- " . i v T," It Shines Tor AIL M . "VTA T S P'U i Editor J O H IT . K CHARLOTTE, N. C Saturday Morning October 9, 1869. Work for - the if ontL and after.soaking, soVin faith, that A Sucker cm the FFs of oH TlT- the giver of all things .may bestow upon us a bountiful harvest. $niA ern Cultivator Tie liSsca,cf thV Panic. ginia. In Illinois Sacker took great dis like to a foolish young -Virginian who was a fellaw-passenger with him on oneoi ine jmssissippi oteamDoaus. I was on the boat and saw the whole of , the affair. The Virginian was f For the Charlotte Observer. FOX HUNTING. ' Fox. hunting is a pleasing sport, Id which there is no error, V Unlike a case brought into court Inflicting - A gentleman remarking 'in a; tav ern that he had shot a hawk at nine ty yards with No. 6 shot; another X!harlotteCotton Market. -m .""J1 a :. ' ' il. ' j, wo poinw, says me w colllinaallr combing his hair, , brush- Sun have been demonstrated by the . ,,ln'w nr dstinr hWhnots recent events in Wall street not, all of wbich movements ""the indeed, by any means for the first gucter took exceptions,-sbeing what time in the history of the street, ne termed, "a leetle too darned nice, but still with peculiar force. One by halt" He ;finally drew j up his is that a few unscrupulous opera- chair beside the Virginian ;and: ber; tors, with plenty of money, can, at gaivr- , . . v- r - - any time; put the; price of gold or yMWhar might you be from, Strang- .tnAo ot veha tovo. nni'nt. t.hV rJpftSf? er ? ' - " answered the gent. -"f-- '.'Erom . old, Virginny, , I -.s'pose ?" says the Sucker. ?i i tf, . . "Yes, sir, old Virginia,", wasi;- the 'Ifoii airpooty high up in the pio-. turps iiuir. x Kuuuuser . .I , i . - . - 5- . ' . " ... K 1 . . . workshould be pushed forwatu vig- j cash means .undertaking to ; specuf j -I don't know'what you me&n hj OrOUSly. Vrnett COICOU IS mgu j late wim uurruwcu uiuucj,.ww9,iu i iuok icukwh, w. ng-, v i . SteZi :;:.- LwhenVthere is a- fall in -nr ices to aff- . Oh, nothing "r says the .Sacker, ana nev Den orougnt up ngni flfce." v "It the intormation will gratuy ypu in any way," says the. gentr pat roniziugly smoothing down 4iis hair, "i belong to one ot the Jirst jamy- lies." 7if- - vaiuiuia, and the other is, thatwhenever these1 men do exercise their power, the small fry operators, with whom they come into collision, are sure - to be ruined. October is fusually a beautiful The practice, . unfortunately so inonih'for cotton picking, and the. common, of persons with limited "Oh? in course" answered the v jrery importawxi wur eAtfhas bonght stocks. . hng in picng ginning and pact- 8ay to the am6Unt of $10,000, pay ing ,wiitpay jLndsomely. The corn ing $1,000 of liis- own money and jcropi in most parts of the South, borrowing $9,000 of some money lwai;be;sb lender, who takes the stock for se soonasdtthatne curity. r ! .the -fields. To make up for defi- fall depress the market value of the Sucker. "Well, stranger, beinV as ciency oi corn crop, we wouia urge purchase, by forced sales, to the you belong to the fust, I'll just give nnon our readers to sow larcrelv of extent of o00. and the lender eets f vou two ot the tattest shoats m all Illinois ei you li only una me a lei- ler that belonscs to Or.e of the second Virginny families." - "rouwant to quarrel with me. sir," says the Virginian. t "No, stranger, not an atum " an swered the Sucker, "but I never seed one of the second family, and I'd gifl sumthin to git a sight hi one of 'em. I know you are one ot the ftist, 'cause replied : "Must have a good gun, but s M it" "Ah rUaidAHe firstVhbw far 7??- ?' C" 8- 18 - " - - 7 r i - I " ... .-;T 1 . V u uaies at24i on. awful terror. n i i , will it &ill ft nawK wiuilcsp. o-snot?" I Marketdnii ' 1 , ' wc ' . . :. i I T ilnnl ii i ilml in li ill Till i i iiiri ta-Mot"M T Pleasure m tne lores, aense;, -, JMf To hear the hounds a howling. . O - tt..i t ut 1 - -1 rtilAAALl. And Lizzie jumpmg every fence fthoot salt ftltocrether -T kill mv mn To leave poor Julia growling. Rn f wkh mv Ithat : thiT m would spoil before I could get it." A straw will make an impression on the virgin-snow : let Jt- remain but a short time and. a,, borse'shoof Wn scarcely penetrateH. So it is -withnheyotithful tnindrAtriflirig wqravmay maKe ant pnpression on itbui after .aljewl years ithes .most powerful appeals may cease to- in n mi l . . t . l i nuence is. xnmK oi. tnis ye wno have the training;- of nthe - infant mind, and leave such impressions thereon, as will be safe for it .to car? ry amia neimneatiiaaiiempsauons of the worldl " . : n Ay kind, - physiciad' wihiirg I to smooth the Jasjr hpum ofja" ppor.iwp- man whom he was atteiiding, asked her it there was anything that , he could do for her before she died. The poor soul, looking up, replied : "Doo tor, I have al ways thought that I should like to have a glass " buiter dish betore 1 die ! ' With a party slow in rear persuit, 'And one in speed abounding, 4A"WitEouta gun to take a shoot, ' Or horn to make a sounding. The Fox is coughtthe race Is o'er The excitement is a dying,- , The noise of Dogs are heard no more, "And all the men" are sfghlngT - They all go home and eat their lunch,'' 1'Then some go out to plowing, While others take a whfsky punchy ? And still keep up the rowings :". - The Doss lie down to take a sleep, Aud leave 'the woods in-qufetf- ' I u silence still they rest and Fep, Aiid wait again to try it. r? ; And when the misty seasons come, You'll hear the horns a blowing, ; The hunters leaving from tliei? home, With breastly rapture flowing; ; v Charlotte Monev MArv KATE& OF iiANK NOTES, &c.t Thomas S. Tate ThomA. nr BA5KERS AHD BROKEM.TBTOJ. Stre!?7' V I t:: i ' Charlotte, N. C. Bank (( . ? - v It C3U' I 'One always crows and boasts along, The ballance make endorses, Aud sing a hunters lively song, While riding on their horses. small grain. Oats would do better 'sown in September, but they may still succeed well if sown at once 'Break the ground well and cover with turning shovel ; a little guano will make a very great difference in tfte yield, i We pray, alsoi that am ple breadth of land be given to the wheat crop,1 orVf albert Awe should ' have said, let an ample quantity of manure be given to it; for a few acres, well manured and well pre pared, can be relied on with more certainty than a large number poor ly prepared and manured. Plow deep, but have a care especially i . " . tV m a r uneasy ; let tuem depress it $0UU more, . and he hastens to sell and save his $9,000 while he can. Mean while, some other lender, who has lent only $8,500 on the, game amount and kind of stock, seeing that the price of it is failing, and that his neighbor barely got his $9,000 back, rushes to save his money before it is -too late,' and sells yon look just like John Randolph lhis mollined the Virginian the hint of a resemblance to the states- atp,700. ; i Other money-lenders follow suit, and, assisted by those who are striving to depress the market, they put prices lower and lower, until everybody who has not paid for his stocks in full or nearly so is clean ed out. Then the reverse process, that of inflation, begins, and the that the upper layer of the soil be game is played over on the other thoroughly, pulverized. Asallknow track. Of course some men are " the wheat,plant ' sends out numer- luc,ky eZu& to e?caPe Athi d&r 'i. , , and make money instead of losing der firbres cannot force their way through hard, cold, - cloddy masses, whereas, :Xhe object of nature, in this arrangement of roots, is to make every part of the soil tributa ry to the growth of the plant. The manure ought, therefore, for a like reason; to be thoroughly incorpor- it ; but the chances against specu lators of small means are about 9 to 1, and in such a panic as we are now passing through, 1,000 to 1. The noise of hounds are heard again, ) The hunters yells are shocking,'. The Fox abounding o'er the plain, Where Dogs are fasily flocking. The excitement then is great indeed, The bushes all are shaking, The hunter mounted on, his steed, Aud all the country raking. It is a sport as far from crime, As quakers are from fighting, As Greenland from our sunny clime, Or frost in August biting. Some men prefer to work a farm, And some the trade shoemaking, But in the hunt there is no harm, Just so you keep from raking. I will admit it is a sport, Laborious and fatiguing. . Much harder than it is to court, 'Yes harder still thaa digging. But then it's hard to those alone, Who would prefer to trace it, And not to those who justly own, The soil on which we race it. ;' ; - Joh. .., Wanted. An. exchange says-we are anxious to obtain the services.of a large man to attend to the follow ing kind of persons : The uneasy cuss who wants to know 'what's the politics of the paper and is 'afraid it is getting a little wrong. Cape Fear "Charlotte " Clareudon Coninierce Fayettevilie Lexington (old) " (new) Graham, Roxboro Thomasyille Wadesbbro - iWasKhgtcfe" . Yan5eyvflle ' ' Commercial Bank of Wilminwn Parm aihi' n n1' ... Greensboro Mutual Tns. Co.. (ohtt 7 xucicuaiits cans oi iewbem Miners' and Planters' Bank . Virginia Bahk Notes average about South Carolina " Georgia : ?,r Ni ;Ci Railroad Stock N. a R. R. Dividend Serin' We buy and sell at liberal Stiver, North Carolina Bonds, United Stat uuuua uu an oiner marKeiable stocks. 40c 86 48 8 17 15 2 2 2T, 45 10 32 2 "88 S 38 55 40 25 30 25 22 85 Travelers' Guide. North Carolina Railroad. THE PASSENGER AND MAIL traiv leaves Charlotte at 7:10 d. m.. ami nrril at Charlotte at 6:00 a. m. State News. Too Much ' Marrying. -The Liberal Christian has an article on the above subject, from which we take the following r: "It is not in the facility with which peonle cret ated with the soil, particularly the divorced, but in the facility with Upper layers, for it is these that which they get married that the mis the roots especially ramify. In chief inheres. It is not the marry this vicinity thelargest yields have in? M the.unmarrying-the mar followed the 'application of cotton ut proper ., consideration wuwiicu.vuB uwuuu w wnuu marrying from wrong motives, seed with guano and desolved bones, with false views and unfounded ex- The wheat plant delights in nitro- pectations marrying without know ! geh0us manures, and growing in,;the mg wn0 or what- that causes all rnw BMflnn :f,a , iMO'.; the disturbance. And there is al- At, ! ' 4 ' r Wt '' together too much of such r , - i Marnag ' jiumimuu jl duwu. uiuuico. aegree. a marriage Til ' I . !' ' " ' ' '. 'u ' '"" I ii . . . " - m . ! ... . -experiments: t nave Jf quite rcieariy usually a snort-lived attair, wnue a man was nattering to his feelings and he accordingly acknowledged relationship to the orator. 'lie. you know, descended from the Ingin gal, Pocahontas. "You are right, sir, answered the other. "Well, stranger," said the Sucker, "do you know there is another queer thing alius puzzles me, and it s this I never seed a Virginnyin that didn't claim to be either descended from an Ingin, John Randolph, or a nigger. We need not addtthat the Sucker rolled off his chair suddenly. They were separated ana Kept apart .until, I Got. Of olden knet lady-hare returned from tne DQCKer got on at a lanamg near i their northern tour. 1 1 A 1 i J 1 1 I ins uome. as ue Bveppeu asuure no The Roanoke is on a bn8tM It is out of caugnt a signt oi tne Virginian on I its banks, and it is feared some damage may the upper deck, and bailed mm at ( result. 1 . say, OUl V lrginny, rememDer years, committed Suicide in Rutherford coun ty, by hanging himself, last week. The Rutherford ton Vindicator learns there is an unusual amount of sickness prevailing in Cleveland county; perhaps an hundred cases of Typhoid fever, we are informed. The Raleigh Standard says : The revenue officers sold in front of our Court House Mon day! a tobacco wagon, one horse and a lot of tobacco, seized for a violation of the Reve nue laws. two fat shoats for the first feller you find belonging to the second Virginny family I" : Compromising Spirit. A sable Adonis, named Edward Chandler, was up as a witness in New Orleans, in a case of assault and battery. The pugilists were two females of the same ebon hue of Edward him l marrying. Mrs. Cecelia Rhodes, of Polk county, is one hnndred veara old. She distinctly re- self, and a little inquiryinto the I collects when the British army were in Rowan TiA difltnrra.nnA nnn rAvPflK I county, and relates many incidents that oc- ige is a thing of quality and a ean1. ft, uv.,i,;n,J 9wr dQrin8 occupation of this State , A marriage of the blood is ti,A ,isWT.ntWm . fKr Knshanfl. 3 Both asserted that they were law New Advertisements. Me niorandum Book Lost, YESTERDAY; somewhere between the South Carolina? Railroad depot and the Charlotte Hotel, a Memorandum Book containing a few papers. The finder will confer a favor by leaving it at Charlotte Hotel. 0. P. GARDNER. STOVES & TIN WARE. WILEY & GASTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN , STOVES & TIN WARE, One door below Brem, Brown & .Co's. Dry Goods Store. ROOFING & jGUTTEUUVG done at shortest notice and in the best Style prices to suit. We are in receipt of all the latest styles of COOK1 X O STOVE9 V v and ask particular attention to the . . . BARLET SOI3AF, v pronounced by judges the best Cooking Stove in the market. We have all sizes and styles at prices that will suit all. We will not be undersold. Call if you want a first rate Stove at a low price, oct 8 tf T?resli Fish and Oysters. THE l 1 citizens of Charlotte are hereby in formed that I will have, in the basement room under Uates, Walter 15 rem & Cos. hardware store, Mansion House, a supply of FRESH; FISH AND OYSTERS Every morning.' t ; My fish are well packed in ice and are warranted to be sound and good. Call and see me. oct 6 tf JOHN RIGLER. W1 The Standard understands that the criminal shown that, with a given Quantity marriage of the brain or of the heart rnnkrri tn KJti krL Sl1 a m. - J - - t a ill b 1 1 ii i ir ww iiiu w iwiim . - r . w z ii. - . manure, it is oesi; 10 mate two " "& - est crosexammation iauea to ais applications of it, one in the fall, ma,a11 Jer clean J throogli, close any flaw in tho statements of another in the-flnnnw in fnrm nf ? js rn.'-i'i;: i . euner . tnn nrAiL ' iu v 7 2P !? -SP cor- Why, you rascal you must be a top dressing. , Another pomt which partm the pther, separation is im- wa;iV' hJiiA n; YnQV TlVnr hh vrrmnA n.A A m wll AM,A V I TiAOOl Kl A I-C11 tnhnm 4Kaw I - O - . - O J vn u guCU a ncuwwu. r--r-"" " vv wrathfully towards Edward. l;nUJ 1 ; i ,i ; i ' t I hair marriarl whan nnlv a Viiirt navt I iioueu uy experiment, mac uruied M,,'vr v """r"1" wheat, highly maaured, ana-of rank of them ia- married, when they are .1 -n . ' it -. ?,.t v? married only m-their instincts, or growth, will not fall down Mike the their imaginations, or their fortunes broadcasted nnder;' wmilar circuhv- the unmarried part of them is ' very stances the stem of the former, f apt to get uneasy and rebel, and "SUi. VP 'Youve married both these wo men?" Yes, sar, but day need'nt fight bout it, dough r "Don't you know this is a cnmi- ing there was but one jury drawn, consequent ly the trial docket cannot be reached after this week, and of course not one third of the cases will be tried. - - . The Sentinel announces that about sixty pupils have arrived at the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind Institute; many of them new ones, and the prospect bidsfair for a larger auenaance during tne session now opeuiug than during any previous one. ; from better xrreiti theyfind a Bedlam where they look nal offenc0f yours air, is not so;soK and?suculentai tor Jtlysmm; v Sar, replied Edwai inai; . oi ; tneiatter; -Jfixpenment fn,aM ,:0 inA 'v V V V. ," , v . -1 '-" : '-'si . . ' "inere is Altogether too much earaVstlv into tha rafeot: "' riBg to h width of the nlr should be. ,On$ young people into the most imrior- i,, tf . . t thing We feel uite assured of,- that tant and sacred pf 'all, human rela- JQat go V a; sufficient width to permit work- rtM Hfor.? !$f prepared; for :'Y&?K ings to destroy the-weeds, would be SS8 me,a t0 as" , tfDen don't say no W about it, wheal fields are infegted withweeds much of marrying : and being , mar' clt roo g ? 7 "in.early spring, . and there ' is no riedntd it-18 thought by many ; : 7, . , r, , i- ,i people:somewhat of adisgracefor n. , ' . reason wny. tne wneat plant snouia Uromaii to pass throuhi ww h.Two not suffer from these disputing ' the wheri, in fact, the life of many a sin soil with it, as well as corn or co- ( gle womaff is :poetry, romance, i:ap- ton under like 1 circumstances. - Ex- ture even, in comparison, with many . li. -i r.. a wne. - vepb ttlUUg' mo vvw ' ouu ' nwuiu parts of the South, the grain should Hi In tUe ground before tne.,la.t of Lg TTT nn':aminiiltn. I . Ti ,G APTTAli UOMING bOTJTH. The October, We hope our agricultu- statement that a gentleman who rtas. ralsobietie's;wiU undertake , expert- ed through that city Thursday Hast. time for 1 ie ww vv""od ercnant be deposnea in ine jreopie s savings - - South Carolina N etvs .There are four hundred and twenty retail' groceries in Charleston.. ' ' "' :';i Sar, repUed Edward, the whites Skff . & Ga7Jord:" Mmstreis wiiDg in nrhift avfia enlaro'inif. and lnnkinjTl Jfii 'iu ? tJ?j 1 c Ther are one thousand people In C&arlea. lo uuuo o -i i i4rhoSB naDaea commence . with the.Tietter nave you arressea m. j- ' 4 . , . 'T The South Carolina railroad company has just placed on its track a new sleeping "car. OtisG. Chanel, Esq., for many years a prominent merchant of Charleston died at his residence in Aiken on tne era insi. Thomas J. Perdu was arrested In Charles- ton on Saturday last, on the , arrival of the train, he having eloped with another, man's wife, from Manchester, Va. He left l wife and two cnuaren ai u tauerpiace. The dramatic season opened In Charleston POSltinn tn oah f, T.HA 14 UUBy "?uu,8- . wwu, , , m Ai.viia.ua., w pine flr8t appearance oi tne worse & uoiuns wuo great advantage Ot tne local company, in the "Ticket-of-Leave-man." : piiuua. UD6 Started Wltn a tWO COl- I A rrnn fr1 hunired hehielf ahont two the plantation of Mr. Wm. Win- Twelve Mile ; Creek,, .Lanoasier The circumstances are thus tLn . " . , . ",-". f 6V v I pnDU8neu oy vue jjcageri appears inat which was the' NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. "E HAVE RECEIVED A New Stock of very desirable uuuds for the We have an . unusually large ' and at tractive stock which we intend to sell as low as Uie same quality of Goods can be bought in this market, either Wholesale or RetaiL . - All we ask is an examination of puV goods and prices. vJail and see us before buying. BREM, BROWN 6 CO. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. t. - ' -1 ' XfmHAirOTSRECEIVED : VVTtfy iarge andr extensive bwkjk oi juacues iress uooas oi. every va riety and. style.. ; Embroideries, Laces Edg IrigSiriserttbni, &dVWe" have very at tractive stock of Goods for the Ladies', and will take great pleasure m showing them; ; ti ii J v..: i. icaoo uui auu bctj us uoivd uuyiug. ' i every variety and style of Dress. Trimmings,' . Frjngeaigjps. Jelvet, Rihbonsj Buttons,5 &c If ' youi "want' to be .sure and and what you-'want, go to ; , - ".BREM.'BROWW. A fJO'Sl . a ju YV .circuses are running- inop .-. , riu uverusementr tne Otner IOl-J weeks ago i lowed with four -columns; and then Chester,, on ; mimW - - t . : I county, 8. C. mant, frt rlAHrlA thfl best' lime I0r I ww - "T."r , "v.iuaut - v . m.v xicn I meui, wi luainao ui mentso decide tne d 1 tQ the gum of $10,0oo in gold to bany Ind- to do some shopping! Jected to by the girr, aineren w-uuw , v, . deposited in the Jf eople's Savins " the 5lerk askftd if tK'" coupie u consatr convince, tne people- the girl, Jane Crow, became- intimately at- wTr'7T6 '"TrnWvinn " best show - ' tached to a colored man by the name of Jen- ! r . BREM, BROWN & CO. t r.s I n?1Ss an the attachment on the part of Jen--1 : " jj ftl.' wlZTTTw ILitLi' 3 warmiy reciprocated; an engage- i . wt ; tt: rr,T:'" r. w'. sowing in Via hoof aaori with n. f.OarBB Bievw Kanb- nt liVnCUUUnr. JLQB aP.nnitn ouvbiunor s,A h a nnnl J i I & out all the - cockle, cheat and said he would . not consent to have e was amazed by the reply. .'Oh r?n SfSa'trX 'r:. : 4 Wnnce in fT. 'k, sir; unless you will be kind nmT incur rrJ: ,vw . while tne 1 layer- w.pwiuauon and ro go out and milk tT,A ia '"iwlfforlove, fLTirPtlv strniKT eolation of bluestone Vamblincr was. raging so wildly, and I rnda T -", iot i ir nrptlv strniKT fiolution OI Dluesione J Vambln and Pki.ro offevery thing that floats, resuHipg i sortweh ruin, , A - , , I : 1 M nines wa wuuiry gin rode into New ment of marriage followed; , which . was. ob- s father. All efibrts of r i tne coupie u consamate ineir mutual aesirss her own life by hanging ner- This is the first instance with-1 knowledge where a negro destroys her and should be duly recorded. ! WHW ' .,lluul tne mreguUrHcepo4.ihemite.Hous vf-pila idea . E HAVE AN" r 'ENDT.F.SS variety l. of Cloths. Cassi- meres, xncoiy, ueavers, Batinets. Jeans, &c,. sewing at , astonishin2) low which, we prices.. are BREM, ;BROWN & CO. SHOES AIID HATS. V i2 HAVE A LARGE RTOfHT TiV Shoes and Jl4ts,-which we are sell- Clmrlottc & S. C. Railroad GOING SOUTH. Leave Charlotte, - - Leave-Columbia. - - - . Arrive at Augusta, - - . GOING KOBTH. Leave Augusta, - - - - . Arrive at Columbia. - - - Arrive at Charlotte, 6.00 a. m. 12:50 a. m. 6:15 p. m. Making close connection both ways. 6:45 a. m. 12:35 p. m. 7:10 " Post- Office Direct ory. OPKKING AV& CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Northern M ail, closes at 7 d. m. : Deliv ered at 1 a. m. . Southern Mail, closes at 7 d. m.. Delivered at 7 a." m. ' Western Mail, Lincolnton, &c. Closes 7 6 a. m.; Delivered at 6 p. m. Eastern Mail, Lancaster, Wadesboro', &c., closes at 7 a. m., Delivered at 7Vi a. m. Lincolnton, &c., mail is a tri-weekly : ar rives and departs on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Lancaster. Wadesboro , c., &c., is a tri weekly j arrives and departs Monday, Wed nesday and Priday lieatties Ford, arrives on Monday and de parts on Tuesday. Davidson College arrives on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 12 m., and de parts same days at 1 p. m. CHAS. A. FRAZIER, P. M".. J. S. PHILLIPS & CO. TAKE pleasure in informing the publie that their stock of FALL AND WINTER o s is complete and open for inspection. - Their stock of t Beayer Cloths, ' Black and Colored Cloths, Black and Taney Cassimeres, Vestings, &c, is one of the largest ever offered in this market Gents1 Furnishing Goods, In great variety. Scotch, .English and German Mennoea, TJnderware, Cravats, Ties and Bows, of the most fashionable styles. Lmen Shirts, Hosiery and Gloves from tne best makers, and .all the new shades. ; ; xXX ,A -Hats l of all kinds and of the best quality. . Bady-Made Clothing. A small stock of the above goods, and well made. ... . .... .-. . .. ALSO. Theelebrated M c I N T Q8 ff RUBBER CLOTHING, which are the best water-proof goods made. : ' " . ;VV ' i, All of the above, goods will be sold as low as the same gradja-iL4W0d.can be beugh elsewhere, u v ' - Bpecial attention will 1e paid to the and good fits guaranteed. sep 80 LADIES' COVEHtNGS. -"r '--- 1 .Uti.i "E HAVE A GREAT VA RIETY of Cloaks, made to oraer,, and gotten up v handsome style. "We have a large assortment of Shawls, in all the new styles. Fura and Mufis, all of which we are selling at the lowest prices. L JBREMBROWNCa CLOTHING. ' - " " jTTTTE HAVE A GOOD ASSORT- YV MENT of well made Cloth ing, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 1 which tout Fail to call on Caldwell A Bre- '-nizer and insure your "property m tie Liverpool & London A Globe Insurance Com - panyi'."'"' : " f..:. .'' oct 7 "Vfow Is the time to Insure your property "J. 1 ; against lost by fire. Call on Caldwell & Brenizer, First National Bank Building. oct8-,'r- V UJH." TI. nenderson. HAVING opened a . Family Grocery in the store in front of the. Court House, formerly- occupied by Major Hart, asks the citi zens of Charlotte to divide their patronage with him. : " Call and see him. oct 6 3m ing very cheap..; :V. 1 1 ' Y arge Quainty WHITE MOUN JLi ' tain Houey, for sale by ' oct. 6 c R. M. Mlhh&H lVroT'CE ! A Assignee of W ll S. WALLACE, I will seU at M. .Wriston & CoV Auction House, on bai- URDAY, the 16th instant, at 12 o'cioca, one claim on James Wallace's estate, aiid some accounts belonging to the estate W. s. Wallace,' Bankrupt. , : M ' x-iV Vt JOHK Ei BROWN, , octaat" -- AssJguw uct3 BREMr BROWN & CO.