I f V . F i j J g rSE OHABLOTTE EVENIKG CHRONICA TBUHSDAY, JP 2 Really! Jeff Is So Used to Being Held Up He Can't Sleep Without It :-: :-: :-: Bv-BuFf Jf wrrnooT mm; i STtB wtma fovft 65.T 1 C To aas. NT 1 J. $ ' ' ' . - fm , , u rJ. - ' . i y. :fr ,p . t SPORTIN:NEWs RESULTS YESTERDAY AMERICAN. Detroit T; Washington 6. Chicago 3; Boston 0. Cleveland 7; Philadelphia 4. fit. Louis-New Tork, rain. . KATIONAIi. Boston 4; Cincinnati 8. j New York 0; Chicago & Brooklyn 4; St Louis 3. Philadelphia-Pittsburg, rain. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION-. Indianapolis 0; Minneapolis 5. Second game: Indianapolis 0; Minneapolis 3. Milwaukee 0; Kansas City 4. Louisville 0; Toledo 8. STANDING OF CLUBS. AMERICAN. Philadelphia 96 Detroit 86 Cleveland 76 New Tork 74 Boston 72 Chicag-o .... 71 Washing-ton 0 47 58 68 70 73 72 85 .671 .587 .628 .514 .500 .497 .414 .280 St Louis 40 103 NAUONAI Won. Lost P.O. New York 90 49 Chicago ...86 58 Pittsburg 82 64 Philadelphia 76 64 St. Louis.... 73 69 Cincinnati 67 80 Brooklyn 59 83 Boston .... .... 37 104 .648 .597 .563 .543 .514 .456 .419 .262 Morganton Loses Last Game of Sea son to Rutherford College. Morganton, Sept. 27. Morganton lost the last game of the season today to -Rutherford College on the grounds of the latter, the score being 3 t6 2. The game was fast and exciting from beginning to end and was not won until the last inning. The game re solved itself into a pitcheTs battle between Ledbetter of Rutherford and Goseon of Morganton, in which the honors were evenly divided. Both pitchers were strong in the pinches and Morganton lost the game from the result of two errors to the ninth. Ledbetter struck out 11 men. Webb, . on first for Morganton, accepted 14 chances unassisted, which is believed to be a record for a first baseman. Love's work for Rutherford was ex cellent and Tate for Morganton featured with a sensational one-hand stop. Batteries: Rutherford Col lege, Ledbetter and Love; Morganton, Goseon and Green. . Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during September. Be pre pared for it Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon and Is pleasant to take. For sale by all dealers. DAILY PUZZLE PICTURE! BOON TO MEET. 4SHe calls me on the telephone. But there is music in her to1 rhaveriot seen her, so 8uch muslc that x feel Just what she may be to my sight My eyes will see the loveliness Is yet for me to know. That now my ears reveal. To whom is she 'phoning? y ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE. Upside down, under chto. 1 NATIONAL. Chicago, Sept. 27. Chicago cut down New York's lead in the pennant race to day by shutting out the visitors 8 to 0 in the first game of the crucial series, which willi be New York's last appearance In Chicago this season. The game proved a one-sided affair, with Richie pitching at his best while his team-mates were hitting Marquard and Crandall freely. New York's two errors both resulted in runs and Marquard's wildness was also a factor. Richie held the visitors to eight hits, three of which were bunched In one to ning, the others being scattered through five innings- Only two visitors reached third base. Marquard Issued three passes, hit one man, and was hit safely five times before he retired in favor of Cran dall with the locals six runs ahead. In the sixth inning Crandall was hit safely for three doubles, which brought Chicago's total up to eight Score: RHB Chicago . 211 302 00-8 12 1 New York .... .... ....000 000 000-0 8 2 Batteries: Richie and Archer: Mar quard, Crandall and Meyers and Wilson. Time, 1:55. Umpires, O'Day and Brennan. St. Louis, Sept. 27. Brooklyn used throe pitchers today and defeated the locals 4 to 3. St. Louis used two pitchers ineffec tively. Score: RHB. Brooklyn .& TOO 0034 16 2 St Louis .... ... 000 008 0008 9 2 Batteries: Miller, Knetzer, Schardt and O. Miller; Willis, Laudermilk and Wingo. Time, 1:55. Umpires, Klem and Emslie. Cincinnati, Sept 27. Cincinnati defeat ed Boston today in a loosely played and uninteresting game. Comptoa was wild and was relieved by Boyd, who pitched welL Perdue was hit hard. Egaifs time ly hitting featured. - Score: RHB Boston 120 001 0004 T 1 Cincinnati 030 000 50 8 13 1 Batteries: Perdue, Weaver and Rariden; Compton, Boyd and McLean and Severold. Time, 2:02. Umpires, Johnstone and Eason. AMERICAN. Washington, Sept. 27. Detroit bunched hits in one inning off Cashton and de feated Washington today, 7 to 5. Cobb's hitting and the fielding of Conroy and McBride were features. Score: RUB Washington.... 200 000 3005 11 3 Detroit 7. 011 001 4007 13 2 Batteries: Cash ion and Henry; Coving ton and Stanage. Time, 1:55. Umpires, Evans and Mullen. Philadelphia, Sept 27. Cleveland de feated the home team today 7 to i. Man ager Mack tried out Strunk at first base and Outfielder Emerson, formerly of Dart mouth College, and Pitcher Carl Brown, formerly of the Connecticut League. Cleveland hit Brown's delivery- freely, Br II I "H Jackson leading with a two-bagger anfl two singles in five times at oat Score: RHB Cleveland .... ' 110 301 100-7 12 0 Philadelphia ... 030 010 000-4 7 S Baateries: Kaler and O'Neil; Brown and Llvinston. Time, 1:40. Umpires, Dineen and Perrine Boston, Sept. 27. Ed Walsh won a pitchers' battle from Ray Collins today and Chicago defeated Boston 3 to 0. Three times Boston had men on third base and failed to score. S Score: RHB Boston 000 000 000-0 5 1 Chicago .;.000 101 100-3 1 Batteries: Collins, Bushelman and Nun amaker and Williams; Walsh and Sulli van. Time, 1:30. Umpires, Westervelt and Connolly. , FOOTBALL RESULTS. At New Haven: Colgate 21; Wesleyan 0. At Ithaca: Cornell 35; Allegheny 0. At South Bethlehem, Penn.: Lehigh 44; Lebanon Valley 0. At Hanover, N- H. : Dartmouth 16; Nor wich University 8." At Carlisle: Carlisle Indians 82; Muhlen berg 0. ADVERTISING TALKS WRITTEN BY WILLIAM C FREEMAN I ran across a letter the other day that was sent tc a retail dealer by a manu facturer who employs only national mediums for his advertising. The letter spoke of an ADVERTISING SERVICE i. e., a book furnished by the manufacturer contain ing a number of advertise ments about his product, and the dealer was advised to keep this book on. his desk and read it, and take from it the advertisements he liked and RUN THEM IN THE NEWSPAPERS IN HIS.TOWN. One paragraph in the manufacturer's letter read: "ONLY BY CO-OPERATION CAN THE RETAIL ER GET THE BIGGEST RESULTS FROM HIS NA TIONALLY ADVERTIS ED GOODS. LET PEO PLE IN YOUR TOWN KNOW THAT YOU ARE! OUR STORE, AND THEY WILL COME TO YOU. FOR OUR ADVERTISING IN THE NATIONAL ME DIUMS WILL SET THEM TO DOIfcTG IT." MP&P sty Mrs. Nora Guffey, of Broken Armw, OkJa., "to use my letter ta any way yon Want to, it it wiH induce some suffering woman to try Cardui I had pains all over, and suffered with an abscess. Three phy sicians failed to relieve me. Since taking Ufdul, I am in better health man ever before, and mat means much to me, because I suffered many years with womanly troubles, of different kinds. What other treatments 1 tried, helped me for a few days only." k TAKE ni wat, unh! you are fata down sick, baton tak- smaU aches and pains, and other wnanbr weakness and disease, always mean worse to follow, unless given quick traatraent whJmlwTtS !n Canfuf handy, if you knew wMqukalperniit weakness taT OL mm wm-iak wm hard to at cardul has helped over a million women. Try It The letter further states j "Send us the newspapers that ' contain your adver tisements. ' YOU DO NOT KNOW H6W MUCH THESE HELP US in un derstanding your needs and your proposition." Then the -dealer - is asked what he thinks of the win dow cards that the manu facturer sent him, and the manufacturer tells the deal er what great artist painted the pictures and how really beautiful they are. COULD NOT A LOT OF THIS TROUBLE BE AVOIDED IF THE MAN UFACTURER WOULE GO INTO THE TOWN WHERE HE HAD A DEALER and give thai dealer a little of the, co-operation he talks about in the letter give it to Him in the shape of ADVERTIS ING IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, telling in that advertising where the goods could be obtained! , Any one of the local 9- When You Yawn a Good Deal' In the day time, and feel dull, lazy and discouraged, you have every symptom of a torpid liver. Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (he Powder Form) is a fine tonic for a disordered liver. It acts promptly. The bilious im purities which have inter fered with the free action of the liver are driven out, the stomach is cleansed and strengthened so that it can more thoroughly digest food. The bowels arepurified and a regular habit . re-established. It is a splendid medicine for the whole system. Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers Price, Large Package. $1.00 A for the genuine wM the Bed Z on A UbeL M you. casxnot gtt ic retail to u. we will send h by mail, postpaid. Simmon livet Regulator ia alao jrot up In liquid form for those who prefer It Price SI. 00 per bottle. Lock tor (be Red Z label J. B. ZEILIN & CO., St. Louis. Missouri All Over! tCavfUHBHui. Tssa, sstlnM. )H newspapers in each com munity will give the manu facturer MORE PUBLICI TY in $hat town than he gets from ALL of the gen eral media combinetL After the manufacturer has established his business all over the country by B UILDING UP HIS TRADE IN LOCAL COM MUNITIES, then he can af ford to generalize his ad vertising, BtJT NQT UN TIL THEN. v. WHEN WILL MANU FACTURERS LEARN THIS IMPORTANT LES SON? ,(To be continue!) Wall Paper INTERIOR DECORATORS NCE PAINT COMPANY 10 y.sTryon. V t 'Phone 17S Some Special Bargains In Short Lots; Music v. YouH find Sour Sheet Music department well stocked with the latest music at all times. Visit us and try the "hits" on our piano in the store. Prices from 10c up. Robinson's Book Store i SO W. Trade St. SOHOOL BOOKS Arriving -Daily Received Saturday and to-day Smith's Grammar, White 's Beginners ' His tory, White's School His tory; Milnes Standard Arithmetio, M3nes Ele mentary Arithmetic, Stod daisd's Hew National Arithmetic, Stoddard's Juvenile Arithmetic: Slaury's Elementary Ge ography, Hngham-Mc-Cabe Latin Header,. Bing-ham-McCabe Oeasar, Cald well Primmer of Agene Language Through Na ture and Art. Stone & Barringer Co. Booksellers and Stationers,- 15 E. Trade Street. . A. B. Justice, Receiver. t TORRE Lovers Teachers and FECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! In affew instances imperfect copies of the New Stand ard ptionary have come to the attention of the Grcu lationjfDepartment and in every instance good copies have Ijeen sent out in place of the imperfect ones. TheChronicle wishes that in every case the dictionary shall' Jhe carefully examined and ifthere is the slightest defect either return the copy, to the office or rite and a gooHJcopy will be immediately given. Oi4rof-town readers will receive their books by pre paid express wherever possible and in each instance as soon fas possible. Another shipment of 1,200 dictionaries is onj the way and all orders will be promptly filled. Cl six coupons and get this splendid bargain. KING'S GRADUATES are aboe pax In the business world because of their thorough training and Bupertaf qualifications. We do not tolerate lax methods, incompetent tear heat or short, superficial courses of study. Success is oar aim and motto. If you want the best business and stenographic training that ex- parleacfe, money and brains can provide, write four our handsome cata logue. No vacation. Enter any time. r .' : ! cnAWtixyrTK. o. The Chronicle is delighted to announce that the first shipment of the beautiful premium Dinner Sets has arrived. Delivery will begin at once. Far Jmmead our machine ior a postal. Write to-day. SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA OONANES As loner as the books ers of this paper can obtain dictionaries oh the terms as outlined here. : . Coupon will be found on another page. iMMIIMMIHIIUmi tltcflKscfal cootcntRas mi ovar.aea aWct itfs : w W. - M i -; v r AST, raijEIgti. n. r i BO VET A Cattle Feed is a scientific mix ture of cotton seed meal and hulls. In the ordinary mixture the rich, nutritious parts dust off and are lost In Boveta the niixture is made by specially de signed machinery in such away that the rich meal clings to the hulls so that cattle cannot separate them, eating the meal and leaving the hulls. CO. FOR EVERYBODY can be obtained the read -8 goldf printed red edges H arc fflapsfl 4escnbl Waifwa papery vith skewhere there iBuatrtted hi T