OfT hi;., Fl tlPw iflirr9 71 PePle VP I. CHARLOTTF. N, C. IHURSDAY. MAR. 26 896 NO 393 vi.,t n ' to la, - Soul g in idle! Q 9 our f IRE CO, AW I . .. - - r ..-! .itcue; l". . WStT , -i bone; iiii; maid; h. trade. " r0S ;S' COLUMN , .0 i-oinpetition. We set , ;i;i( our work and prices ur your printing and at a fair price. News & i ' ,!!--A certificate of seven . -i.itai stock of the Mechan ising ami Loan Association i i.l minibored 1230. Issued i r and transferred to Miss r All persons are hereby iinir for said certitteate. infer. ty-dltv t mu-riofl? semi to the. I'ritmnir Office and we will : Invitations in the neatest styles at very" low prices . i a home treatment. La- only to see those usiiiff to hi don't have 'O sutler. No ire you to health. Consili um rs from 2 to 0. 310 North 2Wd&w-tf. iivi KXTESDED. ; of our readers who , . secure one or more of uizes we are offering have the time exteud , . vuumodate them we have , . tend our offer for two This is the most liberal ave ever made, and we are itiiigour friends and others ,.j)portunity to get the full of it. If vou intend to work v of these ' premiums notify 1 I will send you sample cop i give you any assistance I can. in the names as fast as you l.m and get your premium ver vou want it. You do not lo wait till the contest is over . This is the best opportimi n have ever had or may ever to get one of these valuable ar Is for so little trouble. PREMIUM OFFER. anv one who will send us one suoscrioer we win give one n papers garden seed r a club of six subscribers wt give a Harris Cotton Planter. br a club of eitrht subscribers we give a pretty 22 calibre rifle. a club oi ten subscribers we ve a pretty gentleman's or watch guaranteed to keep good 'ra club of twelve subscribers give a handsome eight-day k. nr ;i chid oi nneen suoscnoers 1 1 C 1 1 will give a tine single barrel i i i . -1 j pen iuauing snot gun. !ut a cum oi twenty suoscnoers i i j. r : l H give a good set of buggy Lie??. 'or a t u t) oi twenrv-nve suo- bers w will give a good family k stove. or a club of thirty subscribers will give a double barrel breech ding ?hot gun. A good shoot- r-r a cit.o or iorty suoscnoers we 11 give a handsome double barrel Even loading shot gun. A fine 0"ter, or a splendid cortland ii r n i -i i irt. '" a Hub of fifty subscribers we ii give a first class sewing machine ri: complete set of attachments. 1 'T a club of seventy-five we will - a pretty buggy that will make Yu-i and your girl happy. J'.- ' ib of one hundred sub - we will give a first class lire nicely finished bicy- s25 IX CASH. largest club received un 1 iter we will give a cash prize ' there are only .five vub in the lot. Tlie winner of rizecan take his choice be club prize and the cash "i.test will close on the 31st May. Renewals count the new subscribers. In all i v must accompany clubs, rther information address C. Dowd, Ed. and Prop., Charlotte, 3S. C. " ?rii,-; J i' r;t. "fw Adv rtlsementfl To-Day. stoie of Charlotte D. II. i i" -t goods in all lines Wil- ii. Hl'ud & CO. ' he le Hive is the cheapest in Xorth Carolina J. D. Col- !'xtra specials found at T. L. Al- ' '' ander, Son & Co's. .Notice of dissolution E. M. Mor rison & Co. fir-. : "SEElN.HEL!EVi(!.! As a reporter was i.yirou gh the Central Hotel he.the crowd of near-sighted and pti ind folk going into or coming out of the office of Dr. Matthez. The ones that came out wore, faces other than those that went in, and curiosity led the reporter to investigate the cause of this sudden and happy transform ation. A gbmce around the room was suffieien'.- As he en.e.ed, a young gij-1 was being examined to see if her sight was entirely lost, and, if not, what hope there niTght be for its partial restoration. J)r Matthez led his patient up to the wall, on which hangs placards bearing letters of all sizes, and asked her, at each step nearer, if she could distinguish anv of the characters. At each step the same despairing answer was given. She could see nothing but a blank, white wall. Nature had no charms for her and art no delights. At last, led bv her ixuide close to the wall she placed her face almost against it, and, with upturned eyes, could even then but scarcely deciphe r the large, clearly pripted letters. There seemed then no hope;' Not so. "That is all right," said Dr. Matthez with a tone of triumph, "you shall soon see." He then se lected from his cabinet of glasses and lenses two that possessed the desired compound. These were fit teel into frames and placed before the poor blind eyes and the blind saw! Although at the extreme end of the room, she now saw distinctly every character, large and small, that had before been as the invisible air toher eyes! "Do others see like this ??' was the Simple question she asked, but there was in it a praise, a gratitute, a modest eloquence and pathos that almost engendered te;'rs "Nothing almost sees miracles but misery ?" But, as if this evidence were not enough, another instance, as marvel ous as the first, immediately succeed ed it. This patient, like the former, was brought to the office of this city. Her eyee, from infancy, had been of unequal vision, and, as a consequence, all objecs were cither not seen at all or seen blurred and obscure. She, too. could see nothing on the wall until brought within a snou instance or it. w nne one eve could have deciphered'the characters there at a considerable distance away, the other could ste nothing until within a few inches of the object. It elid not take long to reid this pheenix riddle that nature had pre sented. So glasses of different pow er were at once placed before her eyes, and the distorted and wander ing sight became fixed and determin ate Order came from chaos, anel form and beauty from deformity and dimness. Truly, -'seeing is believing.' Those who desire Dr. Matthez's service in the adjustment of :' isses would do well to see him at once at the Central Hotel. For McKliilt-T and Free Silver. HURON, S 1)., March Sever al hundred delegates and members of the South Dakota Republican leagues are in attendance at the an nual convention of the State League here today. President Woods called the body to order at 2 o'clock and the preliminary work was concluded then adjournment taken until even ing when the addresses will be de livered. Among the orators are Congressmen Dol liver and Couzins, of Iowa, W. B. Sterling, of Omaha, Attorney General Crawford and Hon. J. M. Lawson, of Aberdeen. Secretary Dowling of the national league is also present. While "free silver" is the cry an overwhelming majority of those present at the league meeting and the state conven tion are in favor of McKinley if they cannot get a western man. Republican State Convention. Huron. S. D., March 25. The Republican State convention, for the purpose of electing delegates-at-large and alternates, to the St. Louis con vention, wras called to order at noon by A. C. Johnson, chairman of the State Central committee. There are 598 regular delegates and one dele gate from each of the unorganized counties. The convention to nomi nate a full Republican State ticket will be held in Aberdeen on July 8th. Four Inches of Snow in New York. New York, March 24. About four inches of snow fell last night. The thermometer this morning is down to thirteen above zero, making the coldest record for the date known. The Vermont thermometer is far be low zero. NEW YORK REPUBLICANS. CONVENTION ADJOUKNEO TO . O'CLOCK TONIGHT. SEVEN An Action of Importance to Morton The Pint form Will R.alHrm the Financial Flank of 1895, Will Conlmn Free Coin age and leclare for Protection. New York, March 24. The Re publican State convention is being held in the Grand Central Palace to day. Four delegates at large to the Republican National convention in St. Louis will be elected. Unless the unexpected happens, which is not likely, these delegates will be 1 nomas U l'Jatt, Chauneey 31. ue pew, Frank Iliscock and Warner Miller, and they will go to St. Louis prepared to wok for the nomination of Governor Morton for the presi dency. The caucus of delegates to the Republican State convention who favor Maior. William McKinlev for President, is called for 10:30, at Ho tel Metropole. Action of the meet- ing will be of the utmost importance to Governor Morton, and the ones I tion will probably be decided if he is openly opposed in the convention. The plan is that after Piatt, Depew, Miller and Lauterbach are nominat ed, the delegates at lare to the con vention will substitute the names of General Samuel Thomas and Mayor Jewett, of Rnffalo, f-r P'att, and Lauterbach. .Tewett and Thomas, are McKinlevites Senator Lexow has been working on the platform sev eral days. It will probably be pre sented this afternoon or evening. The financial plank of 1805 will be practically reaffirmed, and f tee coin age of silver at any ratio will bt con demned. The tariff plank will de clare for protection to home indus tries. It will commend the reci procity clause inserted in the Mc Kinlev law by express demand of the late James G. IV.a ne. The hour for assembling!- noun. The hall is be ginning to rapidly liU. The Piatt machine fa'tiou proved to have comnle'e hold of the Repub lican convention after it met this afternoon. After appointment of committees aii adjournment wras taken to even in sr. The McKinley faction is undoubtedly to be squelched. Atll:4., the convention adjourned until ?:30 this evening. The McKinley caucus agreed to vote for McKinley as second choice. K. P. V. Roland ac ted as chairman and was delegated to act as spokes man on the convention lloor. The delegates from Cattaraguas, were without credentials owing to Piatt's henchman ami door keeper slipping away with them. They said they would get in, come what may. Call for the Republican County Conven tion. As oue of the results of last Sat urday's m- etinsr, the following call, signed by J. Fisher Correll, chair man of the Republican executive committee and Win. M. Mullen, secretary, was issued last night: convention of the Republican of Mecklenburg county is hereby called to meet at the county court house in Charlotte, N. C, at 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday, April 11th, for the purpose of electing six dele gates and six alternates to the State convention called to meet at Raleigh, N C, on the 14th day of May next, and to elect six delegates and six alternates to the district convention called to meet at Maxton, N. C, on the "-i'-M day of April next; and to transact such other businesss as may be considered necessary The Republican voters of the sev eral precincts are hereby requested to meet-at their usual places on the 8th day of April, next, and select three delegates and three alternates to represent them in' the county con vention. The delegates and alternates from Charlotte township will be se lected by a primary election, from 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. According to ar ticle Sth of the Republican plan of organization only those who voted Republican ticket at the last general election will be allowed to partici pate in said primaries. Pay Tour Money and Take Sour Choice. JNew York, March 25. The Morton faction seems to be perfectly satisfied today with the manner in which they plucked the McKinley boom at last night's convention, while on the other hand, the Mc Kinleyites say they made an excel lent showing and that McKinley will get nearly the entire New York vote on the second ballot. TheTorktown Ashore. Fortress Monroe, March 26. The Old Dominion Line steamship Yorktown went ashore at Sewell's point during the fog this morning. FUSION IN THE COUNTY. SATCEDAT'S "SECRET" MEETING OF THE REPUBLICANS. They were at It Nearly all Day They Get a Message from the Pops that Gives thnn Great Joy An Old Time Republican Pow ovv he Flau is for an Equal Divide of lhe County Officers The Pops are in for it "First Last and All the Time" The Brethren Warned to Keep Mom. There was business on hand for The Times kodack, Saturday. It was charged to its full lirni Nearly in the forenoon with cathode ravs and linf;i ft oV.IopV in th .,ff ir until ft oVlnpk in thp ufiri,onn it I-. . Al was making transparent the parti- turn wall of a hall room in the liar- ty building over Harris & Keesler's store. It revealed an all dav scene i..li:.... ;k;i o,i -:" ui nrj. uuiitau juuiiLC auu. jvjy ouuu as is not kuovvn in Charlo te since the days when they ruled over us. They wtre plotting to once more come into riliP ti,,(iiab tbo .-lid nf thp Ponn- . rP. ih- . 0 , , lists. They think they are sure of J till U l l IJA J sweeping everything in Mecklenburg and as the meeting progressed they could not restrain their joy. It was a hiiarijus meeting. All the Re publican whips of the county were there as well as all the active" Re publicans of the city. One man in the crowd was clothed from head to foot in new store stnff, but there Ave re others whose appearance show ed that the McKinley boodle distri butor had not yet been their way. Thev had nothing to say about na tional or state politics, however. It was a meeting to plot solely for the capture of Mecklenburg county. "We'd rather git this here county," said one of them, ''than any county in the State." The first thing spuing on the meeting was a pi opo-ition to fu-e w ith the Pops on all county ofliees. No1" a voire was raised against- it, but ore of the bivthren was a little apprehensive that the Pops might not be willing to divide evenly. "I hears," he said, "that thev wants three fofes and give us the other one fofe." He Avas :s-ured by ev-rjl who tried to speak at once, that he was mistaken. "The Pops want to beat the .Democrats as bad if not worse than we do," said one of the whi'e delegates, "and I will guaran- - . i - i tee that thev wi 1 101U in Wltll US - - . . h-art an 1 soul and agree to a fair dividr.'' That sentiment was loudly applauded Then it was moved that, in order to have this matter settled now and for ?ood. r' ta committee o be appointed to tt. ..at the matter to Richard Razor and Dr. J. 15. Al exander, and get them to make a definite statement of their willing ness to fuse with the Republicans. The chairman delegated Mr. Rob ert E. McDonald to perform this duty, and picking up his hat, he left on his mission. He was gone 2 minutes. As he as admitted on his return by the doorkeeper, his face wore a smile, and Bob is a purty ma !. you know, . when he smiles. Th ' hubbub that had been going on suddenly ceased, and the room was filled with silence and the odor of twelve for a quarter. The Ambas sador from the Court of Pops was jut ilant and he pitched his voice high. "Dr. Bunk and Richard Ra zor," he announced with a flourish, "say they are in for absolute and complete fusion, first, last aud all the time, and to tell you so." This announcement was followed by a great stamping of feet and clapping of hands, mingled with the guffaws of some of the colored brethren After that, the meeting fell to discussiong the division of the offi ces, and agreed that the tAvo they par ticularly want is the sheriff and treasurer. The passion that ruled the Republicans in their palmy days to have their hands on the people's mon ey is still strong within them. Their slate was not completed, but they did complete plans to go to work at once in each township in the county to bring about thorough fusion Avith the Pops aud certain duties were laid down for designated parties to perform in this work of building up fusion. Their plan of organization is the most complete they have at tempted since 1874. Towards the close of the pow wow, Mr. Keith, who had been in atten dance off and on all day, started to leave. He was called back. "Look here Keith," they said, "remember, not a word. Don't tell a thing that we have done today. It must be kept dark." The same adrice was given to all the others. However, they had not taken The Times cathode rays into considera tion. - -J- , LOVE FEAST IN THE HOUSE - REMOVAL OF DISABILITIES FROM CONFEDERATE SOLD1EKS. Boatelle the Only Man Whfe Voted .Against It The Southern Men Refrained from Voting No Change of Serge ut at Arms and .Secretary of ilie Senate. Special to the News. Washington, March 26. Thr-re was quite a love-feast in the House when the last disabilities were re moved from the Confederate soldiers, enabling those av ho had been at We?t -Point, but who afterward served in tne onieaerate Army : the Confederate Army to Tecorae " eligible to appointment m the armv. While General Walker, of Vi-glma. was speaking Congressman Pearson sprang out and referred to him as tne leader of the g o i us Stem wall Brigade. Some ot those on the floor said that Mr. Pearson gave way to i tears Rontelle was the onlv man who voted against, the resolutions, i and Walker was the onlv Southern man who spoke. The Southern men ! were determine mined that the "Christmas gift" of Senator Hill should corneas a free gift to them, and they so fi.r as could be ascertained even refrained from voting. Bvutelle and Barrett, of Massachusetts, should be hungup over a clothes line by the coat-tail, and aliovved to lisrht until thev put an ed to themselves. The "latest" about the Senate or ganization is that there will be no change of Sergeant-at-Arms and Secretary of the Senate until 1897 Meanwhile each Senator will be al lowed to name one messenger, and the other employes of the Senate will be a fixed fact not to be changed hereafter, according to an agreement to be arrived at in a few days. The Democrats have had a -caucus and made a plan, and I am told today that the Republicans Avill formulate a plan in a few days. Then there will be a conference?. W E. C. Senator Bu'ler Reads the Law to Mr. Pritehanl. The Caucisian Avill say this week: "Now. Senator Pritchard s estimates are about as follows: Republicans, 135,000; Democrats, 110,000; Popu lists, 47,000. Yet he is very anx ious for fusion. Well, the Pops are not pawing the ground up in their anxiety for fusion, even if they haven't but 47,000 votes; and we would like to observe that if they have to go it alone for the sake of principle, Avhich they will certainly do if they must, there are some pos sible consequences One is- that there may be some senatorial chan ges, and the other is that if the Pops don't beat somebody, they will scare somebody half to death. Aud these are possibilities despite the fact that the Republicans have 136, 000, and the Pops only 47,000 in Senator Pritchard's mind." The Caucasian says this of the resolutions adopted favoring fusion: "Graceful recognition was made of the kindly spirits that existed be tw-een the Populists and Republicans during the last campaign and there suits that came from it." And yet the Populists say that the Republicans are goldbugs, the worst variety of insects; that they (are greedy and Avant the earth. The Teachers Assembly. The next session of the Teachers Assembly is to be held at Asheville. This decision was reached by Pro fessors Joyner, Poteat and. Parker, comprising the special committee ap pointed by the teachers assembly to select a place for the annual meeting this summer. The committee reach ed a conditional decision, Avhich was made final today by the termination of certain matters, which the com mittee has nnder consideration. Wilmington, Morehead and Mount Airy were active contestants, butj their offers Avere not considered so liberal as the one made by Asheville. The assembly has had its annual meetings at the ocean for a number of years and it was deemed best for the' interest of the assembly to have a change. . A Lump of Gold Weighing 113 Pwts. Mr. F. M. Hinson, Avho lives in Clear Creek toAvnship, this county, was in toAvn today and exhibited a nugget of pure gold, that; was found in a branch on his farm by an old negro. The nugget weighs 113 pennyweights. There is just a trace of quartz imbedded in it, but prac tically it is pure gold. It is one of the richest finds made lately in that section. The Cotton Market. New York, March 26. Cotton opened higher, but fell below yester day's prices. Liverpool is two points lower. 1 SETTLES' FUMY CLAIM. HE HAS NOT FOOLED ANIBODX IN WASHINGTON. McKinl y tlie Easit ' a Hie tbePrmnr-t Could Have Conereman Wo -lard' t'H- Set for to :iOt Three "tintfe Lftrini"-d to lift Together-Sfine Po iltical Newnby Way of Washington. Special 4oTnE News. ( Washington, Mar h 23 The rumor ihit Set !e seemingly trhd to l tnd in Washington that he had won the fight in North Carolina lust Wednesday has been tie trtily enjoyed here among all the Tarheels. Settle has not fooled anybody by his tele-. gram to the Pott, and the last news from Caswell but satires the folks h-re that handsome Tommy is tem porarily done for. .Moreover, while it is virtually admitted that McKin ley has the "call" now, not only in North Carolina but elsewhere, some Democrats are s ying that he is the easiest game the Democrats could have, that protection has been whip ped once by, 350,000 majority, and it can be do e again provided the mon ey question istlnust aside by the Republicans, and the silver and go;d Democrats all could come together against high tariff,' as suggested in tne speech Friday of Turne', of Georgia. Ikiii-eLt, of Massachusetts, a howl ing Reed man in conversation Sat urday said that he had to admit that there seemed to be no chance for Reed and that it seemed all McKin ley. The opinion grows that Congress man Woodard will be seated. His case has been formally set for the 30th. next Monday. I have information that three counties in North Carolina have de termined to "get together" for the coming election. It looks like this idea grows us boh practical and pa triotic. I have letters from Demo crats of undoubted loyalty and ;;ood judgment, also expressions from Democrats here saying that this movement should start from the bot tom, from the' county as a unit and Avork up: that in many counties the Populists would be perfectly willing to have a Democratic representative, and the Demociats perfectly willing to have a Populist treasurer, &c. The basis of "getting together" can be laid in each county. But the fact is the main thing here, namely,, that the thing is being done and by the individual citizens and in the interest, therefore, of no man or clique of men. A Foolish Girl'8 Experience in New oik Neav York, March 25 Miss Hattie Dickey, a pretty young lady of Stanton, Delaware, and of an es timable family, donned her broth ers clothes and slipped away in dis guise to see NeAv York, as she had read of it in the illustrated papers. She ate at the restaurants and slept in coA'ered trucks on the sfreet. She took a severe cold during the rain and snow storm, and now lies dan gerously sick and penitent in Belle vue hospital. Chance for More Doctor. Washington, March 24. -The civil service commission has an nounced that the list of eligible can didates for the office of physician in the Indian service is entfre'y ex hausted. The last Aacancy is at the Grand river boarding school at the Standing Rock agency in North Da kota. This is a $900 per annum of fice and there is no one available for the appointment. Civil service ex aminations for these places Avill be held in various cities on different dates from March 30 to May 30. Immigration Will he Restricted. Washington, March 24. The advocates of the restriction of immi gration are much pleased with the present outlook. The Lodge bill in the Senate and the McCa l bill in the House are said to stand a good chance of passing. These billsgare so nearly alike that the conference com mittee will have little difficulty in hir.noniziug the interests in event of' each passing. mm- Shall It Be Water or Wine ? Des Moines, March 2o. The people of Moulton at a meeting adopted resolutions directed to Gov ernor Drake, asking him to have his daughter, Miss Mary Lord Drake, use water instead of wine in christ ening the battleship IoAva at Phila delphia next Saturday. The governor and his party leave for Philadelphia tonight. Report Confirmed. Constantinople, March 26. The report that Maveroyeni Boy the Turkish minister to the United had been recalled is confirmed by in formation obtained at the foreign office. i -if ii I '" 1 mi V HI i? R 1 t: 4 - H -I. P 'i i H w 1 . t " ,..- - i' f. . m. . ' -f -