PTE NEWS. ion in Charlotte. ,u in Meckljen- CHARLOTTE NEWS.' "Largest circulate n 'in ChflirlotttfT . Largest GiriIatioH in Meckleir burg. Put yoar adveatisement Ywhfe it will each th mastqC. your customers. .. . .. VIII. feARLDTTE. N, C, THURSDAY. JULY SUS96 NO.-405. in, V - . :::'irr .u. ju-ju . - 1 - v . 33 filNG DOM YET VTH'1 Is A LENGTHY AND DOCUMENT. providing for trial sbj jury in certaia fpTTD P AT J TIT "HUH gld- The New EDglanders said' contempt cases I JQ VlAilii iliijll i LDliU the rural vote thia year Wl11 surprise The platform opens: "We,Democrats ! i the goldites. of the United States in convention j Whitney says that no gold name j will be presented to the convention for president except Pattison, of Pennsylvania, who refused to with draw. The convention this afternoon got into a debate on the minority report , m r v k v V WAD V assembled, do reaffirm our allegiance ' ITTT T VpTTTY REPORT blLNAlU 01ik. to those great and essential principles jiLL b KVlii. ! or justice and liberty upon whick ' our institutions are founded and Dill' , fill 1 lot 0 ..It t hi' li ( which the Democr itic partv has advocated from Jefferson's t me to oir own, freedom of speech, f see- , s ,ee coiaase of silver om of the press, freedom of con r,i t.-s f other Nations science, the preservation of personal mvy for the income rights, the equality of all citizens me Question of beiore the Jaw and the taithful ob- - . . t i 1 y- ii , i i t,,, t.w totk ueipjtatfon servance ot tne constitutional umi- Cttntlidate, but will tatlOUS. I Recognizing that the question is paramount to all HE URINGS IN A DEFENSE OF THE ADMINISTRATION. lhat j' VV- ItllrH IIh-ih : Ki Nomination Tnimun to . Kecognizmg tnat mone ,,,,,,-k-whit, or caiifor- question is paramount to all others i, convention Adjonmed ai tnis lime, ana as ine vjonstuution names silver and gold monev as S. Unless there money metals of the United States ram rain, moi, -arfs Pol mdaj : who paper His aches 5. and i razor! ;e the itiiaate tic ac in their mdidate of thi' iou. )NALD. inJidaH 1 u the ail in 2 con-:OBB.; n Jitlate kieaburg the Dem- r-uiididate jkienbur? tr.eDem- .iv.-fr.tion. titute. K i ' ' t ' ! i c ' . : :w in the situation ; au tne rst coinage and mintage law passed by Congress under the Con stitution made the silver dollar the unit of value and admitted gold to fr?e coinage at a ratio measured by the silver mint, we declare the act of '73 demonetizing silver without knowledge or approval of the Amer ican people, has resulted in the ap preciation of gold, and a correspond ing fall in the prices of commodities produced by the people; a heavy aud'burdensome taxation and of all debts public and private; the enrich ment of the money leuuing class at home and abroad; prostrating indus try and. impoverishment of the peo ple. We are unalterably opposed to the 1 11 A 11 1 " I 1 sniffle troia stanuaru. wnicn iias locked fast the prosperity of an in dustrial people, in pralvzed hard lib' mi 1 fore Convention morning, the Con : toihiy will be full ,u velopments. The v threaten to bolt, j. j. on en ts practically m. with the indig tiit they will sup- ;,); V wav. :u. ?iiverites did con ,, . t he platform, de viT at the ratio of .j: the issuing by , j b.uiils in times of . private individ- " iu tit therefrom; : .. power to issue !'nin the national I'pr a tariff for . . 1 1 Ll ;iiT a neciarauon the McKinley iLc to the coun- enaotment of a ; Jnient to per- r pressing sym- -.iis in Cuba; immigration of ;, ; ru tt'd: favoring , l-ii.-rs: opposing ;: rr..-?ioetit, and :r.;v;iL';rice of the i'niiLil'e??- 1 T T i-sipvi 'ivii aeciaeu nt - uaii- 'f Waltham .Pres'uk-nev. at the Sen- AcsrcsiUe Speech by Tillman - Tilaa and submitted by Hill, in which he took strong exceptions to the free coinage plank, endorsed Cleveland and de nounced the income tax clause of the platform. He said the platform is full of absurd propositions, calcu lated to injure the party and said he would not follow such revolutionary . steps. Vilas followed endorsing j Hill's arguments, as also did Rus sell, of Massachusetts. OUR NEXT PRESIDENT W. J. BRYAN, OF NEBRASKA HE RECEIVES THE NOMINATION ON THE FIFTH BALLOT. Raonell Strongly Support Hill Bryan Defends the Mnj Titv Report in a Ring lng Speech -Tow u Thinks tha Conven tion ill be Closed To-Morrow- Evans Says South Carolina wNl Vote far Wa sh Offer a Religious Substitute Issuance of National Bank Notes De nounced Hland Look s to b the Winner -No Nomina' tun Probable Befjre Tk Morrow. Chicago, July 9. Neither New York or the gold delegates held a conference hi-t night. The night was given up to a general open dis cussion. When the day opened the situation was about this: The gold men are in a helpless minority, with the adopt Story of the Convention List of the Nomi nations and byVbomlMade Harrlty this Morning Fnts up Pattison, and the Nomi nation of Pennoyer Completes the LlBt The Balloting Then Began First and Second Ballots in Detalld New lorfc Waving the Free Silver Banner Great Rush to the Convention Hall. The News report yesterday closed with the vote on Hill's motion to Tillman, Senator Jones and endorse the present Democratic ad- Bryan made speeches against ministration. After that the plat- the minority report. Tillman i5m as submitted !by the majority was particularly aggressive. Bryan was adopted, and the convention took had a great ovation. He said a mo- a recess until 8 o'clock. It then tion would be made to lay on the reassembled and the hrst business m table both the motion for and against order was the nomination of candi the administration. He said to the dates for the presidency. Mr. Vest ; p o .vn'. f,oa ciiror Oov. minority: iou have already cus- was nrst on tne piatiorm ana nom he flght for .he pJital ffi turbed oar bin. The man who hated I Bland. This nommabon was O x. ... I TTMlrfi 4-vi hid TirnvAa io o o rvm n H o 1 CAnrnnaH Kir I linn I 1 rrovm OTT AT AT ,;;.,fin .J5 mivi aa ovor Tri'fV. worKS ior MS wages is as muun a secouueu uy xaviu vveiiucvci, llULllililUjlVll IO 4 O Ull.VVU tU HllU I . . - , I t TT f x-, TIT-IT Boies in the lead sliLhtly, if any- business man as his employee ana as Kansas, ana iion. j. n. vv imams oi thing. The platform will be adopt ed today and the candidates should be named, if there is no deadlock. sil- Today s session ought to be extreme ly lively. " The committee on resolutions adopted Bailey's National Bank substitute which denounces the issu nnce of National Bank notes as in derogation of the constitution. It demands that all paper be made legal times, gold mononietalism and Brit- tender for public and private debts, i i i. ii- il . lsti policy, auu its adoption nas brought other nations mto tiaancial servitude to London. This is not ! if , A 1 a 4 ' oniy un-American out a:ti-vnieri- oan and can bi- fastened on tne U nit ed States onlv bv stilling that in domitable spi lit and love of libertv LuK-.t'i which proclaimed our people's inde pendence m 7. and won it the war of the revolution; wedenland that the silver dollar be a full legal for all debts. When Daniel took the chair he - . i- . i UL'rx tn niorwii most of half a .!1:- he bee;. Ui:ie ha. :: .v.-r nil. w ne'i bright, tieing carr various dele nieii are ex raing their . when it is ;il show auv announced no business except oy nnPirnonvpnTion todav. a res unanimous consent. Rev. Dr. T. E indorsing Cleveland's admini Green, of Cedai Kapids, Iowa, offer- DialJk which was reitctrd vesterday Ipfl ed prayer. There was a great demon- y tne platform committee. While it .i.'ii t:i t'Jlltt ja:u!;a n btoi u . 1 with a . The crowds hall showed no was less de- lonini t ee on i : uiourning , tins night session, ;ts- before it, strict. About norning the until 10. Its djourning was contestants Adjourment motion to re utiittee voted ie lirvan col:- a una tne silver igan also. & hav.- two thirds ma of credentials 10:30, only ttea had arrived of California liable and re- stratiou when the Bland Club, with banners flowing, entered the hall. The New York delegates are still in caucus, fighting over the question raised last nitiht whether they shall bolt the convention after the adop tion of the silver plank or not. The oroceedings of the convention are listless. Hogg, of Texas, who made attack a strong plea for harmony was well received. The gold men are inclin ed to take their medicine more neacef ullv todav. Hogg advises the delegates to meet in a spirit with in- tent to win in rsovemoer. The Brvan delegates from rse- j much a business man as the man Illinois, the latter of whom said that who goes upon the board of trade Bland had done more than any other and bets uoon the future, and the American for the restoration or A ... few financial magnates or the world ver. who in a back room corners the Mr. H. I. Lewis, of Georgia, nom finances of the world. He said that inated W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska, the pioneers of the West are as saying that if public office was a re worthv the support of thisConvention ward for public services no man as the mao-nates of the East. merited such reward more than he. He drew a comparison between In the late political contest Mr. Jefferson and Hill and said he pre- Bryan stood among his peers like ferred to stand bv Jefferson. He Saul among the Israelites, head and Ul0 I i i i.i i. .;il oUo oil flio rcoT- "TTnnnr or receivable in payment of dues o i 3" W ho. s,id. il. . TT.. Z t. , 1 C: ....... , A . 1... i K,. ,..fA,l lailV eCIV Lj LU lC. lUblUUluc maoou- uiui VuU v-. .w-, 7 tne L-imeu oiatea auusuwi houcu - j - ri. a a; t j ch.i., n n, i c. in setts. l nere was ureal uueenus -a" vuu vin uu um vk ov tne l uitea ciates. vuugicw . i MaiMO 1, lonrlia and uemonsiraiioua xi uuc emac ui auu cam i Brvan's speech, and cries of "nomi- of )7our constituents and the thanks nate him!" "nominate mm: xne or prosperity.; a great uemuusua hand struck up but couldn't be tion followed all the silver delegates heard, it simply could be seen go arose and joined in vociferous shout f.hrmi(rh thp. motion of plaving. ing and waving of hats, handker a i" i i i The vote on the platform was chiefs, newspapers and every wavaDie ordered at 3:11 o'clock, after the obiect upon which tney could lay Rrvn flpmnnstraiion subsided. The their hands. Theodore J?. is.luttz, - . n .i l . ii n i "c .1 tit;i rnta was on t ie adoption Ot tne or lortn Carolina; eorge.cieu t ii- nffprpd bv Hill to sub-1 liams, of Massachusetts, and Thos. t .tinn Utitute the minority report for that J. Kernan, of Louisiana seconded at hp mmnruv. sn Tar as me uuaii- di au o uuuuutuuu. WA- J n . 1 - . m .tj: cial olank jroes. Hill s motion was Senator uavid xempie, or inuiaua, - i - . . . i itii j -rj.ii ' 'Un rnfp.l Anvcn hops fi2H: aves 606. nominated uiauae ij.aLtue;w. iuc ,VWv , .--7 - , , . , 11 J mil'., nn c.r,rrz.n(r fhp nrps Spnatnr had nis sneecn written anu XJLlll S5 LUUUUU iuuuiuiuj, IT I J. . put-. TWinpratm administration was it makes two columns, oauai rt.-illul Tf woo KAPTi from the riptt. of California, seconded Matt- ii v u vmivu f . i i. j . 1 1 . If A .-.nfspf that this motion was lose, news nomination. J VW- V ww I , -1 Thp administration was not endors- Ex-Governor Uoies was nominated ax aorftinst it. to bv Fred White, of Iowa. The demon C7U, UtlV 1JUS "Viug "O 7 I J ' alone has- pr.ver to coin or issue money, and that power can't be dele gated corpoiations or individuals. Walsh of iTeoi i-ni iiiade a rel ijious substitute, which denounces all secret organizations which makes war on individuals for Lheir religious opin- tender jou8 Ul)u granting civil and religous liberty to ail eitkeDS. Hill savs he proposes to offer - 4 4 IS COnceueu u::il ue ni again uc f.tpil thp ntion srives him an opportimitv to nilogize the financial part of the President's administra tion. Tillman was advised of this llWed purpose of the New York 1 A ,sncnl t- A ornto fl ftv seuatoi, auu u optocw. iu . minutes to one of his s on the characteristic administration. . i Gov. Evans, of South uaroima, paid tnis morning mat twliku viv Una will vote for Teller. Mr. Harritv savs that the Fenn- svlvania delegation will support Pat- J . . ..L 1 terson and a minority report, ume&a he withdraws, which ."be hadn't done 357, for it. It was hissed. r- HAVE OVER TWO THIRDS. THE SILVER FORCES ARE SURE OF IT. have LltVjU' braska, were given their seats by the Up t0 tne present. Altgeld says it committee on credentials, and were applauded as they settled down. unman, oi ouiuu uajunuo, aonw oat It Insures a Strong currency fisnn-su- Men to Meet Monday to Decide on their Man for PresidentThey Formed their Plans, Chicago, July 4. There is more than the usual hilarity and patnot- stration was rather disappointing, A. D. Smith, of Minnesota, seconded the nomination of Boies. Joseph S. Blackburn was put m nomination bv John b. Khea, or Kentuckv, and the nomination was seconded by W. W, oot, ot uanior nia. When Massachusetts was called thp ohairman of the delegation said VHV fj Massachusetts had intended to pre sent the u mie of Governor Russell, run on tr.i'in Ulll r rl f 'jin ;..trt . oil 1 1 A. l n j-k-hl-t VrtTl permission to aodresa me w"cu tion, and may do so this evening. Pennsylvania declared ror oianu - ... TT II thi morning. Tammany nan says it will support the nominee . -csew York delegation caucus deemed not is impossible ior the convention to r - y , ot:.w iorK,8aiau. iuB !" '"n;? 0f po iticians on the the platform adopted. rk gates were practol- sl,veritea con. NPew throu?h Senator Hill, 1 finish its labors today. . " "lr:k iL.a f nf h bnt M r. Kussell declined to r;raflv. of New York, said that tne ""J I, New l themselves to ex A: Ti. t- ill': k - li famous iRK. i LT, li'i--. me. cle I ;ur fruits iff b.r declaration i;C ( oin monev, hiiot be dele . l-"or that rea- l.auk issues . :: :! the money no c :i a; is neces- :. tne revenue : ci.-ion of the '.!!t'(jiiie tax; ngress to wer which -".on or which - .1 by - oe con i of taxa njartiallv . nil bear . v of the . ':..:: ;'C 111 like the Arabs folding to bolt today but will abide by the anj silentlv depart. Wis nn of the maiority. riowei an ear v state convention and .nanv of the New York delegates jeciue what to do. fnvnr hnltinff. He thinks a new The convention decided to devote i . i w O I . . . , .rfrwill hp tnrmed. Uhrpp hours to resolutions, Human 'Vhe, HennSVlvania ueieizauco win tn oppn. urv,;- to lOJiuw iu xawi vi r T3.iffprarn if bp Will stand OU the I 4-V.q itv- Mill to present the IO . . -i i i I " .1 I. I, . nnnniiiota anj nriP.a v i& : . q . a unA Hnue supreme, having decided upon &aiu sue uau uu press no dec.d-J opinions as a body t &cSon calculated of "Hill" were raised, upon the deliberations of thereon- e Mr. Patrick of Ohio, when the vention. They will leturn home to f. nrArim namP of his State was called, put in John B. McLean of ask silver platform. It he says no, m name will be presented as a candidate. The New YTork delegates are now in their seats. They announce that I M I I 1 K V I . -i i hange they will not bolt, but will not vote On a CulluiuaLC. The convention adjourned to o'clock. minoritv report and speak upon it. ftrav and ilus were to follow inn. nonffressman Towne, of the bime tallic committee, says that there is frnl of the temporary organ They will hold Nation by collusion with the nation- nomination Mr. ney win uwu j hand. Cincinnati. ilinn ani t.hPn aiiuiumiws. 11 ' . . tt :i. r r lv,? thpaold faction has no program, unairmannaniLY uj. jrCmyx,.n- i ii i a ormairWaiilv when his State was called, said and are au at &e auu Wu0iuwu.; --- - Snwr. rjwt. Pennsylvania had no candidate a According to the latest figures, this time. t the silverites will control the Con- Virginia being called ir i the roll of sjpvpral votes over the VI II I.I I I 11 K 7 T " This ta'.es, tne cnairman 01 iue uciega ct.afpd that thev had been in- necessary two umu m-jt.j. - Mf u mp nf the a strong curr-ncy piaiiK. sluiuicu .cwi - r men will meet Monday to Hon. John W. Daniel, but at his insures The silver men decide which candidate to throw no question but that the convention dec ae Presidency will be closed tomorrow. Although their votes 101 101 j and insistence did t is nor, pronaoie tnat a uuunuauuu Prpsidpnt will be made today the "l 1 cU4- ;a frninincr tn warm up and 1JH11L IO utgiuuiuj, x one of the most extraordinary con- is ich ordained to tne uimwu v u the pendence Hill Baptist church, on- Croft's, iirthis county. Iiev. f r . : ' . J l't c 1 ubject I - y i j it.'-: i L 1 rni of , judges : -uaes and ;.t once : i iiioners; d at the and now ivr to con--urti and ntnrm-hnnnd at Crof t's. Upr nhaa. Black was Sunday -i-l.V w -. ordained to the ministry at inae- near L. 11. Drnotf ami i?fiv. J. 13. liaaKins cou ,i.,4-,i v,a orriination service. There U. LIU LCU ulik. um'u..v. was a large congregation present, and abouf the close of the service! u tremendous and continued ra n u.. 1)....,.,- nnr) Mr ill- torni came. ir. n'" I lank ins and tne is.uoio nau mainover night at the neighboring houses- Among the storm bound were five voung people from Hope- well. Mr. A. - i i Rraflv's successor as cashier or tne - ii.V.U V I J ' IT" 1 t -n Jnnn It c c.Ir'o UnnL- h n in n cr hPPn tests ever looked ior win unve piaic. joan co oiuing o ") - Mr. Lee H. Battle Casnler. Mr. Lee H. Battle if D is an hi en Below the Mark. New York, July 10 -Half. Bul lion in gold is engaged for export to day, which brings the treasury re serve two hundred thousand dollars below the hundred million required, ri., afternoon. Mr. -tfat ovnp-rienoed banker, hiving follpr of the Fidelity Bank ot imr- ham. He has been a resident ot Charlotte fqr live or six months and u ,o,i . nnnv warm personal JJtl-5 " j " J. fv!on,k. The selection is universal t T . . . . 1 - . r-v.A -..n r i r nil commended anu it sutxeii O7 od one Silver Dick Bland looks to be tne elected to that position ov a uieeimg innpr bv a narrow maiority, though 0f the board of directors held yester- his friends, Blackburn, Stevenson, Boies and the resultant trades will combine to make a great struggle for the Victor. During tne progress of Tillman's remarks the Union As sociated Press scurried around among the eastern delegates ior in formation regarding the respective attitude of the respective communi ties on whatever action certain dele gates of New York should take. Some indicated that it mattered but little what Tammany did, for by its historical tradings it could never be trusted. They would swap the earth to hold and maintain their grip on politics. Others for east said there appears to be consider :i.T.VWplrmment even among 1 op m the interest oi luOac """v - all sides a. s ib " k-now? him to bean exc cier anda.young man acter. The News l'ent rinan of fine char- Maceo Dead Again. Havana, July 10. Merchants of PinarDel Reo who arrived here last niht, state that Antonia Maceo, the Insurgent leader, died last night of wounds received during his last en gagement with Spanish troops. earnest request not do so. When the State of Wisconsin was called. General Bragg, the pictures aue old hero, chairman of the delega tiou. rising on a chair in his place said: "Wisconsin cannot participate in the nomination of any man calling himself a Democrat upon a Populist platform." (Great cheers, mingled with hisses.) Mr. E. J.' Dockery of Wisconsin took his place on the platform and said: '-'My vote is stilled m tnis convention by an on-Democratic unit rule, and I am' therefore prevented frmn Tin vi nor it rp.fin.ded in favor of A L Ulll ill 1 "h that idol of the convention, Wm. J. Bryan of Nebraska, tfho ought to be elected; but 1 desire to say, gentle -men of the convention, that the peo ple of the State will give its electoral vote to the nominee of this conven tion whoever he may be, at the elec tion in November. (Cheers.) That candidate will not receive the votes of the men who are in this conven tion claiming to represent the Dem ocracv of Winconsin but the people Chicago, July 10. The decksrs were cleared this morning for bal oting in the Democratic National onvention. The real struggle opens with the delegates wrought to an. intense pitch over the sensational developments of yesterday when the Bryan wave swept through the con vention and threatened to stampede, it then and there. It has disturbed all calculations and thrown the ranks of other candidates into con- usion. The day opened with con- tinuance ot tnat denciousiy cool weather which has attended the cdn-- vention from the start. There was a greater rush in the Convention this morning than on any previous time. The approaches were packed for a quarter oi a mile in each direction . To the strains of ively music the delegates and spec tators marched into the Convention this morning all seemingly eager for the fray. Every indication this morning is that the fight for the Presidential nomination by the National Demo cratic Convention has narrowed down to two men, Bland and Bryan, the latter of whom by his eloquent speech made a sensational leap to the fore front from the rear ranks o candidates. -Harrity, Altgeld, Vest, Tillman, and Jones are of the same opinion. The fight will be close. Rector Green, of Iowa, ottered pray er. This is the first Democratic , convention convened that the army chaplains haven't requested the privilege of opening the sessions with prayer. The supposition is that the army chaplains were advis ed to remain silent by the adminis tration. Jones, of Arkansas says the convention will endeavor to nominate today. The party has na superstitution about Friday. The caucausing among the various delegations is earnest and very ex citing. The New York delegation claim that the gold delegates of many other states have agreed ta to bolt with them. They are act ually canvassing among them dur ing today's proceedings. There is a desire among the delegates that the nomination be concluded today. Harrity, who nominated Pattison, says he did so under instructions from the Democratic convention of Pennsylvania. The first ballot resulted: Ala bama 22 for Boies; Arkansas 16 for Bland; Delaware 3 for Pattison, L for Bryan, 2 refused to vote. Flori da, Bland 2, Bryan 1, Boies 1, Bat tison 1, Black 1, Matthews 2; first 9 votes for Blackburn, next for Boies, next for Campbell, next 2 for Black for Bryan, Matthews, next for Bry an, for Boies. Connecticut 2 for Russell, of Massachusetts, of its 12 it cost but 2; Kentucky 26 'for Blackburn; Lousiana 16 for Bryan; Maine 5 for Pattison, 2 for Bland, 2 for Bryan, 3 not voting. Michigan 9 for Bryan, 4 for Boies, 5 for Bland, 10 not voting. The vote was challenged, and roll of the State de manded; several of the Michigan delegates refuse to vote when their names were called. The roll of Michigan was called, 10 not voting; 7 for Bryan, 5 for Boies, 4' for Bland. Minnesota 1 for Stevenson, 2 for Bryan, 1 for Blackburn, 2 for Pattison, 4 for Boies not voting. Mississippi 18 for Brvan: Misouri - - . I i will register their will at the ballotaSi . box." Amid much confusior- -"neraf Bragg again rose and clainu the attention of the convention to sayr "With your kind permission we wilt send out and make search for another straggler, and if we aro isnessful Wisconsin may yet pleue it apport to another candidate. (Laughter and hisses.) At the close of the call of the roHT of States the convention, at 12:35 3. in.; adjourned till 10 this morning. The business began this morning" with the nomination of Robert E. Patterson, by Harrity. Pennoyer was nominated by Miller, of Oregon, and that closed the list of nomina-" tions. 34 for Bland; Montana 4 for Black burn, 4 for Bland; Nebraska 16 for Bryan; Nevada 3 for Mathews, 3 for McLean; INew Hampshire 7 oecnne to vote. 1 for PattisDn; New Jersey , declined to vote, (chrjers and hisse3) New York declined to vote, (great cheering). The audience quieting.; down; -.ortn aronua ior uiau, (cheers); North Dakota G for OI,?n ! C rnf oa for- AfoTiPan UPC unit rule; Oregon 8 for Pepyerj Pennsylvania 64 for TfrrisOttx.&(j(j (cheers); Rhode Island 0 fjrPaiM- son, 2 declined to vot ; So ith Caro- ; lina 17 for Tillman, 1 not voting, (hissing); South D, kota 6 for Bryan. LCOJtinue : Page Eig&t.j Boies;;;' I C E fo ld n ill !;- i