m nlfl k XEWS. CBARLOTTF. NEWS. Largest circulation e Chariots IMECKIjENBVRU J7i1& Largest circulation vrik Mecklen burg.. Put your adveitisemesstW .. ,n?r; times. fil1' . ;n Mecklen ;rrtil:tK .3rrtivpmfin Cf r' ill a r u U It TV lie J C l will icavu Mtw uv w. your customers. II I I II I . II I ill . 11 r l 3 rS CHARLOTTE. N, C. MONDAY. OCT 19 1896 ,.,i of Constancy. t drop wft" ,ri?he hardest stone; T:.the tousu' IN THE MORNING PAPERS. 418 THEY CHEERED BRYAN. tries ob u . o.ivertlsfr Be tn trade." srr. urt:d of a McK,n,ey . , , Speech in a Cotton Mill at Concord. Secretary Carlisle has fivri m, "... dates for his campaign speeches in 1" BRYAN IN MICHIGAN. MORTON'S INSULT TO THE SOUTH. politics these r J. Mann 1' TTTnTT Kentucky at October ooa T oViT 1North Uarollna politics rmkrs' column Mfl, Ld . xiiR K R I fit naa (mna tn I I - " vyiMvu tuauu ,.irS part in theSampaigr,. " MffS The deficit in the sold resrv i ""f " .. vv u cm itiWi..!." Piujrecs an opportunity to listen to 1 I T 1 1 1 " . . - l-m Ties of tbP ouy AdpIt at once 8 3t T. good chinery of his plaut to give his em- rwi . uiuvfcs an opportunity to listen tn va.uyuve millions. RennhlWn ,rVnmonf fKi Tom Watson says Senator Bntler Col. A. D. Cowles, of Sutesville for wiH make his letter of acceptance onebalf an hour. Col Cowles was of A special stock exchange commit- l:18 i . w'mwu v uuu vuuui lu ii 1 1, 1 mm I ti 1 1 1 1 rnu i 1- Mnnni hn t- nrhn ria to tr invaohvofA 1 niLl a r a d:in rar ' - w f uiuoert way that a politician treads He newaoneuei, iuot uo - - - - , ia or aimn ley tariff and of Bryan M stock exchange. The firm was found- T.0r,r,f; ..a v" 1 tL pWW 18?4?andicompoBedoWm, that the laborers in Mr. C,nnn'H TnKs has so many this county who throughout the led to Euche Youne. E B. DPrs will be mailed Monday W. E Young, Jr. Thursday- in "18 7-v oar ii i ,1aoo nn with wbftt Will hffF' -r on Now do us tne iavor to L. npiahbor and get him to Jill T Cnthbert and T'TTTS rT,TU-T't3 m y paper tnaa trci nu U all your neignnora w reau W. C. Dowd, Fmblisher. jiOTlCK. ill send the Charlotte idaily, with all the political Jeneral cews from now until af le election for only 25 cents. in vour order at once W. C. Dowd, Publisher. mil would cheer him to the echo, hnt alafiV WVin I Yin aU tj x r xi-- ti -i -i , ' " wiuo ui me "CilcI "IU tue iarg onaaei- Siatesville orator had ceased and as pnia manufacturers and wholesale the mill hands started lack to their dealers, have uiade an assignment. I day's work, thankful of course to Missouri s Secretary of State has Mr. Cannon for his brief respite cW1UCuiuFi me iicnet oi ine from labor, the entire mill was filled with wild cheers for Bryan and free silver. These same men and women were anxious to hear the Democratic candidate when he passed through Concord, but the Cannon Manufac turing Co , were too pressed with orders to give their employees a chance to look into the face of the man who will be President of nation for the next four years. Ut frr The Timks and if , silver party on the official ballot Ueis out come in ana renew GOOD WOKU FOR THE TIMES. Tiiies has twice as many Jribers in this county as any weekly paper. It is the only coinage paper published here. Ibeen true to the interests of Lie It wants the support Vj good citizen "in the conn- ring the next 3 monhts overy- ooghtto read some good pa that paper should be The want our friends to help us V these new subscribers. Speak Jw neighbor, ask him to try 'dies. will send it from now till 1st for 25 cents. Any one hus a club of 4 will get hia pee. If the people will stand Times as The Times has them its circulation will be before the end of the year good word for The Times. W. C. Dowd, Publisher. by Cents to See an Oyster Wade Through the Soup. ummr tresses of the trees eg: the distant hills are id purple haze; the frighten- whirs o'er russet field; the chestnut burr is disclosing Pbrownrd treasures: the Senti- maiden, with merry tread, 'ay to the forest and gathers ic autumn leaf; the rustling hockfd in sheaves, and the PDnipkitJt shimmer in the ftnliL'h;: frost's fairv finders " , j o lack Hve mantle o'er dying 1 liowtr all foretelling of fjous .v-uson near at hand, yu ng man can take his best Himrch fair and oav fifty an oyster wade through Princess Anne county Democrats. of Virginia, met in convention and denounced Governor O'Ferrall in the severest terms. Senator Gorman formally opened the campaign for Bryan in ifary land last night. He" says the State is certain for Bryan. Palmer and Buckner are speaking in Alabama. "DOWN WITH ENGLAND." this That's All Tynan Will Say. The Dynamiters in New York and Lon don. By TelegTaph to The News. Boulogne sub-M eh, France, Oct. 16. P. J Tynan, the alleged Irish American dynamiter, who was re leased last evening from prison, go: hia effects at the Prefecture this morning, and will go to Paris t noon. When asked to make a statement he said: "Talk for the benefit of newspapers? not at any price. All I can do is to shout with all my might "DoYfn with the English." New York, Oct 16 John F. Kearney and Thomas Haines, two men arrested, charged with being dynamite conspirators, arrived here today. They denied their identity to reporters and refused to be inter viewed. London, Oct 16. Edward Ivory, the alleged Irish-American dynamite conspirator, arrested at Glasgow, September 12th was again arraigned in Bow street station this nrorning bat was remanded for another week. HENRY E. ABBEY DEAD. SAID BIMETALLISM WOULD RE6U- ATE VALUES. Has Provoked the Greatest Indigna tion. His Slander of North Carolina Has Never Been Forgotten. A special from Washington, D. C, to the Eichmond Dispatch says: The fleeting Arranged for Only Last Secretary J. Sterling: Morton, of Night, but a Large Crowd Oath- the Agricultural Department, who ered.-Mrs. Bryan With Him. about a year ago villified and slan- Holland, Mich., Oct. 15. Wil- dered the people of North Carolina liam J. Bryan, the nominee of three mJVJ'Ta at political parties for the Presidency, Asheville, in that State, where he b.gan work comparatively late this was hospitably received and accorded morniii-v. -..eyery.attention, goes outof his, way At Milkesgon a large crowd gath- to denounce the whole Southern ered, although the meeting. had not PeoP!e seeking to accomplish been arranged for until late vester- Rational dishonor and disgrace." dayeveninl. The citizens of the even except the decoy place during the n.ght erected a ticket bolters, but includes all who stand near the depot, from which wee citiwna of the "Southern Con Bryan was to speak. They cheered Hwas severely rebuked him heartily when, with Mrs. Bryan, ' a he tim he promulgated his he emerged from the ear. and dnrW , slanders on the people of North Car- BOTH DECLARED INSANE. Indianapolis Methodist Minister and His Wife Go Crazy. By Telegraph to The News. Indianapolis, Ind., ' Oct 16. John W. Milan, until within a few days pastor of the Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, and wife have both been declared insane. Mrs Milan is an invalid and in the hope tiat he might benefit her the pastor took up the study of medi cine. The intense study, coupled with anxiety because of bis wife's pitiful condition, preyed upon his mind until it gave way. Both Mr and Mrs. Milan caused great excite ment by shooting at imaginary fig ures which they claimed were an noying them. its ... ;p. Exchange. Him J k Palmer Ticket to be on the Ballot. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 16. The court of Appeals decides that the "National Democratic Party' shall be printed on the state ballots. The decision of the court was unanimons. ;fk tho pvnpntion of Judge Vann W 1 Lll V. f - rnrner ' AA f vnffl nn the eaSC. lhe - - . yy LXJ U1U v w inured It. the streets yesterday COurt writes no opinion 1 part of a conver- l!-r.,. an ;, 14 H Han , ?it a'".i" vu colored voters, wed his intention ' 'mocratic ticket at cloction and urged tj do likewise. coid man, "vote ih irlG to de white ' nigger. Dat's 1 - tht- first speaker, ,:' McKinley and de all and de nigger cent. One dollar iHoner at all'Wil- e,jj trpf. Info me rmation Wanted. 1 ne will fpll T?inVtTnond Wht . ... Un. 7 iS m a Jomt canvass Iff. , ftuams ravor win Asheville Citizen. The Suitan's Demand Refused. Constantinople, Oct. 16. The embassies of the Powers have sent an to the Porte, refusing its demand to be accorded the right of searching foreign vessels in lurk ish waters for Armenians. Russia Takes Our Armour Plate. Bethlehem, Pa., Oct 16. The Bethlehem Iron Company has been notified of the acceptance of the armour plates by the Russian gov ernment after a full test Big Produce Firm Goes Under. Little Falls, N. Y., Oct. 16.--Freeman and Co., produce deal assiffnd this morning, me firm ratef $150,000 to $300,000. The Famous Impresario Died in New York This Morning. By Telegraph to The News. , New York, Oct 17,Henry E. Abbey, the famous theatrical mana ger and impesario, died at an early hour today. He has been failing for several months. His health was broken down greatly by anxiety and troubles, business, dramatic and do mestic. Night before last his con dition took a turn for the worse; but this was kept secret. Mr. Schoeffel, his partner; his mother-in-law Mrs. Kiogley, and his daugh ter, Kittie Abbey, were at his bed side. Death was immediately due to hemorrhage of the sromach. The funeral will be held Tuetday. The body will be taken to North ampton for interment, beside his first wife. He was born in Akron, Ohio, fifty years ago. REMARKABLE RISE IN CEREALS. Never Before Occurred at This Season of the Year. Causes of the Advance. Chicago; lir., Ocr. 17. A rise in the prie of wheat from fifty-three cents to seventy-one cents, and the rise in December options from 57 to 721 cents, has occurred under the most peculiar circumstances Never before has t e market for all kinds of cereals and for hogs advanced as at present, this season of the year when the new crops are being mar keted. Hog cholera had much to do with the increase in the price of porkers, while foreign demand caused the rise in grain. Brokers on the exchange estimate that farmers have already profited to the extent of $30,000,000. HAS HARCOURT RESIGNED? Reported That He Has Followed Rose berry's Example. London, Oct 14. Sir William Harcourt, replying to an inquiry on the subject today, telegraphs that there is no truth in the report that he has resigned the leadership of the Liberal party in the House of Com mons. ' The St. James Gazette this after noon, referring to the rumored re signation of Sir William Harcourt as leader of the Liberal party in the House of Commons says it may be stated that he has arrived at no hasty decision. He has been dis satified at being obliged to seek a I Welsh seat and was disagreably sur prised at so many Liberals rallying to Roseberrv's side. Continuing it says the report of the intended resignation is semi official, and there is no doubt that Harcourt intends to make a sensa tional move. Duluth Bank Suspended. TIttt.ttttt. Minn.. Oct 14.- he emerged from the car, and during bis discussion of the manner in which bimetalism would regulate values he was liberally applauded. He said miht pr viieges for silver would appreciate the price of silver to that of gold. He referred to the fact that in 1873, when silver was demonetized, the bullion in a silver dollar was worth one dollar and three cents. BUTLER BACK IN WASHINGTON. Says He is Pleased at the General Outlook for Bryan. Ey Telegraph to The News. Washington, Oct 16. Senator Marion Butler, Chairman of the Populist National Committee, re turned from IJhicago this morning. He expressed himself as satisfied with the results of the meeting of the Populist executive committee, and also pleased with the general outlook. He said there are only three states in which no fusion has been arrang ed, viz., Georgia, Florida and Ten nessee. He thinks an adjustment will be reached in Florida and Tennessee. Ohio is doubtful, he says, but Indi ana is made safe by the fusion that 1 has f been accomplished. Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan aud Iowa he classes as doubtful, but says two of the four will go for Bryan. Ken tucky is safe, be claims, but says West Virguia and Maryland are doubtful, with the chances in favor of Bryan. TRUNK CONTAINED $60,000, Was Held Three Years by a Chicago Hotel for an Unpaid Board Bill. By Telegraph tc The News. Chicago, Oct 17. About $60, 000 worth of railroad bonds and other securities have been found in a trunk held for a board bill at the Saratoga Hotel. It has been in the possession of the hotel for nearly three years. The documents were turned over to the chief of police. The affair is shrouded in mys tery. The papers are made out in the name of J. Lawrence School craft, whose mother lives at Plum Forge, Va. Mrs. Beatty, of Richmond, Va., is also interested. The chief of po lice of Richmond believes that he has sent full information by mail. The trunks were by a man regis tering as George Croft, of Phila delphia, whose board bill of $38, was left unpaid. Ravages of Hog Cholera in Iowa. Dubuque, Iowa, Oct 16. Scott Benson, commercial agent of the Illinois Central railway company, has sent in his reports as to the rav ages of hog cholera along the Cen . - -r a i trul'6 lines in in Iowa. At many points, loos is trom forty to titty per. cent, farmers are alarmed and and are shipping unfattened hogs to market. Death of Hon. N. B. Canady. Oxford, N. C, Oct 15 N. B. Canady died at his home here to day after an illness of a few days. He was a highly respected member of the Oxford bar, has been promi nent in Democratic politics, and was a delegate to the Chicago con vention. He leaves a widow and two children. He had many friends who greatly lament his sad death. olina by Congressman Woodard, and the entire delegation from that State, and was severely scorched and con demned by the State press for his gratuitous and outrageous calumnies. Now, without any more provocation than he had on his return from North Carolina, when caught in the act of violating the civil service rules in order to help the McKinley cam paign, he proceeds in the most vul gar and venomous manner to insult and defame the people of the entire southern country. This pampered western member of Cleveland's Cabinet has never omitted an opportunity during his official career to make himself ob noxious to the Southern people. liis refusal to carry out the provis ions of the act for the distribution of seeds to the farmers, through which he deliberately nullified an act of Congress, was intended to em barrass the people of the South, and was especially aimed at and designed to oppress the agriculturists of that section. In this way he also sue ceeded in removing a large number of deserving southern women, who were making a livelihood in the de partment, from office, and left many of them, who were supporting fami lies, penniless Morton had no provocation what ever to attack the southern people at the present time. His clerks were caught in the act of sending cart loads of documents, under the frank of gold-bug Senator Caffery, of Lou isiana, who presided at the decoy convention at Indianapolis, during office hours, for distribution through out the country, which i& contrary to the civil service rules Whenac cused of this clear violation of the law Morton lost his temper, and in the most outrageous language denied the charge. The astute interviewer saw his advantage, and nursed the wrath of the Secretary until it cul minated in giving vent to what, with all the viciousness he -.was capable of, be wrote himself, calling the re porter back and asking him to wait until be did so. Among the Confederates and all Democrats here this uncalled for and unjustifiable outrage on the southern people from a Cabinet member occasions the most intense indignation, and a meeting will be called to give expression to their feelings on the subject. -The Marine NationalBank has suspended operations and the examiner is in Inability to make collec tions rapidly enough to meet with- jolo ia Aaaiorned as the CaUSe Of the failure. The bank has a capital of $250,000. Chasing the "Three Friends." Jacksonville, Fla , Oct 16. The Steamer "Three Friends" left this port at nine o'clock last night and was followed down the river and was followed down the river and out to the three-league limit by the Revenue Cutter "Merrill." IN THE MORNING PAPERS. Governor Altgeld in New York. New York, Oct. 17. Governor Altgeld arrived here this morning. He was met by Ireasurer St. John, Chairman Grell, of the German American Democracy of New York. He was driven to the Fifth Avenue hotel. He will speak tonight in Cooper Union. The greater part of the address will be devoted to the subject of government by in junction and the income tax. He expresses satisfaction with the situa tion in Illinois. Sketches of News Packed Into Para graphs for Bsy Readers -R. G. Dunn & Co's. Commercial:, report issued this morning beg in x with the following remarkable pur;--graph: "Gold commands a email ; premium, i ne most powt-n u 1 1 e in business-at present is a conserva tive estimate and forwgn burs w' o have been offering for n t-mall per centage to ensure people Vgni8r premium on gold until Decern h- r. have made an easy and sure p fi out. of prevalent apprehensions ten ures for the week have been 328 el the United States, against 263 nt year, and 40 in Canada, against 46, last year. Palmer and Uuckner Ffok at Mt- bile last night. The South Carolina railroad com mission is investigating the cniws of the fatal wreck this w--k Ht Swansea, on the F. C. and P. r .dfc The Stnreeon Lumb. r Lo. o e of the largest concern i Micig has failed. . , The Repnblican 1egilafors tt Kentucky have ai noum- d th ir- willingness to vote for ( arlifde .r U. S. Senator." The p'an now ia said to be to call the Lsl iture n., special session in December, elect either Carlisle or a Republi can. Louisiana Republicans- beretof m divided into "regulart" and "lily-whites"- came toge'lur yesterd.y and "fused." At the Bainbridgn convict c-nup in Georgia the. convicts mu i- ied prevent the whipping of one of h ir number. $3,300,000 in gold was enyu e& for foreign shipment at the U S sub treasury yesterdnv The net- ,-fV.l this month have already am un to $8,000,000 The Chamber of Deputies of Bra zil have asked for thn exoulio'i of we xuo ue Janeiro (onespouueiw the London Times. Mayor Pingree, of Detroir, th. noted Michigan free si I v. r Republi can, is very sensitive bu hi t.. He went up to the o s' to register I..A t,?o o..u ha VULO TV CC IV, UUCJ UCiUflU'l' u HIO ut' . iiv refused to tell it, and rather tan let them know how o'd he was wnt. cey I. Flley, the Republican bos of " Missouri, who has ben making such a desperate effort to y et t m e v o ra to register in that St.i'e. forgo' iq register himself, and therefore can not vote. - BLOWN UP BY DYNAMITE. Bis: Exblosion This Mornineat Da v.. ton. By Telegraph to The News. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 16 large quanity of dynamite in a mag azine of the Dayton Coal and Iroi,. Company, at Dayton, explode I at one o'clock this morning, wrecking many buildings, destroying tht alectric light plant, and putting'out. all the lights. The company's store is a wreck. The debris was blown a quarter of a,, mile. Strange to say no one was in jured. ATLANTA BANK FAILS. Poured Tar on Queen Vic. London, Oct. 17. A dispatch from Bombay announcing that a bucket of tar was poured over the famous statue of Queen Victoria during the night, and a pair of old sandals was tied around the neck of the figure. Satolli Preparing to Leave New York. New York, Oct. 13. Cardinal Satolli is making a tour of the metropolis, visiting the big hotels, business houses and factories before departing from the country. Head-on Collision. Saratoga, Oct 13. A head-on collision of a wild cat locomotive and a freight train on the Delaware and Hudson railroad caused a heavy loss and stopped traffic this morn mg. The ilerchants' Bank Closed Its Door; This Morning. By Telegraph to The News. Atlanta, (a., Oct. 1 6 The Merchants' Bank, one of the oldest financial institutions of the city,, closed its doors this morning, hav ing made an assignment for the ben. efit of its creditors. J. C. Oglesby and George W. Scott are named a assignees. The failure was not unexpected in financial circles, but its announce ment created considerable excite ment among the depositors, a large crowd of whom quikclv gathered. about the unopened doors. mm . Will Cleveland Recognize the Insur gents? By Telegraph to The News, Chicago, III., Oct. 17. A Wash ington special says if Spain doesn't end the war m Uuba within three months the Insmrents will receive from the United States virtual rec ognition of their independence. It io aiso siaieu, on autnority, tnat tn President dots not expect Spain to end the war in Cuba within thret months.

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