I8SIK3 AND POLITICS. fnafov Fntilkner Confident tht the White Urml Men Will Win th Fight In No- j. ,,ucrata observe rith gratification the fact that eastern bankers are restoring the gold re serve and obviating the necessity of a bond issue," eaid Senator Faulkner, cnairrrron oi tne democratic con gressional committee, to a Star re porter today, "but at the same time they are asking the question why such action was not taken upon former occasions when a crisis oc curred, and past issues thus prevent ed. They realize the fact that the eastern bankers are coming nobly to the rescue of the treasury, but it is from a consciousness that if they did not and another bond issue should be necessary Mr. Bryan v ould be placed in the White House without the slightest effort and by a crushing majority the question, will these bankers come to the rescue of the treasury again if Mr. Bryan is not elected- The an swer that suggests itself h, they probably will not. -xiie iact oi me mauer is, con tinued Senator Faulkner,' "the uues tion of bond issues br the government a romlnent Member of the G. O. P. Declare ,, ..for Democracy ' omlne BLOOMrxoxoN, Iil.- July 26. The defection from the ranks of the Re publicans of this county to Bryan SOtrtBERN PROGRESS. A Happy Coincidence. The North Carolina Presbyterian Trend or Grain Shipments Toward Soutn- fjjjjs week Says: ') "it is iue pruvxixce 01 tuc ecuuiai, Baltimore, July 30 The Man- papei8 to keep the public advised of - - 4 vwk r,rje aeiaiio ox. xxxmiaxv cxxuitxiiuxxxcuia standard plank ot the Kepublican musv conspicuous it-ature in ine and other gatherings like and un- platform offsets fully the loss to the business interests pt tbe south at allti they cannot be charged O 1 and Sewall on account .of the gold Democrats by bolting gold men. present u tbe remarkable activity Amonsr the names secured of the in .Mie snipment ot grain irom Kan- deserting Republicans are those of sas and other western States to gulf men who have always - taken an ac ports tor- exportation. .Large - con tive interest in toartv affairs, some are tract iire oeing made for transpor even now holding office, and all are tation, and western roads are report men of prominence and ability. Lo e 8me cases as being short of cal Renublican managers are alarmed sufficient rolling stock to meet the - k a- i - . over the size and influence of this demand tor gram bound to the gulf defection, but arguments are in vain, At Charleston, S. C, a rice storage and the bolters will be found warrulv warehouse is to be turned into a supporting Bryan and Sewall, at the .November election. Secretary J. J. Thompson, of the Democratic County Central Commit tee, claims to have the names of sev- 11 .1 . 1 T 1 1 , era i nunureu liepuoiicans wno are out for free silver, many of whom have agreed to 10m the Bryan club now in process of formation. These clubs are being formed in everv town Iu the early spring the fanners and -.rarf0 with remissness m the matter. note ters not Ve old fence corners, briar batches, sassafr k. "c1 I ' . T '""'"'1 UlSPfc merely general points and mat- the ground ready, for planting time will lot in the ordinary run. The ,7 r J r ft c WIJ1 oon . nf fiWnTi inr,r mi line oi rue Tear. oreDariner the rrrr,,j of the state guard at Wrightsville last week was exceptional in the gentlemanly conduct and tbe soldier like bearing of both omcers and men. It was agreed that under the instruction of Lieutenant sow by the way. what is better than nnrk . is a fascinatincr business aniwav nri,. i. J o - " - Jl u"a'7 always do: Will VPrv firvnn hacrin r for, rU .1 er tne ervbodv seems haonv. Gnnd cmn ni. . Jidgar ' . rry ---- --nty 0 eat. nrrnin o ovifAF with a capacity of 00,000 bushels. This will enable Charleston to better compete .for handling grain intended for export. A $10,000 company ha3 been or ganized to build a knitting mill at Baruesville, Ga., and a $10,000 knit ting mill compauy has been organ ized at Union, S. C. ' A Glasgow handle manufacturer will fstablish a plant in Alabama; Jadwm of the United States engi- now having a good time picnicing, layinp-ar ..vwo ,c oa .u?uuuu jf u jxi tai.King to tne girls. WeJJ, when they are h,, tne same space of time did the men J drc ndp iecive more instruction and do more and! PPyand cod thusiasm prevalent all over Central Illinois is highly encouraging. in time of peace is having more force in this campaign than anvthinelse Teanct Arkantas United- ine people are aroused upon that ajj-aakkana, aik., Juiv XV. subject. The financial (juestion is to 'xne greatest political demonstration be the issue between the two parties. 111 tne history of this section took . It is no use to try to dodge this fact, P'a.ce ,n ""'a city last night, the oc and any man proposing tutalk in the casion being a joint ratificatioji meet campaign, whether upon the stump in& of Bryan and Sewall by the or in committee work, who takes the democrats of Miller county, Arkan tariff as his subject will not receive sas and Bowie county, Texas. The an audience The people want to procession, which paraded all the talk about money, they want to hear principal streets with band., trans about if, and those who have not al- parencies jlnd banners, aroused to a ready made up their minds upon the high pitch of enthusiasm. Nearly subject desire to be instructed. Ex- j000 torches were in line. The President Harrison realized this fact speaker's stand was erected on the when he said-in his comu unicationa tate line Congressman McKae of iew aavs ago the tariff was on Arkansas, 1'aul Jones and Minor the side track. Wallace cf Texarkaua and others "ine Uetnocratic party has not addressed the mui tit u de of enthusi- made (he issue between aggregate stic Democrats iu ringing and elo , .tltv iiiminiLe anu merr1-"1 iu iaurux ine unicao mastes ot the people. That issue has ticket and platform It is es . . - iuui vears 01 jegisia- tu nuiv xu.uuu persons were non m tne interests of capital and present, hundreds of whom came veaicn ana corporate influence, rrom tne country and adjoining ""iVU J; cuuuuiit-u oy weaitn jveitn "5- congressman Iavnj B. Cul er shoulrl if. eaiA flr T'k I hArw.i, li-jo .. .- .1 .11 .1 . ;"- umi me leiiio- ' " 140 cj.j;cii-ru iu azures' tne cxauc party is arrayed against wealth nieetmg,' but was unable to attend ship of the county, and the farming and laboring element are rallying to the 0!ev Stave company of Ch'itta the standard of Br van and free sil- nooga will build two $25,000 plnt ver m Jarge numbers. The leaders at ctrur point: a SoO.OOO com?)an of the local Democracv are preparing has been organized in NVw Orleani for a rousinj? canmaiffn. and thn en. to make cotton nickin? machines: J X cj ' I C J . v tun uouon nini w: 1 oe Duut a Winona, Miss , by a $30,000 compn uyjust organized; Gaston ia, N. C . will is'ii" $18,000 for w.at- r work: the Anderson Light and Power com pai.y of -r.derson, S. C. will issu 200,000 of bonds to develop 5,000 e'eo ric horse power for trnnsmissio' of Anderson; Martin, Teun., wil; construct $18,000 water works: sev eral hundred coke ovens are to b' built at La Follette, Tenn., upon the completion early in October of a 15 mile railroad now under construc tion and a $50,000 electric light and oer company has been incorporat' ed. and capital. It only takes the nosi- because of sickness in the famil Bryan to Accept on Anga-t 1 lii.iwL, lieu., uuiv upoi receipt of intelligence" from New York today that the hall at Madison Square Garden could be secured for that date, Mr. Bryan announced that he will receive the notification com nntteeofthe Democratic National oonveution there August 12. H was unable to say just Vhen he wih leave this city for the East, ove what route he will make thr trip, or now long lie expects fo be en route. It 13 known that Mr. Bryan is pre tion thauealth and capital should He sent an eloquent letter, however! ParinS lls .speech of acceptance ol be placed upon the same plane as the which was read from th iuieresrs oi tne people, and should aua brought out snare with them without advantage pJause ui iluuui prejuaice the benefits of legislation." piatrorm uproarious ap- After Sound Money Democrat. T . . - . OXK31IAUHAM, Ala.. Ju r i The Bepubiicau managers "of this Senator Faulkner, as chairman of the congressional committee, contin ues to receive ereat ouanfitipa nf plications from the eWern sTafr Hy to catch -.vv. oeuiuiienc is sweeping thronoh tho lni,.; i . , east like a n7ri fit Tr .1: ?ow "".the Itepnblicari elec'oral ti, - : 1 LUlo Ket Wltn White men. Thi 1,., the uommation. He evtpta tn lr.v in his New York spreeh, the groum; work for tbe campaign, and it is lieved that up to the date of its de 'fori- t - nnr n.Cl) 1, . r , lav man win iearn irom nis ps jii3t what he mav b? exneotl tn do in relation to the" Populist nomi real soldier work, and yet the boys had a good time as their frolicsome moods off duty sufficiently attested. Captain R. O. Grant, superintend ent of the Seacoast road says the oldiers were the best behaved sold iei's he evei saw. Not a drunken man was seen on the trains from 1r8t to last. The visit of the confederate veter- insofCaje Fer camp to the en ampment, their introduction tc Colonel Bruton and the incidents in -cneral attending it have been dnlv corded in :he secular papers. ninnt .s,1.. 'II- .1 imiBi nuie especially me pre-i'-aMon cf the veterans to Mrs Store wall J.ekson. After the visit io the encampment the veteia;,s maiched to Wrightsville and wue j)ivseiiied iu a n-.at Ijttle spe.ch bv K-v. Dr. James Carmichael to Mrs. Jackson, vho with hr grandchil dren, was at the Atlantic View Hotel. After graceful acknowjedg ment by Mrs. Jackson, Dr. Preston, haplain of the Hornet's Nest rifle men, and Mrs. .T.olranh,a KJ jf A If Ann i e!oqueutly,'on behalf of this lady, returned thanks for the demonstra t!on. Many of the veterans were in troduced to and shodk hands with the wife of their old commander. I- was a happy coincidence that this presentation of the veterans should have occurred on the 21st of July. On ihe same day, just thirty five years before at Manassas. G n eral Bee to rally nis troop3 who were wavering, cried ont to them. '-Look at Jackson!. There he stands like a -tonewall!" The effect was electric. tne origaue rushed forward and in a few minutes the gallant Bee fell dead at the front. But the name Stone wall was stamped indelibly upon the commander and upon his brigade and thence for all time General Thomas J. Jackson iaSTONEWALL Jackson-" BELK BRo too rejoice witlY them, as we expect to nl o , of fxoods in Pharlrft - f-Kio foil tkof 4 ?Cs We are now beginning to clean up things in n.' i todolhiswe have commenced to thmw " 'vUl 'A rrro., rrrrrla of m- sn ... 1 1 1 1 ... 6'cl tnwn rlfin't ia il in roll Ki )0 MOR E GOODS FOR l HONEY Than any House on the (oil joo; Goods arriving on ev-ry train. Something new t .,Vwr. 13 ssj ymua oca isiana irom a rai roaa ixaxxis ti .'2c. new, tot snirt waists 25c and 4$c Dongola Button .-hoe for 50c Ladies' patent buckle tie for 50c. Mens Summer (Joats 10c. Mens Socks for 5c 38 slate pencils lc. 4 boxes ma ches 1c, 2 a-j cuvciupea it, & sneets writing pjr, 2 balls sewing thread lc. And thbusands of useful r .'ome riHt along ith the crowds flocking to tt ! f t i (t IV "11 1 SffA thinl- fi, o "ji " "",iV-" . 1 vimv ne may not even : occ a goou op)oriu- thi a goott many sound mocratic votes for McKin nearroe? been done in Georgia and it ia that National Chairman Mark Hannu u -.11 . l win ue caueu upon at ouce to ar- nesrro timf thp nnnfrruoai'vL..! i - - vu.cooiun,,, c-uuixxutiee nas cofV self to "sending out docu - campaign literature toin- a (uiifaUlS. in tour Ho.o . . hp fQCi-V";, iaftt " w said further tl : , "oni Vi oui'iJ,J1ng tne state cen tral committee with literature in bulk. Orders are now being placed with the printers for this class of matter, and the committee will com mence in a short time distributing Washington Star. Wtoa at Wentwonh. Hon. C. B. AVatson addrPssAr? tva that the electors are ready to do thn of their leaders. The change is expected to occur immediately after the August State election. The result of the Pupu list Convention at St. Louis mean while has served to prevent a fusion of the Populists and Republicans on ejeciorai ticket in this Sf.. an people of Rockingham atWentworth heuce Republican managers have be yesterdav afternoon Tnat his hearers were interested is attested by the faet that numbers, unable to get seats, stood up during the entire tim, scarcely moving du ring the whole speech. He was cheered to the echo and left a fine impression upon the peo ple. A gentleman from that fionntrv lens tne Record that Rockingham in ue as gooa as ber word given lieie ai tne congressional Conven tmn nrx-1 will ..,.11 1 , .Tin iuii i n npr annua tomed Democratic majority of years ago irom i,uuu to ,2U0. All ditferences have been adjusted an sores bealed and all Democrats are pulling together. Greensboro .uecorci. gun to turn their attention in the direction of the sounp monev Demo crats whose votes they will make every effort to capture. Loss of Life by the Storm. T -r , jrxiibuuRG, July 29. Tales of ueatn ana devastation from the storm or last Monday continue to nnnr in XT., - . i t iU A UU1 more arownings are reported at Sugar Grove encamp- men f rP U : r, i ii , , , . r xmBiuaACH tne total loss of ine neany ntteen, while deaths are being reported from the surround- xxxg country m every direction. In V PSr V l rmniQ ioi'mnn i up . 6 - x ii rv ajr HJUHC IS SUS- lciiueu anu wires are all down. The Tariff Issue Sidetracked TIT WASHINGTON, July 29. Every j l " iue "cauuarters of the Republican congressional com mittee, shows that the predominance of the currency issue inthis campaign is not abating. Not only are there few calls for tariff literature, but in several mstancee sagacious' partv leaders specifically requested that nb tariff material be put into their states. as IT . - uu,"r,,,J"" virK,nli Kaw students Con- erutulate Hrynn. Charlottesvillk, Vh., Julv 28. iiimiruiaLexy arter iir. LJryau had vwx ,.uu..lu, tn. vxxicago, tne sum IflW plaaa of flin TT,.;. .-i i v.i.UkJ u.v me uiiieiajiy tele grapned their congratulations follows: - uj kjl vuuug xuen to a oung man, aa a class of you no- liW vV JUu..g luwver, ine summer law class ot the University of Vir fntllfl. HO afrnn 1 ... . o , ,,lJg, bcuu you meirmost nearty congratulations." Today the following reidy was ncu i.xom jir. uryan: "JohnMcNally and others: ' "I thank you for your good wish w Aixxuiy expressed. 1 trust cuat your connection with universi ty, founded by Thos. Jefferson, may lead you to imitate the public vir- tues or tbe founder of Democracy in uivv-a. xours truly, . W. J. lift VAN, Lincoln, Neb., July2G, 1796." leu declare himself, but'it is hlipv ?d that he will then give some inti mation ot h:s plans m re ation roth Populistic nomination. Further than the above announcement, thr wn nothing given out from h R rran home today for publication. Wouldn't SI en al.old oe. Ozark, Mo., Julv 28. Thi' a calitv was ffiven an ohiVp.r. lairn the gold standard system of finance to day which helped the silver cause about Ozark more than any thing else could have done. Grant Este?, a Ieadiuer farmer of th pedale settlement, four miles unrth of town, wished to borrow Su.ono giving a mortgaore on his horn hs security. Fred Birdshalle of Spring held, agent for an Eastern loan company came down to look at thr farm. The property is very valua ble andtheageut said the" money could be had if Mr Estes would sigu a gold note, and on no other terms would the loan be made. The farmer refused to take the money and is now more devoted to the free silver faith than ever. Some of the uepu oncaus nere claim that these g -Id-note men are oniv freexsilver agents in disguise and that the scheme is purely political, but the majority of the peonle . thi nk thai- - ... the gold standard idea has already trv Edrerton left for h IS linniA In become dominant in busings ir. Nebraska and wifi rr wi..-. Vli'i, r('V(fl'aI VOt.M hnv nrA,r 111 a week nr t.wn TTq tit .ii u i ten chaiitfed bv the dpmnl bv Senator Kntlpr n.f tU . ,r.t,i . i " " ' cacuuuvc vivi 1'iMJiiuuoix. cumnmtee. Judge Hughes Bolts M'Kinley. Fkederickskurg, Ya., July 29. Judge Robert V. Hughes in a two-column letter' to the Free Lance, of this city, in to-morrow's issue, gives elaborate reasons, for cordihlly supporting Bryan and Sewall. He savs narrv tios r K. solved by the logic of events. Judge Hughes has been a Republican since the war, is a native, and was an pointed to his present judgeship by bring it to nwiurui, uram in loY In the same paper Gen. Fitz Lee, wririug from Havana, Cuba, under date of July 2ft, in reply to a letter asking his views as to "the present political situation iu the United States, says: "Being in the midst of war in this country, I must keep out of war in another country " BELK BRQ Cheapest Store on Eanh. 19 and 2i East Trade St. Cnarke.! Still in the Race I am still in the race for the PAINT and GLASS business and am getting there with both feet. I have the best goods at the lowest prices, and these are winning features. ii you ' ant a picture framed cheap me. If you want a good furniture and bed-bug exterminator, I can supply j your wants. J. J. EZELL, 21 N. College street. itoous ueDility I II r FARMEl Bring us Your our Tannery is noil for Them. :o: If Movement of the PopulUt Leaders. St. Louis, July 29, With the ex ception of ex Chairman Taubeneck, all the Populist leaders have gone! Tomorrow the old headquarteis will be permanently closed. A larre quantity of documents and books nave been sent to Washington to be used during the caumaimi. WhU the selection of Washington as the campaign headquarters is" not defin itely announced it will doubtless be iouaieu mere. Tne executive com mittee" is not yet announced. Secre- you need line come Harness, Co lars, aajthinf and see5 Sad; Bicycle DRa C. C. WPST'fi NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL. ALL OTHFOQ IMITlfinu. X8 SOJ.i nnHar nnc fl. ' I teHnT In fact everything..' will Wfoundinou, Liqaor whi7h 1 1 Aoacco,Upium, 4 rafa,?Sacai on Fourth Street. cure op rolYiTwi T" Siuarantee to each nerann ' rts- One sample only Bold tn us re- Republicans Going to Bryan. Ulcirtiand's Proclamation. j " o- i j vuiy ij. hp o,.v. . jiiwwdiuaMvi, aoouu civu ais- mpaigu in tnis section will be turbances and armed .opposition to opened at Camargo, August 7 whn the authority of Spain, a nower wif h. Coneressman which the United States ,r. on talk on the mm7ZMa?nwi tortus of rPflPA nr. " " t. " 7 . ' A great i "univ ana re- "axiv xveuuDiiransnf n b , counting the neutrality W he flocking to the free Vw" a r m t 1 J i m t tat 1 J j III I says: i trover Cleveland, Presi. and Mr. Cannon is sent here in horTp dent of the United States, do herehv of checking cI",?16 111 nPe ol U. n . . ' -n o.uueue. ouicLuxiiv waxu an Cltlzpns nf tho aarantee to ami men each person.' ArlZ' ampl only Bold to ' uj uillU. ,E"Red Label Snecial a. r txira strenoth. :ui lmnnrATiAi i hPW6k1 8t 'Manhood, DterilltT Of Romnn. 5La, Jj-Xi B" ' S5. witbi DR. S. L. ALEXANDER CO. -"ssisis ana sole Agents. i nanotte, N. C. United States and all others wifbi Forty-Two Deadlxhe Edp in their jurisdiction against violations J2"30 City, N. Y., July 31" of said laws interpreted as hereinbe- The details of the frightful ac . tore explained nnrl j.- . n , cident. roQ i, 9 U1 Will Support Bryan and Sewall Charlottesville, July T -ITT T- ' . . . J TXl. O. W.I publican and this county, in i i n"" rrCi7 2Lfu An I do hereby letter in this evening Pro ;0n of gives elabomfp rpm fr nn.1.' l T, c"Avement ot said supporting Bran and BOL hcSoTif y otodtion an?apiSf- Porter Jim now vnfo.l iM ?n7 offeniers against the CURB rectIy o the wrgans, requires no v,Be or aiet. flTT I fTT fiUITf f P .NHAW-H V . i 1 r imri 1 1 1 1 i 1 ii 1 11 n iju Via WILL SLIP DR. 8. Jorter has never voted anything else yjri.TuuerB a han a Republican ticket ' since the lZZ W npon all He believes the States the , ff,:"1 . ine . Unite J vpnfi. " u"eFce . pre- ;rtr."aeuat n and uunishin? party was founded. Democratic ticket phantly elected. will be trium- Show tbe BmuTu , -iraill , ; j. Ui mea to be 42. Dead bodies are on all sides and many of the injured are stiH near the scene. The blame still rests on the dead engineer. on Fifty in the Hospital " St. Louis, July 81. There are fifty victims of the heat yeSL in the various hospitals. 111 no cuaranteed in 1 to 3 Zi Kmau Pata pack sola only bv L. ALEXANriKR i- druggists and finlo a of- unarlott, N. C. nan out of an' .oin T & GERS. n.f.- 1 i. C' chbe fun i xei uui Is the thin? to wear. i..A ! solid comfort out of it to LADIES DO YOU MOW Or. riri iv are tha Pcpr."' 'Biubi and ! by mail. J7i??il'?0; Bent DB. 8. L. ALEXANDER & CO Druggists and Sole Agents. talking of the square square thing by the jrf ggeration to say tnm j economy juswnw .fort,: ery consideration ot crenii use. We never recoff will do more to recoo : wont try you much w stock Umbrellrs, I1!. Handbags, always on cj do 2 f. Charlotte, N. C.