-i7 cm f t i i j J J J Jfc -i -1 L A r 3 J. 0 TTE . ; pBABL 0 TTE FEW$. -. Largest circulation in Charlotte MECKLENBURG TIMES. Largest circulation in Mecklea- In. Charlotte. TIMES. , 3 in Mccklen-i ;r :i iviTtij-CMlient . trli t lie most of 3) burtr.- Put vour advertisem; it -.i' Vinri where it will resch the mos. of your customers. V!. VIII CHARLOTTE. N. C. THURSDAY. MAY 21 1896 N() 400 "S.. Y If I II II I I II I ill III III 1Hm ji if IBM a. 1 - ! ... . . . - - 1 T ... HQ tl it in, hot L i v.i'.ue of Constancy. ir"p of water -. iu. hardest stone; ;li;!Wnf Tcwaor i' "Ugliest bone; . . . iug lover t i blushing maid; Tant advertiser ! ,-iui trets tho trade."- KM KRS' COLUMN mt at ic-oTfre Hesser's shS .. . nli street, at a.11 times. Audy J. t !;. lnrse s-bceiV . , l-d wt , i T. Yiavt a hopa treatment. t,a- i i have cmiy 1o 5ee those using to ," i! that yrti don't have suffer. No e.l to restore youto health. Oonsul- . iVilkJtSbour& f iom :.' to '.. ,10 North , t. 21-i&w-f. 1 ' T " WLKV:, ot'eow Blair Hro" Druj? "JaHsi.aaswered day and night. tosc h'er "df rnitih "ex 6, ana cOanonials. would Hire a position -s, ?t in a siiil. AtldresN Tetetor, ; 1" etui nry, ' NOWiT Times w-ut. fcuis or $25 cash prize it witbwttkw lerv 1 1 1 ie wor k mi 2fft secrdT. Iti ,1 I it-Ii TV! It ho time is out. -.. Sow -is the time, VOUi WOrK. 1 W C Down TM-tor ; PREMIUM ''OFFER. " ' ;' . ' ' s ."" I V ".r I wftatfielf those aluabTeftolf,f..r. nMJffitovffl tw -sitoscrioer we win vsie onei. -.wi b s. ; ft . ii papers garden seed t . -- J Tor u club of six subscribers we 11 give a Harris Cotton Ptenter. Fcr a cLnb of eigfet subscrtbeTS we 11 give a prettv2j? calibre rifle. For a club of ten subscribers we 11 give a prett gentleman's or dies watch guaranteed to keep good me. . ' For a club of twelve subscribers ; will give a handsome erght-day' IOO IS.. i For a club of - fifteen-. sbscribers we Till give a line ingk barrel , y , . - 1 . . .. reecu Joaditiir snoz giw- - , . For a club si frventy subscribers will give a ge)Otl set of buggy amess. , . . . ;. - .i. ?or a club of ; iwentv-i& sub ibers we will give a good family ooi: siove. r,r a club of thirty subscribers Jwe vrA give &vdoubl3 barreF breech oacing shot gun. A good shoot er. For a club of .forty subscribers we pill give a handsome double 'barrel ibiveeh loading shot- cun. A fine !hoct-.r, or & spler.did oortland fcart. For a club of fifty -subscrifejrs we ill give a first olass sewing machine with . complete set of attachnieaits. A. Yor a club of eeventy-five ve will give v. pretty buggy taat win icaaKe both you and yotr girl happy. r or a club of -oca jjititidred snb- EcribtTj we will ' iteoa first" class pn-.-urxatic tire nicely finished ?j;cy- $25 IX. CASE. ' . Fnrtiie largest lub received un- cier thit oner we will givea casn prize of -f"), if there are only five sub scribers in the lot The winner of tne ( :i;h prize can take his choice be-t-'H the club ,prige anti, the cash 'J'hi eon teist-Wilf dose -on 'the 31erfc of May. Renewals count the: ;is new subscribers. In all ' I- ; money musr. accompany ciuuc?. F( r further information address AV. C. Oowd, Ed. and Prop., Charlotte, N. C. i . - i . New Advertienftnt8. hats T. L. Alexander, :';IW o. Register of Deeds J. W. ner Co. underwear WilliaKis, Only One Mre Week. ilv one more week left to secure '' cash prize, and the other lid prizes the Times is offering. v..ur time. The time expires Send in all vour names . me. ---Mg the visitors in thecityWed 'as Capt R. H. Swam, one ; 'l:;;r. of Steel Creek .township'. ;- vai)n is one of the leading "-'atcs of free silver in Mecklen He comes to town about pnde ' v three years, and on the present ;ion is the guest of jVlr. Joe iiiers. Testifies With Pieaaare. '" with pleasure I testify to the merits ' 'Hitriif-s Torn.: as a remedy for chills and. ' r 1 recOiniriMifi it uml in nn -.aao hnvA t ; . . H ILT 1 f trtl 1 .!!' I IT IS&LtjA. GREAT; ROW- THKQJRK OF NOMINATING NOT YET 'REACHED. ThW cbftirman rlf6 Gavel Tom Set- 'sMwtion Raise 'fereat lji4'itei' and Is rai-"rt -i?alltn:fne Roll 'pf Onnties Eleven' f'on'in id Coulest.-wltb 36 Del-. eRBte Tf Gret Republican Menagerie Awake .jt Crs at K&leish. f H? irtgwiarres5liovt. After Raleigh, !N. ptav 15 - waging twenty dut rs for report of :the comfii!ttC$v-tn j tials. State Republican convention beii , deUgatei were seattUber ery, er mya; ooin souita ttk .meuV wiir be nonii hated latehis ' verridbn J Sixteen of & 'tfe 1 twe ij t: i II .Mill IKI riKlllPV Tmnnir af tweutv Tte- i . j d?ne notlnno; vet, w TheJcopdojttee on credentials was n in p&in:M",Tav and all niaht ;nfirt- rpftcted at nooa today. . "rr r;.'rTi-?rvj " & vv' Eieven counties '.vitli:C v voes are u)umicuuu vuico win u.c- Kide the Crovern6rship. Assoon as Te j-eporcs ame ia, vsok,, ; or w ar- ren mowa tnat tne contestants all eruio lr' tK flTih Jirr ruh ni) 1 .-if f Uf aettle.tbe matter.:. : Toot .Stitle. then v.uu itji Jirjtiu- if auci. ,ituhii n taken tabk h ms motion. Th-e vote wns ' ::a.r. . . " . . - ,niid the wildest confusion and dis order. -Susses, and.vvrangies, whoop-:- ang and shrieking .came -one after rnh ot -finonr poi .T.L-'jer county changes its vote " Theu pandemonium broke loose if or thirty Ave minutes, :the conven-. tio$ was AViid. Chairman Hoi tot brdke'his gavel and shrieked him self hoarse. Settle .and Wood and: fty ethers tried to speak but werq owned in the uproar. At last Senator Pritchard -came for ward and got a bearing. Then things calmetu dtjwri enough) to let tfe vote be an uonnted. Settle's motion was de feated. The committee reports were both laid in the background. The coun ties were voted -on separately .anil teacli contestant was allowed to speak. This will occupy all the afternoon. All the. calculations .re upset -and nobody now knows what the convention ill-do. The decision by ithe credential committee as rendered last night ras: Craven, delegation divided; Cumber-' laattd,. delegation divided; Edgecombe, Lee Person's crowd -turned down; Fcanklio, Williasisorik croAvd seated; Hsilifti:, contest withdrawn; Aleck letiburg5 delegation divided; Union;, H&sten' crowd seated; Wake, Ndc-' hbifi-prsWd seated; Wilson, Sharp'-e crowd turned down; Wilkes, Mottk crowd seated. .Viae State Republieani. The newly elected executive com-j mittee of the Republican party met;j in Raleigh Saturday and organized a,, campaign. , ommistfie ,t . Jive The following members was selected: R. O. Patterson, H. L. fGranVTyre Glenn, .iiiee.H., Youn J. Q. pan cv. This committee fs : td hct in Infthin'nftfiom w'th tUiairniaii TTnlton. practically controls bis office. The Campaign Committee met and elected the following officers: R. 0. Patterson, chairman, and J. W. Kyams, of Mitchell county, .secreta ry. Mr.- Hyams succeeds Logue Harris. All tbe imembers of the committee are Pritchard mem and were selected at his suggestion. The complete ticket elected by the Raleigh convention is as. follows: For, United States Senator Jeter C. Pritchard. . For "Governor D. L. Russell. For Attorney General Z. V. Walser; -. .' For Auditor Ruff Henderson, of Wilkes. For Associate Justice R. M.. Douglass. Chairman; (in name, only) Execu tive Committee A. E. Holton. Virtual Chairman, with full no w erg J. V. Pritchard. Delegates to the NationaT conven tion J. C. Pritchard and James E. Boyd. Electors at large H. A. Gudgei and 0. J. Spears Only One. More Week? Only one more week left to secure the $25 cash prize, and the other ependid prizes tjie T,ljes is offering. SoWiisyouPitim4je tinjie exttjres your names BOIES FOR PKEhDENT. lovrn Puts Forwetrf Ber Fine Old Man 8 Ih.. Alav 0. iXearV 1 ,000 delegaxl7er u" Ueniccratic State convention, two-i g3 " them wear ng silk badges with a picture of ex -Governor Boies and- the in crifftioJv "Free Coinage," 16 to 1, and Horace Boies for President, trooped into the Grand Opera house this morning t. xne committee on creaeutiais re x ne . , . . . . -i porreu in iawroi seating tne son- nawcoanty, neauea oy exovern- Bock-ieCt1he. reP b ,an overwbelmiug ixa uiitv. xxu iuii uau wasncumuu V large were next in order Ex-Governor Boies was named as first delegate and it . was ?moved he ! be elected hv aoclamatyon. There was a small negative voter but thej chair,declared that the motion had , . , , - - , TJbe first real test of -strength- be bween the silveT and gold elements arose. on the ballot fcr second dele gate at large. . - B. Eyans. of Ottumwa the free silver nominee, defeated Judge Wal ter I. Babb .of Mount Pleasant. The vote ws: ..Evans '049 1-2; Kabb MO 12, Babb was the nominee f sr Govern ox last veax. The minority gave up the contest. -at this point and Will JA. Wells, editor'cf the Alton iDemo- :''rat' as ectetl as biv& delegate Lewis loan g of Hastings wa;: med as the fourth delegate with-f; -out oppoertion. The buinees prop-;! of the. . couvcntioii fcaYing been-. uisposea oi, uoverwor xeies was presented and accorded a tumultu ous reception His renarks were brief, .and elicited little -enthusiasm. . The jfilatfjoHi was for -eilYer aatl ! protects .againefu bond lee-aes. Two Gotxi Mm Dosd. Mr. W. A 'Sosamoa, one -of the most iprominent men sf Mecklen burg, dk-d yeEtarday afterncon at hi home im Huutersville,5 At the age of 78 year. He leaves a wife and five children. Mr Sossanwxa was a rul ing elder in the Presbyterian church ' ii : and was a most excellent man in all the relations of life. He wthslkeld in iatttnm rir;flll nnr .rw,rilp. ill, EUV-VUA J J j - - . J and a good citim, died jatihis home: in Paw -Greek township Tuesday af- ;in. hi. im a iiiiur, x ii - -uu .ouiuici,? n lues any terixon. He wxs 65 years of 2e and hsiveo a wife and three chiulren. He had Wen sick for 4i -couple of moirhti. Mr. lilpp sertved in 'Com pany L,-a7th NoTth C&roliua Regi meutad had a-fine record a -aold-ier His ib&dy was buried Wednesday at Paw Creek church. Among those who attended wasOapt. Win. Morri son Stitt, who was Captain -of 3Ir Hipps oldsompaisy. . A Great Crop-of Fruit. The fruit crop throughout the county promises to fce immense- 'Ic is not often that twe goodfn.uitye4ir& come in succession. Last year wa.j a good one foe frnit,; but tm year j promises to be a still (better one. The peach trees are loaded down, and the orop of cherriet, applet and pears is as promising as ever kuown in Meeic denburg The dry weatiier is cutting the berry crop -short, arid there will ttot be so many blackberries and strawberries as usual, bet the out lock for other fruit coul not be bet ter. Drove a Ho rue to D-eath. OiFicer Baker &ud Mr Charles Wadsworth went over to Concord Tuesday morning and returned with a negro named Jim Miller, wko drove one of Mr. Wadsworth's horses to death. The horse died soon after Miller got to Concord. In the bug gy were broken pieces of a teel whip. Theiiegro had used it up on the horse, "The horse was a black, and Mr. Wad&vvorth bad only a day or two ago refused an offer of $135 cash for ihehimal. Miller is in , the guard bouse. There ought to be apeeraljaw pr, cases of this kind. " - -- CottonTacts. ' . The cotton movement of the Uni ted States from September 1 to May 15th, inclusive, as furnished The Times by the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, shows total number of bales in sight this year 6,763,228, against 9,614,112, in 1895; 7,231,027 in 1894, and 6,330,277 in 1893. The total supply this season is 7,073,192 bales against 9,850,142 for the same period last season : , " ' ' Dr. W. P, ; . Craven, of , Long Creek township, turned oyer to The RUSSELL IS THE NOMINEE- KKSfTRTSJ OP THE -.REPUBLICAN CON VENTION AT RALEIGH. The NointnatU.n Ws Made ATter Midnight on the Seventh Ballot Fusion Kesplu tlon dopted Clnqye of the Great Circus Douglass for Associate Justice and AValserfor Attorney General Knssel I an Unpalatable Dose for all Decent Peo P ' Daniel L. Russell, of Wilmngton, for Gorcrnor ! That wasHhe nomination made by the Republican State con vction at l:30-oclock Hhis morning. The . tm s minonty report tavorea seating nomination was made on the 7th the delegation,headed by 0. D...W ad hRlih. in tho mid fit of scrips that dell, and was opposed to seating the were both exciting and rowdy. The Republicans nominated ;& man who will never be Governor of this State. Many of his own party will not sup- j , - prt nun, mere are many ropu i to vote tor Russell. The decent element of both the Republican and Populist party will join with the Democrats in averting the calamity of Rtstssell's election. There is not one reason why he should be elected Governor, and every reason why he shoald not. He is a vicious man, full of venom and spite and will de scend to any depth of meanness to to wreak hi vengeance. Of that he has a great store. He has been har boring an accumulation since 18?o, and once in the Governor's chair, he would inaugurate a rale of ven geance w& despotisiES,, aed would hsubiect tbe; people of th; State to 1 3ucn .degradation as we'uld snake a- iylQ ir.,c rim .nriri . w-n Vi;a A-n friente. The Pop-ulists who may enlist cruder his feanmer wia find, wheti- too lat-e, tkat eiils t??acherv know f:0 bounds. He is the es sence of negro ru&e and he would put It-cti thicker liian the State ever before -knew it. Our "Skate known many evil days, but bas:i the; 1 blackest in all its Teeord, -.past or COltte, ouiu s,ue iay ueu us-; sell weald, be elected Governor. ; Tbe resol u tie-ns adep ted were: Reeo' ved, That the delegates el-eet ed by tkis convention to the Natioatal: Conversion at Louis are instruct-' .1.1 I,. ,1,... .U. T,,CT ed an directed to vote for that' typical Americas .ami idezl citizen, VViHiac McJIiacley, of Ohio, for Previttiit so Long -as his nf.me lg bfc-, fore the -conveai-tLon. Tbe fusion reslntions setate that the oonr.anittees f rhe met in iRaleigh 4e ffed two partieclj eff vt' co operation, and tliat after the. Republicans sub Lmitted e proposition -.as. a teasis foiv co-operal ion, it wats dctclinea by ro pnlisA The -preposition arranged for an equal divsibn cf State offices, itabe Reprtblicans, ta,kin the Gover nor, cofiapete co-operation .it Cou gressiomib.and legklativ-e disteicts as iis '94, aot two distiact electoral tic kets. i The reseGu tions farther, state: And whereas, atvthat time the offer was declined by ithe Populist .committee; and, vwhereas, since t!hen, ao-wifc: on the iI4th day of May, it Ji as keen officially communicated to the Re- l publican Contention by ti3 Popu- lists that they favor co-operation with tfae Republicans on State and Uongre8ional and local affairs ki accordance with the proposition submitted by thRepublieans; there fore, Resolved, That xbe Republicans in convention assembled ratify and con firm that proposition, and will nomi nate tcandidates only in accordance therewith. The scenes in the convention that put'up Russell were of the most rowdy character. It was not until 10:30 o'clock last night that the bal loting began. The first ballot stood: Russell 97 3-7; Dockeiw 94 4-7; Boyd 20; Moody 18; Lusk 4. Second ballot, Russell 101 3-7; Dockery 90 4-7; Boyd 22; Moody 22. Third ballot, Russell 107; Dockery 90; Boyd 20; Moody 18. Fourth ballot, Russell 111; Dockery 101; Boyd 19. Fifth ballot, Russell 115; Dockery 105; Boyd 15. Sixth ballot, Russell 116; Dockery 114; Boyd 5. Seventh ballot, Russell 119 3-7; Dockery 103 4-7; Boyd 13. Zeb Vance Walser was nominated for Attorney General by acclama mation, as also was R. M. Douglas for associate justice. Jeter C. Pritchard, James E. Boyd, C. M. Bernard, and George H. White were elected delegates, and Henry Denny, J. Elwood Cox, C. T. Bailey and W. S. Hagans, alternates, to the national conveption. The, News report yesterday ciased.at the point ; where the row Desran over fhe report of committee e ,yf ere two mi V. S, Lusk, the chairman of the cre dentials Committee AVa-S l't quested tO ( state the p rounds of the majority j report, and Mr. Sm itl.eiv, of the ere-1 dentials committee, who signed one ' of the minority hpo-rs, staged the basis of his report . B)th thesecon mitteemen stated that sharp practi- ces had been resorted to such as ought not to be tolerated bv any convention. Mr. Smatbers said that the facts in the case were so uncer-1 tain that he favored dividing the , vote of the county between the con- j testing Uelegations. wneeler Mar i . , ,. , ii, -t i delegation neaaea oy cjnuriocx. a niotlon was made to adopt Wheeler Martin's minority report, seating the delegation headed by Waddell, "uvvr"u "t j vote of 122 to 90. a The Edgecombe contest came next. The majority report favored dividing the vote of the county between the contesting delegations. The minority report signed by Wheeler Martin and approved by Smatbers, favored seating the con testing delegation headed by J. J. Martin. . The same course as to ex planation was taken as in tne case of Cumberland county. The motion was taken to adopt the minority re port seating the delegation headed by Martin. This was adopted by a vote of 130i to 76i. thus defeating the delegation headed by Lee Person. This vote was received with; a big demonstration The contest from Franklin came next. The. wtajority report favored seating the delegation headed by Jno. H. Willi ir,-son, (coL;i.'Smathers' jjiinority report favored dividing the 'vote of the.-county between tbe con 'testing delegation. The Martin min ority import ftevored seating the dele gation beaded bv James I. Moore The course of explanation was in -nroarres-s when somebody asked if j the State Ohairman did not turn i - Jl W J down Jiio. Williamson last year. This questim: raised a breeze. Then another asked if Johm Williamson did' tit sate -the Deos.&eratic ticket last year. Then - there went up an up-imroioue howl. Chairman. Hol ton, anffidst.great confusion tried to ex plain these-called turning down of Williamson, but he couldn't make himself heai'd WEH-iamfon yelltd out thast he wanted the' Chairman to let him answer that -question as to whether be Toted the Democratic it f ticket or nxL but the Chairman told him he was sut of order, and the convention 'howled WiUfamsoii down. If he hd lud lunss ae strong as a if locomative whistle. le could not diave madihknself h-ard in the din ,-and ti-oi-e that prevailed. Botb iomath.er :nd Martin mnde state ments in behalf of the .-minority. The Rctsfiell d el egates f rOm Frank -liifi wereea-Tei as well' as all orli-r tticnt?stiug delegates of the Russeli persuasion A JRayligltt Eeap, Chase andtCapture. John 3Iaynai-d, a young white man who' is confined :in jail pending trial on charge of counterfeiting, at the next term of the Federal court, Suncy made his escape but was re captured after a short chase. Sheriff Smith was at MaiUard creek .chui-ch with bis fauiilv, and deputy Bisnner was left in charge of the jail In the afternoon, according to instruc tions, the officer let Maynard out of a cell and put him to work cleaning the corridors. Maynard m some way secured au iron spike and commenced work on the rear wall of the jail. In a short time he had dug a hole suf ficiently large to admit of the pas sage of his body and then he crawled through. Officer Chas Torrance saw Maynard as he came from the jail and gave chase. Constable Mc Cord joined in and soon the party was joined by others. Maynard fled down First street towards the Victor mills and as he was speeding by the railroad round house he ran into the open arms of constable Irwin. He was escorted back to the jail and locked up. Deputy Bisaner was in the front part of the jail when May nard got out. It is not known how he secured the iron spike, but it was probably slipped from a plumber's kit and secreted by Maynard some days ago, when plumbers were work ing in the jail. Only One More Week. Only one more week left to secure the $25 cash prize, and the other splendid prizes the Times ia offering. Now is your time. ' The time expires May 31st. Send in all your names by that time. SOUTH CAROLINA FOR SILVER". Tillman in Control-Irby Completely De- fe&A. Columbia, S. C , May 20.lne Slate Democratic convention met at nom. today in tbe State capitol. The attendance was very laie. benatcrs Tillman and Irby and Governor Eraus? brides all the p ditician 1 1 the State, were in attendance. Irby, as chairman, called the convention to order, but made no speech. X. 11. McUalla was maae temporary cna i- man tne permanent organizaxion was effected by the election of A. H. Pattere'on. of Barnwell, who made a brief speech, expressing the hope that the convention would send only delegates to Chicago who would rep resent the people of this State. ' He spoke of the great advance the cause of free silver has made. The con yention, at the instance of Senator Tiflinan, appointed a committee of one from each . county to report a platform and consider all resolu tions. Another committee on con stitutional changes was appointed. At 1 o'clock numerous resolutions were being presented, all free silver from the ground up One resolution offered by Mr. Fred Williams, was that ti.ey-refuse to elect delegates . to Chicago at all. A resolution calling on the Demo crats of this State to vote for Till man for President was received with cheers when presented. A resolution of sympathy with the Cuban patriots wt s also cheered wheu introduced. The convention at 1:30 o'clock took a, recess nntil 8 p. in. The delegates at large to Chicago will be Senator Tillman, Governor Evans, W. H. Ellerbe and D. J. Bradham. The Tillman presidency resolution was adopted-by a rising vote. Irby warned the Reform faction Against bbkijig and predicted - ruin to thepartyCu the State, and to not only white supremacy, but white vi lisr-irirm . thp hrf-:irh nrrwrlrl l.v wiade a, permanet one. He said tfc&t the whole trouble was that the party was good enough to elect Tillman Governor twice, and to the Senate, but was not good enough to elect him President, Senator Tillman was bitter in his reply and ascribed Irby's attack on him to Irby's fear for his re-election. To this Irby, who was seated at a short distance, gave the lie direct. Tillman's answer wras lost in; the confusion of cheers and counter cheers that followed. At 2 a. m the convention took a recess until September 1st. This is to allow the convention to re assem ble in case the South Carolina dele gationvidlong with others bolt the na tional convention. South laknta for Gold. Aberdeen, S. D., May. 20'. On the convening of the Democratic State convention this a i lernooA, an attempt was made to defeat Ramsey, thj-nominee of the cential committee for chairman. " Lynch beings nom inated by the silver men. The gold standard people stood by Jiamsey and elected him oyer Lynch bvayote of ot committees the convention ad journed until 7:30 p. m. ' This evening, the temporary . or ganization was- made permanent without opposition. Resolutions were adopted endorsing the admin stration and declaring for the present standard. A free- silver substitute was offered, but voted down by a ma jority of 57. - , For the Gold Standard. Concord, N. H , May 20. The Democratic convention endorses Cleveland, the gold standard and the Monroe doctrine. A Girl Arrested as the Poisoner. Parties who were in the city yes terday from Gaston county, report that an arrest has been made in the Fite poisoning case, at River Bend. It will be remembered that a son of Mr. John Fite tcok a drink of wa ter from a bucket on the porch' at his father's home, and died within 30 minutes. Strychnine had been put in the water. Theparty arrest ed is a young white girl who lives in the neighborhood, though qf the several parties who told- the news, none could remember her name. She was sent to jail in Dallas. A 8 reported to' The - News, the girl was determined to kill a daugh ter of Mr. Fite who had incurred her enmity, and she didn't .-tcp at killing young Mr. Fite. After the death of the young man thi3 girl visited Mr. Fite's house and it was then that Mrs. Fite detected her. in putting poison into the bucket for tbe.. second time. Her urre3t fol lowed and ghe is now in jail, by thanfefc s

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