pv zklgtte news.. : rKwr' -m-- .a ?; -ir--lL7.1 I " rrriation in Charlotte. Jl I I I ' I ' .4 r III fl 3 CHARLOTTE NEWS. largest circulation in Charlotte MECKLENBURG TIMES. Largest circulation in Mecklen- burg. Put your advertisement where it will reach the mostof your customers. vv 1LOTTJ? ol viii. v Br"" : 1 The Talue of Constancy. ci.etant drop of water 'tvears fty lbe bardst atone; ' n 117 -f ffWaAVt ;v':icausthe toughest bone; "?,Diaa! cooing lover If ,,rr the Yil UAhlnir m&lil- crric- " o . ...marant advertiser iEt" ' irhn CAM t.h tnila BRYAN'S GREAT RECEPTION L.AST NIGHT'S SCENES AT MA SQUARE. JA1 i . ISS6 NATIONAL POLITICAL MUSEUM. D1SON tjKMERS' COLUMN rviiVEfor County Surveyor. Mr. C i rat; having been elected city cmri Fifteen Thousand People In the fi ana Eight Overfl ter Meeting Cheering Scenes of Entbusias I n xx Krun i.'o . i i ,. - w.vii xxxec Li II yr nilding ow Meetings-A Mon- Mrs. Brar m. ,,.:n:ioners his" resignation ks . tf , - n0llDCatlOn meeting -Kcelfouy wKSUare arden ,ast Dig ;(-',Jj,! is to be selected suSd Mr J8 big thing, even for a biff town 1 o anty surveyor, we uameS.T likp Npw VnlT 6 wwu -; ,.u , u for the place uameS- T-j ew lork. Mr. Brjan spoke ManV Voters. t. H. . : arrison, farmer, of Randleburs , . . v-i KouuemaD ot good .i- for an 'J une "vui uu xorcy minutes. His "iJCCUU W111 pnntea entire in The x:cvb. xnere wr iKnnn 1. f li t Lh t ii" j i-iic people of Meck- Th. Wt eK tney oner 5,ouu yards sheetino- tianis. best styles. 2c noot.t iken liu i 2 paper needlds, one box 40 i:i:.v. - i'ss" oii uu laousanas of other c-v tor one i em. isn iae nee Hive KMKK. ' snouia not buy a wheat 8-2t "HLii!tfrvilie, N. C XXOUNCEMENTS. o yOK REGISTER OF DEEDS. teret-y -nuounce mysen a candidate :Le r!V,ce rf Register of Deeds of rfi.cut-art: Luuuijr, puujeci 10 me ac- i: ti t I'taiocratic voters in their J. AHlnUK HJiJNDERSON. i ... i.t:t"y announce ujj seii a candidate Rtdtfr of Deeds of Mecklenburg ttv. MiLntfi tu me action oi tne r;.t c ncimnittinsr convention. a. morris Mcdonald. Krt tv announce mysen a candidate the otik'f of Register of Deeds of V.enlv.ri: county, subject to the ac. :Lt Dtint cratic nominating con J. W. COBB. L'n;t'i " : . y his always navinsr a ! in ThP cmrrton orl 1 ,f r .;,,iuiwT. Tfi hlu nf-aHi' el i , I ---w- w va UL1U 1. 1 f H W-krk W i-h . iv u tin m f - cvii u ni tut; uaJlKt I n d . mccnuKB. Hie Drft5S WTmr say: lhe presence of sd stupendous auiuwu oi numan beings was in it self au eloquent tribute to the im portance attached to the occasion and such a crowd it was! Men and women poured into the vast audito rium through many inlets. They came in droves, in sections and in orderly marching steD. Th nn.n. ing of the doors was followed by a hurrying, scurryine rush nf L and in they came, shouting, jump-' ing, shoving:, pushing all nfnf Z reaching the places best available to see and hear all that was tn seen and heard.' After a while the ingress became more orderlv anH th cuuauce oi tne audience settled down into a constant inflow of v. man beings. Outside the garden the ntf excitement had prevailed. 1 A perfect cordon of police bad been formed on the four sides of the buildiDg and no one was permitted to cross the line until the time ad vertised for the opening of the doors. Over 1,000 uniformed policemen were stationed in and about the hall. The crowd began to assemble snortly alter 6 o'clock, and an bnnr u ocu a utuuiiiar.R !. -. ' . - . . I -fri-.-, , i n , . , . """5 j... . o to"" tne action of the Dem- uen were literal! V thrnnowl with waiting multitude. The extreme neat ot the day had by no means spent its tury, and many of those wno nau arrived early to secure good positions in the line were oblip-fd t.n .1 , - , . c urop out ana retire to more favored places. At 7 o'clock the doors were thrown open, and despite the efforts of the police to restrain them the crowds on every side, made desperate rushes for the entrances. In "the struggles many women tainted and had to be carried away. The police finally began to use their clubs in an effort to restore order. Men, women and policemen were jumbled together in an indiscrimi nate mob. Men tore each other and their clothes in their frantic endeav- ors to gain admission and matters Itttvv fte cilice R SHERIFF. nn ounce myself a candidate ! Sheriff of Mecklenburg Hot to tne action of the Dem- n"inin..t:nir convention. J. O. GLUYAS. ie:nv i cnounoe mvseu a candidate It .'.:.0t t t'.Li.:: "OR un: count v convention. Z. f. SMITH. TREASURER: kitty unnfv.nce myself a candidate t ( tr.cr ( : i reasurer ef Mecklen- toi.LiY, .: tot to the action of the rim..Tk and county con LDGAR II. WALKER. y NO. 407. OVATION ALONG THE LINK. I NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS BRYAN'S TOUR EW ROUTE TORE. TO NEW WASHINGTON WIIX RR SELKCTKn as THE PLACE. Routed Out as Early as 4 O'clock Why he vooia t Platte a Speech-He Admonishes an Enthoieiast not to Shake Him on Elec- I tion Bay. With Branches in New York and Chicago witn tfte Democracy in New York-Not a Full Meeting of the National Committee. J10NROEVILLE. Ind.. Allfflisf in NtMST Wcxvr A n mi- " ' -Moione, of Juneau, Wisconsin, a big dav for the nnrrif! . committeeman from that State, and ju veuated Democracy. Tomorrow m T ?7 ',w mcago, an win oe Digger. The features and old -friend of. Bryan's, are travelling events that will-make this the meit with the partv. John Creitrht imrornt-.'in flw. k;. j.r. , , - o j x - - "'oiui v ui nie oarrv of Omaha, a member of the notifi- are the meeting of the National cation committee, is also on the Committee and the arrival tram. Bryan was feeling good this The National Commit ; 5" morning over the meeting "with A. sion afc the Fifth Avenue hotel and" J. Warner, of the Bimetallic Lea- will decide before it a." gue, and Ueo. W. Peck, of Wincon- whether New York or Washington sini A crowd of one thousand at will be the headquarters of the party X ""5 CW , LiUCCl iff 4.U1 L1JC t.l Villi llf'1. flT f cheer without a response from Bry- and upon the general r,lan WJii' an, who was in his statA -..rv, a twa wir 1 ,1 , . .o - w uc uuue uy uryan and Columbia City, at 4:45 this morn- Sewall in the Fjwt-w.k.v.iL. . -p. - "i uuiut; LVJU Will ing Bryan appeared for the first undoubtedly be selected as the time and shook hands with a larp-e National headnnnrfora TifU l.- -V. crowd. Me had come out in such a es in New York and Chicago. Thrre hurry that he forgot his collar. At is not a full attendance of the Na tional Committee. Some of th members are absenting themselves because of their objection to sil ver. L-nairman Jones received 5:25 he reached Fort Wavne. where i several thousand awaited" the train. j Bryan was greeted cordially. To a . request to speak he replied some wnat noarsely they musn't expect a T? Pili'VTV 'I'DT-PVAT. y anno -nee myself a candidate t ci L untv Survevor. snh- : :.c ipprt a. of the Democrats in :unar.tr- ,.ic county convention. T C. SPRATT. 'tiyanni n.t n.yself a candidate ' e t . urrv Snrvpvnr fprt. r county, -ui-iect to the action of v vuviviii S. T. STOWE. Manager Hanna: "Ladies and GentWn-In preying the only & vTT Caadidate' iD Captivity' et k - observe that I hold hizn hghtly byyth little string-between rLe thumb and forefinger .o to apeak. Don't be afraid ; a little child iead hi - St. Louie Republic. t "" " ORONER myself a candidate fc-1 o; . ; oner of Mecklenburg I i00ked serious for some moments. f onveDtion. A. A. C A THEY. women in the struggling mass and two or three of them fainted. Then pt T ... , the police rallied, and with a vigor- rtiue - institute, ous use of their clubs soon formed i ;s i i l if V. -on etnitg of this famous ,l: ,.u,,u t0 KNOW MORE. Ke'"ri!:s tciuiful Catalogue. 1 A. A M. H. HOLT, Uak Kidge, N. C. i'iiii'l lie Beat: W o:he- irm w:tr.t.fcrtv.footpoIe? rr-t.-cbfctt in this coun- w i ,(, -' : s u i ts , 1 atest cu t , L!ce re ght, worth :S c ro'her. and if any c&te them for twice ett you w'lh a suit I of u- ....... , ... - -ji:.ei e and wool nats 1 -Jrpnf-t fa. in this city at a cf 33 per cent. rsf'-K forc. lot ra ties for ladies and $1.25 to -$1.75, to Irpa;. -,..dW ats for youngmen, f at, Hum 1J ,U &Uj. line and thereafter there was a sem blance of order. From floor to roof, the garden was crowded with hu man beings. The heat was not so intense within as might have been expected But it was hot enough, and perepiring humanity brought fans in plenty. Overheated men took off their coats and unloosed their collars. The women had pre pared for the torridity by dressing in cool, light frocks. As Mrs. Bryan entered, cheer af ter cheer went up from the floor and gallery and platform, and the dark skinned little woman opened her eyes in surprise, and then went ahead, calmly settling herself in her seat in the box nearest and to the right'Of the rostrum. But the cheer ing continued, and men g5t upon their chairs and waved hats and fans in their desire to do honor to the wife of the Democratic candi date. Women, too, rose and joined in the shouting, and soon it looked as' if the audience was on its feet yelling with might and main. Mrs. Bryan rose to bow her thanks. The cheering became more intense. She ut oucppcu on me isianii ana was re cognized by many in the audience, a great cheer went up. ".Bryan, Bryan, Bryan," was the snout of those who knew him. and as others in the crowd realized that the hero of the evening had nome the cheering became louder and louder and threatened cot to ston. But it did stop and those who timed it said that the ovation had laeted sir minutes. MR. BRYAN ON THE WAY. HA PIT OVER THE DEMONSTRATION Be Kt This mortug and Made an Ear ly Start His Tram Calls for m Stop at ICTery Station. speech. None of the newspaper men calls at the Fifth Avenue, this morn were up. He promised not to snpaV inf?. Hp .1 i , ., , -I I . o . fia.uo iU UUUUUCI-- in meir aosence, besides he expected the camnai quite an audience in New York and but would be. before the National wanted to save his voice. The nrowH Commits arHm, r- filed past and shook hands. anticipated that Brvan Will QTinao?" "I want to ishake,, said one man previous to his nnt.f.afw ; t- in a loud voice. "Well." said Brvan son Soua rTarlon tu v ' 1 1 1(, ,. ' -- j X -'"vui X.UC1C Will UC as he reached for him, "don't shake no formal recpntinn nf ... - ' ' I vy t line ldUUl me on election dav." Hurrah for date 1 j t- . , 1 , xxx.x IVJlxi 2; xJ U. C5C- the next President of the United wall. St John, ami Jmao tin l otates, came a voice from the crowd, the Bryan partv at the dnr,r M 'Lhat is sufficiently indefinite" and Mrs. Bryan will be driven to added BryaD, "to permit all to ioin " the residence of Mr. Sf .TVin three cheers were ffiven. I guests the v will ho rt . , . I w IN TUN, UiilO. AUffUSfc 10. Mn. Kinley is temporarily eclipsed today by the prospective arrival of candi date Bryan. A larfm ffo.Po-At.inn headed by the Mayor went west to Arritille to meet the train this morn ing. It arrives at two this af tprnnnn. In THE MADISON SQUARE MEETING the partv is Carl B A. J - v T i 1V. SJL ie. He nroDoses ;"VT L!'AU, "eaneroa; to. request the pririlege of speaking E S Z" N An Enormous Crow4 Expected to Hear Candidate Bryan's Speeches. New York, Aug. ll The ar rangement for the MarH inn fiminwA harden meeting on WAno.0An o vuuouay "Commonweal" fame. at Masillon. He brought- ttf 1roS "Yf1. Jmm' through its com- flag which followed Coey and Brown w T Rn nf vvf' i to Washington. AnL w.J.V' J-Bl7aD, of Nebraska, and Ar- bore these word : Ia ewali, of Maine, that 1 Brvanwelrompd u v ? "ef mac tney X,'S "S"Ch- respectively as thi other showed R,V . ciJi .., uu.u u oearers ot tile Uemocratio these words: to Masillon Grass bv Coxey. . i v"vx dxxvi ncu ui vitu h,d a silver snn i r x i , . rising from the "west, and McKinTev I!?.eomP eted. " faf surrounded by Hebrew faces sup- mLS "CSets .-.x. viiaiimau j ones will preside, and Gov. Stone, of Missouri, will in all probability . T THE FIFTH AVENUE CROWDED. ff-tl brims, 8c. s fc: 'C. ice rtcuced to 4c. y' ee tnat you S S KEESLEK. bowed again and again, and stil they cheered. Through it all she looked cool and calm, just as she appeared on the exciting day at Urn cago when the Bryan whirlwind swept all before it and brought about the circumstances that made her so prominent a personage. It was just 8 o'clock when the principal actor ot the evening enter ed. Mr. Bryan had reached the garden in company with his wife and Mr. St. John, but had remained below until they were seated. They had been conveyed to the Twenty seventh street entrance, from which the police had kept back the crowd, and the arrival of the candidate was not known to the struggling masses around the other doors. But when Senator TJllra an Attracts More Attention Than Anybody Else-Bryan Keepjcg in thBoa bd1 Resting for To-NJebt A t ampan Committee of Nine. INew York, August 12. The corridors of the Fifth Avenue hotel were crowded with free silverites before ten this morning. The crowd of yesterday was reinforced by many -i . . - new arrivals, among them Jix Gov ernor JHogg, of Texas. George Fred Williams, of Boston. Senator Till man,, of South Carolina, is also on hand and attracts more attention than anyone about the hotel corri dors. The report that Senator Gor man will be put at the head of the j campajgn eommittee is official v de nied this morning. Gorman says he cannot bear the strain. Two meet ings will be held this afternoon, one of the notification committee and one of the national committee. The former was to complete the arrange ments for the notification tonight. Gov. Stone, of Missouri, was formal ly announced to notify Bryan. A letter from Senator White was read, stating that he could not be present and requesting that Stone be select ed. Sewall spent most of the day at the Jlfth Avenue. He said he had his speech completed. Bland was also about the hotel and was very popular. Before the national committee was called to order a great deal of interest was manifested in the cam paign committee of nine that Sena tor Jones was authorized to appoint. Bryan was much refreshed this morning from a night's rest. He will, "however, probably spend the whole day in the house, in order to recuperate as fully as possibly for his speech tonight Pes Moines, August 8 After a brief rest, hardly sufficient to re cover from the fatiguee of vesterdav. ) Bryan arose at 5:30 this morning and uepartea over the iiock Island road. p i .... ior Chicago, with a journey of thir xeen nours ahead of him and the prospects of having to deliver a speech after reaching Chicago. The day s programme calls for the hard est work laid out by Bryan. In con nection with the journey east, the train on which he travels c.lls for a stop at every station. Bryan was posed to represent Wall Street sink ing into ever lasting fire. 'Lima, Ohio. Auir. 10 Thp Rr train was given a rousing welcome at Vanwerr, Forest and Delphos. At the latter two, Bryan made brief speeches. At Delphos he simply l .ll X mae tne notihcation snppr.h. Thon Mr. Bryan will make the speech of acceptance, and Mr. Sewall will fol low him. said: "Ladies and wT,tlm,"Tr OL0Dn tne Treasurr of the nnr ioff. :Z " . jL,? democratic Uommil get on our platform it wont fall X" . 1 withvou." Five tWrl mt rtJn lul arrangements. Madison train here where there was a npral " "J11 Id about 20,- hand-shaking. c f T V tilere be seats ' I n r M I if 1 1 1 r r o I rF 4.1 i. m Vltt nanj. mac numoer, tor wnich tickets have been issued. Five thousand of the tickets have been given to Tammany and for distri bution among the members of that society. The boxes, balconies, and part of the arena will be filled by ticket holders. On the floor ii front of the platform there will ba 300 TlrpCC oaai-B - , i : . . resignation as a rjx, '.r, , ua senn-circie ,wff u-. around these will be 2.500 pW for ticket holders. The rest of the floor space will be filled by those those who are able to fight their way in without tickets. Applica tions were received for 30,000 tick ets, and for 1,200 press seats. All wno can get into the Garden will be admitted, but the police will close the doors as soon as they think the arena is comfortably filled. To handle the crowds there will be 300 policemen in charge of six captains, and a reserve force of 200 has been detailed to assist in case of an emergency. The entire glass 1 roof of the Garden will be taken off to secure ventilation. Mr. Bryan will arrive in the city afternoon, and will not fv quartered at a hotel, but will he tht guest of Mr. St. John while here He will have a conference with th members of the National Committee which body will hold a meeting" today. Members of the notifica tion committee are already arriving. ittee, has charge HOKE SMITH RESIGNED. Hie Resignation in the Hands of the Presi dent Washington, Aug. 9. The Post this morning confirms the renort that Hoke Smith has resigned from the cabinet, in an article from which very hannv over last nifrht's .pm.T. I tt i .7 ... . excfact: "Secre- i wt-Ly v vjj - in ru t i a ur r ?. .4.' . stration in his honor. ZJLiZ:Z I,1" ?n ,as ixicmuci ux me cauinec and tne riead of the interior department is said to be in the hands of the President. "lhe authority for this statement is a close personal friend of Secreta ry Smith. As the story goes, Secre- WJJI VOTE FOR BRY A3. Ejt-CbaJru.au Tanbencck Indicates How Fusion Will Be Arranged Chicago. Aug. 8. H. E. Tan. beneck, late chairman of the Ponu. tal7 Smith forwarded his resignation l'x. vr." . -l ., i r I TJ - J x . x n s. .. nsi ixationai committee, has come to w uuc -xeisiueni at uray uables on Chicago for consultation with Ipad. tne same day that he authorized thp ers of cis and the Democratic nartv I Publication in his paper. The At He is confident that the Ponulists nf lanta Journal, of the editorial dp- the whole country will vote for Brv- claring that paper would support an and has Mtle doubt that satis. -Bryan and Sewall, although denre- 9 . . -l U 1 factory ari-angements will be made for electoral tickets in all the States. In Illinois it is understood four of the Democratic electors will be re tired and four PqDulists substituted. It is also the understanding that at least one oi the candidates on the State Democratic ticket will be with- la en. a solemn pledge that he drawn and his place filled by the P;0?ia a&ide by the action of the Populist convention, which meets Chicago convention, and then went next week. Mr. Taubeneck express- on 10 say tnat ne felt that he could es tne opinion that everything will uul l? J"wce 10 ine rresident, longer worK out an nght. not onlv in this Icmaiu " uis caoinet." ri j . i f i t i . - State, but throughout the country. although he says the recent inter views with Senator Jones and Butler and the utterances of Vice Presiden tial nominee Watson have so con eating the platform upon which they were nominated. "In his letter to the President it is said that Secretary -Smith an nounced the position that he was going to assume, pointed out that he had, during the campaign in Geor The Post then speculates as in wnat the President is gome- to do about it, and concludes that if the Tesident continues m his m-esent XX! 1 5 . . . acuraae or non-action, Smith will fused him that he hardly knew what serve.ut his time in the cabinet, but was going on anywhere J a be takes either of several suggested courses unfavorable to rreeSilTerMenln Control. I Brvan and f.hA HriiWrro t1o ii,. .vwfcvr uxouviiu LUC X. "IT Wheeling, West, Va., August 12. secretary will insist upon enforcing The Democratic State Committee his resignation and will return to is in session today. The free silver Georgia and take an actiye part in men are m control, the camnaiffn o Death of a Little Chil d. Ernest, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Eitch, died Wed nesday morning at 4:10 o'clock af tr a brief illness, having been taken sick only last Friday. The funeral ser vices will be conducted from th residence, 702 North Davidson street, at o'clock this afternoon : Key. Mr. Hoover. The interment will be in Elmwood,