THE CHARLOTTE EVENING CHRONIOLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1912. iA : s,. ...... . , . -i, ,-, . ... -. . , . ; t ,,, 6 Geo. W. Day in the Henry W. Savage far ana iucauiiuv v other passengers who think they, are Ijride and groom. A husband and "wife ch secretly going-to Reno -for di- m acwuut - -v...- vorce, travel uumc mc uauu, w joes a cranky woman hater "and - the vornan who made him such'by reject ing him years before. She is ..a-missionary now and is quite willing to ac cept him There is a country par son and his wife who for the first time in SO years are f ree-rom the ob servation of his flock, "and eager for the time beirisr to forget his cloth and the decorum' it implies. There are oth-: a passe nsrers. nsure acuveiy; in the lively" events of the journey, while the train conductor, the Pullman por-. ter and. the . newsboy heightens the humor of it all. 'The whole idea of the farce is excellent. - I tis novel too. The; entire action is represented vas taking place in the' Pullman cars of the,; Overland Limited .express train.' The i 'stafge effects are' strikingly realise tic. - . ' ' - : SALISBURY -SOCIAL . (Special toThe Chronicle.) SALISBURY, Nov. b.--A wedding beauty took place in the Rial Presbyterian - -church - Tuesday eveniEg at 6:30 o'clock when Miss Janet Cnimp became' the bride of Dr. lorn I: - ... . . ..; Iv. The church was elaborately dec orafel for the'occasionI Prior to the ceremony ' , a beautiful : musickl program Vas rendered. Miss 'Bertha Knox presided at- the organ and' ren ted several appropriate selections, just before the bridal party entered, Mr. Francis Griffith sang- "O, Thou Sublime, Sweet Evening Star," from Tannhauser, and "O Perfect' Love;'' As the notes of the wedding march from Lohengrin were sounded , the bridal party entered "the church.- First, the ushers, Messrs. Eugene B. Gray, Jr., Walter Crump, James A. Gray, Jr., Jack Glenn, Thomas Barber and Julian McKenzie came down the aisle nd took their places in the chancel. They were followed by the little -flow- ergirl, Miss Elizabeth McCorkle. Fol lowing her and preceding the bride came the dame of honor, Mrs. Jarrts Marshall McCorkle. The bride - en tered with her father. Dr. W. L. Cnimp. She was a vision of loveli ness in her wedding gown -of white epe meteor en train, elaborately embroidered in pearls and trimmed In handsome lace. Her long tulle veil as caught with a wreath of orange b:ossoms and she carried a bouquet f Bride roses and lilies of the valley. groom with his ' best man, Mr. Wilson Gray, entered from another Me and ;met the bride at the altar; where Rev. Dr. Byron Clark per formed the ceremony. The bridal OnlyCne "DMO QUININE," that la Laxative fromo Qniniae CorcsaCcMinOneDay, GApta 2 Days Jeff Didn't Even ft sit PR0&P6KiT 8 ForrtiVfr . MRm i THC AL ) !'? f SPCGCrl. AUt. OVeR J I. ! L la.l.Ciail C WCUL WHAT I Iff THE h CNOltT6 TO TKlS V J L J I J IWHOWOfJ? NiLSON WfiU WHAT VHrrs Housg Q? cat country fy , V-" :: . LI ) ' To yum kmow j ' ' v ; "f ' . , ' K-1.r 1 . L , r;-. . ; i , ' !.;.'. " . ' 1 '. 1 " ' ; . s rmms;i ,g- ',. liiTfi - . 1 , ., .'. ., ; , Pullman Farce "Excuse Me." . " : S " Othello. '' X No players have labored more per sistently or.; more successfully to dis pell the murky .gloom ... of, pedantry that has been allowed to close in about the Shakespearean drama, , 4han the members of. the distinguished group of players who will appear at . the Academy of Music Saturday afternoon and . night; November 16. . R. D. MadJean. Charles B. Hanford, Odette Taylor and Marie Dofanah are all players" ;of the modern Shakes pearean school whose lucid and vital interpretations preserve classic spirit and literary charm and close human interest.. Each of these names stand today as a jsynonym for dramatic art in its highest idealism. : No actor Who has: not been accorded popular , ap proval os-an- interpreter of the role of -"Othellp". can claim rank as a rec ognized figure on the tragic stage. At the matinee v performance "Romeo and Juliet" will be the bill, i party left the church to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march. '. : Immediately after the ceremony, a beautiful and brilliant reception was given at - the- home of Doctor Crump, the guests were the members of the bridal party, relatives ;and. intimate friends of the bride and groom. - Af ter the reception, Doctor and Mrs. rtrav left " for a honevmoon trin tn . .!. .-I - . . - I . i -rrri j n . - The bride is one of Salisbury's most beautiful and .attractive ' young wom en. Doctor; Gray is a prosperous and successful 1 youngs physician - of - Winston-Salem. He was at one time con nected" with the Whitehead Stokes Sanatorium, and has a host of friends in this city , :,:- . ; Among the out-of-town guests who attended the weeding were: Mr. ahd Mrs. Eugene Gray,, Jr., of Winston Salem, Mrs. Jarnes-IS. Gray, Miss Alice Gray, Mrs. Robert M. McArthur and Messrs. Wilson Gray, : James A. Gray, Jr., Jack Glenn" and Thomas Barber of Winston-Salem; Mr. Walter Crump of , Warrenton; Mrs. James Beall of Linwood, and Air. and Mrs. Graham Robertson' of Concord. - 'Mrs. A. H. Boyden was the hostess to the Salisbury Book Club Wednes day afternoon at her home oh South Church . street The . attractive home was made more beautiful by. quan tities' of large white chrysanthemums, palms and ferns. In the absence of ' the president, Mrs. Tiernan,.the vice president, Mrs, M. C. Quinn, presided over the meet ing. 1 Interesting items were given and an animated . discussion of . the! books took, place, notable features of the af ternoon being an article; by ' Gertrude Atherton ; which was read by Mrs. Boyden, and an article entitled ; i :The Know The Election Was Oyer Caterpillars and the Lark' : whloh wasr read by Mrs. "Shober. , - ' ; j--At the close of the' literary program1 the - hostess, - assisted by Miss- Louise Neave, served a delicious salad course Miss Jeanle-Klutt was a guest of the1 ClUb.'-. :.-.'-',' ;-.. -- . ..'.v-'.: --':" The Twice Seven "Book " Club held aj most enjoyable,' meeting ' Wednesday afternoon' with Mrs. " J. W.'Neave at her home on.Wect Inniss street. -v. For; the' OccasioA"the home was most, at- tractively jiecdrated A most interest-! ihg afternoon: was spent in ; selecting books - for - the new serfes ' and' 'out lining the ; program for, the : Winter Following v the literary--': . program ; ? a tempting salaa course 1 was -served.;- V" The State ; congressr of the 'Daugh ters', of "the American" Revolution will meet in AshevilU . Saturday and will be in session-for several days. Among those going from Salisbury r ftfe " Mrs. Edwin R.- Overman Mrs. E.' C. Gfeg-1 ory, Mrs.v George Fisher -'and Mrs.' R., Norman. . - v' w - .J - - . Mrs. - E. C. Crego" entertained- a number of friends at auction "bridge Tuesday "afternoon : at her home on Wast Horah street in honor, of Mrs. Clarence Sawyer of Asheville, who 4s the guest of her sister Mrs. W.- F." Sni der, v Auction ; bridge was flayed at four tables and in a series of absorb ing games the highest score-was' made by Miss Mary Smith',1 who was award ed a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthe mums, j The honoree was r also pre sented with -a prlie. - j- . - At the close of the games the sruests were invited Into the dining : room, where a delicious two-co'urse luncheon was served. Miss Nellie Holmes Pear son poured coffee, Miss Beulah Kern presided at the; punch - bowl. , while Mrs. P. B. Beard , assisted in serving. The guests were: Mesdames Clarence sawyer, B. G. Pearson, James Gilmer, Whitehead Klutt2, .;-F.'': B. Beard, Charles Relsner, D.4 W?; Burright, mJ. W. Carlton, J. D. Norwood, Earnes t Taylor and C. T. Bemhard; Misses Beulah Kern, Nellie Holmes Pearson. Jennie Sullivan, Carniault Grimes and Mary Smith. - :.:.?:::; .J Monday afternoon at her home on South - Long street, Mrs. Pearl Bern hardt delightfully entertained the members of the Afternoon Bridga Club and s, a number y, of a other guests in honor of Miss Janet Crump, a , charming bride-elect of November. Mrs. Bernhardt's ; , attractive home was made: more beautiful by a pro fusion, of Autumn flowers. Mrs. Clar ence -.T.' Bernhardt greeted the guests at the door while Mrs. Paul II. Bern hardt received- in ; the drawing ; room,' assisted by the honoree.. , v : There were eight tables of auction and the games, were played with lest and enthusiasm. .The honoree was presented with a handsome silver , de posit cream' and sugar set. .At. the close of. the 'game, a lunch, consisting of , chicken salad, chow-. chow,; sandwiches, beaten biscuit-and tea, was 8erTed.:v;-ii!';';:i. - The New Plant -J. The above is a cut of the new plant of the Interstate' Chemical Corpo ration, which is. the newest-and xnoet improved plants which this concern has in operation,: others being located t Tampa .and Bowlipg, Green, Fla-. Greenwood, S.C, ..nd Macon, Ga.. The company owns a large number of phosphate rock-, beds , near Bowling Green, Fla., from vrnich add is taken. The Charlotte plant has a capacity of 0000 tons a season, and works between 175 and 350 men, the number varying with the season. - It is sometimes necessary to have the maximum ' number of laborers engaged and at other lax times in, the period of mattufactnre, half, of .this number is sufficient. The plant has extensive sheds, "acid Chambers' and 4 transmlssibti houses, beinar equipped throughout with electrical apparatus. Mr. Miles M. Hunter IS superintendent of the plan ; and Mr. F. O. Landis 1 sales manager. The concern has just put its new plant here in operation and it Is now manipulating com plete fertilizers. The Interstate Chemical Company has a capitalization of $10,000000. ' The- guests : were . Mesdames W. B. Strachan, Wallace Scales, Whitehead Kluttz, Hugh Brown, C.-T. Bernhardt", F. L. Robbins Ji W.V Carlton, Clarence Sawyer, Jbhn R. Crawford, : W. - ; M. Wiley, Samuel wuey, J.rii,, Gorman; Percy' Grimes-, i.T. :E. , Witherspoon,i R. W. Norman and Ernest: Taylor, Misses Janet - Crump, ' Alice Gray, Beulah Kerh Luna Thompson, Annie:, Laurie Ramsay, Brent Blackmer,' Hattie Bar low, Lilly-Bernhardt, Lucile Linn, Ju lia Cr uch, f Louise Neave, . Anne Neave, Mary Henderson,- Maud,. Brown, v May McCorkle, Nellie Holmes Pearson -and Kathleen Kluttz.' ,. Almost enjoyable -meeting tf the St. Monica; Reading - Circle . was t. held Wednesday; afternoon with Mrs. D. W, Burright The-usual program was carried out with enthuslasnvtbe Items an ddiscusslon of ' the books ? proved most ' interesting. Notable features of the afternoon were Mrs-Burrlght's resume -of current 3 events and-an in teresting article ;hich was read ; by Miss Jeanie Kluttz.' II- . , . ; 'At the conclusion of the i literary program the hostess served avdeilcibus collation. . ; r . - In addition to - the club "members, Mrs. Burright had as her -guests, rMrs. Morgan of ' Washington and ' Mrs. Lougheryjof Roanoke, .Va. 4; v'- Mrs.' : Samuel - Hamilton' Wiley . re turned home v Saturday from a two weeks visit to relatives; in Raleigh.. Mrs. (Loughery of Roanoke,' ; Va., Is thS guest of her daughter,-Mrs 'R.wM. West. ' - ' Mrs. R. ;L. 'James entertained a few friends at her home Wednesday even ing from S to 10180 In honor of Miss Biennis Pace of Princeton, Ihd., who is visiting in the City. Mrs. S. C. McCracken of Washing ton, Pa.;: has arrived In the city on a visit to her daughter, -Mra- Floyd B. Miller. ' Miss ' Margaret , Scott,-; one of the teachers of ' the Statesville - T Female College,; spent Saturday and Sunday with her friend, Miss Selma Whita ker of Franklin Township, returning Monday to Statesville. Little Julia Kerr, th , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wr .Kerr, "has been very sick for a long "time and . was taken worse Wednesday.' The child is in a serious condition.. . - ';- TERMINAL FACILITIES Piedmont and Northern Gets ' New Station: at Gastonia Creamery to ' be Started Seventeenth Cotton Mill In Sight. ' - (Special to The ChronicIe.)v. . ' GASTONlA, Nov.9. At . last , the Piedmont & Northern; has sequred an uptown ticket office, having just closed a lease on the room In the Y.-M. C. A. building recently vacated ;.by ther Pollock Company. - This is only ... one door frm. the corner 'of the intersec tion of. Main avenue and South' street, where the, interurbatt . cars' arrive and depart from Gastonia! Negotiations are now pendinftT between tha irailroad officials arid" thVrMCUtrtistes looking 3'"-."M; Of Tbe Interstate Cbemical Company ters- by- the extension, of . the-, room at the 'rear over - space now - vacant. ' If this is done there' will belample room for -a lunch .room -jn 'addition to the waiting room; office. This will probabfy'be' done.:;: It is- stated- on good authority that cars iwill be run ning uptowns within 'ten - days.. Tills will be much more convenient for the traveling .public ; than- the': present ar rangement; the.' cars stopping- now. at the ' freight depot on south : Broad street. V- " ."Vv , . More than' half, of he JS.OOOcapital stock ifor the' erection jand " operation of arv- up-to-date ico-operative cream ery in Gastdnia has already : been sub-j scribed -: and the Indications ' are that the balance vwili he: easily and quick ly raised. The- plans for this plant call for- one of 'the most -modern equip ment including r refrigerating plant and pasteurizing ; machinery; The ca- f parity will r be 600 pounds Of butter per day. Mr.' J.' Bun . Brydges . of Oastonia, -one of . the ; principal pro moters, Is an experienced man in the business, having promoted the Stanley, Moor eBboro, Lhelby and Torkville creameries, all of which are success ful Many farmers In this immediate section are taking stock in the enter prise and will furnish, butter fat for the creamery. That it will prove of great benefit to. the county, is not doubted. , Machinery is being placed . in the new Armstrong Cotton Mill and it will be put into 'operation in a short time. The building has just been completed. This is Gastonia's seevnteenth cotton mill. - , ROCK HILL NOTES Statesville People May Locate Busi - ness In - South Carolina Town Greeks Aid Conntrymen. -. - (Special to The Chronicle.) I ROCK HILL, S. C, Nov. 9. Messrs. G. A.Critcher and W. W. Penny of Statesville, N. C., were in the city Fri day prospecting. - Mr, Nash of . the Helms-Bass . . Furniture . Company turned the gentlement over to Secre tary Spencer of the Chamber of Com-, merce, who in. turn 5; hunted up Ross Roach -.and .carried - they prospectors over the city, in an automobile. ; , r The k gentlemen seemed ; , greatly pleased with the city arid it Is 7 more than probable that they, will decide to open.-, up a place ; of v bvsiness tln .the city, -r ' Messrs. .Crif cher;' and Penny- are in the ''cabinet', making; arid upholstering business, "making, - a J specialty" Jof '.fit ting offices with furniture" and repair ing and upholBterfcrg 'chairs and other articles of furniture; - both household land office. Both are experienced in their line of work. r . G6orge . Kerhowlas,'- probably . ? the best known member of the little Greek colony ln'thls city,:;is,authority for Uie statement tht'Uhev ""Greeks pf -Rock Hill; lMforTjKta:th'na- t v ; ., . 4. r. ttive ; UXmafWitfk flghrgalnst .Thr&ykernofit ; g ;; : "M !; f - if!? Till .in' jr rpr .11 w a i ANgctabkrVtparaflQnfir tfcg fla StoniffltsaaiBcwasof Promotes DigestfoheoftH ness aodigstronrain nrtSw OptumfarphiiK narMkaasLj NOT NAnC OTIC. , JbLStma JtckleSaSs- Seed HintSe!- CteimedSupri Atier&ct Remedv f or Coitsfti-' Hon . Sour Stonach.Dlantol WorrosjUHTvaisKnisjewnsa- ness andLoss OF Siezp. IteSmile Signaiure of . , T TifV Shiaranteed under Ke roodo Exact Cdpy of Wrapper. ' he will go to . Charlotte next Sunday to be present at' a meeting of Greeks, who will take steps, to raise : money to be sent to the- Grecian-government. The -Greeks here, are watching the progress of the warjin .which". their na tive country . is engaged, with . great interest and they site firm in the be lief that Greece and the Balkan States will. be able to drive the ' Turks, from Europe and bring them to terms,, if these little" countries -are allowed v. to pursue - their ' advantage over Turkey. It is feared,; however, that thebig powers will take; a : hand and take some, action favorable to:Turkey. Mr.- J.- Li. E. Gill, a ' well-known citizen of Rodman, Chester County, died suddenly in Chester Friday. Mr. Gill was prabably about 60 years of age and was a brother-in-law. of ' Mr. J. A. Shurley. of this city. None of the particulars in regard to his death j3ngCTlQ at Nine hours' warmth for a sigle gallon of oiL Can bo carried wherever, needed. No amok or smell. Reliable. Orna ' m e n tal . Inexpensive. -Lasts for years. I . 3"iinni"mfii'i.i.iiPn i,n,i.,i..-f 1 STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' On u mini aliii fa Wwr Jtny) " - Nwarkt N.J. iiiiiiiiiii . . i For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have s Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years m u:uuuuu u have been; received; but It is " under- , stood that he dropped dead. : , .An English Author Wrote: "No shade, no;v shine, no fruit, no flowers, - . no -1 leaves.' November!" Many Americans.' would '.add no free dom, from catarrh, which is so aggra- . vated during this month that . it be comes constantly troublesome. There Is abundant proof that . catarrh is a constitutional ' disease. ' It is 'related -to ; scrofula and ' consumption, being' one . of the wasting 'diseases. - Hood's Sarsaparilla has shown that ..what is capable of eradicating - scrofula; com pletely cures -catarrh, and taken in . time prevents consumption. We '.can- ; not see . how any ."sufferer can put : off taking . this . riiedicine, in view of ' the widely pufelished record of its radical and permanent cures. It is undoubt edly. America's Greatest Medicine for America's , . Greatest - disease Ca tarrh. ,-:'.-. v'v ' ' Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress. Amuse-U today. Admission 10c. . . .- "Yes, that Perfection Heater keeps' us cosy and ; comfortable. We don't nmmht of K ' " lose any 1 business on ac-: count of a cold store. I've i home, so I just applied ;F6r store or home, the Perfection is the handiest ; and cheapest heater you can find; By "Bad" Fisher