lib1' ( !:;..rlotte. CHARLOTTE NEWS. Largest circulatk v '".nJCbaTlolto MECKLENBURG TIMES? Largest circulation in Mecklea burg. Put your advertisement where it will reach the most.cS your customers. TIMES. ttf- in :;: t o I ' ' mUnrrV T- 1- State Libr' Jan 1 93 CHARLOTTE. N. C. THURSDAY, OCT 29 1896 NO 41&. Vii'1" ,,, r.m-t.iiuy. i;S" COLUMN V M'O'.IH'I) to K . , . :!! v(H'l house . pi n -ps. Rn- . , vr'i'i'C. Tlie ? . I IlK'SllTO. - -J'.t-llU.. i ' w , i k'tv k I : rt" e .. i. !, :.irp- Ka'b ... . ' . :iMt- a -. P. irit want w .- . :.'. It S))i T. MARKET. RUMOR LEESREPORT WILL NECES SITATE XIJA SESSION OF CONGRESS. at .1 M. .'it ' . - .,!!! i ll illll'l'tlS i , nil charjr iiia!:a:n. ("har T 1 1 . .'' m acres of . . j'l . i cmt'Ilts. . . A ; V at net.- 'it :.-ne cV at ; 1 ii A NT, No. '.re we guar . U.c-t Meai in t i vt- us a trial. iamilton, Prop. b NIGHTS BIG RALLY. xratii: the County Invited loin in the Procession. ' .:.! yesterday - -.r-ha!s aud most ; : ;he big rally . ... - . f he Workiug ' ;' next Monday :: - '.ait demon- - - i . . t'-.nmktee of the Mr. Heriot ' made up the oii;mn will form .- -: opposite the ! ; v the Steel Creek hv footmen of k.: i I;-.-': mcnt Band will L ?'.'..;. by the county h '.x " be down Tryon it. r i ra..: t :;. -wall to Mint: lo 'i:v.b : down Trade to .i.-u.'.aui to Ninth; out Trvn:.- ..lown Trvon to .... " - T J . n " -vr. n to nrevara: ; T up Trade ;:. : S ;uare to k 'v:.'-:- .- -leaking will '-;his in the '. . .! to take part . -a race. It is ex red mounted ;t he county, m-mbrr of rv I )-:mocrat in . ' - invited to '. :: ; :i rhe pro- ; " --.: will be :ii In the v eleven . - than than to be in " :anl will . famous Steel ' '-'.i-nd their ' )eca.3ion. -. tv fublished . A McGa-T..-k, W. S. ;- . 'lit; Watts, . . ii. y. Will . Tuiji (iari ii hard Sm . .'oi;i Smi')', Prices Broke Sharply on Account of the Scare. --Rumor of a War-Like , Message from Cleveland. By Telegraph tc The News. New Yoiik, Oct. 27.' Wall Street-. was badly frightened this afternoon 1 by a rumor that the report of Consul I General Jut.hugh Lee, regarding! the conditions of affairs in Cuba, is ' oi biicii a character that if the rec ommendations are adopted will ne cessitate an extra session of Con gress. Consul General Lee will soon return from Cuba, it is supposed to make a special report 'to President Cleveland. The rumor said that President j Cievekmd would call an extra session of Congress to consider Cuban affairs 'and would send to the extra session ! a rinirinii war-like mpssaorp. ' - o The market broke strongly on these reports, and prices in a num ber of stocks fell sharply. Sugar was the principal loser. NEGROES NOW WAIST HIGH. And in Two flore Years Will be On Top What Leary is Reported to Have Said. It is reported that J. S Leary, the colored lawver of Charlotte, told the negroes Friday ' night at W. C. Black's place in Morning Star town ship that the negroes of Crab Orch ard had agreed to whip any negro m that township that voted the Demo cratic ticket, and he wanted the negroes of Morning Star to make the same agreement. He is reported also to have said that the negroes are waist-high now, and in two vears more would be on top. m mm- HUNTING THE EGG THROWER. Moodv; -. general - iiit and will :i will be r-cnes will number of - .i-.-akers. ty Is invited ' 'emocrats of m onstration. 'ara Neill Ander- iastor of ; -rian church, ; ' -v-d through . l'-!-f accom- -f ids mother, ' ; Ai.derson, to was buried. t.; ,- vears pro- 0:; ('c TO;V. iiim; . ' J w iuij, was seventy- J syday morning. at ( Insult to Bryan the Theme of Conver sation in Chicago. By Telegraph to The News. Chicago. 111., Oct. 2S. The chief theme of discussion among all class es here today is the throwing of eggs at Mr. and Mrs. Bryau during the paiade last night. The insult is universally condemned. Mr. Powers, the owner of the building from which the eggs were thrown is profuse in his apologies and offers his aid in every way to dnd the culprit. - ODDS CHANGED IN A DAY. Betting Even on Bryan To-Day Even That He Will Carry New York. By Telegraph to The News. New Yoiik, Oct. 2V. The bet ting about the Hoffman House and Gilsev Ilo.ise which has been gener ally two and three to one on Mc KinW, has changed in favor of Bryaii, who is now bringing even monev. Bets were also placed even today thai he will now carry New York. The odds have been as high as fiv" one against him. RON ON SUB-TREASURY. Gold in San Francisco Treasury Saved Only by Aid from Chicago. Bv Telp-prar.h to The News. San Fkax tico, Oct. 27. The Sub-Treasury here has just pulled through a serious run, which threat ened to annihilate its gold reserve, and leave it without a dollar with which to redeem the greenbacks that poured in over the counters. Timely aid came from Chicago and saved the outpouring of the twelve millions of a few months ago which is iioav reduced to four millions. Stevenson Overcome by Heat. By Telegraph to The News. Chicago, Oct. 28. Vice President Stevenson, who was overcome by the heat and compelled to withdrawn from the stage at the Bryan meeting last night, was assisted to his hotel by a policeman. No physician was summoned and this morning he is greatly improved. CHAIRMAN MANLTS PREDICTION. 1 ;THE CLOSING RALLY. T have received reports from nearly all the counties in the State. 1 TIT n i . 1 i xiiere is tne largest registration ever had m North Carolina, and , the vote, if cast, will be in excess of 300,000. The gam in the, white vote has exceeded that in the black vote, even as the regis- tration now stands. From almost every county comes the news of strong Democratic organization, and if I can rely on the reports j ; oi several ot trie leading Democrats from different sections who have been at the headquarters this ueek. our folks are waking up to splendid work. Especially is this activity noticed in the plain Democratic workers and the voung men. " "Bryan will carry this State bv over 30,000. Our State ticket is !K PfH-f'lin trvl... ., , : i- "V 1. ... Ml 1 ! j. 1 . -.i 1-1 ue eicuieu as 11. s tmml a uxh if r w c. t thp fraudulent registration of negroes is prevented being voted against j L us, and the Democrats, who are now registered, Avill vote." i 4 - - -- . 1 VOTE FOR NO GOLD BUGS. Maj. Guthrie's Ringing Address to the ! PeopIe's Party Voters. i Maj. William A. Guthrie, Popu-i list-candidate for governor, ins is- : sued the following address -to the , I'eople's party voters of North Ca rolina:" Will you now, the eve of the elec tion, desert your party ;lag and the.1 principles you profess to love? Will 1 you be allured into the camp of j Mark Ilanna and politically slaught- j ered? I refuse to beiieve it, and I will not be convinced to vhe contra ry until your votes shall be counted and returned. Will you take the earnest advice, and listen to this last appeal, of him whom you hon ored with your confidence at our last State convention by nominating as your choice for the office of Gov ernor? Will you fail to vote for each and everv elector on the Brvan presidential ticket? Will you vote for a gold bug to represent you in the -next Congress of the United States? Will vou throw awav vour votes for a Congressman upon Pop ulist "decoys" in the fifth and ninth congressional districts and thereby help to elect gold bugs instead of free silver Congressmen in those districts? Will you vote for mem bers of the General Assembly pledg ed to support Senator Pritchardor any other gold bug Pepublican for a seat in the Senate of the LTnited States? These are questions of vital importance to us as a political party which vou can onlv answer with your ballots and your personal influ ence. I beg, I beseech, I implore vou, as you love your party and the principles you profess, and which we have taught the people are based upon the sound principles of patri otic constitutional government, stand in the crisis by the principles and teachings of the People's party, or else prepare yourselves to see your party go co pieces and become a by word and a reproach among men. Have you forgot ton so soon the jri nci ile laid down at our State convention only two year- ago? Are you mindful of the fact that if vou vote for Col. Douglas for a Supreme Court judge you will do so in direct: violation of that principle, and give to the Republican party three mem bers out of tive of the Supreme Court justices? Will you do it? If bv vour votes vou elect Col. Doug las," a Republican, instead A. G. Avery, tV t:!:: I on these things, and before it is too late ask yourselves the' question. I What is right? have the manhood to : go to the polls next Tuesday and do ' the right, thing, honestly and fear , lessly. I beg to assure you that as ; to my personal candidacy for Gov ernor it gives me little concern what the result as to my own election or defeat may be; but the future status of the People's party in Noith Caro lina and the right decision of the , vital questions of government policy. ; State aud National, involved in this political contest, cause me the deep est anxiety. As you love your coun try, your neighbors, your families and your dearest interests, and would restore prosperity and happi ness to the whole people, show your selves as patriotic at the polls next Tuesday as all true Populists have heretofore professed to be. Let us show to the world that we are not a gang of professional office-seekers, but a baud of political patriots, moved traction by love of country and a proper conception of the du ties and responsibilitses, as well as the privileges of American citizen ship. Holy Writ and human ex perience both alike teach us that "a tree is known by its fruit," and "a man's acts speak louder than words." Let us prove our political faith by our political acts. of Hon EGGS THROWN AT BRYAN. Chicago Hoodlums Try to Insult the Champion of Silver. 'Chicago, Oct. 27. A conquering hero returning home from victories galore could not have been more royally welcomed than was William J." Bryan on his arrival in Chicago this afternoon. The enthusiasm was remarkable. It was just before Mr. Bryan re ached the armory building on the lake front, that the only incident that marred the demonstration oc curred. A number of eggs were thrown in the direction of his carri age from the Metropolitan Business college on the fourth lloor of a build ing situated on the north side of Monroe street, near the corner of Michigan avenue. None of the missiles reached the candidate or his. wife, but several members of the re ception committee marching beside them suffered. Daniel J. McMahon, a lawyer; Sol Van Praag, a well known ward politician; James Tray ;or a:!'? J. ii. Pavne wore nmong the Supreme Court, give the Uepublicans the Supreme Court. Peoph ;artv man m n; ;u. mi- th-rvby a maioritv of th-jn let every orrh Caro lina han- his head in snanie ana never again advocate a nou-partin' judiciary. There is only one su perior Court judge to be voted for at this election, and he is to till a vacancy in the fifth judicial district, where I myself reside. No People's party lawyer has been nominated for that office. My neighor, friend and fellow townsman, Mr. James S. Manning, of Durham, is the Demo cratic candidate for that office. I know Mr. Manning to b a learned lawyer of many years' practice, and a gentleman of integrity and high personal character. His opponent is the Republican clerk of Caswell county. Unless you are prepared to renounce the wholesome principle of a non-partisan judiciary. I ask you to vote for Mr. Manning and see to it that his name is on your ticket, or if not, scratch Mr. Spen cer Adams and put it there. Let me caution you to be careful to read the names on your tickets before they are put into the ballot boxes. My People's party friends, think ,.f ! t nose who exhibited vellow suins their clothing to a Southern Associated Press. ot On the MRS. CLEVELAND'S NARROW ESCAFE Her Carriage Horses Fell While She Was Out Driving. By Telegraph to The News. Washington, Oct. 20. Mrs. Cleveland and an unknown lady had a narrow escape from serious acci dent while out driving yesterday. One of the horses attached to the carriage fell, and after recovering plunged frightfully and ran away. With great difficulty the coachman held them down. Mrs. Cleveland sat calmly in the carriage while the horses plunged and reared. Mr. Beattie's Barn Burned. The barn of S. W. Beattie in Paw Creek township was burned at midnight last night, and seven cows and five horses were burned to death. He thinks it was the work of an incendiary. CAMPAIGN TO END IN ABLAZE OF ENTHUSIASM. Committees at Work Arranging for the Speaking and Torchlight Pro cession Menday Night. --All Demo crats Invited. It is said that one feature of the big Democratic rally here Monday night will be the reading of the fa mous Bryan speech that swept the Chicago convention. Subscriptions to the fund for the torchlight procession, that will be one of the features of the evening, are now being received. The closing rally of the campaign is under the auspices of the Work ingnien's Democratic Club. The Workingmen's Club held an enthusiastic meeting at the court houseJTuesday night. The room was crowded, and the speakers liberally applauded. Mr. Heriot Clarkson, Democratic candidate for the House, spoke to the club, devoting most of his speech to county issues. He said if Meck lenburg sent this fusion- ticket to the Legislature it had just as well not send anv for two were for gold and two professed to be for silver. He denounced the local Populist politicians for consorting with ne groes and drawing the color line The present election law favors the negro aud discriminates against the poor white man, he claimed, and de nounced Judge Russell for the hand he had in the making of the new law. Mr. Clarkson announced his intention of suyporting the fusion electoral ticket in North Carolina as the only means of carrying the State for Brvan. "After November 3d," said he, "we can say that Cy Watson has slain his thousands and William J. Bryan his tens of thousands." He was followed bv .Mr. William E GrifTin, a cnmmprp.ial .rravoloiv who proceeded to skin Tom Dixon and the preachers who are meddling with politics, and incidentally sliced up Hi Gudger. He is a most earn est advocate of free coinage and made a stirring appeal for Bryan and the white metal. The Workingmen's Club holds a rally somewhere in the city almost ml every night, and there is no doubt that the wage-earners of Charlo'te are the most enthusiastic workers for Bryan and Democracy. The commitfees appointed to ar range for the rally Monday night are at work and the campaign will close in a blaze of Democratic enthusiasm. CHAIRMAN BOGGS TO AVER. To the Voters of Mecklenburg Coun ty, N. C. The Workingmen's League of Charlotte, N. C, invite all the friends of Bryan and free silver to be with us in a great horseback torchlight procession in the city of Charlotte, N. C, on November 2nd. Procession starts at 8 o'clock p rn. Come one, come all E A. McGahev, Chief Marshall. W. F. Elliott, Aimer Moody, Henry Cuip, S. W. Kirkpatrick, Walter Daniels, assistant marshals. First Ward, Aimer Moodv: second Ward, W. F. Elliott; third Ward, Henry Culp; fourth Ward, S, W. Kirkpatrick, Chief Marshals for each Ward. All Democratic papers will please copy. MR- WALTER HENRY'S SPEECH. What He is Reported to Have Said. Rebuked by a QOYearOId Demo crat. A gentleman.. who said he heard Mr. Walter R. Henry at the bridge on C. street, near the Gingham Mills, reported that he said he had rather the blackest negro in the State would count his vote at the ballot box than the dishonest white Democrats. About thi3 time Mr. Jerry Mills, the oldest Democrat in the city, raised his stick and said, "Cleveland wouldn't give you an office, and that's what's the matter with you." Some of the younger men present yelled at him, "Take your hand out of Mark Hanna s barrel and take Fisher Correll from around you, and we'll think you are a Populist. Speaking of Our Strawberry Blonde. What's ailing Walter Sorrel Top Henry? We haven't seen anything in the newspapers over his signature in two whole days, nor has he been nominated for any office this whole blessed week. Are all the constable and magistrate places taken? Mon roe Journal. The Honest Silver Populists of tftr Mountains Will Not Be Driven Like: Dumb Animals. Waynesville, N. C., Oct. 22, '9G Hon. Hal. W. Ayer, Chairman, Ral eigh, North Carolina: Dear Sir: I notice in the list ofT candidates of our party published in, the Caucasian the name of Hon Richmond Pearson as candidate foTr Congress from this district. " I dr not' know by whose authority it wat put there. Certainly not with the. knowledge or consent of the Popu lists of this district, who alone have the right to authorize such a state ment. The fact that it appears irK this paper, the organ of our party in. this State, which you manage and; the further fact that you are, as E am credibly informed, writing letters to parties in this district urging that the Populists support Mr. Pearson... shows conclusively that it was done with your consent- and presumably' with that of the committee also. The Populists of this district deny to any person or persons outside ot'. this district the right to endorse or nominate any person as their repre--sentative. In this case there is another ob jection and one that is insurmount able. To support Mr. Pearson is ta trample on our principles. Our first allegiance is due to principle and we cannot abandon this at the persia. sion or dictation of others, no mat ter what may be their position or authority without surrendering our consciences to the will of others, which would degrade us to the level:, of "dumb driven cattle." Rebellion do yon say? So let it be All men have an inalienable right to rebel against unjust and dangerous, usurpation of authority in party,, church or State. To do this is not-. rif nopoooifu fn nVianlnn Jt V nnn . V -n -fc - uften it is the very best way to pre serve and defend them. Resistance, to wrong is obedience to God Let us take a plain common sense view of this matter. Is it consistent to try to -'ect Mr. Bryan President and then try to send men to Congress, who would antagonize him? It is only too true that the Demo--cratic party has in the past not only abused us but sometimes persecuted us and is at present acting selfishly and foolishly in some respects, and. in some instances not doing justly, by the Populists, but let us rise above prejudices and passion and above any spirit of revsnge and stand by our principles and do what is best , for our distressed country. I am very happy to be able to say that Mr. Adams has always disap proved and does now disapprove o such misconduct of his party as I have referml to. Shall he be pun-. ishedTfor the sins of others? Yours sincerely,. Geo E. Boggs, -Chairman Ex. Com. People's Party of the Ninth District Senator TeSler's Reelection Certain Denver, Colo., Oct. 22. Colo rado will hot change the complex ion of its delegation to Congress at this election unless through some . unforeseen cause there should be an overwhelming revulsion of feeling,. For the Senate all partisans claim that there is an attempt to be made to scure defeat r ' TVJor, but this assrio:i does no" seem to ha .'e any foundation in fu:, and may be set down as a simp1; canard for the . advancement of local ambitions in the State election wh-jre the parties are so badly split that their best friends will not be able to vote in telligently without a protracted' study of the blanket ballot. They have fused and blended to such an extent that all party lines have been practically wiped out, and the names assumed by the backers of tickets have very lit tie to gtr ' the voter. Washington Post. . What London Thinks of the Situation in Wheat. By Telegraph to The News. ' ' ' London. Oct 27. The Telesraph- says, regarding the demand for and supply ot wheat: "The stocK3 or. foreign wheat, at the principal Brit ish ports are stated to be insufficient to feed the country a fortnignu The slight fall on American j&x- chansres. Saturday gave the Jingnsn market a downward tendency, but the opinion of one of the best Known corn factors, Mark Lane, is that American wheat will speedily rise with a bang, and the Christmas price, be much further enhanced." 5f ''it.

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