. i a MECKLENBURG TIMES OFFICE 41 8. COLLEGE SfREfcT FVBU8HI9 ITXKT TUCRSD1T. W. C DOWD, KBITOB AND PROPRIETOR. CISCMPTIOX - $1.00 IK ADVANCI. THURSDAY. JUNE, 28 1894. gannii 4 All eommunicationa most reaeh taia office by Wednesday. 0Obituary notices exceeding 300 words will be charged for at the rate of 5 cents a line. Clab Btei. TkTlma awkwUi roll o wins club rates With excellent publications mentioned below: M jcklaabarg Times Southern Cultivator $1.75 - Atlanta Constitution, $1.75 " Southern farm, - - $1.75 " Progressive South - $1.50 Home and Farm. - S1.25 " World Almanac - $1.25 " " American Farm. - $1.10 w Womankind. - $1.1 SHALL WE HOLD PRIMARIES. The Timis prints elsewhere the fall text of Senator Jarris' letter to the 8tate Democratic Executive Commit tee is which he suggests the advisa bility of holding primaries for the election of Senators. We heartily eommend Senator Jarvis for this frank and honest expression of his views, and for his expressed willingness to leave the choice of Senators to the people. Bearing upon this question we present a iery strong presentation of the same subject by a prominent gentleman of this State who signs his communication "Fair Play." Sena tor Ransom has not announced his po sition in this matter, bat if it is to be inferred from the utterances of his friends he is opposed to it, because Ransom people are almost unanimous against the primaries. Why do they object to the primaries? We would like to know the reason. We have all along contended that the people should have a hand in the selection of Senators. Under the constitution they cannot rote for them directly, bat why not let them choose in a pri mary, or some other way, if one can be devised? - No man, or set of men, has the right to override th wishes of the people. They rule. They are clamor ing for an opportunity to express themselves as to the choice of a Sena tor, and they will be heard. The party organisation must provide a way for settling this matter before the people. Unless it does trouble .will follow. If the State Committee, or convention, fail to take this matter in band the counties will. What is there to prevent the holding of primaries in Mecklenburg county? The people demand it. It is much less destruc tive of party harmony than an at tempt to instruct representatives or to elect representatives with an eye ingle to their preferences for Senator. The time for holding primaries and conventions is rapidly approaching. If dangers are to be avoided and har mony preserved an amicable disposal - .i . . oi mis question must be made. It will not be made unless the people rise up in their might and demand their rights. ' If the friends of Senator Ransom want to avoid trouble and dissatisfac tion they will accede to Senator Jar Yis request for an opportunity to be given the people to express their pre ference for a man to represent them in the Senate. aixes is maarng no war on senator Hansom bat it wants fair play. If the people of the State de- I ... am 1? ..... f. m wt xtausum aiter a iair test we will support him heartily, but we don t want to see him or any other man elected by trickery or unfair methods. What do the men of Mecklenburg For the Times from both city and county say about this? Shall we try to ascertain the peoples choice or shall we go on re ..JT. iL o -r glutens vi tneir wisnes: Aiet our readers ponder this question well GITK US FREE SUGAR. We feel now every assurance that the tarlff bill, income tax and allr will pass the Senate at a very early day. Frond the Senate it will go a conference committee composed of members of the Senate and House. This committee will no doubt make some material changes in the bill prominent among which will be"the sugar tax. It will be remembered that the House bill put ; .BUgaronjtfie free list, and there is a strong deter mination on the part of House Demo crats to have it put back there. Dem ocrats arc disgusted at the insolence of the sugar trust and would, like to see every cent of protection taken from it, and they will do it if they can without endangering the passage of the tariff bill. The bill as it now stands gives much less protection to the trust than the McKinley bill. It also repeals- the bounty paid to producers amount ing to about $10,000,000 a year. With this saving and the $40,000, 000 that will be derived from the tax on incomes, and the increased revenue d9:lvelf;om imiorted articles; ample funds for the expenses of the govern ment will be secured, hence Democrats argue that no tax on sugar is necessa ry, or at most only a very small tax. We earnestly hope that sugar, one of the necessities of life, may be placed on the free list. If these changes are made by the conference committee the passage of the bill will necessarily be delayed. In the meantime let us be patient knowing that oar represents tives are doing the best they can for us, and we may rest in the full.as surance that this bill is infinitely less oppressive than the McKinley bill The Democrats promised economy ia the administration of public affairs The report of Mr. Lochren, com missioner of Pensions .shows that in his department the promise has been kept. Ilis report shows that $25, 000,000 Bas been saved this year by economy and by cutting off fraudu lent pensions. That is a record for the Democracy to boast of. Secretary Hoke Smith and Commissioner Loch ran deserve the thanks of the entire country. There are hundreds and thousands of pension stealers yet on the roll. The campaign in South Carolina has degenerated into one of personal abuse and mud slinging in which both Butler and Tillman are equally guil ty, and no one knows what bloodshed a day may bring forth. We hope no such state of affairs will ever exist in our beloved state. Uur people are brethren, their interests are the same whether they live in town or county, grounds, but it distrusts the combat ant who bides behind hedges, breat- orks, ditches and make-shifts to ob tain any undue advantages. Any rone who strike from such covers ad- tnita, he bashed of all the technicali ties tire shrewdest diplomat could cm- ploy. The State Executive Commi'- th! eomintr State convention will adopt measures for primaries in every county and precinct. At any rate, Mecklenburg eounty can do so; and let us nominate, candidates for the Legislature, who after they go to Haleigb, will represent the will of our county and not prove to be plastic clay in the official potters, bands. They say Ransom is a worker? So be is a" worker for Ransom; and he takes good care to secure the appoint ment of men to office who will help to retain hint in his seat. His home is virtually, at the Metropolitan Hotel at Washington, where he resides the year round, uhaping the politics of North Carolina and securing personal and political appointments He has been in the Senate 24 years and is too advanced in years and fixed grooves to grapple with the new ques tions that are forcing themselves upon us and threaten the material interests and the social quietude of our coun try. Why call Ransom a statesman? Has he ever made a speech that has attracted national attention? Has he ever framtd a measure that will out live the present generation? Has he ever inaugurated any reformations in any department of the government? Or has he ever done any conspicuous -work in shaping important legislation during tae 24 years of his official life? Ransom and Jarvis are both candi dates for the same seat. The voters of the state are clamoring for a show ins and the priveleee of expressing their preference between the two. Let a there be no snap judgments chicanery nor underholds, bat let both candi dates unite and submit their claims to a jury of their peers the people. Fair Play Senator Jarvis' Plan Following is Senator Jarvis' letter in full to Hon. F. M. Simmons, chair man of the Democratic State Execu tive Committee: Data Sir: I see from the newspa ners that the State Executive Com mittee of the Democratic party is call ed to meet in Raleigh on the 12th in stant to put the necessary machinery in motion for the meeting ot the State Conventioa "and for the transaction of such other business as may proper ly eome before it." As a member of the Democratic party and a candidate for its honors 1 beg to submit some suggestion for the consideration of the Committee. It will be conceded, I suppose, that there is much discontent and dissatis faction among the great body of the people of North Carolina, and that the Democratic voters share largely in this dissatisfaction. If this be true then it is of the first importance that our methods of the party management should be such that the voters whose votes we must have if we succeed should have the fullest opportunity to express their will as to policy and candidates. Among other important agree with me, as I Lope they wil'. there can le no difficulty ia providing tbe-uiachitcry for this purpose, lhat . ml - tv - - is an easy matter, nis omce, as well as all others, belongs to tbo peo ple.' We therefore s cannot make a mistake in requesting fhei Democratic voters to assemble at their respective voting places and name the candidates of their party for this "as well as other offices. It will bo my pleasure to abide and support the will of the vot ers thus obtained,' no matter whether I be phosen or not, and no matter from what section the chosen candi dates may be selected; and I take it all other candidates are ready to do the same. Very truly yours, (Signed) Tuomas J. Jakvis. PRESS OPINIONS. Mo: Momiey ?retfe' A writer in The Chicago Times cur naineial Spring spatig and that man who seeks to arouse I positions to be filled by the results of i i e w a a prejudice and Dad teeung snoail DC looked apon with suspicion and dis eust. the November election are those of two United States Senators. The im portance of choosing two Democrats to those positions cannot be overesti mated. The loss of them may change the whole political complexion of the Senate and open the way to the ruin Some of the candidates for county offices have expressed a desire to have the county convention held earlier qui financial and tariff policies of the than usuil. say about July 30th. 1 Republican party. This question can Tins Times calls attention to this mat- not bc kePl oat of lhe ppraching campaign even if the candidates for the Senate and the nartv managers ! i : j . .. . - . r . o u,tve u uppormuiij w r.uo wujw- .hould be united in their efforts to do tions if thy hare any. The aim of so. The people will and, in my opin- the Executive Committee will be It' I ion, ought to have something to say do what meets the approval of alL The Hatch anti-option bill intend ed to prevent gambling in futures. passed the House by a large majority last week. The aims and Dttreoses of n : . a a i ut uv 4'Bauwiau v uiuo about it. If this be true then tt is the part of wisdom to go direct to the people with this question and let them settle it. To this end I suggest that when your Committee meets that it provide the machinery for holding a primary election in sucn a manner may deter this bill-are good. Whether it would I mine for themselves who shall be the be effective in preventing gambiing ia I Democratic candidates for the United futures is a question. We lope it - a may pass the senate some day and be fairly tested as a law. Widespread Dissatisfaction . THE ANABCHISTS WOKK. M. Carnot, the President of France, was murdered 'Sunday night on the -... T 1 1 . .. ajjuub ut a aagger in tne hantls of an. Italian anarchist. Presi dent Carnot was riding through the A . V . streets oi iiyons where thousands of people were gathered to do -do him honor when the assassin jumped upon States Senate. This election can be held at the time the Democrats meet in their township or precinct meetings to elect delegatjs to the County Con ventions in July or at such other times as your Committee may select. The return i can be made to the Rtntp There is a widespread dissatisfac- Committee and the result declared T tion over the manner io which the anrat tK5 t!m United States Senators are chosen. It Any other which gives the Democratic is alleged and with truth that . the TOters ample opportunity to express Senators are too far removed from the their preferences will bc entirely sat- people. They are not in active touch isfactory with me. If the Committee with their interests and da not feel Bhall say it has ixH the authority, their responsibility to the masses as even with the request of the candi- tneysnouid. it is well know that I dates, to take this action, then I W TT a a . l . o ki. o. oenatora i tn una aunt that thn llnmmii) n-s. QO ...uk i l. i w in the eleection of State Legislatures do not always ear- a plan for such election and submit it ry out ine wisnes or voters, xney to the State Convention when it are not instructed, and are often sus- meets. ceptible of influences exerted at Wash- I am aware 0f the fact that there ington or the State capitols, and with has been a suggestion that such a which the people have nothing to do. course as I propose will tend to disor- North Carolina wants a man fresh ganiae the party. I do not take any from the people and not one old in gtock in that nhisntmn T A i l.: : . . . I.l. i: ttt . . . : J vtv uuu uc ma carnage siep ana plunged the Burrounaings oi wasmngton city, lieye there is anything in it. It does can any proposition be fairer than not seem to me that a party can be tho one proposed by Senator Jarvis to disorganized by letting tie vo.ers leave the choice of Senators to the themselves say who shall be the can people at their primaries? The ques- didates of the pwty. On the contra- tion is a novel one, but is just and ry, I believe that such a course on meritorious Prominent Democratic our part will tend to unite the party supporters of Ransom aver if the issue and restore onfiln nn ,y- .f. It 1 t V-..-J .V i .. . -r . . . . K Ji By immigra- Zml'" 17 r'V e.PPle " methods and our ef- tiouitha. been planted upon onr Uture is a machine 0 is wiYa. .m T.Ivl jf: 'X!Ute their onr.or. It i, t 4 u. t . wwg among ttie j . ., . r 1 . .u a .u . v I peopte in wniou ieeling I must guv emu-cut iuu civilization exhibition of it should be and effectually extinguished ken, rioters and arnachists are wbdvcu in mis country. let an in vestigation of the recent strikes and riots in the mining districts of this country ebo that the trouble was causedby-foreigners who in many eases oould not even speak the En glish language. Qurs is great country, nd the The present system of the State government in North Carolina is, with very few excrptions, about as' nearly perfect as it can bc made. Es pecially is the system of county gov ernment fair and just and satisfactory. Scotland Neck Democrat. If you love good tnd honest gov ernment and peace among all classes do not let the se(ds of Populism find lodgment in your minds. Populism is the reverse of good government, and pulls down instead of building tp. Jiinoir Topic. In reality the times are not out of jo;nt and cannot be. The same God who set the machinery of the universe in motion still directs its course, and we have the Divine assurance that there will be se-d time and harvest unto the end. New Bernr Journal. Now, what have our Populist friends got to say about this-? If they denounce Cleveland for vetoing the silver seigniorage bill, ought thej not also to denounce their own Repre sentatives who helped to defeat thi State bank bill? This ktter bill would have been of rnsch greater benefit tn North Carolina than the silver bill V ould have been. Chatham I.'nonl The money power backed by the National banking interests, fcorcd another victory in the defeat of the 10 per cent, tax repeal on State bank issues. And it will win another in killing the proposed income tax. Ili-ntlcrftm (told JLctif Senator Jarvis showed his faith in his strength among the people by writiDg the State Democratic Execu tive Committee that he is perfectly willing that primaries t-hould be call ed for the people to express their in dividual preferences for a candidate for I'oited States Senator. XS'inrton ut in' I. It is plainly noticeable, that atuoDg the people this year, there is an ever increasing disposition to votn f r the best man in the coming election. This is indicative, not of desertion of par ty, but of a determination by the peo ple to control parties. This is as it should be. Wilketlioro Chronilt. Now, the Prcsidett may be wrong. and accordiog to our thinking certain ly is wrong, and so is Congress; but the fact that the President ha gone wrong, or that some members of Con gress Lave done ro, does not justify any one in falling out with the Dem ocratic party, which has done so much for the country. Scotland Nick Dan ocrat . Senator Jarvis' scheme is for ballot boxes to be placed at the polling p a- ces on the day of election for State j officers wherein Democratic voters j may deposit votes expressing prefer- j ence for TJ. S. Senators. The State ; convention will have jurisdiction iD j the matter and we hope it will adopt I some plan for a primary. We believe j it would greatly he'p to carry ih" htate tor Democracy Aihs.-h fne iVs. j Senator Jarvis hs written a letter to Chairman Simmons, of the Demo cratic State Committee, in which be i takes the grounds that the people should have the fullest opportunity to express themselves in -regard to their choice for the two United States Sen aicrs. We see no serious tljection to the Senator's plan. It would set tle a great deal of unnecessary discus sion. Durham Sim. There is no doubt of tho fact that the Third party is on the wane. It. has seen its big days and now goes the way of the Coxey craze, the green back craze, and others of the same kind. It shows the truth of the re mark attributed to Lincoln to the ef fect that "you can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the peo ple sometimes, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time." Ox fnrd Ledger. The fact that two United States Senators are to bt elected gives addi tional importance to the approaching election. But of this hereafter. There is nothing in which the people of a State have a greater interest than the judiciary. It is of little benefit that the legislature is wise and onserva- Bums up thirtyjytara histt rv in ltd following: Th amonVof money in circulation I -i- a the close of the war -in I860 was u HAS . S2, 000, 000,000, or $50 fur every man. woman and CBiia. Dinoe men onr r.onularion has increased 30,000, - 1 - r . . . . . 000 of people, and we tiave in aciuat circulation today among tire people only'S00 000,000, or 1, 200, 000, 000 less than in JSGl This drimi nal contraction of money with a con tinual increase of people is the cause nf f.illinr nriees. In 1865 thrre was - . .... , S50 per capita in circulation, and ev- W a a . ant I . aw rrvthiDc was hone and joy. 1 nere flMB Ttla,nn? marbles for Keeps, ine J c , - . -r- I a - was no idleness, no despair, rnces ftll-Bi0ll 1:-. BM 8ecn tfce fir8t robin. 1 - ... 1 fPL - I 1 tor every tning were gooa. u r,-P.dad Trvon stieet without of lohnrn nnnlH nrnmiRA hlS TiTOYl ' s;nn Tnrnhant StO on Saturday night his eye-glass. A woman was arrestee. . v-- .. - 1. ... . 1 j and keep his promise. There was for Kidnapping a pair or uuurecseu five times as much money 10 circula- kidB. The oleest inhabitant has quit tion then ns now, and only a I"tie . . , th bliitards way back .l 1 i f it . TV,- I v 0 . more mau tim FP.-w. 6 d . on ,ones crrpatrr nnrtinn of the HlCneV WaS " b J b 1 . . . . . t- ; re j 1 4. L: ... treasury notes, which General Urant au is ouerua iwr caic w uoumg F- said at the time was tho "best cur- ties in leading drug stores, in pints or SrjEPPAR A pair of barefoot boys have been more. -SPRING,- -GENTLE- s -SPRING,- rer.cv that our country had ever pos sjsscd," and "that there were no more in circulation than was needed for the dullest season of the year." Peace and plenty had come and the world of trade ard commerce was booming, and new hope drove away the scars of war and the tears of sorrow. lhe .1 r - .11 II. cause, inereiore, ot present uepioraoie conditions is want of money. There is one certain and prompt remedy and that in an increase of currency. Th will cause industry to prosper an nrices to eo od. with immediate de- mauds for labor. Trado will be ac tivc, civil'zition will advance, and the whole country will be prosperous and hnppy - Whatever uuibbling there may be over figures, these statements in the main arc correct. A larger volume of sound currency will give us better rricee, and it has been demonstrated rii;.t re can make treasury notes, sil vtr ard tl-ttc bank notes safely and satisfactorily serve the people as a cir culating medium, either with or with out gold. Prices nave fallen, trade and in dustry have suffered and millions have been thrown out of employment simnlv because our financial legisl tion Las been dictated by English if you will barely suggest it capitalists ar.d our moneyed men who don't let your clothes ppeak of a pros wast to sec n.oney scarce and dear, peroaB pM bt bt up to date in the is here -that is to say she ought to be. As our ad man is not a weather prophet, we can't tell how long she'll stay at a time. At any rate, we are ready for it. Our New Clothes are ready to become your new clothes Now so that each dollar of their incomes will command mere and more of labor and it products. The cure is to re verse oar financial policy, and return to the old svt-'-crn und;r which the cotntry eiij-iyed such general pros perity, in tb is country there is no 1 " daofrcr of issuing too much currency. Th'1 reopli would sood call a halt. 1 in v want a:afi: currency, but they J no! vrr.nt a standard dollar that in creases? its purchasing power every year, and makes the debtor pay more tban he owes, while the toiler cannot 2ot the va:ue of his labor and its product? Aflititii Constitution. fashion as our HtwN Tl:i! W- "fT -r H us lrf-I P 11 irs r.?wir.l for any cw f ('itirrh th.it cinnot WeoureJ by Hall's C U.irr: (;n-. F. -I. CHENEY Jfc CO., Toledo, O. V. tin- .i,M'.T.-i--ii.l havekuown F. J. Chen- v f"r I'n l"i vi-:ir. :m 1 tn'llev htm pei- f"'::v h .ii'.r.ililc in all liu.-iiieas transactions an 1 Mn:::i-i v;:y nlil-' i firry "Ut any obllga- ti"'i. r: ! tii--;:- !r:n. WksI Jt 11U .VX, Nvli..i-sal Druggists, Tole- .1.1. i). WAT.IMXil, KIN NAN & MAKVIX, Wholesale H-il'r Oitnrrh Cur'lit taku Internally, act iu lir. i-i v lit,... i Uio lili-l au-l raucous sur- f.i. v,n ,-'.-. Ti-Htimonlals sent free. l'rt.-i" :j-. jT tff.o. Sou by all Druggists. Low Prices enable you to be. - Our high quality and low prices enable you to compete with the millionaire in appearance. RQ06RS & GO. THE Great Que Hon mm uric rnnn n. . - i nniyE. rnum rUKF DirnF-c Not one pound of , .j Is ever used in these "J K-or DURABLE, CONVENIENT ECoJj- All Modern Improvements je Bonaekeeplng Cares. lk,lorrh Twenty different sizes and kiadl T?i& Every Stove Warranted Againj, . tTaV" Prices not much high,T at than on commoner kinds ot- OOAi Can on or addrM M J. N. McCAUSLAXD & rv, . I ' . n o. a rlotti kfc " f" L A TAT.TT A ROTTT T?TTT?1VTTttv You can furnish a house or an apartment now in excellent fast at ' than it would have cost a few years ago, for fnmiture of the plainen ''"'TTi proved appliances have not only broueht inwoved article, hnt thov W M dnced prices as well, and household luxuries are now within the reach nf? ',i,r There is no reason now!f nicely furnished hon. could formerly afford only household necessities. any one with moderate means should not have a through mv stock of Furniture will convince vmi that fnr fnrnif.h vour home r.ozilv. " SUH Life ia too short to attempt a discription here, but if you want a real inti C I'LiT "values" of Furniture you shouldn't fail to drop in and see for yourself 0 a CL. BURGESS NICHOLS. Ss FURNITURE nEAl( ii aiJ SAVE YOUR CASH. ANDREWS), PIANOS & ORGA h 1 I 1 P.TTT THT: !: I don't mean by svin your cash that you are to put it in yourBreiTr or the Bank. There is another meaning, and that is to save your money hi yrrar goods where you can get the best values. Here is an opportunity for every man, woman and child in North orSn- -Una who wants to buy furniture, Pianos or Organs to saTe money. The iT in the two Statts offers these bargains, and hundreds of others that n-'' plained by sending for catalogues:, : Ladies' Sewing Rockers, Parlor Plush Rockers, Oak Center Tables, $ 1.50 3.50 1.25 Oak Frame Bed Lounges, Book Cases in oak, Roll top office desks. f you ha Of the best makes at bottom prices. Whoever buys before wri in rae foj DrJ "WIlJ regret it; get my prices, then buy wherever you are offered the best bara r 1 saving w ouy irom me, ana every mail testihes to this. Everything guaranty TT. TVT A TsTTTP "Pnxrc 14 ana lb west Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. first h. b aeuoh & ma T I u ro wnii riroicoa from not rr, ,.f 1 ... .. . . 1. . : . . . complete one, but because they ai ways lead ia low prices. have put out several leaaers this pring and hare lare'v in creased our sales. L.VS OI r E3I. IB. " J 'harma Not only lend in variety of Dry Goods they aje showing, but thy lead by always quoting pi ices far below competitors. JfJST OPENED AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF SPUING rner WITHIN- the next month we 1sL TJ reduce our -lock. c!.-e ui) the old e must business oi' Jirovn,Areddiugton it Co., and to do so it is necessry for us to ' take stock.'' Before we ran do that we must reduce our ... l. : : . l m 58" u, tii! organs, ine as mm a . mAmtj.mmm . t & ! 1 1 1 . MOQtu vuuicbbcs tuai it nas Deen nia purpose for some time to do this hor rible deed. This spirit of anarchy in many of the countries ot Europe has grown to dangerous proportions. E OF HARDWARE. We have everything kept in a Fist -clasS Hardware Store, and we will make it your interest to come in and see us before buying elsewhere. io tnose wno still owe us we give one more warning, that Tijeir . Accounts . ) CL0THING.fr MEN'S SUITSi At $5.50, $C50 and $7.50 without an equal. H. BAKUCH & BEQI W noJbny frd ,cyou to CiATALOGV. tive if our judges and solicitors are not good men, learned in the law and j ""F"""" au" eiucieu. iu lis auminis 1(,.f lwl Q1.tt ,,J Kfrtrn . jmt.Tl V. V Us LtlV't KS IV71 lua-res tration. There are several two thirds of the vote. An instruct- fesa I a-rmnathieVi th.t .: JT-I. .. ... I 7 -- "uc CICVIilUU U promytly ed Legislature seems to oe his hope United States Senators is too far re- d. Stri- , f v ffect,0:? of the P0' oi from themT I would be glad ,lrfl nnt to see our State Convention insert in . uV euWU pj e . irienos or its platform a provision directing nnr itansom that he will have the friend- Senators and Representatives to sup- ship and oo-operation of the greatest port an amendment to the Oonstitu railroad syndieate. . the state, and tion of th. United States providing that he will reeeive-rvigorous.eupport for the election of the Senator; by a of the Internal Revenue departraentt direct Tote of the people. I believe of both the eastern, and western dis- that such a provision in our platforo,, tnets No one for . moment doubts coupled with the primary election that thse are powerful agenwes in an showing our sincerity in the matter' o- J l-O a . .. . asylum for the oppressed of every land "u ,u"u?u?eB, V KBe- " v u u . , , Pen wrk e his behalf, he must be bat the time has come to call a halt weak and ricketty indeed, if he can in the importation of socialists and not trust the voters of this land for a anarchists who despise all law, and division of their support, whet their daggers for the assassina- Je public loves a straight fighter tion of the officers of the law f i.,, bT on! wlw eom" uw. i boldly and squarely into the open will give us as a party great strength before the people, and enable us to present a united, aggressive front to the enemy. For myself I wish to be on record as in fsvor of taking the sense of the Dem ocratic voters as to who shall be the candidates of the party for the Unued 8tates Senate. If the party managers the old 1 -1-1 and solicitors to b oW,.,! th ! Dusmcs is cimsea up, or we mer and it is the part of patriotism as ! shall not be responsible for the well as personal interest to see to it : consequences'. mat proper candidates are nominated 1 and the right men elected. Nc icier n fonrnal' ' BIBLES AND T EST A ME NTS. IJrown, AVrdlin5rton & Co. Favor I'riranripa. The Democratic State Executive Committee could not call primary elections to ascertain th people's pre ference for Senatois. If that commit tee is powerless (why wc do not know) can not the Chairman of the counties call one for each count-.? If not that, cannot the people call one for them selves? If not, why v not? They are the sources of all power, and when the "Judiciary is exhausted" they might under difficulties ct for them selves. We would like to sec the people spsak out aod give instructions as to whosb.ill be- the Senators. L-jg rolling nvght not be equal to the ne cessities in ninety-six .ounties, but it might pack a Legislature. If no primaries arc held, the poo pie who really call themselves Demo crats and believe in Democratic fun damental principles, may do this sure ly, and without permission or dicta tion they can nomiaate msn who represent their ehoiee for 'Senators and refuse to vote for any who will not carry out their wishes Wilm! un to n Messenger. The rIeckleriburg County Bible Society will keep at its Depository, at No. 40 S. Tryon street , mule! the care and attention of Mr. W.M.Wheeler, a well selected stock of Tiiblos, Testaments, Psalms ami Gospels which can 1m h id by those able to buy at actual cost, and to t!iso who are destitute and unab.e to buy, gratuitously, on pre senting an order from any officer of the Society to the Depository. September 30, 1S92. rith every Farmer now is how to cut down expenses. To compete with the West and South crops mast be raised at a smaller cost. How can you do it? BUY LABOR- -SAVING farm tttiUments. We keep in Stock a full line of BUCK-EYE MOWERS, HAY RAKES, j DISK HARROWS, SMOTHING AND PULYERIZINCv HARunwo CHATTANOOGA PLOWS ETC. Toucan save money bybujiaona o our where you will find them all ou hand to-day. Milbuttt - Wa&ons. i T a t) fp.f T i A T; Ii ou want to buy a splendid pair of Dress Shoes, lace or button, at !?9c-' ST8 ;o go fr the Cvclone and go at once. If you want to buy a nice Calinf ac ia;t hi.lt the reznUr price then eo to the Cvjlona. and so as soon as po Ti scarce Bay can sa YOU SHOULD J Always buy the best and easiest riding velr j&Ytrl therefore before you buy a Buggy, Cariages or Farjfi wagon, 3'ou should examiue those of WADSWORTH & SON with Dress No come what ? mone W. They are selling ver cheap and have som? -class work on hand.y GENTLEMEN p. Oetd Do you want a double breasted black Cheviot Suit for $3.49? Do yon wnt' xl worsted Suit well worth $12.50 for $5.29? Do you want an ;iU 'f Ci-sR. nere Sait for $4.49? Do you wsnt a black Clay Worsted Cutaway5, wort i $15.00 for $8 40? Do you want a blue all wool Serge Suit regular w for 5) 92? Do you want a splendid pair of Dress Shoes for $1.21? If yu il OT H these things, then oe sure to go to j THE CYCL0N M L 3J it Wont Run, If it wont take it to A. HALES, the old reliable jeweler. -He guarantees to put your watch or clock in first-clnss con iliiion. REPAIRING os any sort well done. A sheeted stock of Watches. Clocks and Jawelry always ia stick. If you want SPECTACLES A. HAJUES;' S- ... ... . . It would pay you to buy one o jo? ROCK HILL BUGG EES BCT8 n go f the Cyclone and go at once. If you want to buy a nice Ca . j)a A'ant to buy some nice Ctecked Homespun from 4c up'and at less thn w i cire J prices, then go the Cyclone; go immediately. If you want to buy ni Cf IlsT GH J j sancsrd brands at 5c, go to thi Cyelono before they are all gone. If JM Besides the above we keep io fall line of GROCERI1 rzk r- ALL-ALLI-ALl WI10 want to buy anything at all in CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, SHOES. TB'; C 'TS, UN DERSHl ltTS, ETC., ETC., aud consult their own interest, 1 go ai once to i THE CYCLONE, : at prices to suit the times, call on us before yon buy. Don' 11 4 t 33 EAST TRADE STREET, for the sign on the sidewal'i. Next dwr to Brown,. Weddinpt - ware Store. ft- C. A. BLACK