. , - w4- -v r - - - ,. - r . - 1 - . ' . :- Y ,"v ' ' -' - , , - , .. v - ' ; ' I -" - ' .-".-;" " .v- ,. , .-, - s ; " 'Y ' , " . - ' 4 ' , V CBARLOTTE NEWS. Largest circulation ',in2Charlott IMECKLENBVRG TIMES. Largest circulation inj Mecklea iburl. Put your advertisement wbegre it will reach the most o your customers. 4Wirk: 'o1i1t': fflttttEl ' OTR A ilT.OTTE. N. C. MONDAY. OCT 26"l89 . 2LSL- kt ; . . . - VU - I CRISP IS DEAD. GEORGIA'S GREATEST STATESMAN PASSES AWAY. THE FALLING OUT OF HANNA AND QUAY. Died Suddenly of Heart Failure at 3 , , .hiwrcns O'clock. ---He Would Have Been ueorgia's Mext senator. i,,tn!n(T Home. iM; 1 .".,:,ni.Vhir "St. I Lilt uuiui iu n ) .1- ,,iah.un. Thar lf, ti'. , .,ti norcs of . j,r.. t'intMlt, V'pi.lv At once )( Did. ... Yo cot no gen , . We broke !;.. .,rsilay and k' l-ov locked ilit4" compos- during the u pi" oratory Y.s into pi, , shirt, live : t:K- press and ',.; our Sunday UtV Durham's ' 1 iall we ship '..yMt. Airy Spec al to he News. ! Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 23. (3:30 p. m.) Hon. Charles F. Crisp, late Speiker of the U. S. House of llep ! resentatives, and present Congress. man. ilied here at three o'clock- this ' afternoon. j Heart, failure was the cause of his death. He had been quite sick for : some time, but his death was sudden i j and unexpected. Mr. Crisp was the leading man in public life m Georgia, and one of the most popular men in the State. He would have undoubtedly been elected to the Senate by the Legisla ture at its next session had he lived. SPAIN'S DEPLORABLE CONDITION Howard Gould YiiiYY. mfe4 w, IMP WHEAT UP AGAIN. ANOTHER EXCITING DAY ON THE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. T. Npw York Qrain Market Stronger parts of the surrounding country todav to participate m in Spite of the Kise in inc gtuw.--.. . 4 whirh !" P. ! ,iu Risinsr in the ffrand Democratic rally wmen THE RALLY AT MATTHEWS. Fine Speech of Judge Bennett andMr Lockhart-Big Day for Democracy For the News and T ME3. Matthews, Oct. 22. There wa& a good crowd ot people iroui au Sterling Exchange.-StiH Rising in flanitoba. By Teletrraph to The News. Chicago, 111., uct. ;iouy was another exciting season in the Chicago Board of Trade. Wheat has been several points off and has sppn a steady decline for the last 13ut this morning tue uun the grand Democratic rally which had been anticipaieu iui oww. The number of people here and the r -a 1 ol-A nr -rnQr. interest maniiesieu gu the people "hereabouts" are still marching under die banner of De--, mocracv. There was some disap nointment at lirst, ' when it was known that two of the speakers ex- . ir:n ,-wl nr.Oll. Tillman and ex-oen- TrthiSmorninff the bulls made . . w a charge and TLTCUi they did not ge. here Halt Import Bread8tus-Only Patriotism Prevents Kebeinon si uume. By Telegraph to The News. T nvnnv Ont 22. A Madrid dis- Perhaps honest people are going to get their dues. New York Worm. J-J 1 1 V- ) w - 1IJALED .SHOES. patch says the Queen Kegent presid- 3 BUo,tMek eaataenei.of ministers today. HeHt0HrBU: uiatcou s r.i ARIflN RAIL 1 CARLISLE ROTTEN EGGED. lift I Uwli wbniiiw" w.. , . w ' IUP 1 I II" V f best, price 5i ou. r,- PvlV.f Grain Button, icincrlv neat ... i' rv). ;: Congress, no strings V..--' tTuII off; a great il 03. Sii-s 2J to 8. LREATH & Spnor Canovas. rremier,gave a com . . 1 Iplete sketch, which was gloomy enough, ot home ana coioniai miaut. The loss of men in the colonial Crowds Called Him Traitor and Hoot- He Writes From His Sick Bed a ed Him Down in His uwn siaic. Ringing Address to the People. j Carlisle, Secretary of the TTon. Cvrus B. Watson, Democrat-1 fl e?ged and idis'Vfore hooted do, n in hi, fiVst ch ot Hp fl.a M.mrai(rn 1U hlS Own Diate. lie ll i ataiiJ. was a rise 01 two auu bushel. This is in spite ot toe iaci that, the rate of foreign exenange has been raised. New York, Oct. 23. The gram- market is strong today xrduiufe was good, and the market price ior cash wneat rote lu (.chw. This is in spike of the fact that the Bank of England has raised the rate of Sterling exchange. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Oct 23, thron?hout Maui V ucai iuuuuuj - o 4-v. 4-. mointairi its nlace at the top notch. It is not affected by the thp American mar- spCLUiauu" - The Government estimate of the Manitoba puts the figures at more than ten million bushels. GO I 1 1 Li -over better trim BANNERS UP! wars has proved disastrous to bus- the campaign ends is unlikely. He the campaign in ms own -r V vMti ilV the marked will be able to make no more speeches spoke at Covington, Ky., Ihursday bandry as indicated by the marheu. win ucau , uQ wr;tPfrnm " . . n.. or on the - . , crriAin will be in tins campaign, uut -- ---- nlgnt. wneuuc decrease in export,. Spam will be & appeal to the . compelled to largely import bread- loyal men o North Carolina. followed YOCiferous cheers BLUiis. 1 t.YL ncf PPmpd fr Krvan. Only the patriots ot tne peas- ;'Accoru.a w , . . 7i"anti. fol. some time af- antry prevents the latent discontent .for ''"foa, ! desired to ter Secretary Carlisle begap to nirnnt 1 - i- neflP . 1T1 1, rtmn otp U rtrOWIl ma wiv.- xruui uicum wfe I meet my oppoueui, im. spfa,n, wuivvV u ioint debate upon all question in tnis s0 tnat those nearest mm - JAILED IN A LEGATION. Jampaign, but they rejected mychal- tage could not hear his words At We aSd declined to stand up in the the&same time a crov. d occupiea he A Chinese Doctor Abducted in London f with me before the people. 8treet and rent the air with snonu tor S-y A.ln.tthcEmper. exposure and fatigue I have for Bryan. This .iUnned at f re- ior conspnj- & x . .i, , Ui, inpoa and mtorvn. s during the entire -XUct-U Salis- rrSS I nrW a man on ... :0, " blinded an immediate advised that I may nn be abe t ? ouldstout. release of San Yat Sen, the Chinese nt er ne j rife this that Carlisle's voice was strong but p ian who is said to be a British "jTn'.hose sections of North ot able to cop, .with ti Mnm-1 on Lbect, and was (according ; u .the Carolina 1 liave not W able to J statement of his menus... wu..-- ''7w e becanse I can mt caAie sailing through the air iron 4.1, rv,;nn5P Wation. them, iviilc , . c i,oii Tt. missed his '.oil. I tsiatcuituu - l.i. machinezy set in while nassing the Chinese legation, ui. , t would that every . , i rsf I COU1U tu cuv.. . , . l Y and held a prisoner on tne cnuigc ktter in every word Gt thismignt u having been engaged in a conspira- & tQ e to shout a warning tnat cv for the overthrow 01 tne .uuu COines irom i..c ole.0 - Cy these, anxious days a warn dean goods sell ape: here than than ah does elsewhere. I Ji cts, worth 18 cts. ,!. Uic heavy, ms, ? cts, 8 cents, - k undershirts, lc, and 25 cents, "V';.: r Cloth. . is. worth 10 cts. . - t see these, .... . '.ic 5il:'", --'o. ;Leat our prices. If.- rrvP BPnsational story ot tne im prisonment of the Chinaman at the Chinese legation is T- Crisp's Body Lies in State. r., Tti.-.pra.nn i'J j." these, anxious days a against the blow to the lioeri) ouuc masses of the people that threatens us in the clinched fast of Mark Hanna. My own voice canno now b- raised in your hearing, but let the voice of this'letter plead with you, f fr mvself. but for my name on rk o Thp , i..t",i fn..tliP names of my fie rear of the hall. It missed ms head less than a toot, tailing untuc vinil liim ank breaking. rmiuuim , i lni.r another effg shot i. secuuu oj .... r uQ rl fell at Carlisle s 1 1 UIII I Llti i - . a. fifpl a moment amid i .u.i ,;tfin,pnt. He then said he hoped those who did not desire NEW COONS ARE HERE. Hanna's Niggers Are Circulating in the East. A special from Williamston, N. C, to the News and Observer says: rp-u ., npw r-nnns in the x.ast. Nearly everywhere you go you una one or more of Hanna's black ;...;Qo ttparinor stoveoiue hats, f Uliosai ic, "J-5 Til f yellow shoes and the loudest styles ot loud clothes, xney &pcu --j lavishly, and of course are soon the m"i om" with the native bLcks. yieai They talk sound meney and protec tion, and tell the negroes that the free silver scheme waf gottenup by the Democrats only to fool the ne groes, and if the Democrats get id power, it win ue gwu-ujv "'With us, my colored brethren, it : ..,1QSt;nn nf free silver or free IS a uuconv" , . i nigger. iou can iaive ui-w . .iooq i am 'A. i ret" iiititici. maa VUU Jicact. j- . J . l 1 r.. T r m orffl!115t. myselt, ana mereiuie x YUlu lite wi'vi. " This is a sample of the speeches Rnt these North - ern negro emissaries of Hanna, while sn.tisfvinT the mey u i c t li c jiu""" o blacks, are also dissatisfying the whites. but while they did not get here Judge v- t' Bennett aim xxvu. tj. a t ,-vrt-liorf lifl as did also the county candidates, excepting Mr. Hansom, and let us say that we are sure there was no one who felt dis appointed in the least alter listen ing to the speeches Mr. Lock- hart s speecn was Judge Jenneu juso caiutu "brimming lull" auu over." They bo'h made s'rong pleas .1 iU -rlYl!S. CA for Democracy ana lug iut, of silver, as did also the other speak ers. Judge Bennett's very manner coupled with appearance age, show- - A i l- rm TrnAWI Pfl CTA ed that ne spohe nom .i 1 4 1 mrnarionAA m sainea tnrougn me "7 fe .Tint, listen ta years, aim uue vwwi ---- , J ' . . 1 ;nH -T thA him without Demg couviuuc great depth of his convictions. He deferred to the past history of the. Democratic party in pre of of his , . .1 . 1 f nn rri 11 Q CTP. OT statement mat 1 ne w-B-. - 1 1 1iwvinnrQTlA . silver had always Deen uciuuw.u 1 J ,.,.mnfo tfllfPTl doctrine, ana reau k: from the Congressional ieuuiu0 , ai nnmnornts in Con snowing Luab ituwv. gress had always fought for silver. .. We will not go into a further de scription of the speeches but suffice -it to Hiv they were all good, and the day was truly a Democratic feast, and we believe that ail went away more determined than ever that De mocracy shall wm on tne oru November. TO CHECK THE FLOW OF GOLD. Eacli TLNTA, bU., UCi. the tlCKet aim xui . ' , - , V nf th lat Hon. Charles F. comrades; no: for myself or for them Sls"l toa, to the State Capitol, where it win represent is the righteous cause ui a riirhtous, Ions sunering yf,-, selves, who eVy for delive.ance and whovearnnotforthe "purple and gold "of palaces," but who seek onlv !o dwell as iheir fathers intended .1 u.,i.i mi,W their own Mne ami fig tree, where none dare to mo- Live Items of State News. TV10 wii-Tipsspfi in the Cobb-Ward case at Liucolnton have- been sent. bctorehe .and jury wmcn wui, investigate the matter and determine- whether Mr. Cobb is to oe arresieu. for ill treatment of his wife. Mrs. -p w Ward. Mrs. Cobb, and Mr3. John H. Arrington and the Cobb servants were examiutu m terdav regarding Cobb s treatment; 01 his wite. ine iytessrs. frs. E. W. Ward testined regaraing the recent shooting. At the joint debate ot tne rerson county candidates at Winsiead yea- terday S. x. oatterueiu, nu.ii candidate for the House, made a bitter incendiary speech that stirred up the negroes and they attacked a white man; he defended himself and a general fight between the two races ensued. Negroes threw rocks at the white men until somebody tired a pistol and the negroes ran, Vla ia ffM.rP(1 ruriiici wuuw'1' iu Confederate Veterans at tneir an- va'v? 1 c,i.,v mnrnin?. when the re- A.HU0H & 00. ftains' will be taken to Americas for interment cuimav ;y yle, and any o: at most half - up this depart- j . TS: Why his Blanket nket." Why : ud oai; his as .- acknowledged ..!' the Mock, the : -'ill as cheap as thp Venezuelan Matter. Wvsiiingtox, Oct. 3:J. fcir ; Ju 1:..! i,.,' ppfnte called at the btaie Tv-artmPTit todav for tne purpose t or make afraid. A . , r- , .,,.i7 filiipv. a I of presenting to icuu, , nronosit on wnien u -i---.-- , Htf-e :!!: Venezuelan Coutro- ver.-v. nuai meenug m kjw plpptpd their . old officers. A com- - 1 v-- 1 . i i n 1p rear Uold So great is the alarm m mittee of Bine was appoiaieu 10 'v. .wRrv. T ondonover the contmuea expuiL the legislature to maKe r 2u"!lt with that a rumor is current that the ropr?ati0n for the Soldiers' Home. ld?e S SnnV of France has agreed to make 1 Committee was appointed to re- BEUEVES HE WAS MURDERED. at 80c, the . ;iml whenever ..- -()( - " in v.-ool, Tennessee Litii -)oC is at . .. !. Ur. Tanner Burned 10 au, y v Ohio. Oct. 23. Dr. lan- iu-r th freak who made nime.f U mousbylivmg tony u food, was burner- ' , -.re Whitmore-t;ouino" - i -- ds "like El- Wednesday. Merchant Ueaa. Prommeni t Wx'iirj,yf the firm of Idied this moiuiu r 1, nee. VV iae su- .-,.-. Extra heavy wide bleach Do-It-d Flannels, ah wool, ::os3 Goods. 52 inca '. -is :it -i74c. -aw it advertised in lis for TIMES readers - 'ne irood. 5 yarns wm .1.. rOTl-1R7l- ?50 tr.h .... . ' , - ; in ui.,f i;ross. II you tec llMs ,, v so Its yroTih 50c yd Js ivi liy: even if you don't be- tii- . .. I''d your account? D:iar RlnwS Uo. lug D ' M of the tug v 1 -ornnVlvn. blew up the foot 01 Direct, vj- . , tne AUU . . a 1 An Tewis, tne .Vim" sunk Cotton Advanced Sharply- By Tetegrap!. to Tje Kews IboD goodie, pool cables. Andrus Thinks There is a Band of An archists in Yonkers. Pv T.-lcgraph to The News. By ' v ( )pL 23 John 1 ON Ir.K, x j- , .. . t L.f.o rhnt he believes v Anurtis stan.o Mg brother Hamlin Andrus, who LsUUed by JheeMdos.on of a bomb m the ou.ee - -' ;,nr. Chemical Co., was uei iua j dered by anarchists. He iupeet ?dmenyhaving arranged the bomb and diabolical machine with n hicn ?. lf i-mnt.ion. Andrus claims 0 know of the existence of a secret land J anarchists in Yonkers and sas he will spend thousands of dol- lars in hunting Preparing for Bryan's Election . r.i- Manv re- JNE:V c' .s and apart- cent lease ause meats m m c? - stipulating - nd in paid mom. uy This &,:us sai ; is owners proteewvu triumpas' Alarm in England at the Sale of the wilnw Hetal to Amenta. to hear him would leave tne xiai . ; A r;heer followed this, and urn.ie .y C . 22 The dis. .rnnPPdpd. He spoke Uo hours, - VlifInwPfl thls and while no more egg ere thrown V J Qf E and t mial meeting in the-State capital re he was hooted and Jre elected their . old officers. A com throughout his speecn go tia th ..i. fun cntup Ollt; 111 UlC Oi l-iiw would propose three cn an. and the hall would shake mm affreed to make i 1 j tit mi it 1 1 1 :i v 111 1 , 1 cheers. The crowu oiusiuc t. r,.v, institution thCariWe fJught bravely against with a ,iew preventing the increase thtLnVand veiled at Uie of Germany top of his voice in order to b l ea 1 The lo p fi t His exertions appw""-" " .. .!,., tbrowins the buruen 01 i Lmed several lemons dunng his eeks ago throwing need,. Much sympathy was ex- ne : - p ctf is not suffi--SSS: XZ another advance at an . t""UV 1 8 "TI "Lsults It i estimated ten million, of gold deeii cnaguu ai mv. . Illlii uv upon neigh- heaped b01t the conclusion of Carlisle's speech he was escorted from the hall to the street oy sevcicu - in his home, six was aeeo . r -- . Uce. r'wc? followed him liootl 2 it was tearett mat - Wnnhl he mobbed. J-ne pu". are now en r oute to New York. f rVio wisbitnre to 'publish the historical material collected by Judge A. C. AveTy and Judge Wal ter Clark. The Commercial Travelers' Bryan and Sewall Club was formed at the ..1 TIT 1 ,1 Park hotel, Kaleigh, weunetuay niht, and a hundred names were enrolled at once from every part of the country, nearly every commer- -r ii. ,.;4-r mini n cr cial traveler m tue uilv Fttc down his name on the list. The Perquimans liecord, edited bv one ex-Key. 1. v . iauu, uv - " 1 uy uiit ' - Y . , 1 list, ureses tne Big Tin Plate Works to Resume Psts and Republicans to be St. Louis, Mo., Oct Zo. it i& and aert in order to re-elect announced that " Senator Pritchard. It says concern stamping and tin plate mills, which his defeat, -this would be a have been shut down tour month, , The man who favors will resume Monday. Ihe worKS Pritchard may not be a employ two tnousanu u. goldbng, but, if not, he is tne uam Duke anlDhs Badly Injured. of goldbngs would be mobbed. The ponce, Edinburg, ucu wm Parade on the West ae. i. wtW crowd bacK anu frftTn Cairnsmore KirAcauuiig T.iPrranh to The News Oa 1 le rSd home safely. Sen- stat?? that the Duke and men- Af (Jarlisie reauueu. - -j . ous troubleis feared when he speaks at Bowling ureen oaiuj France to Study finance. Touched Her. xne wu QJ waH ori- By raph to The News roubiia. Pa., Oct 28 - in ; aedTThe. today asked Paris, Uct. " "Sto 7 in- The steamer "Spartan," uj. ohtoined a permit for the mpeting today it was decided to in I line which went ashore at for and bteined a i per Qf tion. shire, states that the Duke and Duch- Chica 0ct. 24. After ponder ess of Bedford, while driving today, the. Dem0cratic w nrra QTill un v ' 1 J ln4 were thrown irom a "'6- leaders to the conclusion late seriously injured. M to hola the proposed parade on Nrlched Her. the west side, msteao ox I I xtv - r r -Cy-Y" ' . - ;! I . . -T- " , ;r?Y - " - . - fc: Y - - - r -4 - il ! J ; ! J

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