The Charlotte Evening Chronicle SEPTEMBER 27, 19n. WEDNESDAY EVENING T. W. Wade, Pres. H. M Victor, Cashier Union National BanK CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital - - 100,000 Profit Acct. 9 40,000 Opened for Business June 2nd, 1908 A Steady Growth Means Satisfied Customers Deposits . Sept. 1, 908, $170,000 Sept. 1, 1909, $225,000 Sept. 1, 1910, $302,000 ; Sept. 1,11, $441,000 X This Bank confines its business exclusively to tfyat; .of conservative banking and . has no : outside features. It is the bank that wants your business and shows it by an apprecia tion which is evidenced by thorough and careful attention to every transaction whether :e or small. larc pounded Sayings Department A new quarter begins Oc tober 1 , 19 1 1 All deposits made on or before October 5th, will bear interest from October 1st. Interest com- every three months at 4 per cent. We invite de posits in this department from other points in North and South Carolina 0ad give prompt and accurate attention to deposits received by mail $1 will start a savings ac count Every transaction with this bank is held in absolute con fidence H. M. , Cashier CASTORJA For Infants and Children. He Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of CONCORD GETS HER WISHES FROM THE SOUTHERN Continued from Page 8. No, 48, vwhlcllLrill be made a regular stop. The work on the new depot will begin as soon as the plans and loca tion are decided upon. This matter will be presented to the citizens and it is very likely that they wilbe determined upon without the slight-, est friction. Mr. Fereacre . said that he appre ciated the fact that the people of Concord had? been patient with his company during the time they have been building a double track and making other improvements on the. line, and added that the road would always be willing to comply with every reasonable request made by the people here. Th ava 4a nnofca 1 TPrH PIT! & h AT A over the fact that the city is to have a new depot and that the matter has been so harmoniously settled. Small Deposits Wanted wu ENCOURAGE them because mftr re ccut bgan to a small way. 1 ' ' ' v iW small depositor of to-day becomes te large one of toe fu ture! MoSpeoSle would be bank depositor, if they realized how it would helpJ building their credit and thtfr success, Opening a cheeking account here la the first step towards finan cial growth. I start now and follow In tne loowieps oi 1 .wm- who do business with us. MERCHANTS & FARMERS NAT'l BANK aunontnc Capital. . Surplus, . Resources .... V7. .$200,000.00 . . .$175,000.00 . . .$1,500,000.00 GEO. E. WILSON, President. W. O. WiTJQNSON, Cashier. JNO. B. &OSS, Vice President EL W. MOORE, Ass t. Cashier We Are Building Homes in Dilworth For Wiers, Why Not You? ',' "y ' 'v,":.- . ' V-: ' ' - ,.-3' -' ' J:,4v ('--'- ' .-i ', The lots are cheaper than elsewhere, and we win build you a better house for less jmoney than you fan secure in any other way. You are losinc; money every month vou pay rent, for in .Di! worth you can buy a home with your rent money. CHARL0Tf CONSOLIDATBI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 2nd Floor Piedmont Building. Telephone No. 155' Dick Miller, of China Grove, well known in baseball .circles of his sec tion, was a visitor in the city yes terday. Miller has just finished the most successful season of his base ball career with the Savannah team of the South Atlantic League. He hit in the select circle of .300 and iran bases and fielded with the best iof them. He mad a record of' play jing in every inning of every and was not taken out on time to allow anyone to bat for him. Miller's work attracted the attenion of he big league scouts and he was a much sought aftef in the draft, the Chicago Cubs landing him. 4 1 A number of Concord people went to Locke Hollow, near Sugar Creek church, Mecklenburg , county, to-day to attend the unveiling of a monu ment in memory of. Lieutenant Locke, a native of Rowan county. who was killed in the Revolutionary war. Lieutenant Locke was a great- great uncle of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Al lison, Mrs. J. M. Odell, Mr. J. Locke Erwin and Mr. R.-E. Gibson, who with Mrs. A E. Lentz, Miss Lizzie Young and Mr. Frank L. Smith also his descendants, attended the unveil ing. Hs1 Mosquito Lotion (An Improvement) government building 'has arrived. It has been stored in the postonlce un til Uie building Is completed, which will be in about two months. Mjss Rose Harris Nsml Mrs. D. B. Morrison have been elected delegates to the meeting of the" Daughters if the Confederacy, which .meets -In Winston-Salem next month. . Several months ago Sheriff Honey- cutc seized 62 1-2 gallons of liquor and 50 dozen bottles of beer while It was en route from Kannapolis to Concord on the Kannapolis road. A Hatke, a liquor drummer from Rich mond, claimed the fluids, and made an effort to recover it but the court decided against him. An order was made by the commissioners allowing the 7 chairman of the board to dis post of all liquor seized by the. coun ty officers. Several days ago Hatke made an affer of $100 for the stuff which the chairman accepted and to day he closel the deal, buying back his own liquor. He is having , It shipped away to-day. The money derived from, its sale goes to the. school fund. Eor bowel comp'-vlnt in children always give Chnberlaln's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. It is certain to effect a Uages of city and aountry cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. No physician can prescribe a better remedy. For sale by all dealers. Part of the furniture for the new Special--'Temptations of a Great City." A picture all should see, Anyjse-U to-day. Foley Kidney Pills Will reach your individual case if you have any form of kidney or blad der trouble, any backache, nervous ness, rheumatism, uric acid poison ing, or irregular and painful kidney action. Before you reach the limit of physical endurance; and while your condition is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick ac tion and. positive results will delight you. Try them. R. H. Jordan & Co. . e-o-d Fine office location in the Selwyn Hotel building, first floor, light and heat furnishr ed. Can be leased fpr one or fwo years. Rental monthly, $37.50. ' P 'fr'. N Southern Real Estate x loan & Trust Company Investment MONUMENTS Anyttiinrfrom a Small Marble Headstone to Hie Largest Granite Monument Mecklenburg Marble & Granite Company East Second St. HPbone 587. Charlotte, Jf . G. I For Sale Beautiful Building: Lots, 9 blocks from car line, jon Salisbury road, beautiful shade, $Sast frontage, near postofflce and dr cig - store. Ad van- I combined; two acres in lots. No house can be built for less than ($3,000. Choice lo cations; these will teell. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON & 6R0. An Attractive Home We have an Ideal home that is ready for you. It is built on a arge lot, 66x150 feet, and fronts on one of the best streets'ln the city. It ha" eight rooms, open grates, nice mantles, and every thing for comfort and convenience. It has been splendidly built, and will bear the closest inspection. The price Is VERY LOW, and terms are Let is show it to you. reasonable. ; The McClung Realty Company JXO. ZD s. XTyon St. TPhone 1254 "Fire Insurance." 'Phone 589-J. 21 N. Tryon Street 1 for "V Residence for Sale Rent We have on Jackson Terrace near South" Tryou street a seven-room residence with all modern con veniences, house comparatively new. Price for the Mext ten days ?. . . . . . : . . . . . f . . . .$4,500.0C J. E. MURPHY & CO. Phone 848. 9S9 8. Tryon. 9-roorr -modern housfe, North Cald well street . . ....... ..$23.00, 4-roomJ modern, East lEIghth street . . . . I . .T $11.00 I 4-room,electric lights, water, E. 19th . .9, O.Zd street. 4 -room, 1 electric lights fenced, just to right tof East 4th street! . . i $11.00 5-room cttage. water, large lot. Law yer's Rfcad. .$10.00 5-room cdttage, Forest Hill. . .$ 6.00 7-room, mkodern except lights, North Brevard istreet.. . . .. .. ..$18.00 5-room, modern, nicely Woodlawm furnished, . .$35.00 I offer for quick sale a new double brick, slate roof house of 12 rooms. Location convenient to churches, schools and car line, now renting for 1 $480.00 per year but will easily rent for $550 or $600 per year or 9 1-2 to 10 per cent on investment. A close . price will be made to one interested. , F. E. Harlisn, Manager Rental Dept. UNION tLOAN & REALTY CO. A. G. CRAIG. Real Estate and Insurance, 16 E. Trades St. Phone 84$ 'Phone 1436. Trust Building. TO-DAY. IS TITEJRE ANYTHING YOU COULD USEJ A PENNY AD FOR Come and Examine The large Stock of "Standard Coal" now on our yard. Our coal is not wet or dirty as it i3 all kept under cover. t Ice House and Coal Yards East 4 th street and Southern R. R. Phones 19 and 72. The Standard Ice & Fuel Co. DON't - FORGET I 1 THat a New Interest Peribd Coi October First in the Commercial National Rank Of Charlotte, N. C. 1; Deposits made in our Savings Department up to and includh;fg October bear interest as of October 1st at 4 per cent compounded quarterly. 4 cent interest paid on certificates of deposit Irom date of issue. 5th per Capita andT Surplus $860,000 We offer for quick sale two of those attractive Elizabeth Avenue fey . j Beautiful Bungalow Piedmont Park, new, modern, and attractive. Reasonable cash payment and balanee through,. B. & l. Associa tion ,or -by, montnly payments. Price only. . . . c, ., $S,ooo.oo PEOPLE'S IiOAN KJfiAXTY CO. DO YOU fANCY ELIZABETH ilEIGUTS? I If so we have one of the few remaining- lots ovei) looking the cam pus. The park like surroundings and open view make this one of the most attractive locations tor suburban, resides ce around the city. This lot is 88 by 193 with rear alley, lies beautifully, has fruit and shade trees on it and fronts on macadam stareet. The price is only.. .. ,. I, , . , . . . ,x. . , , . , , , V . . . .i. . .. ..1,600.00 UNION LOAN & REALTY OkX - 16 Bast Trade Street, v 'Phone &4Q MORRIS E. TROTTER, 8007. Treaa . 1 11 1 111 1 1 n 1 f lots; 40x103 feet, for the nominal sum of $1,200 each. !TOr property on this avenue is not decreasing in value. We were just fortunate in securing these lots for YOU at this BABGAliT figure. : F. C ABBOTT & CO. Everything In Real Estate. - - High Grade Investments DOIfT FORGfT That We Write Fire Insurance in Strong Conpnies. ww 1