, " ; - . -.'-,., -: , - ... thttrspatev v t eoember 12, 1912. - PimoiaS V tVomek's jGarnients of Quality PPRCEIili'S . 'tf J f? fS 1 Ul V,l 1 'T15 '-'v - r . & i-if(((& (( AMNnU'r 'f-V ' NNeil.'.::."'A"f ; Initial v linen- HcMade made $1.00 for ; lvdo'u1?le Leather. AIJi-'GlFrs ptJRCHASEb,' NEED FOR CLOTHING IS BEIffd PRESSED UPON LOCAL PEO PLE . A large number - have r responded ! to the "call made for clothing ; toj be .sent to, the , mountain schools. ' In. a . letter iust' received from -the -principal-1 of oneXof these schools,' '"he f sta,tes "Hhere aVe ; manyyeryworUiy. deserving peo ple, who are. greatly ih need- of cloth ing." Quoting irom this letter he says "one old woman '98 years ;old, walked six, miles, . ten i days agq -to , get some clothing. ;We had, none at that time for h'er. Today she "Lme again :jrttfi. her '4 5-y ear-old, single, son, in a sleigh oh dry ground drawn by .an ox.- Peo-: pie. come- for ' 20 miles over " these, mountains rfor ( clothing." : A.'-njumber, of ; packages are : - being- received daily and " it has ' been 'decidedTto'- wait until Saturday before jsendinr them ftj giv ing, any others an opportunity to con tribute to this niost .worthy' object. ; If you? are interested. In-, the , . mpuntaln poor :. and mountain' mission schools, look- over-your- wardrobe- and- see -if you' can spare any articles' of cloth ing -for young and. old, land send to C. E.' Mason, 311 "Commercial build ing,! ' telephonjjLim; at, 1 2 5 4, .and! he will, call for'theml Please- telephone or send in not later than 4- o'clock Priday7afternoon(fj H '" - -7-The -members" "of - the'. boys '.and girls ..-mission .' class of Tenth . Avenue Presbyterian' 'Church will hold: a re ception ; and " program of , interesting fe.atures this evening . at. 8 o'clook ' in the lecture. room of ; the church." ;lle freshments will be served and a silver offering will be taken. 4 Much prepara tion . has- been made for the occasion which - will I be of no little interest and as .the evening is for the public as well as. , the - members of the class a large attendance is : expected. . ' . i . ' 1 " 'If you are " troubled with chronic con stipation, the ' mild' and gentle effect of - Chambe-laln's. . Tablets nrakes ' them es peeteli? gb'teff to' your "case. For sale by aa deaU-rs. : ' i,-x.'',.':-: 2g ---WAHTED--- - - ',; Youg : lady of refinement to take orders for one -f the best and most complete; lines of goods suit able for Christmas Gif ts, dood proposition to the right,party. If you are open, 'for one of the best propositions, address "L: 'J. L., care Chronicle. Gifts "of 'Cut Glass 1-" ; See,. Roark's sparkling . rodra of Cut Glass whllp you are out 'gift r buying.' Several dozen new "pieces added for holiday trade. There are, .lots of small, pieces here that make very appreciative gifts and fpr a moderate price! , ' B. F; ROARK 10. N, Tryon St. Jeweler Splendidly suitable as ChrlsC. mas sifts t o father, mother, brother, sister, friend, sweet heart or teacher, Standard;' Hospttdt S Supply V ; phone 0 1 1 . . - . -. '--- V Self -FUling- or idEety. '' j J OV CmtI&&AS GIFT ''J Handkerqhiefs. of fine .-sheer ': " nnisn'-; camDric.- Deawiiuj enjroIdered Initial, :,a .rlar ;10c handkerchief.. Our . -special ,; pripe . L..-.. ..' . . . . ' .V-... .6 for 30c 25c -fpr: these dainty' handkerchiefs., r Hemstitched ? with pretty; ; narrow , y 'brpideiT.:f,;-;kr;;-?:?i. , . ; laces.:: a special heavy sUk "hose 'foot -an-d ' wide -dpub-L-, tQp.r-. regular,; Quality,. .3 pairs; to pox. ? il&Q U or Kayser r -Italian silk ;,V Hose, . qytwears .any,- otberilk;- stocking, . aever-tear-tops. :.y: $il00 1 'orTgoodliseal lack . - nickle fra"me. . J". . $150 for 'the new collapsable 4 f rame . --pin-seal.. Bag.prth, $2.00.j; :V;;l" Other bags aV $2.00,? $3.00 up tb $T.5Q " HOELY ' BOXED - FREE. WILL STRAIGHTEN OCT AWARD : OF WEISER TO DALLAS OWNERS -Mr. J. - O. - Walker expects to v go to Atlanta,7 Ga.V tonight J for a confer ence with the owners - of -the - Atlanta franchise in the ' Southern ' Association in, regard" to Player ";Weiser 'J who was sold- last-, Fall by - the . local club '-to Atlanta and whom the National Com mission has justyawardeptjijie Dallas Tex., team. . The difficulty arose over, the : fact - that the ' Charlotte club - in deference to ;thes release- 6'f "Manager Ojsteeiuby Dallas' promised: to give the pick of the Charlotte players - to the Texas club."" ' In the" meantime, Atlanta negotiated "for the purchase of. Weiser. and a sale was 'made, the-, local club getting $ l.p 00.- The - National - Commis--sion. was not acqu'airited.' with' the stat us of , the- situation - and. made. an . im prompt ruling -on the evidence 'be fore hearing" from the 'local magnates. President Weam;. was ' at the ' late Milwaukee- meeting-and .was askedthy the local .owners to give evidence "then of theTmanner pi the negptiationi.'btat the commission had -already; made the award-to Dallas before 'the meeting in Milwaukee 'jsTl'Zir' ' DIL SKSEDTITO SPMK f . : Y.W.CA. TESPER SERFICES - l -r-1- . ,t' . ' . - . - - .ri :' ; The' vesper service r at the 1 --Young Women's '-'Christian Association' 'next Sunday'. will be. addressed ".byReyr. J. G, : Kennedy, who will griyei.the second of a series of three, talks.. which .he has. .begun on . ."Famous, .Mountain. Peaks of. the. P.Ule.' , The one chos en for' this week is . "Ebal and Geri zim" and, Jt undoubtedly will. Attract many, women. . Dr. Kennedy, Ja an interesting and-learned speaker, and puts his .message into . -terms which are easily 'and - quickly- grasped s by . his hearers.'' . - - - - ..-, (punch.) - - -... "What kind of a pain' is It; darling?" "A' big . round pain with jaggy edges." - Silversmith Charlotte. N. C. Let us show you the. Parker ' Lucky Curve " Fountain Peri. 1 There is positively nothjng that will be appreciated? more, every day in : the year. Prices from $1.50 to $6.00 ; and ! every one guaranteed. ..K4 & Drug Company 676. BY MARGARET KEIf .Mrs. J.' M Smith i'of this city.who has "been, spending - tome, .timer in Balimpr,e, was - her.e for a' few days last week , and left for. Washington, accompanied- by ? ;Miss 'J anie 'Mat-; thews. ! Mrs.- Smith i will spend Christ- . mas in" Louisville Jty-7' thTjreIa:tv:es, aiid iMiss ? Matthews -11 retut t6Wri home-here. -V'-- r-U 't iM'rXi-A Mrs. - B. H "Scriis "has; Ireturned home- after r sben.dinjr r . tw,oi weeka yisiting". reiaUyesI.ih; uWavAJii.';? Mirty31aWw"M8iBon tnlW ntlifer - hrimn : on lCaJlt . SeVentn. : vatreet extension Friday'" astern e"onr at' a 13 Of o'clock; in nonorTor.;tnememoes; TH'A 'f nllnwinc? from.Monday's issue 01 xne j ournai - 01. v"Iwlf.4 v. Y6rk wiU be,of interest: '-VS.-,. A i Last '-evening's 'cohort in ith.e;!StW-t day 'serif s Tat' -thei Jle.tVopolitanvlbfeld added : interest ;m 1 the , apnearance ox: Eugene -ysaye.vttm eminent Belgian Moinistiith1- orchestra.? rHewa aee.ted . enthusiaetio ally :Vf onr't'each '. of s 1 . two appearances, and? the - audi-, erice appMdei sVhbtiliant- peT fdrmances.c long ; and Wg6fpvfr -,Mr Tsave declined. however. , to .respond with encores.. x He f ftrs5;r saye : -J ViPUn Concerto, jaor w,prmmor,Djr Vieuxtemps, .and. t after, the .lntermis sion played." two; sooej;i vRqmance, by . Syensen, and SaJnt-SJarens'.-Ron-, do Capricio.' : The'iMeropplitanrOpBra House orchestra :in v accompanying the . virtuoso, was led by Geprglo Polaccb' with', artistic expression rand, : pleasingly.. sympathetic .volume. .-The orchestra under Mr. -Polacco also played the ovrtufV-to" BeethoVett'a Le6nore,'CNo. 3, rand the- sp,lendid overture to ! Wagnetfs ."Tannhauser. Mme.-:.Vera Curtis i and i'f.Pasquale Amato -were 'the i other - soloists. .The fprmer sang, first, ( an- , aria -' froni vrfl 'a 4, .4Aida"and " then the : "Ski' . song by. QlDghLelter,',andJ Reicherfe "Hoffnun?." - sMnie. : Curtis sang ? ar-. tisticallybtlt:.her vpice. Jacked,; some- A what i m rounoness. but. avo.w- popular : as ever, was in r flne , voice. He- sang "e aria' VErtr tu;' .from: "The Masked S Balli" . and the -pro-; lbgue to:VPWiaccV'! . mmZl .': . . . ;v - The Athenae Bbbk. Club will meet tomorrow-, af ternoon at 4oclock rwith Miss rAnnies,PaTke Hutchison at-her home-on fcforth. - Tryon street. -Miss, TilHe-iPopeiof Mobile, Aia.,vwhols visiting ' Mrs. Samuel O. Brookes, will be.the gtiest pfjtheuh.j r:: n Dr( and Mre. Jy, D. McDowell and children- of YorkviUe,sr a. are spending a. few days in the city. , .. . , ' Xi'v XL & - - '," v . '. r Mrs. : John - gtone ;Stump win leave . vAr two before. Christmas fo Ndrfolki tb spend a5 month with her mother. - Mrs. - w. vv .u.w art -rl r . J . . Mrs. " Olin ' M. ;Pegues and ' daughter,! urina farv . 'Louise Pemies' of. KollocK, S. C, are spending , a f ew a days here with their) kinswoman, .Miss Nannie . Pegues, who has - been undergoing treatment at the ,'Prelsbyterian Hos pital for a year "or ;more.-":'v J' ., '.,. Miss .Kate -McArthur will spend the Christmas holidays , with relatives : in Fayetteville. - . . : r I ."" " 1 "" Cf Q f Mrs. ' I. " M. f Taylor, whbhas' been the guest of Mrs. Walter 'S.': Liddell on Eastavenue . f or the ' past : 10 ; day8,' re- ; turned to -her home in Morganton this morning: " Mrs. Taylor was' the recipi ent of many charming .social .honors during hervlslt. v ' ' r T-.' - I ': i v; . " Cf.Cf t , , ." J Miss Louise Finf eyt of Noth -Wilkes-" boro, -who is .visitin&.MissRuth Lit-, lard. and-Miss .Bertha McCaxtv of. Lynchburg,, who is yisiting;Mlss Mary McCausland, wlll'1 be .guests ' or Jionor' at ? s the . meeting- of the - Thursday' Afternoon- Embroidery v.Club . which meets , with , Miss Beulah" Wallace at her home on North Poplar street. . 'Mr.'; and j Mrs. Rush T.VWray. will leave' in a few days for New York to.1 spend the holidays. ' . '. ' . v : One of the most .. largely ; attended meetings of the season1 of v the de partment of - household 1 ecbnomics of the Woman's Club'5 was :thatt";h'eld at the Carnegie Library: this morning at. 10,:30 o'cIock. The feature- of :the. mieeting was thesplendidlecttire-by; Dr. Robert H Lafferty of rthe North, Carolina Medical 'College. . 'Dr. Laf- ferty, had numerous charts illustrating the value of various foods. Mrs. v. J. ,Guthery is chairman,' and r Mrs. A. S. Reid secretary of the department of household economics: and interest and enthusiasm are increasing in the study of pure food. " : - : ' ' . , cf -f;r ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R." Naff and; three children's; of r Los 'Angeles, : Cal.,' arrived in the city last'riight and are guests of Capt A,G. iBrenizer at his home; 600 "North! Try on street .Mrs. Naff before her1 marriage was Miss Sudie Avery- Brenizer, one of Char-, lotte's most attractive, young women. This is Mrs. . NafTs first ;vlsit home in five years and her many friends have been "looking : forward f to -her' comine with much pleasure. " ' Mrs. A. E. Bell. of Mooresville,vwho has been spending eeyeral; days tfiere as the guest of Mrs. J. Q. Myers,i will return home this afternoon. : r ,:- - Ti 0 -O ' T'-' v Mrs. -William E. Holt, Jr., of Lex ington is spending the :day in fthe city: shopping. ' She is the guest of her parents, Dr. and r Mrs; jonn.ij. vjaia well, ' on North Church street. - : '-'- ',.;. '- ' s ''- i Mrs. Elizabeth L.. Bussey washout today after being quite sick at " her home on Garland' Court' since 'Satur day. . -; j .'., . , Mrs. F.; B Pegues and daughter; Miss Nancy " Pegues, will return to their horrie 'in Collock, S.'- C.,i this- af ternoon after spending several days here shopping. : While .here they were guests at the . Selwyn' Hotel.; - ; ; : .: : - . O t& " ' ":' '' Miss Susie Shlpp of Bellbuckle, f:We''wish to call your attention to the mini iDiecooua diseases, sucn as whooping ' cough, diphtheria and scar Mfever .are contracted when the chd haej .a cold. hamberlalTo's Cough Remedy will oulckly cure a cold and greatly lesser the danger of contracting these diseases. . This Temedy is famous for .'its cures. of colds. Jt contains no opium or other . narcotlo and may. be given to a .child with implicit confidence; Sold by all dealers. ..... Iff ARERNETHY Tenn. who has been Spending sonie, time in the city as HhV guest ; of -.MrB. Latta. C.v Johnston and Mrs. C. W. Til-; lett, will leave this afternoon for Ropk : Will.- S. C.; tpvisit Mrs. iCftarlesiBoyd. ,Miss Shlpp will spend' the holidays, in Rockingham ( with' Mrs:; W -C. iLeak. f.f ''. -,":.- v" r. -;:( . v ; J 'The Eclectic Book Club will- meet tomorrow afteraooh at' 3:30- o'clock with Mrs. 1 R: r E. Cochrane." at I her home onNorth' College street. ; ! . : - v" r?a O & . : '' 1 ; The 'Chelidon; Book. Glub Will, meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, with Mrs. James -P. Stowe at her home : on South. Tryon. ; street Mrs, L. E. Crossland of ,'Rocking- ham" vriUarriye in the city tomorrow to spend a week, as' the i-guest-of - her daughters, Mrs. 3J. Q..'Myers and Mrs. Paul'Whitloek. U . t,' 4 -r- " ' ? .; ,l . C O rMrg..;Guy 'S. Scott f and '. son, Master Morton,- returned - -to -'their home , in Spartanburg; ' S. vC, last anight after spending 10 days here, aa the guests or Mr. ana m.ts. j. Soott on iast ' ''7-,r--'B'tf?y' ' Mis8.e8;Gra.ce and Jannie KJng, who have .been visiting their sister,. Mrs. F. Brevard McDowell, ' on East avenue, expect to. leave ,f dr their "home in New Orleans, tonight,; -Miss' King's many friends i will Hearh with - pleasure that she is recovering from 'her recent Ill ness, i .i: '4:.--0 i':l:..t 'I. ; v v. Mrs."B. - J. Witherspoon . will " enter tain 1 at a luncheon ? at ;her ' home 'on South Boulevard, JMlworth, Saturday at 1 o'clock in honor . of 'Miss '. Tillie Pope,-who is .the' guest of 'Mrs. Samuel O. Brookes on South 'Try on; street. Mra r Henry- Pointer. Wade, who, is teacher . of English at the Presby terian .'College. "and Mrs. George : Jor- Pdan will .leave Christmas night . for New York to j spend the holidays. ' i - s Oti )3 -" -- -; - ) ' i Mrs.; T. T Gilmer .was " taken sud denly.' ill - yesterday ; with apphdicitls and . was ! operated on- this morning; at the 5 Presbyterian 'Hospital.,- : She ! is getting; along as well .as "could 'be. ex pected, er many 'friends wish for: her-a'speedys recovery; . .''. :- OS & , . . Miss Virginia? Haynes of iCaiffsidtf is spending the day in- the.; .,cityu-with Miss Essie Harrill att h-nhome in Myers Park" en route to aastonIa;to visit; her . sister, "Mrs." Robert Love. ,. :v c -i. ; - O D'Q . -'- ;c "'-.; Mrs.: Thomas F. - ' McDow, : who ; has been' spending two - days here shop ping,' will re'tuifn- to; ner nom tin Yorkvllle, "S. C.; this Afternoon. Mrs. McDow ; was ""the - 'guest ;of her - sister,; MrsV' B.tD.- Springs.-;:.''vvr ,- - - O C( -' f ' ' ' The" maiyjfriends ft; Mr, and Mrs. ,J.CL.Patton will rejoice to Know that a messagei received from them etatea than vDr. 1 Winter : gives much - en couragement as to the-, condition 'of their- infant son. a Mr,", and -Mrs. Pat ton --and : baby, accompanied txy miss Julia Stlnson, left' for ; New -- York Tuesday morning, r . ;.'. -.. - . ',-,.: v.. i 0 SI Mrs." Clay ' Williams of . Greensboro is . the ; guest of . Mrs." J. H. Ham at her home in Piedmont i Park. - . ; ..... BRiErs. Rorn, to 'Mr. and . Mrs. Isaac Har deman, :Jr., a daughter, ' EUzabeth Flournoy, Hardeman. '". The government! estimate ".on the cotton cropu received --here shortly be fore 2 p nrJ, showed that the crop of U912'was 1S.820VO00 bales. The re-; port has been eagerly, awaited by the local cotton-world this 5 week. h ; ; '' The finance committee of f the county is still engaged itt checking up the vouphejs, . receipts, etc., from the office "of the- tax-collectors for, 1912, some two -weeks having already, been required. oh this! work. V ; i Isjiam S. Wallace has soia to . E. P. Priyett a . tract of land at Chadwick lying along the ":, Carolina ; Central tracks for -31,550; . T. M. Miller has sold' to Mrs. Nellie C Medlin for 32, 800 a" tract of 10 .acres in . Morning, Star Township. : Mrs. Sadie L. Harrill has sold to V. ,S. Goode for-; 32,000 two lots at Piedmont Park; also to Fred L.v Bry ant for 32,000.a 100-fot lot on Tnth street in ..Piedmont; Mrs. Ella K. Thompson' has : sold, to Mrs.' Roberta A. Smith' for 33,000 a, 45-foot lot on Polk avenue. , .- '-. , ; MR. HUGH W. HARRIS ..... . . IS SERIOUSLY. ILL. - ' ' The host of friends ' in the city and county of. Mr. Hugh w! iHajrris will ; learn with" much ' regret that he has suffered a relapse at his home on North' Tryon street; " Mr. Harris was taken suddenly-!!! 10 daW aga. Tues day his condition rwas Improved and he was ; able . to' sit .up and lopk over his mail. ; It is thought that he over exerted himself and vhis condition is such as. to cause concern. Mr. Har ris is one of the" city's best known at torneys. '; ' .'' ' - " FLORIDA FRUIT GLUTS. --' : THE NORTHERN, MARKETS. : JACKSONVILLE, ; Fla., Dec. .12. The general", manager xof i the Florida Citrus Exchange has ordered ail mem-; bers'of the exchange to stop shipping fruit from Florida after Monday, 'De cember 16, until December 30. The reason given1 f or ' this order , is that 6,000 carloads of Florida, 'fruit' are now rotting or in ; the; hands of Northern merchants andr that this, is enough to supply the Jholiday trade. In order to prevent ycpngestion . or an oversupply' of Florida:, citrus' fruit in the North ..and 'a,, corresponding de crease in the price; in Northern- mar kets, the order was "given.'. ' As the exchange: 'practically- controls the Florida output pf citrus fruit there is littledoubt that shipments will ,. ie; suspended according to the order - ClEAfIS HIE HAIR AND BEAUTIFUL Al OhCE-25 CENTS "DAIlDERillE" . , . v , . .... ... 'x '"-.' ' iii : . , -v.''- .'-. In a few moments your hair looks soft, fluffy, ; lustrous and : ' V abundant-No falling hair or dandruff ' Stjrely." try a ."Danderine Hair iCl0fnse'' if you wish to immediately dpuple the beauty of your - hair. Just implsten - a- cloth with Danderine" and draw 4t, carefully ; through; yourt hair, taking ; one ' small strand at; a ; time; thisl will'' cleanse the hair v : of : dust dirt: or- any ' excessive oil In a V few mbinents you will.. be.' amazed.;..4 Your hair will, be wavy fluffy and abundr kntl and possess ; an .incomparable ipf tness, - lustre and luxuriance, the beauty and V shimmer of trite hair health. '?w :i :;;';; , -0'' i v Besides beautifying the vhair. "one app.licafion"-. of.-. Danderine -, dissolves every particle ; of Dandruff; cleanses,..! OF TOO 'V. ,. Gily Paying' 62 Per Cent 01 Total Taxes Id Addition To Its Oirn "".' ;" ' " v INTERESTING FACTS GLEANED FROM BOOKS Figrures Taken From Records of Com '1 parative Taxes Paid by City-. and Comity Shows That the Municipality is Being Pressed "Withi the Burdens ; of the General Taxation ; ln Addi tion to Its Strictly Personal Levies. Charlotte ' is today : bearing over ' 62 percent of the total 'county and State tax . In , addition to . her ' own tax s bur dens, ; which with t special street im provement .work, and' other "municipal charges, i aggregate ; for the . coming year near 3300,000. ; , The situation . has ; reached; a stage, where, it is generally accepted on all sides that some change ; is called for, not" in: a- spirit of antagonism,' but a8' a, pure ; business proposition ' and ;" a question of 'the' survival' of the fittest in modern-day competition and4 fk nance..' - "' ; ' ' -' . -. ' . Some striking figures are . sho wn by the records of the city tax collector ahd ; f 'Tthe threecollectors : forr the three - districts iljQf rthe bounty dlstrijct No. . 2.'; being Charlotte : Township. Zt,- " For instance, it is shown that in the city .qt. 'Charlotte exclusive of polls a tax rate of 31.16 , 2 is "paid annually on ' over" 318,000,000 "assessed valua-; tloni. Including personal and real propy eny ana an Kinas of stocks. ' The second district embracing Charlotte, pays 3221,338 ; State and county taxes and. the; first and third districts pay less than .396,000, while of the 3221,000 paid by district No.' 2, Charlotte pays nearly ' $ 20 0, 000 thereof.- . , ' -.,- .-r .: .. r.; ;.-;- ."-- 'I The city . in the aggregate pays'over 3198,000, while all outside territory pays 3118,65f in State. and county taxes.j "v 'j-- ' - , " '' ' The last; figures represent all-State and county taxes 'paid .by. that part of Charlotte jTownshipVputside.'of the incorporated limits of Charlotte,', and by the remaining 14 townships of the county. ; ' - " In considering the above, it is to.be recalled t that- the States Cor-poration Coihmission fixes the ' taxable value of all railroads, electric... railways . and corporations 'as;, to ;each f individual township, and the taxes paid "both 'by the city by the township of Charlotte ahd by the other 14 townships of the county,- include r the corporation ; tax, which in all events" is a considerable part of the total-taxes charged 'against each . township . in ; Mecklenburg. ' The full statement of the general taxes paid ' by city, township and county -. for all purposes, excepting - of course ithe special taxes levied by the, board of aldermen for strictly muni cipal purposes will ' be found in ' the figures. which follow: , ,:: ''.'" The Figures in the Case. '. Total county taxes paid by c ' Charlotte, 3198,454. . r Outside city, 3118,558. -:-: City's percentage of total State and county tax, 62.3. ' - Further figures. are: : Total ' taxes paid by city for. city purposes, 3228,738. (Not including specials.)'. . . Tota1 taxes paid by city for . State, county, 3198,454. Total taxes paid by city for all pur-poses,'- 3427,192.:;';';;-'; Z';X4-:. Charlotte Township, -district S, pays annually State and county,- $221,338. . District No. 1 pays 354,0 35. t District No. 3 pays 341,639. Total State and county, 3317,012. .The total valuation," real : and . per sonal, corporations, etc., in the city of Charlotte is 318,900,395 ; and multi plying this by the city rate, the total general city tax is secured. . .,- The1 same valuation multiplied by the. county rate. of 31.05 on thes $100, gives 3198,454,' which is the city's contribution to . the State and county taxes, the total from -Mecklenburg be-, ing" $317,012, showing . that the city pays approximately 62.3 per cent of the grand total. , " I The , city .. pays for road tax to be used in the county nearly -$20,000; for State 'purposes - $47,250; for. 'gen-r eral county, $47,250; for schools, $37, 800 ; for convicts $47,250 r Against these sums ; paid by citi zens of Charlotte may be" set dofn BEARS BURDEN COUNTY LIAIIES IT100K purifies and. Invigorates the scalp forever, stopping; itohing and falling hair. . ! ; t -'Sv-CV V ; "-'-' ' Danderine - id ,t6 i the '.. hair what fresh . showers. k of - rain , and. sunshine are to' vegetation. It . goes right to the ' roots , invigorates 'and- strength ens them. Its . exhilarating, stimulat ing i and- - life-producing properties cause' the hair to .' grb w abundantly long, strong' and beautiful. You can . surely ; haye . pretty, - soft, lustrous hair,' and lots - of 'It if you will . Just get a ;25 Spent bpttle of Knowiton 'b.x' Danderine ; from any drug .store .0.1 toilet counter and ..try. it as - directed. . ' as paid(,by citizens of . the ciounty,. liv nig. outside the city -limits, aboutrtwo-. ,thirids of thevsums 'above given,"" to be correct a little less ' -an twothirds, so thatJCharlotte is -paying today more tlian'62' per cent bf -the road" tax, the convict tax,"-" the , county general . tax'., etc.- - .. ' . . . Distribution - of Polls. The distribution of , the;p0lls of the county is shown Jn the1 following:- To tal number in district 1.--J.- A. Mc Auley, jtaxcollector, .2,072 ; district 2, Charlotte ' Township, - 4,568 ' (polls in Charlotte 4,114) ; district- 3, ?Squire Hood,, tax .collector,' 1,8 6 5 polls. ... The total number of polls from the coun ty records is thus shown to be 8,5 OS, inclu ding: white . .and . black, of all ages between 21 and 5 0. j " - . ' -- t Taxpayers by Townships. - . - The ; following "figures secured from the offices 5 of- Messrs. -J.'- M. Wilson, city tax collector N .'W. Wallace, col lector for-.Charlotte -Township,- district 2, J. N. McAUley, tax collector for dis trict ;1,: and ' 'Squire J. : W.- Hood- tax collector for district- 3,- show the num ber ' of polls in each . .township or , the number of taxpayers therein r '-; . . f-;; ' Charlotte Township,- 4,568- polls.' District-1, J. - A.". McAuley '. Crab Orchard . . . .'.' . W ". 628 Mallard Creek .. . ;. f. . V. v;? 639 De.weese ' .: ; 686 Leiiley : . . .-. . .'! . ..... 370 Long Creek' '.-... '. .-;.'' '.'.--W 47.0 Huntersville- . -. '. .'; . .'' f -61 2 Paw- Creek .. . . ,u9.,;i .... ' 563. ."- Total : taxpayers,, district 3,868 '': District 12,. J. .W.' Hood . -, Berryhill ;. '. . .-j-i"..vf . Steele 'Creek ..i i. '.'..-'.; Sharon ; .-'; .- . Providence ;; . ".. ,; ';. Morning Star .'. ;v 554 683 5480 500 525 - 426 Clear-Creek .V Pineville -..'". : ; .346 .t 1 . Total : taxpayers "district . .. The City and' County' Rates!' 3,414 ; The county - - commissioners . ; last Summer ,'lncreased the rate . for . State and county, purposes in". .Mecklenburg from ' $ 1. on the $100. assessed value' to $1. 05, i stating - that the Increased- cost of all kinds . 6f material, for: stock, machinery, provisions, r etc, , had so increased' that the enlargement of .the rate vwas necessary; '"the 'increase of 5 cents on the 1 $l00 "'adding""' about ;$15,000 to the total : State' and: county, tax.. It will; also -be .recalled, that, a drainage .tax is now : provided - for in the; . county . assessments : against all taxpayers in the county, this being however, inserted one .year' ago, 'when the ' general- county tax was- somewhat altered .no . increase being .' made : in the total at that-time.. ..." t ; .. .The following is the present manner of distribution of the ; $1.05 - which the State and county- tax carries with ' it: State . tax ..- . -.' " .25 General county .y. :". . .; .. ... .25 School; tax i .... f. ,:' . . .20 Convict . . .. .A . .25 Road- ... - - --' -.10 -Total ; . -i'-. ; r.-. $105 OTHER CITIES ARE BEATING CHARLOTTE IN SALE OF SEALS Winston-Salem has ; ordered 20,000 more Red' Cross, seals and Asheville 30,000 more. This makes 70,000. f6r Winston, and 80,000 for Asheville. The various cities : are . reporting v very marked success In the: sales thus far.' Only '.about; 25,00.0 1 have been ; sold in Charlotte up to date. While this is a ; good record tit - is not; quite what the committee had hoped. Seals are on Bale; at the Tryon Drug' Store, Jor dan's, Woodall & Sheppard, ' Y.; M., C. A., . the - colleges, hospitals and ' hotels. Seals in any-quantity can . be ; secured at these places or at . the 'Associated Charities 'office. Seals will, be deliv- ered if 'ordered at the ' Associated Charities - office or Tryon . Drug Com pany.' . LOCAL FIRM GETS CONTRACT FOR AN -ELECTRIC PLANT - . -' T-.-. V -" 'i-:-. Messrs. Tucker & Laxton. contrac tors of this "city," have" been given .the contract. for the electric power plant which' is to be built . for, tlve , Lumber ton Cotton Mills at Lumberton. "The work has been going on for a , short time, and will be finished up about the. " first of February The mills have been running hereto 'fore with the. steam power, but since the elec tric plant has been V completed y at Blewett Falls, it is now able to sup ply - the . mills in its - vicinity . with power. . - The : contract for, ' the electric plant for the new mill of the Durham Hosiery Company at Chapel Hill has been given - to the firm of Tucker & Laxton.- This work, will be finished within about' two months, at which time the mill , is expected to be ready for operation. . ' You. will -find that , druglsts ., every where -speak'' well. of I Chamberla'n's Cough Remedy.. . They know from long experience In the sale of it that In cases of coughs and . colds it ' can always e depended, upon, . and - that it Is . pleasant, and safe to take.. -., .For.' sale; by . all dealers. .. r ' p Jj jb 'IjllJ! v A ! J A Bank Book Christmas The lasting good . which comes to J those who am presented with bank books -as .Holiday' remembrance imparts the ' spirit Qf Christmas cheer to both the giver y and the , one who receives... ; .- Accounts r may be opened in our - Savings Department with $1.00 or more. 4 per cent , interest .paid. WINS NEW LAURELS ... - v ' x -. Mathewson; Proves Himself an Adept at Games 1 Other Than Baseball '. NEW. YORK, Dec. 12. Chrt?f Mathewson .'who at certain seaso of the year is. known to the public a a ; baseball pitcher, v took his famoui right arm ; to,., the West Side Y. IL C, A., last night .and ufled it in maintain ing hls reputation as champion check, er. player of "uptown New York. His opponents ' were .17, picked . players from the, ranks ' of the Y. M. C. A. Checker Association. The games werjj played "simultahebusly, the piayers'sir tlng.in a long oval with "Matty'.'lnalde;' moving' slowly from board ' to boart' Thirty minutes " after"" play began Mathewson scored his first victory. An hour and 15 minutes later, it was for mally announced that 17 gamea 'had been played . ; The pitcher had won It lost " three and , the ' seventeenth gama was a draw;. '.." " " WTLL IL1GREAT . . PiERRY CELEBRATION ,-'" BUFFALO,NY., Dec. 12. Over a quarter of jsihillibn dollars was pledg ed 'here; yester day to carry out' an elaborate program of pageant in cel ebration of ' Commodore Perry's' vie tory, over v.the British fleet on Lakff Erie' 100 years ago. The funds .were, pledged "by members of the interstate committee ; of the .Perry' centennial celebration f and the sub-committee of the national executive committee, rep resentiiag'f dozen . cities on or near the Great .Lakes. '.' Arrangements were, made for, pageants, at Buffalo, Cleve; land, Erie' Green Bay, Loralne, Mlt waukeej-Sandusky, -Toledo and Louis; ville. 7 - NAVAL OFFICER MAKES ; " j - HYDROPLANE FLIGHTS. .."; ;. -4- - 7 WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. In spite of. cold ahdtwind,' Lieutenant .T.-G. EUyson, of - the navy, is making ex tensive experiments with the navys hydro-aeroplane, 1 or "flying boat, to day he planned to make . an extend flight along the Potomac River. Yeff- terday he made a flight of 26 minutes, alighting i-on' the. water and arising ten times.;: He attained" a height of 800 feet. The flights are made from a new .launching, device at the Wash; ington navy yard. The new machin?, according : r to; the officer, behaved splendidly. ; . . , ' ; 0 Till Clirisimas ShoppinD ;; A careful reading of advertisements in Tn? Chronicle will assist you if selecting gjifts , for every body; ' CHRISTMAS . HOLIDAY .EXCtHB SION TICKETS VIA SEABOARD AIR IjTSTT. RAILWAY. The Seaboard Air Line Railway sell Holiday tickets between all l.t tra n itH Hrif at srreatly reaucwi rates on December 13, 14, 17, 19 fij . n -4j .oe 91 orifl .TanuarV good to return until January 6th in elusive llt. This will be a great op portunlty to visit your friends during the Xmas time at greatly reduc; rates. For further information -on your nearest agent or -. wv undersigned. : . . j JAMES KER, JR., r'c Charllbtte, N. H S. LEARD, D. P. A.. c ;, Raleigh, N. C- 1

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