V" t y. DAILY jORNAL0aS &.V &Mt -JMDA Y, O CTOBER 12, 1 68 3 . R E - - FOK rHin. Believes and curea RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS, BPBAYINS, Soreness, Cuts, Bruises, FROSTBITES, BURNS, SCAURS, And all other bodBy aches and pains. FIFT? CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold by ail Droglste and Dealers. Directions In 11 languages. The Charles A. Vogeler Co. (Bocowon to A. TWIIM ft CO.) BalUnora, MA, E. 8. A. 'Ton claim too much for Samaki- TAH NlBVIHI," i Baysaskeptic."How can one medicine be ( a specific for Epi- lepsrr, Dyspepsia, Alcoholism, Opium "Eating Rherunatiam, Spennator rhsB, or Seminal Weakness, and fifty other complaints?" We claim it a specific, sim ply, because the Virus of all diseases arises from the blood. Its Nervine, Resolvent, Alterative and .Laxative properties meet ail tne conainoss nert referred to. Tit's known world vAde as cso tliiEISliilS It. nniet.R and romrjoses the mtient not bv the Introduction of opiates and drastic cathartics, but by the restoration of activity to the stomach and nervous system, whereby tne brain is relieved of morbid fancies, which are created by the ran bps above referred to. To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary men, Mer chants, Bankers, Ladies and all those whoBe sed entary employment causes nervous prostration. irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels or kidneys or who require a nerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Samaritan jnbbvute is invaiuaDie. Thousands proclaim it the most wonderful invig- orant tnat ever sustamea, tne sinning syBiem. SI .50. Sold by all Dm eirists. The DR.S.A. RICH MOND MED. CO.. Proprietors. St. Joseph, Mo. Cfcu. H. Crittoston. Agent, Htv Xi City. (4) Shoes! Shoes! ! Now is the Time When the People begin to 1 ok around FOR Children School Slur s. We would remind them that we kaep the veiy best make that are onered in the market -AND- At prices that will induce you to bur when you see the goods. Give Us a Call. -WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION!,. ORAY& BRO, June J 8-1883 $30,000 FOR $2. 2d REGULAR MONTHLY DRAWING WILL take place in the Masonic Hall, Masonic Building, in Louisville, Ky , Thursday, October 25th, 1883. A lawful Lottery and fair drawings, chartered by the Legislature of Ky., and twice declared legal by the highest court In the State. Bond given to Henry county In the sum of $100,000 lor the prompt payment oi an prizes sold. A REVOLUTION IN SINGLE LNGS. NUMBEttDRAW- UT-Every ticket holder his own supervisor, can call oat the number on his ticket and see tne cor responding number on the tag placed in the wheel In his presence. These drawings will occur on the last Thursday of every month. Read the magnificent OCTOBER SCHEME. 1 PTUe 830,000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize fi.000 2 Prizes, 2,500 each 5,000 5 Prizes, 1.U00 each, 5,000 razes, ouu eaen 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, , 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10,000 500 Prizes, 20 each, 10,000 1000 Prizes. 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes, $800 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 V Prizes, 200 " 1,800 V razes, iuo " " " WOO 1,857 Prizes $110,400 wnoie TiCKets. 52; uair Ticnets, si; 27 Tickets Sou; 00 TiCKets, $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send br Express. DON'T send by RnaiaTiraiEn LETTER OB P08TOFFICE ORDER, until further notice, uraen 01 $0 ana upward, Dy Express, ean be sent at oar expense. Address all orders to J. J. DOUGLAS. septl Louisville, Ky. DOVE'S true T arf Oil. rrij PHYSICIANS. FARMERS. LTTtRY RTA. JL BLE KEEPERS AND RAILROAD MEN AND HKADS OF FAMILIES: If any member of your household, from parents to the merest infant, are afflicted with Malignant Sores, scrofulous or other wise, ean Biieum or ucaia Head, Burns, wounds, no matter how severe, or of how long standing, or 1 rum wumever causo proaucea, sena ana get a 26-cent bottle of TURF OIL. and we guarantee a cure or uo pay. u cures Deiore otner remedies begin to act. It is equally applicable to all the Ulcers or Sores, or Inflamed durtaces of all do mestic animals, or anything that mores on the tun. one or two applications are all that Is nec essary to neutralize the action of the virus and heal the Ulcer. It arrests at once the progress of Erysipelas and removes the Inflammation left In the track of the disease. For sale by all druggists and country stores. IAslrjfOT the -fart oil Spelllng-Bok and Reader," with oertlflcatei of cures. .. a . t PURCELL, LADD & CO., May9-lt. Elchmond,Va, BATTLE of the BOOKS. TDLUMIS, the choicest literature of the world. -One bandied page catalogue free. Lowest prices ever known. Not sold by dealers. Sent for ex amination hefore payment, on evidence of good faith, .-i .a 1 - JOHN a ALDKN. Publisher, 18 Veiey ft 19-h York. P.O. Bo 1.SS27T , se7di . ' - ,. , . v . - Gray & Brother, ,.i,liummotWI i JLIUJMW.' i,ihj THE BANKERS' CONVENTION. Speeches Made by Prominent Bankers and Others Election of Officers. Louisville. Oct 11. The second day's session of the convention or tne American lianKers' ASsociauoD oegau this morning. Mr David Davidson, of Cincinnati, was tne nrst speaker, xiia address was on "Reforming exemption and preference laws." The other speak ers were Messrs Thompson and Carroll, of Texas; Jones and Prentup, of Georgia; Lockwood, of Virginia; rar- ker, of Tennessee, ana iNeison, x-iia and Henry, of Alabama. Messrs Wat terson, Echols and others spoke on Southern progress. The following omcers were eieuieu for the ensuing year, (Mr George S Cox declining the unanimous re-election tendered him) iresiaeni, o j ugc ui Chicago; Vice Presidents, Logan L, Murray, JNew iotk; xnomas neuiy, Alabama; M W Katis. Arizona; Creed T Walker, Arkansas ; Wm Alvero, Cal ifornia; William B Buger, Colorado; George A Butler. Connecticut; E C Eddy.Dakota; Edward Belt z,Dela ware; John A J Creswell, District of Colum bia; D G Ambler, Florida; L J Hill, Georgia; John Hemtoon, Idaho; Calvin S Wheeler, Illinois; W H English, Indiana; F II Griggs, Iowa; J W Proctor, Kentucky; J J Tarleton, Lou isiana; D H Thomas, Maryland; W H Perkins, Mississippi; Kutus J JaeK- land, Missouri ; Wm E AndersonJNorth Carolina; Andrew Si Bounds. South Car olina; Math ani el Baxter. J r, Tennessee; Benj A Botts, Texas; John f Branch, Virginia; J Nelson Vance. WfSt; Vir ginia. An executive council was s- Mr Henry' a; tfrsori addressed tne canvention at considerable lt-ugth upon the changed condition of the new South in material and social matters. Col A G Dodge, ot the Kentucky Union Railway, spoke of the mineral wealth of the bauth as unparalleled. Hon W E Dufauw as a .Northern man heartily endorsed the statements of the previous speakers relative to the safety of investment in tue &ouin. a resolu tion was adopted calling upon Con- eress to repeal the silver coinage act The convention adjourned at 4 o ciock, civine three cheers for the city of Louisville. Kailroad Time Convention. Chicago, Oct. 11. The general time convention of railroad managers open ed at the Grand Pacific Hotel to-day. To this meeting there attaches immeas urably greater importance than to any which has yet been held, because of a proposition to entirely revolutionize the railway time system ot tne country. At present it is estimatea tnat iuny fiftv different standaids of time are in use on the different railroads, ana it is proposed to reduce this annoying com plication to a system in wnicn mere will be but five divisions. Another matter of considerable importance is the proposition to divide the clock dials into 24 instead ot twelve nours, ana will be discussed by the convention. By this arrangement 1 o'clock p m would be 13 o clock, and 12 o clock p m would be 24 o'clock. Tragic End ol a Political Fend. Baltimore, Oct 11. James Busey, a well known Democratic politican, was shot and fatally wounded by William Harris in a fierce pistol duel in front of the city hall at noon. Women fainted and spectators fled in all directions. When Busey fell mortally wounded Harris held him down and beat him terribly over the head with his pistol, a heavy 42 caliber, English bull dog. Im mense crowds of politicians are now thronging the city hall clamoring for news and a large lorce or police are keeping them at bay. All work in the public offices is suspended. Busey has always been a dangerous man and has killed several men. The tragedy is the result of an old political feud. A Riot About Telegraph Poles. Rochester, Oct 11 Some workmen of the Postal Telegraph Company yes terday attempted to set some poles in front of the property of the Napier Brothers, wealthy contractors, when Edward Napier ordered them away. A fight ensued, and Napier struck the foreman of the telegraph gang, J Tyr rell, with a pickaxe, imbedding the point in the back of hi3 head and in flicting a fatal wound. Another man stabbed .Napier in the arm. Pistols were fired and a riot followed. Napier has fled. A Short Wine Crop in California. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 11. The Chronicle of to-day publishes an inter view with prominent wine merchans of this city showing this years wine crop to be 40 percent less than was expected, the total yield not exceeding ten mill ion gallons. The immediate cause is a disease of vhe vines known in France as"canlene" which manifested itself for the first time this year. China will be Firm. Paris, Oct 11. Marauis Tseng, in an interview to-day, declared that China had taken a stand in her insistance upon the control of the delta, and from this poution she will not secede. He further states that it was upon this point that Mr Tricon failed to success fully complete his negotiations. One Negress Hills Another. Petersburg, Oct 11. Last evenine a difficulty occaired in the suburbs of this city between Sarah Royal and Fannie Taezwell, colored, during which the lauer was shuck on tne neaa witn a rock by the former and fatally injured. The murderess was arrested to day. A Yellow Feyer Panic at Brewton. Montgomery, Ala., Oct 11. There are four new cases of fever at Brewton to-dav. Maior Brnwton. the Dioneer of the place is among the number. The uiseaae is pronounced yeiiow iever, l . . jr is n Nearly all the stores and dwellings are closed, and the inhabitants are leaving m a ooay. MODile and Montgomery are quarantined rigidly, and have sta tioned omcers on ail tne railroads. Strangled Between Joists. Lancaster, Pa , Oct. 11. Geo Cra mer, a carpenter of West Willow, this county, was accidentally hanged at that piace yesterday afternoon. He was working on the floor of a building when he is supposed to have been seized with an apoplectic fit and fallincr between the joists he was caught by the neck and strangled to death. An Informer Arrested. Dublin, Oct 11. An informer named Lamer, was arrested and committed to jail in this city to-day, it being suspect ed that he intended to leave the country before the trial of Poole, in whose case he is relied upon to give important tes timony. The Repnbhcan Majority in Iowa. Desmoines, Oct 11. Sherman's ma jority in the State is from 25.000 to SO. 000. In the Legislature the Republicans nave a majority of 57 on joint ballot. Deficit in French Budget. Paris, Oct 11. The French budget shows a deficit for the first eight months of the fiscal year of forty-four million francs. , - ODno. jr.-T., Dee. 1,1879. I Km the pastor ot the Baptist ehuroh here, and an educated phyotclan: l am not in ; notice, but am my sole family physician, and advise in many chronic ooses, Over a year ago t recommended your Hop Bitten to my Invalid wife, who has been under medical treatment of Albany's best physi cians several years. - 8he bas become thoroughly cured of her various complicated diseases br their tiM. . Wm both raoommend them to our friends. 'man v of whom have alto been - eared . ot their varices aliments by them ' RET.B B. WARREN, SOUTH CAROLINA NOTES. The cotton receipts at Lancaster since September 1st amount , to 1,294 bales. The rice crop ia Georgetown is a t'.nm- plptri failure, and planters are deeply involved in riebr.. Tiitj t'eoV H of Spartanburg are thor- Oiiii v a..!'ised on the temperance qa sr.io", and tn-o tickets have been put in the uiu fur town council. Two c iored school teachers in Dar lington county have been arrested and longed in jail for forging the names of school trusts 83 on a pay certificate. Lee 11S3 Kiikpatrick and George Davie, both colored, were arrested on Monday last, in Rock Hill.charged with forcing orders on a merchant in that town. Davie was discharged, but Kirk p; trick was sent to jail. The Yorkville Enquirer says: Be tween three and four o'clock last Mon day fvfternaon, the cribs and stables of Mr Geo J Steele, near McConnellsville, in York county, were burned. There were about 100 bushels of corn in the cribs, and a quantity of fodder was also burned. None of the family were at home at the time of the occurrence, and the supposition is that the tire was in cendiary. Why the Minister Had a Thin Skin. Modern Ago. Rev. Dr. S. , who happens to possess a ratner norid complexion, re cently went into the shoo of a barber one of his parishioners to be shaved.' The barber was addicted to an occa sional spree, after which his hand was apt tobe somewhat unsteady. In shav ing the minister on the occasion refer- ed to he made a slit and brought th. blood the surface in a considerable quantity. The minister turned to the raan and brother and said, in a tone of solemn severity: '-You see, Jackson. what .comes from taking too much drink. "Yes sah, replied Jackson, 'it makes de skin very tendab, sah. It do for a f ack, sah." A Distinction With a Difference. Glesgo Mail A story of a characteristic American traveler is told in the Scotch Highlands. Tired and thirsty he came suddenly upon a little shooting box on the hills. The proprietor, and intensely proud Highlander, stood at the gate and re garded the intruding foreignor without a sign of hospitality. The American, taking a leisurely look at the ground, said: "Do you belong to the placer "No, sir," in a dignified manner ; "the place belongs to me." "Well you area poorer cuss than I thought, if you own this location, was the answer. Gorham's Threats Boston Advertiser (Rep.). Mr. George G. Gorhamis reported to threaten the Republicans that if he is not elected Secretary of the Senate, his friends, Messrs. Mahone and Riddle- berger, will vote with the Democrats. The Republican party has borne larger losses than Mr. Gorham's departure would be with equanimity, and it does not need any such alliance as the Washington-Virginia plan contem plates. It is possible that Mr. Gorham has made a mistake. The Republican party is not "searing this year. Lost the Trial. Arkausa Traveior. A little eirl sat on the floor, crying. After a while she stopped and seemed buried in thought. Looking up sudden ly, she said : "Mamma, what was 1 cry ing' about?" "Because I wouldn't let you go down-town." Oh yes," and she set up a howl. Craft Baptized. Grayson, Ky, Oct 11. Ellis Craft, one or the Asniand murderers, was baptized in the river here to-day by a minister or the Christian etiurch. ine utmost precautions were taken by the guards against lynchers as the feeling against the ravisber and murderer is intense. He will certainly die on the gallows to-morrow. The Commissioner of Patents Resigns. Washington, Oct 11. The Comuv.s- sioner of patents, Marble, has tendered Lis resignation, to take effect Oct 31. It has been accepted and the position has been tendered to Hon Ben Butterwortb, of Ohio. The Labor Problem. Chicago Tnes (lad.) When the vgreat corporations allow their employers to have a share in the profits, then only will labor and capital be on equal terms. Co-operation will give the working man an opportunity to improve bis condition. Jerome Park Races. Jerome, Park, Oct. 11. The weather at Jerome Park was delightful and the attendance large, the first race a handi cap sweepstake for alleyes was won by Pizarro. Time 2.0014. The second race for 2 year olds, Cyclone, colt. Time 1-19. Startling Information from the Czar, London. Oct. 8 A courier has left St Petersburg, for Copenhagen with im portant police dispatches for the Czar which is said to contain startling infor mation regarding the movements of the nihilists. Horaeford'e Acid Phosphate. In Night Sweats and Prostration Dr. S. Stud halter. 8t Louis, Mo . sayi- "I have used It In dyspepsia, nervous prostration, and in night sweats, with good results." Fatal Railroad Accident. Oshkosh, Wis., Oct. 11. By the de railing of a hand car on the Milwaukee & &t Paul railroad, yesterday on wnicn they were traveling, Mrs Rongert and her daughter-in-law were fatally injur ed and a baby the child of the latter was instantly killed. Death of Gen George Webb. Pittsburg, Pa, Oct 11. Gen George Webb, of Johnstown, Pa, is dead. He was principal assistant engineer on the first Pacific Kailroad. Or eat and Small Agrse. Mrs. Mary K. Billings, of Newport, In a,, says that her little b )y. Eddie, was heipies from rheu matism, and a few applications of the great paln- banlsher, St. Jacobs Oil, cured mm. Suffocated by a Grain Slide. Brooklyn, NY, Oct 10. Thomas McElroy, 16 years old, while at work to-day in a bin at Jewell's mills was suffocated by a quantity of grain flow ing upon him. IMPORTANT To Parents and Other The Orphan Borne We have had a sreat lmnrovement in the health of onr children by the Use ot Swift's Specific We had among the children some whs had scrofula notably one case in wnicn 11 was UNMISTAKABLY HXBKDITABT. We cot some of Swift's Specific and gave it to this case, and in a short while It was eared sound and wall. It wai as bad a ease. I think, as ever I saw, and had been under excellent physicians with no nwmniAiit hAneflL We have ben ElvinK it to all the children as a health tonic. We have four children and a seamstress who, for years, have suffered intensely every spring witn erysipelas, r.H n.An.h thaw nil hnil hAAn ukinf 8tlft S bpe- nifln Ani in mftil doses as a health tonic they all, without exception, passed through this if ring without a loucb of thecomplauit.i -4 a , A y oung lady of he Instttotton, ho has been with us tor years, has been troubled with a most aggravated rash ever since she was a child, she tried a 1 the known remedies that are prescribed ?7Vth m hAiiftfltt bnt she has been cared by taking Bwifi's Spednc, and has had no return of - vT.!.it' an ATMiient tonle. and keeps the blood so purerthat the system is toss liable to contract disease. All of the teachers and children who are owenough to know agreewtth nietatalievtaf it Is the greatest meaicme uw; tuw iu u is unbonded, and I and myasslstants take great pleasure m recommending It to everyone. I ean at aottBM be found at the Home and will take pleasure m seeing vr wuMiwumui wj vug interested ui uwrewi - . to , , Orphan's Home, Macon, ea. Fritz's Dog Bayard. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Emmet have lost their St. Bernard dog Bayard. He' was reputed to be the handsomest animal of his kind in New York. He measured TJ feet from tip to 'p, was 34 inches bigd, and weighed 170 pounds. Mr. .Em met paid $2,500 for the dog two years ago. Ti e comedian says that B-iyard was Mrs. Emmet's guardian and con stant attendant. Mr Emmet proposed to erect a $5,000 monument over the dog's grave. Msappointrutnt in matter of pleasure Is hard to be bo ne in rant er affecting health it becomes cruel, nr. Buh's cu;h sjrup never disappoints those ho use it for oDstlnate coughs, coldo, irrl- muon 01 me (nroai, lungs, etc. MABKFT3 BI TELEGRAPH. OOTOBSU 11, 188 J. FINANCIAL. NK W VORK Four per cents, coupon : : : : 3.20541,20 ao registered, : ; : : ; 1.2(Ufc1.20 Four and a half per curit. cuupon 1.)4VH01. 14 do registered. : : : : : 1 1414f?1.14s Three per cents, 1 88 J : : 1.004 1.00 tTiCiS Chesapeafcf imd ot,!P : C.O.C. I : : : : Canada Southern. : : rVa r.4t 1.24 fifitfi 1 1714 l.OSt 24 8 H2 fi 1.-7 2m 47i 19 781& 4J 22 9 1.1414 1.1 m : 1 38vg H4 2H4 37 1.1 991 87 7tl4 : 19 iV4 19 7 : 18t4 92 95 39 V214 H2 ir. 5 77 21 tAsked B. & L 1 ; . : C, O., C & T. 0 : central Paciil c. : : : Delaware LhCfnnHrm mid Western. Delaware and H idsi'n. : : Denver & R:o ttraudb. : : Erie. Hannibal an.i 8l .T!t-pi, do p-pfe i'Ki. ; : Houston una T:s., ; Illinois Centra!. : : : Ifld,B.?fcW, ; : Lake Shore. : : Loutsvllle ani '-'nsb 'lUo. Laae Erie aca westein. Michigan antral, Missouri Bsc fi3. t Mil sou 1 Kansas .nd Tex , Mnhttj,n Klfcv ted. New York Central. : : : Northwestern, ::::: do. preferred, : : New Jersey Central. : : Northern PaoiOc, common. Northern Pacific, preferred. : : : Ontario and Western, : : : racinc Mall. Rock Island, : : Reading, :::::: 8t. Paul. : : : : : : St. PauJ preferred, : : : Union 1 aclflc, : : : : Western Union. : Wabah Pacific. ; Wabash Pacific, preferred. Colorado Ooal, : : : : Bast Tennessee, : de prerd : : Metropolitan Elevated, New York Elevated, : Norfolk and Western, preferred, : Ohlo'entr 1 : : : : P A. R. B : : : : : : Rlcnmond and Allegheny : R. A P, ; : : : : : Richmond and Panvtile, : : : Texas and hto Granie. : Txfts Phc'Qc . Bid. tLastbU SOffd." IBx. blv. NAVAL ST0RE3. WtT.lWTKOTOM - Hnlrfts of TnrnpnHnfl fl'tn n Kosln-flrm; strained, $1.10; good de; $1.15 Tar firm at $1 80. TurpenUne stead); tmd St. 00; so!t?l 75 virgin, $1.75. PRODDCE. Baltimork-Fi ut auifl: Howard Ftreet and Western tuoernn . s i 2?ffiS3.6.L; do Extra. $3 76S4.RO; do Furnlly, 8r.5 ffiSfJ 00: City Ml is uUDernne. j3 0' -SIM. 76: d .. & - tra, 4.ooa $6 2a; do Bio braids, $ Olieg'i.vR P .tapsco Family, gfi 75; d . fcuier piWiu S7 fiO fheat Southern flrmrr; outneri rad $1 OrtaS 12; amber $1.13ffSM irt Corn r-ou he n nteaay; Somhern white rt-Jffirtrt. yjJlow rt43rt5 oat flrm and quiet: Souiht-ni 35r?39 rroviiU ns steady; mess pork 8''i:Bjlk mers chulders and clnar ribsldfs I'scked $78H. Bac a n"-il-ders 87.50 clear rib lds HK75; haaas .6i7. Lard-rennsd. 95ii. Ci.ff --hUher: xlo ir-. ordinary to fair, ltnl2Vfc. -,ar-qulet; A soft 8; copper refined firm at 14t014 Wh'8ey -steady at 51. l sarxi. 1 tsys Freights quiet. CmcAeo Wheat-unsettled and c'osed Uifjiiic lower than yesterday: October 92; November t3Va. Corn moderately active on speculative account and cosed HfeSlc higher than yenter 1y: October 48; Novemr-er 48. Recelots were ltahter H71 cars. 171 contract Oa s steady; receipts Ubernl: October 281; November 285. Provisions-unsettled and weak on good re eipts of hogs and cattle. Fork opened steady but free selling of lone future caused a weafc feellne and prices closee 2MS7t4 cents lower thn yesterday: Octd ber iO.o; wovemoer 90 6iV Lara-active: closed 2SVi cent lowe" than yesterday: October $7 45: November $7 30. fctoort riM wre rather neglected and a shade easier: OiUbtr $6.70; Ncvembr$5 80. COTTON. Nsw Yobx - Firm; m'ddllng lOc. Nrw ORLXAHS-Flrm: middllnK 10 1 M low middkng 10i4c; good ordinary 9c; sales 6,760. MoBru Quiet: mlddlina 10c: low mlddlnx. 1UV6; gooa oral nary wc; salts. WJO. CHAKLiSTeH-Quiet; middling lOtc; low middling lOMic; Mood ordinary 9; sales 4.000. Savahn ah Steady; middling 10be: low mid dling lOvfec; good ordinary 9c; 4,800. salis iALVKSTon-Flrm; middling IQIM: low mid dling lOVsc rfood ordinary 9c; sales 2.066 Wilmiboton- -Firm; middling 1CIA; tow middling 9c good ordinary 9Ui sales Nobtols Steady ; middling 1GV4; sales 1,650. AOOUSTA Firm; inlddlln ltVc: low middling ifR. gooa oruiuarj c; saiee W41. Mimp his Firm; mlddhnx lOSkc; lowmlddihur iuic; gooa oromary sales l.Hoa BiLLTmOKJt Firm ; middling 101AC I'm mto dling lOsc; good ordinary 94c; taies 275. PxrxXiADKLPHiA Firm; miadiinn He; low middling 10vc; good ordinary 9o. sales BOSTOH Treaay; midnuns iu, ten ulociiiiia ivws gooa ordinary wffic. saiesi . FUTDRKS. t Nw Iobi--Futures c'osed easkr: s ties 145 000 bales. September OctoDer 10.Raa.64 November 10 70W 7 December It810.82 January 1 0.94.95 February.. 1 1.690). 10 March... ll.20a.23 April 11.830)34 May 1 1.4601.46 June. : ll.56a.57 July 11.660.67 Auzust 1 1.749.78 Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, 0c 11. Soot cotton firmer; sals 18.000 bales at advance and firm at 84-64d aavaacs on futurea The market closed auiet January and February delivery 6 2-64d; February ana Mar en 0 4-4d. CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of Tke Joubnal-Obskrvxb, I Charlotte, n. C. Oc ober 12. 188. i The city cotton market yesterday c osed easy at tne ionowinj uoT.anons: Gin Cut 91A Low Middling, 9 9-16 Middling 9 18-16 Strict Middling 10 UOOd. Middling 101,8 BBCTKIrTS BTRCB SIFTKXBXB IIRST. Receipts since Sept 1st to yesterday 7.016 Receipts yesterday 820 Total receipts to date 7.836 Receipts same date 1882 7,635 Receipts same aate iai 4,008 CITY PRODDCE MARKET. Reported by T. R. Maseul. OCTOBEsTll, 1888. BUYING PRICES. Cobh, per bush'l Mhal, " 80 80 Wheat, " 9501.00 Bkans, white, per bushel 1.26al.50 Pbas, Clay, per bush. 70a75 IJr. r" 1.10al.15 White, 76s80 Pkakuts, per bushel, 1.35 riioua Famll. 2.50a2.60 Jtxtra. . Ann 9. r.n Super 2.85a2.40 Oats, shelled, 50 Drixd Fruit Apples, per lb TBaches, peeled Unpeeled. Blackberries POTATOKH Sweet, Irish Cabbage, per pound, . Onions, per bushel, . . Bess wax, Burr an North Carpii ra K&88, per dozen POTTLTET Chickens Spring Ducks Turkeys, per lb Geese Bxkf, per Tb., net Mutton, per B., net. Pork. ' " .. Wool, washed " unwashed, Feathers, new, , Bass, per pound, 5a8 7a9 5a6 8a4 6a75 65a75 40ao. 25a28 2?la2f 22a24 20a22 12al4 25aH0 loall 85a40 7a8 7a8 PalO 80O83 5jn22 45a50 Clear ribs-lei.....1.,. f. jAKDxwiBrJ,...., j. Prime Rio Good. .. Molasses Cuba... ............ . Sugar Syrup . ' Choice New Orleans ... . Common. ' . 8Va9 lla12tt Ijdaii ROaSI 80a42 HOa65 89340 80aR5 76a80 Sams h Lhretpool flne.M. .A; .i. . worse lGttall 1.75 30al.6O $1.25 Cora, per gallon Rye. ' " nnne nffarlnir BRANDY Apple, per gallon Perch B1.50 $2.00 j 00 0 J2x'2 7a8 12al4 15ai6 I7al8 9alO Wrai,, jap? .nong, per gallon. RETAIL. Cbkksb Lard, oerrh. . Tallow, per lb BAOuN N. C. hogrouno Hams, N. C. : Hams, canvassed. Rich.; RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. N. C. DIVISION. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. No. 61, Daily. No. 53, Dally. 4 30 pm t)6pm 7 21 pm 7 54 pm Date, Sept. 16, 1883. Leave Charlotte Leave Salisbury . -. 30 a m 24 a m 45 a m 25 a m 10am 23 pm .04 pm .25 pm ,00 pm 20 pm Leave nigh Point.. Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro. arrive aiiisboro... Arrive Durham. .. Arrive Raleigh Leave Raleigh.... . Arrive Uoldsboro.. No. 16 Dally excapt Sunday, Leave Greensboro 4. HO p m Arrive at Raleigh 1 1 62 p m Arrive Goldsboro 5.00 a m for all points North, East and West of Danville. ji oaiiauur; wiui nBl.un ror an points in Nos. 51 and 53 connect at Greensboro with RAD R n ana ror an points on gaiem Branch. TttAlNd GOING tioUTM. No. 50, Dally. No. 52, Laily. Date, Sept 16, 1883. Leave Holdsboro l 0.00 am Arrive Raleurh. 12.20 pm Leave Raleigh Arrive Durham Arrive Hillsboro... BBhtUB ,4 49 pm "h.2o pm Arrive Greensboro . Leave Greensboro. 7.40 p ml 10.05 pm 16.41 pm 10.10am 10.45 a m 12 06 pm 1.50 pm Arrive High Point. Arrive Salisbury . . . Arrive Charlotte . . . 12 OOn'gtj 1.50 am No. 16-Daiiy except Sunday. Leave Goldsboro 1.80pm Arrive Raleigh 5.50 p m Leave Raleigh 6. 1 5 p m Arrive Greensboro 2.20 am No. BO finrrnAftta nt flnlluhrm ftV all nnlnta am W N C R R, and at Charlotte wh A &u Air Line .ui au tnuiia ui uu9 oouw aim oouinwesc. No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with C, C 4 A R E for all points South and southeast, and with A & C Air-Line for all points South. N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. &OIH& BOUTTH. NO. KO DaIIv. Leave Greensboro. 10.15 p m Arrive Kernersville. 11.20pm Arrive Salem 12.00 n't NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.21 a m Arrive Kernersville 11.80am Arrive saiem. 12.04 p m OOINS NORTH. NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 5.40 pm Arrive Kernersville 6.20 p m Arrive Greensboro. 7.30 p m NO. 63-Dally. Leave Salem 5.30 am Arrive Kernersville 6.05 a m Arrive Greensboro 7. 1 0 a m STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. No. 1, Dally GO IN (J NORTH. ex. Sunday. Leave Chapel Hill, Arrive University, . 1 1 . 1 5 a m 12.16 p m No. 2, Daly GOING SOUTH. lex. Sunday. Leave University,. Arrive Chapel Hill, 12.45 p m 1.46 p m PaHman Sleepiai Cars Witnont Change On Trains KO And K1 hstsaan N Vn.lr.nj Montgomery, and between Raleigh and Old Fort iimuii ua auu oo, oeiweeu wasnmgton and AlUrllRtA. And Itnn Hi 1 la nnH lXnhmnnr) . . . lotte and Montgomery. EVThrough tickets on sale at Greensboro. Ral eigh, Goldsboro, ciallsbury and Charlotte, for all yuiuis ouum, OUUUIWBBI, WOSl, AOrtll ftDa &&S. Or KmlCrRnt. lOtAH tn Tn1a1ano Ton a a.wnn ." wv" w vAOAWut AOAtU AlhOil' sas ana the Southwest, address n r rw a i--rww -- . a m a ijum;i i', ut oLAOUllTER, Gen. Manager, Gen. Pass Agent. Richmond, Va. CABOLLNA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. "Otfibh or Superintendent, ) Wilmington, N. C Sept 30. 1883. J ON and after Oct 1, 1883. the following schedule will be operated on this railroad: Passenger, Mall and Express Train: Dally. iirea Wilmington at 7 00 P.M. ) Arrive at Charlotte at 7.80 A M. No. 1 Leave Charlotte at 8.15 P. M. ) Arrive at Wilmington at 8 25 A M. No Trains Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's Time Table. Train No. 1 Daily except Sunday. Do. No. 2 do do do. Local Freight with Passenger Car attached. Leave Laurinburg at 6.15 A. M Arrive at Charlotte 4.40 p M. Leave Charlotte at 7.40 A M- Arrive at Laurinburg, 5.45 p m. Shelby Division, Passenger. Mall Express and Freight-Daily except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 8.1 5 A. M. Arrive at Shelby 12.15 P. M Leave hhelby 1.40 P. M. arrive at Charlotte kaop m Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at nauuet wan a. a, a. irams to ana rrom Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and kAiniah mil Phm-int Take Train No. 1 for StatesvUle, stations West wun.un. a. Asueviue ana points west. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens. At lanta and all points Southwest L. C. JONES, Superintendent. F. W. Clark, General Passenger Agent mayl2tf Charlotte, Colniliia ani Anmsta Railroai Passhngxb Department, i Columbia. S. C. Ju'y 11, '83. ) On and after the 16th inst the following will be the schedule on the C. & L. N. G. Division: Leave Newton 7 qo Leave Llncointon hhk Leave Dallas 9 B2 Leave Gastonia 10 02 Leave Clover 1 1 08 Leave Yorkville Ill 55 Arrive Chester 1.20 Leave Chester : 2 50 Leave Yorkville 4 25 Leave Clover 5.05 Leave Gastonia, .10 Leave Dallas 6 25 Leave Llncointon. 7 85 Arrive Newton. 900 u . C. AC DIVISION. Leave Chester 5 00 Leave Rlchburg " 3 nn Leave Fort Lawn " 4 a m a in a m a m a m a m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m Arrive Lancaster , 7' 25 Leave Lancaster. , 900 Leave Fort Lawn 9 48 te!.1111 ....:".:;::io'85 a m am am nunc vuootor . 11.25 a m D. CARD WELL. Asst Gen. Pass. Agt. Julyl5dtf CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND RAILROAD COMPANY, August 12th, 1888. Southward. AUGUSTA 2& P5 tog, Of? CO tart STATIONS. oep. is 2 I? Is b t vs P. M. AM. Lv. Charlotte, Pinevllle, Bock Hill, Chester, Woodward's, Wlnnsboro, Rldgeway, Ar. Columbia, Lv. Columbia, Lexington, Bate&burg, Trenton. . Granite vUle, Ar. Augusta. 2.10 2 87 8 20 4 01 4.88 5.06 5.81 6.80 5.85 6.28 8.00 9.55 11.18 12.08 2.00 4.10 A. M. 6 871 6.151 7.87 8 87 9 87 10.07 7.15 K08 912 9.45 1047 10.25 Northward 58 47 17 BAGSitra, , Ties, new. per bundle, " Tms. spliced,.,.. 1, Whihkxt A. M. P. M. 7 85 6 00 8.15 6 88 8 85 6 58 9.10 7.82 10 08 8 85 10.59J 9 83 11.40 10.20 11.47 12.48 1.14 1.45 2.16 2.88 8 17 a 56 4 20 Lv. Augusta, Ar. Graniteville. Lv. Graniteville, Trenton, Batesburg, Lexington, Ar. Columbia, Lv. Columbia, Bldgeway, Wlnnsboro, , Woodward's, Ar. Chester, LV. Chester. . RockHUL PinevUle, Ar. Charlotte. M. 5.00 7.02 8.15 920 10.85 11.05 12.50 2.40 880 DlTltUn, BOtTTHWABB.-'NO, 52. Lv. statesvllle 7 80 am MooresTille 8.21am Davidson Col 8.48 am Hunters vllle 9,10 am Ar.Chariotte 1000 am ;iatty, v ; NOBTHWAKD HO 68. Lv Charlotte Huntersvllte Davidson col Mooresville Ar StatesvUle 4.50 pm 5.89 pm 6.06m 6.28 pm 7.20 pm WherenotijTjetokiventralMdonotstopw - T. M. R. TALCOTT, Gen'l Manager. O. K. TAXOOR. Superintendent. - " augl6 . . - r . ; - r Old and Only -As we walk through the street, how often we meet some Poor old man, whose life is naught but woe- ' With age his form is bent, in his pocket not 'a cent And for shelter do not know where to go. ' With relations by the score, who keep him from the door And meeting on the street they pass them by ; ' If you ask them why it's done, they will answer you and sav -We're poor, we're old, and only in the way I' "There was a time I hear, when the young were not so queer Bnt since that time there's come an awful change- ' Young men in health and might, their old parents they will strike And it happens every day ; it's nothing strange. Take this poor wreck of toil, his children him do spurn, For death I'm sure he oftentimes does pray : Himself and faithful wife, after toiling all their life, When old, they find that they are in the way !" "My little song, I'm sure, is for rich as well as poor, For take a rich man when he's growing old ; His friends will shake his hand, his relations round him stand Awaiting him.to die, they want his gold. Then let us from this hour do all that's in our power To make the road for old folks light and gay ; And if they trouble on us cast, why let this be our last To say, that they are old, and in the way. So let us cheer them on, They won't be with us long, Don't let us sneer because they're old and gray; And remember while we're young The days to us may come, When we will be old and only in the way i" : 0 : New Sheet Music. MUSIC BOOKS AHD EVERYTHING MUSICAL. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Best Bargains Ever Offered the Papas and Mammas AT THE MeSmith Music House Come and see me eyerybody. The older you are the lers you're in the way. Send for Catalogues and prices. H. McSIYIITH Now isthe time to Buy Furniture As I have marked many of my things down to JSTJffiT COST To make room for Fall Stoek. FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. ffio Mto Annan dcbwSq IPDneDlps East Trade Street, Near College, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WHOLESALE AND BE TAIL DEALERS IN FLOUR, MEAL, CORN, OATS, HAY, BRAN, SHIP Stuff, etc. Large stock and moderate prices. Orders solici ted and filled with promptness and dispatch. ocl0eod&w6m NOW THAT OUR FALL STOCK IS IN And we have had a grand success with our open ing, we are prepared to sell goods cheaper than ever before f ince we began business Our tiocfc has been bought wiih more care than usual and we r ffereur s ock at prices that must be sailifac tory to any customer. EVERY LINE IS COMPLETE. Blac and Colored Silks, Satins, Velvets, and Plushes in all the fashionable shades. All the latest Novelties in Trimmings, Fringes and Orna ment f. Black Goods a Specialty. Cassimeres, Treeo, Henrietta. Nun's Cloth, and Reps. A lull line of Mourning 6 ods. Crapes, &c, and Dress Good, ranging in price from 12Vi cents to 82.50 per yard. A full 11 e of Dre s Flannel in all colors. A novelty in "Elder Down," very handsome for Jackets, in brie ht colors. Cassimeres and Jean', Water Proof. Red and Whi'e Flannel, Blankets, Underwear for Men, Ladies and Children. A VERY ATTRACTIVE LINE OF HOSIERY, For Ladies and Children, all cheap. A full line of Glove ier Gentlemen. Ladies and Children. We have ths best Kid for $1 ,00 to be found in the city. Ladles Wraps a specialty th's season. The bast 4 4 Domestic in the city. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, HATS and CAPS. Every Department is full and ?e ask yeu to ex amine our stock before buying your woods. We will convince yon that all we say is true. Very Respectfully, T. L. Seigle & Co. WORTH SENDING FOR I Dr. J. H. 8GHEKCK baa JUBtpnbUahod A book on DISEASES OF THE LUNQS !!S HOW TO CURE THEM thetbroatorlungB. Mention this paper. Addxeai oct5d2w We are Now Rceei?ing Weekly Shipments of the Jellied : Monntajn vTantame Coal,. FuT? "S " ' the 8tates of North S,t&.CaroIlM' nw LumD Coal, free from fM?Ifomestl2. nd run of the mines for en- 5M?I0!eUenwe iU eU In car load lota at miners prices. , .. a .Anthracite in Igg, stone And Chestnut sizes, of red nr whle Ash, as nay l owired. Lehigh Lump for Foundry, and New River Tin CoalierBlackimitolng. above Ooal to be oTine very honest grade Also jMKg, "to weU seasoned Helrt aid p Long Leaf mooring on band. All ortera enbuited to M will have prompt attention. . Ufc"u" ,w ept2!dm . ANTHQNT BBTCZ. in the Way. : o : CHAR LOT Tf, N. C. & (Dap 09 NEW FIRM! New Goods -AND- LOW PRICES ! ! ! WE WOULD INFORM THS PUBLIC THAT we have formed a copartners li p under the name and style of For the purpose of conducting the Retail and Fancy Grocery business at the old stand of LeRoy Davidson. Mr. BARNETT, who has charge of the business, has just returned from the Northern Mark ets where he purchased one of the best lines of GROCERIES Kver opened In this city. We are now M . JL-it VI J -1- riw n rr m m.i auw kum U a few days our stock will be complete. It is oar intention to make our stock second to none in the State. OUR RULING MOTTO WILL BE The Best Goods and the Lowest Prices. The public is invited to call and inspect our stock and see for Itself that we mesn business when we say that we intend always to keep on hand everything to be found in a strictly flnt'ciass HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERY. Very res 'ectfuliy, B. W. BARNETT, septlSdtf W. C. ALEXANDER, Elegantly Trimmed Hats FOB Ladies and Children. We are displaying EVERT DAT the most beau tiful line of all kinds of Millinery ever opened In this city. Our stock la complete in every branch and we always strive to please our friends and customer. We call especiil attention of our r atrons to the fact that MISS JENNIE LANEHART Is with us again this season, and we feel sure she needs no recommendation as a Trimmer from those who have favored her with their custom. Dcn't forget that we have our Opening Every Day During this season, and we oonslder it a pleasure to show our goods at all times Thankful for your past patronage and asking your inspection of onr goods before you purchase elsewhere, we are Respectfully, f & f MRS. 8. A G. NEWCOMB. P. 8. Ordera from our patron at a distance will hare prompt attention. - Barnett Alexander A.