V . . !TEDB CHARLOTTE EVENING CHRONICLE ' APRILD, 1909. GOING OX RELtEP WORK. f Wade H. Harris, Editor. ' I. ' i "'V ii . subscription price. . -One 7ear . .. . . Six Months .. . Three Months .. . . : . - .f ... Ott Week .. . ' TELEPHONES. tCtty Editor. . . . ....... I Editorial Room.. ... .. .. ..' Business Office. . ..... .... .15.00 .$2.50 .$1.25 . .10 CONDENSED-MHK. . The growth of the condensed-milk industry in the United States has been remarkable. It is figured7 out that sixteen million dollars' worth of condensed-milk has been exnorted frnm the United States during: the past de cade two and one-half million dollars of it in the fiscal year 1908. China. 13 Japan, the Philippine Islands, Korea, Asiatic Russia, Portugese Africa. Mex FRIDAY, APRIL, 9, 1909. ico, and all of the Central and South American States, Cuba, Santo Domin- SPLIT BY' THE TARIFF. - : The tariff - debate' is - splittia- the Democratic party far asunder, tempo rarily at least, as in delated by some of the debates in the House. We have told of the remarkably brash speech of -Representative Clark, of Florida. , As was to have . been ex pected, he drew down a good deal of wrath' upon his head. Wednesday. Representation Stanley, of Kentucky. joined Clark in debate and - the two offered much entertainment. Stanley go, the British West Indies. Canada attracted ttpntinn h,, and ov.n rr.., . . . . : j i.ii.miiry " ' sm. re statement that he is going to lose vote among the -numerous purchasers of I in his district . If he is not for a tariff this comnarativelv n P w and . tbtiMJv I nr . -. .. -t j I utniea, .ana, ne exclaimed ve- hemently, "I want to stay here if De TAX EXEMPTION AS AX INDUCE 7':- ' - MEXT. The tnwn of Camden. S. C. as an -6 ix uui wic uuiieu oiaies. nemently, "I want to s niomrt tn BPTirp the establish- -n,o .-,-.s ... ..,.. , .. I v,WuuS ui nmn. irom xne mocracy goes to h I." Later in hi anent of manufacturing enterprises, Tjnited states ag reported by customs Lpeech C1&rk m . vntxd trt Tmnt nftW nlantS from InfRnoro n ... m.i!.. . . I . . . . V t ou.,MU Ui oiausucs oi asit a facetious question as to the .taxation for a period ot " Jh Department of Commerce and La- taking of theduty off mules and r - . oi.vTTu a. very rapm growxn norses. This is what followed atT. It was in operation in Char- hn rerent vDT.a - wiwi louoweo. 'lniu-nmi'whon a sinele factory was in mo; -(immc. . ;&Tr. Stanley: "I would like to take .mptn, the payment of ta.es. , J,,, , 'iZ H .f." """S" ' . . , s j I . . . . ' ' gentleman from Florida. (Tno-y, "DOT as soon as me iaw eAncu, ti; ana m 1908, $2,455,186. This , , torles bean swineine un on every ranid rrnw, trt,.t,, .- man who would make an argument of -nand. T would not be fair to make rtistrihtinn ' .x. . . . 1 Wnd.must feel very sorry, for a .oi icu me curean OI mule " ' .existing manufacturing enterprises pay statistics to an inauirv reardine- th taxes and exempt new ones. As a details of thi m v. I Mr- C1 f Florida: "And for the general thing, however, manufactur- sult of the inquiry making It appar- nent of the fentlemai1 from- Kentucky. Ing enterprises seek the field that of- ent that practically all of the milk Mrvalrman 1 would "k to put a duty fers the best opportunities and the so exported eoes in onndnd cn the father of the mule." (Prolonged matter of taxation is of secondary probably not more than 1 per cent, in laushter ) consideration. Whenever manufactur- th. natural state tk .. Mr- Stai I ' ic uticuiai ana i , . Ing enterprises flourish they are able tropical countries are the only sections keeper m the House Lord than a and willing to pay taxes. It is no in- of the world to which thio mi.. dweller in the tents of wickedness, and I ucement to be exempt from paying of the industries of the United States I would rather 00 an honest taxes unless the location is a profit- Is distributed. Oiha wa tv, i gentleman from Florida." able one and good business men gen- est purchased in 1908, the total value erally prefer to be on the same basis of exports of this .article to Cuba in as other business men of a commun- that year .being $905,068; Japan rank- "y- in& next with $666,370; Canada, THE NEW--OPPORTUXTTY FOR "Z;!": J ttip niPMPi? .". i.uexrco, Mr. Stanley: "I had rather be a door keeper in the House of the Lord than a dweller in the tents of wickedness, and I would rather be an honest ass than the (Prolonged laughter.) Here Mr. Clark was about to retort In kind, when the Speaker called him to. order- and the ''amusing incident"- was closed. There was mora than Army Officer Arrives and With Coltoc- xveim will Go on a Great Mission. . Wilmington Dispatch. . Lieut. McKennev. -TTnltAd Rtnt. Army, and who will be remembered as having been stationed at Fort Cas well, arrived in the Citv to-dav and he and Collector of Customs , B. F. Keith will go over the Canetuck sec tion of Pender T tv TxrV ?-"K Trr o fsi. ited by disastrous floods last summer. xnis win be their second trip. Just after the floods swept over this sec tion last summer. Lieutenant McKen ney and Mr. Keith visited the scene of devastation and did tioulddo to relieve the suffering, and SERVICES IN THE BUTLERS. Arrest and JBall Proceedings' Started ivgamsc ine uutiers. High Point-Enterprise. - Following'1 the verdict of. guilty and iiucii l in nnnHd iiv .Minora jnwin inii. MT v " wf buj -M -v- noon in the criminal libel suit against iormer. united States senator Marlon Butler and his brother, Lester F. But ler, counsel f or : ex-Judge Spencer B. Adams sprang another - sensation In apnlylner for and obtain in c frnm tYia court an order of arrest and bail in the- Civil Oftinn nf Tn rt era A rtomo against the -Butlers for the recoveVy of $50,000 .damagest The order of arrest was nlancd in ttno vianda Deputy Sheriff Georfe-e p. CmtciifloM. who found Marion Butler in the office of . his counsel, Justice & Broadhurst. came back and aided In sending stores 1 !ffflCOUnse1, l?811 roadhursl to the needy. Da vs went hv K The .offlcer as directed under the or Keith jtiii hqt i to require a Justified hnnd in tia would ensue by reason of ' the Tract thatlSUm of $10,000, which Marion Butler many of the unfortunates would hava 1,:n. Messrs- George Butler and atest Crowds En) at - - .j. me tail iadi many of the unfortunates would have x- . ' xx.w w i choc a croD this year. So he kept pegging aw at the situation and now. Lieutenant McKenney comes no o representative to go with Air. Keith t gf exact information. It is felt lifi o veT Sv?rnment will certainly lend a helnino- hnd . . . and consequently the trip to be made rt&nlvrmJo0m?er and Mn Keith wi certainly be an important one. C. i. Benbow as sureties. : It is an easy matter to advise the I ue jl vnn oik Africa, $76923; w n im m ?..nk- Knff' '39-145-- Asiatic Russia, -..mnnWn elsewhere are found- !"601' and UgUese Africa, $22. I 710. $10,000 Farmers' Ormni7AtAn Stanly Enterprise. . The organization -v - . . A me larmers in this county under an authorized caD- sarcasm behind the remarks of these well for tha m.KUld Se.em.to token two n,mn,(o Wk",I he m.embers of the Union. ao ucauiy piau ot paying interest on borrow- hate and it is but a sample of the ea money will mean the savins n harmony that is now prevailing among h OTer the time system, the leaders of the Democratic nart J?.n hi:ia. the plan, of n6ui m ub duuui. me uwuuc . - women rrom the mills rf PhiigMnhi-o Deueve that 7. . gardening in Charlotte by reason of condensed who will make a personal aal o !aIo- fnS d-1 lrT,o.-c t , , . . . in lease effort rprHi. the conversion of gardens into build ing lots. Land in Charlotte has be come too valuable for agricultural pur- . A Fleece Bait For the Lambs. Wadesboro Messenger and Intelligenc er. The latest fake we have heard of being worked on Anson suckers wa an unusually slick one. Several weeks ago a couple of men went through the eonntv aoiiino- r-j -"""6 tur clothing. They expatiated at great length upon the quality of the cloth and as a clincher Informed the vic tims that the firm tnr- i v " an.il nicy traveled would send a first-class tailor fi ,!m ,n a week. The tailor, tney said, would mair tvi a fashionable smt f iv, , charge them $2 and board for the work. Several persons, we learn, bought cloth for one or two suits but so far the tailor has not shown up .. Must Be More Than One Witness. Asheville Citizen. Consternation prevailed among the stitute Police Judge J. G. Adams an hosiery Protestants from Ph.vJ . .. " ""u".cu l" necouia not convict a l.i . y "umonues at the present I"Ta Y114"s '"or simpiy on the K " ,,ilve an reason to know and tn lvluc'1L ot one witness women from the mills of Philadelphia, believe that there are at least a ZB fendant swore he did i who will make a nersonal annual t 8aioons n Salisbury to-dav ad fpoiice maintain that It is almost im Efird 9s , ivimjuese Ainca, SZZ,- " o jayen better tnon t- i ." ... The value of the exports of e leaders of the Democratic party educatSSoowS to "the adorft on nr ile article, to the Philinoine m Washington. advanced farm method. uDon a h t,urlu"S will ll"r if10-" . inis movement ed on common sense. The good roads ; . v exports oi . , M . . . w" smgie article, to the PhiliDnine hr n? h farfnerg into fasv communl- L ... , c rmiippme cation with the absorbent market of J"" t198-57,602-is more Charlotte and many, of them have WjawKrt 1 kAUUS 01 women of the countrv wprf Rn intar. been making money through atten- T898 alcad P" ethe mr ln u i .. v, 1898 a decade earlier, when the to- we wrUL Tne Carolina Watchman. iu ucnuMiuo 1.1c vuai- . . . , oiiK Hosiery Protestants from Phicap-rl . i nui tun vie i lotte market. Our correspondent is LtlIf li ' domestlc and freign. are flankJ rm .. Jj1 city authorities at the present Jr 8tUlng Ji?Uor 8imP1y on t rieht in his facts about the decline of . . islands was $127t" I wnman fmm VkA Miii t I. I KaiiaA i x ason to know and to t f on n . . - when the d 10 ui runaaeiDnia. mat mere ar nt d. j , v..uam sure np ain not soil t . uroau piane, this movement It never before happened that the wl11 De Kreat benefit to our farmers. ' m . x 1 A Saloons in Salisbury. 77-, ' I o-Uag Congress against a higher duty on -?or' resardless of their dockings. Thus are the troubles of tc T aVprehend " FZJZZ' 2 helng made tariff.matr ..n,, of them. 6 - juoute any u iii uiLiuiiru. - - - the WORKING TO A FLAX. T poses, tand as the garden space is di- . n.as caugnt the fevcr. The mlnLshftd ,he demand will rw nn "6X" UI i Weater Charlotte Club. The New VnrV Tn,n01 o- v w. vr I w uat Ui VjUIII i the truckers outside the city. The far- nario"e Grow, is Infectious merce man who gave Charlotte a nnn- jVewton Enterprise. the city can. produce commercial com modities the year round and make Peculiar Accident to a Boy. iast Friday the little leme city, inetar- i n. , . ' """-"" mciue man wno gave Charlotte a Don- I "nmse. mer who is conveniently located to .... , xW.uwrg suit witn uiation of 60.000. was not so wide nf I Tiay the little eichteon. r Liits Hioenn. nrtntn i nt c - .1.. i mnnr na.niH v -? " ice commercial com- .. . ' """" XJi'' e nnest tne mark. New BPnnift.,.nn,0 n 1 " ;.".r u Ui ev. g. p. Drum. city m the world." it ta a high mark town by the scor everv month "d InS "h a cane more money than he could from the k" t w7w" ItC 6 UP t0 shoot at- the only way Charlotte can keep up edthe ca" to his throat. Zcane' cultivation of cotton. Truck farming ln ' 4 " - !JUCk ln the shoot- with Its growing population would be fon j ItlF? 8ilarp Pieces inches for the Charlotte market has already - f the leading citizens to take a quarterly census No reen K?. m..t-he. th.roat and had to lifted a number of farmers out of it-.. - or tne Universe, got to- bay tree ever srrew moro " a aocior wlth forcepts. tiling fJ . eiermIned to do some- Charlotte is growing. Ist Win Q,Uwba thing for better co-operation in the Newton Enterprise tCri.0f advan.cIn& Boston's Interests. The city is proceeding with the , Monday afternoon was a tim nf debt, given then modernly appointed homes and some money in the bank. The farmer who brings truck to the city all through the year has much the advantage of the farmer : who brings in a few1 bales of cotton in 'the fall. Edward cer. said - - - o ...... . . - v eta a time or A. Filene. the presiding offi- work ... of putting the proper cement ST!? fires ne 8wept through the in the opening address: Paving trimming to the hitnthi JtfL ? the. Mrs- Yount place lust I think it would be difficult to eather street. Charlotte Is goin to nresent ton a 1 f.C?01! of New- together a like number of men in this or a noble front to the 20th of May hosts. a"d there were two other nLl?' uvewton and Hi,nAi-i.- . : ""wkhuii aione the rail- l uau. ' e- The - aiuiuoh .im possible to secure more than on -orit. ness against a man for selling liquor since ordinarily the seller will not al low others to be v.i1 sentiment was expressed that while holdinsr Judcre Adnmo u , al regard it would be best to present no more liquor selling cases until Judge Reynolds returns. I in any other one city m this countrv wh would represent so much work for the discovered that the monazitej industry in this country is threatened with de xruction by the Payne tariff bill, rrT?TT- TAnnro TDnroTin would represent so munh xi xou neea not take The Chronicle's . - ... .-1 IFlm (uj- 11119 - The Shelby Aurora, Republican, has commn good, and that is why your hosts if yU do not want to' Governing scovered that the monazitej industry have asked you here. We want to con- re llkely to be still another Concord Times rht. I a i ... - iouil win vnii Tir. l 1 1 . . uuiin. u unu iri&r nmmr rrvt i -r. " c uoyeve mat the I - ovw ub- nun. jj. cr. Caldwn f r,. . . srowth and the welfare of our city can 1909 Ut- h?re WedSsaK"' Many 'SS All .1 H Ill TT" 1 m f " Governino. For the Race. which provides for the lowering of 6 lmnieasureably helped by co-ordina amy on monazlte from 6 cents to 4 a ..... T, tiCrr,.1'"3 wo e. to see Mr tion and by planning ahead. We be- 4 "6.1 bi ls ress" "l Con- --.. k c icatiieu in we House, nated hv ti, rx " i8 nomi- this afternoon: bnt th w- ..... n!elbZ.the Democrats he can redeem vuie iuo uiaincu -- - Twelve Months For Killing a Negro. vaaesDoro Messenger and Intelligenc , Last August I. . . , -.i. .mil, VT I1U as at the time a police office at Ham let, shot and mortally wounded o "V1"- Last week Mr. Oriffln was tried for murder in the second degree on account of the hnminM. . i i... j . anu was vvuvitieu to a. term nf tmni., . I"i u S!ate PrIson- Mr. Griffin claim ea tnat the narA woo . - . " " icsisLiug arrest rJit""6 8hot nim' but several State's witnesses swore that the shooting was XSrftf 3atIficatlon- Mr- OrlfflnS Monroe to Ha! about fifteen months ago. !PVA that T7.AH 1 i. . uowu iius wunin it toe now- Itv. , ers ani oiKitu- . W J thIs a"ernoon, but the House the finest citv , 3 , 'D"e " wl nt ttle the matter. the finest city in the world.'.' Boston is a very progressive it is already a very fine city. cents a pound. Where it .will hurt, according to The Aurora. Lis this: ".Brazilian sand is offered at present at 6.7 cents per pound in Germany. Adding f reight and other expenses and a duty of 4 cents - vvuiu i Tiac s i emarKs I "o-j- tiiu in be delivered in New York for 1.5 cents that the importance of working to a noise about it. fuu..u. xuis is nearly z cents " .""y appreciatea there. It ' per pound cheaper than it is possible is the ame .story in Boston as the Good evening! to deliver the Carolina nand o-q,- one we have n dates for m - auuiug i vnai iu LLt; l 1 10 ine Present price of l cents per nas OIten been suggested here that pound paid to the miners here simply we "Sht to lay out a city, including "5 "tisni ana vw, gooa streets. Kt,,d. - . "Will Be in a Bad Way. city. The cleaning -UD -dav idea, let maad- I Durham TTaral I . bOAl. I MWloiy, W I III? It (ihcOnraJ In A .1 . I finnt. x, .,. . - - - - - AUiuiia. yes-1 vi tnose uemorrat? will i. fhaT h , m FiIeDe'S remarks t6rday and that "town ma lot of bad y they dnot SnTor Vf that the imnortanoo . I ter the amii. i ' iUI. al they will nev be ablT toaskThTif in, Js "ljr iU1 aiiyming. k rxu AND OTHERWISE. Airs. Lou One oTTh. - I Rl. Ttrm -r" . 1 ""n uiu necora. Mrs. Alex Long of this Distributing. B. & L. Money. Concord Tribune. Mr. H. I. Wonrlhrnim K i . , . "-- 'uo tiever ana accommodating secretary and treas urer of the Concnrd nm....i 1-..... JJS. a."5 Loan As,ocl!l,Io' to-day dis- r.fj T. " lne lwely-two share- !!fJ ? ,h,t"u.?f '". which ma- Our store has been packed full of people since opening this morn ing. Every department packed and jammed with customers. Nev er such selling seen here before. SPOT CASH counts more now in buying goods than ever before. It counts for us, and we are mak ing it count for our customers. Ttrii , Charlotte's Way. Wilmington Star. . . Charlotte is determined to give those who attend thA iiTo,, .n.u .f .?19 the worth m."" leoration chanee r,oi. "vuCjr, says an ex cnange. That's a wav ho nennla . ' '"ioue w r uao UI UOing. Buying the great do for Spot Cash mat credit stores about quantities we we get prices never know . .eo ui uoing. SOUTH CAROLIXA JfEW& won! " " .. oireeis, Studies in the or wimuui any allowance for eir,nM piaces, play rrounda fnr .mm... rn o .rrT. . . . w,w . .""if or tnis city, has h.;...: i:TOV c,cu -ne Pan of th of buying. If the bill passes' wUH and everything necesSary t T" -aITi. M "5 ?, hr -x , . i vpinnmant 3 .... I ior uramn ..4- t , 1 4.1 x -wv who i a inaniro Mn-i " " uuercmosis. -e .mree papers to be read .t th I c weivea in Greenwood. mill 1 a ivvviiai y iu inc ae- I , - nj r5ii;itin VL UallH the 4-cent duty on monazite it Ls evi- velopment of a fine and beautiful it I tor stamping out tuberculosis. dont Un. .1 j ...... ' I T. J . - .. "-J.! . i.v Hiau me neeas or xms country will "'oiea oi mat, we continue to c-o won. Jv Tail 1lltranr n . . a frustratedbV;Yhent wiir of nsheTS S.-! who discovered the pn ?r?the prisoners to make their escane' h3 hn ii,.."::: .rt,-reu.tt un a packas-A 1 vo lnteiuo-ence rrnm TTo-u-nt i ""s uuccliiis or tne tnt tti . " vouuunea xsnft be supplied by Brazilian sand and forwar on the 6ld volunteer fire d. "L8, T.rade J"nai. a pro! V,Wo?n' ChA. in Sumter on wto S frcm New Yorkt i x . 1 LHJBtu. liifH npinrft r n a miinitirNA 1 1 11 i . a ann v u 1 . lu cnnroin for on- wuhom . . jewels. The h.i v'.u i.1"" . . ucen tarn that1 Carolina sand will " partment nlan , 'Z, IT " before the municipal , ... "o- 1 - - ciiurt ana 1 tur maKine JViexandHn a fnA !alaWe. 6XCept at much lower Prices fatchork results. We ought never The students at El Azhar rhL-H, L., , byterlan Seminary. JarlO. Eervnt. nr or. T. I ' v'u""" xccora. Two Whole Full Extra Pages Specials Fa pered with. t,o .. . .. . ' x 3 o-w ..gi , i.uuciilo .l u Aznar university. -t t..- . ""J' une annual y.-cul. xnis 1S a aiscov- l uuw" a street twice, or a nave- M-ano, Egypt, are on strike It aeem. X. J"ctuIU' holders of th 6', siock- ery that should well concern the me.nt twce. " JSverythlne- that a . Impossible to carry out any schema of U..i.f endowment fund of the Presby- bia under tha w, . n Cium- owners of monazlte land in North to be in accordance t. I "lor. in that venerable but petrified in- almost ,?lumbia ls be Parker was held ye?r!n. Carolina rio,.,., . . rtt,m) . . i iuon. . ,1. increasea to dends wap. i. " 7 tvjr- u avi- VitYCiaim (MlliniV TVO f-.A- "UUCU IJIrx.Il. KAfi1r)A V1 x i flUU.UUII I TOTTI V9 AAA Urixl. .2 wiaiCU ii . . ..--v.- ine . M T ft, . " .l-.J"""""'' "H, we new " vfc. auu Lilts ii.triT.i i " t vuiu, Diitt wh m p apron s x. I a t v enn - i : - industry in this State and the n8..m0 results ; have been paid thousands of dollars x, for gathering the sand. Congress- . The Durham Sun arises to v 4Mi, vycoos nome county, therefore, mae a tew remarks it is always ef- Is deeply concerned in this matter fulently equal to the occasion For and he maybe depended upon to safe- lnstance, hear it on the subject of The w., ...ccicolh oi nis people. p""u"lt:ies nome town: "Charlotte . "uteis are . me aamired of all ndm,.., Du , 0 o.cn-.u oi every "rmiancy that will eclinae n interest In the United States. Many Places, for the tTml hif L ? 'Interests are nerm.M,,, .... . y . r tlme heln- She, Is 't . ujr iiia.1 is, as tu iia-ve jrresident Taft t ,rii. x. 1 , long as the tariff bill continues nni the land is down in fu .. . i . cercise an of the f South is very mn tne -vzness of a beautiful Miss in the Guest, L It L t :!P-ento: nCe .f her - admirer. Great v 'jii. irom all ' the leading hotels and there is some U thing- doing in Washington all the time " these tariff-making days. u The canvass for funds to meet the t . expenses of the 20th May Celebration ; will close this evening and It is hoped : ' ' the result will be satisfactory, if it g Ja not, then the business men of the " town should voluntarily make up t whatever deficiency there might be . , Charlotte wants to make the mare go U ata; lively pace on this occasion. is Charlotte, and great It is to have a x-resiaent as her guest for a few days maKe our salaam to Charlotte.' Nothing could be neater than hot And in turn The Chronicle kowtows to Colonel James Robinson and hopes he "i sive us tne pleasure of his com pany on the occasion of which he writes so eloquently. The prize donkey offered by Colonel Eryan to the county making the great est Democratic gain in the iBt r.rMi dential election, has been awarded to Esmeralda county, in Nevada, which showed a gain of 694 per cent. As the whole - State of Nevada has but little greater population than Char lotte, it would be . interesting to have watch end (take note. '; And The ( Charleston News and Cou . Tier has also (adopted a Charlotte idea. . - Ita fa-vorite editorial screamer now is- "Watch Charleston Grow." it was Tho ;; WMMnjton Herald that said it didn't tr, V nave ; ;"have tile to do it But The VhronWe Thereidt? Esmeralaa -nty. !: u willvbe more conaiderat. ? . , !There ls ly a great stretch'be- . . - u . W . 1 I I T uOAn . V, . - .w ouu me percentage. If the South Bound road is to be Bway-backedln from Lexington.to Sal isbury and ' Concord to Monroe, why not to Charlotte thence to Mbn roe? Greater things than' this have been accomplished ia railroad work . :' ' :-, ; It is reasonable to suppose that the ;rV purchase' of a $4fe,000-corner lot by a national bank corporation -means eomethlng like a new ?250,000-bank ;UlldiJxg. ' Ohio. She meeting of at the Waldorf-a Rtnrio . . . t,7t! . i "'Possession of the insti- An American syndicate has establish- tutlon to be erected, and profes- ed itself at Mukden with the intention of tSJI;e8idencea on the grounds and a .blivinpi nil tha tnh.n. i-.j, . .. ZIO.Onn Phonal i X. .... - .vw raised in tnat l wc w ue uumt. u.u. nian.iiiK ii into cigars and a - uuBiu tiiuie js tn ne aaded u "xxo. was elected at the recent a J7.500 fireproof library for the TMmBt0i 7T the Society which was held commodation of the vTry viluaWe Retainer in Anson County Gives lorf-Astoria. books now i xnem Welcome. . ' tution is to" be errd "nt Kge R. i. Bennett in r,v.. hl KiJf , , inteiffencer. tne birds nf rhicri.ifn. A . hpr tmritK """"""'J' instincts are 2KS. lotions from their Their hird XT " UI ine equator. rLr ntes ar? as sweet as any cigarettes. . thus T . ---... mill Clio I AJ ... -a-ijajiese cigarettes. """ereon inteenigencer. unU nuies are as sweet as ani Miss Agnes Irwin, dean of RadJeflfTe fn warran as sworn out Tuesday vinlyn'id6183011,11; Mozart or the di" College, has resigned her M2fS? t iSJhTle of..th. members of the 35" " ?IcIan- I can till am take effect in September. She has been on nf th TSi ,rf2? Company, at the head of the college for 15 v," nL JeadI" clothing and dry ever since it ceased to h I" "' f"""0 . 91 Greenville. The firm merely of Harvard fiiV t"" cnargea with mutilating birds. At direction Radeliffe h Zu , lZ "? oi a Dig sale. on Saturday as one of the fw in,;" 1. ..r 8 c.n CKens- around which were tied sne is related to Ben janiiii r ranKlin. , SPARKIiERSk Gems from the Jewel Case of News. paper I'aragraphers. THE) TEST. New York Efveninsr Ma it It is easy enough to be pleasant When life eoes on ilka a BUt lan wo,rth while i ;he man TTAAV bail 0UJ11B When the telephone rigs and he an. it and says "Hello!" and tSo opem- aysTheTr nUmber7M "No8, i' and 8he 8 Boston Transcript. "Mrs. Hicke My huhn i,-- w.. . vely to me all day. Mi'wffif; What was it you caugh him doing? ' Philadelphia Record. Teacher-Why did King. Richard nff.r his kindgom for a hor7 SlrL. off.er I, suppose, becauom hi. "n5 bro broken down. ' ""l"muoue nad Louisville Courier-Journal. ' Basehall is equality's own earn- "Ybu bet. Our dobs win ame- boy's verdict any tlm .w." - "e..omc fcatting ability." piayers bird h-u- iZ .O.I.. x can ten any as"! and hm.as fa? vis-in. - The- bie brown i . .. . . imrau nas selected his perch on the summit of a post oak in my back vard A .ilTV oaK the sweet hTd," , f "Snw P.mage. were , thr own .from the 'top of theTtoVe ELe?ih of thTcoYors u lu tne street about forty feet below, go d minL DOut hls head, the In the scramble for the fowls they fi t,1"? f : K,merly in bis outfit were horrihiv i J?. .r I tne tail piece to keen . . c- - X, TT LUC V were horribly mutilated, it is alleged. The warrant was sworn out by the ouweiy ior tne Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The case was compro- llllOCU Durham Herald." - Jrriraapy- The fight for thfr-eastern judgeshin bears some-resemblance to a nli Spartanburg Journal. o xne residence of P. Johnson at u ueorge was aestroyed by fire James Wilson, a C!onfd AT5J t& vo. in, oi juancaster, -is dead at his nuine. Iha Jsouthorn Tovfllr, i u ...in J ; , " cn-nc. rtoauuictiiun wm noia a meetine in .rrenviiia morrow. J. nieves hrnVa int v, ti j station at Wedgefield and stole a lot hoiijb, snoes ana express articles. , m Stevens, colored, who is want ed in Cheater nn tho v, o . . nm V, 7 . wwa vai6out Killing S T! ' 8 been arrested at Qpeli Ka, Ala. Senator t t? miii . iu" v "i"ian nas Deen invited to maVa on JJ . ... Fari,"a society In New etT?0".3 2mbutIon caused a uZXt u flre in the shops; of the At SSS"1 Line road at Florence. . ne damage was considerable. . ordirtdC ll c,oun,c of j Florence has decfdirl i?1!10" tor the Purpose of Srt5SiSL.hether to ,Bsue onds for oomnlf &, sewerage ystem. w2h?SSl0,lep- Watson, who went. to a duty r. make a flnt against statin potash, -has given out a Btatement .thatthe.fight has.-been his docility of t;.: ?? nim, iSTbd k0' a" 'waVderer" bilThoef TvorJl-K' h'his to my love the dear'est o? aH 18 uJJiV5rmit rush, called "by .bare Le.8rfedi'DOW"and-arrw boys the wifoh hon4y,3combdel!CiS ' Sthe. nonej comb. ' Two or three; weeks in oam,,. ana foffow ','; 'f"""' to feed in ;":r am Proud ifle red hird i. ... De Val. pn, iT -iV"u"-1,Ke merry' , ' - liuuuun, . is nere xrta Many Sell Are of the Best Bargains We "Not Advertised' Every Department has some Strong Val- lat are "NOT ADVER TISED' These on special counters and ticketed with a sign "Not Advertised" - - v Look out for tised" signs and GET the "Not Adver-. IT AT A Card This is to certify that all druerista ttTe3?Te to rfnd y6ur Sey if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your couah or colds, it stoM th cough, heals the lungs, and prevents serious results from a cold" Cures ia grippe cough and prevents pne55?n a and consumption Contains Jno opi ates. The genuine is in . a yellow DackaereR. Pef,,.. v,.. . ycnuw jordai'&.co:; "-H. :"- & College Si-rftftts ainil detail Stores Also Conr.orri m; rr. Gor Trade Wholesale

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