IHE CHARLOTTE EVENING CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1913. I U-il' ii; jjgW yOBKCOTTOIT cEW YORK, March H.-Cotton p; flv at an advance of 2 tol 4 i pened points j rains in the South, There v -was jerable realizing but offerings -were .n1 1 .. Knrbed by rorelgn' ouying or Ane and after reactions of 2 , or 3 .. .ha market again steadied; .? "ifrcast for clearing weather in the E5 Springs and after Liverpool's p prices here eased off to a. point o under yesterday's close. , - nlnnrts that Kuropean and v .southern , -ers WtlB uujrms .vwiv..o uuu ,,r? in check and prices were fairly Hv -with the active months a point ..tWO W 1 "." uplands 12.50 ,minal. the early afternoon owing to prosi Vjer showing a net loss of 5 or 6 points 'snot closed quiet; middling' uplands' q). nilOalJIJ6 &uli tnica, f..X...AG! lrtBArfV itfiflV .7 COttOIl iuiuiv w.w.f. -. . ,. 11.41 12.29 1142 12.29 11.40 12.19 .11.40-42 12.26-27 12.01-03 11.91-93 11.86-88 11.85-88 ML76-78 ; 11.46-47 11.42-43 11.44-45 j(ar Apr 11.95 UM 1L85 May jane july Sept Oct . Dec . 11.87 11.77 11.47 11.41 11.88 11.78- 11.79 11.72 11.50 11.47 11.88. 11.48 11.40 mi ORLEANS COTTON lcrrw ORLEANS, March 14. Cotton fu tures opened steady 2 i points up to 2 jown. Cahles were better than due and tl,e weather map was decidedly, un jivorable, too much rain being . shown the cotton region. ; The ." market dis played little buying power in thevearly got " aggressive. Moderate buying of borers by shorts was the chief support. The f orecast indicated that a cold wave of considerable intensity is rouowing tne itorro that has swept the cdtton belt it was considered that . the . cold would be as unfavorable as the Tain, it the end of the first half -hour : of business prices were 1 to 3 points, over yesterday's dose. . Around the middle of the rooming thf jiarket developed a- - sagging tendency under dullness and lack of bullish sup port. The small early advance was lost md a small net decline brought: about. Later the market grew easy, under the forecast of small mill takings for the week, but no great, amount, of activity irose and scalping shorts continued -to jccept profits. At noon ; the . trading months were 2 to 5 points under th last quotations of yesterday.- . . - New Orleans Cotton Futures. KDW ORLEAXS, March 14. Cotton fu tures opened steady.- . " March ..i- 12.34 12.38 April ....v;;...: 12.23 12.25 May . 12.19 12.20 July ..... 12.13 bid August 11.91 11.93 September ...... .... 1L57 11.59 October i y. 11.46 11.47 December -.J. ' 11.45 11.47 LIVERPOOL COTTON LIVERPOOL. . riHarch- 14-pot quletr prices firm. m.. . 7.41 Good middling- 7.07, .85 6.67 . lidhng t. ,1 middling I fed ordinary. 6.33 5.99 Winary Sales 9,ooo bales, c. including 700 .' for culation and export and 8.700 , Ameri-J RIBS- - an. Receipts 3700 bales, all American. Futures opened firm and closed steady. March 6.59 I torch-April April-May . .. 6.57 .. 6.66 J 65 ,.6.63 6.48 . . 6.38 . 6.25 .. &17 . . "6.14 .'. ,6,13 .. 6.12 fay-June . , toe-July ... .. ftly-August .. .. , lugust-September. ..(. Beptember-October .1 October-November N'ovember-December ' Member-January .. Jinuary-February .. Southern Spot Cotton charlotte cotton spot steady, 12, - - MEMPHIS. Tenn.. March : 14. Spot rteady. decline 1-16; middling . 12. MACON. Ga.. March 14. Snot middling Weekly Cotton StfltisUcs. LIVBRPOOT TWari' li.TR'onrtWinr are tte u-eeklv pottnn stn.tttlfHi - mports, all kinds.., .V; .. .. Prts, American..,.-;. .;'.. all kinds.. ... .. - . Brock, American:. .. ertcan forwarded... Prts. . i.--'. 75,000 .. 60,000 . 1,375,000 J 1.214,000 .. , 72,000 : itaoo CHICAGO CATTLE chicaool !Uan)i ti.' Itinera " 're-P.plnttl "WW; slow. - ' . fflk of sales .. 8.80 8.90 , wfht .. -J .80r 9.00 . 8.60 &, 9.05 ! .. 8.40 .S-SS. ';.':,.;fe8.4o;:v8.55;i nS.. . e ex 69, 9 OK .. .i M V.OW ,1tfiV,. rves -. .. .. : 7.25 -S 9J5 ias steers .. ... 6.25 7.20- and heifers .. .. .. 3.50 8.00 waives - m 6a 1 m aa Yearlincro " -. ; 8.15 7.00 .. 7.25 8.25 -..-8.C0 9.15 wntine dull. 38; sales 15; receipts . fTTlrH - ja r-AV - tow ' two higher grades "nothing 08; including N and-below quiet; no ,6 receiIts 719; exports: 1.025;; stocks o.vu; u . o.jk; is o.u; jp St? 60; H 6.30; . I 6.40rK 7.00; :M 7-20; w clni 4 to 5 per cent;' ruling rate 5; g offered at 4. J. e oans strong; 60 and 90. days and PH. -0 '. . ' . . ... ' aV:--.: foirfL 1,ng exchange firm with actual ness in bankers' bills .at 4.82.50. for iutf ,bllls and at '47 for demand; cbm ttS!ibUls -82H:ftr: silver 66; Mexi fow 1 ar8 475 Government . and Tail feonds steady. : . - aren are much more likely to con- 4rUf , ' whooping ceragh diphtheria, ases ter and v consumption are dls e ohnaI 8X6 : Ptt ntracted ?wben s,. m.d has a cold.'. That is whv all juicai authorities say bewaro of colds. 5m !:, 5iuick cure of colds you will. CauJ, setter- than Chamberlains Wdifl Kemy -It can always b de V tit. up21n ad 1 Pleasant and safe I - r s4 ty all dealer. e J xi all street ; NUW YORK-Mach l4.-TVaU Street's reception of the modified Harriman di8: solution .felan-'was 4 disappointing t6 bull traders.- Southern Pacific was under prprounced pressure.' The ' whole list sagged , and although the market showed soin4 recuperative power when pressure was relaxedr for .a time, prices declined again ' before noon on light off rings. S; ..Bpnds steady. ,. v '4Bnuncement over night of an agree, ment on the Harriman'. dissolution plan caused " acute weakness- at the Open. ; of ' .the market " today in Southern Pacific, which, in the opinion of some traders will derive least benefit under the proposed arrangement, i The stock declined 2 to 98, a new low price for the, movement. , The whole market - was heayy. , . . , , - TI Laek of support' for Important proper ties : stimulated further selling for both accounts. . . v Trading . inN the . standard stocks , was nominal between 12 and 1 o'clock.- The tone,- - however, was steadier. American Citrus- declined 4. - Room traders . were idle ; in the afterr noon, awaiting . developments in the xiarnman . court proceedings. ' -v.- . CLosedfirm ' r 1 .' 1 , " Speculators put a favorable , construc tion on the news that there, had been another mealing-of the -Union Pacific board at -which it' was believed the re vised plan had been approved,, Union Pacific rose- to .150. -(Rallies elsewhere ran from 1 to 2, which placed the ma- jonty or the .stocks aboye yesterday's Anal .figures. , Southern Pac4flc fell back again beiore the close. - Ixmdon Stocks. , V LONDON. MarOi ;l4.ThA- Rtnctr- mar. ket was dull, the Berlin situation and the approach of the : holidays checking activity.- t , i. . - - i. t American': securities ; opened- quiet and unchanged. . Prices, moved - irregularly until Southern ; JPaclflc - declined sharply un wau street- seumg. . The jest of the wst saggea.. dosed easy. . - : s CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS ' - i . CHICAOX?; March 14. On weather re- Ports , , wheat - took, a downward tunC opened unchanged : to , to lower; May. started at 89H. sams as last night, and fell. to 89. APossibilities of export' sales checked wheat's ' decline, Closed steady .with May ; 4 to . net lower at 89 to 89. -j There was considerable selllne of corn May opened H Xo to lower at 52 to to 63 and declined to ; 61 to : Corn closed steady at 51H to 61 for way, vvunqer : last nignt. ; ; v ' ; Oats sagged.' May opened .unchanged to off. at 82 to, 32 and dropped, to , Unloading .by longs pulled down pro visions, jfirst sales 2 to 20c lower, with May ; 2a70 to 20.80 for pork. .ia72 ior. lara and. 10.80. to 10.85 for riba WHEAT . Open. High. "Low. , Close, May . - JUly . Sept . CORN May?, v July .. Sept .. OATS ' Ofay., . July ., Septv. ponx : 89 89 ; 89 89 . .. 88 -v 88 -88 88 - .8' 88' - 88- 88 52 52 53; 64 51 53 ,64 51 53 64 32i?32; 33 ' 33 33 33 , 82? 82 82 33 .. .. IV I . 120.30 ' iM HA 20.0 20.67 20.72 July 205 20.25 .'20.27 iaki- May 10.72 10.75 ,10.65" . 10.70 10.70 10.70 10.65 .10.67 May ; ,., -10.S - '10.85- 10.77' 10.80; July . ..-10.67 10.67 r 10.65 r 10.65 . CHICAGO PRODUCE - CHICAGO.- March l4.-ButterM steady; creamery 28 :,to. 35iL t?J i r,- ;sc-? Eggs steady-; receipts ia681 cases; at mark, cases Included 17 to 17; Ordi nary firsts 17 to 17; firsts 17 to 18. -potatoes firm; receipts 55 cars; Michlw gan 45 to 48; Minnesota 43 to 48; Wis consin 48 to 50. Ppultry - steady; -turkeys, dressed 21; chickens, live. ' 16; springs 16. . NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW TORK. March 14. Butter un settled; receipts 6,716 tubs; creamery extras 35 to 36. . Cheese irregular; receipts 1,462 boxes; state whole milk , held white specials 17 Eegs steady; receipts 16,693 cases; fresh gathered extras 19 to 20; fresh gathered dirties 15 to 17. "' . . : - . ,f ; ' ' ! Cbaiiotte Oottoa . ' (Corrected, daily by Banders. OtT Co.t Cotton, good middling l) 12 - : .; . ' Charlotte Wholesale; Produce. : (Quotations py Blue .Ridge Procruee co.y Eggs. . .-. Hens.. ... .. .. ... .. ; Turkeys..... .. Ducks.. .. .. .. .. . Qcsa.. ." . . Butter.'."-.'. - u '.. v..' As 19 13 14 15 17. 18 O 20 r 25 45 80060 '18"0-:4 Country cured hams.. .. .. .. 16 9 U insn potatoes, per t tag.. ,.z - Sweet potatoes,- per bbl .. ' ..2.60 $2.78 ; Onions, . per bag 100 lbs.. ..1.50 iVv- White peas, per bu.. .... 4...2.2S Q2.T5 . Clay- peas, per bushel .i .'.2.'25 02.50 Mixed peas, per bushel . J..95 3.25 X White Michigan beans. bu...2.75 2.90 Lima beans, per pound.; . 7- - r Sun dried apples, per pound.. 6 6 Evaporated: apples; per lb... 7 7 Home-made, sauer kraut. lm.. 2 1 ; '. Cabbage (N". 1 Y. Danlsh).:.i.'.1.00 -Tomatoes (Florida) f . . .2.75 3.00 k Green pepper (Flail sweet).. .2.50 2.75 Egg - plant (Fla.).. . . . ..2.50 ;2.75 ' Squash. FIa.) .. ...v ... ..7 "3. Charlotte Grain.' Provlfiiona and Hay, r , (Corrected . .dally y Cochraas -'-:V?;r ri: MoIuga:ijCkmpany.) it'"v;V; ; Rye.. ... .. :. J.25 r 1.50 ' Oats.i .. .. i . .j .62 ; .65 -v Coro,,v ; '.." . 80 0 .88 1. ; Flour, best patent, per bbl. .6.25 60 . Flouri stoaight..;nV.Vi'fei.8.25t5?50-t Corn meal, per bushel,.: .. .. .80 : .85 Bay, choice ..Timothy per 100 1.80 Q1.40' Cottonseed Oil and Products. (Corrected daily v by the southern Cotton OU Company.) .rv'' - : Cottonseed;; per bushel.. .. ' ., Prims cottonseed tneal, per sack..1.50 prims cottonseed meal per sack, la ' 5 sxchanffe . . ;; . , : ; j Cottonseed hulls, , loose, ; per ; 100.... 50 . Cottonseed hulls, sacked, per sack:.. .58 . , Boveta cow feed," per sack. .XW -CHICAGO, March 14.Wheat No. 2 red 1.02 to5 3L06; No. 2 hard 88 to .89; No. 1 Northern' 88 to 88t No. 2 Northern ,87 to 87; No. 2 spring 88 to 87; velvet chaff 88':'tb. 88; f durum : 85 to 90. .- ! i.r-Comr.KCW'2 50. ift V-j'Cf:- rft , rOats -..-No.;;.!, white 83 to, 84j, standard COPY OF CIIMTERS : DEIKG CIRCULATED FIfg i DznSrcd ; Pampilcts . Davo :; Have Been; ilade; AFailaWo . For Voters OlCIty ; ; -Five hundred Peoples , each ,: of the commission charter iind the new,city phartor I are -;oeingf j distributed from the dty hall to citizens Interested " in the v pending: election i to s" determine whaf form of -government ' Charlotte- i hall adopt, and with the arrival of the printed copies Thursday' interest in. the election on April 8 Is receiving a tremendous impetus and serious discussion of the ,new charters Is the order of the day. - . , . - The. .war may. now be declared to be officially on, and the two factions are "opening up with1 a 'very creditable artillery fire of heavy guns. The co fcorts have thus far effected little orr tranization .of ;. iheir forces, "however, for systematic work, but it is predict ed that there "will not be a section within the city limits that will not at one. time "Jor v another- revereberate with the noise of -a brass band ; and the sound of stump - orators' voices. In ; business .circles the" commission form has a decided lead : . and f the prospect of obtaining the commission forin of government appeals strongly to the- majority of local business men The i campaign nevertheless, Is " open- ing up with strenuousness that will eclipse any recent political movement that. ; the city has ' passed through. while speculation is running rife as to what the returns rvrtil? be from the outlying districts when the ballots are counted. Leaders on; both sides are laynig claim' to this large vote which will ;s have , much weight In deciding: the approaching contest, and many of the speeches and meetings tobe held will take place in the seven outlying wards oX the city, while most of the campaigning - in the ' four original wards will .be in the uptown district. The . commission : charter : is a pamphlet of . 33 pages, and the re-: araitea cnarter contams r a . pagea There were many calls for the char- ters today, ; most of . those . Inquiring for -copies ' desiring to procure one' of each in order to compare the relative merits of the two ; documents. It Is evident that the 'citizens are going, to do a great deal of thinking for them 6elves and that the two charters them selves will be mere attentively heed ed: than much of the public discussion bearing on the subject. ' The practical issues ..are the ones which appear to be drawing the at tention of the majority of voters. These are not so much interested )n the theory of the. city, government as they are In, Its; pracUcai : aPPUcatfoh and in the part .which the taxpayer himself, is .to play in - the government wben the k city!8 , i financial ' . burdens. paving, bills and similar, expenditures are' presented i tqr the taxpayer "Xor payment.' . .. '-'-' y :-r -As :i to the organization .. of - forces which the. twj reactions p.; -will effect bnhereis(muchtpuM It - is believed that : a i thorough 1 or ganization fWill be :completed by both factions in .", the .fight and v that the campaign will be' conducted in a way to include and ; rech every voter in Charlotte. - Politics, too, .will play an mportant part in the waging of the warfare in; many people's opinion, making the fight one which will keep the eyes of leaders on both sides wide open and wide-awake throughout the campaign. There is also much ; interest noted among voters as to; what extent , the campaign will develop into ; heat and turmoil. . Many citizens believe, how ever, that the fight willTbe a good-natured one and that the contest will at no ; time assume the aspect of a wild political wrangling and filibus tering. The . work ahead is a task that will enlist the strongest ' men on each side' and the coming, contest will bring but a complete and thorough dissection of both charters before the people for their vote on the day of the ejection. MRS. ALBRECHT DIES AT AGE OIV78 YEARS Mrs. ; Jean Albrecht died this morninfiT at 7;30 at the home- of her son-in-lav Mr. Q.1 D. Heeseman, 402 Elizabeth avenue. ii-:-y: .Mra Albrecht was 78 years of age and has been in. declining health for the pas year or-more and two weeks ago her' condition became . critical complications developed and she grew; worse rapidly. xnr. ana xnrs. Heeseman will .. accompany the , re-t mains to Orangeburg,; S. . C, this af ternoon . where : the ;. : interment -V will take - place - some :. time tomorrow. Mrs. Albrecht; was. Dorn m Germany, Her husband died many years ago. For three years or mbre; she h has made her home in this city- She is survived "by.: three eons and 1 three daughters 'four of -whom preside in South f Carolina, v One son .lives In Qklahoma.";. '" '.'.'?...; .';'!.;; JTJRY..IS-;iSTIIdj OWM;W;:';n:f-? i- '-rr-.:; ;-.in ; ona torrence case, i TheLJury -In the case "of Ona Tor- rence vs. John 'BUry and others, be gun in, civil, court two. days ago, has notr yet arrived at a verdict, having teen put Bince Thursday ; afternoon. The court today began hearing evi dence in - a suit brought' against, the Seaboard' Air "Line Railway by ' PJnlc Glenn,!; colored, who ; seeks damages for alleged injuries ; on the railroad. Clarksori & . Duls represent the plain tiff and Burwell;& Cansler appear for the railroi Mr. H. B,: Reid of Lttxcolnton; 1 a Charlotte visit6r today. - ' . - j( 4-' Mr. "W. .tiB.VXibve: o Mohroe Is a, Charlotte5 visitor" todays ;f .ft U Mr. B." C- Small of - Rock , Hill, j. C-, la at Che Buf ord Hotel for a few GTOHII TAHE3 , . A HEAVY TOLL - - (Continued From Page One.)' an hour. JSarly .in the evening the smoke stack- of the - Oconee . t local transmission station was blown down, breaking: the-, cables, ". cutting ' off : the light of the city and stopping street car traffic for an hour.;,- .", ;:" -; .The stack fell on the Verse "Bridge Company's building, damaging that structure. 6 00. ' ,f " :' - , The - rainfall t amounted to i "211 Inches. S t Cellars were . . flooded -. and country., roads .badly; damaged. : No casualties are eeported. " - - ' The little village of St. Elmo, at the" foot of Iiookout Mountain,'' suf fered most from the rain, as the wa ter from mine : mountainsides ; rushed down, "flooding the "streets andrdolng some -property damage. . -.. i 1 . Fiw Dead In West ( Tennessee. ; i METdPHIS, Tenn., - March , ,U.- "Latest r reports received here.,: today from .the .'stornv-swept J sections.- of Davison and Henry counties do not' add to - the list of, dead. . Five--, were, killed and over one hundred rendered homeless.-" " " .;-'v ' r 1 At Lexington : between 75 and loo houses' were .practically demolished. The dead: . v - Mrs. Thome and Green Threadgill, IexUngtonTenn. - - '----: , Three small , children, of , Hubert Brown, Huron, Tenn. f " : Telegraphic and telephone" comw municatidn is ' still' cut off between Jackson ' and Lexington. It Is not- believed that any further .casualties occurred. .; The small towns ,of Camden, Tim-; ber Lake, Huron, Life and Sharon also experienced; great property; loss by , the storm. - j ' . , . , -r ; Two, Others Kitted In Georgia. ; ; COLUMBtJS, - Ga ; March . 14.-A; st6rm: of cyclonic .proportions : struck Columbus early today causing damage estimated at several hundred thou-; sand dollars. - - JU ..?iW' Two, persons have, been reported killed. -Buildings of the Eagle and Phoenix Mills and. the Swift Manu-; facturlng Company were partly de molished; -' residences were - blown down and street traffic demoralized. The power company's plant was put out of commission and all plant dependent on It for power were forced to close down, r'.t : ' " ' Alabama -Suffers. CHATTANOOaAv -Tenn., March 14. gpecjajcjnadadea., Ala.,. says: Jd At leasttaeye,n persons were killed and property damaged about 125,000 by a cycllne which swept through this section of the State late yesterday af ternoon; Mrs. Ball and Grandy Standi were killed 15 miles from here; Mrs. Ford and child' and Bud Johnson, north of HokesBluff, and aJmes-Haralson :";al. Dukea!' ; ;. Ix. The greatest11 damage" was rdone at Dukes,, where the church,', school house sand ten - buildings were blown down. . , Not less han twenty-five farm houses have been-wrecked. Tne coosa jlver. rose five. feet In five hours this .morning, and - will? be at 'flood stage. before nlsfht. . - vif:' Bridges ' have been ; carried away,' telephone .and teiegrapiit wires .'torn dowit ; andl jbies uProd; tnrpughbut the ' couhtyv - Train No-.ifi on the Southern whlch lef t he,re ; at 5 j 3 0 this morning, , was wrecked near . noyna Mountain, but the crew' and passen gers escaped injury. u Accompanied :ly Earthquakes , CALHOUN, Ga., " March 14. A cyclonic storm which lasted for two hours followed by' earthquake "shocks distinctly felt in this place for several minutes about 11 o'clock last night,' devastatedp a wide section of country between Curryvllle and Besacca. The oss of life is now estimated at 18 and the damage to property will be heavy. All -wire communication is prostarted and details are meager. j The f principal damage and loss of if ,; are reported at Curryvllle and Bosedale. while Armuchee, Oostanu- ala and Besacca also suffered ; At Bosedale' 14 are reported dead, ncluding; ; ' : CWld of Will Martin. Mrs. Man Barnett. " . -; Five children of the -Bol$ family. Two more of the Bolt children are reported fatally injured and the fam ily is said to have been practically wiped out. , . - - At Curryvllle ; the known" dead 5 are Mrs. Jasper -Walraven, Lesteri Walra- en and Mrs- Blakely. Jasper Walra vc n and his son, Robert, are among the" seriously Injured. JiyXf .X? M j, The; earthquake shock : was felt in many sectolns. , causing consternation among those who. had flet ; Indoors from the storm: C ' -v ' ' " ' BcUeve 20 Dead in Tennessee. NASHVTLI. .Tenn., ' March 14.-- Beports of the storms which swept middle; and :;weT afternoon are coming in slowly today." From reports received this " morning the death list In Tennessee "may reach 20. ,; There were two storms, two 'off shoots of the same Storm, one sweep- ng west of the-; Tennessee Blver, and ; the other up through middle Tennes see and into southern Kentucky.' The storm west jof; the drivers reached Its greatest fury In, Benton .County, Tenn., sweeping a clean pathi from, a Quarter to three-quarter , of a mile ' diagonally drtrnoR tKci flhimtrv; from'-; tb -Rftiith- west. vLewls WilUam.;: Robert ; and the flatter's little daughter were killed: there. ak Mlillon Dollar Damage In IUlnote. CHICAGO . March 14.It; Is esti mated that the damage done by the severe .wind4 and v rain". storm Which rwept Chicago; and nilnois last night and early today will aggregate nearly $ 1, 0 0 0U) 0 0. , In Chicago - the wind at-. talned a velocity of 60. miles aii hour. lectrlQ light wires were down and telegraph service south and west was 1 If "f"o TT nr;ssT quality Cleans and -whitens eaovas shoes. Ia "round white; cakes i peered ttx mnc-ua boxea, with spoi JOcw In 'fcaotiftome. boxes, with spaace, . m?Tf 'J-omhintiot for cleanlnir aad pol- j, tohlng U kinds pf usset or tta hoes.l0c;' Dandy" size, 25c CLT r!,,,, taeonly ladle shoe dressing that positive contains OIL. flacks and t'olisnes ladies4 and children's boots. end shoes. Sbfciea wittwuf rubbing. 25c, 'Preach GIm Ifi. j ' . . 'French; Gloss." JOe, mm4 I fcfcl I b -ho tak nrld U -hivinv their shoes look At. Restores color and lustre to ail black shoes. Polish with a bruh or eipth, Mr1?: iT . ITP't ia Hquid form with i mnv. wcwnjr canvas anoesaoc aaaac. If jour dalr 4o not kp Vhm kind yon want, wm4 ns Ws prie in. stuspa Xor X U sis pack, charges pUU 10-29. Albany Street, Cambrlsgs, Hasa, i.: 7m Oldest and Largeti Mannfstcturer qf impaired for several hours.: The dam age in other parts ,of the State' was Several, large boats in the Mlsslsslp pl Rivera were torn" from their ; mcor ings and many launches were swamp ed. 01d-tlm river - men declared that the waves In the river were htgh-i er than they remember in 20 years. - VAt Spring ! Bay, - Il.; - 50 men and women, attending' a church service were thrown Into a panic when the steeple of ..the structure felt. Charles Gilpin, a farmer , near Jacksonville, died from Injuries received. -' - SOCIAL 4- - - Mr. and Mrs.: Louis N' Smvthe of St." aohnsbury,' vt, spent: several days in the city this . week as the guests of MP Bmytne's aunt, 'Mrs. Lydia Craig. at her home on JBast Morehead " street. Mr, Smythe is a native of this State, having been born at Newton In the same house that Senator Hoke Smith for Georgia' was ' bora. ; 5 Mr.. Smythe 7s a highly successful and prominent business man of Et. Johnsbunr. ". Hll Visit to Charlotte after an absence of 46 years was areVelatlon tc him.v One of the meat delightful affairs of the weejc was , the informal, party given Dy A&rs. eorge , m. wuson at her home on South Tryon street yes tcrday afternoon In honor of her. sis ter. Mrs,:W. J, JkfeKay of Sumter, 8 c - Mrs. . wuson , was assisted m en tertaining by her charming daughters. Misses Annie and Sarah.; White wu- SOn. -i f i t.1 - 4 j?. & .it'prSMt Mra E. W, Mellon- and daughters, 1 Misses Mary Neal and Sarah, accom- psmed ; by miss s Marguerite untten- den of Greenville, Miss., are expected to arrive home tomorrow ; morning from New, York where they have been since attending the inauguration. Mrs. -J J. Hutchison and ; young. son, J. J., Jr., returned .home -last night from ;Fort Mill, S. C, .Wbere they visited M. L. J. Maasey, slater "of MravHutchison;T"?rr:;;Kr :. fMra "Robert . R... Cotton.; who has been ther distinguished, guestv for th oast several dava oi-Mra.- c. Jttoojc on Sast- Morehead street, - left V this morning for Greensboro, accompanied by , Mrk EL: ReUley;; Mr.JH.i$Ai;MurH rlli,sMrs. Gorddnt M. .Finger, .and oth ers f or the- civic ceeuraton. or .me Woman's Club : Mta. Cotton; wills de liver ;the address : there ' today, .and one In High Point -.tomorrow after which -she will leave for a trip n Eastern Carolina, .-'-v..'-; :,-:. -;-".. The' Signers Chapter, X A. B met yesterday afternoon v, with Miss Mary Lee Henderson at her home ou Elisa beth avenue- Miss i Mary A Maxwell read an Interesting paper on 'Meck lenburg's Part in the American Rev olution.? Mrs. John Van Landlngham -Was unanimously V endorsed for- the position of : vice president general of the National organization. Mra Van Lsindingham Is a member of ' the Mecklenburg chapter and -also re ceived thcliearty endorsement of that chapter. :, ! : ;.-X'-.s'; . :i. ' . - Ct f Jff-' i.. . ... . : :c A eurprlse-wedding of much Inter est to a number of friends was that of Miss Edith Louise Beattle and Mr.' Samuel C. Jordan, which took place last night at 8:80 o'clock at St. Peter's Episcopal church-- Rev.-Harris Mal llnckrodt, rector of the church. per formed the ceremony, in the presence of - a :.few,.frlendav.yi The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Beattle and is a pretty and attractive- brunette. - - . Mrt Jordan .has mad,e his home In this city for v a snort time, holding a position with; the ; Bowen Drug Com' " Miss Josephine DJllehay's Condition shows alight Improvement 'today at St Peter's Hospital where, she Is un dergoing treatment following an oper ation. ' " ' ? t ' . i; ? '.i'si '.it h'':' jOC '"'IGf -JQf ' :?:-'r'""i-:;F: -"-v'A-'"'.-.- "i."-''1-1 1 Mrs.-" VJ.. L. Bun-ought ? left. this, morning for Winston-Salem where she will spend several .days. ,;.,; I NO OAUCUa TODAY ' Senate Democrats Will Ratify Steer- , tag - Coaqmlttee's x Assignments to i :morrow; -v-;.feV;rT.. :-:7'yr:t WASHINGTON, March 14. Demo crats of the Senate did nbt caucus to day to - wtify;;c0mmitee assignments. ; but It Is believed that the business will be disposed ..of before the meet ing of the Senate : tomorrow at . 2 o'clock.". The ' Democratlo ,; steering mmlttee continued Ita conferences throughdut ,the day In an ' effort to ; ad j ust ; differences , existing rover, cer- tain, committee Appointments, r Lead ers of the' Senate today say that the ': nrAfient special sessibn - will close on ' 1 i -j. ':- '-..AJ ' TTAf .1 I Mr. J. F.' Haney of Durham 19 spending today In the" city. . t Mr. R, H. Barrett of Hunterevllle is a visitor to the dty, nv: : Mr. Haines, of Columbia, a O.. is in the; city todays , r lav-Ki- Are Tou. Constipated? "ifiH ; ' If so get a box of Dr. King's New Life pills, ' 'take e them regularly ; ' and your trouble .will quickly 'disappear . They will : stimulate" the. liver, improve -your digestion Hdad get rid f all the poisons from your syf tern.' .They will -surely get you well again. 25o at Woodall & Chep- Bard'a. Mi ." H0T2L3 Hotel ana Cafe. p-toata Plaint room - seating 1Q v-persona. Jjcnclt counter tmeatialed tn Couth. u Csa venlsntly located on ' South Trron street v Strictly European- w -. -; 4 DRUGGISTS We are carryinfr in stock at all times a large assortment" of Ivory Celluloid Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, etc.: masse a atttx axidsh '' Brugglsta. , , Corner 4th & Tryon Sts. f,'. - TAKING A TRIP? ' -,V Be sure and carry, your. Cown private drinking cup. Most com plete assortment - here.- Prices from lEc up.? - - ";. Jas. P. STOXTE & CO. , Phone 1T. 1 - : : piGSEir .: v: The best laxative the n drag world w produces. ;, : Gehtle and mild Jin action. ; TBYOH DRUG 00. .-v' . V'M jr. Tryon Street; " GEOCEES String "Beans ; in cans, better than f resh i shipped snaps. One trial will convince you 'of their superior quali ty. Fifteen cents per can. Phono 1062. . 202 E. Morehead St. DR. GEO. E. DENNIS - - ! Dentlst'V; ; 7'Zy-M: Class .05..v '. ; ' ' TJnlrerslty of Maryland . v TIZON13 S002. ; , OFFIC3 70JI Oonamerclal Dank BuJldins. ' SPRAYIIiG AliD PBiG - 1 '. i"- ' .:-'.. . ..'s" '.' V .-ts":- Insures the lived of your Xrult and -g:V.vC-s'?ahade trees. . r; , ' .:; '; ".; . wdmam f. leabv, , , a ' J;; ;CharkieVTire:l n.M.f;c.:A.vBnHdlng.,. . SELLS EliTIBE ODTFDT OF KEW DR00I1, FACTQBY IftCUARLOTTE . .Mr."rB.; R, Wilson., who has com lieteo arrangement a broom' factory ln tbl city, has sold ill 7 of the output of the' ..factory for the first 12months to Charlotte naijufacturing testabUshm.ent, ; which, expects to make use of the output. . rMr. Wilson ' lsjlan - Iredell 'man and recently . secured a manufacturing site iiar Chadwick-Hosklns..: - Oil' the in- terurban electric, line, - paying; 19,0.00-j uifreior, ana -on uns i hw i Plant will shortly be completed'Mr. Brown 'hag. purchased ' the " requisite machinery and all of the preliminary work has" been l completed and the plant will be In operation , as soon as possibles .- . -'-".-;'. - - Mr. Wilson has had expert ac quaintance : with tne -oroom r manu facturing business and therefor came to Charlotte prepared in every , way to "assume - the management of such a plant as-he' has succeeded in pro- motinsr for this city, out . plant win manufacture , the , various types of brooms in ordlnry use. ! ' J iilSATHERlPiSSr Forecast for North Carolina: Un settled weather with rain tonight or Saturdays colder Saturday afternoon or night. - Brisk southwest .wlnda : v te; r ' WJBXATHBR . CONDITIONS. The storm over the Interior which was central on Thursday morning over . west era Kansas has moved slowly northeast-, ward but has , devoleped rapidly In in tensity, lit center, appeal's, on the . map today over Iowa, the barometric pres sure there being oelow; 29 inches. .Wide spread rainfall, cloudiness ' and . warmer precede this area--i .Wit hthe exception of a fe wstatibns on the South Atlantic coast.' all stations east of the Meridian of Kansas City 'report 24-hour Vainfall. Local heavpy rains and thunderstorms, were general over the southeast.; ..; , A large area : of -high pressure Is movlne . in from the . Canadian Worth- west, and is accompanied . by. : freezing temperatures and snowp; sero ; tempera ture is reported from couthem Colorado. and to the north of Montana ; V The indications 5 ar e : r. for y unsettled weather, with, rains in this vicinity this afternoon and tonight y or; Saturday; colder Saturday -afternoonTor night,' . : rrLv Oo-O;'; ATTO,sficai yorecaster. ;.; ;: Chaxnberlains Cough Remedy has won Its great reputation, ana. extensive sale by . Its'-; remarkable cures of ; coughs, colds ' and .jroup.' - It -can be depended upon. Try It.' Sold' by -ail dealers. ' :; -N't".- i-'. . Ii TTigTitAf and youth need not One. of out; specialties to irestor; the youthful contour of -your features . hy' filllngYup all the hollows in ' your cheeks 'arid' making the Wrinkles around your; mouth disappear. '; Consult Dr- Beazn Free! Iron Clad Guarantee. Tenns!tb Suit: ; yr yyyyy $4 and, $5.t ;.'3'to'f5';.. r-; :- v -yyyc -y .f- yy ya :- Bridgewbrk i; , i.'';V Gold fillings up from) . ; . ; i,. . $1.00 Amalgam CXLfngs I -y fV-;,;;-;- i . BcJtimore Dental uth Tryon Sfc.rfe Thone 3 ; SnOURSic Daily -8 ;to;6' pi m.;. -V'.'.-i"-"!:.;.' . y-yy?-::;- -1 'yyyy-y S. fit r I r 7ant Ad Ibtc3'.knd Rt!i3 6w cent a word each Insertion. No A ad taken for less tiaa ,jCe price of ten word Ada In Irre' type. 10 a line (four ,wrd to the line). -yyf-'I'-y- I Out-of-town C : ; d vertieemenw must be acconipanted with cas. Agencies' diseounu X 5 pr ? cent, v .. Contract rate gsni 'Wo?;;'??'1., Telephone " your want Ada . to The. Chronicle, phon ?Wjw Is conventent to do o. and colieo tlon win be made at yur Home or at your oflce the following day. !' r k: -. i- :fe"1 - :iT Closing honrw , To Jenr T?Z er classlflcatton,v ads must be in The Chronlele of3ce before,' ' 1, o'clock the dajr.br t the - -j : Every word to ;j the . advertlae menti tncludUng;the,pmme and ad dress, 1 ' counted.' Each initial counts, one, word; compound .word are counted two word ;? t v. WANTED j AT ' ONCE Four , .flrst . class coatmakers,!." union shop. The ' Tate-Brown Co.. ; Charlotte; N.r c.yyy -;.v . ? iwt WANTED Boarders; best service,. good rooms, good ' table, , , 816 E Liberty. . -y-rt .-V.-: -; 14-8t WANTED To niove housea ; - Tate-, . People Co., Biddle R. P. D. No. 189, Box- ly-v p.tyy.yy:..: niy WANTED Teaehers. ' Graded. " high schools. colleges. : Twenty-one 1 years established ' reputation. En dorsed by leadingschool men; of the South.;, Particulara free. Sheridan's Teachers' Agency. . f. . 18-St WANTED Ladiea , to corne- " to Mrs. Cross' parlors and get free sam ples of superfluous. hair - remover. Absolutely guaranteed r'to remove hair-without Injury to .; ktn. vNow. demonstrated - ;at -.t J511 Commercial Bank Building. v-y ,::.- j-i- . : l2-t WANTEDMCarrier ' ; boys for - new routes. : Apply to -Circulation, De partment; this vpaper,.:; v x , tf yiiiBciiiiiAinioxTa AUTOMOBILE : ; i Five 'passenger 'Hudson ' ica. in ; good "y-condition. . 8 6 (h).00. F. C Abbott Co. y: 1 8-4t WE MAKE 2-lnch tube wella - Write us - for prices. Bakely A father, Davidson, N. .C , ; ;,...- ' ?, ., ; 1 4-8t LOT' OF. NEW steel tire Top Buggies . . at a bargain.. A 'few. second-hand -cheap and a fine line of new Rubber Tires lower than,' the same grade. elsewhere.;-: New rubbers-. put. drtV best.--grade guaranteed - fourteen dollars. . M. F. Trotter", Corner .College and 5th. ; , , v 'dy- " . y 12-2t wed-ftl TO BUSINESS MEN We have res-"' y tabiished . under name of Southern, ' Business BOreau an agency for sup-' plying - bookkeepers, stenographers; v clerks and other - high-grade y help. No charge to employers for . service. Particulars - on request, . Sheridan's Teachers' -Agency.- fill . Realty. .Phone PHONE 52 If you Want ;to move. He makes, a specialty of . packing and shipping i furniture. ; tji c .Cochran. " :yr ''- ' , ' - ; ' "." 4-tf MRS. DR. -MOORE.' "i Painless y Tooth Extractor. . Oface, 38 ,.W. Trade street. '-7 ' -v :i V. t7-6t FOB EMS FOR SALE, at a ; bargahv ; 190.00. i Weaver Organ, good as v new. :. Ad- dress J'Organ,' -care Chronfcle.,- ll-2t EGGS FOR HATCinNG S. C, R. L Reds. $1.00 per; setting, guaranteed Look at my chickens when you come for eggs.' f t 18 South- Church- street Phone 2923-L. i y t '' ,-. 12-tf FOR SALE Eggs from prlxe ' win ' 'ning : Partridge Wyattdottes, CI2.00 per 15. Two, settings . 3.50n. '. Also stock for. sale. Phone or write. D. C, Smith, 1501 East; 4th street. ; 14-2t FOR : SALE One on-horse ' wagon,- 115.00,; one vsurrey.;.$lQ0.00. . Caro-' llna Sizing .Co., Dertta, f. C. -.. 12-2t FOE BEIIT; V FOR RENT Seven-room ioue, . f ur- nished, close In, modern ; conven iences. '. Apply B.; care of Chronicle. y .::7VVM:.'': i-?t. ' ' -' --i r 1 1" - ' ' ", FOR RENT Modern ; . evenroom." house, 220 vpermonth,i'Ftourth ward: ' ; DT H. 1 Aflderson.e t - X2-4t FO R RENT '-room - cottage. : i 508 -f East 8th "streetri. modern; garden and stable. ; J W.rKiser, , 5i0 ; East' 9th street - Phone J 40 ' ' 12-4t Mr.. James iF Anderson ; of States vllle Is- in the' city today. ' " '' Mr. J.'W, -Yount of Newtol is at the , Central Hotel. totay. - ;. v T7 heoome the sunken, smile of old' ace. Ban PInt6 $65: . - t; 'V ; "Ijady Attendant, y Wednesdays' and Gaturdiya 8 to 8. '-y - ;-. c." .- , - - - ' r ffimZi i Jemt 1 r-: -y Tmat' 33..tor2

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