o If II THE TROUBIiE AT SHARON. AStatementof 'omeol the Unfortunate Differences in that CocrestJon call w as "then and there accepted by him, and how Presbytery made the usual arrangements for his installa- l.lUll ill' "liit'wu, " - J Mk. Editor: U is now jwp of pll0iic record. As soon us it, ne guierally known that a nr t unf- r- iepurne known that Mr. Newell had tnnai'. state of affair exists in Sharon j acorpted the call and was coming to church of 'this oonniy, hut it does gion t0 live, there was general re rot s em to 1v p ner.diy known who j0jcing among the people, and they i re-T-oiisibV for this r rouble. A hy turued out in a body, elders, dea- kind Mid loi!g Krdher should j coug am private members to inspect 'have -eeu lit to end this :t miction j tne premises of the parsonage and upon us. we cannot tell, mu! wejiad : ma?e such repairs as might be made up our minds to suiter in hi- foulul needful, and to nnke ar ietiev whatever r. proaclus ndght r;ine;enients to give Mr. Xewella cor tvme upon us. But when t,-e ehar- t ;.,"' welcome to Sharon But alas, aciev of .-'iC f parol : nd 1 est . iaor 1Uuian hopes! In an evil hour nrr.lvrs is-juildidy and ruthlessly j jr Xewell met with Mr. Jas. Will-asii'- d in the N. C. IV. -shyterian, janis0n, pastor f Siiirar Creek and that. too. by one who. at least, j ciiurch, who, by soiuv Grange hocus should wear the nuine unsullied, ! vocu (;iiised Mr. Jewell "to see . l. " ' . . . t , i : .1 THEJCOTTON CROP OF 1895. we j that dufv riMjuires u-r-oie.ake : 10h,r0blins, and ;; thiols dire and .... o.-r"n sJah'nieat of ihe facrs in ! lie ; .i-. .wilful in that womMu uocu c:!5c. :.rd then )oae the verdict in Xlwut, and canted him to ? jea-t it, the '-auds of an in;part:al ptil i - ;inti iillerl liis m ? tl with animosity Abo if two years ago wnile tee rr-- . (0xvard Mr. Kan Km w:v ail along SENATORS 1 IT TUB PEOPLE. . Report from the Elections Committee on hti Am. urfment to the Constitution. Washington. T 0 , March 20. Senator Mitci ell, Republican of Oregon, tcday reposed i'rom the elec tions committee th. joi-t resolutions preparing the an -nd cnt to the eonstitution providing ior the elec tion of Senators by a direct vote of be people. The report says the committee studied the matter with h. proper appreciation of its gravity. '.. n' -t.tinns that ae raised to the all other destinations amouutcd to ( .rop0fccd change were fully consider ; I I i i . . i .-. . ,. I . , . I ed. I he conimitiee renori. wiieiuuw that the tendency of public opinion is fo discourage' the Semite, to de preciate its dignity and its- powers. Tf th,v. i uv.v eause for this it should be removed. The adoption of The Agricultnnal Department's Statisti cal Bullt-tin. The Agricultural Department has issued the following bulletin on the cotton crop of 1895: The statements furnished the ie parfment of Agriculture by all rail ii'wva wnil water transportation coin- panics show that from Sept. 1, ISi'o. to Feb 1. IbiH), tne tomm ari't movements of cotton from ''"- --bites nrndiirtion to ports m r : a and western mills, Canada, .Nle.xiio and . i - O'J 7)0 nnnnprplft h . liC ports from the officials of r.he rnHls show actual purcluss durii-g 'It" same period amounting io ('. 5 , T ' bales; the Department's township . . . -i i i md precinct agents snow mar, , sior -.J' Sharon chm .. wcie asuog ! );J)1 bcoh his best fni-nd Wlieu fhe i,i.v Pi0cks held'at ports. The e; ' abo- to iliel a nv.n io till di ir a- JleWi r(.ached Sh: 'on d wn-it has I l)Vr"StaUlS ;s as follows: can: pulpit, tluir attention was 1:ll-!reiied. it )rw.iu- ed the utmost 1:!b;lll':u 48ii,-iS0 bales; remain i-. ,iir, . ( d to or.e Kev. .v vilr Cl)i)fUsion in the .n;nds o i he peo i Qn .,!.,, .,tioll j .warehouses, et r-dv.- hv Invn jivfdiing at Amity . pio In this ex ir-meet, oae cen- ! S; ,,(llht bv mins .f4,t-' ; , '. :. -1k--v--. 'mk had raviiiy ; sured Mr Newel :. ot:.crs eeasnred . (.;,., ., () - li-.-i- Ma:t'..w's j'p- Mr. Ka-nkiu, wlr.io p Thaps fe.rly ; ' H.n' 3;5,-i:,r: p'antali-n i ivr ! ot fa- s.s:-.n. Mr. .ou-.l :lU condemned 1 i r. V. d i -,o as a j hd i;-t; mills, l.r7); total, -2,, Feb. 1. 189H, thrre remained on jii o; ; lb), . llllMUlnU.r,t will remove the Pic tations 25,13 bales; in warehouse.-, i jU(ijoed now existing, which ate 3.') 8, 741 bales; at public gins, Hd J VapitUy becoming dangerously fyst 51)!) bales; at compresses, 17 1. """- ..,J(.,i up(.u the public mind; willdis bale; total U87,4b bales not mc! - tt(. ai cause, excuse .-aid pet ex t tor inir stocks held at ports. The e; 1 j H! eritic:sm; will 'end to elevate bv States is as follows: ,'. , h:,r;wde" liih-ir tip.? diirnitv uime to .iaron ,ir fo: -.a I) h w,.s to h.alf the liin ,. i nuact was busv-bodv in oth-r ri,! The result is a hoe! la!e 1 Ripply, in our church, which may i.evei healed. The writer ot tms make .have ! ' 11 r.)i',4: mills. l.."70; total, -IS'-i, i . . , i - m i T T I' ll Ci lH.i 1 A o, mij: loiai. .,." i o ), neon c m pj u n:;e ,. 0.,timK ,i v-iik' a COllSl 111- i j.j-. r, i, J Pi. P. liUVIl' i" '' ''" to see now i;,,,,,,! lnu-vcr m!h r.heretore expresses ( IVlllVl J v 1 T--" - ----- ii'U ( 11 !i 1 ' V 1 i i i I U . .,wl i , ! i ( uoiik! ;ise n:e i i..ie.e.i. ai.u , 110 opinion a Done mis now iaiiKiu .ox, i! e lav;,, h -r might, like them, j c.tu fin-t;her than to say that he has . f. ; !i t.-Vor: sh;;u'd he made to ' nevor thought t hat ' the changes -fa-'-ish the ra.-io.al relation, which m;Uie would accomplish the end de bit t us much he can sav, loi! ;'-e !irst vi ar Mr. Xew tdl had ' "Ov ) ne expira- cii-.-iJ 1 Cll ' VI and rliar is tlat he has known 4Iv in fayr with the peo ; r,. j... K. Rankin lo:pjr and inti- j-!e. .a.u havhig intimated that lie : mateiv, and he ventures the aser i.iiv!:" p,-e:;eh feu-us a'! the 'i'l e. if ,.;on t',.lt po m.iri cau th is k'i)W d' :Av- C: ,h" e ):!. In;:r.e l:at' c.d- ii;m uijhom admiritii? his c.indi.r. i. a ' . n. . tn .aii.T :ii- in- '. i it-,- . .1 ,.i i-i.t i.i- v nMp-si, aim aii'.iitj .m . ii.ii ivcx.i . m to make a eanxass of Kvery otlicer in Sharon chundi i j 1 .... i !;ivation a :-u see u 1 1. .y ' nou s i ha t M r. lianUin. nas aiwavs a srrm tl c-.i-:. l):::u. f;-M tha.U abiii c--P- 'hii-v : uffiuieiit for tt e y ?ir. Nen'-eir.-- time. They ;.! , ,v) va s : i ; I repo:1' (1 u:i- blv. Mr. New.dl, ! ow -ver. . i :; t i ' ,t 1 1-" e e'iegat on wvv ! V a !le i he p IV t re 1 ; !M fed d. 1 1 ki : spmiS shoii 1 1 be done more than tw ice as mueh as .,nv ot h; i man in the eoaj relation, iti p: 0'!i t ,o:i to !ps means ai jty. in jay. ng lie (diirer;"s lie ovr.s lio: a .. of 1 a:i ! ; e a'a de'ot.- Geonrian, 777, !:!; plantation, etc.. i:,:?.3Sl; mills, 14,041: tot;!, 1, 087,i54. Indian Territory, 5.."0; planta tions, etc , 7..":J8: total, .V.),,P7. Louisiana, .;V.8,l:7: p:antai;on.-, et-v. GO,', 1 8; mills, 1,074; total. 4 ;:,- Mississippi, 787.1'5d bates; planta tions, 1 o8, 1 11 ; mills, 1 KGdv': lo'al, !!,":('. I'iil). M:souri, ll,boii; plantations. ooS; tot il. 1 I. tilt. North Carolina 1 ".'; 10: planta tions, oli ;); mills; i : 1 ,1 So; total. kiahom-i. UY.mk 7) ! ; tota , i o.di ;. Sont h l 'arolinu. tl ! ."':; p! Lata illlil tne nsefalness of the Op'-iiin o! tli irii,iii5 it:ra S-astn in '.));. ' hir.-aiii. M oeh 5. In several r -p ets ihe as i ot grand opera w inch begins tonight at the &udi ;o! 'um promis s to eclipse that of a;iv previous y, ar. The li ;h of box holders shows that soeety will be ably represented while the advance sale of seats is far a: cad of previous -e -ons. Tonight Gounod's "Faust'' be sang in Fr nch with Melba d th tv:o D l-'Ske's in the cast . morrow picrht the only Calvo will ue luaidin JJiztt's 'Ciinnen." "Wed nesday evening Nordica vvill be the Yalentina in kT.es J luirueno's" sp-jior-ed bv the greatest cast ever brought, toeeiher in this eouidrv. It will 'inclu le Mine Sealeln. Mme. Melba, dean and K.hvard PelJ-szke. M. l'laneom and M. Maurel. Thurs- V, -rr" .n, The Biggest You Ever "SzvsS 'vww ' Pf5 '"'"fSS '' ' plantations, j dav eni.iur ae's i ci's aTiMviatu (iv "Caval .'e i t ) I ne.:sie . o tl 1 : t W I m al I'rom the incessant P-:i l :d mis Tl - O Atl ;-t a ill for him a-; hanJs. and ai! of this hi- i.-.vn spent I'--. ;e;i tO i-.! .' Ta-'toi-. Ib't the Sessiim thought in safer to v aii till the sa'ary e.'u'd b ra'ed i' .re uch step- shodd be t-ikeu. M r. New. -11 was not pleased with : hi- id- a. and a- : e av i!.!- in n ed, told .".a- of ;;e pv-ople privately that t'-A e-:-loa was the only tdi-'a'de in ti. way of his preaching ;P Sha ron ad t'e- hne and that he did not l.)elie- e tli..t the hurr& wo'ahld dv a; v l .'Te "ood ua: at there was an i re oa'. lai; .-one; in deeds of chai i ty, or i;her pt-ople's ilebts. I ma p.-ople vin cannot appreetaie t In motives and mdiler purposes faat a duate uieu -a.-f this kmu. i; is eot elaimed of eauia. '. ih it Mi", ll-.n-kiu is perf-X't. He has his fan'. ts, as ail men have. Hut it seems unkind ami unfair to attempt io array public pi iudii-e against one who has al- tion-. so. :v. To"! in-- -ee ! .a'.s; mill: i a-. i.i.'.s ; mi i t i a I , aad I of Ver vs ill ba followed liiist icana" -with )ll I M;o; total. I C.dve as Santuza. FiidiiV eveninir Waaler's "Tristan and l-i-lie" will 1 J I plantai "-ns, as-uma t he ehau-n- of uov. by. It 11 .1 1 'J; total, I o J , '. ' 1 d . i will b ' th1' J i a t tirst a iearaaee in ': I ,S-t t; plantafons, j tips o era of Xordica and .ban Me , o.'iM; total, 1,755,-1 I.V-sdce. Mr. Anton Sei U wiii come from Xew ork esjuciallv to con duct the performance. The opem for Satuid'V matinee has iml be, n N 'l-aua, .,1 o5: plantations, l.'J'.'l; lai'1. 'i'ot d e-op, includimi- 4') bales pro- j announce I In the evening a double duet d m I tab, P,i S.a0,' ( hales. omna ia ml bill wi 1 1 oletto" . i aa. -he: oa t-d n-.'W etbev-rs. In a time drams were circulate tliroegkout the congregation askin; fs.-r iin tl . thai of ni w clli. ers. Tin SeSo-ioa. .however, in Idis.-ful ignor ar.ee !' e ..,.t had be-n done, am beiiir" atix iaus. i e-paeiall v Mr. ih; . v 1 , kiio Lvt Mr.' N'ewt 11 at si1;irt)t. calk d the iXceUis lotr- tln ra Sit aa va .- ti i tl to do what, he thought ua- be.-a. een though he might b,-mi-tak' n as to w hat wa- b.'st. . 11. K !h Tr.iin i:M)ery in Cn OfoniiA. To above mill tiguits slmuld he add' ! for Georgia, 745: Louisiana. (.. ;.": North Caiolina, d-;; South Carolina, ".SUS: Tenn's, V.u:.-. ami for Texas. ?.ol7 bade.-, taken from litrt-aait! o; lei-wds-' c am ft tl in i 1 1 : u oresei;tea. eru s e followed bv the m id M-'iie fro; : "Lnciatli Lammernioor," Mme Melbt si'igiug both main roles. Among tin- other works to be pie-ented during the seaso.i are Loherg! in,'" -h'a'.-taff," "II Tivva toir." "La Xavari?se." "Lucia di the rai'.road movement; the Iventuc- j LanimeMuoor," "Martha,'" and "Ma- kv. .Mis-ouri and liijin'a tpgures Pe- ; man. u . tini,- a tlK'K t:h to see :f t hey cient sahtry ' the whole of j and t Ids . o . : AVher. v n : . t .ed them to mi .i v;:-s o. t a ' ogreaieai a mi a ai r i.-.- a -rlh . s- Mr Newell b r - ; i?ru. 'i'pev did sc. i vj.i i" t i u uiab. v. e SeSa.eli cab ed a 1 1 at (I IlOl'OCI J Jil H"l IHrti j J . - --.ill . v - . - - Tvl Calif.. March II'. Two ing'd-" inoiudol in the railway move- J - - ofiicers were shot and a tram robh. r ; men!. named Daniel McCole was kilhd, in 'i'he null purchases by States art aim-Jit ni!;! to hold UP the South h'-S fo hMv..; ! j lo'and Nt w Or'a. ans Fx press n-ari Aahama. 14,'.1; Arkansis, 1 .57 1. -..:;; . :.: e.li.-r -a :;,.'.-!... ;1.,-:C oi-aia. 1 td.d'h Kentackv. !.? or.-nne.-.i ml,ir v. ' mx- '" tl-.'! Louisiana. 7. Id'.e- M iss a na - t I I T- t I T -i , . v h a t 1 . e n n 4 DIAMOND KING? ' j h PL A 1 ; tlOld) hVlNG (i'iS I1 (;L!) LOCK and CH A IX u.o-t tla.ap.g that h:is place in alifornia. I -aould have smveed?d had it n t ejn lor t he trcaclu rv iff e V e s-i piii, 1 1 ,doJ; taken I 1 i.-soui i, ISS; Xu i h Carod ua, LU,- i-s; South Carolina, o,o;S; Ten- I l'ol addv or meeting of h copgregat ion for tin- : tohhers. Lat night the of otlK- rs lie of pnrpi se ' eaetieg ami eai Img a 1 toe ci y w ere lnrornied I nar an ai pastor. a:d Mr. Newell was almost ; tempt Avouhl be made early this unaniiuou-dv chosen. Mr. Ran j morning to hold up the sr.n-eL-limit-being ( lark of the Session and Secre- ! ed. The man who gave the ini'or tarv i if all n'iv con" relation:! 1 meet- j Ulat'on. irtive the details of the plot. incs. tliouuiit it hi- dutv to pi--pare .ud said he atdirst intend, d to take the call fur tie rathm of theco-a-tv ' part in it. Cnder .-In riff Dagoftt gation Xow Mr. Uankin hail ' and constable lh-ed, arm--1 w i1 h -h.ot-thouglit that some changes cored le gun-;, he went to the pla where th made in the wording of the call as rooheiy was to occur to await them, reconn ndetl bv the book of church ' 'I'll- officers saw the men and o pencil order, that would be advantageous ' hre. The robbers returned the lire, both a - Pastor and people. better ' SharHT 1 )aggett wait slmt through, the tor th I a-tor in that it would jro- 1 iv-e. IH, bil; Texas. 5,751. Utld 1 Virginia, ld.Usd. Total. dO'.t.TdC bales. No di due tion has been made of cotton on plantations ami at interior Pte nt September I, lSi'5. Tl.ealove figuies are subject to revisieii in the Depart nieiit s final reporL lire. 1 ' i. nvAnnit ti.n iii:.nt f P.. l. - i 1 ary promised, and heHer for the jefp'e in that it won (i.x a limit to individual rcsponsibih y intherav meiit of the salary. It e; -rears that Mr. b'inkin cmiMilted Mr. Newell Ion in regard to the change- which .e tlauight of making in the usual one, aad cbtained his consult !).;.;- la-fore making them, lie ua f ra: made .-ofh n !fer;; ions as i j f !; eje-lit d saalee. and in r adiie- 'e,: r!;the erat ion, called jep- special attviition 'o the cha a ,--. Avnir-li tie had. pava CO ia o th 1 f tl umaas. probahlv fataliv. and eon- ' i - . ' st ible Heed was sbatin -he s'noulder. McCoh- who is bdieved to I e oi the Dalton u'aiiir, was killed others escaped. Jllfkhurn's New CumjtaiJiii. Fi:a. m. :?, Ky., March 1- S nat ; L1 .-, win opeiii d hi jaogn La silver at the oj era house hist night, lie math; a ige. roas -perch, claiming that the failure of 'lie K n'urdyy legislature to elect a Senator was a great vieiorv for -liver. ht C i!l 1 I 1 i tC Was P, oVei hv Senator mat e in re":; ni to the P.,-.- a di .- - . - v i j ' ui i ' u i: ei - ti i lie iiu i t'ii lym- nt of the s;darv. and told the j pf Govei nor Bradley for his conduct rgegatlon teat it they had any idmiug the last days of i he legisla- oui -cii aras or anv miiictsm a, :o make i t.nre. on Lit pa: nges proposed Unit now Colonel Jack Chinn made a few was me ume to ma a.-' rn-m. tr.:- i considerable d'scus.-hm of the maite North Ciirollna. The State Convention has not be. n cabeJ. but it is conceded that it will eie.-t silver delegates. Tlie Deir.o tia'sofXorth Carolina and South Carolina-ttaud shoulder to sliouhler on the money question. None of I he prominent men have threatened f j to Loir, the national convention -noui'l ir le against silver, oui u 'aree number of the voters have done o. ami h" situation is sarious ro r liit t extent. Tee h ading .Demo crats are for silver. All previous. on e itions have detlareil for the wdiit" met d. !Je.a r.lmg a presidential choice, t he delegation will .want a sound a .d straightforward ilver in in, but would pr.ohably be satisfietl with Morrison or Stevenson, should either pled ire bimself to let tbe vvill of the partv decide the money tiuestion. X'orth Carolina's twenty-two votes are regarded as a cerramty tor silver wk s!;ll as low AS YVK CAN. I.OWKK TITAN KVFJl ' . BlaFOKE. WE HAVE TOO M ANY. WE WANT CAS!!. J. E. SHBLIj, Jeweler. U West Trade Street. The largest piece of good tobacco ever sold for io cents and' The 5 cent piece is nearly as larg-e as you get of other mgn grades ror 10 cents Chai1otteWWiiaEmi.) A P ft II T0. for e I 1 ItUiiiiO ALL. ,i I o mm The "King of Low Prices"' is in the Ring Neatest, Pr.ttiest and Cheapest Dry Goq new and fresh- -from the Best Markets in the v ever shown in Charlotte :.r elsewhere. Tj T Nil! rea:arks. deel.jrin"- tliat it vans la'Har : lor t he State to snend 8la()()' for aue an :in:eaoment to one of th'e ' ndlitia than to have to have to pull Chiiiig.? had been nmue hy one of the ; slu-.-i from me of the member )aacous and accepted hy Mr. Ihinkin, Uad -iv: - -Don't they look natural." 1, ...-11 r:-. 1 I 1 .. ' t " J tin (iii n. Hie 1 te were at Chicago. Washington Star, Selfishness is vile, it matters not what particular form it may take. He who.se dans are formed onlv i'er persona! gain ami seltitdi enjoyment lias nothing in him rt-ullv noble. There hs nothing noble in a life-long effort to make ail the money and own ail the nropertv wet'an. ,'oth.- ish Vice-Consul Fit.mauriee, it a ting ! irig noble in the purpose to gratifv Meiteieht, thousartd veia-;oti, were ! as lar as we can every oassioo aod to ; killed at. Oofa in the recent disturb - ! d: -ire. True nobility of character ri-es above sedish erjiisideralicas.' unanimously adon- '. v the uouzr('sv h;,n. and a com- : mi! -e was appointed to see Mr. h:jlip Curr;t., Bhii-!, amb Kiglit Thoasanfl Killed. Con s- t a n t i n ( i'J. k. M a re h 2 .1 ances. i . i i i j . . i ." . - " M a.t or retan vet a telegram irom r.i, . i . . . (. . . K 1. 1 1 i - -------- lT- jiiii.'i iii o; u nai ii.iji oe -ii tione. Mr. Xewe'd took the call, read i: . owi aim aigiidied his viilinii-s accept it. rrwo de'e-j-,-.:. th"U chosen to prosecu'e th, heiore a, soacia Viie. iinn ,,r i tery to be held in Cliaranie 3rd day of 'February. Is-a; thabcall was criticised bv IVesbyte- ry, diu it wa nevertneles placed in Mr. Newell's hands, and how that Wohdve now on exhibition the prettiest line of Tile Reartlis and Facings iT. er sh !vu in Chariot' e and would be pleaded to show them to you. Special this wcel: Decorated Tin Toilet Set?. I. N. M-.'i'A! .I.:n!i -V COMPANY Slate and Tin Roofing Contractors. C 7o Print , best makes, for ; 4 l-2 10c vard wide Percales 6 3-4 10c yd wide bleached, sup. to 1st 7 l-4c. 8c yard wide 5c. 10c Ontings 6 1 4e. 8c Ginghams 5 c L) OES TREICHER 1M? ilk RE - TH things in our clothing-style, quality and pric always please. The style is right: the qua! on the t r i. 1J0W' It is jvnrte-d that there is nrocaa .s on the frontier af MouttaieaTo, and a massacre ot Christians is reared ! agitation of Albanian's 1't-shv- in Chi l.-f tieciart tl self denial io i I .- 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ue it:e ursr conomon 01 t iscio es m. i i j K 1.1 .... I t' . 1 - 11 Tr ma,i The MonteiiCrian gonerninent has only an essential element of Chris- forwarded a note to the Russian am- j tian religion but also an essential bassador calling liussia's attention to the situation. -j - clement of a truly noble character. A. n. 1'resb terian. King b'o'omon suil. "To tlie making of hooks there is no ciitf" 1 1' Solomon cou, a see our 1 1 i:e of IIAXOV VOL! NIK ("LASSK.s, whiel; wi- ;ae' .-t lliiur.'H h-- olniiie, he w o i ! I re.-ilie fully the truism. These an no: eheap hnoks exeejn in priee. l'l intt 'l ! rem a uni formiy. lare. eie:tr r e. on n viipi-riiir ti;i!it ol' paper, hound in lull , ,w ........ . .. (1111 , uni.iue tloMiois. This series contains fcheyreat- i Vkomoirto est variety oMitU-.- puh!ishet and emhiaet'S t-tl cllilb IdSu. only works ol' standard merit, in poctryjind. I Amtmjr the latter additions totlus series are: oeso; one price popular. Enjoy rhot weather comfort in our, serge S almost feather weight in feeling but strong a wearing. Consider what it was and what price. A big decline in your favor. Sp tTQPoflAM -1 -- r-i XI J. C 1 1 i -i -. -I vttvo,uiu" ai a, ouiu uiicu, nLs ngnD ana iook w uuro ocaoun ciuu more; cue Kin a we a,re 0 i .ou ana niu. Stop, think and purchas enc e vn : j iiv mil. i tin 1 1 1 1 t in i 1 1 rc r i cs a i e. "Uesidt'S Hie llonnie Hrea Hush,'" hy .McLaren: ' House ot l he- oll'c,"by Htuuley' Wryinim, "Stuly in Scarlet," hy 1 r. A . Conau .'yle; "Sjn ol' the l our," hy lr, A. ''(iiinii Uoyle. Write for catalogue. Stom-.X It a it h i n: ki. j'iv, p nil i o i ii i j uiii an riui LONG TATE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS & C 0, ntnnati tried -itivo 1 I sales yes, aS UUwibt le to : t)Uod. 3 the s LllU sb I ray' I: ifor t i! We if bon Jtor s h and fet wow thei day Sars Uded etc iavn i He jat en 6ttl bes i i rilla it, I Is a ipan be .--,4MK5 I

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