I- 1 - - 3 C'.l. f.tr - tzist a' i V: XT-A. X X "ST yjXijt4j,;l1 "'t JUNE! 19, 1869. We bave lafeiderFji letter bv a menu, aun3Uggtgg-tOf pu DllSft win uruYc uneiCTiing'xu an ui uui T reidCoiningiia-iit does, rvrwe-ffhrerit space in bur columns to ryoifit' s JilJdUtf tb-,1 1869? ? LSttt rest netse'e some- thWhy'befpral writing ypu. - We-batFa delightful trfp safe; qujek wilt ltinleristA The-jfirstftop ..-4. curjosiM. o oft JttrtiMnt arVi ir ;dex stpp yea there at tne ijrano, inauguration -m " .-. . j-t ' t T .eny liotel I ever stopped at. Next we staid at 40ft(gxfrom Friday till .-Monday, r, ,Gbicag)b:';fi aT'irvf pjae yUht perhaps nre nterp'rise' than any ' place" ini the JJpited States.4 This w (Jrjl iop. ; we reach ed' Sacjramfntg rhere we-were "d- W'MijWr. "M 3POrkro.Tt, is tbe capital 4 Gfeilifomia-nt a Very: ifiviUriglace the mean hotels give you a bad impression ol the - UMv& 'j It is, milesfminere"t) )maii5al''te 'tartih"g;ppiiit ' othe UnioB FacificFKtulroad in Kebraska, situated on lterje bank of the Missoujci rrivcz:. T&e';river -hefei is -nlldg'Vdtbo transfer taggodWifroni the Iowa -Sidetake8-J ibme time. : J The . KaHroact' from ' Omaha, ibllow. the ...JoqriJ Tkehe t4aini 'are s6rtielime4 r islt'bf Bufialo: but this" eajly in tjhe , seasoi -tjt, BhSaIo axe further i-Soutbird We di$jA6t ej any.' We and squalid Indian. ' ! ! f c iaicu ,muuu ueiter ab , valine X-rfj 6-. v . ... ' . i lUpns across the plains than we- cxpefite T some stations, fwe-had- -elegant meals. - antelope steak, and "1 ...fasvszyaw The Rocky1 Jlountakis are ascend- gradiialTy yon hardly know when y ou reaetl'em but , you are "fcaiftidL b,'(ne''dli'W' anf snow c.Qsrcjsed mnnjntoiftsiVKben you reach the snmmUTj ,Y j?en yon4ecend the Kocky fountains, into he -Salt Late Vallelra17? 'evidences1 fMoV mon entorpnle .tid I'indttstTy. Great Salt .Mfe Gity bout1. Smiles so"utli wthe-Ilailroad bat iheret.-'dre sevalittTer:Mortu6n towns along the line. The.;'Qenral Pacific road intended, nttimatly; 1&-cpme tp this bare" 'and ; bafd witbotitaHythmji crowing on . except . a smaii sage bruf&pv SSieViy Nevada tral Pacing; jr9a ?0 .as ifcxxveyed whSifpgp H retired mu'chTuvqiEe worj jbRild the road n 3rn ' , ft ? 1 P?rr JapoAlfI6iriiW. copUrkuol ahd to-imjtectrthead frQm3ji05r J 10, en-lwo passed kf sno iQwtotnp:la? bcajped agi magTnficn; ir4eouniai4'bat is.feric obstrreSV ese. Jebedsr: siThiswL&rHQ I" enitStatesJag ia difplay lai sayV ed on all occasions-and everywhere, VMMme-ihan 'iie fVom a cdrmrtheaifelstege to-a b, iiV Iplep- school girl pchibition. I canVhelp A I J rwb you-JeeantiMfear lakes', sAid toT'taie'smaUk TMm not ufinisb backs. AY toeajto hire-. little Lett to kiss tluafiirafraid of her. 'T$$49fy iptT dowjitfiefiacmOTo"; riBt 4r X splendid, staj little of All nex&S i-a8,frtriea a l pt Aim to. worfc on : JJeacon Fogy's Tiavfe been bere. She has crossed the Barpevera Jimjea Jby. steamer. -Tb population oi pan .p ranciscu is can mated at 160,000. Louisville, Ky., claims an equal or greater popula tion, but there is no comparison in the business1 activity of the two. This is decidedly the liveliest place I ever saw to its size. There is much of?ts business and activity fictitious stock gambling of every conceiv able kind." There "is something en chanting in this, but if I am to profit anr vr rience of others, I will keep out, but 1 "oit know whether I will do it or not. It takes a might sharp and cool man to do a business ot this kind. Thin fpms in hft t.ho nrvnat pleuti. ful coftWy I ever saw, and yet the most extrusive to live in." I don't knoW howCfo account for this except tlfat labor is so dear, or as the Yan kees.sav,r'ie." rhave not fixed "upon any tiding yet.-J am waiting post myself. There are thousands of Ghmese .Were, as y qxscy' all maintain their national rdresiSttid Vujstpgsi eyJt)eln to' a - patfon tljat has an ancient civilbationfimd religionan1 an old philosophyf "but aV&ee pliiTntnopyLbas never, been in itB-nai ready an1 I will stop. ' - Your friend truly, F. S. DeWolf The Last Tie. '-Some people sup-s pose that the gold and silver spikes that were used to" fasten down the Pacific Road were left there, and on account of the honesty of the native and nomadic inhabit ants of the " de serts," are still there,7andin a good state of preservation. But .such is not the.fa.ct.-- An eye-witness takes )&ron$Qie outcot: the last rail,' and reduces us to this reality : " Af teirttje ceroinony :pf putting in the last'ipike verff nd before , the sevSraf" pe leWthe spot, the laurel tie ant golden spikes were re moved and carefully placed away in the tar. immediately after it was' fejfiQYr-4&y ordinary wooden tie was put in- iand'fiaiiecl. . keep , anoijm earnest; Soon 'after . ,fr:.-AWH- ijr- " the crowd made, a descent upon - it with kniveaiMi axes, and cut piece after pieceout of it, for a pocket piece, in cofeunemorajipn of the last tie. until it was entirely used up, and another replaced it. Late in the af- ternoow the jEralns proceeded on their return journey- one to the Pacific, the other -to the Atlantic." . The Pall;: Mall - Gazette mentions tbfrecui rence of an extraordmary phenomenon recorded by- Heroditus as haying been observed, in remote tunes by . thev tribes inhabiting the shores of the Caspian ! Sea. That huge sal lake is dotted with islands from;wbo-drBipus quantities of naptlaxe.: yearly taken. Early last morithv owing" to Snpterranean dis disturbances, thfi.naptha wells on thesedsfetnds d verflowed, aud the in- j flamaMe'sna'-sred" ''pyer the entire fl$rl&$e9i tMe lake. It acci- detitTy took firfe, and for forty-eight hours buraed furiously over a surface of many thousands of square miles, the sunToxrti'M - .imag ined haf vti..e1fworld was entirely desyroy r;and for mile4 arWn.d'VcjgeMioTs parched and jtne country made like a desert; I ThCT" follawiho is, a enecimen "of 1 priQt4fWrcMcrteirras4-it idon't j j 'WittbeneraL Washing ton ori he .gaUeyantltten:; finish the murder ofihatiyouBg'jgirl you commencfid yesterday, t'. Set 1 -i-M-.irs. T.-" ! np 'the that runaway ,l4ajtcn, bnfci have : the r qigh?watr ii the paper this ' week: i!Putafneif 'bead to General Grant, and lock hjjre tyfs; llde that that 'pie alone ttntilitafterj; dinner,- P88naAfito4he-devil.andt in siitB.name.- limner is presenting:a magnificent and terriiy insPetsyaiS 'lo'-tbe inhabitants of The Chicago 'ttrnte sayr cf the $10O,O0a-damage-RwaTded to HisS Amanda F Craig, that "nobody in bis right mind can feel the least doubt that she would much' ratheT, at any stage of the prcfceediibgs, taken i that sum than to have taken the phonetic old Sighing Strepbon "vho. ponreS out his amerou the 3 Bxory M ma building' in the. most damna ble orthography the world everr be held." " s The town of Quitman Oawbicb was laid out in 1860, basnow '2,000 inhabitants. " ' J SOXJTH; JCABOLINA ITEWS. Barnwell is said to be one of the' riAe4t counUes in the State. ' " - ... The Thermometer reached as high as 90 degrees in Charleston Monday last. It seems hard lor the City Council of Charleston to "harmonize.' - -' ' The Qovernocontinues his ill-timed clem UUV IA ivttvw . TJ. An)es 17e pfl(mnsciri;us 'tronpe wiH ex- mvu in xiacTuie pex vAuesuay.-- t. It is said that an Ihsurancegent recently Visitad Kershaw county, and in one week's time took oat applications for policies amoun t ing to over a quarter of a million of doHars, (The wives of that .county ought to , be .hap ' ' A grand mass meeting of the Irishmen in Charleston was held Monday nighty and Gen O'Neill made an address that wa$ well receiv ed, and loudly applauded at the close., The Charleston 2fetc says : - "There twas a rumor afloat on the streets yesterday that the Messrs. Gunn, who fur sometime past has la bored faithfully and efficiently as Clerks in the Postoffice are to be removed from office on the 1st of July, and their places filled by negroes." ' ' VXBGLNTA NEWS. j The amount of money in the State treas ury yjesterday was $401,625,82 The Southwest, says that in Christiansburg there are 35 habitual drunkards, and the "Mutual Admiration Society." with all its vjgilance, can't keep them straight On Thursday Gen. Canby appointed L. M Powers Recorder of the city of Bichroond Justice Tt. B. Mitchell was the choice of the bench of magistrates, who unanimously nom inated him to the position v 1he Kew$ says : We have information that it has been fully determined by the Radica party in Richmond, to throw the Legislative ticket nominated last week overboard and , select another it is too black even- for the A'kiobn the ultra Radical nominees toepV resent Rlchmaad "in ihe - Legislature "wart man named farrarwho had bee nia the pens itentiary." : He accepted the honor, and was duly enrolled in the black list, of the Well$ organ of this city, and there kept until Mqpi aay woen j?arrar, in a canjpfery great complacency retired. r A. H. Curtiss, the ignorant and Incompe tent carpet-bag clerk of Bedford county, has been appointed by General Canby clerk of the District Court of Appeals for the 3d Dis trict. Curtiss knows about as much of the duties of a clerk as a hog knows aboat Sun day. . Such cattle, however appear to be the favorites of our military masters. Lynchburg 'The following is an accurate statement of the amount of interest due the State by ? the various railroad corporations : Orange and Alexandria, $17,500; Rich mond! and Danville, $12,000 ; Virginia Cen tral, $65,500; South-side, $252,000; Virginia and Tennessee, $420,000; Norfolk and Pe tersburg, $45,655,18. Total, $843,855 13. - -7 - the Hon. Edward R. Olcott, has beBo ap- pointed successor to Judge Buroham in the Hustings Court of Richmond. He " was brother-in-law of,the late Rufus Choate. His father a lawyer of-eminence, wealth, and high, social position, was himself a son of Governor Olcott. of Vermont. He has been inducetfto accept v position in Virginia at uio ouuuiiauou oi jrieuus. . , . Attempt to Bpbk : Out A Nbwsfafeb.' An attempt was made on Sunday - night jto destroy by fire the . Bedford Sentinel. The fire" was fortunately discovered . by persons retiring from church, and was extitasuished before senous damage was done. It is be- lieyed to nave.bee,n the work of some misera ble scallawag or carpet-bagger, who adopted that infamous plan fo get a taHnch Conserv ative paper out of; the m way. XywcWiu Vtr ginian. c A young Shaker in a Connecticut commu ity lately niade a velocipede. rThe Sldji beQ held the preposterous machineraad)thus ex ercisedit :, "A. Shaker on a velocipede- can ride pnly in one ditipnsVaighrtQ th- devilV and smashed it iacontmently ?with an axe. Young Shaker kicked at this rough dis cipline, 'and weht'bfF foTg6od, 'other young disciples not well grounded m the faith Joii ing bvtn ftigiiation andVevStSl J.kV'i A Shovteb ' of WoRsiai-The . Portland (Oregon) Courier says that during a. brisk shower at Sheridan, in- Tamhill countjr, ; recently,-there fell what seemed to be a kind of hail but on! examination ' was foimd to be 4mp08ed of - peculiar t wintisb. . ' woHns-mil-t lions of therm,-, Eaeh worm had the power iof doubling p and skipping a foot or ''Biore; Tbey( were 'p'ksat $ uchgWtK;a sn hes4 .Thej appeared to die very sooni , is U SEW ORLEANS COESESPON DENCE. Editors Observes : There has been a fait enquiry to-day, principally for better ties f cotton. The sales foot up 850 bales at 27 28 for g00! ordinary; 28 a 29 J follow middling and midanng nominal a 80; there being very luue in martet. . The stock on hand not ciWiwi is nuviitHe 30,000 bales, and the next tenr;fifteen davs will reduce it belo w 20,000;; . ft - The receipts this week have been verjr light howlns that theire ii bat little inore to' be expected from t$f Interior until the new,CJp is'ready. The stock on hand last , night at all U. S, ports was only 109,645 bales, of which a con siderable portion is going aboard ships for Europe. fT . New England spinners will have' to run short-time a portion of the summer, or ini aprt Cfew cargoes from the dtherrside. to seep ineir mnis running until the Jjrwing crop begins to come to market. The stock on hand in,' and -afloat for, Great Britain last eveomg, was .1,021,000 balesj of whicli' 328JDO0 "were American, t Since 1st September, 1868, Great Britain hasrconsunir ed inom than 17,000iales per week of Amertt cin Cottons. ( The same rate fof ti&afaoee. ojf the seasdiS ' m leave 'them Vjth "a small sjppjlyja.lepC.'-Apgiist. 1;. : i v fi Shjouid fhegrpwittg crop oot -fXeed large ly the one just marketed H wiliialt be want ed at 25 centjpT. poujod Knd npwirds. ,: Yours .truly,- : ' . . . CHYRRB. NEWS STJMMABY. ; Williamsburg, L.J., has an "oldest ,'inliabi tant"aged 157.' r , '.,r ; . A tornado, last week did fSW.Opworti of damage to the little town of Shipma.n, 111. ; .she-. ' v x.jeT i- "V. '-' ''.'. ; General Lee has had. a bouse -.builtfor him by public subscription at Lexingtori, Vai A "Lobby; meinVetf'j.of; the Connecticut Legislature is. reported as having made-$8000 this session. - - " f A woman has been "arrested and. tried in New York city, wb kidnapped .: xildren) of a "profession.' ". . ...-.V-3 ' The London .Tim es says that the celebra tion of "Derby day," implies -the rujriamited right to get drunk. . '' - J Women are steadily 'assmmg their rights Boston has ehosen'tt woman 'U deliver her Fourth of July. Oration. f , Seven hundred girls responded, to the ad vertisement for" performers : in the ballet of the f'FortylTldeteS'aXaiidagdi -r "; : Mr., Elihn Bnrritti'' the "Learned. Bla'ek smith,"; having been superseded. .imericap Consef atBirjngFam7-ia i coming hojrne.j ; I Jotfe's ieatre is said tso be'nAWtho'onilr one in Nekn which anything In fhe leastr fl.ppr6aniftg5thei' legitimate' rama; cai be seen, IT. 1- A man, natnea" Brown, shot pis" 1 wife ' d Berea, Ohio, lastT week. They , became acj flfuainled with each" other through a matrfmot nial advertisement."' ' - ?. ' .Wendell Phillies is noW championiug7 the jTTlfl Hf fK Indian,' agd .advises theni to seek redress against the United States by. tearing tip the Pacific railway. ' ... . . , . . '. ! , JL Scptcbroanwho jojhed the Federal arrn j in 18ft4j.an4 was repoi-ted killed in one of the last battles of the war, returned the other dayj to fid his-wifer married aaih arid quite un- willing to give up her new-husband. Aw Immbwse Rexibf. All the pckpocletsj have gone to Boston to se the Jubilee ; j$o have the thimble-riggers, and the manwhoi owns the ox with eight horns r and the cow . with seventeen XausN. j. Merald. Westebit If sake ,, AsTl)nc. The States- Ville American in noticing - the fact' thatthe Insane Asylum, of the State is now filled to its utmost limjt,' says : . "There, has ;been a large iacrease of this unfortunate class of late inotir Btaleyiand it is 'probabte ' the- nhmbfef Wtt.jgo'ionr..'enargnV'riis' inyoivea a nW cessjty of either making an addition to the in4 stitutipn ARaleigb, or buildin&another. Asy lum in another portion of the Sjate ande would suggest 'the latter, and'aitbe'erj ed .in some part of Western Norths .Carolina, on. the railFpad.; The next'session othe Lg4 isbafe wbnldo weH tb take this matterltfjlo consideraUoiwmd act ppoja ritjS fes Jpsahe ara the children. of the State, andthev should ;be well provided JfojCi by Jts.mnnificeaicevBv-' ery fajMlyjsJibleitortb fortune within its circle, and - So the people are all interested ;Rj3HT;OF RkVESUR ;0-FfICBR8 TO 'BsiSB i iARD Eximink AccotrsTS.i-fiupef visor Perry. of ihe District of North and 33onth Carolina I informs Commissioner iJelarib'tnafi a cas h volving the rigt ojf.ttiiiveniieoyB w examine we books, or smpment of mer chandise .sbcliSrnM:enp 'ta; which Be was . instrumental, iin; bririgirig bfeU foreHheircuTt of fta been decided in favor r of thssupervisor in every partiscuJIar. v , . K !(T.I suisor;ter hna !&(ailroad Company for .th purpose, ioX Obtaining informatioaoncernmg-'sbipmente' of rtobacco, whiskey, 8tms arid otW mer-: cbandiseA whici'se' freight agejit of the "compaBy:;wlxerenpon i. the supervisors- procured inn a'ttichment. Chief-Justice tase wks present but did not act. -i0 Agents for-tlxer Observer. Messrs, Tiddy A Brotiier, Booksellers, ; IL J. Walter Auctioneer. ovrtag .Ooiteft farorlied I igenlilterjt We are prepared to do Job Work m its va rious styles, with neatness and despatch. If is notour intention to have the peopleTb. i;v that we can do-BETTBRJob Work than an be done in the Sta 'Ejrrthlnk we ican compare favorably "with tnj. yuanw, tireu- lars, Bill Ueans, jfcewer neaus, o, don un neatlr abd eXDedlUOUSIV. uur worr will show fdr itself, therefore we will merely mention that if you have anything in thatjine give us a call. ' New Advertisements. iit, Wedirect Attention to the r following New Advertisements : A. R. Nisbet & Bro. J nst Received. Kilgore & Cureton-Fin? Toilet Soaps &c. XTour nnnAt IMftMnrrav. Davis ofc Co- an- 'noTrice'thTreceptipr a secon(l tock hew gdodsTbis Spring. Tis'arifiouncemei 4is alone sufficient to sbow.thashicreasing treae wnicn tms popular .nonse is seumuig and is an evidecice of' their fair and liberal deaEngOJHKTIO TTIO u, - p. We ha,ve takenapepp. through their store", and can say that pey-haffi an excellent SVck of dry goods, groceries atidiiardwae:tthe ladwes will ttna mere eiegajn ana .Deaucgui dress goods, trilnmings, hati ihe gentlemn will rmd any anS evernfe Ttec- essarv for an enfire outfit. They;i are clever gentlemen, sociable and agreeable, "tnd al way ready to wait upon customers, and; -render any accommodation. ThereT6re,5w"e ad vise alt i 'givetihearirfal llfjweto iot huy it wijl not e JSepause the goods are not put io you cheap enoughi.far they are very liberal in their pricesi . ' Disinfectants. ; ' - , , "In lime of beace nreoare for-war," and tus is necessary ere the season stWQ. great- lly adrancea to make every possible prepara tion asrainst the ravages of disease. We WOUI0 "uggest in the prosecutipn,of sfiiitay measures that dis'mfectants be freely used in all alleys and upon all private premises where water is known to stand.' This is..asyjand attended with but little expense, 'yeC iccom plishes a world of eood. We 'cannot be too particular. , ., : i - .? ' 4 . Do editors who make ft practice of admit ting to the columns of their papralow and vulgar nines at their mother s sex, consider that they are lowering the standard , Jofltaan ly journalism, and demeaning ' themselves in the esVitdation of all true men' and 'women ? Some oou?xchaj3ges? are.ntprious in this particular, Can-it be tbateditors are wholly heartless .--f certain journalists wouldfcor- rect their moralsrandf mariners iVt the matter above alluded to, ttey;V641d take' a gigantic sinue in uie curecjMuu oi uouiuiou. u?ueu9. f Mr. M. L. Wallis, f this coubty had in town yesterday a sack of new;ur thefirst that hiaS been offered inthia , 'markett We d d,nol learn what it was. sold for, hatiarider- stand $6.50 was offered. EgT A Chicago journal offers some very, sensible suggestions to 'business men on the subject of advertisiiig.' Th'es remarks were called forth by, a letter, from a subscriber, asking the address of a prominent firm-doing j business in that city and dealingr largely in musical' festruments. This 'firni' vfere 'quite extensire advertisers, rDtftlhad always adver-'i tised in !what is very ' properly called; the' (8pasmodic'fa.shion.' "This'.! scanner has ;bc come much too common everywhere. .'Many' advertisers seem, to regard an occasional dard of more than ordinary length and''attro;ctive nessnioreefficacious than a standlngadver-: tisement! - They forget that. the .otily! object cf advertising at all is to cause- names to be indelibly associated with their 'bsMessl '.Dr, if they have this end in view their practice is 4 inconsistent witb Uirnwtivea, .Lt be of anjfdyajgtjae to advertise a.month,4t is cer tainly more advanUgeous to;advertia week reafdning syIlogistfcaily,'1heu daily method is far preserable' to either. ..." ,7 IT When tired nature is about to suenmb to ihe bverpberng.heali of trkesersuit, days wflbeiv almost overcome by tlie cpceptrat ed.rays of "Old Sol," we pray for sonle shady, cool retreat, where we may, for awbile','' l e exempt from the iilseneraUbJ the beat of sttmipeft'i.i&cMjrws find; k'coblr spack. jJrems.aiWien,h(P8ef gentlemen' ae' so pleasafntwd apeabTe'thatf ftwm fm? one for the trdtoble- SsnTkrfd see1 what a 'Mjom Dt-sfpltlctf they bael'wetKwrIg- Pert urnery, is epmpleterran-ladieoottew, hvishingJnnply ( "themselvea ? witb all the uuraara articles metoiieii wnti naavtam here in profusion, and at low prices. X If von dnt believer.it. co and., see f vJi' J jThte' Will be k f ;'(ji'vp1 jbel4Sa$sbury on thetb. of Jnly for the bnTrjosesec&rine concert of action in5 favor i bf tbeV construction ' 'of1 the" projee. road; ;er Was 4one by leavy rains in the counues west; of this iotf last. BundayrwMir Suiidayghtv "JThe trestle workjliridges, "en! verts, "on the W. N. C. R. R..waaioClnuch damaged about tweft intles above. Btafejvijie'f ttatlt wiUbe several daySibefoTeiiii trains will be able to pass through.: We!alse learn that the mt CaptJHayne Davis, Iredell ah,j was swept away. The rains Jp this eetion if were not heavy enouh.jto. d n??cli harn, but the large streams that !bave their sources. west of this werwdcliaw611eifcrrafi E A' DavidspHjf Gastoo; P A Brown, Balti more;J A Lederer, TprkviTle S C: Walter iVto&L; 11 Rheot( mnXVMS&lBnH reieVanX- J g Wilkins, S C; W. C Means, Concord; H W Fisher, t e J Bradstotw, City; w c Hewitt, Aagusta.- - 5 ,W kivais-blrlotee Hotel Hot MpttAeuH f StegeO, jProprieior$. ' . 18, 1869. J H.Whorton, Baltimore; W A Davis, Sea board Air Line; G. W Hanks, Gaston; J w Qump, Cherry ville; MisLaora Cayson, Jack son Miss; 11 E Alexander, HCj S H Hoey, Gaston; B.E Dickson, Columbia; W C Hewitt, Augusta; DKSherwoodj Raleigh; C W Weath erspooh, T M Caserly J.T. Smith, N C R R; jM JIatcMn&onr X-ftnaryrXounty; W R Burwall, Ctty; Sml haxon,. Savannah Ga. Receipts per JNoxth. Carollna. Railroad. , 'IjrQninih' JiiWoOton; j H Sharp-, Groot, K:d CopDIk?E,l, ht5lt-&;Co; R M Miller bf Duls cY Biikln' It Shaw & Son; BremB & Coj Wade & GuunTs; JHMc Aden;' S &tJo. RAiiKCM-MkjBTjNWWel there will be i TsiTrbacr cpftventionheid in Salis. bury on the 5th of July. The. object of the meeting is io take steps to secure, the con struction of the Cheraw ;'a n'd , Salisbury road at the earliest ay . jprapUcable. Oyr opinion as to the great importance of this road is al ready well known ;0, onceaders, and we scarcely need to reiterate fet now. We w ill sayf nevertheless, that hi our opinion Salis bury more, deeply j intejted.iB this than any ; other raip. eVfrJpjecled. .. If she does not make an exhaustive effort to secure this road she does riot - deserve ro have one. We hope and i believe she jwill prove herself worthy of hef ancient renown -on this occa sion. ' - ; Col. Townsend,Mthe "Bfesient of the road, we are informed, will be here at the proposed meeting. He is a gentleman of great energy, experience and information in." raijroad mat ters, and will give our citizens much useful information in relation; o the projipctf 'on foot. .We hope ,to see., a very large.,' assemblage of the people of Rowan and other, .counties on the occasion. North State. In Cincinnati they are agitating a devfee to make conductors on street cars honest. The conductor ' is to have a number of printed cards, and for every passweerwAOj pays his .fare cord is to be ofn Jn"Cwo, . one-half to begfven'to tW bassenger., the othec half , to be put m abox in tMcar, The inu,nber . of tickets in Ins box wi indicate the number of fares due aftine AAVvW But how can the conductor he induced, to, put all the tickets i in ? The company 'hopssito; vmeure this by roakmg it every. CTeagef?ri to see that this Is 4bjiie. 1 . Fof pnse the tick ets in tie box at; a certain date are to be trea ted, on the lottery principl and one or- raorp drawn as the jirfie m6mry i.6, be paid ho theler:ot.o'ii the ticket. THee are some defects here. The conductor-may not' put the tickets in ; but if the whole ticket vre givento the' passenger he probably woud (dposiV foe necessary part. If, Y Herald : l ...;:.' ..... ViS;;- -,.s Ta -'FniB'ycH: TBLBdii'r-The Fren. h Atlantic Telegtiphp be laid. Tne treaA'teV'W'tne- cable on hoard, had, raored bntof the Thames on her way to Br; here the vrofk bf yipngoni the cable wodld cbtonwncn It is ,quYte a striking;' fact that ilha Great Eastern, havinjrbeep bnilrpotiscate' ntterly un suited to the wants i'6f convenience of com merce, -and, beyond;.the rej QnSenients of travel, hat proved to be exactly adapted fcoithe busi- dif- buld seem that this was the work she was built for, built her. f'MlllCTarrs A VKE8nrmtfriojiji& Baislns; in - whale, ,haK widrajetoxes, at the New Storefin4eriboc June 10 Ant"lK51JST & bku. KtraMaWptly 6(irench fes, and jCjl,. CakeTrim mings, Gam rLea vep, Roses cented. Oramenta &c. A NOf HOloiofWaX 'bboglit di- feet' fr6ifl tBtf Refinfr mX vblch we offer as low as it can be bought InVtbe mar ket, either to the Wholeler JtteUl trade. Give us a call MfbrebTmnS 1sev - " -..VTVlt CI XT AIR, NaiLand Tooth. Brushes Ajtra n .ileavv Baffkto Barn Cotaba, OLOMDPakvisochea Lead. Sold in Charlotte iy, CTT.noinfcURETON, .hmeslt? "Hlttt f fipTfogs'tJorner iTGH ! ATTRACTION OR FAj j7aNATI0Niia appried te- the purpos of MertifcnevcbwA, Kpi(Hfflpwj Wuj&inlofhj sriiinarjj' knimagi 04 tioMJby seadlng yjf ? & ,Bmpu I i DnMkan ruw8n9nnT Vivine the sbote tdrei Usement ree insertions, .Will recen a copy of the lstokrece'Cf5 papers con . lainttig'-adiertisenienU' v" :. ' , : inns 17 St. Wii '11 f ? -'.' r ofjceEajmeyio. iliateeo'ng'wttftoBt bey. knd-itw i. 0j. .3 U J, CK A JE' if- r .x.f u t ..nr