i ff ' TT tX::&f' A TTTT -I b ' 4 A - V.-: z-tf - ' . Direct iirotai- tfte . Globe Theater, - ;V'K NC-w? Y6rk;J John- e.1 Fisher's-beauti-V, 'S. Z f ul production of "The Red Rose,' 1 lnfwhlcht 'Zc" Barnstt' ist 'lstarrin t . . come's to the Academy of Music next " ' . Monday, ' matfnee and 'night,' and - h6iild attracfareapacity; house, being ' 1 c one of the best mus tcal pucceses .to i' bA. seen here this season. The book . - n . snfi Ivrics are bv :,Harry Bf and Roberta m0 i B. j Smith and the musical score is by Robert' tiood Bowers. The pre V; senting compahy is unusually large J and. Includes many . notable,, people. " The chorus and ballet are , features Tof ? the performance : and ! are said " to ' Include, some " exceptionally pretty and graceful sgirls, .whose singing and dancing afford a lively background for -the action of the piece. Seats - are now on sale at Haw!oy's. - : ' . - JR. ELSOSI WJLL ADDHKSS SUNDAY MEETING FOR SIEJf. The Young Men's Christian Assoel- j ation is very fortunate in securing for their Sunday afternoon service the Rsv. Dr. P. G. Elsom of Henderson. Doctor Elsom has just been caHed by the State mission board of "Missou ri as state evangelist of that State, and those who hear ham will enjoy a -great treat. The meeting will be f held in Hanna Hall Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, and all men are cor di.aly invited to ttend. The subject of . Doctor Elsom's ad t'ress will be "Your Chickens Will Come HOme-to Roost." FRECKLES At- 6:30 o'clock ; tonight 125. boirs will sit down to the bahciuat tables in Hanna ; Hall ' at the ! i ouhg Men's i Christian ' Lsicrii.iron, ! 1t.? celebration !of , the- membership campaign wbich. v as o successCu! ly c'." d . about. ..a eek ago. .' '" ' . ' Every boy who loincd the .associa tion during the campaign, ;nd eyciy fid member who . brought' in a new t isien ber are on'J.led to .seats at the banquet. ; V ' ' ' . ' . ; C The campaign: resulted in brf.nging in the' largest number of new mem bers into the-boys', departn-ent of aiiy of the' campaigns'yet carrie 1 on, over 100 new boys ; joining, bringing the membership of this 'department up to 250 boys. " " - 4An interesting prograca tkV.I be car ried outfafer the banQUttt at. whlch Will Carr will act as toastmaster. : - The list of, speakers and their rub jecst will be as follows: "Welcome to New Members" Al. Reese. : - - "The Campaign" Mr. Probert. "The Religious Side of Our Work" Dick Young. "Summer Camp" Dell Withers. "The physical Department '-Mr, Best for Skin ' Diseases Nearly every skin disease yields qulcR ly and permanently to Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and nothing is better for burns or bruises. . Soothes, and heals. John Dtye. of -0---ow!n.' Mich.. s. aftr suf fering tw years with , sic n ailment and spending $400 in doctors' bills. Buck len's Arnica Salve cured him. It will help youi Only 23c. Recommended by WoodaU & S.heppard. , . - Jmror, Infant? and CnUarcn. ; t Signature of 4td&frJCU Faul.u;;;;..;''!!,:;. ; "The - Association ,4ln Summer' Freeman Crosse. ..' V . v,, . f " Presentation of Prizes Mr, Shel don. - W Jr'-i Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Re move Them With the New Pre scription. An eminent skin specialist recent ly discovered a new prescription,, othine double strength which is usually so successful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful complexion - that it is sold by Wood all & Sheppard under aa nbsolute guarantee to refund the money if It fails. ' . " Don't hide your freckle's under a veil; get an ounce of othine and re move them. Even the first few ap plications should show a wonderful improvement, . some of the lighter freckles vanish entirely. Be sure, to ask the druggist for the double strength othine; it is this that is sold on the money-back guarantee. Advertisement Notice of Charter Election. "Notice Is hereby given that on April 18, 1913, an election will be held in the City of Charlotte for the submission to the. qualified voters of the City of Charlotte of two Acts, one entitled. "An Act to revise the Charter of the City f Charlotte." and the other , entitled. "An Act ' to provide a Commission Form of Gov ernment for the City of Charlotte," both ratified by the General Assem bly of North Carolina on March 6, 1913. A new Registration has been ordered by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotte, and the registration books will be kept open for thirty days preceding the 15th day of April, 1913." Last Opportunity To buy one of the very best properties in the city at a Bargain Price. The southeast corner of North Try on and Seventh streets less than three blocks from Independence Square. Splendidly located for Business, Hotel or Apart ment Houses. Norfolk-Southern depot directly in rear of it. For a few days we offcr this property, , all or part ,of it, at price that is indeed a bargain, and much low er than it will ever be offered again. NOW is your opportunity and you Would do well to see us at once. A. G. SPRINGS & CO. Phone 838. . . 214 S. Tryon St. ; BRIEFS. A $9,000 apartment house Is to be built ' by the V Thles-Srnlth ; Realty Company on the lot on South Boule-' vard next to the Dowd flats and. in front of the South graded" school.' Work on the excavations was started' this. week. .. The new structure .. wU. ;be very handsome. V There will . be a regular commu- nication of Joppa Dodge. No.. 530, A-1 F. & A. M., in the Masonic Hall, Pied mont building, this everting at 8 o'clock. Balloting : and" work In "thei degree of entered apprentice, - Two Inew :bungalows;"fite andsix;'rooms, walKmg Ifdta1ip prlc1giSi gSerltract we ' vacant lots on which ,we will k ;buildS4hoetqf ift'S$ smanffe Jteaiwuompany ' v -: tv ExehangelBeallyiCom "REAIi VAIiTJE S IN : JlEAIs ESTATE" ! Si 1 Commercial National. Bank Building. Vbtme 1254 Rheumatism . as a result of kidney trouble stiff and aching joints, backache and sore -kidneys will all yield to the use "of Foley Kidney Pills. They are tonic in action, quick In results, cura-1 tive always. W. S. Skelton, Stanley, Ind., says: "I would not take $100.00 for the relief from kidney trouble I received from one single box of Foley Kidney Pills." Bowen's Drug Store. e.o.d. . DO YOU WANT A HOME On terns so easy , that you can take eleven years to pay 'for it?. Come in Saturday and plan for, it. HOME-BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION ' A. W. Burch, Sef.f Treas. 302 Commercial , Bank, Building. ' Investment y Three six-room new houses,, room; 'tin lot for another- house. Lot 98x198. Annual Rent $390.00 Price $3,250.00 . interest, .on investment 12 per cent. f ; V ; v Craig-Little Realty and Insurance Co. ' Phone 14SQ. ' Trtt Bnildlnj BLAKE'S DRUG SHOP On tlie Square. ' -Prescription Filled Dat and Nlht. Are you a stranger? Better buy your - Cigars Todf Nothing doing Sun day. ' Jno. S.Blake DrugCo. 'Phone 41. C?i the Rqoatu f To The PuUfe Vl We invite inspection of our vaults which we think are .equal to any in the country, if not in-size they are certainly in strength, security and conven ience. - . - ' ' F our Comprise the equipment; The Main Vault, containing the Safe Deposit Boxes .and the Bank's Monev and Securities Chests. TheVault of Current Books i and papers hoth on the main fioor. The Old Book Vault in the oasement. : xne oiiorage v auiu. m tne dasement. He :fe?Pep(Dsft Boxes "are the latest improved and are offered for rent at such low rates that any . uuc uaviug uuuus, Biwiia ur vaiuauic papers, ssuuii as cieeas, insurance poii-' cies, jewelry etc., cannot afford to be without the security afforded.- J m mmm fanii 'affords ap excellent, place rf or the storing of trunks, boxes and packages con- .iinMKvSilVAiarP'ffn elsfe. Of Valllfi t.O f Iia limioolroar. uttiinli mor , $. be ? stored : permaheiitly or-during the absence of the owner.. - f ' , S ih!our 'stora& vault at one-third the resmlar raA TWoTioari 4 ' lIMiiiiiS ! atwii IT' ;..vji'a-.w--j--.V'- h4f IMAUUJI 1VA mm - II- '- : We have a tract of 60 acres about 7. miles from city. :. This cp easily be divided into two small tracts. It has one' house and other .- buildings now:" and it has a very desirable site for another', house. ' Call and see us about this. .. . . Phone 11S7.' FOARD-PRICE REALTY COMPANY FIRT3 INSURANCE. 0 East 4th. U rLl.- U J. UClL imw i anus vyiui Little Wm Penh if fWhen you do this you have mad a f riend. The" i I .Little Penn has never ! been found wahtingdon 'i I ; misplace ' your confidence. So hook up mtht al Lit- ' tie Wm. .Penn. . United Sales Compaq '"SS?1 V." ' .:- JoV702JtBouleval irhed ; GI then com. to seems about Terms Payment Charlotte Consolidated Construction C ndBopr eCTtBidg. Sv Jftryon St. 'Phone 1$ FIRST WARD HOfl FOR SME " Has nine rpom In ; fair condition has on ' first floor. receptJ rOOm." narlOr.' dlnlnor room'" kitVlon VnnH- torn haf . t r N second floor three bed foom8, trunkroonl a,nd bath room iriside has .been overhauled and putmnlce-condition, is nearw ed school' and high school, fac in -.the - same block as sS Ownfershave left the.ity- and we have, a price to close out J ., once. for.. ,. .. ..... ..v.... ..r.i' . ".V . .. .. . .$3,7504 J. E. MUEPflY" & CO. ... Room 104 Piedmont Bulidjn, Phone SIS. : - CHRONICLE WANT ADS PAY BEST DIVIDENDS Office of J If c irlCCiftXff fvo Jl cf lciUUi Building & Loan Association V KiO iff f c& joo if ftf. iff n ii k a jt lt nir : - Closed the month of March with" 3,143 SHARES and the" Association will :cohtiiie to-receivei additional shares during APRIL AND MAY. BE A MEMBER OF THE 61ST SERIES. R. E. COCHRANE, Sec. and Treas. .. 3. H. WEARN, President. Xf rtfT orn ' cFlT.rnAm :tiAiiA 'nit n V. n n n Mn . v. ..vv.acj Bwaut ucai auu lii conveniencea; owl block from Elizabeth car line and ' near "Crystal Springs." l 66x150, garden and small orchard. A bargain. JBasy . $4,000.00 Terms Miller-Oatcs Real Estate Insurance Company. . Phone 1011, .. . r..;' s Basement Trust Building . . . J ' 'I - . i'- ' . .' V" ' AS VICE-PRESIDENT MARSHALL 1 " pointed ott , in his New York speech the other day, the right of inheritance anditiie .tight' eff disposing pf property by will are not natural rights. They-are rights established ' and' guaran teed by the State. The Legislature of North- Carolina could repeal the law of de scent' ahd distribution and the law of wills., and. the heirs of a dead man1 would have "ho moreright to, his property than a xtfule colt would have to his mother's bridle and saddle. . B.ut.the State does allow a man to. say what shall become of . his property at death. , It allows him to make a will and ap point an Executor. ; ' " . . Many of the; best business men in North" Carolina are ap pointing the American- Trust Company their Executor Because it- is ,SAPE,SOUND, HONEST AND CAPABLE. American Trust Company V: Charlotte, N, C; Commercial and Sayings Banking 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings and Time Certificates. Capital and Undivided Profits $580,000.00. George Stephens. PresidenjU Word H. Wood, Treasurer. J. Ei Davis. Asst.; Treasurer. ' B. N.Dnke, Vice President. "W. S Lee, Vice President. P. C. Whitlock, Trust Officer ' '-s-'v;U - v It The March Series of Loan Association The Mecklenburg Building & ls-tnow4.open for subscriptloha to "stock and fling of applicatiom for-loans.. .v , "'..: - :" 'v - Stock in this association m atures In little over t years, and earhs yott-H . pr' jpent? mtereat "clear of taxes If carried tc maturity. C. H. ROBINSON. ,., ; A.'G. CRAIG President -.';'. 5- V. ': - " ; '" 8eo A Trea Phone 143S. Basement Trast' Ruildlns. , 210 8. Tryon Street Notice W4 --' Fe Depositors: We expect to,ibe ieinodeling: our present banking room about the first of . May; During this time th bank will occupy the building next to the Postal Tele graph oflfie, formerly occupied by the Chariot) News. ; '' 7 -. ;. -. . : " ' 7 joumer f Yo ove 11, v "ni1 , ..... , 1 '7! 1 1 si and would keep safe and sure the' little home you're trying to pay, for with the help of the , Mutual Buildinfir & Loan, destroy this commission of 3 before Its bony fingers encircle your throat., Tou can't, risk, it, Old Boy.. It's infected with, hookworm and ia fast developing . hydrophobia Listen to this and break out crying. If you dare oppose the big 3 you're a; "politician and a ward heeler." You're '.'hunting a Job," and "there's a reason." -! i ..r . ------ . -. r ; . ., . .,' SOMEBODY WANTS . COMMISSION BAD. ,' - '- :';'- ." What's the wherefore, and where ani de nigger!' ' Sambo? Tou can "sarch me, Boss, but I sure do cent him. Hab fdey reason," tooT Ah, Pauline,;. Pauline,: 'thyways". are mysterious "and thy Idesires, dcth -make f me;;-suspect.- ' : ?' ' u ; . n':?- " ;- REGISTER, MEN",. REGISTER and, go a flsliing. Don't, let em f 60 you Stand by the Mutual. Billy Ma lone,' get tinto the'new- series, but' do wn .; with .the " commission :' of 3 -Hookworm. Pellagrai . and i Hydrophobia.. ..... v -. " ."'." ' " ' ' ' i;.?- ": . !;T..'.v25 S-Tryon Street: rf.J-: Phone v344i a? A REAL PICK-UP FORGED SALE We have an -option for a f ewdays on a splendid vacant lot -, at y $250.00 less ; than it's worth, and : if you1 speak "quick .'that's . your ga?n.s : This ,is an . absolutely bona -flde proposition to ? raise . some !. , The lot is level,. 60x157. feet to rear alley, at highest point' 'at' " - ; Elizabeth; one block: fron-ii' Myers; Park, near car" line and paved ; streets, has ''water,' sewer and: gas service.-convenient' ; Price $1,000. -: . Betten look into thi fori hbmei or. investment.- -a-xrft lj'Trader St. . .- Blbrris .E Trotter, Secy. ; .Treas.. Phone 4t ft . 'H .. V 1! n Loamimmamnes Hani '-V'.. "':-,,...,.,. . . ' - - -, . 9 JNO. M. SOOTT, President. , 7., . . W..I4. JENKINS, Cashier, : W. S. AliEXANDER, 1st V. FteSi,. ?-A. M. IDONAO, 2nd V. Pr Charlotte's Ideal Home Xocation Is ELIZABETH HEIGHTS Drive out and . see the ('beautiful homes that . have been built .and . are now, being constructed.'"-, - - Our car Is at your service and the prides on building -Jots are most reas- onaoie. Southern Real Estate, Jjoan 4- Soati Tryon 'Street. y.r FOR BENT.' c " :t;"'"'V -. '-:-. 'r f si"': '"'v-4 ' '';-': 805 N. College, 9"jpooms.i r. A .$40.00 614 ; Church, 8 rooms $40.00 10 Tenth avenue, rooms. 1. $35.00 31 3 "East' 9th,- 5 rooms.!'. , . .; ,1, $25.00 313 East 9th street," 5 rooms secon -s. floor, .'( . . . . ::' .'..:i.. $22.50 803 Nl Pine ftteeti roteflvj$2500 411 WWesL 1 itsi$roowf i ; A ..- V.-. . ; i .$i6.oo 212 :NorthSeigiestreeii toomln v? ." ".' :v.', i''.us'.. $120 50 S N.; Myers, - 8 rooms, colored Iterri Store f opm: 22 W.est75th Store - room N. College, street r$75.00 liAmHURiiBibEnsPlBil ire insnrance.v . ' " THE OFTENER YOTJR AD "IS IN THE CHRONICLE THE OFTEN EK IT WlUfc BE SEEN," ' AND - THE MORE POPUIiAR -TOU v- AIII3 THE MOIU5 TRADE XOU GET. , , 8-rc4 Central avenue , f Piedmont) V house lot 181x150'. $8,5; NT.' Cblleeet street. "9-room house, j 60x198 .. $8.0 N. - College ' street,"; 9 -room house, i ;59xl 0 0 . . $6,250 Elizabeth ; avenue (corner) 8-wl house, lot : 50x193. $8.2501 Elizabeth' nvtftiire 'r-.i-rtrtm house, 5: 50x198 .. ; $, Elizabeth ; avenue. 8 -room house, A 50x110 .... $8,000. N.1 McDowell street, 6 -room lot 50x100.. S2,au Nil McDowell atrAAt S.rnnm ho"! lot 33X148 $1.8 Park Court,' 5-room . 57x100 , .. S". Trybn street, 7-room house, 1 ;ooxi o . . . . ... . . ?a0xl46 v . . V.; . . . TTT -WT " ' . 1 f kyMtflP. 1 59x166 . ..... I'"": house, ...S3,' VaU avenue, ' Colonial He ghts, iioOmV bungalow, lot 60x160 . ' . '-(:. . . . $6,5"' . . . . . ........ 7 Park- ; avenue, Dilworth, .house, . lot 100x190 ..... W. . Trade street, - 9 -room house. j2-r :2,ooJ Mitt S it 1001-1002 Commerolal National ' Building. 'Phone z--Everything : Jn Real Estate, n -V Grade to vestments. J '. Tkin't fftrirt wn write fire iBS0! in , strong companies.