w toe I Mine '- 'mJt h. J. yfi, msm M. W. Eu38eU,mi;. ti cjiue fteJUug South CaruliniC ' -iMieLJ tu of that StatiTilf W ;.s -A1 H Hudson & Menfel6tW r - ? b-. " "' riii - v. -a. hebuSSt??UT) h r , m f tmt mm w T T y- ,.J fT, , T. : 7 . -W store orrnJErr jagTHim. Corner, ana -may jafaf briny their favor to the ofade of the tended to. AdvTcTntCrit in t6car col umn TC4smre;ror each lh&ertion. te ls- ijewArtisSmenl . The morning - ofmoderatlmeimiid . : a, rt- - "4i9 uuuauon w. which . k - - ' - ; ' which SISSS. s-vu?. fipirit X)t: F'nwrwarftrt at this to Contribute "bf.irKiYi1v''--vi'"''-; ilt.r ,nWfc-a theirpn-rchaiies t IMilf ttr4a a-WAL JCf - - t4A;.. auwi.to otter ex-- mwwmm,takifa& m$ ii'-i -?--oftet wjwifM tiaiF - ClCTOt AVha will be the -Dext?. cltU. juimau FBusrami untig "ecohomt- r T,r? tAuffcUfai- ASSOCIaUOtt.': r 'fwnaef eeiiewilrfl3d a tin frnfliecaL ri enquines I airi T. "-J HUIT U19T in n rtnn,...t all, aHegati.ua of treachery on Iheh- jM : I ie ?i ; " iff? 3 1- ,Q . News' It5msi::'a Cheap Away f ness, ; call?. I can AjRordteifooS TVBTAp j It may b a IHfle oirtf tlfiiwrashttt pm rill a rs monet by RiCHMOKD. Nov. S-lifa 4?? hu ihKsS lly -r- - sr K!r'v """x oue. we DroDose loahottkU.kH 4f The ladies iHfinrf ii- n .e! ! 7 'o , .;- A r? eoods. irim Z'lT .VW'-WM 1 new. esislation howwi. ; "V rt IT" Curncnt. Cof. Johnston," autborizeii ovni.inforwatfoh V 1. All rreoriscAtitatf 111. sil it T . 3 a -1 , , w-nuer wnn ait assortment tethatcahncS; 12th hist one fare. VK oSZL u2 i tolease the mi fasii, " that arsons wiina to tehd,theJCoHmhU 0 I They hare also good selecti S. C. Fair to'ba held i.. i "1 f?I'arsvcon- V "le wl welito ,v3U be passed overiiisr fof f twp dollars an, Aijjnnaj member. :' " . K ' :' : :' . nms must be entered at the St. T v : v- WW . ','-.:.?liiA.hfl!. ... 1 -As the seaspa roaching tor " the annual travel and distribution 3. All articlesBted forWvT,;w of business, cards apd circulars, ourl 11011 wiH brotMb VVilmington mercat8WWiyli ?S?l!ttr,,?d euFrby all give attenlaon job office is sit Ka.. J " W WWW . j : -4. , "J -i -w B'Wab.J.W t ofcardsrfinemerSal ijote and T8? Wreled, ad'aH f, , , , u stock should beattentled bv sWnnm I other paper, and the newestand o be HutncientlSMf thus enabling" us tn snnnl H ok 1 . 6. Every.thinarui should Wfenlsinlir, --.-. .ii- .-. -TAiX - -: j i KiarKcu ana r:Foreigix kews,:. "; odd selection f nnt;nn. I it,..;. J ;.! . . ' well to rtZ tirZ:":: creates a prpfonud .JA? of atcom . odatiria "The nevva ofM?" tnjutc t?aueinen,to wait on t1im j' ?- "j a iwaia w uw ; sratitiide to a m..,.i.A4 . "u 'u . IDIRTJO- STORE. IILGOfiE & CURETON, t ; A SO RETAIL ? i uom, CMottfii H. C. vaucr. n,nii r.np nnvaof nni I v - -i -: .w . 7,0 .zr" . ? v- . i .v. f& : . .: - "i" "r ?wu I,c,eny;",ofoteittostaud'i tnvite attention tothpik f.a DRUGS, MEDICINES, v ; - ;: PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES; DYE STUFFS, " WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES QMBS, wants. directed to ftn n l Rausom, . JVIarshal: C. F. fA A- .t Vv llmington. -.k:ru': ; ; ol f . y J0S.A EXGELHARDt r j,u 5SeeEx.'Goramittee; - ' - . ' A MijosTif BticjyjtrikE. An amustitsr mistakes occurred at pne of u 1 , .- . "ciramiir, air. manifold titles to be hnnntt ardent patriot, and wa, omi ,broa?5 much as at home. He was : w.,r. eiwhp, when the Sooth was boveddowa . FFCU miwara aua claimed a right? to succor her. : ,'lMe w?8 courtier, yet he was honoS rf vriBijus boo pnnce; he was profuse ia his chanty, which pau prized nobody he was a philantbrouist Who Wfi lib-Arl a. .....II "T!??" P'i lmrdpruar.4 " . u "j I,,,1,atnipy ; he simply did whatever aood came in hi w- To-niorrow will be a holiday The Q will Twit Uie.jcity..iopeii ihe neW jjT, u viauuct. " fead., .d fa U jaeen ridge 1 ll'if-ir irYf- '-I'fe t "!- r r ?r . rf.f i ?tX thariotte, feeneralfy tbat Uhave opeaed a 5I3 rr' mho laja, where I will & f fdnush wood at va reasonable vriS: (S Book Store will reiiir v:.;...VJ "VB- nor2 tf CHARLOTTE, M.r C. H'mWattentioo, JUST RECEIVED QEED WnEAT.-TD O . STJHQUSE.rMkCA&r;iiTn . nov 2 f ' "A x -tt;vv 5. Mr,i jIphny-T.vFord, who will be recollecte'd Bf our Veaders as the lesseegoVdieatre' at Washington at therae of ..the as- mmatton of President Lincoln, our shttrches.cn Sundaf It, S h is announced to xftt ueks h will dotJ&oW Hall, Ralei, list M hh i. full ed aijf:efl;$eled oung - iS?'-11 gentlemaiii andaiHTOheerirtthiit corps of arttsts. -fei;ktbc Mggest wended his .way to tlteSdS thing m the tbatric Ji&ejfcat our where the Gospel is dispensed, aiid neighbors of the capitol W had uWn fntflns lhe the minister f W1 their stock . ttt -v politely bowed as tu recognitioh off 1 0a7. XbRDOBf. Nov. fi.-Th iMlW - f1 0.,M. a, J ,uuu,"ia y. Va account of the hS i'?'D rte Wing of . the New Undge. and Viaduct. . . . , , nAVAjiA, ov. 6.The expedition . by sea and laDd against the rebels at iimna v1 tQi ta failed. The rebels AJNuiKTRFUMERY, SOAPS, TOBACCO. SNUFF And-everj; article nsually kept by an exten sive flrst-class house. " MERCHANTS PlfVSICIANS and others MaOBID. Nor. 6 Knnr i.J released irom prisou. - - ' .-. " 1 - ft 1 New CurrartagJjJa ;H D. 0.M AX WELL'S. 7.?n the young gentletnanV which saluta- iion the strauser could but return The minister then arose from his seat I.. it" -1 Baa Th0 iv:i: ou -I1" pup, came aown to the place m lne Wilmington Star ofLl. ti k-j -.y..:.T Saturday say- jf A jgentleman from himself; and asked- him to take a Johnston couninur 'office PIace iu the' lplmae a last night, and ifflmA.'iti&-7 i i. V ! rs'- i-rW r t ' i tfi StraorJGuess yotv are, mistake Party of meuvfitttnber'Inot Imown - r,ehdn vtmtHfi1- iJ trom the ciuntjri)f;Cbatba"mpas3ed Miuister-rKou are the gentleman; two ice,vSitthfie Markets'. ow? r6L-CHoB drooping it 23K too. Gold 261 t: m Pre3Sing4vJiiHaUhic Service- a for Q wholesale liquor house in Chi valuable fiehldir' tnerode . . . ,.r:zi ''ir down if i. iC'-'Ci: ?'t r'' JMinisterwtirtnr.td-ftis'puIpit dis town, it is Jowolds. gusted,-breathes ;pyeV of Wore Doro and, oti tbeuvvreliiru ijie horsC than ordinary force and tervor.-t aa turnea loose ftfid ' diftd fmm urosse jueaaer. - - iJSJ" .1 ,'""Ye8te,da-v 8W declined to. 1 harewuag ineabout filX THOnSAMn .D-? u,e "'west point attained since lRftft DOLLARS for iPfroceries and Piovisions. I wa "SasTw w?" f the am compiled to pay my debts, and those who beSsTx .ltt owe me must pay up in ordet that 1 mar meet f 165 y the great goid combination ti 1 1 TWIT .KKrri :, - BT ..".. . . I COnt.rflvt. iu null. ..... .. I p., w.,ewUUBl xivw'is-uie'Ume 1 u'eed helD I r ui.wua ue.. The ditV Ud if those whonll, have favored and Z Lmoted will do their duty to me and reductioi oFS give me a iart if not all of what they owe, I PWsperity of the couutry are the cret of snan oe maufcfol. B. M PREa?nv 1 "1D uwuue. jm. x. Herald. June 22, : ' ' $ ' u . I " ukk fob uOTg. TheNmT.u V r, of Comincrce, on traiuihst, boys, is iii favor 6f ENGLISH, FRENCH and AMERICAN ; : ' , ; HAIR - ": . tooth v ; ''.:-''y A. R: NlSBEg &,BRt; Great Dtsf rll!! By the UetronftUfi AVfV WITT .lWVr.A 1 Caorv ttJA-Uiivi- t!; - av vpiua, "W w LilB Amount of SoOO 00O Reding Combs, Fine Tooth Combs, .;ghag j PT.JiBS i Brnsbes, Ac. J -Vs-' I 6 "ash GiflsvaVb: ; ?arg'S Vienna lj, 20; ,;:J . lSSir" r the Toilet and NnrWv: " t'sebratedVSimfiv'Tjff.iv.Li.-'J I 300 ' 600 AA "i.i Tf Ilia I " .a-Jaf2e supulv at A ; Z"Z.??cna "60155 - : gCARRUDrn.sfe; WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS t4Wtft;ooe,ooOi---- fet bny iii-. ,ia9.?rft MJIba above Prize - :VISTS. , tiamed upon it will be A.u ' - - A -.vJ'hU hiate!y 8ent.aBy;iadilw TTADnnriov-rt . i ;. d.-1 2:1 or return ma -. ' - f- ' -f " a- n avis l -ti ls JL-i; . Largest Stock of Hardware cthtowe have e ver off eTed'?U timitrUf "-1st 1 ? , oct. I4J BREM? BROWN "tF VS- 3 : ' I ia. AAcnaerson. HAVING FAmilx Oroce Yoh will know wlt lhere is with this mmm irfetmtbra- ISP vAmong the sia:ns of the s a mystexonnected "tnes in theouUirClliergetl ission which - oTiiBfV CtlPs ot,ltt;ht :fany. bncro-iea b all, nt is utiable to solIih.lr it -ik I Wlfa? shlP lmes and the uiiiveri to unaoie 10 spiyeDUt it 181 sal boldino- of nmmtxr maa'.n ... - presumed it . Jiad eoaething Ut do into debi tor new railroads, wjhjch ith the Ku Kiumovement in cn,t y P)Slfc5t Chatham. aJui . c.' I,urs-TC5- " " :, 'I w"l'! i aariculture first, medanical trades second! and says t Tn IRflR llua H( UitU , nttmn.. e:WOUld not tri.in the linra la-r Aitt.mT.a t,ti, ' , 7 ""-iwuiuie uusmess. as tK- r",'-"; vm o ukaIjui was prepared by him- J overflowed iJr.Ai--:f7,"o are bnmght up jiighest professUal skill in the country; -Iui j 1ekhiP tKe, ""Jy.-Jtneut for .' . persons, who dislike dirty, work," ,;? Fpuai cum cBuuiacuieiii) iiv me irnreicinn i nas eecurea iormne ffreatest rennta tir.it f :s-r r- . , .- - w t ti . i .. i. rr.. any mecticiue extant 15,000 bottles have J . i gwu Npguuig iu, xveuue been sold at home where it -is known and bec M",e' recognized as the Only - family medicine The dealer! in iTWennnrf . - Tnwft p ... : t i possessing intrinsic meri and the sales are has sent to St. Lou is twenty thousand acgely increasing every day; - ; biishelSW onions. " ' ritf mv& -lELIdHT " isfcom-' r -rjLJki :h'a tIi:.. L 'fcfe From the SWtfi It t'iimWV ne ; Wack whale C;Minbta u- 0. Infantry riV Br TiArtf tA -'i t v' 7" '- V- Jnen ntted UP a Vessel ot.fciglity tons .ieut. Kttter passedthrougb burdencrewveargoi'arid allBix feet JJf streets fromHrracfeJ tQrthe in the wat?r ty, iropV. and again when "cuor rm Nal: -ki-ii- -. I 7 uatuiunv,: jniirn 11 '.x; it-- - ..--"-- Dif. - f .W7.f .v llaving e very thtnp; as serene as ar 'ara.;j-fer -'Polite smoker, ; at side. of railway Wl WMi fKfef ' cartt "Allow rie tQ assist you to 2 Crpa :?t!erin:. Severe oldJady : nVou: j they asked, VeekTu F them sent, wh?n lisExcel- A yoang clergyman 1 made- nD2jX fasj remoViLii j i: "'5!: ' w-i.-- himself a brilliant .momentary!repu- lm PL" 1, . L ' reiarked, he thousrbt it best zl hl-i. j.iJu:- i,.uL iandorgaaof digestion. tfr.. . ujr iruups vuere at , mi.j vwo pi jLr. wiaimer s senuous as uia j ' r; iijsiiisr to divide, their patro'nase - . . T " .Call and see him. i-7 oct 6 3m': FOR THE tD JtIILIJIIrEKV,TRimiIIGS All t;.! crrcusf in Ohi de? . P. Q UE Itli TJR S iitst reeeiyeda' second supply of L6die? Rr f cir.lf -HiiJiitlii.nf. !ervtli?jt(rItr vyrawforasvute, Jiutana, ts tanare.a Frhe'MillaiejyTriB4miug.-awKFa;y-M nis paper, wiiicn iato e Fuoej' .ttihitr. ' ,vit.U -sJjU uiujiwg, yuuimui , jLUULmmgt befoTft Mine valueiimxttE STUM' JlTTTseleCt the fnllhnrincr oiXveUlsTdrawn Valuable izei ajid-kindly rwltte;bnsH:.!-if.f them i Andrew J. Bnms Chicago; ,110.000 t r ri Miss Clara S. Walker, iBaltiniore,a Piahor 1800; James M daXtlieWsuitt 1.000 L . John T.,!Andfewa; 5 SavannaJif f5,(K Mis r ' Agnes Simmons, Charlestbtr; Platic &(k publish no names w,HhiutpOTnissibtt.i.'f i , . - Opwioss or thbTbebs : 'The firm i r-' " hhablej and ' deKerve" tnehcce -1hitim''iHy'-: l rttune, Map 6. iWe kndw them td.be a fair dealing flraiV.; Wmja, M& V "A ; ! ' ' frjend of ouradrew a500 prw which was, -; -r piitiTeii(i' Jm 8.;V :;.; " Send for circular. tabeial ndacenU to "' '" Agents. 8atisifactioir .gited; Mjferf package of Sealed Envelones. contiinn ohi . jash gift. Six Tickets for SI 12$ mt2i 85. h" ?. for JJ5i 110 for $15. All letterihoidd lie. : addreas.,Y-ji'i4iW.hfi? " f -. disease.! It 1, iS fTOmiiiSaed W rCTdifortal Sa fcfn "fjf fc? P . TOWS;-"8 oioottv i As a l -ftguawf' newspaper rinsiiiTcao;i uiver luvigoratorj as a oiomacn ; Keguiator, iuhmsuou witu a rag carpet ana iook- as a Tonic for Weak Digestion, as a Stimu- S.!." y " " ' li lating; Alterative5-; Beaioietic, promoting , . At linsinr,'Iowa, a .ehibof thirty perspiration, removing T. amors in . tlie b.ood, yoUng mn have vowed a solemn VOW" rXr" i .rll. -,on J?1 lUBs 8K,n tnat no member shall marry any but driving out Bo Is. P niD e..- B otches and - .: . . J - other CiitaneA,,l e., t-.. .i wmuw i . It. an wuv iuuiu.uti huu viyvvri ui noun. KtlV IQT die) to', call: ahd , exahuneher -floods . and twles. of Rennets and H4s ? ; , .tsx . 1 - .-tjiii'-j-'-'j ' : !.' ii ah 'jt -; - T?811 Fish and- Oysters; TH E ! C citizens of Charlotte are ' hereby ia- ormed, thata will hare, 1h 'Ibe1 basement room under Oates, Walter Brem ' & XJolai' ' I Lardware store, Mansion House; a supply of tlie.. Bowels- removes effete mattef-conse- j The Peoria. IllinoiB. Aldermen are! r.-11 FRESH llSH1 AND l. OYSTERS irelL packed in Cheese rdm a! i t'k- f-;- Sttk Indians have asked the Uhitdd ketiJ fWtQ?'clli $nX9L.aQ7. other. Stateg Commissioner at Alaska to! L. UylTe uare no idea that -theV cause schools and hosmtals to be. es VI f boxes E. D. CHEESE rWtdnVirJl'rt'JfcJ tAhl.ed. : 1J Mho Factory Cheese; lift j rvrA!tMp-wei;igiwwi ..r-"-. ,.1,.:;-1;;;r",i V ; 10 boxes State Cheese f aea amon them ij and we Have ff rIf peopftf knew-Wore, hand alt the rOubt'thftlL:" : ''l ' ' miserv'it brings,. says a -Japanese ffthb Com; -tT i '?-?:? poet- there would be lens 'going out -Ci!Ptrdagrt ers atpight LI7 ? acnerTO"s a'8?1, paid one-dollar apiece tor each meet- Every morning;. 'Ut fish afej rem rari,tt, ,um 1,rufl,oies woaicai j An alarrainVincreaseof special fiee'and are waited f tefj rivJL&l?AS0 Tonic of the most meetings has been reported. JOHN RIQLErU reliable kind. It produces a gentle and Ua V 1 QAM;fljo Trt r I 1 " permanent excitement of all the ital actions At. j a soldier S fa r, in Taunton, T U T p n p q r T D 0 C p fl RT T fe -1 in the fiincUons of organic life,' and is the gold mounted . yard-sttckasito Jbe 1 7"u .. . . V !T'.rjM".i,j remedy in all diseases of the Stomach, Liver given to the most popular dry goods - "1.4-4: ' 1 ''jJJZ '" - oct 27 Sm i ad pilaredTto feruisb al classes wlttt .MaWK; emplOTment atliony jichofe iheim : or- lot 4he spare Smotneflfs.i BitSinesijiew... . hghtaid,p?ofilleaPi " easily earn from 50& to tpjpereniaajuirt- svSl Sgist everywhere. . i'-FUBLlHEDBY!-' is &-HE1NITSH,5 c 4The skeletons of four hnmai 4bod e. C, ZXcLure & J, A. Bradley 3r J' Wholesale Agents ies have been found in ClosVer NV Y. 1 51 ATj !" - - - V . &-,i- lUiU I'll . . - I four negroes, and it IS supposed these' .TexmlaTaxiably in Advanoe, $3.00 ! v: ''ijJ arc the remains ' ---; ."r- - -oetUl tf .i.ji?.-!i is i It i'l. u "What is womau? onceasked a ! a Ti FRANC I S ;J U STICE. y9"gntlemaVr,. U'v-..f A ft ft rm Vv n-t I w -"She is an essav on crace.V was.: 1 0 r " e Jtlia I VU fliWj ,'"inone yolunuvelegantly.la ff CIlUILOTTE; ITl 0! Si !Tn ctnrafln1 fci alliff'''."f I- oct 19 R. M. MILLER fc CO.; rt just received and tor ealeoy -1 r bound, -AHhougluit i may -be very ;nov ! ji tt' 1 : W. J, BLACK y. I dear every roan should have a copy. . t prorertioiial8um,bv-devotineirrnnt4r: t time' W the tbiisihess. fioys and' ifc eara v nearly iat much as .tnem xTbat-ilirtvho see tiul this notice may send tJwir addefu,te8tjd the business, wetmake this itiriDailirfea iof. ferrTo such aaf are not well satisfied we willimmut Villi ruirtioiilar w.lKTi'i-li' i-ii. t" will do;to commbcerlton aAd Msopy-of ? " TbeTcinAA Loerarv CotntHraun-rmrrt tH , ,-f . largest aiid besi family newspapers paoJisJjedU V . w . A-all sent free bv;raafl.';Tleade.v if W wont . J:' pej&naiieutTi profitable. work, address ... t - . ': ' t f lOJCiE. (K CiLLEN CO., ; J .-odtfi7 8m , - ; ,; Ajigtiste Mainei rockery and- Clicii tVa?, jtredqced prices,. 1P - . ; i 'Large andjvell assorted stock oi Tin Ware, m ... . -cheap, ) - ; ; , - ; U,, .Slioes, Boots,Hats ai)d Caps,,, ' i-' Assorted Dry Goods verygheap,' Furniture bf diflerent' kinds " always aC4 -n'. -hand, al low prices. - . " i w xw MtPRlSf dNCOJ" s i J f Auctioneers and Com.;Meiyhantsy 4i 3 . .;. t " flTST BECEI VED,-00 JK)Z. COT f tl T0NvpARDSiatft-'.a:-X! ; BREM, BRQWN dtiJO'S oct 14) Hardware Sjorq ,ir " g 1? t,oc19 . ..r.. : , rL.(octl4J Hardware Stored1 r