THE OBSERVER, w Published dailrand' tri.weekrjPat CttrtbtW; by Smith Wataon-t "Co.' 'Subscription--daily one year $8; tri-weekly one year : THE OOtIl At TIDIES, , Published dailytri-weekV nd 'weekly, at Charlotte, W'R. 'TAJUutog .AlCoab- one year $4; weekly 13.50. . r-r- c THE DAILY -BTILLETINr " Published daUy, at. Charlotte, JT Q.r. by R . H; Brittoh, term,' $5 per annum, in ad vance. 1 Tri- weekly, t WESTERN DEMOCRAT, H Published eeklya Charlotte. tyW. A Tates. 8rtlwcription one'year 3. ' THE JOURNAL, Published daily and weefclyaklrolnston; Engkhard & Pric, Editors ana rropne . - lorsvsuubscpiiOB-i-dafl weekly, $3. . - i - TMORNINQtST Published dailytat Wilmington, .Wm. ,H. .Ber nttrdi Editor'and' Proprietor.1 Subscript ;Uou-ne jwl tmpi Published semi-weekly at Wflmfagton, J. C. Mann, Editor. Subscription one year 4. PublumaWmgbyin II. Bernard, Editor and Proprietor; Bobt. Xi firjinf. Jtasociatel Editor. I Subscript tion one year 2i six months 1.25I ' ' THE;SENTINELV Published daily, semt weekly .and weekly, ;M Raleigh, by Josiah Turner, irn,v Editor, Sulwptibnaflyneyeaf ilOfsemi weekly one year f5; weekly eve- year $S. THE N. O. STANDARD, PablvAed xlaily and wfkly it rEalelgK,- 'by M. 8.Littlefield. H, L Pike Editor. : Sub scripllon ; daily one year f 10; weekly one year 13. . . . ; , ft" Published dairt l4wberlby Oeotl W. KasonJjr.-v FIL1 Sterns; Editor Subscrip tion ayeaf$3.IPi:ni-. JIIT GOtSDBBORO; IESENOER,f Published daity an weekly aVGoldsborov by Julius A- BouiU; W.- A. Hearoe,' Editor.' Subscription daily (me 'year weekly nejear2., -1: a -.-!' -THE 'ROAN OKK NEWS,:" : Publibhed semi-weekly at Weldon, by Jordan Stone, Editor;1 A. J.. Burton, Assistant Ed itor. SubacriptiononeTeaf 'tL 'ft - N; CfePRESBYTERIAiJV 1 v Published weekly at FayetteTfllfcTbxi EeV. John ' M. ' Sherw-eod." flubscriptton one PublisbedVT weeklyll at milt&ofo, by T., C. Erana." Subscription -r$2.. t- t v Pttblwlted weekly at Washington, by John 8. Long. SubacTiptiou-one year , f3U EPISCOPAL3IETODIjST, Published weekly at Raleigh, by ! ReT. J. B. Bobbitt. ; Subscnptioiv-oue year f 2. WESTERN VINDICATOR, Pubfished weekly at Rutherfordton, by L. P. - Erwuw Subscription one yearJS. THE OLD NORTH STAJE, Pnblisbed weekTy at Salisbury, by Lewis Banes. Subscription f3. , -TOE EXAMINER, Published tri-weekly at Salisbury, by Ruttall & Stewart. - '.'r- " THELtVING PRESENT, Published weekly at Warrenton; by; MomV . gomery WaddiU. Satwcnpeion -THE EAGtE, ; 7 n Published weekly at Fayetterflle, by M. J McS,ween, Subscripuon-f3.r MILTON CHRONICLE, luraus... smsilM5iton.sby C. N. B rnhlUBeJ wllv-.t Rtof-.,J1U W W i DrakH'8iiniMwfntlniUl'M' -''r. Published weekly at Wadesboro, by D. Mc NeilU y Subscription- $3. s', m j ,.nutit Pablished weekly GtwiisievWmea W. AlbrfghtfcJBro.;, Subscription FRIEND QE. TEMPERANCE, Published.' wertiyit'Ealeiiii; by BHf Whii aker. v 8ubacriptionf(L P;M&!C J' BIBLICAI4 RECORDER, Published weekly at Raleigh.1 '$ 3 a year. PuW&hed weekly at Rutherfordton, by Car penter & LoganY Sobacriptoiii Publighed weekly at Greensborcv'by Mre. c: M. Buropas Subscription-rlZ. Published, wklyiC Salei, iy Li '4ft Biuml Subscriptibnti ;i , : ":: JnbRsleJ weekly at Tarboro by" Charles & iggs. Subscription 13. .. n J OXJRKAL OF COMMfiE, c 3; Vn!iT?!!' y s. . Pool i JJ'-. V1,'.h' ' THE PLAINDEALER ' . Published Veekly at Wilson' h c a Jal DanieU-SubscVoKi 1 " n iuujs BKNTINEL ?. ' 'it Published -,, aiuii. ' oBDscnpuon 2.1 t" V'f- nickor&on I lotiao Hotol. - COLUMBIA S; C. Zr. THE underslcnuMt - - " 2S3SS? fte " -T' r ululD,unlfromthei6tel. sep 12:tf rtft;,' WU1UHT, ' j( CH ARLESTONi .r '-C Wu Per Day , 3.00 nnilroads.- Charlotte and S. C.and and A. E. E., ,r I Jh . tf! Columbh'iXd, Apri 1( l?d fTlHK following schedule wull go into ettecl JL .new- short Jme to-morrow, j Sundayj utn insw, u 3 HCcnnectimis sure, to all pointf W'wth. . - ri if -s tioms North! iU Going South. LEAVE. TERMINALS. U50rfnA Augusts ?lp-m 2:00 D. m. Colombia, . 12:10 p.jn. 5:45 a. m. 1:80 a. m. . Greensboro, ' 12:15 a; m;' 2:45 a. m. 7:0D a. m. 4:40 a. m. ' 12:25 a. m. 11:15 a. m. Richmond, 8:40 pi aa. Q WasBingtqn,! 10:80 p. in. f 4 uananore 2:25 aitt. Philadelphia, . Arrire,6X)5 p. to. New orjc, 8:40 p, m. I Making close coanecjipns at Charlotte to Pall m&mrt& aiJd Ea aud at Augusta to all points aouui ana nesu . . KXo Insure Speed,vSateiy -and Comfort, be mm and ask for Tickets via Columbia and . x arc bo tun tj wiu. i'iMp .. B&emure checked tbioiteh. RrtIOO'T' . Tickets br this route are OptJonaV either via ! panvilla and. IchnKmd, ; Weldon and Richmond, or Weldbn and Old Bay .Line crood ianlil uae&.;-":- , ForTietatosalllprfncfpaipinUorth,4 t8or1W,esi11yiitiJ1clfeUOffl Blandinff Street, or for other Information to CALEBr BOUKNIQHTw fiupt, J' ;. Ur,.JK.)lVlKB. wneraiJ reign. ! aou 1 Ticket Agent ii frfii .ir ap ill Wilmington, Cbarlotte and HUTITEKFOI1D UAILHOAD. Wilmington, N. C, May 15, 1869. VN and after May. 15, the Passenger Train on this Road will leaVft Wilmington on I Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, all o'clock, -Arrite at Rockingham same days, at 8 im" i .... ! ... , I , "" ; r a if i o n mt t'UL.8 RtT9 Leat , Wadesboro fStage.l on Tuesday, Jhurlday and Saturday, all p.m. I t Leave Rockingham (JBIMoudayi.Wedt nesday and Friday, at 6 j?A. M? Arrive at Wilmington. same daya at3 P. M. I W. I. EVERETT, may 20 -t Oen'I Sup'U TTife Cnpnt Tbronsh fmB&CaM 1 ryins tlie UnHeil CUU nail y J) G.J Maxwell, Secretary, pro. em. a 'nn&'GaMm -'J Si WRwhv CprnmunicaUons, 2d & 4th Thurs L.. IT. day eveninss iu each month. FORTHB H0HTH Phalanx N0.8I-J. Roessler, W;M.j S. Fl 1 FTT" I f T""t '"j Houston, Secretary, pro. tern, f.! iOfjt -J3 Regular Cotumnnicatioits 2d and 4th Mon- rT0RTH PAOLlNAXILllOAp ici di- ' v reel liuS to Fetersbursr, Ricbmond, I PoViamouth, BalUmore, Philadelphia, J?ew York and Boiton Also, to Che North-wesi and WesV Raleigh, Charlotte, VolumMa and Bay Line. This is n safe" and ! expedi- tioaa route for Through traveli 'J'i H '"-l" Through Tickets sold at Jtf,n J New Orleans, Richmond-Columbia, Mont- gomery, Baltimorft, Salisbury, Atlanta, 8L Louis, Kaleigh, AasmsU, Indianapolis, Mo- bile,- Jharjeston,: 0 l-ortamouin,u 1 Charlotte, Jacksonville, Philadelphia, . GreenslKmA Ma con 'Louisville, Petersburg and; New ,York are goodfi route. L. T ' The North Carolina Railroad connects with the Wilmington and Weldon. Railroad, Ral eigh and Gaston Railroad, Richmond and Danville Railroad "Wesieni Jforlh Cartliiia Railroadr ChurleUeand South Carolina RaiU totuiL : " &1$&AJL " .' The comfort of passengers consulted their baggage checked ' through and duly cared, forrO'Tt f ; ' T 4 i I .. H M ' JEQAlNT. CO ACHES PAtACEiStEEPim CAES1 I AUached, Good Wer4; no ferry nor trestle works, and the;eutlre Tmapasenent Jof the. Road so as to secure a Safe, Agreeabre, and QUICK! travel. X ;H-T .VU 4 II Oouth Carolina ttailrood Com - OF LBATI90 TIXK OF TBAIS. I -n IrafayetSVnsfaml, the Depot, forCo!umhiarjitaving Unidn Joint Charleston. aL & o'clock "a. m.. ' fnsiville and 70 0,'clock, a. m., and arrive at Augusta 4c'eloci pum vsi it-.-- 1AIKEJT ACCOM JC0DAT105 TRAIR. S - . Leaving frehV Lockr i6t ja? 6 cdocl,-p. wilL leave at .:06r pym-Tand arrive- at AikeiltVcIoc-ffT ? ;! sight bxpbbIsv acpoiiioATtoTr BAW.1 . Leaving Union Depot at 4 o'clock, p. m.. is the only Traiii that- makesrclose connec, tions witff qfeerrviae: dCoIambiaC Railroad Pasgers $akiitbj Train pn& no ide tained m Columbia. v . " :,ii:i,r WbBi TPEAKEm V 4 seplj Vtni m General 8nperiotendent w. i fThe Carolina. Farmer. T8 ISSUED MONTHLY; t '2 pef .annum - two large double-column .pages eL reading utr, wnoa m nanasome covers, . and in t TDOSTanhi cal ererntinn wilt nt' Ka ed by any agricultural Monthly in the country.- -1 '- .v - ft uemg determined to do whatevef 'enerav will accomplish, iq making the Farmer wor thy the" support of ; the - intelligent' planters and farmers ofprtb-C1 -and desiring to introduce it. into every county in j those States, we wish to emplpy. active agents at etery.PostoflIcerito,whom the :most liberal hduceaMnts!WiUbe,ffered..K- , Aadress communications to :f so:- ?,. l Vu'-i I ; '(',,.WM. H. BERNART . v w' Wilmington, N. C,,' 'Tho Yorkvillo Crinul - A 8 an advertising medium, this paper is :xV"TwnMl to the business community of Charlotte, five hundred copies being circulate ed each week along the line of the Railroad between Charlotte and Chester, and in sec tions contiguous to Charlotte, - Id dditkn nearly twice this number, of, copies are cireu' lated in other sections- p , , The rates of advertising are for 1 one inch paee, for the first insertion, fl.60 j for each ubsequent insertipn, 75 cenL eruwiuenu in ,tne -same .proportion for a period less than three monthaT,Fo" JSe rix or twelve month, a liberal reductionWui be made from (he above rates. . 1 Ul m Address 3'n vm ir -t-r.nM. , , v ept lei j t u - wi r , ' ;Arrivin3 Oallyl l IT Molasses aud Coffee. v':;clJUAB ; ' E.JI. H0LT& C0; ;riiTifiidXbniDfjr directory "Ths OteerverV' Business directory. Embraced under this head are . the f.ity and County Oovernments j also, the different t u.:iiinf tlia iuaffrtna nf Thb 0gTEB - it is enough for us to say to our ia and country, that there are no mercantile Louies, or other branches oJ baiesii. included in our : list, bat what are worthy df patronage and confidence - ' : I Q. . r-',? ;"s City Government. , jMayor CDowd. ,t , A.LDEBXEK. iilstWarcUi A. Young, ..2d Ward.' 1 . A. N. Gray. - ' -. Roderick ' McDonald,' Q. Springs. . 4tlhWard. . r : Wm. Maxwell, James Harty, - J. Y. Bryce. . Jonas Rudisill, J. A. Earnshaw,; . ..SdWard. . S W; Da?is, t ; J. Treloar, A. H; Creswell, Clerk and Treasurer -A;'Burwell.c' City Constable J. J. Sinis. Cotton Weigher and,-Inspector of Flour, dtc-i-Chas. II. Elms.' Auctioneers Mi L. Wriston &.C., H. J. Walker..'----. .....''- ' . POLICE FORCE. ( -" L.A. Blackwelder, Chief. - County .Officer. , Clerk Superior and Probate Court--E. A. Osborne. Wm. Maxwell. leputy. f - -T'I' Wj. P. Little. Coroner. ! o., T. JJ. Price, Sunreyor, , - wwwty ,ommiuioncr9. R. M. Oates, Chairman. '. S. M. Refd. "' R.B. King. ! - - R. L: DeArmond. T.L.Vai!J'itJ. ':s'"'i1'' '"'"'' ir P. M. Ross, Clerk. J. N. Hunter, Magistrate, ; office fin Court House. Church and Pattort. . .T..x H ATaTu1ici Raw M i- jllAvnaiviiA ' - Lutheran, Her. Mr. Aldrich. 't. Peter's (Episcopal) Rev. Mr. Bronson. a. . tr-. n:. uL tw n-n.v..Ai P.ii.vtrin t; Mnw 3 ' '"i,7r t f? fmiO Charlotte Chapter, K. A. w., o. ev jc. IL WhiteH. P. J. Koessler, Sec'y. Regnlr: Convocations, 2d and 4th Friday 1 Excelsior No. 261 C. W. Alexander, WM. day evenings in each month. 1 , M. v. h. wo. , i. u. u. r. r. o nisnani, ff Hi J. Walker. Sec'y. j. H. Hmitti, insiaiimg uuicer. xueeuugs every , a wmx v eyeiiiiig. V-i-? ' Schools. Charlotte Female Institute, Rev.' R. Burwell. ) Jno. B. Burwell, A. M. J Charlotte Male Academy, St. Peters School Rev. Mr. Bronson. ;3 Attorney t Vance & Dowd, Office at Ctmrt House. Hutchison & Brown, do. , Burwell & Grier,' ..... do. "Osborne & Barringer, next building to Court House. Jones & Johnston, chrer Express Office. R, P. Waring, R. D. Osborne, W. M. Shipp. Fire and Lift lntnronct. Hutchison, Burroughs, & Co., Trade Street. Caldwell & Brenizer, under First National Bank. 1 Chas. E. Bradshaw, at Haltom & Gray's James A. Elliot, office at the N. C. R. R. of fice. aUrood Officer. N. C.R. R J. T. Ector, Agent; W. H. n a a. a a., if n.!.. 2 C. oD o. v. K. iv., wm. regram, Ageni. 1 - W. C. &. R. B. R., P. 8. Whisnant, Agent ' Dailv Carolina "Observer Trade Street. J Y. Bryce's buildins, over Gregory & Wil- liamson Grocery Store Daily Bulletin, Tryou street.' Dailr Carolina Times, Trade street. Weekly Western Democrat, Trade Street, i : iiiJ Trlrormnk Office." W, P, Iim, AgeBmi?iJ7';iirftlsR G. H;King, Operator W UfCof ' Banking ffoute. I T W, Dewey & Co.,.Tryon Street T. W -Dewey, Manasins Partner? F. H. Dewey Cashier; C. D.Snow, Teller aud Book-Keeper, xirsi jnauonai uana. xryon street K. , r, McAden, President; W.p. Pegrara, Cashier. I A. G. Brenker Assistant Cashier i Fhyttetan. : J.M. Miller, J. P. McCombs, J P. Jones, C. J. Fox, R. Gibbon, 8. E. Bratton, W. W. & Ri K. Gregory. P; P. Medlin, Jos. Graham, T C Alexander, .Smith & Brem. ... Druggist. , Dr. P. Scarr, Trade Street Dra. Kilsore & Cureton,' Northeast corner Trade and Tryon Streets.- . s. Dral Smith A. .Brem,: Southwest' corner Trad and Tryon Streets.1 ' ' Dr. J". H. McAden,; old corner Drug Store. Mansion House,: W. P. Moore. ' 'Matthews House, (formerly Charlotte Ho tel) Matthews & Stegall. ".Trotter House; nearly opposite City Clock. ; Central, House, Mrs, Rowe,,., ! ; - s 'r - jr.jCotnmiuion Merchant. s ; ? , '. M 'L. Wriston & Co., Mansion House building.8 ... . 8tenhonse, Macaulay Co., corner Trade and College-streets.-: ; -i. .-!! R. M; Oates & Co., Northeast corner trade and College Streets, i . ' - v ,1 J. Y.; Bryce & Co:,1 Trade Street 1 r cJStohaellert 'end 'SUttioner&t:iihhi ; - Tiddy A. Bro., Tryon Streetj Springs' Build ing. m,. '!.;';;;,; j .jk f5,: . ; r Wade & Gunnel, Tryon-street. .v ,. 'Watchmaker end Jeweler. ; John T. Butler, Tryon Street V 5 ' ; - -T - ' Confection,; fa li iS r f -' ' A. RNisbet Bro.; ;.Trade:stV under Democratffice.' 1 - v! D. G. Maxwell, 24 Tryon Street ?. D. M. Rigler, opposite Mansion House. . J . Photograph Qattenet. i- H. Baumgarten; over J. Harty's. n ." j , - M&enery and Fancy GacdfJ fiiTi C M. Query, TryoustreeW ' X 1 J " ft W. R. French, Tryon-street; ',vf Mrs. Moyer, College,! : street near the Gas , Mrs, M, Reed. Tryon Street l City and County; Directory. ,1" "Merchant Tailor.- '- - J. S. PhilSpseOi.oimsite-Mar.sicm House, f Tryou Street. a ; , t J.Vogel, opposite TMatthews House, Try on l':i.ri ;J ' aiii'ui-t Carriage Jfanfictoryt Repairing, $c. 1 Joshua Trotteri nearly opposite City Clock. j- ... i ' - " --i'' j' " 'v ' " i''r rtytl,: ! 'j Theo. Johnston, Tryrtn Street f j Lawrence dt- Hewitti'Tryon Street. ' ' V.t H MU$ttirA ? S. CRobertson, dear N. C. R. R. ' T ; James Tiddy J F. A. McNinch, Tr)on streeW jc- .-.. :c 1 R. F. Davidson, opposite City Clock. , . F. M: Shelton, near Post' Office. , A. H.' Creswell, Church5 Street. a I L. J Fincher, college-st, Ta tern's old stand. v;f . Je Fuelorfoi Jhundrie $eS J L Mecklenlmrs Foundry and Machine Shop, on N. ,C. R R- P- Zimmerman, AgenL Rock Island Factory, on N. Of RR. , t , . North ' State - Washing ' Machine 06., near - Lutheran Church. ' a Charlotte; Foundry Howie & Tatem, ' Cook & Ellyson, Manufacturers and Dealers ' in all kinds of. Farming Tools, in old Navy Yard. -"" is Contractor trnd Builder. Taylor & Allison. Killian, Irwin, Asbury & Rudisill, R. Grimes, J. Kudisill. " . r ' J5oo mmT-Shoe '.Jkiten. ' -' ' 8. B. Meachain, McAdeu's Iron Front Build 1 ing, Tryou Street i; vy t'.: ' Tmnett nd 'Dealer in f1Tm tTare ' $c, ' D. H. Byerly &. Co., Trade St, under Man sion House. V : ' .Hardware c. . '.. Brem. Brown & Co.. Trade Street ' Oates, Walter Brem & Co., corner store under Mansion House. ; . As A. N. M.( Taylor Trade Street Pry Good, fes - l: ' TSADB STREET. Brem, Brown & Co., Wittkowsky & Rin- tels, Buxbaum & Lane, II. & B.,; Emanuel. TBTOB STREET. .v Elias .&. Cohen. ' ' Groceriet, $c. jtRADB STREET. , W. J BiaekvEPM. Holt & Co.,' H; B Hammond & Co., A; BerrrhillrFrajder. Scr ett & Co-rUregory SrWiinamson. B;M; Pres- son, McM array DaVis!& Cduj J. S l Means .& SHis, Wearn, Walker & Bro., i.,:H. McGinn, J. M. Sims; Grier & ' Alexander; 3. D. Palmer, Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co.. ' C TRT05 STREBT. " W. R. Griffin &. Co., M. W. Alexander" Carsou & Gner, Dais & Hilker. Boot and Shoemaker. E. H. White, Trade Street, opposite Bryce's Building. Saddle and Hamtt Maker. R. Shaw, Tryon Street opposite McAden's Iron Front Building. W. E. Shaw,, Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte Hotel. . Bar Room md Restaurants. TRADE STREET. ( J. W. Sprinkle, T. A.s Squires, L. Adams sign of the tiger, rear of Gates building. TBTOH STREET., W. R. Cochrane. Geo. Cross, Wm. Dunn. Bryant & Co., College-st. . . DittiUert. Groot, Kuck & Co.. Tryon Street Barber, i) Span & Sumner, Charlotte Hotel, Tr)-on- street Livery Stable,. J. R. Davidson, Charlotte Hotel. J. W. Wadsworth, opi08ite city clock. PubliBbed at the Capital of the State. DAILY, BEMI-WEEKLT AMD WEEKLY." NEW ARRANGEMENT. fTlHE RALEIGH SENTINEL HAVING 11assed under the Editorial manase- . i : .1 mentof Uie unaersigneu, u m,irum wie nresent date, be conducted by him. ,r It will be the zealous and Tearless advo cate of the CONSTITUTION of the United States, seeking to bring therrpeupie back to their ancient revereucejiortjnai miuionaMn- strument, and to restoie tlie polhs.i of the country to that honored standard, aslhe only suarantee of National prosperity. ! .' : It will do iustice to -the men and Measures of the present day, whenever they mky merit it, but it will unsparingly lasii ana oenounce al 1 who set themselves up in - oppotion u the Federal Constitution, and hold p to the public indignation corruption aud , imbecility ltr hiarh waces. i It will ardently seek the promotion of the best interests of North Carolina, moral, ed ucational, material nd political. , THE LATEST NEWS From every quarter, both by : mail and tele graph, will be carefully -collated and pre sented. Full and correct market and finan fci il reports will be given.1 And, in one word,4 no effort will be soared to make the .' bkhti h el, in all respects, a reliable FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. n . . 1 TBRK. Daily, twelve months, ': $10.00 - - 5.00 - - , 8.00 BIX , " t- ii , three ohe ii 1.00 6.00 8.00 1.50 8.00 2.00 Semi-weekly; twelve months, - ; j ; six i" l-' - , " three i,!3. Weekly, twelve months, ; , - - . six' 1 " - - J " three' ! " 1.00 ,; The Sentisbl has already the largest sub scription in the State, and, as Its columns and circulation attest, is an unsurpassed medium for advertising."' .-.-' .--r - - The friends of the paper and of 'the cause it advocates are earnestly solicited to aid in its further circulation.' ' ,r f ' , ,'AU letters should be addressed to ' '"v? V I ' i 't; Raleigh, N. C.n . January 20 ' STJBSCBIBE FOB -i ; The Wilmlnston :Post, Tfo, only Republican, paper id thitc Section - IS the Official Oorgan of National, State and County Government, j the only :nripre- judiced exponent of pure National Bepubli-; can doctrines and ideas has the ablest cor: responaents ; largest circulation, and is al together the best 'r-T xnt ; . j family: .Newspaper In this region. I r. ' t W 'All payments In advance.' 9i y 4 00 perYea l $2.50 for Six Months, auu ei.w wrinree Montns; seii 12 ir ENCOURAGE IT Ann HUM iii - h ill f . f Mi: :,Fublished. Daily.Tri - ' f,- j - x ,A ABSOCIATIoa Office on Trade-st.;- Bryce's Building, - second story. DEVOTED ;v , , The Iew of the. ,Day, : Literature; Science, Art Agrieulturfc. While we commit our columns to no party, we reserve the privilege of dealing witl, tics as with men, and things,' in -a free, manly Our eolumnRaraTjeifa7.4r respectable commiitiicaUons,. The paper, bra .eat )slxeet At twenty-four columns, priuted on good paper and with new type. . , ' . v :"':V' The citizens of Mecklenburg and adjoining counties have long felt the need of a good (general) daily? Newspaper,-; and .we, being practical printers, shall endeavor to supply tliem, withj a paper . worthy of their patronage. . . TERHS XT Daily, one year," " ' 1 ' :six months, V '': ' , ; 5 three monf ht, - TriiWee.kly, one year, u. : , " , r - six months, ( tlitaA mnntrto bIJI 7Ct : lUVUWIOt sly, 'one year, , - t All: transient-ad vertisemenUi will not be good reference. ? 1 '-i?- Local advertisers will be required to settle at the end of each month.. , All orders left iitb Messrs. Tiddt,& Bb6. Springs' Building, Trfon Street, and II J Walker, will be" promptly attended to, as mm We are now supplied with, and are constantly ordering the latest st vie of plain nd ornamental types, from tht world renowued foundry, " THE JOHNSON," of Philadelphia, which has no equal on the face of the earth ;' therefore we fell justified in saying that we can do as good work, aud on as satifactory terms, as any. office South. Can aud see. Show Cards, Business Cards, Wedding Cards, Visiting Cards, Note Heads, Letter Heads, ! Bill Heads, Programmes, Books, Catalogues, Pamphlets, Ball Tickets', Posters, Bills of Fare, Checks, Drafts, &c., &c. i ..'''11. : ' - ,. Printed either plain or in colors, at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. v SMITH, WATSON & CO., f. "Charlotte Observer," Box 82, Charlotte, N. C. Newspapers, &c. THE BALIIGH STAHDAP: Published Daily and Weekly . THE WEEKLY STANDARD I ' is the largol paier published in the State, and is devoted to Politics, Aericultuxe, -f, Kecliaiiics': and, Xiiteratore. .Its EWS'pEPABTAiBiTwil'be its great feature, and will give a faithful trans cript of all occurrences of interest or im iKirtance throughout the civilized world. ' Being situated at the Capital of the State 4 the .r.i:. will give the earliest notice of State matters, and will furnish full reports of Uie Legisla ture. , . .- y. '1- terms': .: . :' Weekly, one year. ' - , . , - f 2.50 r M Six months, . V ; 1.50 Daily,. one year, - - - 10.00 "M Six.monllis,!.'- ; 5.00 Less time, one dollar. permonth, ;. .. " "Address, iV.JI. S.' LITTLEFIELD,, i ailg 21 tf ' ; v, ' . r '.. Raleigh, N. C. . TO BC05X&S8T. ' AnVBRTISR IK ' THR "Mi 2 ' FAIKFTJELD BEBAIJ), f?-V pvBusnstf'ra "f,; ' ! 'Winnsboro', & J0:-. f s THE large' and increasing circulation of Lthe above papers, tri-weekjy and weekly) in j uic iipjxrr iuruuu ui ovuiii varoiuia, warrant the Proprietors in saying lhaV. good 5 inducements? to. advei-tisers as jahy ollier papers in the State. ; n ADVERTISEMENTS SOLICITED,, f DespoTtea," WiIllaxxui & Cow, ', septlO-tf, Proprietors. :! ' 1 1 ' . . ii .' ............ " . -f . A Good Ad-vertislnfr Sledltun ia Western ' ' .?.-! If orth CaxolltuL i H ' ' VJ- ' I- T Ii e Y e s t e r n D e m o c r t . PUBLISHED AT CHARLOTTE, N. C. .f,On$'feldcMtewpap,ii the, State, J XTAS LABGE AND GENERAL; CHU il v& CULAT10N in, Western,: aiid t Soutb westem North; Carolina and adjoining- Db trictsf South Caroliria.t: X- " Send advertisements direct to the Editor and, Proprietor At pharlottejN. :f., (and ot through advertising agencies,) A' cony of the paper 'containing ''advertisement 'will be sent to each advertiser. -iJ &i .inr.tstT Wii . '-.Terms of Subscription; t3; per year.f i!t; 9vO Editor aud Propritori,.?.. n" W.T mm m weeJdjj ' Veetly:, OF PRIBTER8, AT" . t5? and independent spirit. Our motto will be ! ! - STJBSCIttPTION : 16 00 3 00 1 50 3 60 1 75 1 00 2 00 noticed, unless accompanied with the cash or . . they are our authorized agents. Newspapers, &c. THE mQRmm,BTAH. Again Enl4rged.and)m THIS WELL ESTABLISHED: AND POP ULAR Daily Newspaper' has recently been greatly enlarged rand; improved (the sec nd enlargement ineighteen months), and is confidently ottered to the pejle f the two Carolinas as seciiud .tonoi daily, journal iu either of those States. ; vThe Star is a Live, Practical afid ProgreR siVe NewsuaneT.V eminently adapted to the wants of this section j 'sound' and conserva tive in us teachings, and devoted to the Com mercial and Agricultural interests of the South. It contains full and reliable Reports of the Markets, Telegraphic - Dispatches, Lo cal News and General Intelligence. -- TERMSV'ur anvaxca: "One f year, $7 00 Sir Months,' Three i'! ; One-, u . Address, ; V - ... 3 50 m ;" ;; 2 00 " - -.' , - 75 ' W. H. BERNARD, Editor & Proprietor, ; Wlmflngton, N. C. mar 3L : Established 1824. 7 Is one ot the Oldest, Largest and Ch est Newspapers' in the State. .tt Anti-Radical but Liberal in Politics. TerpBS) a - 62.0O Per Year. V 'Du few weekly papers, have a' better CIRCULATION,- and tN0NE offer SUPERIOR Advantages to t'1 1; " I ADVERTISERS. "J pi Specimen copies sent on apphc1 to"fJi ' ;. i; i Jas. W.I Aibrlsfit A BrM ;.r: Vn, GREENSBORO', N. c. Job -.printing ' pf v every descTipUa, ifieaUy, 1 cheaply ' and expeVUdouslxexecutedat 5 THE PATRIOT Ofiice 5t J.itSJ ,'! JQiLEQAL BLANKS always on hand, anosold low oh CASH orders. Lug 22 tuc cnriTPR .Hl I Ilk.. J W U 1.1 Wtl. ,'l DACIX i OSTEElV. Proprietors, . fTlHE ATTENTION OF? BUSINESS MWi. f X and Others is. invited tot this iKpular, WEEKLY. PAPER as a most desirable adver- jsiag medium; ,ii: '" " ' ; Handsomely printed ' with hew type, , good pappr, apd bas;a large-cnxsulatiou. Subscription Three Dollars per year, ' fSpecinren copies and terma for advertiamg Septra recent vfJ-statopirjAjd! r - K . 1 1 " DARR & OSTEEN, JOB'iiPICE 3C ctcrx'r' sept 2J TTO1 ropr -

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