I - . -c .V ----- .- "rr . : r.- 11 0p 4 IV hi ii i in hi V! 14 7 if WaT tt FORM MOVEMENT. I I )YTJI OF ALLIANCES AND TBEK ORGANIZATIONS. tprer the a eiiare oi tne reople inequalities are glaring evils. That they are unwise in policy, undemo cratic and unjust in principle, un American and unchristian, and in seeking relief from such things against tliat Show the wind-items of ourselves as farmers we know that we it to Citizens Interested in mnaf nnmo TO;tV.1 1 J ,1 .1- 11 . r mid of tiie ?fat;on. equally, it weexpect equity. aleigh correspondent of the Wil- Resolved, That we see no good, but 1 B Ion Messenger savs : apprehend much harm, to come from ere are 2,063 sub-Alliances in tne proposed nomination of State offi . m -v m a I Carolina, and )d counties have cers by the farmers under the " Shell y Alliances besides. That is all call. We, therefore, request such ouuties save one, and that one is , L , A, . TT;inover. inere are some sub- J nces in that county, but as yet countJ t0 PPose all the time the county Alliance has not been proposition to nominate, and, tailing ed. lhe state Alliance office to defeat such purpose in others, that has enlarged its omces, and now tnev auietlv and resnp.n.tfnllr with ! Vk anfiva Vvnilrlirirp xtt V ink if 1 pica t"v. """" ""v" A,n U J il. O x I j ,1 , 1 . 1 -y 7; VI I An 11VU1 ULIC UUU V , LUclli CUUilCr pccupieu juiuuy wiiu me iuu. Vo more licenses for the sale of "" appear 10 uounten. kercial fertilizers were issued to- auce or be anywise bound by such 111- The Commissioner of Agricul- advised action. CHARLOTTE, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1890. 51st CONGRESS. NO. 65. 1 appears to enjoy very much the bmfiture of the fertilizer pool, has gone all to piecs. He PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEN ATE AND HOUSE. Miscellaneous Items of Interest at the Capital Political and Personal Gos sip, Etc. Etc. Ed, C. D uncan, of North Carolina, nas been appointed Collector of Cus toms for the district of Beaufort, N. C. from this State embraced some results clearly indicating that President Har rison's administration has failed to win approval from the party despite the ecstatic seans of the organs touch ing the first year's experiment. Rochester elected a Democratic mayor for the first time in fourteen years. In 1888 the city gave Harri son a plurality of 2,627. In Newburg the Democrats made a 'A successful test of smokeless pow- clean sweep. Harrison's majority over der was given at the navy yard at Cleveland was 612, and for three years Washington City Saturday. A num- tue mayor has heen a Republican ber of distinguished men were present, Elmira, Gov. Hill's home, elected capital of $500, 000. ! 1 - - . ! C a fH f Vl O ontiro TiomftnY-nfin tnra K tt nVinnf imbuing oecrtary xracy, v,ommo- j -u- A two Story brick Store Occupied by uore reiger, u;niei oi vrainance GENERAL NEWS. NEWSY ITEMS OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS. The Work of Pencil, Shears and Paste Pot Through Our Mail and Exchan ges for the Past Week News in and Out of the State. Eighty-eight perished in the Morsa mine disaster. Cross and White are now working the public roads of Wake county. The Catawba Lumber Company has been incorporated at Hickory, with a As- 800 majority. sistant Naval Constructor Heckham, Ulster county went Democratic. and other naval officers. The powder Harrison's majority there was 338. seemed to be all claimed for it. and The Democrats carried Duchess John O'Connor, of Greensboro, was destroyed by fire on last Sunday morn ing. The grand jury, of Davidson county Chaff for Farmers. From the New York World. ed today as he spoke of that mat- The majority of the Ways and Means Thus far this year fifty-four h- Committee are evidently intending to Jes Lias Deeu lSSUea. J uu wcu uimuai tu paiiiatc tut; lariutsrs by deceiving them. The Protectiou- ome, JN. x., Jriarcn o. -a. meei- :stiS are increasinsr the dutv on everv- f the central New York farmers thinff consumed bv the farmer, and held yesterday, and an interest- thev hope that their victims win pav question was uisuumcu. -LUCJ' the piperfgracefully if they can be ed a strong protest against unjust made to believe that affricultnral r,rn. lion, and said that the tariff sys- ductg afe also tQ be protected. lin their opinion, does not afford Under the nrp.Sfint tariff the fnllnw- much benefit. Secretary Bateh- in taxea and bounties were paid last tailed the meeting iu uiuci, aUU r 0Q articles, which the farmer ac- iMarvin presented resolutions tually bought : Sugar 70 per cent., t unjust taxation of farm prop- tin late for roofingj dinner and milk which were adopted pails, kitchen, utensils, etc., about 40 lonion Hoxie said: "Countries npr fifin . Vnit-nntton irnnds 20 r,m- protected have the world, while cent. cotton clothing, 35 per cent.: that try to et a home, market an(i 8tenftwflrft. f, r,Pr io get anything more. We pro- bagging for cotton, 44 per cent.; win- OUr WOOl growers, iur msuiuce. df)ff - M 70 fi nt chains. 44 wool of South America cannot fint. fintton t:fiS 05 npr t. e in here. It goes to England, wojlen goods 70 per cent jis mauumciuicu u OCUi ua iv, The "pauper hen" of (Janada was th America. The farmers are tt,fi ;nvGntion of a ioknr. but tha helped. The manufacturers are -reedv m;nd ;s without a sense of nnlTr nnps benefited. The ' tariff 1 j a, r j. l . 1" I uuiuur, uu tuts 1 iuuecuuuiaia uuw iu - Md be done away with, not at sist that there ghaU be a duty Qn eggg p. uuigiauuwiji. " 1 ""6 vv Tney represent the number ot eggs er one industry more than another. that arc imDOrted into this countrv at ink the people are coming to real- bout teQ miin0u dozen ra0re than hat protection carried to such ex- actUally come to us, and they know es as m mis country wunss uo tbat none would come from abroad if fit. We are trying to get the ou own heng wouid iav enouirh. The ie of South America, but we can- Undnstrv of hens is about the last do it when we prevent them from thin that reauires a protective tariff. lr a r i y- r r n acs V fTi onfl AT- I -v . .1 si Iiacnug mcu puuuvio u in aaaition, tne tarmers are prom- nging them for ours.' ised an increase of the duty on hay from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand tons come to this country under the existing duty. There is to be an increase of duty ast week county conventions were on peas from 10 to 20 per cent., al- d all over South Carolina by the though a comparatively small quantity mers' Association to elect dele- is imported, and there are other agree- e to the State convention called, by . i , . i I -.. nf U.ntnndAn nil r w hiin nrn sident Shell to meet March 27th abgurd attempts at' deception, while nominate a fetate ticket, lhe some 0f them are impossible, because Iment in political circles. The out- to change do not exist. f- - , . The nrecise truth about all this is unanimously conaemn tne thatthe protectionist8 are making their vement as fanatical, while about reckoning on the basis that the farm f the members of the organization ers are fools, as they would be if they I opposed to such a scheme. were willing to pay not only 70 but ffhe orean of tWRt AHUr, ,a 80 Der cent, tax on woollen clothes in Un a firm Btand against the Associ- retur? fo,r a b0,Jnty u D he? 8 1 6g,gu ' in convention. hay, barley and other P"d prices of which are not affected by the po far as heard from the dpi Pfrntoa : '.A Ul r nnontitioa brnntrht into vfevvU lUUUUaiUCiauiC tuauiivnu the convention will stand fVnnt o. rVio nnnntrv alonsr the border. The vv MD I V O was stronger than the ordinary pow- county, which gave Harrison 1,016 failed to find any bills against the der. ovcr Cleveland. men charged with the lynching of Tn Onon nnn,T romAr0 o Hobert Jsemer The Postmaster-General and Mrs. madc large gains. Harrison carried Wanamaker, accompanied by Mrs. the county by 1,958 over Cleveland. Harrison, Mrs. Russell Harrison, and Utica, the home of one of the muz Mr?. McKee will go to Florida on a zled Republican editors, now sub- A robber broke the glass window of Domna & Samuels of Dallas, Tex.. Tuesday night and stole a case of dia monds that was in the window. plasure trip this week. Among the bills introduced in the House last week was one by Mr. Row land, appropriating $100,000 to con tinue the improvement of Town Creek river, in Bruswick county, N. C. treasurer in New York, selected 'a A large warehouse containing $75,- Democratic mayor by 900 plurality, im worth of cotton afc Greenville, S. kj., was uesiroyea dj nre w eanesaay ai "W" r" r - morning. About l.ouu bales were burned. The New York Suu says the whole sale grocers of the country have en tered into a co-operation V) advance 0LITICS AND THE FARMERS. itement in South Carolina Over Shell's Call for a Convention. although the city went for Harrison in 1888. At Oswego, Port Jervis, Kingston, Amsterdam, Whitehall, Hornellsville, Buffalo, Batavia and Dunkirk, all car- The House Committee on Territo- ried by Harrison, the Democrats were the price of sugar one-fourth of a cent ries has completed its report on the victorious. per pound. . ... . . . . . . I mi ' f j l 1.1 bill to admit Idaho into the Union, me most signincant results, now- The Wilmington Messenaer savs: and it will soon be presented to the ever, are the Democratic victories in Blackwell's Durham tobacco factory House. The only opposition to the tbe once Republican stronghold, Iowa, is to be sold to an English syndicate J I I C AO AAA AAA i An CAA AAA T , admission of Idaho under the Consti- The Democrats achieved success a i tution, which the legal voters of the Burlington, Cedar rapids, Clinton; . J d . f , Th Territory adopted ufianimously, came Creston and Fort Dodge. At Cones- British could not conquer ; it now from the Mormons They protested, ville the Republicans elected their really looks like they intend to buy says the report, because of a section mayor, but the Democrats carried the the country in the Constitution which disfranchised remainder of the ticket. The mayor- A Raleigh correspondent of the . . ... j i i . i - nr.: j I t i 7 mi persons practicing or preacing bigamy auiJ 18 m uoudi at les luuiues anu uurnam uiooe says : There was a or polygamy. During the discussion "ux City. smaii zea sensation nere yesteraay betore tne committee in regara to tne . r. i .i t i . a j r i n XVCUUUiitau vjico iu i n u kj ian,o ju i - - i legality ot this clause, Justice ie Id tw first vear of President Harrison's Williams, employed there, made in- of the United States Supreme Court administration. delivered the opinion of the Court, af firming the constitutionality of this clause. quiry whether Williams had made any remarks regarding him and a woman employed at the insane asylum. Dr. PAiiflltv fnr Pnmmftllinir a Cadet Who Unssoui toad a revolver. Williams NAVAL CADET DISMISSED. had ReportedHim for Bad Conduct, said that he , had said nothing of the Annapolis, March '4. Naval Cadet 80rt because he did not know nothing Thos. L. Jenkins, of North Carolina, and thereupon Dr. Grissom departed. He was arrested and taken before the Working Public Roads in Mecklenburg County. A citizen of the dounty hands us t!e following interesting article : On the 18th of last Npvembe the convicts, under the efficient manage ment of Superintendent Hilton, and operated by Manager Sossamon, aided by his corps' of watchful, polite guard, with a working force of about sixty hands, came to the Lawyer's road, lo cating their quarters at a quarry near C. H. Wolfe's residence. It wa thought a very unfortunate time of year to undertake work on this roadr as it is generally more than a foot deep in mud during the winter ; but the elements favored the work, and today, February 22d, we bid the con vict forces good-bye, standing beside the best macadamized road this side of the Mason and Dixon line. During all these four months of midwinter the hands only lost two days on account of bad weather. For the satisfaction of tax payers, I will say that under the present improved method of manage ment that is of keeping the convicts in tents beside their work that fully as much, if not more, work- is accom plished to the .hand than could be done by free labor in the same length of time. And other things come in to add to tjie success of the work the experiences of the managers, use of improved machinery, together with the hearty co-operation of ftke citizens in the neighborhood where" the work was done, in furnishing -jck, giving right of way to straighten all crooks out of the road before the rock was put on it. The good wishes of the people who travel this road to Char lotte follow the county's forces with the hope that they may succeed as well on the next road they work on, there by making glad other sections of our county. The grades of this road are so gradual that I verily believe that with a good supple horse you could pass over the first four or five miles next to Charlotte without the use of holding-back straps. I am ofter asked, "Are you glad they are gone?" Now, for the information of those to whose premises they may locate near,. I will say that during all their stayr here I never missed a thing, or was disturbed in any way by their pres ence ; but on the contrary our neigh borhood has been helped considerably by several hundred dollars of the county's money being divided among NORTH CAROLINA COAL. Mr. Daniel introduced in the Sen ate Wednesday a bill to provide a ba sis for the circulation of national Academy for conduct unbecoming a mavor who bound him over to appear banks. naval cadet in having engaged in a at Wake Superior court. He gave The bill provides that national fight about a month ago with a fellow Dau ai once- i i i ,,-a; u cadet wno naa reported mm ior ieav- banks may secure their circulation by . f . J ing the ranks. Cadet Jenkins entered the deposit with the Treasurer of the Academy in 1887 but was turned United Stats, or any assistant treasur- back, and is at present a member of er of silver bullion, in sums not less the lower class. About a month ago, than $10,000, at its value when coin- while on his way to recitation, he left , . , ii i Ai , j his squad to examine the marks he ed in dollars, less the estimated cost , . . L ' had made at the semi-annual examin- of coinage. A bank may make these &tQU ich had been posted in the deposits to the amount of the par value recitation hall, and for this breach of Something About the Coal Fields of the Old North State. From tli Wilmington Messenger. We were pleased yesterday to meet in our city Mr. H. B. Peters, general sales agent for the Egypt Coal Com pany. He is here to establish a trade m, mr US That in the great agi ta rn and Orpari,! f l. lows : lr nomination 34 gain?t 64 pinsructed g2 The Sumter convention adopted r str0Tg resolutions as follows : Plural classes in this county we 6""e with cheering hope for the Ure a natural and just resistance of people to adverse class legislation, tht we shall do all in our power Emulate and encourage, rather n aHay, the indignant protest and nest uprising against wrong and pression among the farmers of South folina solved, That we regard the farm- eucies to discover and correct all uses of their class in the Alliance d the Democratic. pplying whatever is lacking in the 1 Ll a : last election in Ohio and Iowa indi cated that the farmer is getting weary of being fed on chaff. RAILROAD DISASTER. Six People Killed and Fifteen Injured Cars Piled on Top of One Another. At Bay View Station, about nine miles from Buffalo, N. Y., Friday night, the rear section of a passenger train on the Lake Shore road, which had become uncoupled, ran into the front section. The sections came to gether with such force that the for ward sleeper, the Salina, telescoped for coinage m, . . 1" A m I the rear coach ot the standing section, killing six people and injuring fifteen others. Cars were piled in all shapes on top of one another, while the Salina was almost completely buried from sight. Those who escaped injury bravely set to about' helping those who were less fortunate. The screams and shrieks of many of those in the wreck were enough to make one's blood run cold. As soon as the conductor discovered in nnr Jt,v fnr t.hft fnal frnm this enm- of its stock paid up, and its surplus, discipline he was reported by a class- pany's mines in Chatham county, on undivided earnings of one year's mate Naval Cadefc Perf who had the Une of the Cape Fear and Yadkin A W do not exceed CQ&e 01 lQe uau' , , . , . Valley Railway I. r . , i . i Angry words ensued, and a ngnv A car load or more of coal from the per cent, ot the tne capital siock, between the two was arranged, but Ef,vnt es has been sent down here on the deposit of the same amount of Jenkins being the heavier, and having over the q f & y. V. Railroad, and gold coin or United States notes. It had nearly three years ot gymnastic the 8team t Marie and Lawrence, shall be relieved from liability for its u ug luic -s and the railroad's ferry boat Compton v-i.- j - i nnnnnent and soon defnatea i i i - x.-i -e ?x t t i . . j : ran;i,,i,nn, 1Ui rr y . nave Deen mattinga iesi oi Mior Bieam nirinlgfinrr TlM8 ftn n 1 1. ma V W 1 tndra W I. i i j.x -. J xl I o uiiuui.iii6 . u him. oeverai caueis wuuesseu iue ,,cQC n . 1 ft! AnMAnrlmv I v , 1.1 1 1 . I A r irom tne ireasury a cuueauuuumg ngDt ana admired tne piucK oi young Wft lfiftrn from M, Pfitfirs th.t tu. pro rata amount of the silver bullion Parker, who entered the academy last pr0Spectg are qUjte encouraging for deposited. If a bank goes into the Uctooer. these mines. From sixty to seventy hands of a receiver, his first duty shall k A court of inquiry, lj hands are now employed in operating . , w ' .. ; JL not V Commander Henry Glass eon man- them and th e ho;sting from silt v ueyv - -v. dant 01 eaaets at tne java, jicaaemy, t seventy tons of coal per day ' of less may iu,uuu, auu mo ucaOUi recommenaeQ me aismissaiuiueuiiius, twenty-four hours. New levels are .. .. .i i i n? j i . i . I . . . . . ' shall then cause tne silver nuinon ae- and inis-sent-euce wasappiuvcu uy however, being opened, and it is con nosited by that bank, to be coined in- Secretary of the Navy. It is said a terapiated tnat the output will shortly ... . i coiorea dov will Drooauiv rcucivc uuu to dollars, which shall be held, sub- t '.S Z' ' ons ject to the order of the receiver, to Three coiore(l boys have been admit- p The oDerations o far consise of a to a per- the extent of the silver bullion de- ted to the Naval Academy since its or- gnaft which has. been sunk posited with him. The Secretary of the Treasury shall be relieved of the necessity of purchasing silver bullion Wm. P. Taulbee, ex-Representative from Kentucky in th 49th 50th Con gresses who was shot by C E. Kin caid, the Washington correspondent of the Louisville Times, on the afternoon of February 28th, died at the Provi dence Hospital, Washington City, Tuesday. ganization. They were Conyeas of pendicular depth of 463 feet, and from South Carolina, Baker of Mississippi, WDjcn two levels have been run out and McClelland of Alabama, all of 0n the coal vein, one a distance of 460 which tailed in tneir studies and were feet and the other 12g0 feet dropped. Durant's Island Sold. From the Raleigh News and Observer. Durant's Island, in Dare cunty, belonging to the State Public School Fund, has just been sold by the State Board of Education to Hon. John E. Reyburn, Congressman from the fourth district of Pennsylvania, who is the successor of Congressman Kelley, and one of the wealthiest men in Pennsyl vania. The island was purchased at The People's Message to tbe President, j the rate of 1.00 per acre, as was pro- and we shall not countenance 'that the train had parted he pulled the j From the New Yok wd . . j Con ' man Return's object in . . . - -i . no n uj m ii 11 uiuiiiiMiiai cicvwvuu - - "Fprive any action that shall di- bell cord, stopping tne iront secnou. j ert from or imnair tho strpnath nf ! A moment later the crushed mto the front. ther of these agencies. solved. That class purchasing the island is to establish there handsome winter quarters for In the levels now being driven there is a vast improvement in the quality of the coal, which is harder, and more flint-like. It also contains less sulphur and is easier to mine. The coal vein extends from Northeast to Southwest at a pitch of about 40 degrees, and the seam of coal is from four to four and a half feet thick. legislation, i X. N Bigg ass antagonism, class pririlegcs and made au assignment last Friday The town and municipal elections rear section throughout a State have always been ; held up by the Republicans as a cer- bimseif and fneuds, which they will j . . . i . l i tu:.. .nnmanf l:i t f TJYirrpsfc ritv tain test OI me reiii piiuuai scukuivu. i uucupv vuii uu uuuwug cipcuiuuua Clvcftfts, " r i of the people. Yesterday's returns j tn the island. Bncklen's Arnica Salve.' The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by BurwelJ & Dunn, druggists. Our Insane Asylums. RALEIGH ASYLUM. Raliegh Correspondent Wilmington Messenger The meeiting of the directors of the insane asylum yesterday and today was full of gopd results. As you were advised, Mr. Crawford, who was temporarily appointed steward by the former board, was reelected. He has proved to be a very useful man, .and by his good management the, per capi ta expenses per day have been reduced" from 12c. to a fraction over 7c. That is a fine showing. It applies to both' patients and employes. The board adopted some very im portant regulations. One of thes re quires the superintendent to state in . his annual report the number of time? in which mechanical restraint upon prisoners has been used, and also the cause therefor, and the duration of such restraint. Another is that all ' puchases of supplies shal be subject to the approval of the executive commit- tee. This is in the interest of econo my, and will prevent any possible charge of favoritism to any particular merchant or dealer. MOBQ ANTON ASYLUM. From the Statesvllle Landmark. The board of diroctors of the W- N. C. Insane Asylum met yesterday. - Maj. J. W. Wilson was reelected? chairman of the board. The presenl. executive committee, viz.: Maj. Wil son, I. I. Davis, and J G. Hall, was reelected. There were further reflec tions as follows : Dr. W. P. Ivey;. ass't physician ; F. M. ScroggB, stew ard ; Mrs. C. A. Marsh, matron; Jno. A. Dickson, clerk of theboard. Therfe are 484 patients in tbe institution. These are being supported at a per capita expense of $178.50 per year, and a macadamized road is 'being built from the Morganton depot to tbe asylum, other improvements are being made and all necessary repairs kept up without exceeding the appropria tion. This great charity is being con ducted economically and with the ut most efficiency, and in all repects in & manner worthy of the people whoir benevolence supports it. Neuralgic, pain is usually of an in tensely sharp, cutting or burning character. To effect a speedy and permanent cure rub thoroughly with Salwation Oil, the greatest pain-cure-on earth. 25 cents. , , 4 u 3 - . 1 ?! . ml r. .