r, THE .CHARLOTTE EVENTNTG CHRON1C5US, TUESDAY, , APRIL 1, 1913. A, GbildPon.Crj; ifor Flotchor'd Rrsl-Class Painting in all ils ttu r,.e At I : I Wgii- ffiSli ',TTt) - : 99 3l: ' ifc-ii " TTHf ; - ftp m Bl UtttflltU liUXUIINy IjAf.ll 33 i S.'.v.- -;" I"' -tM'il m&m $3 :.'- 0 3 'xye r Double special values in Children's Hats. Just ' received biff shipment Chil dren's Hats, values $1,0 to $3.00, special for this week 98c choice. We haVe the exact- nat oi eacn cut snown oeiow. -. : : C. JSc. l ; .::.,v. Beansters; And Internationals Give A Classy Mi-' ; billon Children come, bring the whole family. We have hats for all at underprice. We have six cut price de partment stores selling same goods for less money. " Our Shoe business has been great since in Char lotte. We carry a complete line from the cheapest to the best and sell them at unusual low prices. Every pair we sell .makes a customer. CO. $4.98 32 E. Trade Street. Next to Charlotte Hardware Co. 'Charlotte ' baseball, patrons Chad an opportunity "yesterday; afternoon -; of witnesslner genuine baseball - when, the Boston Nationals and the, Buffalo In ternationals faced each other for the first : big1 exhibition game of 'the season here. ;The event wagarell played and abounded -In .Interest an,d an abund ance of excitement.' ' There , was little to Choose' between - the vtwo teams. Botfcu sides were Unable to' doU heavy pummellng of the pellet on account of the excellent slab work. of -Frill and Fulenwider,: toxl Buffalo and Perdue, the crack .fllnger ot the Braves, who went through tne entire nine frames. The pitching "of Fulenwlder, and the opportune hitting of &ann stood 'put prominently. , Fulenwlder worked the last four. innings and. allowed nothing that resembled a hit. Although a lit tle wild in spota, he was master of the moments he reigned, on the eminence. He. fanned -Titus. Sweeney and ' Jack son In a row In .the eighth inning and during-the four Innings he perform ed a t total 'of six Bdstoriese .whiffed the atmosphere? Perdue was effective at all stages, the. first' run off-hlm being due to an;. error rby Metz, fol lowed by a Vicious drive which "Marin made'to ihe right field fence. Agaf n in the' ninth Inning after McCabe had singled, Mann " drove him home and was out himself trying to elongate the lick into a double. . Both infields were along in Tine fashion and played genuine baseball all the -way through. The crowd was large' and while not overly demonstra tive, it showed its enthusiasm at inter vals, and apparently had a ; fine after noon of it. ' The same teams pay again this af ternoon at 8:30' a' clock; V , The box score follows: Boston McKechnle, If.. Mofanvllle. ss.. Titus, rf.. ..- . Sweeny, 2b.. .. Jackson, cf.. .. Devlin, 3b.. .". Mets, lb Rariden, o.. .. Perdue, p.. AB B7 6 1 4 4 3 8 .3 3 3 4 n 9 i o i: i o l o l PO A 2 0 0 3 4 1 1 11 4 1 '. Totals.. . . .. ROMANCE OF THE SEA Culminates in the Wedding of Bath ers at Yalm Beach in Surf Bathing Wedding Costumes. WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., April 1. A romance of .the sea, having its inception some . two weeks ago, when the parties met for. the first time in the water, of -the bathing beach, had its culmination today in a most, orig inal and novel manner when . Miss Linda Lund and Mr. 'Frederick Kirch ner'were united" in the bonds of mat rimony. The bride was dressed In a hand some ' silk bathing costume. In her hair were arranged orange blossoms, a large bouquet of-which she carried in her hands. The groom Was like wise dressed in his bathing suit. The minister wore . the' ordinary clerical costume. lAt the appropriate moment the groom produced., fr.om a myste rious recessl.of his costume the wed ding rtng. The minister concluded the ceremony with placing the ring on the trembling . finger of the bride, which was the signal for a mighty cheer by the crowd. Cures Old Sores, Other Won't Cure. Remedies The worst cases, no matter of how Ion standing, are cured by the wonderftt f old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Heal- ; itig Oil. Relieves pain and heals ;at the same time. 25c, 50c, $1.00. 2 IFOLLETTE'S BROTHER GEJTS WASHINGTON JOB, WASHINGTON, April 1. Although the White House declined to deny or affirm the report, it was declared to day that President Wilson has decided to papoint William L. LaFollette of Wisconsin, a brother of Senator La Follette, to the position of registrar of wills in the District of Columbia. The -salary, is 24,000 a year. Mr. LaFol- Uette has been a lifelong Democrat and conducted the Wisconsin campaign for President Wilson. He is ten years older than his brother. . NOTICE By order of the Board of Aldermen I am author ized and directed to ad vertise all property on which the taxes are not paid on or before April 10th, 1913. JOKNTM. WILSON, City Tax Collector. FATAL CURIOSITY Maims .Two Men Who Hammer on Bombs Left at Florida Fort Since Civil War Times. FERNANDINO, Fla, .April If Having found several bombs In an old fort near the city, Guieeppi Gian niamo and Tony Francisno, fishermen, took one, measuring five Inches in diameter, to Salvador's fish house on the wharf today, where they com menced to investigate, consequently boh are.- fatally injured, one being, minus a leg, while the other, had his arm blown off. The two fishermen had on several occasions noticed the old bombs, which had lain Idle since 1 the Civil War. Securing hammers they commenced to beat on the metal. Suddenly there was a terrific explo sion and off went a leg and an arm, while the roof of the fish house, to gether with a portion of the side of the building, went up in the air. A Daily Thought. We are coming to welcome, and not merely to tolerate difference of opin ion. Paul put the case clearly. "Speak every man truth with his neighbor; for we are members one of another." The first neighborly duty is that of telling the truth as we see It. t ?s done not for the purpose of stirring up strife. -It is to enable us to work together more intelligently and" there fore more effectively. , . Biff alo--Truesdalf, McCabe, rf.. Mann, If.. ... Murray, cf.. . Beck, lb.. .. CRourke, 8b., Roach, ss.. . .. Gody, c. .'. . Frill, p.. ... .. Fulenwlder, p Totals.. ' 2b.. ..' 30 3 5 27 14 1 AB R H PO A B . 3 ; 1 0 3 . 2 1 ,. --- ' The Kind You Have Always Boaffht. and which has been I in use fop oyer SO years, has home the Blgrnatore of , - - ana nas oeen made under hid per-Cfo-l v sonal supervision since its infancy Y -CccAC; Allow no one to deceive tou In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-g-ood." are hut Experiments that trifLo with and endang-er the health of Infants and Clnldren 13erlence : against experiment What isGSTORlffi Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare ' CToric, Irops and V Soothing' Syrups. It is pleasant. It f contains neithef ; Opium, Morphine nor other Harcotio . substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worma and allays Feverishness. For. more than thirty years ft; has been in constant use; for the relief of Constipation 1' Flatulency. TTind Colic all Teething Troubles- and. Diarrhoea. , It regulates; the - Stomach and Bowels, ' . assimilates, the Food, giving.healthy and natural sleep. , The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA 'jt-i" ALWAYS Beats . the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over oO Years thc ecMTAuii eowNY. mew Tome emr. We With you and we figure right, on any arid all kinds of Electrical Contracting. Give us a show ing on your job. HORNETS NET ELECTRIC COMPANY 11 W. 4th Street. Phone 088 4 4 4 S 3 8 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 8 3 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 2 1 i 29 2 6 27 12 Score by Innings Boston Buffalo.. .. .012 000 0003 .100 000 0013 Summary Two-base hits, Moranville, Sweeney, Jackson, Gowdy and Mann. Three-base hits, Metz. Base on balls. Frill 2; Fulenwlder 8; Petfdue 1. Struck out. Frill 3; Fulenwlder ; Perdue 4. Wild pitch, Perdue. Sacrifice hits, Metz, Frill. Hits, off Frill, 5. In 5 Innings; Fulenwlder, 0 In four innings. Hit by pitched ball, Devlin by Fulenwlder. Time of game, 1:40. UmpiresMitchell of Bos ton, Beebe-of Buffalo. Attendance 1,000. ORVAIi OVEKAIJj' TO" BE CUB TWSBIMR. CHICAGO, April 1. The new pitcher recently announced by Presi dent Murphy as a star player who would ' briny the Chicago "Nationals, hurling: staff up to an equality with the best in the league ie none other than Orval Overall. Murphy aban doned secrecy yesterday and said "Or vie" Overall is the ' man and that he expected his signed contract within a few days. Overall made his last appearance in a Chicago uniform in the world's se ries, in 910. After that he refused to play any more but kept himself in condition by pitching . in week-end games around Los Angeles. -Office of- The Mechanics Perpetual Building and loan Association Me 61st Is. Mow' Sen es en Everybody is invited to participate in this se ries. ' ; ' Books are still open for subscriptions and filing of applications for loans. We are always glad to explain our system and methods: we have nothing to conceal, but are anx ious for everyone to know about and understand the Building and Loan plan of saving money and acquiring a home. Be a Member of WE 61st R. E. Cochrane, Sect'y. and Treas. J. if. ; Wearn President. 303 Rensselaer Avenue Phone l687L. : Trustee's Notice. - ; North CaroHna, ' Mecklenburg County. Under a power of sale in me vest ed and contained in a deed ; of trust executed by I J. Hunter arid E. A. Sample and wife, Anna E. Sample, on the 3rd day of July, l&ll, and reg istered In Book 282, page 628 Regis ter of Deeds office, said County and State, .the undersigned Trustee will expose, to sale for cash to the highest bidder at the court house 'door In Charlotte, said County a.nd State, on the 3rd Monday in April, 1913, being the 21st day, at 12 o'clock M., the following described tracts of land: "That certain lot of land lying and being in Charlotte Township, . Meck lenburg County, North Carolina, and more - particularly ' described "and. de fined as follows: The two lots known and designated on the Map of Craig head, which Map : is registered in Book 202, pages-622 and 623 in . the office of the Register of Deeds, as lota -NoS. 17 and. 19. in Block No. 5 fronting . 60 ieet on Baldwin avenue and extendingi.back 157 feet to! an alley; also thetrlght-of-way over the alleys contiguous to said lots in com mon "with the vTdther property own ers In said "block. Being the ' same lots of land conveyed to ;C.M. David son by W. C. Maxwell and wife, by deed recorded in Book" 209, page 60, said Regitser's office, being subject to the restrictions set out In said deed. Also jbeing -. the - same lots conveyed to T.J. GatUs by said C M.. David son and wife' by deed duly recorded." The said sale- is made to liquidate the 'payment of, money secured by. said deed of trust, default having been made. . This the 18th day of March, 1913. THOS. W. ALEXANDER, l8-lawk-4wks Trustee. ' Notice of Charter Election. "Notice Is hereby given that on April 18, 1913, an election will be held In the, City of Charlotte for the submission to the qualified voters of the City of Charlotte of two Acts, one entitled, "An Act to revise the Charter of the City of Charlotte," and the other entitled, "An Act to provide a .Commission Form of Gov ernment for the City of Charlotte," both ratified by the General Assem bly of North Carolina on March 6, 1913. A new Registration has been ordered by the Board of' Aldermen of the City of Charlotte, v and the registration books will be kept open for thirty days preceding the 15th day of April, 1913." las 6mx Is If you are repotting your plants, now is a good time to buy from our stock of Brass Hanging Baskets, Brass J ardiniers, Brass Fern Dishes, etc. Robinson's Book Store 30 West Trade St. AUTE AUTO HIRE Day . Phone 75. Night Phones 1382-J and 1S08 IS THERE AjnrTHING YOU COULD USE A PENNY AD FOB TO-DAYJ A Rolling Stone Is Worth Two in the Bush ' ' By "Bud" Fisher , f ,

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