111 m Lf ,.yrr xews. :,ri;; r.yES. ,, i Meckien- 1? CHARLOTTE NEWS. Largest circulation in Charlotte. MECKLENBURG TIMES. Largest circulation in Mecklen burg. Put your . advertisement where it w;ll reach the most of your customers. 4 A '.rti'-nneiH 4ff I'l CHARLOTTE. N. C. THURSDAY. APBIL 16 NO. 396. Ii in i im ir in , nr JP11 Ljyi D, 'ti to It !. f Constancy. ip ..f water i; irdest stone; w f Towser l-'Ih'si bone; lover i u-lilujj maid; al vertiser , - tlio trade." K M KKS' COLUMN v Mark Minorcas and Minor i finer in the world. P."Bhx hailotte, N C. d-w in,- We are now prepared to i !-ices on finest Enirraved or .V..1 k. We will do the best work t all m us or phone 110. Ke pi intinur at fair prices. News ii.- House, " South Tryon stree'. d-w i.lMay 1st, we will exchange , oi ton seed meal for two tons , at date our mill wi!l be closed , afon, and we will disto itinue n seed either in exchange for -:i North Carolina Cotton Oil . Manager. West 9th t. lt-2t THE LOCKHART CONTEST- THE ARGUMKNT LASTED TlODliS. FOR FOUR ;: merchants want the best, v they advertise in the Mkck It has more subscribers in hi all the other weekly papers 1 IMUU1III.U A 111. III lilt VII1IUI'. I . i vui want to reach the people Col. Ill I lie 1 IMES. u w NO SV IS THE TIME. 'I ,mks has aire id v gi veu h a ad two cotton plan premium offer. Don't :.i i :ie of those valuable pre .r that $25 cash prize? 'r get it without work but nle work might secure it. It '. too late to regret it after other fellow has won the prize, . rime is out. Now is the time vour work. . W. C. Dowd, Ed i tor . PREMIUM OFFER. ' any one who will send us one ubscriber we will give one n papers garden seed lor a club of six subscribers we give a Harris Cotton Planter. soy a ciuo oreiirnc sunscrioers we give a pretty 22 calibre rifle. 11 " . i "i tor a cinoor ten subscribers we give a pretty gentleman's or s watch guaranteed to keep good for a club of twelve subscribers 11 give a handsome eight-day ek. "or a club of fifteen subscribers ii . . i,1 . : 1 , . u . . i will gne a line single oanei i i: i, Hit JUituiui: suui gnu. iox a club of tweutv subscribers nYurivea good set of buggv a club of twenty-five sub we will" give a good family a club of thirty subscribers 4.;e a double barrel breech An Early Dciion is not Looked for judge iteunett'a Speech the Feature of the Day Mr. Walker Make, a Good Speech. Special to the News. Washington, April 14. The argumeir .u the Lockhart case was concluded yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Judge R. T." Bennett, of Wadesboro, and Mr. Piatt D. Wal ker, of Charlotte, appeared for Mr. Lockhart, and Judge Dan. L. Rus sell and Blocks of Five Dudley ap peared for Martin. The committee room was well filled with interested North Caro linians, Congressman Linney, John B. Hussey, Mr. Hardison, private seareary to Mr. Lockhart, Mr Charles R. Thomas, of Xewbern, Henrv G. Williams, Judge Buxton and Col. Rose of Fayette ville, Congressman Woodard, Ex contestant Cheatham, Col. Thomas Sutton and Cyrus Thompson and others. There were present of the com mitteemen Messrs. Prince, who pre sided, Long, Taylor, M-iller and Bai ley. Chairman Johnson, of Indiana, was sick, and Strode is out of town to be gone for some time. So that even though the case has been sub mitted, an earlv decision is not look ed for. as in addition to Strode and Johnson being absent, Long is going awav in a few days. This will leave SCEJiES OF DISORDER AND CONIUSION. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. AMhe t0P of his roice Dockery shouted: "I doubt if the great -evjl w&uts some people here judg ing by their actions here today. j For 15 or 20 minutes nothing could be d .ne for disorder. Motions to adjourn were made, and all sorts of disorder prevailed. Policemen ' were called time and again. Disrdfr NOT LAST S 1 RUSSELL'S WAY- THE THOMPSON-SHAW QASE U ' I - eriTRDAY WITH THE STATE REPUBLICANS, Better Than the Docker "hows np Much Russe con Said he Would Splits and KowO Order Some of the Cnuventlung All in for Fusion and Boodle. Dockerv Makes a FItry Speech ard Denounces the ChaitniHn Loe Harris Called Down Dancy Also Speaks Rus sell Carries the Convention It Wax a Three Hours' Series of Pandemonium The Lot of the Chairman Not a Ht'Py nrPvn.ilprL "prlv warv flolorroa r.JO"i .ul r li- " . i . . 1 -' v -'v..j -"-6"- "o iv wilii tue aepuoiicans in tne ocate i w n V Ti k t i 1 T t ne ivepuDiican county conven- der was partiallv restored tion was called to orderbaturday at 12 The chairman overruled everv mo lock J. F 'fc j w n.u-i UiY. V IIMII 1111 rorxy seven delegates state convention. After t.hp. rwnkr witnarew Saturday was a great day political- C III r II ir II. I 1. I IV r VHI J I IHIHIIM M 1 W In- iti m - fc-k l-v lW n One.ButHeHun I hing8 His Own Way. ;a tlt- 71. ulic u" " M inere were several conventions on the order of that in Mecklenburg, ck in the Mayors court room by tion made by the Dockery people, ran dications are good for a great deal of isher Correll, county chairman over thpm roue-h shod, and iW un;n u,. , Jrxi.. ,U 4-1. ..4. II 4-U " .,, T , . ' , . J M..i.XJ KJ1L UJUiiiiUll Ul LH- Liiitt tiuir uic uuini; iuuui wits witnttrew. pretty well filled with negroes, a do- being sand- Was re. W": a emt) i nrtv suoscnoers we a tirst class sewing machine ti. coin nlete set ot attachments. -t.Ot run. A good shoot- u of fortv subscribers we ;t handsome double barrel ui;i:'Lr shot gun. A line or a splendid cortland i. im or seventv-nve we win j'l-etTv buggy that will make n you and your girl happy, 'i uchib of one hundred snb we will give a first class ii!:iiiiie tire nicely finished bicy- $25 IX CASH, he largest club received tin "ii'er we wilfgive a cash prize f there are only five nib -'lithe lot. The winner of i . l izecan take his choice be club prize and the cash -itest will close on the 31st May. Renewals count the new subscribers. In all -v must accompany clubs, fher information address I . Dowd, Ed. and Prop., Charlotte, X. C. ' Conventions. ! ilist Congressional con- i ' this District will be held .ton April 16th- The Re- ( "ongressional convention Max ton April 22d. Judg t he .fact that the Republi to meet last, it would seem "'fusion" arrangement are publicans will be per- iMine the candidate for Hit- r Hid For v V. T:,. i fei.:,,.. the committee without a quorum, if the Democrats should choose to ab sent themselves from the meetings, which doubtless they will do. It is useless here to follow the counsel through the detailed and able arguments which altogether lasted for four hours. The interesting feature of the day was furnished by Judge Bennett, who delivered some good thrusts into the Populists in his character istic style causing much laughter. Blocks of Five Dudley had laid much stress upon the alleged using at Wadesboro by Democrats of "noxious chemicals and rotten eggs." Judge Bennett at one point took up the matter of "rotten eggs." "There were noxious chemicals too," interrupted Dudley. "I'll get to them" rttorted the Judge, " 'if VOa w tin t . unr thing w orse than a rotten egg, I'll let you go to your fusion crowd!" Then the .Judge proceeded to show that the throwing of the eggs was only the act of a few boys. Again in the midst of his speech, Judge Bennett having worked him self to a high pitch exclaimed, re ferring to fusion, "What an unnat ural feast Great God Almighty! Join timers to the chariot and milk he goats!" He sneeringly spoke of the Popu lists in another place as "these gen tlemen with modern ideas of govern ment, who regard prosperity as rob bery." After clinching a fact, he exclaimed: "That's the law and the phrphets!" Then he denounced the Populists glaring full and passion ately at Russell and Dudley as "these political Pariahs at war with organized institutions of govern ment." When the Judge was finally cut off he stopped short saying "God bless you!" He had made a fine im pression, as also had Mr. Walker who made a close lawyer's speech without color. The arguments in the Shaw case are being heard today, and he and his friends and counsel feel perfect ly confident of his being seated. W. E. C. I !;' Wilmington Me3- five Re- thc nomination. that there are King i oi k. .Magiil Monday gave The ge piece of bark from a tie. The tree grows on 4. Wilson's place near C, and. has attained a h. The niece of cork The Times is large enough to two corks for a quinine bottle, growth is regarded as quite a -ity here. A cork tree grows in ieoige W. Patterson's vard in U'ueurd and stoppers for a jug can kfc cut from it. :i-ow A Beneficial Effect. Constantinople, April 14. The thorough ventilation which the ac tion of the Sultan towards the Pros testant and Catholic mission in Asia Minor has received, has had a decid edly beneficial effect. United States' Charge d Aflairs, nibble, nas receiv ed a written assurance from the Turkish Government that Rev. Geo. Knapp- the American missionary ex- pelled from 15etis will be delivered to the United States Consul at Alex - nndretta. it is further stated that the Sultan's viade, providing for the. ex pulsion of other missionaries from Asia Mimor has been repealed for the present at least. The mission oripa npedn't anticipate any further mi - j. trouble. It is understood in both cases the Sultan acted upon the ad vise of tne Russian Ambassador. To Figlit for 6,OO0. Pittsburg, April 13. Peter Ma hav and Frank Slavin will meet for a twenty rounds fight, before the Eureka Club, at .Long lsiana v,ily, httt oath, for a nurse or six I Oil JlLOiJ Atv"-, thousand dollars. zen or more white men wiched here and there. First and foremost among the visiting statesmen was J. C. Logan Harris, of Raleigh; Maj. H. L. Grant, of Goldsboro and Jno. C. Dancy, of Raleigh The MeKinley-Pritchard Russell faction had their program arranged. McMullen, col. moved that the chair appoint a committee on credentials. The following were appointed: J. W. Mullen, J. L. A. Hennegaii(coL), J. A. lethel (col.), W. T. Houston, Joseph strong. Credential commit tee theu retired and according to the program Loge Harris was called on for a speech. He responded prompt ly. Goode asked that the time be limited as both sides wanted a hear ing. He was promptly squelchde and Harris proceeded. He commenced with the Mecklen burg Declaration and made a regular Republican speech advocating fusion on the electoral state and county tic kets. He said the object of both parties this time should be to shut the Democrats out and secure everv office to be voted for. Fusion' would be the means by which this desira ble end could be accomplished. He said that if coopeiat o:i prevailed this yer the sta'e would be carried by am overwhelming majority. If co-operation failed neither Republi cans or Populists could succeed, co operation was a matter of self pre servation. He stated that Populists had made a fair division of the offices in the counties last time, and in the legis lature they divided the. offices with out regard to color or condUlou. Ht confirmed the report, first published in the News that there would be fusion in this county. He wants both parties to be "dovetailed mto each JL other," and favored giving Populists i (5 of the electoral ticket, the Repub licans 5. Mr. Harris said he favored fusion from top ro bottom. At this point a voice said: "Who ever built chim ney froyi top down?" He said that every member of the legislature should be pledged to vote for Pritchard. How do Populists like that? At this point Mr. Harris was in terrupted by calls for Dancy. Here the disorder began. Harris could not proceed. The chairman called rfor order in vain. The clamor for Dancy was so great that Harris had to give up his speech, and Dancy addressed the convention. He made a taking speech advocating Dockery. Dancy was getting in some good work and was called down. Mr. J. W. Mullen, of Huntersville, then reported for the committee on credentials. The report ruled out Lemley Deweese, and Mallard Creek . 1 T . 1 box 2. The chairman rusiied tnis report to a vote over the protest of the Dockery people aDd declared it carried. Stewart (col.) protested against putting the question before convention was ready. A motion was then made to appoint a com mittee on nominations and resolu tions. At this stage of the pro ceedings pandemopium broke loose again. A voice was heard. "This whole thing is not wortn a mn oi beans " "I have the lioor and am to sit down." Correll said that the actions of the conven tion Was a disgrace to the Republi can party. II. C Dockery arose in tne mid dle of the room and said: "1 am an old time Republican. I never saw such gag law. I never saw town ships ruled out in such disorder. I never saw a chairman apply tne gag law like this one. I would rather be a thief in hell than some of these people. Ninety per cent of the Re publicans of Mecklenburg ravor V .. .1- , i T. Dockery." At this point tne dock ery people got enthusiastic and the other side began to raise a clamor. Dockerv continued and then put this question: All who favor Dockery say I." There was a roar of Fs. All who favor Russell say I. The Fs were much weaker. "Dockery wins by 240 to 15," announced Mr. Dock ery. Here pandemonium . broke loose . Alter the bolt everything ; pmivpntinn in nVmri harmonious aud the cut and afternoon, the Doekprv fn'n i n nniti resolutions were passed. These a crowd of 50 delegates, met at ' dried resolutions endorsed McKinlev. ; Pritchard and Russell; and declared in favor of complete fusion on Xa , tional, State, and county tickets These resolutions were adopted with !a whoop bv the remainder of the Goode s Hotel and organized in the regular way. They end rsed Dock ery and elected Goode an uninstruct ed delegate to St. Louis. They also , appointed the following delegates to the State and district convention convention, the vote was announced j J. M. Goode, M. B. Williamson, W. II. B. Kennedy, as 74 to 0 The following delegates were ap pointed to the State and district con ventions: W. S. Clanton, Jo. Strong col., J. F. Correll, Wm. McMullen col., Ed. McDonald col. District J. F. Correll, Wm. Mc Mullen, col., J. L Hennegan. col., J. W. Mullen, S. J. Caldwell, col., A. Shepherd, col. This was an old time Republican convention. It was for the most part a perfect pond.'monium. As the chairman said it was a di to the Republican party. These are the people who are try ing to get control of the affairs in Mecklenburg county. The Popu lists are to fuse with them. Republicans, Populists and Demo crats will all agree that the proceed ings today were a disgrace to our com mu n't v. grace A VAN ;E STATUE. Mecklenburg Will Honor the Memory of the Nobl Led. A large, enthusiastic and harmo nious meeting in furtherance pf the erection of a monument in Mecklen burg county to the memory of Sena tor Vance was held at the Law Building Thursday afternoon, and organized ny electing major U. powa president ard Mr Richard N. Tid dv secretary. t'- A free discussion on the purpose place. Plans fitting location of the meeting took were examined and considered. As this is a county matter, it was the general sense of those presuit, made known by. a vote, that the monument should be i 1 4. U ,. i on property owneu uy tue ujuhh, and, that in front of the future court house would be the most ajfpropri- ate place. Touching upon the kind of mon ument, the opinion strongly leant toward a figure somewhat larger than life-size on a pedestal 15 or '20 feet in height, making a total elevation of about 25 to 30 feet, the cost of which, it thought, would be from $1,500 to $2,000. A governing committee was ap pointed, consisting of Maj. C. Dow'd, Dr. J. II. McAden, E. T Cansler, S. Wittkowsky and J. B. Ross, with general powers to take charge of the enterprise; including the ap pointment of sub-committees in ev ery township in the county and ward of the citv to canvass and receive subscriptions. Those wishing to contribute to the worthy object can do so through any one of the gov erning committees. Lists will also be prepared and placed at all the public offices in the city, in the prominent stores and personal ap plication will be made for funds to consummate the object in view as soon as conferences have been held with friends from the county out side of Charlotte, of which due no tice will be given by the committee. Rich N. Tiddy, Secretary. Missouri Democratic Convention. Sedalia, Mo. 15. The democra tic state convention to elect delegates in the national convention in Chi naeo is in session here today. Bland, Stone, Vest and Cockrell will be the dele?ates-at-large and a platform adopted declaring in positive and emphatic terms for the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. The convention was called to or- der at noon bv Charles iviomn, chairman of the State Committee. Ninety five per per cent of the dele gates are instructed free silver. C3 Arizona and the Statehood. Washington, April . 14. At a special meeting of the House com mittee on Territories today, the Ari zona Statehood bill was reported favnrahlv.' The House vote stood five in fayor to two against. R. Hin ton, E. D. Hagler, L. B. Clark A I. Stewart. Alternates, J. S. Coles, M. W Peoples, G .W. Max well, Paris Grissom, Mack Whitley and June Fox. There is a big split in Union county, where they have two chair men and will have two conventions, one to send Russell delegates aud the other for, Dockery men. The split in union is more decided than in any other countv. There is also trouble in Robeson county. At the ronvention at Luin berton, Saturday, honors were evenlv divided between Judge Russell and Col. O. II. Dockery. A number of visiting statesmen were present, among them O. H. Dockery, Jr., and Parson Leak, who were working in the interest of Dor-kery, and W.J. aud D B Sutton, who were pulling for Russell. A great deal of bitter ness was manifested and hot words wtre indulged iiL freely. At one time it looked as if a row was im minent, the trouble growing out of the appointment of the Committee on Credentials. After a great deal of wrangling, a compromise suggest ed by the Russell nien was agreed upon, by which the votes of Robe son were equally divided between Russell and Dockery, each receiving two VOttliJ - - The Forsyth convention at Wins ton, refused to adopt McKinlev reso lutions. There are two factions in Forsyth onthe presidential question. They don't seem to be bothering much about the Scate. Havwood countv declares for Moody for Governor It is signifi cant "to note that McKinley and Pri' chard were also endorsed. The Buncombe Republicans en dorsed McKinley, Pritchard and Pearson, and p raved for fusion. Cleveland county sends Russell delegates to the convention. McKin lev, Pritchard and fusion were strong ly eudorsed. Richmond county, Docker'y's home, strongly endorsed Dovkery :nd Pritchard. That county also put up Sheriff J. M. Smith for Congress, and endorsed fusion. McDowell went for McKinley,. Pritchard and Pearson, endorsing Moody for Governor, but making Dockery second choice The Moody vote of "course is complimentary. The Wake county Republican con tion is called to meet in Raleigh May 2nd. The executive committee ap pointed a committee of five to confer with a committee of Populists to ar range for a continuance of fusion. Neither Russell nor Dockery was endorsed, though both factions claim ed a majority of the members of the committee.. Fusion was strongly endorsed. Big Victory for the Insurgents. Havana, April 14. The Insur gents surprised the settlement of San Gabriel, , near Rodas, belonging to the Central plantation at Constan stina, the property of Marquise Apezteguia, leader of the Conserva tive party. The Constancia planta tion was strengthened by 53 forts. Eight hundred laborers had been mobilized there, besides it has the protection of several bodies of Guer rillas. The expense of the planta tion is, monthly, thirty thousand dollars. The insurgents made their wav in a dense wood. The Guer illas attacked them, but were over whelmed and retreated with a heavy loss. NO DOUBT ABOUT SHAW BEING THE WINNER. Hard to See Row the Committee Can. Stand the Overwhelming Showing Made by Stiaw 's Lawvers Person Is.! Special to Thk New s. Washington, D. C, April 15. The case of Thompson vs. Shaw ws 3rgued yesterdavv It was well plan ned as to presentation and compact ly and clearly put .by Thomas, of" Xewbeme, Rose, of Fayetteville, and Judge Buxton, of Fayetteville, in the ordor named. Many persons re marked on the likeness of Judge Buxton to Abraham Lincoln. The whole effect of the argument was one of delightful lucidity. It is almost impossible to see how the committee can stand the overwhelm ing showing made by Shaw's law yers. The presentation of young Thomas was exquisite Col. Sutton elidnt do badly with his meagre outfit of facts, but he represented the bold spectacle of Thompson's coming up here to dis franchise the good law abiding citi zens of Fayetteville, who he knew were against him, but in spite of which fact he yet had the gall to ask for a seat as representative of "their district. Thompson was backed up by the presence of Senator Butler, Shuford, Skinner and Stroud. The case vill probably be decided next Monday. Congressman Linney left yester day to go to his son, who was badly hurt at Durham. He has the deep sympathy here of all who know of" his distress Judge Buxton returned last night,, as also did Mr. Piatt Walker and Jfdge Bennett. Mr Thomas will leave Tuesifay. Messrs. Sutton and Thompson will linger awhile longer. Col Rose left last night for Bal timore, whence he expects to leave tonight for home Mr Geo. H. Parsons, of Wades be ro, is here. The Special Term Adjourned. The special term of the Criminal court was adjourned last Saturday The regular term began Mon day morning. Sentences weJ!P JmnrisdJxuiiy as ToTIowsl Mark i)ixon, larceny, months on the chain gang; Jas. Jen kins, larceny, 12 months on the chain gang; George Litch, . larceny, 6 months on the chain gang;Wm. Foster, assault and battery, $5 and cost; Wm. Davis, "false pretense, 12 months on the chain gang; Tom. Ro,?s, carrying concealed weapons, 30 days on the chain gang. The Program 'ne In Italeigri. The Pops and the Republicans are Living to get together at. lialeigh, on a campaign agreement. The Popu list Executive Committee meets this evening. Butler is there. Chairman llolfcon has notified the m in hers of the committee appointed by the Re vtMi"!n Executive Committee to confer with the Populists, to meet at the Park Hotel at 10 a. m., Friday , morning. A similar committee front the Populists will meet them. An Unpledged Delegation. Omaha, April 15. The Republi can State convention, to elect dele gates to St. Louis," will be called to order at 5 o'clock this afiernoou by chairman Hainer of the Stae cen tral committee. There has been a. strong effort made to have the dele gates instructed for Mandesson but the McKinley feeling is too strong and a compromise by sending an un pledged delegation will be made. Colorado Democrats. Denver, April 15. The Demo cratic state convention, to elect dele gates to Chicago, is in session today. Aside trom the regular business mentioned in the call the delegates will be entertained by Senator Till man the South Carolina statesman and free silverite: Bland Consents to be a Candidate for the Presidency. Sfdalia, Mo , April 15. After innumerable conferences last night, Richard H. Bland has consented to become a candidate for the presiden cy. A resolution endorsing Bland was prepared urpresent to rno j.txas convention . Eight Bodies Recovered. - London, April 14 An explosion occurred at Brancepeth Coal mine, township Willington, Durham, last evening. Eight bodies have been re covered and ten others are believed to be in the pit dead, while twenty six are entombed alive, with a pos sible hope of rescue. X J The Mississippi Rising. St. Paul, April 15. The jL snrmi is higher than for vearr. is believed that a turtner use, wn.'cn must come will drive the people of the west side to the hills. Consul General Lee. Washington, April 13. Fkz hugh Lee, of Virginia, has been nominated to be Consul General of the United States to Havana, to suo 1 ceed Williams, resigned.

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