte 4.40 P. M. Leave Charlotte at 7.40 A. M- Arrive at Laurinburg 5.45 P. M. Shelby Division, Passenger. Mall Express and Freight-Dally except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 8.15 A. M. Arrive at Shelby 12.15 P. M. Leave Shelby 1.40 P, M. Arrive at Charlotte 5.40 P. M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A A. trains to and rrom Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for statesvllle, stations West ern N. C. R. R.. Ashevllle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens. At lanta and all points Southwest. L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. Clibk, General Passenger Agent mayl2tf Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad PAS8EN6KB DXPABTOXNT, I Columbia. 8. C. Ju'y 1 1, '83. J On and after the 16th Inst the following will be the schedule on the C. 4 L. N. G. Division: Leave Newton 7.00 a m Leave Llnoolnton. 8 35am Leave Dallas 9.82 a m Leave Gastonla 10.02 a m Leave Clover 11.08 am Leave YorkvUIe 1 1.55 a m Arrive Chester 1.20 pm Leave Chester : 2.50 p m Leave Yorkville 4 25 pm Leave Clover 5.05 p m Leave Gastonla 6. 1 0 d m Leave Dallas 6 25pm Leave Lircolnton. 7.35 pm Arrive Newton 9.00 pm C. AC DIVISION. Leave Chester 5.00 pm Leave Rlchburg 6.00 p m Leave Fort Lawn 6.48 pm Arrive Lancaster 7.25 p m Leave Lancaster 9.00 a m Leave Fort Lawn 9.48 a m Leave Rlchburg 10 35 a m Arrive Cheater 1 1.26 a m D. CARD WELL. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. Julyl5dtf CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD COMPANY, August 12ih. 1883. souinward. WBlPB STATIONS. oca, iw i C3K ft. DM O i rs " P L 1 yoa CD 9 til P. M A. M. 5.85 6.28 8.00 9.55 11.13 12.08 2.00 4.10 Lv. Charlotte, PI nevllle, RfwkHill, Cb;e8ter, Wiaodward's, Wlinnsboro, Ridgeway, Ar. Colombia, Lv. Colombia, Lexington, Batesburg, Trenton. Granite ville, Ar. Augusta. 2.10 2 87 8 20 401 4.83 5.05 5.81 6.80 1 M 6 87 7.87 8 87 9.87 10.07 1047 6.151 7.15 K.08 9 12 9.46 10.25 Northward. 53 47 "IT A. M. P. M. 7.85 6.00 8.15 6.88 8.85 6 58 9.10 7.82 10.08 a 85 10,59 9 88 11.40 10.29 11.47 12.48 1.14 1.45 2.15 2.88 8 17 &55 420 Lv. Augusta, Ar. Granltevllle. Lv. Granltevllle, Trenton, Batesburg, Lexington, Ar. Columbia, Lv. Columbia, Ridgeway, Wlnnsboro, Woodward's, Ar. Chester, Lv. Chester. Bock HI1U Plnevlile, Ar. Charlotte. M. 5.00 7.02 8.15 920 10.85 11.05 12.50 2.40 8.80 A. X, 4e O. IlTisln. SOTJTHWABD. HO. 52. 1 ROBTffWARP. HO 53. Lt. StatesTiile 780 am Mooresvllle 8.21 am Davidson Col a 48 am , Huntersvllle 9,10 am 'Ar. Charlotte 1000 am ! DaHy, Lv Charlotte Huntersvllle Davidson Col Mooresvllle Ar Statesvllle 450 pm 5.89 pm 6.06 pm 6.28 pm 7.20 pm Wkereno time ts given trains do not stop. T. M. B. TALCOTT, Gea'l Manages. VMM SaTm..A. !i G. B. Taloott, Superintendent. aosl6 "UOORE COUNTY GRIT wJJiJi MILLS AND MILLSTHSES. (AIXSXSXS). BESTINTHEvORLD SAKPlls OP MBAl UOtt qm ArraiaiiH. lOtTM IA80LIIA MIUSTOMf W. se7d4w WANTED. a r rr:MWU"s S acnooi, of a scnooi in some to n or country rieiguDof nood, by a" lady of suo- A sitoaUon lnra icTbdl. .or a school In some I Our stock is now complete, and we ask you to give it a thorough inspection We have a large stock of Cashmeres, all colors, and ask your special attention to our Black Cashmeres. Our line of Black Silks cannot be beaten; we have them from 60 cents to $3.50 per yard. Satins tn black and colors, from 50c. up. Ottomans Surahs etc The largest line of Velvet Ribbons to be found in the city, from to 75 cents per yard, all colors. Be sore to look at our stock of handsome Silk Gimps, the prettiest oat. Examine our immense stock of Silk Velvets and Plushes before buying. A large line of Velveteen from 50c to $1.00 per yard, all colors. Just received, 5 Jersey Jaeketa, 3 J Each r -. Also some handsome Pleated one?. Some handsome Silk Ottomans ai d Brocaded. Fur-lined Circulars. The new Russian Circular. Ask to see it. Wraps of all kinds for everybody. ,150 piftirs of Kid Gloves, Nos. X and 6, at cents per pair. All Linen Kerchiefs, 10 cents. The patent "Adjustable Hip" Corset, at $1.00. Be sure to examine it. En tirely nevr. . A larife line of Ladies' Neckwear, Ladies' Gents', and Children's Underwear, all grades... Hosiery, Gloves. Ask to see our new Kid Glove in the "Mandarin" colors, this newest thing out. Lace Curtains $1.00 per Pair and Up. Cretonnes, Fringes, Lambrequins, Table Covers, Piano Covers, Table Da masks Napkins, Towels, Flannels, Blankets, Oil Bed Knitting Cotton, &c. A larg line of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises, and the bfciit unlaundried shirt, "The Hercules Shirt," for $1.00. Hand Bags and Purses. , Our prices are as low as the lowest, and in our stock can always be found the latest styles of everything. We specially ask you to look at our stock when looking around, and we feel assured that you will find our prices low, and our goods up to the demands of the most stylish. Come to see us. Truly, MMGEilE & ALU&nEl, SMITH BUILDING . TRADE STRICT, CBARLOTTB. N. C. Old and Only in the Way. "As we walk through the street, how often we meet, Some Poor old man, whose life is naught but woe; With age his form is bent, in his pocket not a cent, And for shelter do not know where to go. With relations by the score, who keep him from the door, And meeting on the street they pass them by ; If you ask them why it's done, they will answer you and say, We're poor, we're old, and only in the way P "There was a time 1 hear, when the young were not so queer, But since that time there's come an awful change; Young men in health and might, their old parents they will strike, And it happens every day ; it's nothing strange. Take this poer wreck of toil, his children him do spurn, For death Pm sure he oftentimes does pray: Himself and faithful wife, after toiling all their lifV, When old, they find that they are in the way P' "My little song, Pm sure, is for rich as well as poor, For take a rich man when he's growing old ; His friends will shake his hand, his relations round him stand, Awaiting him to die, they want his gold. Then let us from this hour do all that's in our power To make the road for old folks light and gay ; And if they trouble on us'cast, why let this be our last To say, that they are old, and in the way. So let us cheer them on, They won't be with us long, Don't let us sneer because they're old and gray ; And remember while we're young The days to us may come, When we will be old and only in the way i" INTew Sheet Music. MUSIC BOOKS AND PIANOS AND ORGANS. Best Bargains Ever Offered the Papas and Mammas AT THE MeSmith Music House. Come and see me everybody. The older you are the lera you're in the way. Send for Catalogues and prices. Vow is the time to Buy Furniture As I have marked many of my things down to JSTjffi'T COST To make room FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. IBo Mo Anndlirews. NOW THAT OUR. FALL STOCK IS IN And we have bad a grand suoness with our open ing, we are prepared to sell goods cheaper than ever before tince we began business. Our slock has been bought with more care than usual and we ffer eur s ock at price i that mut bo gaii fac tory ta any customer. EVERY LINE IS COMPLETE. Black and Colored S0k, Saons, Velvets, and Plushes In all the 1'aabiomible shades. All the latest NovelUes in Xmaunlnrgs, Fringes and Orna ments. Casslmeres. Treeo, Henrietta. Nun's Cloth, and Bepa. A toll line at Mourning Oiods, Crapes, 4c. and Dress Goods, ranging in price Irom i2Vh cents to S2.60 per yard. A full HVe of Brats Flannel in all colors. . A Novelty in "Elder Down," very handsome for Jackets, in bright colors. Casslmeres and Jeans, Water Proof. Bed and whlre Flannel, Blankets, Underwear lor Hen, Ladles and Children. A VSBY ATTRACTIVE LINK OI H OSIER V, j. n . For Ladies and Children; all cheap. A full line of Gloves for Gentlemen. Ladies', and Children. We have the best Kid for Si ,00 to be found in tbte etty. Ladles W Vane a specialty thfs season. The best 4 4 Domestic in the city. HATS and CAPS. 4Twr un Muuaeas is mil ana me asK ran m amine our ritock before buying .your cooda. Hfe will conYlni w you that all we say is true. Black Goods a Specialty. Clothing, Boots aod Shoes, T. L, Sefgie & Ctv -:o: EVERYTHING MUSICAL. H. McSMITH CHARLOTTE, If. C. for Fall Stock. NEW FIRM! New ffioods -AND- LOW PRICES ! ! ! WE WOULD INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT we have formed a oopartnersh p under tbe name and style of For the purpose of conducting the Retail and Fancy Grocery business at the old stand of LeBoy Davidson. Mr. BA&NXTT, wbo has charge of the business, has just returned from the Northern Mark ets where he purchased one of the best lines of GROCERIES Brer opened la this city. We are now opening a full line &nd,l a few days our stock will be, complete. It is our MSL make our stock second I to none la the State. OUR BBLING MOTTO WILL BE lie Best Goofc and the Lowest Prices. ; ThuMhiM is invited to call and inspect ,our t stoVkakd .ee.for itself that ,2SSwvQttmg found in Wctly irsfcias- HEAVY AND FATCY GROCERY. Very res teotfuiiy, . t. W. BARNETT, f. & ALEXANDER, Barnett Alexander teptiedtt . --v ,ug wwaaAiM . pom i ... - .

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