yjSCELLANEO US. THE Ifortboli PATENTEDFEB.IS9VV J undsome and light enough for pleas- v. re and for ladies to use. , ef ul for more purposes than any other wa"on. Made in several styles. amplest wagon in the country ; cannot . , t out ot ordcr and needs no repairs. CTOng aml durable for light business jnirposes ; made to use us well as to to look at. Monest in quality and honest in price. (h:r trade-mark is on cverv genuine Bartholomew." Qhort-tum device on a straight body ; turns a? short as a turn-under and i an not upset. Unique. You never saw a wagon like this unless you have seen "The Bar tholomew." Write for catalogue .in J address of local dealer. The Bartholomew Company, Cincinnati, O. Vs. ALEXANDER. A?ent, 11 Charl tte, N. C. ept. IMPORTANT To Farmers. The n'irit? are fretting lon:rr aid you -eed -r d lii?at to read by. The ''LITTLE JEWEL" the thine: to give y.u tin liht, and vehuve th?:n in abuulaice hold a pint of oil and burn 8 hous, giving th liht 39 candles, nosanke, n s mil, no dialer if explosion, h-idy t carry, ab nit the an. I yet, giria pledsv.it lijht for ill need. We have -THE ROCHESTER, alo a Iv.in thai never corals baek to us; when it is s)ld, it stays sold, theve come in different styles. Lire sizi for ahurch 300 candle pavver, excels all others and cannot iret out of order; smaller size for kome. either stand or hanarincr- We have the prettiest DLNTNER SETS, ind TEA SETS in the mirket. Also a fail line of all IIOUSS FURNISHING GOODS at lowest prices. Wholesale and Retail. G. S. READ & CO., 11 East Trade Street. Charlotte, N. C. Do you wear Boots? We have the best line of Boots for all uses ever in. this market. A special Boot for this season is our fine light kip, with ex tension sole, and doublestitched edge, price 3,90. Heavy kip and grain waterproof Boots with long or short less. Large stock of Rubber Boots, without exception we sell the best boot at 2.00 "on earth Bojs and Youths's Boots. Fine line Calf Boots, heavy and light. Give us a call. GTLREATII & CO. in r 0 0 'A O o H 4 T. G O c5 i - rn C3 SM J0NS. "YOUR UNCLE JONES" will be tar.- on November 1st, and hold a ten B meeting in the great Tabernacle, 4-PAWS CIRCUS will ho 1 Thnrsrl.iv. the 5th. texr.f.et a large crowd and will j pen up for this occasion five thou- j -ud yards of Dress Goods in all col- i f5"- m plain, stripes and plaids, from : ' (:'-r. per yard up to 50 cents. j , A;, Three Thousand yards of ' I' .' ixK .) cents per yard. ; JAS; HARRISON & CO., . j 3 doors below 1st Nat'l Bank. . rt r y j r-ry- rrpi I . ' -- AFTER THE STARTER A DEATHBED SCENE DESCRIBED BY LOUIS HARRISON. He Was Dying Race Track "Tout," and He Imagined He Had "a Copper Llne.i Cinch" to Piay on the Track That Day. and No Time to Lose. I have hesitated abont the following true story of a deathbed scene which occurred in this city. 1 had the description directly from the doctor in attendance. He has lately left New York to continue his profession else where, and 1 am constrained to tell the story as he described it, suppressing all names. The snow and sleet dashed through the death chitting atmosphere in wild ! waves. The wind mnanfiil among the telegraph wires. A solitary hackman, driven from his seat by the waning elements, had ensconced him j self inside his mournful looking vehicle and tapped upon the frost covered glass , to attract the attention of belated night ! owls. Winter in its - -w J4,kJW J CkJ V CIO apon ns. In a dingy looking house on Thirtieth street a young man weak and emaciated tossed restlessly upon a bed. He was a race track tout, and the great mental strain he had been subjected to for years in naming sure winners had left him an absolute wreck. His sunken cheeks, his eyes ablaze with fever and his corpselike pallor all denoted that he had but a few short hours to live. A professional nurse, with that cold, hos pital stretcher expression they all pos sess, sat in a corner of the darkened room and whiled away the time by figuring how the undertaker would man age to get the coffin around that narrow turn in the stairs. The doctor had been summoned, and when he rang the bell the tout waved his bony arms aloft and shrieked: "They're off I Tenny in a walk! Tenny gets all the money, and Salvator won't be one. two, six!" the tout's cixcn. He fell back on the bed exhausted as the doctor entered the room. The phy sician removed his greatcoat and the nurse shook the rain and snow from it. "Doctor, this is a dreadful night. 1 suppose you are wet through?" The tout regained consciousness and muttered: "The track will be heavy to morrow, and I've got a copper riveted, lead pipe, copyrighted, air tight cinch. Firenze in the mud she swims in it She can make the' pace so hot that the track will be dry before she does the first quarter." The doctor approached the bed, and touching the patient's pulse said. "How da you feel?" "Well, I'll tell you," he replied, "just how I feel about this. The Dwyers sta ble is next to ours, and they tell me everything. Phil told me this morning that Blackjack would wiu in a horrible canter. - You see, the party that owns him wants to make a hoglrilling, arid no oirj knows that he's out for the dust.'" Turning to the nurse the doctor in quired, "Have you notified his friends of his condition?" The tout started up and yelled: "Of course I have! I want to let Vin all in on the ground floor. Why, it's a little sure money. I saw him tried at daylight this morning. lit? made tii Ur.st quarter in 0:21 i. the second in 0:!J?. and the third was so fast that it broke my stop watch and loosened three of my teeth. How can he lose it? Why, it's just like tailing tn rough the roof ot a mint." The doctor looked very serious and said, "lie will be dead man hour." LOST BY-A DKKATIJ. "Oh. no, lu won't." the tout sneered. "There's not a deai 1 .one in the hunt. If any oi em were sun i u i.now u. i ueu 3'ou, Blackjack is full of Tabasco sauce. and he'll leave all them other plug.; at the post. Why shouldn't he? Do yon know his pedigree? Blackjack is out f Dark Lantern,, by BlaekweH's Island, and he's a born cracker." The doctor; felt his pulse again and sighed, "1 can do no move; 1 must be going." The tout caught his arm and. drawing his head down close to the pil low, whispered: "After the Blackjack race meet me in the paddock. If you .... iit - i win I've got to give titty Collars to tne trainer, twenty-five to the jockey and twenty to .the stable boys. I'll put what's left on the nest race, and if the horse wins, you're in on it. So meet me in the paddock and I'll cash your ticket." The doctor took the dying man's hand and said, "My poor boy, are you pre pared to meet the Great Judge?" The tout gasped, "J -don't want to meet the judge; the man I'm afW is the starter." The physician pressed his attenuated hand, and, as the moisture gathered in his sympathetic eyes, said. "Now turn your face to the Vail, my boy, and go to sleep." "I will," the tout muttered. "Ill get net to the rail, so that when 1 turn the corner they can't foul me. 'Here's a telegram 1 just received from the owner. There s fU to l on LiiacKjac. get it quick bef6re they cut it down. I'll win" But he didn't. He quit in the stretch and lost by a breath. Louis Harrison in New York Advertiser. The Simrrow's liatli. Have you eyer noticed the pugnacious little English sparrow perform his morn ing ablution? He hunts up n street sprinkling cart, takes his position in front of it and stands there like a drum major close to the whoel as the cart goes by. After receiving the full force of the Tvater. he again takes his place in front, and again awaits the on coining of the -art. "This is repeated until the little fellow is satisfied with his cleanliness. The EugUsh sparrow is nothing if not metropolitan, -Detroit Free Press. SIio Whs Heady. Pater (emphatically) Come now'. No prevarication. That young motile Has proposed to yon. Von may us well ac knowledge the corn. Daughter (bravely)-l do. It is true. I acknowledge the popcorn.-, utsbnrg Buiieciu. PLATFORM AND RESOLUTIONS. Of the Democratic Party, Adopted by the State Conrention, Held at Ra- ' liffh. August 9th, 1890. Resolved, That the Demcracy of North Carolina reaffirm the platform and principles of the Democratic par- ty both btate and national, and par- elections were held, seven Kepubh ticularly favor the free coinage of sil- cans. two Democrats and one Alli- . ill. . . . . . ver, and an increase of the currency, and the repeal of the international revenue system. And we denounce the McKinley tariff bill as upjust to the consumers of the country, and leading to the formation of the trusts combines and monopolies which have oppressed the people; and especially do we denounce the unnecessary and burdensome increase in the tax on cotton ties and on tin, so largely used by the poorer portion of the people. We likewise denounce the iniquitious Lodge Force bill, whose purpose is to establish a second period ot recon ptruction in the Southern States, to subvert the liberties of our people and inflame a new race antagonism and sectional animosities. And we de nounce the tyrannical action of Speak er Reed and his abettors who have changed the WrWl Wnn of TW. AnkMvPR frnm Kr inin nhin tft Mi.fr ill f a few nartizan leader i? i rru j j c cial reform, and the enactmet of laws ... . . - . I A. . I 1 1 L. 1 X- il I luiit will iciiiuvb tut: uurueus ui tue people, reliere the existing agricul- cultural depression, and do full and auipie jasL.uc iu tue laimers auu la- l .!. ti, e j l borers of of our countrv vT'veu;. AU" lue xeuiucracy "' iiuiiu vtti uiiua mnu ca juou pi iuc ill the able and patriotic course of their Senatcrs, and Representatives in Con gress touching the great publ'C ques tion? that have been before them for action, and especially do we appreei- ate th he great ability and zeal ot bena- Vance in the protracted contest tor V ance in tne pro on the tariff question, which reflect honor and credit alike on hiui him and on the State of North Caro lina; and we cordially recommend his re-election to the United States Sen- ate by the next General Assembly of iNorth Uarolina, and we commend tae wise and satisfactory administration of our State affairs. Wheresas, The education of the rAAr n i li nccnntittl nrvr rm I tt t r in11. FClT,c ,3 uuvm, uu vu.j tu '""'- vidual happiness and prosperity, but also the maintenance cf civil and re ligious liberty. Resolved, That the next General Assembly of North Carolina be re quested to increase the fund for the maintenance of public schools. Resolved, further, That we demand the abolition of National Banks, and the substitution of legal tender Treas ury notes in lieu of National Bank notes, issued in sufficient volume to do the business of the country on a cash system, regulating the amount needed on a per capita basis as the business interests of the country ex- pands, and that all money issued by the government shall be legal tender .Villi. 1.1 11 in payment ot ail dents, Doth puDlic ,i duu piiatc. i uai we ueinauu shall pass such laws as tha Congress sh ill effectual- ly prevent the dealing in futures of all agricultural and mechanical pro ductions; preserving a strmgent sys tem of procedure in trials as shall se cure the prompt conviction, and im posing such penalties as shall secure the most perfect compliance with the law. 3. That we demand the free and un limited coinage of silver. 4. That we demand the passage of laws prohibiting the alien ownership of land, and that Congress take early steps, to devise some plan to obtain all lands now owned by aliens and foreign syndicates; and that all lands now held by railroads and other cor porations, in excess of such as is ac tually used and needed by them, be reclaimed by the government and held for actual settlers only. 5. Relieving in the doctrine of "equal rights to all and special privi leges to none," we demand that tax ation, national or State, shall not be used to build up one interests or class at the expense of another. We be lieve that the money of the country should be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we demand that all revenue, national, State or county, shall he limited to the necessary expenses of the government economically and honestly administer ed. G. That congress issue a 6umcient amount of fractional paper currency to facilitate the exchange through the medium of the United States mail. Mt. Pleasant, N.C., May 27, 1S8G. Messrs. York & Wadsworth, Concord N. C: In reply, will say that I have been nsing one of the Van Winkle cotton i;ins for two years. I can safely say it is the best gin I ever used. Very respectfully, W. R. KlXDLEY. No nausea or griping after using Brookfield's Liver and Kidney Pills For sale by Charlotte druggists. The People's Party Waterloo The New Party Badlj Swamped In Kansas. Topkka, Kan., November 5. Re turns from 90 of the 10G counties in this State show the defeat of the peo ple's party ticket in seventy-five coun ties In two judicial districts in which ancesan were elected. There were combinations between the Democrats and Republicans in three j udicial dis- tricts all of which were successful, Jerry Simpson was the only Alli- ance Congressman who succeeded in putting his county ticket through, The Republicans and Democrats are congratulating each otber, and old time Republicans predict that the cam - paigu of 1892 will be between the old parties. No - Hope in the Third Party. State Chronicle. In Iowa, the home of Gen. Weaver, the great headlight of the so-called Poople's party, out of a total of 425, 000 votes cast the People's party can didate received less than 15,000 votes I 1 .1 1 C .1 A ur 1UbS luau lDree Per cenc- 01 ine " tal vote- At that ratio in a State where the third party idea was thought to be ver? 8tronS' how lonS would il take for the Alliance to secure reform asures through this new organiza tin ti ' .Sparkling Catawba Spring's. tipalth .seekers should to SnnrV ling Catawba Springs. Beutifully located, in atawba county, 1,000 feet above sea-level, at the foot of the Blue Ridge mountains. Scenery mag nificent. Waters possess medicinal properties of the highest order. Board only 30.00 per month. Read adver- fiuotnpnt in f.hia rarr QriH writ l lr E Q E1Hott & So pr0 ietors for , .. r 1 uesenpuve pawpuiem. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sysup hasbeen used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethinjr. with perfect success. It sooths the clii'.d, softens the iruras, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggist in every part of the world. Twenty- five cents a bottle. Be sure tc ask ford ' . A I take no other kind. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sj-rup has been used for over FIFTY YEARS bv MCfiCONM O J OTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETH ING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world, be sure and ask for "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands bv an East India missionary the formula of a simple vp.rptu.blp i-pmp.H for tho sr.PP.lv smrl mr- nunent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Afthma and all throat and Lung AfToctiniK u.i a imif.iii. sin.l rsiilipsil eiirpl for Nervous Delnliry and all NervousCom- plaints. efter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his sulf fring fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. 1 will send free of charge, to all who desire it. this recipe, in German, trench or En glish, with full directions for preparing or using, bent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Notes.. 820 Towers Block, Rochester, N. . 88?" BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Mala ria, Nervousness, and General Debility. Physi cians recommend it. All dealers sell it. Genuine has trade mark and crossed red Hues on wrapper. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. This popular resort opened May 20th. Has the Finest Mineral Waters in the State combined with all the modern im provements usually found at watering places. Naturally the finest park, in one hour's drive from Hickory on the Western North Carolina Division of the Richmond and Danville Railroad. This new hotel, with cottages included, has a capacity for four hundred guests. For Mineral Baths especially, beneficial and relative humidity of atmosphere, &c, see circular No. 2. A complete establishment of fresh water swimming, plurtge and spout bathing is a desirable feature of baths. An orchard and grapery furnish abun dance of choice fruits in season. No extra charge is made firTenPin Alleys, Skating Halls, or Skates. All amusements usually found at water ng places. Music for Hops every evening. Seud for descriptive circular eriving rates, &c. Correspondence solicited. E. O. ELLIOTT & SON, Proprietors and Owners. Note. Carriages at all trains or within a few minutes notice. May 22 THE "JOHN P. RITCH COTTON HARROW." The best Harrow made in the State. Call early, as the supply is limited. For sale by IIammoxd & Justice. SPARKLING CATAWBA PR MX FURNITURE, PIANOS, E. M. ANDREWS. Carries the LARGEST STOCK of Furniture, Pianos i Ogans. TO BE FOUND IX THE STATE. 4 BABY CARRIAGES AND TRICYCLES. I buy in large quantities from Factories, and CAX and WIU ijrive you IjOw - T WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AXu PRICES. GOODS EXCHANGED IF NOT SATISFACTORY. E. M. ANDREWS, Piano, Organ and Furniture Dealer, CHARLOTTE, N. C mm fL HI .1 91"JIW1 II IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IN A SHORT TIME By 6ivin& MORE Power 2nd Using LESS Water than m other Wheel. "Write for our New Illustrated Catalogue of 1891. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL M1S CELLANE 0 US . roll SALE. OMITH GIN, FEEDER & CONDENSER, and Press for sale at low price. Good a new: only been used a short time. Call an I examine it. HUGH BOYCE, 4t Sardis, N. C. King's ITER PILLS. CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles incident to a billious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain In the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing. SICK Headache, yet, Dr. King's uiver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint while they also .correct all disorders of the stomach, stim date the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Ache thev would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness docs not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable m so many ways that that they will not be wining to do without them Sick head But after all V 1 E is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great ooast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Dr. King's Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 23 cents; five lor 51. bold every wnere, or sent by msil. For sale by BURWELL & DUNN, Wholesale Druggists. r err r pur WHIT 1 TMPC HAIft For Sale by BURWELL & DUNN. Superior to all Sutistitntss For raising and waking Light, Digestible Bincuits, Bread, Tea rk. Pies. Muffins. Waffles, Johnay Cake. Cora Bread, Short take, rot ries, uBmpunts, Boiled Puddintrs and Buck wheat X pound f ann o rents. Sold liy Country Merchants. Drew Maitufarturlns; to., EAi.TiM.oaE aid. Chlorate r EnUb Diamond Rrm. ENNYRQYAL PILLS OHirlnal and Only Genuine. safe, lwa,, rWiaDie. ladics ask DrQaiKit for Chichester t English Dia-i .mond Brand in Ked and Golj metallic' Jboiea. sealed with bine ribbon. Take inn other. Refuse danasrou tubstitu- lions and imitations. A t Irogjcii s, or wed in stamp, for particulara. tcsttnwniala aul Keller lor Ljulieo," n letter, ot reinrn . . . .AA rr : : n "Chioheoter CnemlculCw-,UaiHn fauare, JoU br til Local Druggists. Phllada., Pa. IF TOUR JiACK AGUES Or you are ail worn out, really sood for nothing it is general debility. Try liMJHX'S IltON JilTTVRS. It will cure you. and give a good appetite. Sold ull dealers in medicine. I, E S 4 OROANS, Etc. Prices. & ENSiNE CO., -rToK. LOUlS F, POST & CO., FACTORS and CORRESPONDENTS, T3 Lexington Ave., NK IV YORK. We offer to every person precisely the oppor tunities and advantages he would enjoy if 1m, had In this city a personal correspondent with the time and disposition promptly to answer letters, look up Information, execute commis sions or purchase goods. We furnish the directory address of any per son, verify a quotation, post you as to arrival and departure of steamers, give you rates of board or price of rooms or houses, let you know the cost of any article you wish to buy, and buy it for you if yon so desire. For any such serviti we make the uniform, charge : TWENTY. FIVE CEXTS for OVE ANSWER, to ONE QI ESTION. For special services we make special charges in proportion to the labor and time Involved. S?nd for explanatory circular, or test the value of our services by sending your question accompanied by twenty-live cents. DR. MILES' Nervine! CURES NERVOUS PKOSTKATIOM SLEEPLESSNESS, ST. VITAS DANCE, 9 Fit, Spasms, Et I " K t: I : r A 3 W LK8 M-r.VLtsat Iruegb ts, or by Piti-s man aw cents. DRUGGL5T-S. CO., Klkliart, ImL BUUVVELIj & DUNN, Nov 28 ly Charlotte, N. C. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS Pio Horsk will flip of Cfn.if. T'.ots or Lrae Fb vkk. if Foutz's I'owders are used in time. Foutz's PowlfM-s will cure ami pre vtnt lof Oholkra FouWs I'ou-ders will prfver.t (Japks in Fowls. Yonxj.'f Pow-'lers will iru-ren-R the quantity of milk and crofttn twenty per cent., and make the butter firm and wt. Koi!t7."s l'ow1prs will cure or prevent almost kvbT Disi ask to wdicli Horses nnn cuttle nre sultiect. FOUTZ'S PoWIiKKS H'lU GIVK S ATI 6F ACTIOS. Sold everywlhere. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor. EALTIMOEE, MD. For Sale at BURWELL & DUNN'S ALAMAXCE TATLER 2354. This highly bred and well known Stallion will make the Fall season at his stables two miles south of Char lotte at the low fee of 20. Mares bred between this time and Jan. 1st, 92, may be returned until with foal. After Jan. 1st, '92, fee will be $25. There is no horse in North Carolina that combines eer j' quality of a gen eral purpose horse so completely as does this animal; he is a speed pro ducer, his colts are noted for their fine shape and large size; all arc kind at any work. Tatler is handy whero ver needed, will draw a plow beside a mule or other horses, works well to single or double farm wagon and pull a buggy at a good clip. All informa tion can be had of the groom at ELBEVARD FARM, Charlotte, N. C. Stallion Season. MAMBRIXO-PAGAX. r 1 No. 4,9G0 American Trotting Register. Apply for Terms & Pedigree to DR. JOSEPH GRAHAM, 2ms Charlotte, N. t. LEGAL NOTICE. This concerns only those who are ia delitedtoT. L. Seigle & Co., and h&Te made no settlement. All who owe said firm and i.ave made no settlement mmst cil! on said firm and make settlement at once. T. B. SEIGLE, Executor and surviving partner of T. L. Seigle & Co. 5 miles' f 'rfttj I; ART V i T T SOLD SyALL wm Tf?UT? wk - T-lkv h : I) . ! 4. " m iri M -1- v a ls" it- m "1 vff in 1 It. 1 II It , e l i 12 I lit- "S3 ft P x u It 1 u i lit ! ' M'l? -hi h I in. At' v 5 y H SI '"I 1 . I i 4 r 'US f i ..1 i ' r IT 0

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