. 4 UNIVERSITY STUDENTS FACE r,MN3L.UGIITER CHARGES : . -.v.-.S..v-.-r' y..-..y.A-.-J :.:.. x . . -s Nv. III IoVnSV , .., ' Ink iz&y -r vx-v' ' " ' ' H 'Z V OTS . ' x X s A V o WMm --- ss r x- University students on trial at Hlllsboro for manslaoshter ' prowlng i bat of the fleath of Freshman, Isaac William Rand which occttrred last September at Chapel H11L In the center, lg the victim of the hazing esca pade. At the top left hand Anbrey C. Hatch, right hand Arthur H. Styron. At the bottom left Ralph W. Oldham, bottom right William JU Merriman, defendants now on trlaL " " - t PICTURES OP YEIJjOWSTONE : PARK TO ; BE ' EXHIBITED. The pictures of Telldwstone Nation al Park which have " been shown to crowded houses in : dltferenti parts ) of teh city, will be shown twice tonight at the boys' department of the Young Men's Christian Association, at- 7 and at 9 o'clock. . The lecture is . beautifully illustrat ed with over 100 slides showing the picturesque scenes: of " this the most wonderful spot ' in America, and : in ftct-te- the"Otorcr4nino ether place are - so -many; wonderful Bights to be seen .collected ; together. Some , idea of the . size of ! the park and the great." number of things to be seen 'may be gotten from thef fact that it requires .five days to. make the trip through thejpark.: ':Jt ' pi iii D1APEPSIN Time It! In Five .Minutes You Will Wonder What Became1 of the Gas, Sour ness and Indigestion. . Sour, gassy, upset ' stomach.' : Indr pstion, heartburn, dyspepsia; ; when the food you eat ferments into gases ahd stubborn ' -i lumps; ' your . head aches and you feel sick and mlserr able, that's when you realize the magic in Pape's Diapepsin. It makes Buch misery vanish in five minutes. If your stomach is in a continuous revolt if you" .can't get It regulated, Please, for your sake, try Diapepsin. It's so needless to have a' bad stom ach make your next meal a favor ite fcod meal,-then: take a little Dia pepsin. There 'will not" be any dis tress eat without fear. - It's be cause Pape's Diapepsin "really does regulate wenlc. nnt-drf-nrrtnr v mtrtm- achs that gives It it's millions of Hales'. annually. ' :." - - - . Get a large iflfty-cent rcase , of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug etore. it is the quickest, surest stomr ach relief and . cure known. . , It act almost like magic it is a scientific, harmless and pleasant ; ; preparation whlch truly belongs In every ; home. fOR A BAD STOMACH RAPE'S While in Charlotte ft wirtg the . - .-... ... , . . ..... : . x:..- .. ' . ' ''. ' '. i. -: .- t ' : .' .' j Automobile. Show Bon't . OVERLOOK OMR GOOD THINGS Call at .onr warerooms and see: our larger assortment qf Pianos of different makes at all prices. y ,H "T - We heartily extend to you' an invitation toj vislt gTIEFP-S: S0UTHBH ?WAEEE00ZIS whethe? you Intend buying a piano or not: ' Special prices on three beautiful, rfew STIEFP ttp right pianos, (slightly.. shop-worn) for quick ate. '3."T", : . Ask about pur'Easy payment plan." ., Don't TbeIpnesoroe any longer. Own a ESTABLISHED Street .h."&4' Ab MLhOPAZinG ESCAPADE IHDDLGEIKlfflSiFAi MR. OSBORNE WILL SPEAK ; AT 8UYj'lSOX'S.;;HEErciN6. c "'-' 1:'"' ." h ; The meeting for boys at the Youhg Men's Christian Association on Sun day afternoon' at 5 o'clock promises to be one of special interest to the boys of the' city. "... : The committee in charge have se cured as speaker the Rev. . Francis Osborne, pastor, of the Church "of the' Holy Comforter, of Dilworth. Mr. Osborne is one of the leaders fn the movement which 4 Is ' on foof -to estabs ilsh thedoytrmcrvain'-the iiyT- , A f special invitation is extended to all , boys -of the- city - to "attend , the meeting and, especially tbose who jare interested s In v;.the Boy "Scout move ment as it ; will.giye them , a " chance to become acquainted with the leader cf the movement' in this city, , ; . . . ' Oetting Even. 'rsjUitjiv - r -' v A commercial traveler relates that he was in a postpffice' up York Stat when a man' c&me in and bought a half-dollar's .worth of I stamps. The clerk at the window, as he handed them out, asked r ! , i " .."Don't you want to send something by parcel post?"'-. "Not today.'V -. ": . ;, "Have a money order, this morn-, ing?" -j---r.. ' "No, thanks. ' ' Fi '-v " ' " "Or - some postal -. cards ? A ne- supply Just came in." I " ' " "None todays ' . ' 'tamped envelopes ? ; We carry all kinds.": .. v;;. Vv I i "No, no!" v ; ' ! ' ,"Waht to 'rent i a postofnee box or register a package?" . -v : ; , ' -y; . ' "Not 4 at all." And the. customer Ieft,v.--rT-T:V:i&f;r-'-:--v!i- -'-J ' ' ' -iThe traveling.' man inquired: '.'Who Is that fellow?" : - 4"Oh, ihe's a 'barber, ' replied the clery. "Did yon hear me get square?" A Message to Railroad Men - E. S. Bacon, '-11 Bast St., v Bath, Me., sends out this .warning .to . railroaders everywhere. "My : work as - conductor caused a- chronic 'inflammation 'of . the kidneys ' and I was - miserable and . all played -- out.' From the day I began taking Foley Kidney Pills I began to re-J gam my strensin, ana x am oevier nw than I have been - for twenty years.. Try them. ' Bowen's Drug Store, e-o-d mmiiLm, ' i 1 STIEFFS 1842. IJ.C THE CHAELOTTB EVENING CHRONICLE, PRIDAy, MARCH ,14, 1913. T'y (I? : Worth Remembering. - (Washington Herald.) -" Admiral Dewey, who reecntly cel ebrated his sexenty-fifth birthday, was asked in .Washington by a finan cier, how. he keeps so young both In looks and spirit, says The Washington Star. "At 45, said the financier, "I look older than1 you, and I certainly feel older, if your cheerful optimism indi cates how old you-feel. What is your secret?":' s ft ; T.' x . . - - Admiral Dewey With a symapthetic smile replied:- . . - J , , : v-: "My general mie is to take a cer tain quantity ofopeh-air exercise and to attend no banquets,1 but even more important is the cultivation of ' a cheerful disposition." V VBut," interrupted the financier, "a cheerful disposition ; is a gift, not an - "Ah, no," said the admiral. "If we J keep our faces toward the sunsnme the shadows will always fall behind ;us. v -v - Too" Extravagant. . ( v-r; (Tid-Bits.) :'S ' "Woman,!- said the rejected, young man, "is a disappointment and a fraud." " 1 S'w "Indeed!" replied" one listener. -7 "Yes. " "I ' saved up all my tobacco money and lived on bananas two weeks to treat Miss Truelove to the opera and a Supper. Then I ask ed her to marry me and she-said 'she thougnt-1. was too extravagant. " ; Tlekt. Known Cdnsh , Remedy For .forty-three i years Dr. King's New Discovery has been - known throughout the world- as -tthe-most reliable coUKhH remedy, , Over three million-bottles were used last year. '. Isn't this proof? It will get: rid of your cough, or we will refund your money. J. J, . Owens, of Allendale. S. C. writes the way bun dreds of others have done: "After twenty years, I find that Dr. Kings New DIs covery is the best remedy for coughs and colds that. I have ever usea." .-jror-cougns fir pftlds and all throat and lune troubles. it has no equal. ' 50c and SLOO at Wood all & Sheppard's. . Big Assortment at Robinson's Book Store 30 West Trade" St Tii juuie -Store tVlth - the ?ig Stock' ' Wants 'Tourr 'Trade. ? ' i ' Jf 4 w Mb: Carls ljfps Hiss .. favors i j ' - ,' 5. krrect Dress For Men 15 k.;yc-.- -5 ';' '::"';v,''.''....v v 5:.' , .fc-.-y;:'.'?.-;. ..J:;. fV-vJSj You have the choice of fabrics that arelno t showii by just every : tailoring establishment. - , V ii;''!J..!j ? ,.r ---j. i sr :- , ... .'A, "...:vi7: v- r.--'. .-v. 1?-. 'i .'.'i- For instance, ywe; can show you those" celebrat ed X)lympic and Martin Serges. ;Or -Holkunum Worsteds . . might : strike your fancy. ; ' See Graham's: woolens and .talk t tailoring -, with us before you place your order. ; . " BEFORE TOO DECIDE TO RENT THAT -JIQUSIWANSWER A Men's Shoes With Built In Quality : '- Korn Killer "Shoes ' are ; Just what the name : Implies" v in ; that they are" a"rejief; to' feet'Jnfe,cted with those ever, painful corns. . ' Besides they are genteel shoes , with , the looks, wear, etc.,of the best $4.00 shoes and yet have; that free and easy shape. ' v ' e - - PHce$4.00. :. . . Gilmer-Moore Comp-ny . BJLAKETS DRCO SHOP On the Square. ' Prescriptions . Filled Dai . . and Night. - . Our Garden Seed are all "fresh. - CSUSE , WHY! We didn't keep seed last year but we Ve got 'em now and 'they' are new every one. -; For , seed that grow ' 'try : ;-r - ' " l ' jr - ' jnb.S.vBIaKcDrugCb.. y 'Pbone 4V. " -On the Squaia NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY Schedules in effect .December 1312. . .'IAVB WLNSTONrSALBM " TX a. m. dally for Roanoke and inters mediate stations.'' Connect with main line train North, East and West with Pullman sleeper, dining cars. 2:05 p. m. daily lor wamut Cove, Madi son, Martinsvuie, :- MoanoKe, tne Morth and least, Pullman steel electric lighted sleeper Winston-Salem to Harrisburg, Philadelphia,.-New Torls. Dining cars north Of Roanoke. 1:15 p.- ro.. daily. . except . Sunday, tor Martinsville and- local stations. - WC J3ATJNDBRS, Gen'L Pass..ACU - W. B. BEVILL, Paws. Traf, Mgr, Roanoke ' Va. immme rr. Garden Seed .: - - 5 ' ' - ... , N I! .".Majrlwene p -THf TflE BRM C0!Mir- - Don't forget your Ht. What will it he, Derby or Soft? We have both in Style; Color and Quality, made by Cro- ,f ut &' Kiiapp in 3.00 THE Mt is here awaiting your approval . There's . really nothing new or good in Spring at-1 tire, which we donft show r. 1 e ' , I ; r Wc think you will like our selectipn -df patterns, and hope we will have the pleasure of showing you : : ' ' .... " ..'..."' ; k - J' ,." i .- . - i -.4 "T v . - i- j' ! . .-.'...., - ' j'T-,.:.. May we expect you shortly? (27o MElm mna ;"You Can, Always Get It , At Mellon's" Attractive Neg'rb Property " I have listed for quick sale,; the best bargain I know, of in negro . property and the best you know of, too I. e., It's a vacant lot 1 , acre in. 4th .Ward settlement known as Fairview.' The prop erty is nicely Jocated- right in the midst of one of, the finest negro settlements in - Charlotte,- where they own .their own homes, with' several, churches, and. a big public graded schooL This lot built up would rent like "hot- cakes" as there are no rental houses near it you can, build. 10 to 18 houses? On the. tract. If you want a , rent al income this. Is a fine pick-up,' If interested see me quick am going to sell it sure S20Q to 4300 cash down,- balance on terms -if you like. . Xiet me show this to" you. - - y Phone 162. - - 17 1? 0 " jthese grades " $4.00,- $5.00.; TATE-EROWM - CO. " ' Offifflce 224 N". Tryon St. 1; N, u.-The folldtrtnfc- sch?"T9 Crafa published only as. Information and ere not' guaranteed., -y . -v ; r . v '- 4 No.r- 298:85 - a. m.--Dally, Birmingham ' V Special for Atlanta and Birmingham, i Pullman drawing, room " sleeping . carr, - obsarvatlon cars and dAy. coaches 2lr.?. Tork and- "Washington to Birmingham. Pullman ' drawing room : sleepin car . I ' Blchmond to. Jjlrminghatn. . Dtoiz3 car Service. . ;.' i- - 'l,'--.5, . .,'':;.; ' No.. 8 80 a. n.-Dany,-local for Dan ville.,' Richmond - and , , al - hitermedlat points. f' ' ':'-..; r.---.v v. ' No. 81 ;a m-DHnyr the Southern's ' f Southeastern z IImlted for Columbia. . . Savannah, Aiken,-. Augusta and Jack- t. i sonvllle.; Pullman drawing room, sleep-; ', ing cars for Aiken, Augusta andjack- v sonvllle. Day coaches to JacksonvllU. ,: Dining vcar service. . .... . , .. No. 44- m." rn.Datly, local ; for tTash- -Jngton, ;d..;.c.',.- ;v . '4..-;: v"r.-;- ..:.v No. 35 6:40 a. m. DaUy, local train. for Coltmrola- snd Intermediate points; - " y Nd. STrls , a. . nirlxtcar fi . Atlanta, :';';; No. Iff 7i50 a. m.--Dany, local for States 7., vWe. and Taylorsvtlle, connecting - at 'v Mooresville for Wlnton-6alem. - . i -NO. 87-10:05 a. m. Dafly, New Tork: it-7 lasta and New Orlean Wm1td.; Poll-; ,man drawing -room sUepmir cars and . observation - ears Nw Tork . t ; New ' Orleans. Atlanta and: Macon. Dining' car service. Soa PuTlman train, No.':tff jo:is -tL m. Dafly, United States' fast mail for Washington and- point "z t .North. Pullman drawing room sleeping ; cars New Orleans and Birmingham to ' - . New- Tor. Day coaches to . Washing- - ton. Dining car Servtaa. ' ' -- No. ll:lo a. m-DaHy. local for At- . lanta and intermediate points? : ,1 No. ?8 W:01 v. m. Dally, for Winston ' flalm and local points. - Connecting at ' Barber with No. ZL for AshevllU and C intermediate rolnts and at . Winston- Salem for xwilkesDoro, Mount Airy and ' Qreenshorov : . .-..,; t ;- No. .4ff itsu r. "m. Dally, local for Greens ' boro and Intermedia t' points. . i' No. 274:85 t-" m.-r-Dally. local for Co-; ;: lumhla .and Intermediate points. ' K V No. 41 4:80 p. m. Dally, except Sunday, local for . Seneca : and lntermdlat points. ,. : '? ''.; 'j, ': Ni 18 tn.' IDalry, '" for Ttf clinond.'.' .. and . Norfollc. TTandloa Pullman ... cars . ; Carlotte".to. Richmond, Charlotte to.; r" New Tork and; Salisbury to Norfolk. No. 24 JH0 p. m. .Dally, wteept JSMnday.-i . local for Mooresville. Statesvllle and"1 I- Taylorsviile,-' - , i No. 28-7:30 n. ml Dally. New .TWte. At , lanta and New Orieann . Wmlted for Washington and' nomtr'Nortn. - Draw ; tax i. room a eleerrfng". cars, observation t' ; cars to. New Tork. Dlntng car servlca. , ' Solid PoWman train. -- . No. 85-9:80 p. m. Datty, United States fast man. for Atlanta. Blrminitham and . New Orleans. Pullmanrwwlng room sleeping cars New York t- New Or ' leans and . Blrmlmrham." T)ay, coaches ' Washington to New Orleans. Dining : car- service. . ':' -v v . No. 82 10:15 p.m. Dally, the Sottthera'a ; Southeastern Limited, for TTashlngton. . ; New Tork and points North. A PaHman drawing room sleeping ears for ; KTrflr ! Tork., Day coaches, to Washington, Dlnfngcar service. ' f.-,- u No. 4810:80 n. m-DaHy, for Atlanta and ' porats South. - Handles PuTlman sleep ing car Raleigh to Atlanta. .Day; coaches Washington to Atlanta. v . , No. 80 11:2 p; m. Dally. Blrmlmrhsnv Special. for Washington ( and . JffeW York. Pullman drawing room s1eDta cars, observation cars to New Tork.' Day coaches to Washington. Pullman , :. drawing room - sleeping cart Birming ham to Richmond. Dlntng ear servtee. ; ATI Nw Tork trains of Southern Rail way; will arrive t and depart from the; majrnlneent Manhattan terminal of the Pennsylvania -i Railroad Seventh : ahd : IHsrhth avenues Thirty-flrst to .Thirty second streets, and wfll be composed of modern electric-lighted steel constructlcai Pullman ears. -v-v . ; Tickets, sleeping ear. accommodations and detailed information can be obtained " at ticket office. No. 11 South Tryon street. ' K. H. .DeBTJTTS, D. P. A.. i ': ' ' 'v;. Charlotte, IT. . C R. r.'VBRNON, D..P. A- - Charlotte, N. ' C. H. CART, O. P. A-. ' Washington, TX C a il. HAHDWTC1C. P. T. Mgr., - - Washington. D. OV . H. COAPMAN, V. P. k O. Mgr., . . . ; Washington. D. Cy Between; Charlotte , and Qastonla,, 11. C TralnsrXenva Cnariott--Cff eoUvsj 1 Sunday. January IX 1911 tr. - Independence At. Mint rtreet' ' - - Square. " 1 Nft 1- 7:00 a.m. 3 8:15 a, m. 59:15 a. m. "7 10.60a. m. S llalm. -.11 1:00p.m. -15 230 p. ra. ' 17 8:30 p.m. 19 4:45 p. m, 'j . 21 5:30 p. ra. 8:45 p. hv ' 2510:55 p. m. - - . utaUon. ;: r , ffo. , 70 a. tn, ; . 4 9.10 a, m. 8 10:19 a.m. , 8-11 9 a. m.' , : 10 oas p, m. . l 15 p. nv.- '18 8:25 p. n.' ' 18 45 p. tn. , ; 29 8:45 p.m. : 82 735 p. m. 24 9:40 p. ra. "-' - to n0p. rtu to SLnd . from llst ' Baggage ' checked Street Station only. . ,t . . . Tickets on sale at Independence Termi nal and Mint Street Station. E. THOMASON. v a V.PAUiint, , General Manager. ' . " Own. Pas. Afent. SEABOARD AIR LK!E RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE , CI3ABJLOTrE-C3;. , -rEfcTIVB JANUARYS, Xffl, - No. 40-4 ;00 a. m througn train 'or : Wilmington, with parlor car Attached. Connects ' at : Hamlet with Nx 8$ for . Portsmouth and Norfolk, No fw Raltilgh, Washington, Baltimore, Pblla- : delphla . and New York. .Dining, car - service and vestibule coachor to Washington.- Pullman sleeping cars to Jsr ' sey City.' ,-..: :Z :'.- No- 48 7:30 tu m., for Monro connect ing to all points Smuth. No. 188 10:55 a. m., local for Ltncolnton,' - Shelby . and RntberXbrdtoxL. . ,r v No. 47-4:40 p. m., foi Llncolnton, Shelby, Rutherfordton and points West' No. 444:50 p.' m., for Wilmington and -all- locals stations. -.;....,;,, No, J22 T:45 p. m. Randies local sleeper . - for. portsmoutn NOrroia; connecting at ' : Monroe '. with N01 41 for Atlanta and Southwest with through sleepw ta' Birmingham) at Uonroe with No. 83, ; fast train with sleeper to Portsmouth' ' and r Norfolk and Jersey City. Con nects at Hamlet- with' - Na , 4 with , through vestibule coaches for Wash i ingtoh. Dining car. Richmond to New York. Pullman sleepers to New York, TRAINS ARRIVE AT CTT ARITTE ; - No. i:S3 109 a, nu from the east ' No. "'46-lOX)5 a. m.,-from the west.. No. 45 12:10 p. m., from Wilmington and -if . , i ail weal stations. . No. 133 730 P. m.,' from the west, y Na 42 7:23 p. m., Trom the esxt," . .. No, O 11KJ0 p. m, (roa the .east. ' , , : , V . JO, RTAJff.'O. r. Am r-vi.-- ; H,orfcns,".Ya. ! ; JAMES KEB. P.-A v'.-'ii- &v. Charlotte. N. C. - t 7 . 0. L33ARD, J. R Jv ! : ? v- ;.-. ..j.r--.. t Raleisn, X?. C ' tX'T.-'"ORR. TV'A .-,-.' i - Charlotte. ?f. C. ' mrr rwnnryrrrTi vmrr? Art to m THE ClUtONICUS THIS OlTENt-K IT WIU; BI3 'SEEN, . AND T7'11 Bionn POPUI4A11 you Aim z,