t -i imh in, i mi ii inn ii triFl liT. tip J .. Mil L If t 'if : THE CTlZ,EN$,OF, CHARLOTTE AND " -TERMS, OfftBeBCEtPTIJ. f Daily, one year, - .. - $6 00 . 1 Square 2 Squares, 2.00 3 Squares 2J75' : ft7. 7.50 4 SqaW? f'tftef 4 -00 f 500f H18.50 i w.w o.w k:6tf. 19.60? tiLwinuUri ; 1, .Coluilfaui .'17.004 W.00 1 Celnnm. 10.00 .46.00 Ei)ioBatUtiawihf waa -coMinetrce'(l!i? J61- 1 uiipi wwt i.v. . cuarges against I ' i him relaLeJ exclusively. to -ftis raamiflrfof r!ntir4; ducting the singinffJtearorehib. ' He nut hiajchoir.. -.into-jiarplicea.! AudT mor I, over,' had iheja enter the QixffCrwir the same rfianner at its cio&e. ' There U also I a supplemenUtchiirsje f ; persisteMe iSHbUC! practice aner pemtorwaHen ,iq uo o pffie Bisiiowitwifa'. in0.wnoie m turns pdn the-uestioatwMtberexcanoxrrrai priests to obey t!m !"godl adiuonjtiop!yf ; . . ...!..- X il . ' '; .-V.-' tdair hishnVi nnliTA9 t.htm tn ft,llfv; lni 1iror. tions on luese jkjjirs conceruiug wn.cn; jtnere' is no written urovision. -".Hi -! At a religious anniversary recently hefd-iW Salenii MassiichusetWf'ilte foltowhia'QuestJort was discussed at cdhsiderable'lehgtlitS ' uusbi cnnreneswr nora r air' ior:inf pur liose of rw(4inganneyfe W si4laio'ihe institu- tionsTof reHgtonr .ijwjvw Of course hey ought'it seertst'be ctbe only method now, to dislodge the dinies'from some men's poeketsi Aug theby it iy ' tight," inasmuch aa the liberal gi rer" onf "such oc casions can have witnesses to-prove b.iVcliart-1 ty ! The nutnoer who giTeaiid ,keep7 ia secret from his, left hand, aue-'tnighty1 feW! There- can Ibe atnoiJralgedJlttoWttint' through the irtilUhrbr4ttkiJtha We h6pe?to'beaKbfVnany cttdt'ch' fairs this fall and wlutw'flwjd&rft, - ' ' '-' The SOTwforrftioticed th te slreeis of Eal eigh, Thureday, a cart load of willow baskets lnaiinfatauiC-J'JohnstjmOcouml lady who was offering -Utew-for sale. This willow iii.tpxara90i nndt tbese ba. kets, of yarious,pa(nj8, re quite ais, baud some as those brought' froin" the , North and offered ip oilrtores A in m i I II mtmm lillimill IM M Ml III I II 1 I attached to the feet by which, aperson is re- jieveu or ine lauor pi waiKing to a great ex ten t. He claims that bis invention will .eiii a man Ult-HeiKH..alJbiitifWithJ hie ease. Concerning Jefferson Davis, the New Or leans Picayune a . . MrJavis )vill not and, cannot? finder rfny Visible cfjcumstancesl'be induced to enter into the polidcs of the day1 or accept any )8ition jwbXift.Hfe-3 As to tins he is con ten t to be . of ; Ue ; , Jst ,aa to works ofiaterial usefulness, he, desires to be of the pfesenVT' ' ' ! . , Housejioki words " You ; wretch ! You brute!":.: ' ' : , .t- A Wisconsin editor mourns .editorially ovr r the loss"of his horsed ' ( "" " Tvf.i j A store.iu Denver City lifts, the -following sign: fyne Kut 2 bak O. o -.i ,porrisS hellers, PIqws, 8ugar"Mil.!s,traw CutefsJahH.! other Ag :uluual Implemeuts. . , ; ' '" ric . Auciioneers nun uorii. Axercuaiiis. Crockery and Class Vare, at rfeduied prlcett.i th,-, . . - Large aiklwett asswted stock of Tinf Wafe' clieau," ' V ,-t'rtS V'' ' ip, 1 . . ','""." I ShoesBoots, H4t and Caps, f T - .McllOUltAY,' pAVlS & CO- r Assorted Dry,GUS, verycbeap-; J sep.l? tX tr.tf . -F u rm tote of different kinds ir always1 on : . (. . i ... . hamL at low pricet tTI r i- ImsmteVllltSTOti'&VO? AnoUoaeers'aAd'Coib? MercbadU; "rwDicfew wilftwr tbe highest5 market 'priceC: 4 firarsr?"Tr Iho'riolakratArf I 21.-'" Conjtiion Sense" Sewing Macbuiesr, f ; and will fee J)rUl1ejlst0ct ; T ?ST ?.njj2E.slf: . PearsUprioots, Plums, &c. " aog7- .wMiVt-i-JrtU, !dVL. WRIST0N & CO., - Auctioneer and: Conx' Merchants G Bags Family Flour, 25 3 sets Buggy Harness'. 100 Bushels Corn, 20 Boxes Manufactured Tobacco, For sale bjj si5V(T Lajir , , jr. f ; writ6n & co. Auctioneers and Com. Merchants. 25 Nails, 2 Fire Proof Safes,...-, . 4if Ij.fl 2 EleganaiW,'':u A "? U 1 WhftflW A. Wilson Sewius Machine. I nV nysTaia9e Bag.J if g f J i A ontor antt vjom. Aiercnauts. ! a 200a1esCAttonTarn , . ... 10 Bbls. Prime Cuba Molasses, !' rf 2 bbls OldApptePRran, L h4 2 CljcelBcuppernotig Wlfte; . in lots to suit purcbaejs. , l.t''j V.z iti it&u: u Rtsfoir & to., . Anctionefera'hnd ComJ-Mercbahti v BEESWAX K-'ii7';il j7-', - , Aiift.iAiiAorii and Cora. iMerchaatSi oct 17 Mansion Tlouse Building.;.,, Valuable Ueal 22 t a win ii,-rhrarilJtiwot ffiilnjftrDvea Lota on r.hiirr-h itrt.. nbn whkb-.tbereis a niagnificent grove of Native Oaks. They afA. eliffihl fcitiifltd,-linr"Witbia---five-iinirtes .walk oftbcentrof;tbei.c;iy. wEsre.fetttcK iDiormation enquire ot . .jr . m. l. wnistoM & co. Auctioneers &, Gwl CowiWchafitftVi sept agj a $ y j -j j oa ' ' -". . Dallas GalforattlJfft! BY Mrv;.Ri.f "Hardiijg Pay jAi.thor. -of "Waiting for the Verdict," -Margaret I f J 2.500 Ojera aud LaCarona Cigars, 20 Kegs and KWifmC. libit i if -ci ,f t- "N ,.,.,.. .tti'n ;v Sim j '! . TT t i f f, J - MJ,. UUU A Vlli WlftofeilffiTTf r l ? & mZZ??"? il WAIUV-h I 1XQOF1BTG & -V G17TT milTf Q taoii i at'sbortestiioticb "andji yie,tbeit -prices to t'litL v We are in receiut of ail tha il H ... . 5 ' - T- latest styles of w ! VV . i.-, t-tbottlo'ra' i-l i' , "f( -1$ IllI hltriiinlar !. I pronounced by judges the best C6bkinStt the market; -, We bare aJJ fizey'asMTresr at tiricps thai will undersold: Cali if you, want a rt rale Stove airflow" price. " ' ' ; , , oct 8tf ' - . J:t:;PHIIiIPS::&;CO,-.v nriAKE, pleasure ; inr .informing ..the public ...,y'jiali Stt Pii .-oifc v a ds FAZJLcAND X7XNTEB :k fcAiiipleW and fcpetf for inspection;' ' ,J f Tt eirockbf' ''TV iseaver Clotns, . ; .iJJLa.ana aii(y qaaaixaerea, Ve8tings, &c.r??Ha ik-! is poe of Uiergest etRr offered ip. this mar ket. .jp(riy ts-f i s LT ?i: ""') ' v a vQemte' JPurisMitgvGkjods . InWat varietyi!r 'J- ? Scotch, EnglishrandtJieYlnan"Merinoes. TJnderwareCraTat'Ties audi Bows, of the I most fitKliuiuahl slvloa: i,si i tn' i:r it it- Us. . . Luieii Shirtilliery and Qlornsi from the best saakera, aud all the new shades. I i .nky A small stock of , the sabove i goods, and wen ai ! .-.thiT.MAL80j -i t- '-;H The celebrated 5Td I NT'6 S H RUBBER CLOTHING, -which are the' best wtSr-probf goods niadft..-':-?'?1-.; jf ' All f tbe-'alibre good wirf be soMT as iftvv5 as the sahitf gtSdj'bf rjgwdslig't - Sietial attention -wjlT be paid "to1 the 7 and B'flu"anaranterViA!t-.i-tii--aep 30 - Arrow Ties; Suar'dhd Molasses CHGG f ARROW TIES v ' 10 bbl. No: 3 Sugar Drips i '!y 4 hhdsIusdb.' Molasses In sforeand fbr &tifyXUit . oct'lfk tX .are . gaaiuty-W 111TK MOUK 1 j fai lloiifyi for sale byt : . f oct. ..JLJ4lULLSBi'4B,Ca! 1 - Bagging Mid, JTtest; A "tARGE'aOT:OF.;T3A6Gim..AND .T1S. lust received and lor sale by n ..- RaS. RaSS. RaSS. u,ANTED." Linnen and Cotton Rass. for 1 iaicMURRAYr DAVIS & CO. " 500 MhimsrbhW?.& 100 bbls. FlourraU grades in .itorx and 'for, saleiby - , j y JBJ. IU MILtER&ta oct 21 4 ... If. "Tou't Procrastinate, but call at II wee oil Cftldwetl:&,;Brejzeratid Am SHre'your property in-the lLiverpool-& Lon-" aon ot uMODe insurance. uon)pauy,esseu. is rmiionjAn-Gold. f,. & -un- t oct 8 it- X AJ1.'A"vPIISHELS',WHEAT forwbich f lU!Lv?,we wiU.pay Uie highest mar aet price. ,,, j!,jw..hujui. vw.f. Pemocrat c6pyt4.tirAi n "g l&-h BUNCHES YARNr for sale at 'Fartnrv nricesr br v T 5 ? ff J fl STENilOUSEv MACiULAi; f C0.I ' -"- fc r ii ii.in ill i 3 BAN KER 6 i jTryon-St? Cbjailotte 3oChO purciasend( seUrernment .andtber Be JleceiteonSeon: 'Deposit, LT Bullion aaa Panic Xioxea, I r can get the best Gold pens, at Jialf. 0w oMprice-somethiug out of the usual way. these times-and as seeing lieying you W coui can call arpjwilarO t jAgt'sfoaSpateVtoliGoldPeu Co. WW) fit ii ff - . . " ' - Negotiate Lopa AncV, T1r0 j r? A , piscpuiit'Busuiessyaper. And remit, on day of. payment, and Hraasict II Jin 27 tf IT!D3 Al-A K a 3t-fq v A II I I fi-Trr t- 1 '. .- " . ",. Tr I I r i - "Vi4 W Aiul a rill liPvA ill I ,.Tf c - 11 irr.ri?? ni-rroHt 'i3. r Ij. Gome & See. t Jr.. r, ,. ..rfT'. 4) X 1 bis. Syrups , and Molasses, ji.differeut grades; 4b stiore and for sale ."'. . Oaa! bbls. Sugar, d I ffe ren t4 rWl- grades, in. tore and for xale by W." S. GRIFFIN & CO. 1A bbLs. ITIackcrcI, IV sio J bbls. V kits. in store and for sale bv ,,: ' t f - ; .- -nwixv ."- W. ' S. GRIFFIN So CO. 1 ft Tubs pure Ienf Iard, 1" iu sttr6 and for sal bv , W. S. GRIFFIN & CO. rr n .. 1 . 1 Tierce Creaklast Bacon, for i Family uise, in store andorisaleby W. S. GRIFFIN & CO.. RjGSross -nummels' -Essence of V Coffee, - pfu 'r- Soda Starchy Peiper? Spice and inger, in store and for sale by ' .',".. y ' I f f f S. QRIFFIN & CO We are receiving, daily,, our siock ior me . fl it. t . tr -ill- MVI ' jjraiJL': 'LLParticular attehtiori is called v rn- '-Tr tqtour varie,d assortment of "i-T-Titf1 :kii x s -r . ? as we intend making a ' speci ality 'of ;thar;ranch(,pf;r?ur fipsines and inost respectfully soncifa v . - from Jallf; those . whowish ; to ' .0 .Call anoV examine for your- ti'.' i hi i. nn4. rrmi a ftYt I UrSM.' ' 0 k HARVEY is on band and will wait ou the patron of rVhe abpye foqsejf uq octl ' , - . H i IK.'; !. itl.i , r I.H li.'.l.lKW ikjt r Tt- ct y. if a i - - - - - v M.M. m ll l i : , u-1 - iiiii muim il i is "if. WILL IlUt uuaw juu wvf . i. ;WS; GRIFFIN' CO,' ''' AV ) r-''-f Nex w Expresa Office1 Ha&.Tnih TRYOM' STREET, 8 1 CM," .O F TH E D R ASS.I DO OT J , . Invites' special attention to bis largeantf varied assortment of; 'GentlertensXadiesV Misses and Childien's ' ' ; - '' '' !v 1 ' ( , BOOTEES, BALMORALS AN D C AlTER HI 1 i. . rrli; v-ij-ulff i-:-ti tit av.-. --...'. i.'y My. increased facilitiefi, and' long! experience, it bnsinesi,- mae raeConfident' that my pricesr and the;quaHty of :.my Goods, will compare favorably with those! of any. other'bouse in the city. I shall be pleased, to offer, my stoci to jour .inspection at , any? time you mayi favor me with a call. r . " ' ' .""' - . tt While truly jgrate.'nl for past favors' ex tended me,' f desire your continued patronage. v REMEMBER &T?ie National Batik' Building, algn of i Uie Brass Boof 'i Ti wholesale cash buyers, great inducements. ..ti-l ,; rT- jct' ''i J THE GREAT Flour Mouse. IS constantly receiving ' Jarge Tots of the i most favorite brands of FLOUR. HeU makes this ; a; sspecialty, , and j guarantees : to 4 give satisfaction iu price and quality. ; oct I2;t;-; ;, y':, j ' ' NEW ARRIVAL : . W. S. BLACK TTAS NOW IN STORE, AND ts- DAILY B I ' receiving additions tlieretb; the largest 1 s;ickof GROCERIES ever offered by himjsf " ' Thankful for past favors hut, best endear-' Are li'itl 1va tiuArfl f rM thA wmmtBtirkii nf his patronn. As they nave touun him in the past, thev will find him iu tlie future; t ' , sep 26 -"- ,- - - - - CHEaP;AHD GOOD GfiOCKEIES. i SIGN OFiTHEll TTEEP ,A. .GENERA , ,ASSORTMiSrT ;GrrpoexiesRj ;,? s for family use, webaa;;::1;--;,; 1: , Dacon, Iard louivs Hominy. Meal, Uice, Sugar, Coffee, ,X Molasses, Tea, Soap, ; Vinegar, &c; j t :ALSO,- Occasionally, Fresh-Eggs4 Butter, aud ajM ticlgsof like jcliaracter. ; ,'. ,V'v a 1 K's . , ALSO, off. , 7 , . . rf t . - .. . . . , - ! ; . . All kino of ".-t i i - Goods delivered litany: part of the fcity,'-Free ?of Chargeii o? - July 28 i.:ij,riWf . '.iF S.'& 'CO.,l ? itNEW furniture J- - ,wJ?ATT1i : lfin , wmHTlf CHARLOTTE JIp JirJuLBEiJ nnn rrf i nr RtiTjiini? s ; T ' CAN BE'FOPND AT.. . .1 FURNITURE AfiDvUfiDERTAKjfiG , 1 4; tESTABJiISBMENTf 7H c"J I ; Trade-stree- xuear the old Navy Yard. I sep 24'8m:itrJ ha.; f Wti-,-".'" t f-' Salt ! Salt ! Salt I .j.-r,,-1. r iSOO SACKS LIVERPOOL; 1 SALT, for gale liy .tA-'V :vA-. v wa. ,iv,vx - . s 8TENH0USE, MACAULAY & CO. sept .lit V. oJ ot ii-.u'-r " 7tIOVl.n SEED.. . . 1 7 J 50O 'POUNDS CtOVER SEED, for gaTibyJ--''- sq 5:l?,iJtr:f l i" J STENH0DSE,MACAU.LAY&ICO. j. L sept 2; y tVtfSit J' yitiJroif k Xrnti rri mi f Irnn TiCS 1 1 ? J ; i i I JL . 10,000 lbs.. vlEQi TLES.idifiHfH iintt for salt brr ij. ; r ,; . v ; - n t rj T a stenhouse; macaulay & co. .H""J Jlliilj.l.l "XtOlJ' askings naffffinf? I Crantoeirricsl'i: v!ip A A SUPPLY! QF; FRESH .vKAJNUKKitiAo RESU CR ANBERRIE! t for sale at P.G.MAXWELL'S. ; ' pet 13 13 mm i a tm w aw o cue a m r m a s w a m, a fur sale by :p. f. ,---J f rUquare) fr three months, and,seHM''at,lY; - STENHOUSE,; MACAULAY & C0?J!,,j ct- cli issue . to the President during the vsep ll ;4 l Tp." ' ;"7V ' -V.".. , thue .will receive paynTentlfr Pgper. i -.11 i J ..; vt! '. y it ,J. 9 V,tiX.OHO .O. 1 J;T,BUTLEB; DEALER IN file fatclesr.Clonhr&ieifilry, 4 WiA'TfJ'H'M'AjieRJ ,. : -a hunt ' T ,;; . ,57 ! "fTTO!!T.!?ft tn-tc PTT; ARE -iseiS'hg the Watt andCnarlotte ,.,fT PLQWS all of our.pftmake, which; we warrant to give 'satisfaction, or, to b re1 turned.-" we-manaiacture.atHt ueai'inan kinds bf,;iv:ii ii'vu's! fl- U 'Jj 1 sucii as . 1 Hresners,f f norsepowenr,- oneuers, 'Cutters, Harrows, WelkFixtures Wheat Gleans Tid5t'iij-j!-JfAvbiff purchased "the enr V l lirrSJg" p1ates:f m aWie llfefejfewr? toiexpediy tlwH-jfaleT fersr S ConiviEi?edfCounfleEanrtadSPf)st- officftR. Miues: MountaloL? &bi Kc Ar Mart aonny 10 ue uuns-wu ufi anovcnooi in tuc ouimj. - - jr. j , Specimen copies ready about Jtbe 1st Sept 1869.r .fu -i-X ss?ra s 'ihr'.mfi-iW i 1 1 erms ' accommodating; , , addressiV, .with ,2 rT-RetrSAlMUEpEARCE: 4 t.TSdffors conTinff ihe alwvei three .uienUiS. filing attenti9n to', the same, . and fending a marked tbpy to me will be entitled to a-copy; of thnworks. ' ltia J 3iJ " Jl rfJtfc r.-ti. ausj otn mfc ; - , ? nt ,t--.H,.t IKE GEORGIA HAHtK-MILLj! Fl CarroirCOuntyTGau; p ILL pacasf ior ivug. now. iwiauy'ii ; VV- WhlaVrsiiirHrfUiieH;ior Wri)iin2.Iaui'ai)d Printing, Papef J toH il New Mill, Pure WaterLive Men; - rj I 1 r All indairtea pramptlJf.'answereu- Address- V ' nr- - rL-Pf-KELLOOGrte , UVsM loSinj"' ck NewnanfGa?-4- i ? 2 B-il 'fne ' TT 4.4 i Vf i riFlour,tuadeiof,New;Wneat.,;f sni J ?. r V, . E. M. POLT & CO. r i . i MLWm ' US"..'-' J.VJ JJ''..'aj'. - .frx. .... ' k.MT?f5? - vJrfil'.1 febboiiaiottonsi'&d-arort 'wanMo bei )' i Mills, Cotfoa Gins,'B!ay and- CottoIe.s?fs: arfe and find what you want, go to , , . t . : tm" u" enwre oiawr, j pit;enave.. a large assonmeni ,oi ouwi, iu , ( . to Mi active, uusmess youogroen a i ajj" the aieiv igtyiesi w j urs .-ana wuns,' arv oj Wdncj toTnikaf iu6nev.lis i-ener tnree t -liiphfl m sellinif at the idwesTDficef. f --. fourtbei me map, ;u snare m -,i n ve i or uat w fit T.v frtWrr illuktrated Border. Iland- ,.'.-1 aJ.I who have wtercrse- v Va ihis beautiful aujl rapidly growiyig city, ure respectfully inviVd to leave tlieir orders f r JOB PH1NT- , UG. attbe OSEJlVEIi OC.a.t ! CHECKS,- DRAFTS r ' iBUCINSCABpS - -" BOARDS TI- TABLES .EXECUTED.niTH.DlSPATCtt, At 'trices TThlcl WpiVrove SattsfactoiT . .:4 V JIEREfASrcertain evU disposed parties CJ f have niade and caused to be ciruula.U, ' ed, -remarks to thi&reffect, tix iJ t "That the Ljauors made at .Charlottes ? f by GR00TVKUCK & CO are r,or pure"1 and wnaaaiterated.Cppiier distiSed W biskiea.'5 r 1 Now, Therefewe, the nndersigned, here ,by effer a regard of JTVE HUNDRED tiibFei LARSoteTictepc su(Scien loconToaby resjwnsible party, oiparUesi, making said re, m?rfci AlsoVwtlV pifJmfktMiiUf any oarty or parties. who will 'produce proof ui.bii.v 1114UU1 UJ3UHCU uj meiu, oouuuniiig any Prags,MMateHafethefan-Gnun. WoW. sisAcal' f UenUoA'.certiftcala: ol Chemist," ahnexed,-as -to 'the'uritV ofxmf LiqwnT t3ROOTrKUCK6 COw q . -i unarioite, xnv., juiy ist, looy. . , .; Charjottk, II. (L fntyst, 1869, t , tAfnm . have made thorough Analysis -of alltheiquorsnjadeatyoarPistUleryiand i find them perfectly pureV and free from a adulteraUoiuL-t' visi!!vxK')" 1o ti- RICHARD EL-GREGORY, M. D ; w -Til jVA. r J" m Arid Anklvtical Chpmlst: 'J ' IfulvOtf. - '- " ' 'i Ji4i , . , ; ' lU.iB-.XvIlaitTnreH W'HOLESAItK ; AKD 1 eeta.il 1 f m 0. y A?f rt-f , L.ooh.to , Your, .Interests it I AND WHEN YOU,. WASOO BUT .Q00P -,r CU EIAP FOH CASH OU BAUTCH D , 'G ,n R!5A X,W ell ; ,i i : t - - 1 i I -1 . : smoking tobacco a c1gaus tih'I'best stock in i he city, ax i t; 4 ' D.-G.M AX WELL'S. . j ;'bbls. Refined and brown su. 4 )l GAR, at .,m r.. ' , ; P?0- MAXELL'S. .....rr-... n COFFEE. . 1,0, rAGYUAR A AN L) J AVA; A"P : a. . 4?hteeri Million A sse t s i U i Gold.-Lken)ool & Loniion & G lobe "ire IiiranceCompanr. t H 1 4 1 ' : ' - CALDWELL & BRENIZER, Ag'ts. -. . " 1st National Bank Building, NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. "TTTEJI:AT EnKECETTKb AV ' 'VV Newi 6C3cK6f vefjr WesiHabfe 'u . GOODSfor then.. l,jr "J , it .f s i Mr--- feAXL AOTWINTEB ;:TBAJ0E. ; ; We "bare an unusually large and att tractive :atocVwhich ( we: intend to sell aa : low as .the . same , quality of .Goods can le boiughtin this pSaiket, either " " u,h luwwhole&ale-or , f i jMrre s)e aa ,xamina.tion of otir goods' ' and prices.. Call and see us before buying. a a i it;; e ?rtpREl BROWN & CO. ' cili ftl.ATJIESV DRESS GOODS. iiTtr llX fErUST ' RECEIVED if f Cn a r4ty l.irgeand extensive .stock gf padies ress :itQds iOfa every vi neiy ana siye.- jmoroiaenes,. cesys; fngsi ItisertiorisV Tiaveci U&iwi ' rl ' v i'i -.""rft W2SflTg them. W!ll ka'ke great p nro injj, j,r , rieasei anasee usTjpn'Wv rn every variety anar style (Qi. .Riirra6rc!6aTA;ffM raerV'aa&) eqttei op; 4 handsome style.: n4 ' ' N a a. . - DL.1. 2 tii " i . a rii H'.K' iiiiv n: k. i rv -r?a 9VV , . .i -c : jcem, BROWN, & CO, . . I 1 Aim it1 . ,-TXrE HATE A GOOD ASSORTi, ingi GenltemenT iFpnjisbing 3Goods,1 wbicli ; -TS- weare aelling very cheap. , ... ;-f.- f. " ft 7f j-.vt 0us xnt-BBEM-.BBOWy'A CO.' f' Have jeinoved to their Kcw Store Jon - q f oi -COLLEGE STOEET.T " WE want to buy 4,000 bates pf cotton for , ' . . niirownJfactorWJfP- ""'1' -l J' "f " 75,000 bus lels. wheat for ourilaw Biver;j 'j Corn,pFlpui y Wheat, and Oats,? we want all . we'cangeC J ; ,.;. ytit'-Jf- i.jJ 0 'Reader; yon ' can .make money by baving . Anr t r T.. ? a wiihama eut Tour: cotton;s There is nothing like a, good start.'..; -i'ft 4t3 v..:, T'E;mholt;co: KAh BEAMS WRAPp;G PAPER, 11 ft I. .rarious sizes.-at-manufacturer's , V V mces lorsaieoy-v . - STENHOUSE; MACAULAY- CO. V4-'-J ang21 Uowtti etc. ' At TIPPY'S.

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