i . f 1 1 r.....r:.T:. f M I 7 - 4 I-J.J o j- " V ALL THE JRVS u V WHILE IT I---, . - isNRys':V:;;'ij'i-i, "-' --. - 3: -12 I ; at : S 1 I 1 " iii -i 1 M i i r ft ' ,n 1 B f , ' , , ' V ' . , ' - ''' -. " . VOL. 18, NO. t242. IflLSOlffiSl CAPITDiAOfflP! President Will ; M:et ; CcngrssS ional Leaders In Halls Of Congress Tdflay: - 4 - OFFICIAL WASHINGTON I STIRRED BY-TOE fiiiVJE president Will 6ocupy ' His . Office ' in the Senate Wing;ThIsATtenlooa for the t'irst Time 'to Ilscuss JJegisliU tje Matters AVlth Ijeaders in Re gard to the Tariff Revision Schedule Long last of Engagements Pre ceding Meeting. WASHINGTON,- AjpriK President AVoodrow Wilson . announced t today that he would meetthekDemoc'ratio members of the' Senatenancecom--mittee in the Presidents room at the Capitol at 3 o'clock. .this ; afternoon .to f talk about the tariff.; Although it had beenl- unofficially announced before, President Wilson' took office that' he expected to go'to the President's "rooto'at" the'tJapit6I at frequent intervals Sto; be ln close touch with Congress, : the ' news that he would make " the first- visit today following so closely" on : the notable scene of yesterday he.n the President read his message . personally: to: a joint' assembly in the-, hall ; of. the ! House, set official circles by the -ears.; w The President . sent word early.' to day by Secretary -Tumulty -to- the members of the committee that he would like- to meet them ,at 3, o'clock. The pivot of tariff reform, it isgen erally recognized, will be the "Senate, where the Democratic margin is small and where opposition to certain sched ules i6 apparent. . ."' " - Reasons piscussed. , ! v ; When Mr. Wilson- -last discussed with the Seriate -Democrats of "he finance cpmmittee. the. method ; of tar-., iff reform they argued ae a unit -for splitting the bill-into separate- sched- ules, urgmg him that wider attention would be -t o'pussed - on each . schedule and that agreements among- Senators might be eliminated.. The President .is gaid . to feel., that more progress can be' made by; a"' visit to the Capitol, where --fee caii.can)Eer with the Iefflocfati4 memhersof the Senate finance committee and the lat ter can quickly get in touch with Senators reluctant to favor theblll at present. Mr Wilson Jirmly.-believes in intimate debate in -i matters of leg islation, not only as ,a time saver but as a means of averting, misunder standings tht might . came '-by paving the administration's, views transmitted indirectly. ,j , .1 . " Party Lieader Should lead. : The President's conception Jof that method of securing legislation j is that as a leader of the party that "elected him, he can be a counsellor .and ad visor. While he .never has suggested that the Executive either; In the. State or the Nation should-actually5" inters fere in the process of elglslatlon, he always has maintained that' the - voice of the party leader should 'be- heard in party councils. i. .""w- Intimations have come to the White House that the President, if defeated in the present sesgioh-?in . the issue of tariff reform, - might go b'efore ' the people of those States- whose represen tatives in both, houses V of ; Congress have thwarted the party program and appeal in the primaries for the selec tion of what he believes to be pfbgfee-si-e candidates. --. ' , , - Long Ijst of Igagenxents. The President had a -long schedule of engagements before his departure for the Gapitol. Beginning at 9 o'clock he saw a series of callers at' five-min ute intervals until 1 -o'clock, among them many members of Congress'. At he was - to ' greet., in the r East Room more than 500 school teachers; also Bishop Collins .Denny .of Rich mond. Va.. a rlass-mate. and BishOD E- E. Hoss of JJashville, Tenn.; of the Methodist Federation Commission-fin beseion here, . and Robert - iiyer, president of -the South -Methodist Uni versity of Dallas. Tex.' ' - i' ' ' The President expected to leave the White House at 2:35, ' devoting Jthe remainder of the, afternoon., if '. neoes sary, to the conf erenv at.the;. Capitoir course ALeets 1 Approval, -t President Wilson's visit . to the' Ca'rA tol was explained; by-member ofHh imance committee to be axcontinua tion of the ponferencebegu'n Monday at the White House. - Members of .the committee . desired f& . further, , opprj-v tunity to 'present their: views' ot changes needed in -the ariff bill. t, "The Democrats" of the finance cjomi mittee asked ' for a conference with the President-an d we rnet'Jiinr at the White House Monday morning,, said Senator Ho ke Smith., - "That confer ence adjourned.vto meet again. .-Now t h e President renews the conference and insteaaNof requiring the nin Democrats of the finance "committee to come to -him, he ha.1; come to' thorn." - - ;j ' - Jw Other members commended-: the ac tion of the President-in arranging to meet the finance committee at a point more convenient to, Senators. '', 4.t , To Discuss Changes. lany , changes-.in ' the J Underwood measure advocated " by. , Democratic Senators wiir be : pre&sed updn ;". the President for- further, consideration". These include5, not "only- the". question, f splittiie - th ' tariff . into seoarate h'.l Is; but also - the change- - of 'many "'w's wnere - tne senate democrats oeneve scientific tariff- making, frlnci ples have not been followed:. -In .cases yhere raw materials haveVbeenVsub-. jected to tariff- and manufactured products put o,n' the f ree listU-euch as wheat ahd -flour; the ..President; wi. be urged to recommend, changes that will balance, the -,duties.. ; -r V . .v. NEW' ORLEANS, " April 9.--High winds with - squalls aongthei "Louis iana coast and .the- Texas - coast , east of Corpus Christi today and tomorrow were predictedy;by. the local Wjeather uureau -in a-specai - storm warning u morning.' -v.., ,rj-v- , ",s - WEATHER: Iam tonight or Thursday., - - rm.,;EDB';spns:iB3;. FOR POSTFJASTEHSHIP t IN ClI ARLOTTE ;'VA w.;;.;;-:. :r. V - ",-v - - ,. -i-.'" : : Wi - '..ii:HiA'- ::?.rsfW.K5 vt. r --.' i.';i icNiWs ' r . - f , v:iv- A ":. ; . t a............. . .. . 3k x " ' ." . ... jt" o ) '1 J..H. OWedaington,. Charlotte's XewJPostmstey.;" m ; VEDDINBTON VILL BE NAMED TO GET -COVETED M t By Pteiker BC Aridecson.) 3VASESraTON, April 9.-iRepreSen- tative VJrehbilspps64;pf thes largest piecof,, ?pieTtin.-hi3- district today Iwhen ,ho"aent-lnThis 'recommendation of JJL H. Weddington for postmastef at. Charlotte". 'The decision' td appoint Mr.'t Weddtngton ;wa, reached " after careful consideration , had been given to the indorsements ,of .'Weddingt9n, Blai j-- andT Williams. The "wishes 1 of the patrons ..of 'the ".office wa "consid ered of first importance and politics a secondary onsiderationv".iWeddJngton had: the largest:- endorsements of any applicant. for the placeand the: ninth; district Congressman hopes he- has recommended a:man that vill be post master for all the people. -: x ?v - Representative Page today reajom mended.the following-names for- post masters m nis , districts: ' o.- s. iock hart1 at - Wadesboro ; Robert ' Terry at Hamlet; S; Vance Scott at Sanford and-! Richard Burton at Mount, GUeadJ Unless the- Postmaster General -turns down.' i the .above , recommendations, which. Is not at' all probable these men will be appointed "within the next few days.;. - . ' iz-'j. --- . .;. Returning, this morning from -Washington -where he'spent a 'few aays" pressings his claims' for, the local post- : mastership, Mr, RX K."tBlalr announc ed directly "af tertiis . arrival rthat he had-been defeated, hadpalledoif'the chase and tliat Mr. 'j.Hr'Weddingtoa was the ' successful ' candidate' jn- the triangular ,.race; between vMn Blair, Mr. Weddingtonandv Mr,' E.,A."VWU liams which-has been teased for sev eral months. ? - i t . (- ;r ' "The" matter wass stiIl"opeh -:whenI. reached Washington," but -I found. out. shortly after, I -got in toucli with the j situation, that cejnaia.'innuences, were being brought to bear" in favor 'of Mrj Weddington that could, not be., over, come and itwas,plalrjfthat;j;he" ap pointment wasmapped out for him A said Mr. JBlair this morning. -"Iam! not-a hard loser nd will: continue to- be found 1 fighting I orj tne-democracy of the district, although" I am keenly disappointed'that I -could -not get -the onr,ninmcTit s 2 ' s -A - It'is understood that Rlr. Wedding ton wast practically-" "agreed j-upon some - time,, ago ..andjtbe, reason that the",c6nfirmatiejii ts- not made" now 4s bausp. Congressman- Webb.is.waiting- to -aniiounce other .appointments ana, send them :all along together.. Mr.. Weddington Js" in Washington and wan reasonably -.assured that he nad'been appointed-when 'he left-?Jiere. but he wanted -to continued In 'closed-touch with the' authorities. . -JWhethw. h will have the postmatershlp. wrapped up In his pocket when lie returnsils -problematical, bur he i will undoubt edly -.know ' when helleaves- Washing ton that, he will step into th? appointr. ment 'as Charlotte's postmaster., -,-. . Mr. -Weddington presented .Congress- matt' Webb . a list of petitioners" thatis said ' to '.-have outnumbered by ' many hundred the petitioners sent up by. the 'ether ,tWorcaadraates and ; that ; the appointment was ( made largely . upon this basis.? .While both Mr...Blair and Mr. Williams, had, the endorsement of some of the leading citizens of Char lotte, some, ofthe strongest, "business men and-, influential pofitieians, - Mr. .Weddington f was ableUo-marshal to the attention Vof. the' atfthoritlesv the largest-number, of. signers to petitions; for; his 'appointment; ana jyir. weoo JlllCU .' VIA. ' UJL. '. M.u k....' w b. w. (.. making the distinction-' WASHINGTON, Aprif A govern ment residence second in rank to that of the WhiteHouse Is . provided-',"f or LVice president; Marshall ;in a bill in- rv . i' 1 1 ' . . ' . " .v troducedTHn the Houseor. iepresen tatlveV by' Representative , Callop' ;' of Indiana. Mr.'CuIlop proposed author ity fo'r $5,000 Immediately for-,designs j,for euch a building la Washinston- CHARLOTTE, ""H ' s -! j i - 6 POPE'SjCONDlfiON MUCH IMPROVED Repprfs; Fram;t Bstfsjde 01 -DIs- . ' ROUE, April .rrXhe condition of the P6,wasmuch Improved iodayi Professor MarchiafAVa. 'the;yaflcan physician, , visited - the Pontiff for "over an hour; this i morning ond found'hi's! fever greatfyirlBduqed' i:HsV temperar .tiire .was . only . slightly I .abovt .'normal but he . still - suffered ; great depression and weakness. ' -' V "-' Cjardinal Pompiliv who 'was-made a new vicar general only'a!-few days1 ago tissued-orders , tody' for;"spclal prayers for the-Pope .In all the'thurch es of - Rome - during rthe .next three days. -. V "4;- T: 1 f Professor Marchlafava's examina tioriOf the "Pope this morning was of a' mo"st; mirfute -character He deOlar-edafterward'-there "was. a" noticeable' improvement hut. stated that the re lapse he suffered yesterday did "not ap- tiear'to be on; the decline. . ." - t -Three i thousand pilgrims gatnerea in the course -of the .mOfning on the Piazza -di -San Pietre Infrontof the .Vatican under the open windpw-of the Pope's, apartment and-jprayed;xor( his recovery .;r '.. - - t- -A.thvinderetdrm," accompanied f by hail, .-disturbed the", Pppe ;his worn-, lag. "'" 'His, v neryousA system. ..has 1 be come 'veryv sensitive -since the .begin- iiing 'of hia illness." '.':. - V ' ' Professor Aiarchiataya assured tne Associated Press- this morning that hls holiness .,1s : suffering i-oniy from, a rjelapse of jlnfluenzar whrch,- like .all relapses,1 is 'causing ascertain 'amount of anxiety o win g to the'exalted posi -tion of " the patient-andhis great age." Reports as tothe. Pope being acute ly r affected .' with "nephritlsbrinflamr mationN of the-kidneys, -are; v said the professor labsolutely'linf ounded:--. M"yYhat -the Pontiff needsabove all is rest,'.' continued, the physiclattHand the 24 hours.hehas spent in , bed com nletelvV isolated Jrom affairs -has al ready produced-ff -salutary .'-effect. All' symptoms, or a. aangerous- cnaracter ,whieh 'have. neen. mentionea m-unau- thorized. reports,af;e. either . Imaginary o-T-rvAalv pta crerated. -The'uresent or grossly exaggerated.,- -The.'presept condition of the JPope excludes ahy danger. unless ; complications' should intervene.:" : t . PROGRESSIVE LEADERS ;vPliNxPIioiAM OF-- S vPARTY WORK 1. I '.'-.WASHINGTON. April 9,-At a, "gen 4 cml Trte&tiner hferft todav'tO oerfect de tails ofthe" legislative program - out-'f linea DyiXne'new.-x-rogre3S5ive -pari.y in t "the House. -Gifford Pinchot,' Jane' Ad- dams, Walter We'yl and Dean Lewis of the Z University- -lof '' - Pennsylvania, ' were called tbdiscuss the framing 'of the32 measures which . th'eProgres- sives ' expect to ;p're's3nt to "this -Con-; gress, ' ."':-?'", v.-,, ";rs,s,ir-,K-' r-i One -of the.se" will be" a measure call-' ing .for the establishment;, of an in dustrial commission toregulate j - cor--, poratlons- in-.interstatetcpmmerce- with, powers similar to those npw exercised, over- raurpaas ; oy tne ? xnierstate com merce Commission ;v I 'i j. -J f Special .attention'.wilL also .bet paid to " a , resolution " providing t a''constt-tutTonal-amendment extending . the. suffrage to-women.-; During-the tariff, debate the Progressives - plan- to ex- ploit their party .platform pledge' en-' dorsink the' plan for a - "non-partisan scientific'7 tariff board." ; ? ; The Progressives wilL.'also -urge' the passage of , a minimum '".yvage ' Taw .in some -form and the'y-.seemed' to larn'-toward a' plan ifor.it vra-recom- mission to establish -equitable scales ot '.-;-- IlllUUlaUSU : 1 4 UiU ' m It , -. ..... f ... .i 21. C.V -WEDNESDAY, tLPRIL 9, 1913: ieoular lio::e,i3v : rJOCOuETOTIlEtiTY :aCiS23iOC3OTl;C2.: Avail- &!8 FcftjStreei Ipprce- :! ;VBegining; xith the tasf year,. Sep tember 1,191 3f" the '.city ofCharlotte 1 t will have' a .fixed income of .$23,000 annually for' street-improvements and maintenance.' 5 VV'" 1' C.'J V'' .It is, believed' by,-local;rp,oliticians that ' this : sum? -.derived inx part, from 4 the county and in-partlrom tne--town j- ship,-; win gKfhe :Cit'ya;ery .good;;;-' repair work that is evldentvin all parts " of thecity,.as'much.of .thiatund can be Utilixed 'for1 repair work' on streets h ' where h6 permanent. improvement-is,"' possible, because , pf J local condi- 1 tions,- Itfability to secuf eleven a be- ginning ; o'n the ..permaheht lmprov.e-Kc'"5 ment cosu because -jbf the 'low "valua- -7, xion oi- property . on many siae streets and highways iust inside the.-'city lim ItS.- " . A .la.ti' ---"' The -new '.legislative Tenactment lnr .Creases the.,townshlp- contribution to the county from $1,000 -to 5 14,000 an nually, and to,,thjs Is.tobeddedUhe '39.000 received each' -year I from fthe county; 'making IOOD.ach year for street- worfe. " . 1 Whilp hft 4 rnfiintv - piimmtsslnndM U. - . 1.1 - i.'-lj-iI . Zl i v. :ai n u jr 9. icvi.vu . lu ,jj iMia auiU' w the city in. cash,- he local act Covering the same. - provides that 'the $9,000 may oe paia in worx on' tne streets or. --The township-maintains. a paid road fbrce'and has, no "convict -work. done, so-that the. 314,000 derived, from th township hereaf ter -: will likely , be .in cash, - -v. "f - t v i eL With his fix ted street Improvement' income, tne city snoma .oein a . lair way , to work out the', improvement of many, side jstreets wherehope, of .pier rrreneht Ipavlng has been abandoned since "the , necessary .revenue . from property' ownersrean not' be secured along these streets." - ' t There Js also a desire,, on thepart of, manyto" usethis money to Improve theJ.eiffh -or tenrstf etches of roadwav Ifrdm' thVcity. limits td the'ehd'of the permanent improvements : or to-: - the macadamized, streets into, which -these highways -imerge upon entering the cityl'V'One 'stretch rpdnitedutts that extending frortC thet Seaboard passen ger' depot .on North Tryonto the-City limits", aboufl l"? miles, for the eoun ty ia many. in stances has better reads Ashevillc VIII CcD'rltute Ilovelty ; ' ToV feraca-Phiiaflifia ; - - . - -.-'v . ",-;' -v, Convention 7 r-Qne -;of the interesting, features, of .the conung'Baraca-JRhilathea "conyen tiori wirt be the presence bf,-MnManUs Screamer 'from the , North Ashevljle Baraca class.'' ttl Screamer s !a.-full-blooded Cherokee Indian1 and; will come wittf .the Asheville delegation.?; Mr.Screamerv is a 'splendid .singer a goodMeader in congregatlonalsing ing and is ilso.a good. soloist,',. TJie Asheville delegation believes his pres ence" will 'add much1 to the Interestm the' convention. , ' The e Indiafi is ivery dark; a' fuli;blood and :is. coming to the" convention "wilr"a.dd ,a" novelty-. Mr, Guy Weaver, -a well inowa at--j torney- of Asheviiie writes tnat the in- j dian is . av most" excellent fellow- ana asks that a good. home be seoured for him. In this-connectionrjt i3s: stated that a large, number, of homes: ara yet to be secured.' .Dn Dennis -of the gen eral entertainment, commltteereports that not less than, 296 homes are. to be secured and that promptness -is. abso lutely necessary.. Those whojtiave tak en Relegates are ' finding - in some in stances, -that they can .take more and are telephoning XVs DennisDr.R. H., Lafferty at-fheNorth Carolina, Medi cal College, or Miss Amanda .Yandle at -the Postal . Telegraph . Company. ,1 ' The entertainment scommittees .ap pointed ' to' make - a house- .td-v hoyse nf Aaoh- wArd "in .the "eitv-.for the remainder, of the homes necessary to accommooate me . uexegaies expect ed to the convention which begins Sat urday reports an , addition - pf ,157 homes secured, making a total ofs904 and leaving a nymbe-( of ,35 yet! nec essary improperly, entertain-, the" visit ing delegates. ; ' As these. coirimittees ha-ve thoroughly canvassedthe city-wO must reply upon the citizens of Char lotte wh,o find that they,can accommo 'date one. or more' of .these delegates ;to phone the proper committees.". y - TODAY III CQITGBESS : Senator" CuBonr; introduced" hill to fix, minimum wages for ' women." A bill for "inspection of.coalmlnes introdtieed by. Senator-Wpr"ks Sen' ator. Bacon -' Introduced ; X bill f or " 'purchase, of v homes 'for, Ameriean iiipiomats,- ; : 7 ; ": v - -A bilt to prohibit Senators and, Representatives from -, acting as counsel j for Interstate Commerce ' Corporations introduced by Senator' .BorahX -! '- t;-;i-':r: .'.-"' , , finance . committee , membcxs !were"ta discusss tariff with - JPresf ;dent. Wilson at 'JS. -,i. m in Presf , dent's room at Capitol. - ' i- Adjourned at; 12:0 until nooYT Saturday. ' j;.. "-J,..; T-"- ; JfoV-in "session ;Wee& "Thursday, at -noon.-,."A ' ; " . r .-Ways - and means committee de cides' to hold ImeetinTs-. dally -during, discussion of tariff bill in the. "House. . "" ;'.'-" -' - Democrats met fci .caucus. : ' ' litis, WHierjS iese fctuK-ryju cixte'iu's i. II " ,"'.1AI i; iA V ' ?-T..-;-y .s;ve-.:. -WAli s-o w-wtc ril nil! "olPtnt PV' il,eutlTO'waieiC new 1 ULL-ULUUD lltUIilll ? Z nORTil ; CAHOLiniAN LARDS, BIG JODr .. '(! iilll - X 4' v Coti- W KTJi Osbornt WILBOPEN'NEipiDSi i!PAyii;uTRffiT8 Executive Beard Tomorrow After bids on- about 340"i0'00,;wbrth of per manent payingThursdayevening ; at $i oTclock, and "o'n--Monday, following th.e board , of - aldern$n wifirmeet '' to pass "upon ' theTassessmente '.against " the abutting - property owners. ."."-yt ' -ij.Tnis Is tKeprogra'm-annQuncedUO"; day';" in the paying bid - mat'terv which the ; West t Construction - Company - has made' objection' to oris "the; grouAdsi- as Mc West's attorney" stated vbef ore the executive ,; board -yesterday,, -vthat West's bid4 had- been- used' 4's'astidk'-to beat 'down ".the'j'bid ''he Successful bldder, the. Southern .Paving Company, tho ugh" tMs . i emphatically rdenied":by Lthelexecativeiboard whose i statements of the letting; ox tne .bids'-nave .been nublished in detail " " ' Vx V' : - Clerk : Av- HA Wearn. Ao Jay,twiredVthe South? Atlantic PayingCo-lnpany , In, T)UV,'aJ 'il.A''!r "JiJirt- Vint.. ' h wFKnr opportunity to .bidj wUIe' locdl .repre sentatives , of ; the vWeSt" .Construction Comp'any ;and the ySoythem' 'Paving ana -v-oneirucxion- vom-yaxty weregiven noti.ee - direct s byfr the.Teity;lerk ;that bids would- be received" anew - tpmor-. row evening . .'-j.,--. - -W v. When tbe'.executlye ''board ado.urn ed at '1:30,' "clock. yesterday,. it3"w'as subject to. f urther. statement, ct opin- ioirffom Mr. Chase 3renizer,5'-'t. r torney,'. and , yesterday af ternaf.-aBome; hours arterr tne meeunev mr-.-jirenize I or ma j lyynotineu -me wc u u v-e i poaru greater part, of thepaying'contratf. , There-is aVumornhat1 the'.S6uther,nr Paving- Company hadi intimated' that runirtA wlt"iJrw'. Itsr .bid, tfr. Order to. give the 'executive board free' rein to. take TsuCh. action- asitaesirea'-iniinej matterrbufc this report is not- verified. At any. rate the Aboard,'-, acting, after 'it,1 had received ,t urther'- legale advice, from the city attorney, "instructed. -the clerk ,to advertise rorvnew. Diasto oe. opened tomorrow, a. "6 p- m.'' ' .- It 4 -.presumed .'that f the. bids ''"?nJ be submitted in vsuch .shape ; thatr,tnet boara-can reaaiiy. agree, "iwn.. uw.uf cessful bidder and can let the contract; in a brief time.T This' will give the city engineer '-arid J-tis-' assistants 'until Mon day night, id complete the Calculations, of the new assessmefi'ts:raginst'prop; prtv-owners..-' """ -T '"". ! ; ' ' 7? Thenew - bids "WlllTnbtmclu,de' the. erShVlfwWeU tv, nr, wo miii 9,000 yards'"or aneer Smithern Paving ' X. ThuredaVr and. whichiMr.- West admits Is rightf uliythaf company's contract." This involves-probably- $12;000J;;ieav ingabout 40,010 in the .remainder of the, contract,.' bldi for- which ;will be. oened bv -the executive - board - to morrow evening. . . ' HOSmrOFj'WADEJ HAMPTON- ' Lv x ' rIS DESTROYER BYFEBMJ COLTJMRIA,. C..V ApriL 9.H-The home of- the -Illustrious r Confederate generaV-vWade, Hampton, headof the braverleglon that bOre lxis ;namelies a mass .'of ruins: on-' Senate, street to-day- His saddleupDn.whlch, he fought many. a., "hand; tp, hand ?ncounterwtih, -ryanks'V.ati cldserquarters.; was' de stroyed but - the: stirrups Were "saved." His' granddaughter; IlllU ' bed. .with fever was. carried; out "shortlyef Ore, ihV(roof -felljn-. l! '- : V - ! -'The -fanioue .'.Confederate j scout's priceless colleption'. of books; and war relics wereconsumed..", "-... ' 'trm'P ' .;- -; - '-.! if v ; 1 -; h- -; t v.WASHT??GTONApri.l 9A coustU ftutlorial amenament io prqviae-ior .tne com-enirig. of .Congress on, th second Tuesday inJanuary ; each iyear--was sought In ameasure introducea-today .( by Representative. Berkley of iSen- or nis aecision tnat.ne mougnt cnere -judee'iioya jnavrag maae prepara- j fnii 1 12 wa xi4.2iiu.vuu. were sufficient 'grounds-to, justify the, rtion to return-to. his horhein Greens- i 9:000.000. this year., whichl is hoard to' call for neW'JWds on. the lifird ht 'afternoon.' . ' ?Ji i r I m y,tr-n if -wolues. '. ; ! tucky, a ne wmerhber; '; " ; ' - " 1 " '.'-. - V s : ,'J-V I, . of Greensboro. CUL 7. II. USHURN NAMED .i., a '' Ato A A ft rft ft IW-IM' tUU ,-lUUUISSlUNUl , ; i - . -1 ' - , - iv OF REVENUE ri'j.v ;j'.,i "?5zt jfj '-a. t?-y- i - .WASHINGTON,."- April .Henry'C. Breckenridge of ' Iexington ' !&y,;,s is slaledf or, 'Assistant Secretary of- War amd WIlliam.JEkOsborn"-Of GreensbOTO NC.. for, commissioner oi - internal revenue. . -This information 4 canje from thej White House- today through their . Mr, Breckenridge;is a-graduate ofl Princeton ;th, the class' of 1907. 'and ; aministration:. publicity, efficiency was ohe of , 'President 'Wilson's ' pupils - ' who distinguished himself publiO speaking; And ,pjgt Col.'.-William tt. . Osborn has long been' well knowri' in North Carolina, mente thought impossible, by old coun- Fpr ieveral terms he served, as mayor ells llaverbeen'made. - Taxes, have av- of Greeheboro and, :has ; been aitive eraged two ; mills less than averaged in; the business ,ahd 'ppliticaf.'life ;6f for the last eight years under, the old his' home-city.' Colonel r6sborn was plan, Every'.department is more effl an'.aW ahdardent supporter - of . -oientVNever 'before i fJ8. v - Slnr, a'- the city has the force of public opinion Wilson; In the pre-convention cam- been,so Btrongly felt in the city gov- paignlast iSummr," and thas ,been .ernmentr ltizeps would . not return igenerairy -conceded for-.-some weeks to the old' plan1 under any considera- past-thathewouldreceiyetthe ap.- -tions.-Ibor unions are 0yorabl nah Revenue,to succeed RoyalJ E. Ca- the- management of their union . . bell. 'ColonerOsberm has i been presi-r - "JAMES R. ,H ANN A7' " !.dent oftheeely. Institute sines' Its is a natives 01 -juurnam FEDERAL COURT fIHDS,THAT THESE ISKOTHINQ ON DOCKET t r ... c ?' i , - c '', s ' - -1 --. v'--v.-w.; " L,;y " rn court win;, nowever. pe . ior- finally -.adjourned toriiorrovJu, morning -in tne event . mere , are no - mnnei ".matters"'1 of business. " presented 'J$6 cases '.werettak.en,uptoaay.. 'rne court yesterday; sentenced--Dan" ides. ' to serve "Avyear. K and a dayfor making ; --Vr.x.j..--;.,..J spirituous .liquors. , mere, .were sv- j j hart'er did not take advanta-3 era!"; Indictments .under. the. pure . food Pe lgJative act authorizing com Iaw.lnciuding .several "local;, mer- itef mu- chants, tin which unerinegai -nanoung iofyoleomarganne was cn.aFsea,-.ouL ithefe were rio, sentences Imposed it appearing- tnat.were.niia-ww uui: King more 4 than a .tecnmcai vioiauon 6f; the law .if any. Courtlin Cnarlotte in April. and' October -have grown notably brief, the-old-time ran of Illicit distillers and violators of the. . ,innns'.hvin. .lmnri Trtv. -hut this has no w well Ugh vanished.' leaving little, for the court SuSide an;occailonal civil action, of . r:ic' r j - -- r " ItJriiay bei.of ? Interest" to - state that ;-e names of DIckerson and Penland, ind icted' with Major Wmr 'E Breese years ago, still appear on, me reuuuu .ntrk Kmirftn court;," There is notn ing new to add'to the hlstory-of. these cases, and when tne names 01 ine,wv "defendarits will-be stricken from tn,l Ph,urar:iftpVM ia something that,. no- 1 body, knowa rcrt'i-r" -MxmrrTTeci yb''- '-" " - -TV-.- Arioirrn cinxrti'rrp.a --' V- - - v 1 .The 'arinuai- nfeeting: of the Asso ciated Charities, will, be neld Tljurs-r day afternoon, April 10,at'4 p.- m.' in the'conncil room in the city hall. Ev eryperson who ' has-'contrlbuted $1 or more to- the society within, the past -12 monthsis a member of the- body and -is invited .to - be present. Mem bers of the, board of direcjors are to be -el'ectedi -' - : The general, secretary's report and the .treasurer's" report . will , be pre sented at this meeting. '- All citizen interested "in the work of the Associated Charities are invit ed even-if not'eontributors. ! - OTJTfTp In Charlotte, One Ce l.. JrXtXVXJ t Elsewhere, Two Cent? ff E2ns:s City Reflcccd Tax T.:t: "v One-rGorfb AniFeli Eirj . ; .'Hwllng-fcttC- ' - - j V el,... - ' V A r , 3 Tilt uhS CuUitSiPLAu ESCRIDEB BY rJAYOD Testimony" Prom the!' Cities .. Under " . Commission .Form ot - Government jJ Creates Much t Interest Here-Dea ; Moines Has. Made' Great Strides tin- , der Plan: of. which Charlotte Is Al .""Tmost a Duplicate --Taxes Have Been Iteducedi arid .lEvery' Department 't.:'-:More Efflcenti '',.. i",- C" ;''.lv' , ' Probably , no information" published during "the present 'campaign1 for 'the ' commission form of -government -for Charlotte, has , excited so much inter est as the" message jfrom the "mayors' of" al number of commission form cit- -Jes v. published In"' yesterday 'afternoon's , ChronicTe-'.These,niessages 'show thati the cities that; haVe i -tliii c.dmmlssionl form Vof '.government 'are- 'providingf ; ' public improvements. on' a' large scale from1 current 'revenues, "although" hi" . wat not J'orme'rly done" as is evidenced fey, the"; f apt .that most", of the cities adopting the commission "form had -large, floating debts'tp;be ,paidby. the commissions even,bef ore the Jmprove- ments could' begin' It ls almost uni . 0 firmly true that not -.ottlyMs. money . saved-and more improvements -pro-, vided from current 'revenues but that the ttax Irate, Js reduced" inebmmis-r . sion form, citieai., . v; : -J . , -; ,The' messages f being' , published The jChronlcle., are 'official. ; being , re ceived from the -mayors;, of lh.' cities . . Here 'are-somer more: v i.;i,t-.- . - ., , Des Moines,' Iowa.,., 4 - "DE8 MOIXi:S,.lDwa April" 7 PI- restness v&rtct. 'stmplicity, Sre .the mala characteristJps' of .the Des MOines r-l-in ot commisscfc government. The great purposes are, w ino,iv iu chj . . merit' fftelv.reaDonslbl'e to oufelic opin- ' j . t . makelIfe efficient in ,. . t trWea five years' under the.' commission government; ; Permanent . Improve- h" "Des Moines has population of 86,- 386. v :y(.t 1 ., ' V ;f , Shreveport; tai - 'SHREVEPORT, April 7.- Mayor and -four 1 commissioners are 4 isire-P. - The work.ls divided I jSb&x&,& tep " t iiipv a lareA- malority aro i the city,- and state.- 1 - rne bssbbbhicih, - t Xt Will 09 about 1 - m. h. kasI JIaiu. iw,ayor. r-'shreveport has a population of 28 OlS.r, : vicksburg; Miss. ', ,v . VIcksBURG Miss.; April 7 Tel etramv received. ' Our vCity havir,; j "T", bat in eu thefeof athna- ; reduClnrthe number ed the 'en to 0- requlrint --i" thft maxir to be elected iHra -t,m' trt .th, cit! andhe three to be, elected from th3 "til glVO 1, vntii; v"w ., . ', , . Vt- city.at mrge. ""7-r0J myor $3,000 ldermen, 2hoTr I per year. ylX'Crnrl mwts pverv morning to take up com- Plaintsnd-they, are always adjuste 1 been in office since Jantiary 14, -rrura the outlook here is going -to he n. great: saving .to' the city. ?IIavc beea ATTiiflint-from the taxpayerar . to, the' efficiency of this plan over th old.. . .' . - '.y-vJ-HATESr,Mayor' rvicKsuurg ,u jiivivumwuu w ;.V -v Kansas .City , Mo. "Tf AWSAfl riTTT, Mo. Anril ?---jCom- mi'saion government successful ar 1 There-.are four commissioners, one. the 'mayor, elected at - large,, each e1'-nprviainsr-seoarate departments with 1 oervisinj? - separate departments nniform power.- "All running expenf j i , ,v,Q ?t-u. nairi lnat two veara and in. addition-1250,000 of . floating detis paid and taxes, reduced Zo '-per cent, or-one-fourth."; A balance was. left in all funds at close of the year, "llallir; r annual report -under - separate, cover. (Signed) : ; -.'", ' - ' ? "COMAHSSIONER . OF - FINANCE .': REVENUE KANSAS CITY, KAN." Kansas City has a population of 82, 331 :'-("- ; i.-; .',',-.' ' i ' There wiHrbe""a special commu-i--cation of Phalanx Lodge No. 31. A. 'Sc. "A. M., this evening at 8 oc:.: ii the Masonic hall. riedrr:-t t il -4 Work in tho dejres cf Telle, i. It.' . :.-.'.'----n'- -'r' . '": ' " i "A

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