DAILY JOURNAL-OBSERVER: P Eli)AY OCT OB E It 12, 18 8 3. BUSINESS NOTICES. Did She Die? No! She lingered and suffered along, pining away all we ume lor jean, , The doctors doing her no irvd: And at last w s eared by thl Hop Bitters the pa er say so mucn about. Indeed! Indeed! Bow thankful we should be for that medicine, a daughter's hsibt. Eleven year, our daughter suffered on a bed of misery. From a complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic uouDieanan ivousdeDiniy. Under the care or the best physicians, Who save her disease various names, But no teller. And now she s restored to a in good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Biiters, that we had snunnea ior jears peiere using it me rarenu. FATHXB IS 8ETTIX0 WKLI Mr daughters fur: How much better father Is since he used Hop BltU-rs. He is vetting well after his long suffering from a disease aeciarea incur Die And we are so glad that he used your Biters. a mayor ruca. n. x. fjjtaar fivtzxtiszmeuts. Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity orengtn and wholesomensss More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short welgat. alum or phosphate powders. 8old only in ans Wholesale by SPRINGS k BUB WELT mayl Charlotte, r C; In chronic dyspepsia and liver complaint, and In chronic constipation and other obstinate diseases, Hostetier's Stomach Bitters Is beyond all compar ison the best remdy that can be taken. As a nfeans of restoring the strength and vital energy of persons who are sinking under the depUltatlng effects of palntat disorders, this standard vegeta ble invlgorant Is confessed y unequalled. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. A SURE RECIPE Fop fine" Complexions. Positire relief and immuni ty from eomplexional blem ishes may be round in Hasan's Magnolia Balm. A delicate and harmless article. Sold by druggists everywhere. It imparts the most bril liant and life-like tints, and the' closest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly Discolorations, Eruptions, Ring Marks under the eyes, Sallowness.1 Redness, Rough ness, and the flush of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Magnolia Balm. It is the one incomparable Cosmetic. NEW SUPPLY -GOODS, Just received. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. An Inspection is Invited. C M. Etheredge, Variety Store, under the Traders' National Bank Building ; ' ' ' ' marl8 " T. R. 9IAG1X.L., WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT; ' Orders solicited and promptly flUeS ' oq J I II Sails goruttialsjerxTtr. STATE NEWS. The Deanut crop in the East will make a fair yield. There is a great demand in Raleigh for good mechanics and brick masons. Reidville Times: Among the many attractions at the approaching State fair will be a calf with three legs and a pair Ol oca icupaiuo. A Newbern paper alleges that hogs in Greene county are so poor that they have to go twice over the same piece of ground to cast a shadow. Mil ton Chronicle : Milton h as begun to grow as we expected and have pre dicted, it nas an tne Dase to Duild and grow npon. Its foundation is not a sandy one. It has admirable water power right at its door and is largely backed by some of the richest country and most prosperous people in the State. Goldsboro Messenger: The negro Elijah Battle, whose shooting we chronicled last week, died last Thurs day night from his wounds, and coro ner Dr Tom Hill held an inquest Friday morning resulting in a verdict that Battle cam t.n hia ilftfith frnm cmn nhnr. wounds inflicted by Dempsey Lewis, coiorea. ne evidence is pretty strong against the negro. Wilson Advance : A friend at Faison writes us that there was a good deal of excitement in one or the graded school rooms Tuesday. It seems that one of lady teachers went to the piano, and rinding there was something wrong, as it would not play, looked in and saw a large snake. She gave the alarm, the room was quickly cleared of all except the principal and a f w larger boys, who succeeded in capturing and killing his snakeship, which measured 42 inches in length. Raleigh News and Olserter : The an nual meeting of the North Carolina Fruit Growers' Association will be held Wednesday evening of fair week in the Senate Chamber. The election of offi cers for the ensuing year will take place and other matters of importance to the association will be discussed. Prof A W McAllister, of the Bingham School, is in his spare moments pursu ing a course marked out by the faculty of the University tor the degree of Master of Arts. This degree is now given only for post-graduate work of one year in at least three departments. . THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Richmond, Va.. is to have a new city hall, to cost $300,000. The pecan crop of Tom Green coun ty, Texas., is valued at $15,000. More dwelling houses have been erected in Richmond, Virginia, this year than in any like period of her his tory. The water-works pump in Nashville haSigiven out and the city is threaten ed with a water famine. Prospectors from the North are seen frequently in Tennessee of late looking for homes. A tract of land containing 460.000.000 feet of timber has just been sold in Ar kansas to foreign capitalists. There is talk of starting a shoe facto ry in Norfolk with a capital of $60,000. A New Jersey man proposes to furnish one sixth of the capital. Woik on the new Cotton Exchange in New York was begun Friday. The building will be seven stories high and will cost $600,000. The entire number of pupils who are now studying German in the public schools of St. Louis is over 20,000, or more than half of the whole number of pupils. The latest proposition for the im provement of the harbor of Vicksburg is to bring the mouth of the Yazoo Riv er to the front of the city. The project is said to be practicable. The cigarette smoking nuisance has reached such proportions in New York that many prohibitory notices appear in business places, and merchants and business men largely refuse to employ youths who use that form of tobacco. There are in New Orleans three hun dred and ninety odd persons employed as teachers in the public schools. Of this number more than three hundred and Beventy are women with salaries ranging from $35 to $60 per month, and which is sometimes paid to them and often not. Fred Delph, of Nashville, a boy who had written some poetry, was reading it to Howard Groves, last week, who ordered him to stop. Delph insisted on reading it through, when Groves snatch ed out his revolver and shot him through the neck. The wound is probal ly moral. Officials of the Raleigh and Augusta Railroad Company were in Cheraw on last Saturday prospecting as to the point of entrance to the town, location of the bridge across the river and a site for the depot, &c. It is expected that the line from Hamlet, N. C, to Cheraw will be completed by the coming fall. PERSONAL ITEMS. Mrs. Langtry, it is said, will live in a flat during her stay ia New York and not at a hotel. John Russell Young, minister to Chi na, writes that he is now able to speak Chinese readily, Senator David Davis's wife is repor ted to (be the happiest of brides, and thus far her married life has been one round of pleasure. The Globe-Democrat says that Mr. Irving will charge three dollars, a seat for his New York perfomances two dollars for being an Englishman and one dollor for being an actor. Mr. Paul Dana, who is heir to the New York Sun, owns eight hundred pup dogs. If, in addition to this, the young man is up in the mysteries of baseball, be will undoubtedly become a great journalist. The richest youngster of his age in Georgia, perhaps, is Master Alfred Austelljwbo is six years old. He has $150,000 in his own right, which is in the hands of excellent guardianship. When he attains his majority he will find himself a half-million heir. When the prince of Wales made the tour of this country he attended a ball at Cincinnati, and was assigned to dance the first set with Miss Mary W hitler, a noted belle. The young lady, however, refused the honor, saying she would dance with any gentlemen who request edher properly, but she would be assign ed to no one. , Two Citizens New TorkiWorld (Dem ), Oct. 6. Two very remarkable persons were quartered at the ;71iW Avenue Hotel yesterday. - One was -Chester A. Ar thur, the Accidental President of the United States, and the other was Ru therford JJ. Hayes, the Fraudulent ex President of the United States.. The one was the recipient of much adula tion at the hands of such distinguished men as Police Justice Patterson, John Jabob Astor and Silas B. Dutcher. The other came and went in the hotel like the most obscure of citizens un wel comed, unsought and uncared for. t In the Sleeplag- Gar From CTUcag-o. A lady sat with her only child: . The poor Uttie renew was almost wild, - t Xe was making a noise like a circus band, If or a horrible felon was on bis band. -' A quiet old man remarked to the mother, "1 think we can stop this pain and bother, j ; . I've a bottle of Fain Killer here." said he, ; v . "And I think It will cure him; let as seeA He poared seme drops on moistened rag,' Ana wrappen the felon, as if In a bag, A ; n And aeon the suffering child was ealm : As the voloe of a summer evening psalm, c MOON SHINER METHODS. now the moonshiners sell illicit whisky : wa uao ivouoivio a uig uuru is aunt? to a trftfl. Ynn hlnxxr o Kloof steps out and tells you to put your hand into her pocket. You comply. You drop some money in the pocket, and take out vnnr nnftla ami Tri;.t; : Ti nv. x-uxuug ia at, your peril ; for a six-foot moonshiner is in point blank range with his hand on the trigger of his pursuader." A witness in a"moonshine"case, tried in Louisville on Tuesday last, told how the whiskey trade is carried on down on x..Uvu .Moi . x. nauvou a lew gallons, and went to Davis and told him : how uiuuu x wamea. "ua Davis let you have the whiskev ?" thn nrnsftntrT in. quired. "Oh, no," the witnt s replied. Did you take it away from WKj still yourseiir "No. indeed" "WiL how did you get it?" "I went away and re- vuiucu m auuut an nour, ana round tne liquor in a tree top." "Who put it inerer" "Cant say." "Who did you pay tui ii, r "uou x, Know, ah mat l know In V 1- A. T" A m is uiat j. got my liquor. Death-Bed Repentance. Boston Globe. From a riarfcv whinh stnlA fh in 1876 comes the refreshing cry. "Watch mouanoi ooxesr ims is well, we agree with it. The cry comes a little late. It ia a kind nf danth.heA rnnnnt. ance, but. in the words of a great states man, u is stui "a useiul and salutary tning. Look Out for Franda! The ennnlnA "Rnnorli X 8 Wells (proprietor ol Bough on Bats'), and has iou8uiu( mwi wl a man un laoeis. ioc. ana zoc Domes. GEXITE FACSIMILE Promtowt Let. ten, ALL white on a black Krooai. .,'I,e.L,,e,e who mpt to palm oil IMITATION, 8UBSTITCTION orW ORTH- SfSi,whlch y,eld theni LARGER fKorn. one aro genuln without the SAFE. 3 II. U. WAR.V23 it CO.. rtoche.t.r, ti.Y. aprlB A REAL REMEDY. Neither ITIynical nor Indian In Origin bat Scientific and Specific A REMEDY of over Twenty-Five years standing. A ItcIUiDx more doduIt at home, and where beat known. than all other Bemedie of Its kind. A REMEDY endorsed by the best Physicians and Druggets at 1st home. A HE TIED Y that Mr. C. W. O'Neill, Goodwater, Ala , sas rais ed hla wifd from an Invalid's bed, and he believes aavea iter me. A REMEDY of which a prominent Atlanta merchant said, "I would have given 8500 as soon as son as I would a nickel tor what two bottles of vour medicine did for my daughter." A REMEDY In regard to which 8. J. Cassels, M.D. Druggist, of Thomasvllle, Ga , says : "I can recall Instances In which it afforded roller after aU the usual reme dies bad fal ed " A REMEDY. about which Dr.W. B Ferrell, La Grange, Ga., writes: "1 have used ror the last 20 years the medicine you are putting up, and consider it the best combination ever gotten together for the di seases for which it Is recommended." A REMEDY of which Dr. Joel Branham, Atlanta, said. "I have examined the recipe, and have no hesita tion in advising its use, and confidently recom mend it." A REMEDY which the Bev. H B. Johnson, near Marietta, Ga. says he Das used lo his family with "the utmost satisfaction," and recommended it to the families who found It to be lust what it is recommended ' A. REMEDY of which Pemerton, Iverson & Denlson say: ' We have been selling it lor many years, with con stantly increasing sales. The article Is -a staple with us, and one of absolute merit." A REMEDY of which Lamar, Bankln & Lamar say: "We sold 5U gross in four months, and never sold it in any place but what It was wanted again." A REMEDY by which Dr. Bangh, of LaGrange, Ga., says: "I cured one of the most obstinate cases of Vicabi ous M enstbu ation that ever came within my knowledge, with a few bottles." A REMEDY of which Dr. J. C. Buss, Notasulga, Ala., says: "I am fully convinced that it Is unrivalled for that class of diseases which It claims to cure." A REMEDY about which Ma. Jno. C. Whitner, of Atlanta, well and favorably known all over the United States as a General Insurance Agent says: "I used this Bemedy, before the war, on a large plantation o a great number of cases, and alvtay with absolute success." A REMEDY about which J. W. Strange, of Cartersvllle, Ga., certifies that one bottle cured two members of his family of menstrual Irregularity of many years standing. A REMEDY that iS CHAPER THAN ANT OTHSB MBIICIirK Of ltfl kind in the world, because okk or two bottles WILL CURE THE HOST OBSTINATE CASE. A REMEDY In regard to whose unfailing, unrivalled curative proprieties I have many hundreds of testimo nials. This great popular remedy is Brad field's Regulator, (Woman's Best friend.) For sale by all Druggists. trice: email size 75 cents. x,arge size ai.ou. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, J. BttAUJ"lB.LLI, No. 108 S. Pryor Street Atlanta, Ga. Swift's Specific has been the means of bringing health and happiness to thous ands who were pronounced incurable of Blood and Skin Diseases. HEAR THE WITNESSES. Saved From a Horrible Death Up to May last I had spent at least five hundred dollars for treatment by many of the best medical men, without any benefit. I suffered excrutlatingly, and all my best friends advised me that the icy hand of death was fast apploaehlng. I caught at 8. 8. 8. lute a drowning man at a straw After taking two bottles I could feel a change for the better. The sores began to discharge freely and the rheumatism to abate. When I had taken six bottles every sore had healed and my skin began to as sume a natural appearance. I persisted until I had taken twelve bottles, large size and there la not a symptom of the disease remaining, and I feel as well as I ever did. I have gained twenty-one pounds In flesh, and my friends wonder at my Improved condition. I have recommended It to many, and In every instance with complete success. I believe that & 8. a has saved me from a horrible deau Qulncy, III. and was given up w , "yy.: relieved me promptly and entirely. I think It Is the "meofw gnp't Gas Works, Borne, Ga. Write for a eopy of toe Irttto Sl.000 BSWABD will be paid to any chemlrtwhowUl tod, on tte analysis of , curr, Iodide FolaaBlajii, or any mineral "toKi swiiT 8piccrjic ca. . 4 T -V . Drawer 8, AtLurxA,ai. - g'jgiig'gjaMWaflSMLJBB.- ' I am sure that Swift's 8pecffle saTed my life. I was terribly potaonedrtto malaria, ulnr (rAmnrphpnfiiirA IPlanc f m a vaa vvuiiri VUVEiai L' U ir CA FIEST iw Ml 0 Will Embrace this season the keeping i3oy s Our Mr. LATTA is now in "Naw that market in their advanced season, x urmsoiDgs ana uenuemen's wearing trade in the great metropolis. Every steamer has large shipments win uo uui pioaauit? lu eAUiuil our STOCK COMPLETE. The assortment will be boundless uoy ana cnna to wait, ana a long, cold waste bqouiq db tempted to Duy elsewnere. The mothers, anxirms for the rrvmfnrt. nf thoir hnva wo arill oanofiallo ra. 4rai mj wan, lux we win maKe a most HI Aflt a wn S A. 1 JJ. OF1XBS TO THB Wholesale and Retail TRADE A Large Stock of PURE WHITE LEADS, Linseed 1, Mors, VARNISHES, &C. -AlSO- TWO CAR LOADS J. H. McADEN. rnvlS DBUGKJIST. Mm' I1IE01L - CIASS ant of Every Essential of Men's, Youth's and Uutnts. "Vork taking advantacft nf low nrip.fts in and securing every Novelty in Clothing, apparel, as presented to tne nne retail for us, and during the coming week it in variety, to the interest of each man, winter or regrets to tne person who in ... m attractive onenng. Latta fe Bro. HOME ODMFQRfT After b Rainy Ride k Conatry Physi cian Tell What He Think of Some People "I wish to gracious some people would learn when they need a doctor and when they don't," exclaimed Doctor K , as he entered his house In a cosy little Tillage In the Interior of the State of New York, after a tedious night ride of many miles. "I have been down among the mountains to see a man, who, the messenger said, was very sick and not likely to live 'til morning, unless he had immediate help; and found him suffering from a rather sharp attack of colic, which his fam ily might have relieved in ten minutes, if they had a grain of sense and two or three simple remedies in the house But no; they must remain Ignorant as pigs, and when the least ache or pain takes them, send for a doctor, whether they ever pay mm or noi -"Why, Doctor, what kind of simple remedies, as yon call them, do you expect people to keep In the house?" asked the wife, as she poured him a cup of hot tea. "In this case," answered the Doctor, "If they had only put a BENSON'S CAPCINB POBOUS PLA3TEB on the man's stomach, he would have been all right In an hour, and saved me a dreary ride " In all ordinary complaints It cures at once. All diseases are eliminated from the system by what may be roughly called expulsion or extrac tion, or by a onion of the two processes. Benson's Plaster promotes both. It Incites the torpid or gans to act, and sends its soothing Influence through the myriad pores of the skin. All other plasters oblige the patient to wait. They give him hope for to morrow. Benson's plaster gives him help to-day. Which is better, do you think? Buy the CAPCINB and keep it In the house. Price, 25 cents. Seabory & Johnson, Pharmaceutical Chemists, NewToTfc. aplTdflm Mason k Hamlin Organs; Newlllustrated catalogue, (40 pp. 4to) for sea son of 1888-4, including many new styles; the best assortment of the best and most attractive organs we have ever offered, and at lowest prides, 822 to 8800, for cash, easy payments or rented. Sent free. Mason &' Hamlin Piano and Organ Co., Boston, 154 Tremont st ; New York, 46 East 14th St.; Chicago, 149 Wabash Ave. oct5d4w or THB TATE EPSOM SPRING Water, WILL FURNISH IT IN BARBELS OB LESS QUANTITY AT SPRINGS FRIGES. A Fresh Stock CONSTANTLY ON HAND. W H. JORDAN k DRUGGISTS. Attorney and Counsellor at Ijaw;- CHJJBLOTTM S. 6 We are Agents I H. P. EDMOND, Successor to Ettenger & Edmond, RICHMOND, VA. WORKS ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1S30. BTJTLDXB OF STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES, SAW MILLS, CRIST MILLS, MILL GEARING, AC. B0.? K &l?whlh OB STKBUf CALKING DON, WITH HYDRAULIC PRESSES, And all Kinds of Engine and Hydraulic Pumpa for Manufacture of Tobacco Particular attention called to our D0UBLK HIOBAVLI0 PUMP for setting Presses, a Send for Catalogue. mom & ABB BBADT FOB -ri 11 -r , Mil mAa orm AUU "iw ana Of all kinds, Ladies' Gentlemen's, Misses', Boys' and Children's Shoe's, INCLUDING THE BIST AND MOST POPUL1B MAKB3. We have given snftlal nttAntlnn this aaoann tn RflTQ' onH rnn.nDTK'a arxrwa to have the nest stock In the city, and which we .uuu, ouuiai uur patronage ana guarantee saiisiacuon in goo 03 and prices in every case. MOYER & HIRSHINGKR. BURGESS WHOLESALE ASV HIT AIL DKALKB IH ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE BEDDING, &C. A FULL LINE OF CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, PABLOB and CHAMBER SUITS. COF- Jtina or ail kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trade street, Charlotte, North Carolina. CENTRAL HOTEL to o3 I I so CQ The Traveling Public Will Find that " ' " .nnuw nicu(cu nc nuwi 9UUU1 VI HaiDlDglOII. "Carriages and Porters meet all trains. H. C ECCLES. Procrletor IFairir! CHAMPION SAFE. WAREHOUSE: NO. 631 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. iMiy Two Medals and Diplomas illllBlllllllillllbmvjuiawiic - . -,!i!jaiili:ttiilillliilliillii8iiu!iii,jF Grand Gold Medal, Paris, 1873. aug21dawtf THE LARGEST 0 AND Best Assorted Stock OF CIGARS In the market can be found at A.R.NISBET&BRO'S. FBOMSl A 100 UP. MOORE COUNTlf GRIT" CM MILLS AND MILLSTONES, BESTIN THE WORLD BAUFllS OP HEAL 8EHT OH AFPUCAnOB. NORTH CAROLINA MIltSTORE 10. oratven vmce, v-nanone, n. u -w Msiaou rins papeb. se7d4w We are Now Receivin TB1IS L4.BGE9T STOCK OF THE FOL LOWING GOODS TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Rubber and leather Baiting, Old H ckory Wagons, McSheery Grain Drills, Pittsburg Steel Plows, WcodB Ware, General Hardware and Cutlerr. Walkers and Juniata Horse and Mme Shoes, Kajle, Snowden and baranas Horse Nails, Axes, Handles, Inn. Malls, and Brerrthing In the Hardware Line made ot Steel, Iron or Wood ORDERS SOLICITED. BBOWN, W1DDIKGTOH & CO. sep:30d f F. 0, MUNZLER AGENT FOR Bib Berinsr & M Brewery Company s (Of Philadelphia, Pa.,) (V LI rated Lager Beer, In Kegs and Bottles. BltTTLRD BEER A SPECIALTY. ISHave lost received a small lot of BOTTLED ALB and POBTBB. which I offer so the nubile at reasoaabtopriXL Address - - : Leek Box 2Wv Charlotte. M. C. WANTED. 1 'fiftufiHtfin lri :ti OAllAAf'. np m uIiaaI (m omA ton or country neighborhood, by a lady of suc cessful experience. Best of reference glvea Apply to Sdltor of the Joubhax se22 mySly mmwmu'Ai THI FALL TBADK. . ... n nnmn WnnfmAiv UU1CUUIU ilMUllLUDU Styles and Qualities of can recommend tor durability and good set vrce. NICHOLS - CHARLOTTE, N. C. the CENTRAL, HOTEL keeps no with " ' " wow. b ior wear iaat, tne (D Prizeledals'Awarded. World's Fair, London. Exposition Universelle, Pans World's Fair, New York, awarded at Centennial, 1876. If will mi TO GALL ON J. i. Milk, COR. TRADE AND COLLEGE STS. FOB YOUB G-R-O-C-E-R-l-E-S. I hare In store and to arrive a fall assortment of Heavy and Fancy Goods to supply any demand, consisting In part of the following. HAMS, BACON, BREAKFAST STRIP, CANNED MEAT AND FRUITS, GRAIN . Of All Kinds, Mixed Feed, Bran, Floor and Meal, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrups, Vinegar, Lard, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars. Bloe, Grits. -Crackers, Soda and Starch, and a great variety of goods Impossible to mention. Call and see how cheap we sell for CASH. J. M. MILLER. septa tf Valuable Property for Sale. Being in delicate health, and having other out side business that requires all the time and atten tion I am able to give, I wish to retire from the mercantile business, and after for sale my store' honse, lot and stock of goods. This property con sists of a neat and. convenient storehouse, a two room eotlage and one acre of land, within thirty yards of Llnwood Depot, on the B. 4 D. railroad, 7 miles soath of Lexington, N. C, 10 miles north . of Salisbury, being surrounded by one of the beet fanning countries hi North Carolina, and having daily hulls and all noeessary shipping lacllltlM at hand. Here is an opportunity for a live merchant to get a valuable piece of property and make money. Liberal terms can be given. For farther Information apply to - J. W. FITZGERALD, -Llnwood P. O., Davidson Co, N. 0, aeptlPplm 1

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