' 1 X c -... . i Till JOB PRLMMUJOBtPBKTLVGJS JEHB-CITIZENS OF CHARLOTTE AST all who haxe intercourse with -this beaatifol . -noo INQ at the OBSERVER office, W. 3 CHECKS, XttL&"X3 . J. H. SMITH, briefs, blanks .MJtKS QF BOBSCBirTlbS. ;; , r rm vear. . i. m . V r". 1 JT V it ; I . i, nTIr ntia VAST. . '-Y' J bo XZ2ZBTA2LC3 , FAITOTSOASDS J J-T "P&OQRATnrni SCHOOL CXRCTJZASS ' .Jl .wu.S'ti six moDinsj r- TT7 Ifli-in ; nx mouths, - i i i i VOL 1. - V v ! w CHARLOTTE: J N. nv THlfRnAVr MiiRMiMn.:Vmi yQMiDfta ... : t 'n m m . -EXECUTEO-WITH DISPATCH. M tbre. iaontJuk 1 00 f f r .. .... - ... 1 1 - - - - f- -r-'Vl!t jitto? gift of Poetry to hallow efery place Jji..whicb, it moves ; , to T?atjbi round Katufrer' an odor more eiquiwte than the perfume bf the Ke, and te shed oveir U a tint more, magical tbatf 4ie Wash of mornhnf." " 'Love thy neighbor as thysir f -J"7 1 wJimi at dawn I meet hen si' t .i'i'J. JL f As hy the garden wall she stands,. , ;r n And'ives me flowers across the wall, . Mt heart goes OOl W as uer imiius Are hanas or now era me wwir I'm ready at her feet o fall, Or ft!te a clown to labor lfV r r . A ; Better than l love mysei i . Do I love my "neighbor. " 'Love, thy neighbor as thyself When at dawd I meet him, , As by the garden InUl he' tands,' ? ' And. takes my flowera acfoas the wall, - . My soul's already h hia hands ;, ... n ' , It flew so fast to ereet. him ) (, r And bh, t grow so proud 'and tall, - i And my heart beats like a tabor ! ' ''; Better than Hove myself : -; Dof I kve my neighbor' ; .. - . . , m. , , i- The sun goes np And; the ann goes down , And the day and nightmare teaameas one, The year grows green and the, year grows brown, ' " And what is it all when all is done 1 v Grains of sombre or shining sand, : . . Sliding into or out of thejband. And men gftdown in ships to the seas, ; -And a hmidred ships arerthe same as one ; And I wick ward and forward blows the breeze And what is it all, when mil is done V ' A tide with.never a shore m sight,-.' - Setting Steadily on to the ,night. . , . , -. ; i , The fisherman droppeth his net In the stream And av hundred fitreauis are the same as one ; , .;, .: . : And a maiden drearaelh her love-lit dream AtiraansTTaCwhenn The net ottheber the burden brea4s, 3 f) And after areathmglhe dreimer awakes. THE ( UNDERSIGNED, 4 HAVING ' DIS- P08ED of their Stock to Messrs. FRAZIER, SCARLET & CO., take pleasure in recommending them to their former ens tomers as being 7ri every way worthy of their patronage; Feeling grateful for the ' liberal patronage receivedthey hope that : the same may be extended to their successors. ; f. KUCK&CO., ' Two doors above 8 ten bo use, Macaulay & Co. December 7, 186. ' : Ffaiier Scarlet i Co., Have onlAnd a! large assortment of i ' ' which' they' will sell loW ' for, cash, consisting' of , . . . - 6,00r lbs. IRON TIES 2-bales BAGGING..- i - , ,0dJbBACONr clear rfb" - -60 boxes CANDLES. , A large lot of FtSH, in barrels, half bar rels and WtSy y' Of all grades and brands. . Fine lot of CROCKERY" WARE CHEESE, SUGAR and COFFEE, all grades MOLASSJESall kind ..: BuncllYARN, SHEETING and SHIRTING They have all kinds of Goods .generally kept in alFiraGtasii'Procery'Stw.' FRAZIER. SCARLET & CO. Manual V in HAS RECEnrEb A LARGE STOCK OF GROGERIES, -ceitsthTg in part oP SUGAR, COFFEE. MOLASSES. SALT FLOUR, CORN, LIQUORS. 1 NAyLETflKR, Aeff-jT' tlr s ass wocery StW if,f utj- V 3Z1 'I ihaukful for pastpatronage, he invites his friends riSdlhe WBc leWallV trtf velbfrnt R 1 call beroepurchasing 'elsewhere r Hews 'FORiOR.TJe AROLtt?Ai;i a -7 VM. A. HEAItinJTfc CO J " Hlw. Jlayo, Ha - f:,-- a":Kfj-TT -:SiloiO BpeciaTAgentsforthe, rtCarolinaress,- au uenerai AgenU for the Col out the State. ' Office OBSERVER. pr27 fAFFER THEIR PROFESSIONAL ; SER- VICES a ai Ja tarsi f5 4n Dolores ; TTIoon- tone ( ' rrr- QT. Elmo, Benlah, and Inez, by Augusta GtEQCERIES. paper Advertlslm? a nd C0LLBSl6fi ,viUES-ieitherOTbIkv,r Officer atthe t MansmnSieusefGlo I5 by Angus TiPPY'S, Tna : for sale at H, B. HALIHOP & CO 3- O OilEKE&S flaveuow oo hant the LAE'GESIBTOCK in our line erer oSece4 in! the : Cityy and are daily receiving additioBStheFetOr- t From our increased .ff eilities and Ion? ex .w'i -l-'-,-' J 'i'ji' li'l ' t rpenence ui uustiimss, weuauer uuiscijreo Hfafc we win u auie iu give t;eiicri,i sausiitquuii. ' fe' ipctfttlfy :FhprchMers; and '.especially, our old .friend;- aad . cnstomera; t call on us, on the corner of - ; Trwle and CUege Streets, h And exaininevour., stock before purchasing elsjwhere l;-,., .' . .. , . , ,. . The HlffheSt- Market PriCe Will b paid for' - r , t COUNT RY PRO D U CC And prompt attention given to all brders and consignments JT rom a distanee. ' ; , ! a H. B. HAMMOND,' , .. , j. Mclaughlin, i , R. M. AlILLEB. , may 11 CHARLOTTE, N. C. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. JfJSTf RECEttED, A Zo4 OF ' u 1 ' J FINE EWGUSn SPICES, of ; very SUPERIOR QUALITY to anything ever .-ffered.ia thh market, in : '.' ' I )TTTTM BGSL ' . : i-,. : . ' '.' .t 1 i--HAGE ,'K-i;r;-5-; '' '- f r . OINOEBj SPICE, bXlACK Ain itvifiT i s u Tu si - HrBYERJ,a.CO.. A buy one of SPEARS ANTT-DUST, or the H-TS8 est Stores In the markeL We also f Of mo best keep on band 'a large variety of Cheap ; ! Parlor i and Box Stove. Also, TIN WARE of all deacriptioBS. . 1 K" i : It Of all kinds, doflQ,injtherbest stylo -.and on; reasonable, terjns. , , , ,: ,f .:. Vi S i 13 Give us a call and be convinced. , H. BYERLY & C0V . Trade Street, Undei Mansion House. januaj-y -tf. ;.. fan. f6ecure)i the ' Shadow ere' the Sub ''' ;i stance Tades." fiC , .11 i.-; t''i Boom over ! JiTaartf Store; 4 1 XtTdTJXD respectfullry thform'' the public W'that W ha made; arrtrigemehta 'fot ftakin Ukeneses, ifraU the latest ind:aost i mproytjles.ofjjar ... j.t,,. . ..ue is.preparea to.iaae. , , . !.,.. f ,;;?. Pnotographs , , , ( ra ivln?9.i -Loa mTelainotmAft IV An4 all other picture pertaining to the art. r lasenesses xaaen a Bize-rjrvui j.ub uju- Gxactceuie taken from'eM Daenerotypes, f: Ambrotypea, OKphotographs; ofanyrstylebr THe Carolina Farmer. IB ISSUED MNTHLXv at per ahhuin ; ImadVWcfhtam nbfle two large doublctaoliinm iagea-.of hTBadingf jnatter bbuiJnjdsome; covcraiand: typographical execution will not 'be surpass ed by any agricultural Monthly in thef coun try. i. ' r. ii t Being '4etfermjned to do whatever energy "will accomplish iftaaiinihaFAmi( wor thy the sunnort, of .the intelUgent .jlantei and farmers pforth Carolina and desiring. to introduce it iniiief'wty.ItiMe! States, we wish to emDloy active agents at f very Postofficerto w hum the1 most .liberal fadwtoeitrwflf XfkstMS s'l Address all communications taij "iM t JBUw; J! S O A -H::jEtr--; In I ndV BAUIiIGARTEN ' V - Wilmington, N. C. AUCTIONEERS' ! june.28 ' t:i .'i-'-i' j4i- ( J'"5' ' COMMlSSIOfiMERCHANTe - t a for- thr gaiB air fruited a'sK b' ") 1 Tobaxw, Ctotton, Graii Flovtr; Prc -4uce and Merchandize of all kinds, ; MAtfSlONHQTrBfc BUILDING," l . Charlotte,N.C.jM. P.Pegram, Cashier, First National ankr Charlotte; -If f J. Vates, Editor ITCestrn trDemocrat,n Charlotte; Hutch fsbtf. Burroughs '& Co General Insu rance Agents, Charlotte5 Wm. H: Jones Co., Raleigh, N. C; Geo. &-Palmer, of Palm er, Hartsook & Co,, Richraori, VaRer. Dr. Thos. t. Bood, Editor of Baltimore "Episco pal Methodist," Baltimore. Md Worth X Daniel, Wilmington, N. C; Jordan &. Brother, Philadelphii Pa rE. R 'Jaffray' &, Co.; and 1 p. By Claflio &. CcvNew York; Gea Wj Wil liams & Co., Charleston, S. C; , Jas.7 Miller Esq!,' and Osley & Wilson, Augusta, Ga.; Meador Brothers, Atlanta, Ga.; Woodruff & ParkerMolile,Ala. ' ! 'fi' 4j m-k; .MaWRiaTON, -Kff Late of Rock Island Manufacturing C04 ; ' ' H. C E CCLES. . -s 1 :. -:-!, I TBOS. a tIAITHER, . t i.-:ti .tit n 10 , January p 5li fill 1 jy iq AtJCTioar op" Notions .and iHardware.f &Ct, may" i7''t''-t;''',s"-' lM M ;i!!Sv ijA 83 you, saasfldfrwus&gjfyojr.iW f' fashioned', implements T , If not call On exhibition at(r4n;. fV, iKI. LS WRISTON & CO'S I Anctfon hnd fciiai:iisslon Ilonse. on c 1 A BAGS bffolce FamUrTlour.1 .. U 1,000 bushels Cortr. 1 ! 1 SOO lbs. ConntryJBacoDu -'i-'-,r- 00 baxreh,el2ant ScOPDernonff and Flotver kE, Richmond ALE, and JLAGFR BEER, ays on nana. ay ii-ei m. ri.-nivioiuii vv. ICE CREAM GARBED. hive completed in "the "rear '.of our i-l -I . ' store, fimder1 'Detoocrit 5 office.V an ICE CB BAM GARDEN, f where " we !ntend keeping A.TBRX -BE83;rticle!.iid.-.lirod k Li?. t,. - .n gentlemen," call and see 'us. ' f ' " ! '"" " '. ' We ar fepared ith freezeTrs' strfflcieni; to! supply. Parties and Families with any reason- I able fluauUty. at short. jkticer4eUveredu JO I any part of .the city, , , . , , ,. , v , ,l '1 a i-nt 4U8t'ReCeiveCiyi v-i a,:a PEPPER SPICE, GINGER, ! NUTMEGS ...ajid Macp, under, Dwrwro Office. , . it i apr 14' : AR, NISBET oVBRO. Clgartu A HOIClSiand weB selected stock.of Do V. mestic and Foreijm Cigars, at i ,,.1 apr 14 A. R. NISRET cBBO; . -fcryi Layer Raisins, "USTRECfilYED.-'vt f f;: ei vhkt w1 . 14 A- RrfjNISfBET &BB0. di. "rOUNHYSON; Uhcotered Japaif, Gutk itKwder;and..BlaclciTea, jdl iustre-; vjUfteatprej :.t- apr j 4 . t , A. k. at, irvu. 8nufT. fTUIAT GOOD OLD LORILARD'SBNCFF, .JL-f attheoldrcejat- : apr 14 . A. ft. iiCJ!ii Ob imu ja. tj Wit. Smoking Tobacco- " IT4 ARGE mfm-tSothSoTSeeo? pr; : RNRBET BRo:sr T the New Store, TOderDarif Office; a choice iol of Ew ind JAsUYrst COFt V I? mftinV, um Affai. lv u. U AXNISBETBRd Sugar , . .'i.ui-ii BbjfroffABev iu;,re-J ceiTi by. apr M r A.mi NlSBEToi BRO;Slt A-', PRIME LilTIC(5atKfeeied at-' jJ 7tpr,UtABi JfLSBET. &rBR0f&tI 4 M JTHERJot btW Sugarbought v rect' from the RejBtfery,,.and; which1 we ofler a fowa R'can be hoagbt in' the - ina' ,ke either to the .Wholesale oeiRetail trade! Give us a call before buying elsewhere. -junel8J AB,NISBET&BRO,; 1 "! TXT E HO r J 1Siff ii.-I n 'jTi CLOCltt CAXER- cvcier, Au Hi; i - ill- 7 j-Hirr cm t'jiT T - 'J -t a a u 7V r ;"7holcattile and Retail , ,.J LOOK, i TO ilOljll lTEIItKTSr ! ; L! ND WHENvYOOiWiANS TaBUY ti-r i r ' . . ...... . d . j . . - . r CUEAP FdU Cisn RfcARTEU iTflHE5 BEST STOC 4lT ' lkEClTY; J AT ;.J.i o'ftm , !j J?iGAX$rjELL?S. . BBLS. REFINED AND &&0W& Att -at - Df MixWEL1 f- .'r.' -.-(a Y "THE" DOZEN 6B "jARS, AT o-tOaJ ,i-n i ' b." QV-i M AX W ELL'S; ' i LL GRADES, AT i' ' " . .n ,n ,; DG,,MAXWE.LL LBS. LORILARD'S SNUFFwith the, sumps on) atrthe. oldpriceg- fuat reeeivgd'af1 t-- ' "J 1 ' 4jnaf5tf:i: . iDi Gi MAXWEIX'SJ . T A i i. COFFEE'"- i;!l? 10, LAQYUARA AND JAVA, AT ' D. G. MAaWJSW'jS, ! eFinoi Family Flour, -j- BY, THE BARREL OR BACK,'i; I; i' ) rat - 'D.G.!MXWLIS,.. TTTTST PV.Pli'fVWTV AH il apr W8t r :I D. d:lXwELLS ? i-.V...r 'f! . llicrii vnw.fi- iJPil TharilS) tin Dt.GiMAXWEt;t?gr-15 of Phuadelplua are inaurecbctb Arjrfi Insurance Plan. ;'-.': , - It'will pay business men and Capitalists to cail at the office of Caldweirft -Brenlzer and examine hWtPlanbefore.iosbting. efeiwherei . Cardeninfflfor tire South; ( " R IXoF.toGroW" Vegrtablesand Fruite; by.the latefWiihm,-WhiteAAh- ena, ua.;With addittoitsy Mr. Jv van jjnren and DrrJasriuTerbed and jiewtHttas tratetL For sale at , t . - TIDDY'S; 4 T?I0tea'WideiMe i,(eylepi .11 sale at t Tie, Ulng an tleiPooKr ISITTLE,Womenf- MeHi BiblfiJEo d mM. fbrShVa TIDDY s?! t BuHdifilO 'andxamihe theefreUM 1 ... ... : n.M. -9 thA i .ivtfnnni - ijnuuuu 1 -7"? Ipsuran pa 3 aha 1 Atsrn 19 wow. k,vw,vw. 1 :t -SPECTACLES-AND WATCH sMATERlAt, J. J i - CI AnLOTTE, TJ. O. ' " ' - -. - - T - .. .,.11 j. I t-Q 1 find itJtheteiiavaniatevittiur w--rofCaldweil.Breniaer Ct.??? -ii-DEALER IN iFJhe Watches And Jewelry, .'it; mm H ER ii) l(H'!: ' ..... ...1 ,., : --ii. ; : -rr ,S;URGE0r DENTIST, Office oVear Wad A Ghumels Book Store. fPROVEMENX in , . nnedandextraeU;: ed i without any:, UUiU IU MIC .warranted to give entire " satisfac- dnction jn .prices. : Full sets of. Teeth for $60 upper set $50. under set $30. Teeth Hedfotllodto'o. . f : ' viceg at the otfi.ee. or at their.residences, will tfna me ready to-aiteiM? to an eatrs promptly STEROSCOPIC VIEWS. Vil . . OF BOTH . Jorein nod American Scenery, Photograph Album, all styles; : n BSISTOL 1 ANI CHINA CARDS, arid eVerytniog tefeehsoalfy found in a flrst- fqlass Book Qtore,..., . .J-A.- 'Tryon-street, near Spring's Corner. BEAUTIFUL. 1 TS the exclamation of all whQ see , those, JL eiqaisiCe - CHEOMOS, AT 'T ECElPT Books, Copy Books, Inks, Pa Jji .per,' -Envelopes, Pen Holders, Erasers,' Sea ins Wax. lnlt Htanas, earns, rurses, aiiu f Fancy Articles of all descriptions, at ftKi io Gorman IveslieT v Ljfcfe Adventures frt' ' v-0idertandy J Little Foxes j- Fairi Play and a how he won uer: ac. ... ., t!.,, f,rj nwi v f Cloister and; th Hearth t ARD Pt-by Reade ; Hrs of-Ffver- -sham ; .for.aaIoM''-r TlDUYS1. . S'ri. r 1 .v. AKUSUMfiJUi oonnajn clotn, or 10 and f 12 per set-at : " . SRI V.fi 1 SUBBYy-of x.EaVP .SJ Hi7t.tQtfHiH; Warnfck; and many, other Books too numerous mention, at 1 ' " 'it TIDDYSV JTIf yw vrnt lo know trbere to IX find the LARGEST, PRETTIEST - and . . wtTrl - A ' - . V y .... .... - :' Tlio) Safest, Eimpleat and Best,- CQYERvAHD.: JABi BlfWBYjOF. GLASS. .. a A R, NESBIT & BBO. jaeeSQ TT . 1 m 1 a" a iinnir nv m mm a.wwwi a m a-. Ji; Bailroads. ; mh CaroUna Jtlall Koad. ; Gbh'i Sm?KBrjrTnbBYT OrncB, . Chrmioh, AprU 10, ISM. 0- &PRli!ll, the' ; Passenger Trains of the South Caro Una Railroad will run s follows ' " ' ' " i-rtt yiis;vjroa AtrecsvAiJ: Mn Wa. ArnvoaVAusruata; r? 45 p.jav Connecting with the Trams4 for llbhlgbmery, Memphis Nashville rand"New Orleani," via .Montgomery and Grand Junction, t ;v j , roa coickaiA, . Leave Charlestbn, ' J ' : " fesO'a. m.'"' Arrive at Columbia, 6:10 p. 'm. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, Charlotte and South Carolina Rail road and Camden Train. Leave Angusta, 9KX)a.tiU Am ve at Charleston, 6:10 p. at. Leave Columbia, . 7:45 a.m..,. Arrive at Charleston, 6:10 p.m. AUaUStA BIGHT BXPBCBB. . 8unday excepted.) ' Leave Charleston, .. ; .. lMp.au , Arrive at Augusta. ' . fl;10 a. m. Connecting with Trains for Memphis, ; Nash- viae ana new uneans, via Graud Junction. Leave Augusta, . . 4:10 p. m.v Arrive at Charleston, ..... ... 4.00 a. m. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. , (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston, . .;.- ((:05 p.m. Arrive at Columbia, 4:45 a.m. Connecting, Sundays excepted, with Green ville and Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia, 6:50 p. m. Arrive at Charleston, '- ' 6.80 a. m. 8DMMBBVILLK THAIS. i- ; Leave Charleston, r 8:85 p. m. Arrive at Summerville; . 6:00 p. m. Leave Sunmerville, 7:10 a. in. Arrive at Charleston, 8:25 a. m. CAMBBS BRANCH. On Mondays, Wednesdays and , Saturdays, connecting at Kingville with up and down ' Day Passengers. " ' Leave Camden v 6:35 a. m. Arrive at Columbia,.., 11:00 a. in. Leave Columbia, J 220 p. m. Arrive at Camden, b 7)5 p. m, (Signed,) ' H. T. PEAKfi, J raplptc. ,.R Gen'i Sup't; ' The Central Short Route. Charlotte and S. CT ahd C: and A. R. ' Columbia, S. C., April lb,l6?v THE following schedule wiljgo into effett over .the new short line, to-morrow-(Sunday,)' Ilth inst. ' ' ' CcHhectioiis sure to all v points Nortfe, ' South and West. , . ; ..,-! Going North. . Going South LEATK. . TEBMlNAta.: t ABMlTtr 8:50 a. m. Augusta, i ; 4.43 p. Bf a. m. Graiiitevme. Leave.4 15 u. m. -23)0 n.m. ColnrnWa. ' 12' TO n. ml f:25p. m. Chariotie.-' 5:45 a. m.; 1:30 a. m. Greensboro, . 12:15 a. m. 11:15 a.m. Richmond,. 2:45 a. tb 8:40 p. m, Washington, 7:00 a. m. 10:30 p. in. Baltimore, 4:40 a: tt. 2:25 a.m. Philadelphia, 12:25a. m. Arrive,6 .05 p. m. Ne w York, 8:40 p. m Making close connections, at Charlotte : to all points North and East, and at Augusta to' all points South and ' West. .- To insure Speed; Safety and Comfort, bV ' sure and ask for Tickets via Columbia and GraniteviUe. ; , ,. . . , , Fare as low as by competing lines. Baggage checked through. First-Class Eating Houses along the entire' Route. : -.. .Tickets by this routff are Optional either' via Danville and Richmond, Weldon and Richmond, or Weldon and Old Bay Line good until used. v . f 'For Tickets to jU principal points North, South or West, apply at Ticket Office, foo Blanolmg Street, or for other information to' CALEB BOUKNIGHt, SupL, Or, E. R. DoBSEt, Genera Freight and Ticket Agent. ... ; ap 11 Wilmington & Ill n. U0.,v 0 4...-: pftce Chiet Eho'b Ge. Sfp't., ? 5 Wi&xixeTejr, NjCi,, June 6, 1869. ) STJMMEa 'EX0UBJ5I0W. ' :' TICKETS TG ALL THE COOL PLACES." ' Round trip- tkdjete-for4 one fare'to HUkboro', High Point, Salisbury and Char- lotttv Sparkling CatawbaJJpjrings, Morgan-; tonj Sec.; also, to Lincolnton and the end of the.W. C. &.R. R. good until the 16th of Oc-" tober to return. ? . i, : 4 Tickets to the Virginia Springs $12,50;: to.: Richmond and the local fare by C. &, 0. B. R. ( late-Central Railroad ) added ' " "H Tickets cheap to New, Tork. and Boston via ' steamers from Norfolk. . : u-.l ' S. L. FREMONT. lane 8 " ChleTEngriifc Snp'L ' Wilmingrton Charlotte and ? BWjBEBFdllD' RAILllOAD j -ri Gen'l SoxawT&DBWr font, 7 : " Wflmingta?K'C!May.l6,Jl86lr 'v DN and aftei May 15, the Passenger Train . on this Road will leave Wilmington Ott 1" Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdayjat 7 o'cloclc,, J A.M.- ' ''.: iS-Hfew -ftff.'n:w ! . Arrive at Rockinghamjame Jays, J&J,) P.-M. " --.- "Arrive at Wadesboro StageAiat PJ1C - loLeaTe Wadesboro' , f Stage,) on;?iTneadyl,rhs- Thursday and Saturday, at 1 p. m LfeaVe Rockingham f tram j Monday; wea t -Arrive at Wilmington same days at r. m. j j 1 , . . WJU BTERETT, 11 jmay 20J . . .Genl8npt. .1 :F.ORJrItENT.':.: HpUSR FiQRiBENT - Apply to, . r-. . 1 . - -' ?. P. ZMMERMANt Navj TardV