V - V THE CMAIRLOTTii EVENING CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, SEPTET ER 28,191. ' .MIL- I FROM TO-DAY T. W. Wade, Pres. H. M. Victor, Cashier Union fc ' : -.' 'V- ; v ;. .... National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital - - 9100,000 Profit Acct. 40,000 s Opened for Business June 2nd, 1908 A Steady Growth Means Satisfied Customers Dep osits Sept 1, 1908, $170,000 ' 1, 1909, $225,000 Sept 1, 1910, $302,000 SepLI, '11, $441,000 Until October Sth DEPOSITS made in the SPECIAL SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of the .... Charlotte National Bank Will draw interest from October 1st at 4 per cent per annum compound ed every three months. $1.00 or more will open an account. Savings Department open Saturday afternoons from 4:00 to 6. -00 o'clock. J. H. Little. President. J. F. Robertson, Vice -Pres. J no. M. Scott, Vice Pres. W. MM. T witty, Cashier. . I i i Digestion utxd Assimilation. ! it is not tne quantity or ioea tasen ! but the amount digested and assimi lated that gives strength and vitality, to the system. -Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions naturally. For sale by all dealers. Sept This Bank confines its business exclusively to that of conservative banking and has tip outside features. It is the bank that wants your business and shows it by an apprecia tion which is evidenced by thorough and careful attention to every transaction whether e or small larj? Savings Department f "Madam Sherry" Coming'. Every New York critib. joined in superlaUvely praising the music and comedy merits of "Madan.e Sherry," which ran for a year in New York, six months in Chicago, and which will soon appear. in this city. These lines are from the New York Herald: It was welcomed wfth laughter and applause. It rivals The Merry Wid ow and Is one of the best musical shows seen In New York li ah, ever so -long." The Post said: 'The au dience could not help hummings the score, and It was heard In the cars and In the subway long after the curtain fell." ', "Madam Sherry" will be seen In this city at the Academy of' Music Thursday" night of next week. "Jolly" John Lark ins. "Jolly" John Larklns and his hap py tlook of pretty girls and funny boys, in the new big musical comedy, "Royal Sam" will be the attraction at the Acedemy of Music to-morrowf aftArnoan . nnf nlpht T .nrk-fns in.a rallied- around himself about all fheK",re6 """"P""" PM'K the opera In A new quarter begins Oc tober f; 191 L All deposits made on or before October 5th, will bear interest ' from October 1st. Interest com pounded every three months at 4 per cent. We invite de posits in this department from other points In North and South Carolina and; give prompt and accurate attention to deposits received by mail. $1 will start a savings ac-count Every transaction with bank is held in absolute fidence. ' thW H. M. VICTOR Cashier talent worth having in the colored world of comedy song and dance. His j success has been so great as co-star with Black Patti for the last four seasons that he has been able to create a sort of monopoly and plutocracy of a Jet tint. His company numbers,, ovr two score of White teeth and shiny-eyed' male and fe male funnies and fusters. This col lection of talented singers is headed by the merrieea of fun makers, "Jolly" John himself who is. a cork er, in fact, a fanoy cut-glass stopper in the way Of. 'a" good cork, who doesn't need burn cork to be black or be merry, droll of hilariously amusing. Seats are now on sale, - e "The Echo." During her career, that has car ried her from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Oulf of Mex ico to northern Canada, not to men tion several European pilgrimages and a trip to Australia, Miss Blanche Deyo has traveled so many miles that computation is Impossible. This fav orite member of "The Echo" com pany, the musical comedy success of the New York Globe Theatre, com ing to the Academy -ef Music Sat urday matinee and night with an ex ceptionally large company of cap able players and a huge staging and dancing chorus, however, never makes a journey regardless of Its length but that at its conclusion she does not step to the engine cab and thank the locomotive drives for hav ing safely reached his destination. This same practice secured for Col onel Roosevelt great popularity In the Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers. Miss . Deyo, however, has permitted the practice to grow into a superstition. She is firmly con vinced that should she neglect to congratulate the man at the throt tle for safely having bstought his passengers to their journey's end, on her next Jump some accident would be bound to occur. Many a locomotive driver has been greatly surprised at haying an ex tremely handsome, beautifully gown ed young . woman place a white gloved hand In his naturally greasy palm, shake his hand earnestly and utter: 1 "I thank you." Many f these knights of the rail are in ig norance of the lady's, personality, but ' gradually her identity has Be come known until there is hardly an engineer on any railroad crossing the continent who does not immediately know that the fair charmer who is risking the cleanliness of her, gown In order to reach the engine cab is Blanche Deyo. f Recently Miss Demo's itinerary took the company frdm Hamilton to Cin cinnati, Ohio, and from there to Chi cago, on tne first jump, which Is rather short. Miss Deyo was met in the Cincinnati station by several friends and In the excltiment and greeting the usual handshake with the engine pilot was neglected. The following week, when the company was going on the other leg of the journey, at Gas City, Indiana, the en tire special train was derailed and dumped into a ditch. Luckily there were no casualties, but the accident served 'to bring forth a solemn dec laration from the actress that, never again would she depart 'from a rail road coach without grasping the hand of the engineer. "The Chocolate Soldier." Of the worlo-wide fame,v "The Chocolate Soldier," an opera bouffe treatment of George Barnard Shaw's "Arms and the Man," Englished by Stainslaus Strange, comes to the Acad emy of Music Monday evening. The score will be -interpreted by the Whitney Opera Comique Orchas tra of 2 5 players. There are now England. "TheChocolate Soldier" fair. ly sparkles, with wit, spirit and brightness, and the music Is tuneful, eatery and dreamy and sensuous by turns. In fact, the entire score is so dainty and charming that it fasci nates as well as entertains its hear ers. The famous "My Hero' waits has been borne everywhere on the breezes, and is considered most insid ious in its appeal and most musically perfect' bit of harmonic composition since Jftxe days of Johann, father of the present Oscar Strails, sent, forth 'The Blue Danube Waltsejs," that have lived so- long and sun them selves into the hearts of the world. er haxe they been exploited in foreign audience rooms than they are secur- i ed by Batnum and Bailey agents. In variably novelties are introduced to America by this circus. When they cease to be novelties they are passed down to other shows and another budget of imported wonders takes their places. It is purely a foreign bill. Over 10 startling acts are pre sented by 400 of the leading artists of the world. This show employs 1,280 people. It has 700 horses. In its menagerie are 103 Cages, pens, 1 tanks and dens in which are displayed 1,200 wild and semi-domestic animals. Among them re forty elephants and thirty camels. There are four gi raffes. One of them is a year-old baby the first one ever born or ex hibited in this country. The main performance is given: in three rings, on two stages, on an im mense hippodrome track and in a dome 400 feet long. Among the big acts are those of the balloon horse, a company of cream stallions that play on Swiss bells, a braoss band of elephants, 'and a company of eques trian seals and a wonderfully human like chimbanzee, Charlie the first, who performs on one of the stages He Is the greatest bicycle . rider and Jugler on earth. These acts reach th juggler on erath. These acts reach the utter extreme of sensationalism. There are any number of thrillers and the programme sparkles with the wit and humor ,of the fifty funniest clowns on earth. ...... The drops has a newly-built equip ment. It wsa devised and executed in the foreign workshops of the show in England. Five long railroad trams are needed to haul it from city to city. In all there are eighty-five cars. The new outfit cost the man agement $3,500,000. With all these added improvements the Barnum and Bailey show stands at th zenith of glory. Never before in itir history of splendid achievements has it been so i attractive as now. it opened its spring engagement in Madison sqaure Garden. New York City, before the most distinguished audience that ever assembled in a circus arena. It made th biggest hit in all its career. For bowel comprint In' children always give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. It is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take.. remedy. For sale by all dealers. It is epoch-making in bringing to the! No physician can prescribe a better great favor of theatre-goers a true opera bouffe in which music tells the storyo as well as does the dialogue, in which every member of the cast is funny some of the time, though there is no special comedian, in which a full story is told without interpola ted horse-play of any kind. The story of 'The Chocolate Sol dier" has-to do with a young Swiss gentleman forced into the Servian army and who . takes refuge in the house of a 'Bulgarian colonel, and captivates his wife, young cousin and also her daughter. The latter Is en gaged to a Bulgarian major, who po ises as a hero. The Swiss chap is an engaging fellow, whose diet has been restricted to ochocolate drops, but he is very vogorous in his love-making and creates no end of complica tions. Th bogus Bulgarian hero is finally exposed and the Chocolate Sol dier wins the hand of the Buggarian maid after the difficulties have been IroMed out. It develops that the real hero Is the sono of a leading hotel keeper in Switzerland and able to overcome all the terrors of modern housekeeping. The advance sale of seats will be gin to-morrow morning at the thea tre box office at 10 o'clock sharp. Mall orders must be acoompanied by money orders made payable to John I Crovo, manager Academy of Mu sic, Charlotte. Liszt's Romantic life. "Franz List The Real and Legend ary," in October Scribner. The story of his career is roman tic as any by Balzac. And the end of It all after a half century and more of fire and flowers, of proud, brilliant music-making was positive, ly tragical A gentle King Lear, fol lowing with resignation the conquering chariot of a man, his daughters's hus band, who owed him so much and, despite criticism, acknowledged his? debt thus faithful to the end (he once declared that by Wagner he would stand or fall) Franz Liszt died of a century ago at Bayreuth, not as Liszt the Conqueror, but a word weary pilgrim, petted and flattered when young, neglected as the star of Wagner arose on the horizon. If only Liszt could have experienced the success of poverty as did Wagner. But the usual malevolent fairy of the fable endowed him with all the gifts but poverty, and that capricious old Pantaloon, the Time-Spirit had his joke in the lonesome latter years. As regards his place in the musi cal pantheon this erstwhile comet Is now a fixed star, and his feet are set upon the white throne. There is no longer a Liszt Case; his music has fallen into critical perspective;' but there is still a Liszt Case, phycho logically speaking. Whether he was an archangel of light or, as Jean -Christophe describes him: "The no ble priest, the circus-rider, neoclas sical and vagabond, a mixture , in equal doses of real and false nobility." a PARTICULAR? Well, Look Here We are always glad t get the laundry ' of PARTICULAR PEOPLE Because they always appreciate the care and pain we take in doing their work. CARELESS PEOPLE get the very same at tention and the very same service but they don't realize what a complete organization and equipment we havc to take care of theix work. Shirt and CoDai work our specialty. "Do we get your Bundle?" The Model Laundering Co. Trustee's Sale. under the terms of a deed of trust executed Dy L. F. Carleton to J. Jui Bell, Trustee for McClunr Realtv Company, dated August 5, 1910, and registered in tne omce of the Regis ter of Deeds for Mecklenburg Coun ty, N. C, in Book 267, Page S82, to secure the bonds therein described. of, the undersigned trustee will, on Monaay, me 10m aay ox October, 1911, at iz o ciock Da., at tne Court House door In the City of Charlotte. sell at public auction to the highest in x it'Mi nin n n t in j v iid an curprun i i i . . . a . . i i j 2. ; . Diaaer ror casn mat certain lot or according to one's temperament. That parcel of land, situate, lying and lie new MkMIAlU Ul UIO UDVV IILO.LX music, a pianist without equal,., a con ductor of distinction one who .helped to make the orchestra, and its load ers what they are today; that he was a writer, a reformer of church mu sic, a man of noblest impulses and ideals, generous, selfless and an artist to his finger-tips these are the com monplaces of history. As a person ality he was an apparition; only Pa ganini bad so electrified Europe. . Freak Potato Vine. , Monroe Journal. Mr, A. J. Greene, carrier on route 9, who keeps his eyes open for the queer and the quaint, has brought to The Journal office a big sweet potato and Its vine. The potato is not so large, but the vine is a caution, be ing eighteen and a half feet long. It was grown by C. F. Doster, colored. BY J. E. C0NANT & CO. Auctioneers Office, Lowell, Massachusetts I . RARE OFFERING OF MANUFACTURING PROPERTY IN ONE LOT 'New building 371x86 ft., two stories, of re-enforced concrete and steel fireproof construction, a new Hercules 176 h.p. waterpower plant capable of 75 per cent-increase, new Harris-Corliss 660 h.p. steam power plant, new Stewart. 675 h.p. boiler plant, new General Electric lighting plant 1,000 lights, new Holyoke No. 1 rotary fire pump, excellent brick building, 197x80 ft 3 stories and base mentrecently extended 60 ft, overhauled and renewed. v 812 LOTS OF MACHINERY In Lots to Suit Purchasers Two-thirds of the machinery and equipment Is new and of the latest type, the balance good and in first-class condition. Most Exceptional and Modern Village Renting Properties Forty-one parcels of investment real estate, half new, city style, slated roof, hard wood finish, two, three and four-family bouses with modern conveniences; half of balance splendid village property and the remainder mill houses. The properties ot the Rochdale Woolen Mills at Rochdale (bear Worcester), Massachusetts, upon which several hundred thousand dollars have been expended since 1906, are pledged to the highest bona fide bidders at absolute auction sale. Illustrated and descriptive catalogue in great detail upon application at the office of the auc tioneers, where all inquiries must be mad a The sale will take place upon the premises regardless of any condition of the weather on Wednesday, the 4th day, and Thursday, the sth day of October, 1911, promptly at half-past ten o'clock each forenoon. FRANCIS A. HOWARTH, Owner. FRECKLES. New Drag That Quickly Removes' These Homely Spots. There's no longer t:-.e slightest need of feeling ashamed o' your freckles, as a new drug, othine double strength has been discovered that is a positive pure for these homely spots. Simply get one ounco othino dou-. ble strength, from Wooda31 & fehep pard's and aspply a little- of it at Right, and in the, morning you will see that even-the worst have begun"! to disappear; while the- light freckles have vanished entirely.. . It ia seldom that more than: an ounce r is needda to' completely clear the skn j ori train a oeautirui ciear compieion. Re sure to ask for the double strength' othine, as this is sold .undejr guarantee of money back if It falls to . World's Beet Circus Coming. The Barnum and Bailey Greatest Show on Earth is announced for two performances In Charlotte October IT. The day is awaited with great inter est. A new and brilliant street pa rade, a new menagerie and a large company of European artists are promised. This circus has stood at the head of the amusement business for more than fifty years. The policy of P. T. Barnum and James A. Bailey is still active In its management. These are The two . greatest names in the history of circus affairs. Their show Is the hource of perfect satisfaction. It is reeognlsed in every country on earth as the leading spirit among amuse ment enterprises., It has traveled in every country where the sun shines. It ''has entertained millions and mil lions of the earth's peoples. Its world-wide tours have given it many advantages over other tented shows. They have. kept in constant touch with remote comers of th globe whence comes all wonders. Nearly all great arenic novelties originate in- Europe- or Asia. No boo n- THE LAX-FOS WAY. If you had a medicine that would strengthen the liver, the stomach, the kidneys and the bowels and at the same time makes yn strong - with a systemic tonic, don't you believe you would soon be well?' y . That's "The LaxFos Way." We ask you to buy -the first bottle on i money-back plan, and you will ask your druggist to sell you the second, ft keens your whole Inside, right There is nothing else made like Lax-Foa ? m g Headquarters 1 I For Coal , 1 IS PRESENT: 2& W Major FURNACE x 5gf ' , Sergeant GRATE W Corporal STOVE W Privates EGG and NUT W All of them sturdy, black fighters, jgt 68 not a yellow streak In them) Ready (SJ 2Sk to tackle at the drop of a match the 9 w cold brigade of Jack Frost, Johnny m Chill, Jim Freeze and Bill Zero. V Q If vou are threatened by those cold Wk (8) neet ryou with Up t Headquarters for Coal & Wood i I ' AVAMT 402 , 1 being in the City of Charlotte. Meck lenburg County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows: Fronting on the south side of i Grove Street 50 feet, and extending back with an equai width in a southerly direction 150 feet to a ten foot alley way; the same being the northern part of Lot No. 7 in Block No. 6 of what was formerly the prop erty of the Woqdlawn Realty Com pany, as shown by Map of said com pany in the Register of Deed's office of said Mecklenburg County, in Book 230, Page 9; and being the same lot of land conveyed to said L. F. Carle- ton by The McClung Realty Company by deed registered in the office of the said Register of Deeds, in Book 268, Page 529, to which deed refer-'' ence is made. At the same time and , place and upon the same terms, said Trustee will sell 20 shares of the capital stock of the Mutual Building and Loan Association of Series No. 5 2 of the issue of October, 1910. JAS. A. BELL 15-daily-30-days Trustee. About the Dictionaries Among te many letters received each day by the circulation department are a number commending the New Standard Dictionary now being distributed by The Chronicle. We reproduce three let ters received yesterday morning and these will show what some people think of the dictionaries. Circulation Department, Gentlemen: The beauti ful little dictionary arrived according to promise. It is an admirable book in every, way, but to be more specific I shall indicate particulars upon the enclosed slip of " valuable features.' ' This much is apparent at a glance and I have no doubt that the valuable features of the volume will be limited only by the use to which the dictionary is put. With many thanks, most sincerely, Dear Sirs: I received my dictionary ; alright and am pleased with it in every way. It has more'thaif come up to my expectations in every way. Yours truly, You are doing a great work in making price of the dictionary in reach of the poorer people and I want to thank you for my part. Wishing you the success you so greatly deserve, BspectfuUy your friend, J-Temove the freckles. the

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