W1 h'l j,TTK XEWSL . ; ; j.n in Charlotte 'v,7 7.v TIMES. , , ,-i in Meeklen :(verti!emeut ,. ,cii tin' most of CHARLOTTE NEWS. ' Largest circulation in Charlotte MECKLENBURG TIMES. Largest circulation in Mecklen burg. Put your advertisement where it will reach the most of your customers. CHARLOTTE. N, C. THURSDAY. APBIb 23 it6 NO. 397 Mi ft, i top QSay YV te 'lend thai oods- the! en in.- ,inp of Tongtaney. ,i t , i of water I ,- hardest stone; of Towser . ., toughest bone; . . i tir lover , i! ashing maid; ut .i lvertlser t ta the trade." ,IKRS' COLUMN I i nl May 1st, we will exchanjre , -t it ion seed raeaj tor two tons . : h :i t date ourmill will bp closed - reason, and we will disi o tinue ton seed either in exchange for ash North Carolina Cotton Oil iMs, .Manager, wesi inn li-zi me ten it J yard. t ma; in wd i i Lawns at 2 cents yard a the o. J. D. Collins. the truth? Tt is that the Mek- ,iu i;i; ii.Mt.snas more suuscrioers ,ni rum auyoiner iwo weeKiy pa- It - printed and maMed this after- j.Miin-'er, andtbis issue will be read ; -,.iit ' people. If your adv. isin it !'. :t U-W (fK- iavi a home treatment. La- , i h u e only to see those using to , 1 1 hat you don't have to suffer. No ,! t .-. restore you to health. Consul i Hliee hours from2 to6. SlONorth :it. Sl-QCCW-lI. I N ( LECTION Will you letusdo I it liotrraphed and Engraved work we ilo it as well and a cheaply as , rns? If you will telephone llo, a postal card and we will wait on ,vs Times Printing House, 35 S. Try I HAWLEY OFFICE air Bros. Drugstore. Calls el tlav and night. Phone 120, CLEVELAND'S CANDIDATE- MR. STEVENSON ACCEPTS. JARVIS TALKS ON FUSION. CARLISLE BUSY WORKING ORGANIZATION. UP HIS given NOW IS TOE TIME. Times has, already watch and two cotton plan its premium offer. Don't ant one of those valuable rre- or that 25 cash prize? feu' t get it 'without work but uittle work might secure it. It fe too late to regret it after pther fellow has won the prize. time is)iit. Now is the time jyour work. W. C. Dowd, Editor I PREMIUM OFFER. any one who will send us one jabtcriber we will give one papers garden seed a club of six subscribers we ive a Harris Cotton Planter. a club of eight subscribers we live a pretty 44 can ore rme. a club of ten subscribers we :ve a pretty gentleman s or watch guaranteed to keep g6cd r i r un of twelve subscribers rin irive a handsome eignt-uav In! a club of fifteen subscribers Lrive a nne single barrel uading shot gnu. club of twenty subscribers ;ive a good set of buggy ill pr a club of twenty-five snb- ers we will give a good family stove. pr a club or thirty subscribers : 1 1 i i i i i i i fui gne a uouoie oarrei oreecn Jul' shot eun. A p-ood shoot- CJ C3 pr a club or rortv subscribers we pv..- a handsome double barrel ch loading phot gun. A fine Her, or a splendid cortland A or a club of fifty subscribers we ive a first class sewing machine complete set of attachments. or -a club of seventy-five we will ;t pretty buggy that will make 7!'i and your girl happy, 'l arlub of one hundred snb 's we will give a first class pmuic tire nicely finished bicy- $25 IN CASH. or the larp-est club received un- this oifer we will give a cash prize 5. if there .are only five pub- btr? in the lot. The winner of CiJi prize can take his choice be- 'tn the club prize and the cash hi.-' eontpsf will nlnsp. nn tho S1st; May. Renewals count the as new subscribers. In all 'fs nionev must accompany clubs. O!" flirthpr infftrmofiAn orlrlroca W. C. Dowd, Ed. and Prop., Charlotte, N. C. Grovfr 1h TTannv TnifttV '"ashingtos, April 23. Presi- Jnt (Cleveland, Secretary Morton and j' uiissioner or Internal Revenue I'ei", left Washington last night at -Jock, over the Washington and jo Pidilroad for Leesburg, Virginia, t-re they will soend the dav fishinp-. he guests of Mr. Harrison, who party expects to return to the ty tonight. of Bntler Interviewed on the Probab lity cf Fusion Prltchard Say I hey Took Mi in With the McKinley Attachment Bine in the Wi.ite House Circle-The Mlver Movi -ment Looks 14k e a Stampede. Special to T:;i- N'kws. Washington, April 17. Senator Piitchard left for Raleigh last night. Senator Pritchard went to Ral eigh to meet the select Populist com mittee today in order to determine upon the matter of Fusion I asked" him on the train just before leaving did he think that fusion would re sult from the deliberations today. He replied: "Not if the editorials recently printed in the Caucasian are expressions from Senator Bntler." Senator Pritchard said he wanted it understood that they took him, they took him with the McKinley attachment. It comes straight and perfectly authentic to me today that Cleveland has decided not to consider thenom inat on unless it vis forced upon him unanimously. It has been decided iu the administration ihat Carlisle is to be Cleveland's candidate, and Carlisle is now busy working up his organization with W. H. Pugh, of the Treasury Department as his head manager. Cleveland doesnot expect any contingency to arise whereby. he will be named, and Carlisle, my in formant says, has no idea that he will be nominated. It is said son Logan is kicking aud blowing up fo ks right and left because they did not begin his father's canvass just after his Memphis speech. Today thiDgs are blue in White House circles, and for the first time they admit that the silver movement looks almost like a stampede. Linney comes back reporting that Settle has gone to McKinley. In a conversation yesterday with Mr. Bell, Populist member of the XT r . t i t nouse irom ooioraao, ana wno was hia n-irtv'o f A ir! a f a fnv Sno'i tor he said to me that if the Democrat ic convention put; a man who was unequivocally for free silver, that he (Bell) would be persona!! v iu fa vor of the Populists endorsing him. This kind of idea seems to be in the air, and iu a line with it is the re mark made to me yesterday by cue who stands close to Vice-President St.venson. lie explained Mr. Ste- veni-on's silence by saying that in view of his position he would evi dently consider it bad taste to an tagonize the Administration, but HE WILL BEAT THAPEL HILL CO M MENCKMENT NEXT JUNE, And Will be Accompanied by HigFamil) What Molt fays About Pritcha d Skin ner .veem to be I.evt-I Headed Political Goosipio Vf ahlngtoi. Special to The News. Washington, April 22. The streets are full of rumors tonight of NO MAN CAN BARGAIN AWAY DEMOCRATIC PARTY. THE DON'T MAKE No.hirg Should b: Done, he Say t Drive tn Populists Awar, but t fforta Should be Mode to Bring Them Back A Light house for the Cape Fear Dr. H Reads a Paper. Special to the News. Washington. April 22. A rath A MISTAKE. - "75?. r When inTaarlotte to Buy Goods in the Cleveland having fallen out of a pri- er sensational story appeared ih the ' vate carriage this atternoon, which otar yesterday afternoon in which -n-nTT KS--: . - ; he tok to his country place. Some the rumor was outlined wherein ex- : JJ.K, I VjUUi- AJN D M1LLIN RRY T TNF lere for the pur- . i 1 j . 1 1 n T . . say i;ne Traces oroKe, some say other.-iaiiJL arvis was nere ior rre pu things. Many think he must have Pose & making alTemocratie-PopV beeu hurt, wTeighiug as much as he Hstic deal with Senator Butler on does. It is alleged that Senator I the basis of Congressman Harrv Stewart saw him fall. Meanwhile Skinner being the next Governor of Secretary Thurber is as close as a I North Carolina witn the consent of CO Co b mistake if you don't call on us. you mak w e nave tL season attractions to offer you that vou can't find ftlsAwViArA clam, saying only that the President j fche Democrats. was not hurt, that some of the har- I Gov. Jarvis denied this indig- I Our Sprinff and Summer stock is one of the n-rfifl.t- ness broke. The President didn't fall out. The horses kicked the dash board of his carriage to pieces, but he was not hurt.. Secretary Cox today introduced Pi to that he was as good a free silver man as any body wanted, and that he Mould almost certaiuly be l.ominat ed at Chicago. This is among the latest inside tips on the situation. It is certainly fair to say that there is considerable latent strength in Stevenson. I asked Senators Prilcl ard aud Butler yesterday what was their plans now that fusion had failed. Butler said there was 70,000 Popu lists in North Carolina 'and they would stand alone until November unless they were joined by others Pritchard said the Republicans would "just go along as if nothing bad happened. He said that nine tenths of the counties favored co operation and they knew what they were talking abont,J and that Mr. Butler couldn't deliver them to the Democrats. Mr. Pritchard will give me an interview in a few days, which i promises to be red-hot. He said Skinner told him that the Republi can proposition had been rejected in the Populist committee by only one majority. Butler asked me to state that every proposition before the Populist committee had been adopted unanimously. It looks now as if Congress will remain well into June. W. E. C. The Resignation Announced. akis, April 23. Almost imme- ately On the aRHPmhUrnr nf trip. hamber of Deputies today, the purgeois announced the resignation X the cabinet Bayard at Stratford. London, April 23 Ambassador Bayard and wife arrived at Stratford ii- i i j i i tnis morning to rase part iu several ceremonies on the occasion of Shakespeare's birth. At 12 o'clock he unveiled the window in the Shakespeare church and later he and party wrere entertained at lunch eon by the mayor. An Informal Conference. At the Manufacturers' Club rooms this afternoon, a reception was given Revs. King and Fisher, of the Luth eran College committee, by a number of our citizens, when views were ex changed Mr. King and Mr. Fisher explained what would be wanted in the way of a site and the matter was informally talked over. Those pre sent are of the opinion that Char lotte will be able to meet the requirements. resident Winston, of the University, Vice President Stevenson, who consented to come with bis family to the Chapel Hill commencement in June. Dr. Kilgo read an able paper to night before the Educational Con gress. Dr. A. B. Hawkins returned home tonight. Dr Mott today, referring to Pritch ard's utterance in yesterday's News & Observer, said that Pritchard need not be bothering about Butler not being able to deliver the Populist vote to the Democrats, that he (Pritchard) could not even deliver the Republican silver vote to himself. Skinner told me today that as surely hs the Populist partv played the "middle of the road" game in this campaign, so surely would thev turn over the State to the Republicans. Skinner seems to be verv level -headed, and never for a moment seems to los sight of the righteous fear that the white people of North Carolina should have of negro rule which is involved in Re publican rule. Shafroth, Republican, of Colorado, t-'aid todav to Skinner that the west ern silver Republicans would endorse any free silver man put up at Chi cago in preference to a gold man put up by the Republicans. The question is asked why does Butier seem willing to join the Re- pnblu&ns on a high tariff issue and yet refuse to endorse a genuinely free silver .Democrat put up at Chicago. W. E C. Took His Coffin Along. San Francisco, April 20. Ed ward Evang of Shanghai, who was among the passengers on the steamer Gaelic, says that Li Hung Chang, the eminent viceroy, now on his way to Moscow to attend the coronation of the czar, tcok with him on his trip a casket, in which he expects to be buried if he dies. "It is not an unusual thing for Chinese to buy their own coffins and keep them in their houses the same as any other kind of furniture until they shake off this mortal coil," he said. "To carry a coffin with one's self on a long journey to guard against any inconveniences in case of death may seem ridiculous to Ameri cans, but that Li Hung Chang has done this I know to be a fact I have the story from a missionary in China who knows." Iiuluwayo Cut Off. "Capetown, April 23. Telegra phic communications with the town of Buluwayo which is partly surroun lied by an army of fifteen thousand hostile Matabeles, has been cutjoff at Figtree, a small place near Mangwe, on the west of Buluwayo. This break cuts off the means of com munication with Buluwayo, and in view of the most serious state of affairs there has caused considerable anxiety here. A repairing and scouting squad was sent from Man gwe in the direction of Figtree. There was no change in the. situation when Buluwayo was last heard from. It is hoped the break naay be due to accident or simply a marauding band of Matabeles. nantly to your correspond"iit yester day but went on at length frankly and without evasion, as, is his wont, to give your correspondent a full outline of what might be the hopes and fears of Democrats of North Carolina. Gov. Jarvis said that he was not a man to come to Washington to start a kind of fusion with the Pop- u lists; that his politics commenced down in the townships with thepeo pie "V heu I want fusion," said he, "1 11 never come to Washington to get it. I will go down in the town 1- it . --r snips among me people. io man can bargain away the Democratic party in North Carolina. A man would be a fool to undertake such thing. He would find out not only tnat he had made a fool of himself but that he hadn't fooled any body else. ' lhe iNorih Carolina Demo cracv," continued the ex-Governor. "is nude up of men who are able to do what they want to do by them-elves and when the ibtate convention meets it will be found that they will do wnat is for the best interest of the state." Asked as to tbe possibility of democrats and Populists working together in North Carolina the ex Governor replied: "In my judgment North Carolina should not do anything to keep our Populist friends away from us but should do everything to bring them oacK, to iH'ht side nv side witn us as they did in 187G in order to pre vent Kepnbli'-ati rule and Repnbli- L A. cau ruiu because Republican rule means Republican ruin " . Rev. Thomas Hno.e, of tbe Uni versity or North Caroara," vesterdav read a very able and scholarly paper here before the National Congress f Religious Lducaiion, his subject being '-The lmmily as an Educa tional Institution." Rev. Dr. Jno. C. Kilgo, President of Trinity Col lege, will read a paper tonigh'. Senator Pritchard yesterday intro duced a bill providing for a Light House near Wilmington on the pitch of the Cape Fear River, to throw light for I82 miles. The esti mate of the engineer names $70,000, as requisite for the work. The bill was referred to the Committee on Commerce. Maj. C. Dowd, of Charlotte, is here collecting material for his forth-coming memoir of the late Senator Vance which the relatives have asked him to prepare. I showed Senator Butler yester day the dispatch in the Post where in Chairman Holton was quoted as calling him a traitor. Mr Butler smiled a sneering smile and said: "If I had nothing else to do.1 might answer that. It isn't certain that I would even if I were idle " Congressman Woodard returned yesterday. W. E. C. est and Cheapest ever oilered in this house. Two Take Seats in the Fa'al Chair. Sing Sing, N. Y., April 23. Two brutal wife murderers were killed in the electric chair of the prison this morning. Hermann was first to die at his own request. This obviated the necessity of his passing Pastalka's cell on his way to the death chamber. He said he was glad to die. Louis P. Hermann was placed in the chp:"- at 11:17, and was removed dead ; vur minutes later. The Torch in Cuba Havana, April 22. The Insur gents have burned the fields and buildings of the plantation of Santa Ana and Armonia, near Bolondron in Matanzas. Detachments of troops by fighting all night, saved the ma chinery of the plant. The machinery and buildings of the estate of Car men Jrespo, near Union Reyes, were also burned. At Seminolro, the houses of San Juaquin Pedrose were burned Col Hernamerdez surprised the band of Lucas Martinez, near Mangas, in Pinar Del Rio, and cap tured a diary which mentioned many houses that "had been burned and forty-one persons that wre hanged. We Haye Every Description of Dress Gopds from three cents a yard to five dollars. Here are some special bargains to be had right now: of cup 10, 12 12 and 15c Fine Ginghams at k- 10 and 12 l-2o Fine White Lawns 6c IB JBcT OA LICOES 5 cts. A few Silver Dollars will buy a wagon load of Dry Goods frm us. Ladies' Sailor Hats 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Beauties they are. . Every Lady wants one of our Trimmed Hats. THOSE 10 ARE NOT TRADING M OS SHOULD GIVE 0$ TRADE. We promise and will give you more good goods for your money than you can buy trash for. "We want your trade and will convince you that we are entitled to it. D. H. BAR U C H. H. B VRUCH'S OLD STAND. I'KUOCRATIC LOUISIANA. Foster is Elected by 20,000 Majority New Orleans, April 23. The outlook is that Foetfr, Democrat, is elected Governor bv twenty thousand majority. Fatal Election Affrays. New" Orleans, April 22. Dr. Goss, Populist-Republican candidate for coroner of Tangipapoa Parish, was shot dead and S. C. Hyde, a Democrat, mortally wounded, last evening over election difficulties. One negro was killed in St, Landry. May Stave It off Until Next i-esl:u. Washington, April 2o. There is a stiong pjssiDility that the dele gates who have the statehood bills in charge will not attempt to -ecure congressional action on their bills until the next session of Congress. That is because it is feared that the bills will be shelved on accouut of certain congressmen not caring to usher in new states on the eve of a presidential campaign and the desire of the Republicans to adjourn early. To-Day in Congress. Washington, April 23. The House committee on territories re ported the bill in favor of admit ting Oklahoma to Statehood. The Republicans in the Senate today held a caucus and decided to push the appropriation bill with all possible speed, looking to an ad journment by the last of May. A steering co;nmittee will be ap pointed to determine what other legislation, and what measures shall be brought forward this session. More "Painted" War New. Managua, Nicaragua, April 23. The government forces have secured a great victory over the Leonist rebels by capturing Obrage City, which has hitherto been held by the rebels. The railroads in possession of the insur gents have also been cut by the gov ernment troops at Amatan, and the bridge destroyed. Momotembo will fall into the hands of the govern ment President Zelaya is still with his army in the field. THETRIPTOKiCUMON'l). Virginia Republican State Convention. Staunton, Va., April 23 The Republican State convention to elect defegates at-large to the St. Louis National convention will be held here this afternoon. The prospects are that McKinley men will be the choice of the conyention, though they will probabljr go uninstructed. 1 tie M klenburg Vetr'n Meet To-Oay to, n Arraiigo for it. A meeting of Mfckk nburg Camp 32, Confederate Veterans, was held at the city hall today, to heir plana ior the proposed trip to Richmond. Commander Leon presided. Before talking of the trip, it was ordered that the treasurer W. B. Taylor remit $15 to Gen. Moorman, as he aunual dues of Mecklenburg Camp to the Uiii'-(1 Confederate Veteraus Asso ciation. Propositions from the nd! roads for transportation to the Richmond meeting were then read. : A rate for the round trip of $5.65 was extend ed to the veterans by both the Southern and the Seabosrd Air Line roads. The Seaboard offers in addi tion to give the veterans an excur sion by water, on the payment of $1 extra, or $6.65 for the round trio. The boat ride will be down the James past Drury's Bluff, City Point, Dutch Gap, Newport News and Hampton ;Roads to Petersburg, thence home. The veterans will leave here on the night of June 29th. The question of uniform was con sidered, and it was decided that the only restriction in this matter shall be that each veteran is to wear a gray hat on which in a wreath will be the figures 382, the whole to cost only 50 cents. The hats will be or dered through Commander Leon. The veterans then adjourned to 4 p. m., May 10th, to participate in me morial day exercises. Two ConffreMui en Fight. Washington, April 23. Repre sentative Hall, Democrat, of Mo., and Money, Democrat, of Mis.?., got into an altercation in the commit tee room, each threw an ink stand at the other. Money was severely cut in the back of the head. He went into the barber shop and had his wound dressed. Coaneetieut Republicans. New Haven, April 22. Repub lican State convention today elected State delegates to St. Louis, but in structed for no one. They adopted tht platform which mentions no candidate, but declares for a gold standard. 1 't- i. 17

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