J0BPmfiIiJ0BF2LM61! THE CITIZENS OF CHARLOTTE AND all who have intercourse, with this beautiful and rapidly growing dty, are respectfully invited to leave their-orders foe JOB PRINT. INQ mt the OBSERVER Office . . irv.-;. Yftj: . " : : '-. :-'J :f - rti.JfttJ M' i& WkJ ' . ... ! : ,..Si .-, r:- . r . , . , ,.f. 1.1 MJit tr,f -..i.rtv.-: : - BY AIT ASSOCIATION OF '2BXZrXZ&S, CHARLOTTE, ;HT.- Cr v jot 1 1 nut njtjffna . vartlr,T-., S M I i n , Vi a r o u II & t u . CHECKB, DBAPTS ' w J -RECEIPTS H. SHIM 1 j. X. WATSOlr, ,!GJ8TOS PAUL. Itft.T. HEADS ..?. - . IBTUATIOlrS ,. V! ;-.; TTHE TABIDS - 1 BUSINESS CARDS, i '...ft , DBTJQCHSTS TIPS ' ... TEgXS OF SDfliBCfUTIOX.. Daily one yea?,; ; .. r: - $6 00 " ix, months, r - 8 00 .. three months,., ..i 160 Tri-Weekly one jear:, K- : vt 8 60 . -.six months, : -: - ; . 1.76 FANCY BOARDS ONWARD AND XJPWABD- TBTJE TO THE LHJE.",, ra&OGBAKBES .':t SOBXX)Ia GZBCTJZiASS It ' I ! CHARLOTJE, N. C, T HIIRSDA Y flflORN I N 6, JUNE.17, 1869. . . v three jnonths,; 100 NO. 122.1 i r A SA. a " -"It is. the gift of, Poetry, to hallow every place in which it moves; to breath round Nature an odor more ' exquisite than the perfume of theoseraiiI to shed over it a tint more magical than Sh blush of morning." , i ,i r r ,,. r , , , THE DAY IS BONE. . bt a. w," ioiarow . ' " j.' 'i ' The day is done and thd darkness Falls from tne wing of night," :' As a feather is wafted downward ' From an eagle in his flight,: v I see the lights of the Tillage ' ;!; ' ; Gleam through the ram and the mist, And a teeling of sadnea comes o'er me, That my soul cannot, resist. ,.. . A feeling of sadness and longing, That is not 8in to paio, , r And resembles sorrow only, . , As the mist resembles the rain. Come read tome some poem, Some simple And. heartfelt lay, That shall soothe this restless feeling, And banish the thoughts of 'day. Not from the grand old masters, Not from the bards sublime, Whose distant -footsterwecbo Through tbecorridorsf time ; For like the strains of martial music,- ' Their mighty thoughts suggest. Life's endless toil and endeavor, And to-night I long for rest. Read' from some hnmhler poet' . - Whose songs gush from his heart As showers from the clouds of summer, Or tears from the eyelids start.' Who through long days of labor, And nights devoid of ease,' Still heard in hissoul of music, r Of wondrous melodies. . Such songs have power to quiet The restless pulse of care, . And-come like the benediction ' That follows after prayer. -, Then read from the treasured volume The poem of thy choice, And lend to the rhyme of the poet The beauty of thy voice. And the a es that iilest the day Shall told their tents, hke the Arabs, . And as silently steal away. ATTENTION" IS CALLED TO THE FOL LOWING - City Ordinance, which will be RIGIDLY ENFORCED, in order that the health of the City may be insured : Be it ordajned tTht any-person or persons who shall deposit in any of. the streets any rubbish, refuse, or filth of any kind whatever, to remain, shall forfeit and pav for each and every offence the sum of Five Dollars. And any person or persons who shall suffer his, her or their chips, wood, boxes, hogsheads, bales, or anything (material for building ex- age of the streets, sidewalks, or water in the gutters, to remain in the said streets, walks, or gutters, longer than forty-eight hours, shall forfeit and pay for. each and . every offence the sum of Two Dollars, and One Dol lar for every day fcaid obstructions remain. , Be it farther ordained, That any person or persons who shall deposit the carcass of any dead animal in any street or lot,, or suffer such to remain on their premises within the limits of the town, shall1 forfeit and " pay for each and every offence the sura of' five Dol lars. Be it further ordained, That no one occu pying any house in the City shall suffer any water to remain in his or her cellar, Or1 on their lots, so as to become stagnant, under a penalty of Five - Dollars ; and -the- further penalty, of One Dollar for every, day such nuisance is suffered to remain. Published by order, ' A. BURWELL, June 2 6tJ i City Clerk. 'i r.-;. - H':H;-y!-f ' M'MURRJIY, DAViS ii CO., QWS-and iGR0CEIESi; 13ieir stock of Dry Goods consists in part of LADIES' DItESS G66lj&;! " A TEIMMINQS, 'HAT9 ' LACES, &c. AND Id large quantities and of" every variety. r v -rHHH1 ol""' a iar consignment ' Of oow, shoes and Brogans, all qualities,' dU rTlr0m tb Thnasvaieactory and North emmarkuantiaa aj, ,f ;f y 3 - j - .. ..Iv,. -H-.i'r4i-.; .f 4 . - UAUDWABE. ..!t a?.ood. OTUnenti fromi th best macu w)neg u the countryvhbs Uuv.-. V iii.-.i ' McMURRAY, DAVW &CO.' jane 2 . SftaT TOLr V "8 ren uoiaers, erasers, Fa?rv?AInk Stand? C4rd?; t,' ocy Artjcles of all descrlptiSt . i BUSIIVESS J DKIECTORY i -. ' t! ' CITX OP CHARLOTTE. City : Government.' Mayor C- Dowd. ': iV. 'ai.dbbmejt.'; i - via Ward. ... 2d,iWrd,.i,J j , . A NvQray. ' ; Roderick. McDonald, H. G. Springs. 4th Ward; Wm. Maxwell, .James Ilarty, J.YBryce. J. A. Young, Jonas Rudisill, ' 'J. A; Earnshaw, 3d Ward. 8. W. Davis, J. Treloar, A. H. C res well, Clerk and Treasurer--A. BurWell. City Constable J. J. Sims. - Cotton Weigher and Inspector' of Flour, etc. Chas. II. Elms. Auctioneers M. L. Wriston, P.J. Sinclair, H. J; Walker, Chas. F. Harris. POLtCB FORCE. : L. A. Blackwelder, Chief. 1st Ward. 2d Ward. T Harkey, Huie, ; Joe Orr, Thbs. Harkey, 3rd Ward. 4th Ward. G. W. McManus, Mike Haler, Wm. Taylor, , Neal Jamison. County Officers. Clerk Superior and Probate Court E. A. Osborne. Wm. Maxwell, Deputy. .".R. M. White, Sheriff, W n. P. Little, Coroner. . M. Ross, Registrar. 8. Ev Belk, Treasurer. T. B, Price, Surreyor. ; . . County Commissioners. R. M. Oates, Chairman. S. M, Reid. R. R. ;King. R. L. DeArmond. T.L.,VaU. , , F. M. Ross, Clerk. J. N. Hunter, Magistrate, office in Court House. " Churches and Pastors. St. Petef's (Episcopal) Rev. Mr. Bronsori. St. Peter's (Catholic) Rev. Dr. O'Connel. Presbyterian , Rev, pr. Miller. Tryon St. Methodist, Rev. Mr. Meynardie. Ba'ptist, Rev. Mr. Griffith. Lutheran, Rev. Mr. Aldrich. Slasoruc Odd Fellows. Charlotte Chapter, R. A. M., No" S-IL H. White, H. P., J. Roessler, SecV Excelsior No, 261 C. W. Alexander, W. M. 3. H. Grasheine, Secretary. Phalanx No. 31 J. Roessler, W. M.j J. C. Elliott. Secretary. M. D. L. No. 9,. I. 0. 0. F. H. M. Phelps, N. G.; L. W. Osborne, Sec'y. Schools. Charlotte Female Institute, Rev. R. Burwell, ) PrinclDals Jno. B. Burwell, A. M. ) rnnc,Pa,s- Charlotte Male Academy, Rev. R. H. Griffith, Principal. St. Peters' School Rev. Mr. Bronson. Attorneys at Law. Vance & Dowd, Office at Court House. Hutchison & Brown, do. Burwell & Grier, do. J. H. Wilson, Office at Residence. . Osborne & Barringer, next building to Court House. Jones & Johnston, over Express Office. W. F. Davidson, over Koopmaa's Store. R. P. Waring. S. P. Smith. S. W. Davis. R. D. Osbornei W. M. Shipp. Fire and Life Insurance. Hutchison, Burroughs. & Co., Trade Street. -W. A. Williams, City Bank. Caldwell & Bremzer, under First National Bank.. ' Chas. E. Bradshaw, at Haltom &. Grays. James A. Elliot) office at the N. C. RR. of fice. S. L. Riddle,, Agent of the National Life In ; surahce Company of the United . States of America. Also, Agent for the North Caro lina Mutual Home (Fire) Insurance Com--paoy. . : t Railroad Officers, N.C. R. RH.M. Pritchard, Agent; J. T. Efliott, Assistant Agent Wm. Badget, Ticket Agent; R. Pritchard Brooks, Operator. C. & 8.- C. R. R.'i' Wm. Pegram, Agent. W. 0. & R. R. R P. S. Whisnantr Agent. , . Printing Offices. Daily Carolina Observer, Trade Street. J. Y. Bryce'8 building . over Gregory ' & Wil liamson's Grocery Store. Weekly Western Democrat, Trade Street. Express and Telegraph Office- W. P. Hill, Ageht Southern Express. 0. H. King, Operator W. IT. T. Co. J Banking Houses. City Bank, Trade"' Street Col. W. A Williams, Cashier i C. N. G. Butt; Teller. TW. Dewey & Co., Tryon 8treetT. W. Dewey, Managina Partner : F. H. Dewey,; iCashier, C. D. Snow, Teller and Book-Keeper. . D irst JNationai lianK, Aryon cstreei a. x. MdAderf, President ; W. P. Pegram', Cashier; A. Q. Brenizer, Assistant Cashier J;t iAi :ii'W Physicians. '-' i-;r; !j. Miller, . - J.PtMcCombS, tC. JE. Fox,i. .... ,....-... P. Jonev : R. Gibbon,' . ",f S, E. Bratton, . W;WcVR: X.'dfeg6ry, 1 " P. P. Medlin. ; -; u:t s Smith? ABrem ' i i. Iff. Waytt, W. 2: iCatt;1 Ifi Aleutnder ' Dr. F. Scarr, Trade Slreet '' ; '" :' '" ?" '"( r r Drs. Kilgore & CurelsNolheast corner Trade and Tryon-Stree484 . rDraui Smith: & Brem, , fiouthwest corner Araae ana xryon otreets,. . r Z M4ohm: Wf P60re! 1 Matthews H6use.f formerlt Xamrtbtte-Hc-' tel) Matthews &, BtegaiV.-rao -yAtJ oJ vpm TrotUa- Houae, nearly opposite City wocfc Alien, JBregory. . , , Comnxufsion4 erchants. , M: JvW,P . & VfiiCf, Mansion -flense bHdui ' ' ! 1 - ' ' . 8tehhoTise, Madwlay5 "Co-.,' idoTtier Trade and College-streets, i : . l- ' R,. M Qatea Co., Northeast corner trade and Cortege Streets. . w ' J. YTBryceJb Co, Trade Street'" , , - 8chniacer8 & J'ewellersj; JohriT. BhOerfTryon Stre:' 1 . ', Booksellers and Stationers.; ' Tiddy &'Bro.,Try6n Street, Springs1 Build ing. ' ' ' i Photograph Gallery. . jHv Baumgarten over J. Harty's. Confectioneries. A R. Nisbet & Bro.i , Trade-st, under Democrat office. D. G. Maxwell; 24 Tryon Street. D. M. Rigler, opposite Mansion House. Haltom jfc GrayiTryon Street. J. I. Hales, Trade Street. Millinery and Fancy Goods. Miss E. Williams, Trade Street. Mrs. Mdyer, College street, near the Gas Works: ' ' Merchant Tailors. J. S. Phillips & Co., Opposite Mansion House, Tryon Street..: J. Vogel, opposite Matthews House, Tryon Street." Carriage Manufactory, Repairing & Joshua Trotter, nearly opposite City Clock; j Painters. Theo. Johnston, Tryon Street. " ' . Lawience & Hewitt, Tryon Street. ' Marble Dealers. S. 0. Robertson, :-ear N. C. R. R. Tiddy & McCoy, n.nr Postoffice; ' Furniture, &c. R. F. Davidson, opposite City Clock. F. M. Shelton, near Post Office. Carriage and Wagon Makers A. H. Creswell, Church Street L. JFincher, College-st., Tatem's old stand Fouhderies, Factories, &c Mecklenburg Foundry and Machine Shop, on N. C. R. R;--P.P.,Zimmermao Agent. Rock Island Factory, on N. C. R. R. North State Washing Machine Co., near Lutheran Church. Charlotte Foundry, Tatem, Sykes & Cul pepper. - "f Coc &Ellyson, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Farming Tools, in old Navy Yard. Builders and Contractors. Taylor & Allison, Killian, Irwin, Asbury & Rudisill, R. Grimes, J. Rudisill. Boot and Shoe Sealers. S. B. Meacham, McAden's Iron Front Build ing, Tryou Street Tinners and Dealers in Stoves, &c. D. H. Byerly & Co., Trade St., under Man sion House. Wiley & Gaston, Trade Street, near Court House.. Hardware. Brem, Brown &Co., Trade Street Oates, Walter Bre.n & Co., corner store under Mansion House. Ta3'lor & Duncan, Trade Street Dry Goods, &c. TRADE STREET. Brem, Brown & Co., Wittkowskv & Rin- tels, Buxbaum & Lang, H. & B. Emanuel. TBTOH STREET. Elias & Cohen. Groceries. TRADE STREET. W. J. Black, E. M. Holt & Co., H. B. Hammond & Co., A. Berryhill, Frazier, Scar let & Co.. Gregory & Williamson, B. M. Pres son, McMurray Davis & Co., J. S. Means & Sons, W. S. Wearn,, Walker & Bro., I. H. McGinn, J. M. Sims, Grier & Alexander, J. D. Palmer, Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co. TRYOX STREET. W. S. Griffin .& Co., M.. W. Alexander, Carson & Grier, Dnls & Hilker. Boot and Shoemakers. E. H. White, Trade Street, opposite Bryce's Building. Saddle and Harness Maker. R. Shaw & Son, Tryon Street, opposite Mc ' Aden's Iron Front Building. Bar Booms and Pestaurants. TRADE STREET J. W. Sprinkle, T. A. Squires, L. Adams, sign of the tiger, rear of Oates' building. ' ' ' TBYOS' BTBBEtI W. R. Cochrane, - Geo. Crdss, Wm. Dunn. Bryant & Co., College-st. . Distillers. Groot, Kuck & Co.. Trj-on Street. -Barbers. . Span & Turner, ' " : 4 Livery Stables. J. W. Wadsworth, Tryon Street opposite nfatirwi;uf nv.ii 'Ordinance."'."'"' THE ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE DO ORDAIN, That ho person ha vjng obtained, license--for-tha pur pose of running any Dray or pmnibns, sbal be pef mitted td dcr the - same; unless" having first paid - his license Ux ; and any ' person violating this. Ordinance shall be liable to a penalty often dollars, ifor each and everyday, to be collected by the Marshal, for the use of the City Treasurer;- fcy distres or otherwise. Adopted January 28, 1869. . CDOWDMayor. A true copy. yM -u-:-- A. BtawELt; City CleTk. . jan80eed3t ' - - . '""' OB BENT r A Comfortable ihdJ commodious ' DWEL-" LmG7in-thermotteasanro:fiarter of the city. Lot large, containipsu u goodjgw. den ' many f rait a .shade , trees, an al necessary outo&ei. u Possession given the may 16 Itn National Bank, ft "3 JOHN T. WATCH ; ' t . . AHD - ' cuick mm, ' JTewelerj &c. SPECTACLES AND 6 li a r l o feb 4 tf T I DD Y & MM-1 ' . J '..s' -jbi1 Mmzwm-i- :s -a m DEALERS' IN BOOKS, Slieet FANCY ARTICLES, BOOKS, &C, &C., Try-Qia. Street, Cliarlotte, NT. O, feb 4 tt S. B. MEACHAM, Mi WHOT.F.SAT,T! ' and SET ATT. CHAR LO T Invites special attention to his largo and varied assortment of Gentlemen's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Bootees, Balraorals'and Gaiters. My increased facilities and long experience in business, make me confident that my prices, and th? quality of my Goods will compare favorably with those of any other house in the city. I shall be pleased to offer my stock to yodr inspection at any time you may favor me with a call. While truly grateful for past favors extended me, 1 desire your con tinued patronage. National Bank Building: Sign of tbe Brass Boot. O jQl. H. 3?L 7 c3 J CHARLOTTE, N. C. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Spices ! ioes! JUST DECEIVED, A LOT OF' FINE ENGLISH SPICES, of very SUPERIOR QUALITY to anything ever offered in this market, in NUTMEGS, CLOVES, MACE, GINGER, SPICE, BLACK AND , WHITE PEPPER, &c, &c, &c, &o., - At F. SCARR'S ap 5 Drug Store. OLD NORTH STATE DIST IXi HiBFHTS:, Charlotte, N. C. GROOT, KICK & CO,, DISTILLERS & RECTIFIERS Of Corn aiMiRye frliiskies. WE, WARRANT OUR LIQUORS . . PURE- AND UNADULTERATED. Orders Bolicited'from the trade. : Salesroom; oa Tryon Street, opposite T. W Dewey & Go's Bank feb 18 tf ' u . Times and Democrat copy. ' " CITY ORDINANCE. The Alder men of the City-of Charlotte, do ordain, That, allstands for the. sale : of, -fish, oysters, ibeef, pork, or other meats, and all chicken 'coops, shall W removed from the side-walks and streets of this City, and that no person shall have, or use, any-&tand or coop, on the streets or side-walks, under a f penalty of ten abllars for eacTr Jahd every offence, for the nse of the5 City Treasury:'" Adopted Marc 22d, 1869. A. BURWELL, , - ' march 2& City Clerk. DEALER IN i .... Fine Watches If ' And Jewelry, WATCH MATERIAL, 1 1 e N" O j BR 0 T HE R , BOOTS, SHOES, and LEATHER, T E 1ST . C . -A. OJtJRJD. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING DIS POSED of their Stock to Messrs. FltAZIER, SCARLET & CO., take pleasure in recommending them to their former cus tomer as beinj in every way worthy of their patrouage. Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage received, they hope that the same may be extended to their successors. J. KUCK & CO., Two doors above Stenhouse, Macaulay &. Co. December 7, 1869. Frazier, Scarlet & Co., Have on hand a large assortment of G -ROC3BRIBS3 which they will sell low for cash, consisting of - , 5,000 lbs. IRON TIE8 2 bales DAGGLNG 2,000 lbs. BACON, clear rib 50 boxes CANDLES A large lot of FISH,' in barrels, half bar rels and kits.1: ''. Of all grades and brands. ' Fin.e Jot of CROCKERY WARE , , CHEESE,' SUGAR and COFFEE, allgrades MOLASSES.' all kinds v Bunch YARN, SHEETING and SHIRTING . They have all kinds of oods generally kept in a First-Class Orocery Store. FRAZIER, SCARLET & CO. Janhafy 25 v, .. . ; ' - W. J, BLACK HAS RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES, consting in part of SUGAR, COFFEE,' MOLASSES, SALT , FLOUR, CORN, LIQUORS, NAILS, LEATHER, &c ' In short,: everything, kept dri a First-Class Grocery Stpre.. -, , .. . . Tbaukful for past patronage, he invites hs friends and the public generally to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere ; January 25 ... .W. J, BLACK. UllCi-lIlUii liiujiuiiu iii E ARE selling Ibe Waft and Charlotte PLOWS, all of nnr own make, which we warrant to give satisfaction, oi to be re turned. We manufacture and : deal in all kinds of n:r , such-as ifThreshersif .'HorsepdweTft, Shellers, Cutters, Harrows, !HfelW'arP Wheal Glean ers, WINE AS 13 O IDEB Mills, Cotton Gins, Hay and Cbttdfi Presses, Jfe.-fta! COOK & ELLTSPN, Muslo, GROCERIES EXECUTED WITH DISPATCH, At Prtooa which tdil irojBtliBict D. 6.UAXT7ELL, Wholesale and BetaU O- R O Q E R - f WARUOTTErirC. ,JanlaaryT25 , : - . , . -LOOK W IOiaylSpESIt ND WHEN YOU WANT TO "BUY AKD COHFECTtONERlHB, CHEAP FOB CASH OB B ABTEB caii. oa , - D. C. MAXWELL, SMOKING TOBACCO & CIGARS mHE REST CtCV TM TUT? PTTV A m . w. auu vil M, 1 A4. D. G. MAXWELL'S. SUGAR. BBLS. REFINED AJJD BROWN SU GAR, at D; G. MAXWELL'S. 40 PICKXES B Y THE DOZEN OR IN JARS. AT D. G. MAXWELL'S. MOLASSES AND SYRUP, ALL GRADES, AT D. Qf MAXWELL'S. SiraflT. 1 A C LBS L0RILARD'S SNUFF, (with I tj tbeBtampson) at the old price, just received at mar 6 tf D. G. MAXWELL'S. COFFEE. R 10, LAGYUARA AND JAVA AT 1). G. MAXWELL'S. Fine Family Flour. B Y THE BARREL OR SACK, at D. G. MAXWELL 8. A. B. NISBET A BROTHER. ICE CREAM GARDEN. WE have conapletedlrr lier rear T our store, (under Democrat office,) an' TCE CREAM GARDEN, where we intend , keeping the VERY BEST article, and would be glad to have out friends, both ladies and gentlemen, call and see us. We are prepared with freezers sufficient to supply Parties and .Families with any reason- able quantity, at short notice, delivered in any part of the city, may 19 A. R. NISBET & BRO. Just Received, PEPPER, SPICE, GINGER, NUTMEGS and Mace, under Demorat Office, apr 14 A. R. NISBET & BRO. Cigars. A CHOICE and well selected stock of Do mestic and Foreigni Cigars, at apr 14 A. R. NISBET & BRO'S. Layer Rafsfns, JUST RECEIVED, apr 14 A. R. NISBET & BRO. Tea, Tea, Tea. YOUNG HYSON, Uncolored Japan, Gun powder and Black Tea, all just re ceived at the new store. . apr 14 A. R. NISBET & BRO. SnuF. THAT GOOD OLD LORILARD'S SNUFF, at the old price, at apr 14 A. R. NISBET & BRO'S. Smoking Tobacco. LARGE lot of fine Smoking Tobacco, just received at apr 24 A. R. NISBET & BRO'S. Just Received, AT the New Store, under Pe&cen?t,0f5ce, a choice lot of Rio and Laguyra COF FEE, wbich we offer low or tash. ' ' apr 14 A. R. NISBET & BRO. . Sugar. ' f) ceived, by 1 apr 14 A. R. NISBET & BRO. White 'Wine Vinegar, r A PRIME ARTICLE, just received at apr 14 A. R: NISBET & BRO'S. STOVES, TIN WARE,, &c , IF YOU WANT TO GET the BEST COOKING in the StateJ caU; D. H. BYERLY A COwr And buy one of ,SPEAR'S ANTI-DUST, i or the Excelsior Cooking Stoves, twe of the best Stoves iri the market. ' We also keep 00 hand; a large ' variety of Cheap , Parlor and Box Store. : ; llo, TINWARE of afl desoitioas. ' Job: Worte-.i Of all kinds, done in the Dest style an4 on reasonable; erm. 1 ' " ' 1 Give, u call and be convinced; ; . -. d. h: byerly & co., ; :TradsWeet UndeWMahaioB House. January 25-if 14 i i I

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