v. . AFtfEE BALLOT. 'Vtters Must be Protected From Co ercion By Their Employes.-Jones's t .!r,..'. ' " " kju u:or uai.ies 1. Jones, chairman 'o the National Democratic Execu tive committee, issued the following 3k1 dress : ' "In view of the fact that the great corporations, with scarcely an excep tion, and many of the large employ ers of labor in the United states are engaged in a concerted effort to ccx'ice their employes into voting Ilt j Ihe aproaching eK-rtion against, j ilieir own convictions, I deem it my i Jutv to call upon all those who be- I JiVi in the supremacy of the law and the untrarnmelid freedom ot the .individual in the right of exercising Ihe ballot, to rs th -if utuust efforls to previ iit tbe success of this mos .flagrant act of lawlessness for if this conspiracy succeeds government by corporations will have succeeded government by the people. "The corporations wl.ich t hits ap peal to force and fraud strike at the 1 verv lounuaiion or repimncan ornment ai d the lovers of free m- c?titutions mut arouse themselves to j save the countrv from its urent peril, j Especially should the workingmen dissert their manhood rights. If they vote their convictions and in accord ance with the'r interests the demo oratic ticket is certain of election, aind in that case the employing cor porations will have no desire to em bark upon a policy of punishment In the contest that is raging, the .salvation of the workiughian lies in the assertion at the jk)11s of his rights as a free and independent American citizen. The perpetration of this attempted outrage upon the free .suffrage will work its own cure. An Indignant people, jealous of their rights, will demaud that the legisla tures, state and national, shall pro Leed at once Gv rigorous measures, to prevent the possibility of a repetition of such attempts hereafter. "The national committee, backed by the full power of the democratic organization in every state of the union, pledges itself that every .scoundrel, whether public ofticer or private citizen, who is detected in any violation of the law, shall be vigorously prosecuted aud sent to the penitentiary, if possible THE PEOPLE BE D D. Solicitor Harhall Nott Threatens Not ; to linrvicc ttit (-.-. j Solicitor Mott passed through the ' tiity this morning e:i route for lis' home from a "politic d business" trip to l!aleii;h, says the Winston ' Sentinel, lie seemed very much ' stirred up over the reports from dif- j ferent points as to the arrest of par- j ties who had not listed tbeir taxes and had registered for the Novem ber elec. :hat L. used Ian gut 4 Tf v tin l. com nig a man dice c : Solicitor, t if i.uybody was ar restee! en i a charge, all they had to do was to appeal to his couit and he would nel pros every case and if they gave bond and did not "want to appear he would see that Their bondsmen suffered no loss; and if thr people of the district did not like it they could "cuss" him as much as they pleased or "impeach and be d d." This, of course, is all braggadocio, though, doubtless, it shows to what length this officer of justice (?) would go had he the power. A so licitor, however, " cannot nol pros a oase without the appioval of the presiding Judge, and certainly the Judge who will hold our next term of Court will not become a party to any of Marshall Mott's partisan gy rations, remarks the Sentinel The Progressive Farmer Tells Popu lists to Work for Bryan. "Mr. Bryan continues to make .speeches and votes. But it will not do to stop work. Every voter should make a personal canvass in his be half, put in good words for him, -from now until the election. Bryan its the only Presidential candidate feared by the money power; he is .:he only candidate against whom the money power is directing its batter ies of cash. Therefore, every good citizen, without regard to occupa tion or pre ious condition of party servitude, should select him as his choice for President. Bryan's public and private life seems to have been 30 pure that his political opponents cannot bring a single charge against irim. His record is far better than 5 hat of any candidate who has been nominates for years." Progressive Farmer. Speaking of Our Strawberry Blonde. What's ailing Walter Sorrel Top Henry? We haven't seen anything a the newspapers over his signature aa two whole days, nor has he been raaoiinated for any office this whole blessed week. Are all the constable and magistrate places taken? Mon soe Journal. MECKLENBURG TI.MK.S, CI1ARLOTTK. ANOTHER LOOK AT THINGS. The Situation as Seen by "Hany Men of nany Minds." In a secret circular issued by l'opulist Stale chairman Ayer he as serts "upon authority" that in the electoral college neither Sewull nor Watson will be voted for, but that the vote will be cast for some man 'acceptable." Democrat claim Utah by 40,000 and the re election of a straight sil ver man to succeed Senator Brown. Kepublicans concede the State by jo jn Qjnciunati the bets are about nn Ohi ;mil are 10 to ? in even on Ohio and are 10 to Brvan's favor on K.ntuokv. A special to the New York o.' iu i (gold-bug) from Dttroit, Michigan, say ".Mr. Bryan believes that Miphiorari is clinched. His friends and advisers, soir.e of them less op timisiic general ly,are inclined to the same view This conclusion isappar- en tly the result of therecord breaking crowds along his route, of the en thusiasm unlcoked for in Kepubli can districts and what is vrguely known as a eene.ral change among the farmers." The Washington Post (gold bug) prints a dispatch from Baltimore saying: "There is no denying the fact that Senator Gorman's speech on Thursday night had a wonderful effect on the Democrats, not only in the city, but in the State." A special from Atlanta to the World savs: "Watson's close friends here say that unless the electoral tickets are revised to suit him his letter will go to the public in it? original form They believe that in this letter the nominee has ex pres.-ed a vigorous opinion of the fusion ar rangements now obtaining in K nsas. 'Colorado and North Carolina." Senator Jones writes of Illinois: "Our chances are improving hourly in this State, and we have bttttr nrosiKCts than we have had s.ncei the campaign opened." j Of the 10O printers who attended, j deb gates the session of th- lute:- national Typographical Union at j Colorado Spring?, Colo. 10 e j pressed a determination to vote fo' ; Bryan and SewaP. The remaining j delegate was a McKinlev man. Th' -eJ delegates are from all part.- of the i Union and ninety per cent, of them are employed on newspapers advo- j eating the gold standard. j lr. Alln Tliiirniiii) lme m.v'tr a' pr cintt canvass of Ohio, and he j Sivs that if the gains for Bryun in- j d'c.t.d in that canvass we: f even! discounted .' per cent, the State! would go for Bryan by lS.oOo. The registration in New York S ate s gr a er th in ever before ! addressed to negroes his appeals known and the "Greater New York'" j have been to them and to their bas will cast 000,000 votes. 1 t-r passions, their instinct to rule A special to the Post from Omaha, land to dominate. He has taught Neb, savs: '-Twenty davs before i them that the whites have oppressed v i election the estimates ou the out come given at the diffe en", head quarters diftVr widely. Based on past elections the logic of figures that do not lie would give Nebraska to Bryan tu e enough a? a starter, with the fusion nominees not quite so certain, but reasonablv safe." Fresh General News in Paragraphs. General Benjamin Harrison is swinging around the Stat? of Indiana in a special train, making McKinley speeches from the rear platform. The Board of Inquiry at Ellis Is land, New York, has decided that the 107 Armenians who arrived Sat urday from Turkey cannot be ad mitted to this country. Judgment is suspended with regard to some fif teen of twenty of the number. Silver on the New York stock ex change sold yesterday at 00; 0,000 ounces were taken at that price. The Democrats in Georgia have declined the Populist proposition for fusion on the electoral ticket. At the session of the House of Bishops of the Episcopal church, held in New l ork yesterday, it was decided not to elect a bishop lor the missionary diocese of Asheville, because of the poor financial condition of the North Carolina diocese at this time. H. B. Schraubelt, one of the an archists engaged in the Ilaymarket riots at Chicago, died in San Fran cisco of consumption. The funeral of the late Henry E. Abbey, the famous theatrical mana ger, was held in New York yester day. The gross earnings of the South ern Railway for the second week of October were $439,020, a decrease of $4,050, and those of the Norfolk & Western $228,111, a decrease of $11,. 015. Senator Morrill was yesterday elected to succeed himself by the Legislature of Vermont. J. Sterling Morton, Secretary of Agriculture, was hanged in effigy at Alexandria, Va. The inscription on the effigy read "(Dis) Honorable J. Sterling Marton, Liar and Traitor to his party. Compliments of Virginia." A CHANG' FOR FRAUD. Can be Worked by Two Poll-Holders Unless the Third One is Sharp Hanna Bribing Judges of Election. There is a slick scheme which has just bten brought to light by which the ballot box may. be manip ulated and fraud perpetrated at the coming election, says the Winston Sentinel. It can be worked by two pollhold ers, unless the third one is pretty slick. It is charged that the Repub licans will use the scheme to increase McKinley's vote in this State. The charge emanates from well posted politicians in this State and it was tirst discovered by a well known law yer in Washington, D. C. As is known the new election law provides that there shall be two bal- "i lot boxes and two ticKeia. un ticket is to contain the names of the candidates for electors and all State officers and the other is to contain tiie names of candidates for county otlicers. It is the duty of the judges of election to see that the county ticket goes in the county box ami the State aud National ticket in the o-her. But if it so happens that a la lot should get in the wrong box .he law says it shall be presumed to have bee u deposited there by mis take of the officers of election, and unless such presumption shall be rebutted, the ballot shall be counted. Now the scheme is that an elector shall vote two National and State ticktti containing the names of the McKinley electors, instead of one Natioi al and Srate ballot and oue county ballot as he should do. One of thete National and State ballots must cf necessity be deposited in the wrong box, but the law says it must be counted. A Republican and Fopu ifi can work this scheme with gr-at ease, unless the Demo cia: is watchful. It is stated by a well informed ge .tleman that" nearly all the money Hanna has given North Carolina is to be spent in bribing judges of elec tion to work this scheme. Shall One Negro Rule Two White Men in North Carolina? According to the eeiisus of 1M0 there United States were in North Caroha .: Whit.-, male voters, 21 years of ;.ge and over 233,307 109,310 Co red, male voters, 21 years of age and over knowing a majority of white voters over negro voters of 123,001 With even the memory of 18G8 ';: still existing, can it be possible thut Rusoeil and a few whites with this 109,000 negroes can again ob tain control in North Carolina? Russell's campaign has been uni que, lie has tilled appointments or disregarded them at his pleasure. 1'he burdeu of his speeches has been . i them, and aroused their ambitious to resentment and control. He has en couraged their debauchery by buying their votes to secure his own nomi nation, as openly charged by his own party, aud by false registration whereby lie hopes to dominate and control white men and secure his election aud rule in state affairs. To enable him to accomplish his evil design, over 00,000 whites must "co-operate" with his more than 100,000 negroes. Will they do it? Are there GO, 50, 40 or even 30,000 white men in North Carolina willing to turn over their state and county government to Russell, and his 10u,000 negroes? Can a few purchased leaders, what ever they may call themselves, or however they may lie as to their purposes or support of this or that principle, lead enough white men into the Russell camp, or even into his side shows, to encompass the success of such plunderers and the djgradation of the state?-r-Raleigh News and Observer. To Keep Fradulent Voters on. the Re gistration Books. Chairman Hoi ton of the Republi can State Committee today issued a circular to registrars in which he says: "In trying challenges, no challenge should be heard unless the person challenged is present or notice has been served on him. The party making challenge must make out his case and must produce sworn testi mony that the one challenged is not entitled to vote. The party whose vote is challenged is not required to show that he is entitled to vote until the case is made out against him by sworn testimony, nor can a name be erased from the book until a ma jority of the judges and registrars vote to have the voter's name stricken thereform. The chairman should vote on every question." Train Killed Four in a Carriage. By Telegraph to The News. Mataman, N. J., Oct. 27. A Jersey Central' train crashed into a carriage containing Dr. Palmer, his wife and his brother and child this p orniag, killing all four of them. TITUHSBAY O0T(Ht ITS NEWS TO CHARLOTTE. Oxford Demoerat Claims 500 Palmer Buckner Votes In Town. The Oxford Democrat organ of the dummy ticket in North Caro lina, says in this week's issue: . "Reliable information from Char lotte and Mecklenburg county brings the cheering news that the sentiment in favor of sound money, true Demo cracy and Palmer and Buckner is assuming big proportions, i he na tional Pemocratic ticket will poles over 5 )! votes in Charlotte, while as many more life-long Democrats will vote for McKinley, because the in terests involved are so momentous they will not run any risk. - "Prominent among tie sound money men of Cbarh tte, is Mr. J S. Spencer, president of the great Hen rietta Mills Company which owns the magnificent Henrietta Mills Nos. I and 2 and the big mill now build ing at Forefct City, all in Rutherford county." (ic away from home to learn the news If 5()0 votes are cast for Palmer and Buckner in all Mecklenburg county, much less Charlotte, there are several good Democrats here who will eat their head-gear fried in mutton suet Wr.en this great party musters about twenty-five staunch supporters to hear the leading speakers in their campaign in the State it is a fine showing. However it may be stated with some degree of confidence that Pal mer and Buckner will not carry the county!!! ??? Marriage of Mr. Parham to Miss Hun ter. Last 1 ight at nine o'clock, in this city, at the residence of Mr. J. C. Jordan, on Hargett street, Mr. J. Hugh Parham, of Greenville, was united in marriage to Miss Zula Hunter, of this city. The ceremo ny was performed by Rev. Mr. Dan iel, of Raleigh, and Rev. Mr. Max well, of Durham. The attendants were Mr. George Parham and Miss Mollie Parham. A company of Mr. Parham's friends accompanied him from Greenville. Thev were Mes srs. E. R. Aiken, George J. Wood ward, James Parham aud Mrs. Ern est Parham. At the marriage there was a large gathering of relatives and friends, and a delightful recep tion followed the marriage. The happy couple left last night on the Atlanta Special for Hender son, and will afterwards visit the groom's father, Mr W. A. Parham, at Oxford. Mr. Parham is a nephew of the late Mr. B F. Cheatham, and has many friends in Raleigh. He is now one of the most success ful tobacco men in Greenville The bride is a lovely and popular young ladv. News & Observer. Jots from Other Quills. The election of McKinlev would mean that the slush fund was great er than the ballot. St. Louis Re public. Mr. Washburn has gone to Geor gia to try and induce Tom Watson to take some of the dynamite out of his letter of acceptance. Tom will do nothing of the sort. He will continue to do business with the persons with whom he made ar-1 rmgements at the beginning of the campaigu. Washington Post- When Mr. Bryan said the other daj: "I believe in Almighty God," the New York Sun was seriously offended. But when Bob Ingersoll takes the stump and says: "I do not believe in Almighty God," the Sun will doubtless shine on itself in pure and unrestrained joy. Memphis Commercial - Appeal. Man wants but little here below and he's gttting it under the gold standard. Exchange. When the enemy sees Bryan's face he says in his heait, the government is safe in that man's hands. Ruth erford Democrat. Literary Notes. Tosti has hitherto been known only as the writer of some of the most famous songs known to musi cal people. He has now written his tirtt jurely instrumen'al conpoti tion, a minuet for the piano, which the Ladies' Home Journal has se cured and will publish in an early issue. Madame Calve and Madame Mel ba will both appear in the next issue of the Ladies' Home Journal with articles on the voice. Madame Mel ba has written before and is, in fact, no novice with the pen, but this is Madame Calve's first attempt at au thorship. She wrote the article in French, and after an English trans, lation had been made of it she had the original manuscript bound be tween morocco covers as a souvenir of her debut as a writer. With two little children subject to croup we do not rest easy with out a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house, for the most severe attacks quickly succumb to a few doses of it. Morrison, Colo., Bud. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by S. L. Alexander & Co , druggists. E2!1S9G 1 " i HI It is kinder refreshing and stimulatin old times of long ago, when the spinning w'n(.ei il..,.kMif Vi r lon-1 1 -n rl 1V-tv T. f-f , were .promenading the country on hoiWrj.tck The people coming in a tandem way to he-- down on the grass, jingling silver dollar,, and eating ginger bread. Politicians proved way of getting around quick a: hurry. Good deal of the get up-r nd-got r . . a il 1 4. j. 1. so 11 you want to get mere, ueiu.r Kee p up with the BELK BRl Leaders, have iust made a dashinsr raid Infn u. , j a .lt! gte liffirtiirinp' centers of this countrv. and thp rli o - ' tlU(-)raii2jd it had upon them cannot be described. Ammunitic Silver JJoiiars. Jvery vouey orougm clown a carle- choicest selecaoi.s of Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Dry Go ware, Bicycles, Notions, &c., you ever saw or hearjc' thing like being in the front and ready, Why, thenj flock into our stores daily reminds us of a monster g to hear some great man on the issues of the day. y they come to us from the four quarters of the ofo prices penetrate me remotest turner 01 inis vast d briuging them in on the anctent and modern day "I bicycle, &c. Prices cut in two in the middle both ends. ' BELK BRO Cheapest Store on Earth. (WHITE FRONT. 1 19 and 21 East Trade St. Charku Still in the Race. I am still in the race for the PAINT and GLASS business and am getting there with both feet. I have the best goods at the lowest prices, and these are winning features. If you want a picture framed cheap bring itto me. If you want a good furniture polish and bed-bug exterminator, I can supply your wants. J. J. EZELL, 31 N. College street. Nervous Debility DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL. ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, Issoldunder positive Written Guarantee by authorized agents only, to cure Weak Memory Dizziness YVakefulness, Fits, Hysteria. Quick. nG8S, flight Losses, Evil Dreams, Lack of Conti denoe. Nervousness, Lassitude, all Drains, Youth ful Errors, or Excessive TJ?o of Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery. Consumption, Insanity and Death. At store or by iuail. SI a cox; six for $5; with written suarantrp to cure or refund money. Sample pack age, containing live dais' treatment, with full instructions, 2. cents. One sample only sold to each person. At store or hv mail. C"Red Label Special Extra Strenqth. Jbor Imootencv. Loss of Power, Lost Manhood. Hterilitv or Rnrronnoaa i. . , uii Willi: ;writtcn cuarantee ?ve.rB- to cure in 30 days- At storaik aFORcor by ma;!. AF' DR. S. L. ALEXANDER & CO., Drnggists and Sole Agents. harlotte, K". C. L F FOR Latheb sex. IE UI1UR OThis remedy being in- jectert directly to the seat of those diseases or the Genito-IIrinary Organs, requires no change or diet. Cure ..II guaranteed in 1 to 31tvit L Si ll' ff2 TT TF ae' b mail, SI. OO Sold only bv DR. 8. L ALEXANDER Jtr rn ists and Hole Agents. Charlotte, N. C. CO LADIES DO YOU KNOW DR. FELly I rr n . SteeliPeDnjroyal Pills are tha -sii 4 . oWthl wa! 4 reliable cure hv me-fnaML Pric. tl-00; sent by mail. Genuine BnlJl t,iV DR. 8 A LEXANT)R!R . & CO., Druggists and Sole Agents. SI 0 R to bri;yr Q An 1 -3 1 ana set d FARME Bring us !i our Tannery isnoi for Them If you need anjtfe line come and se? Harness, Co lars, B icycle In fact everything w ill be four. din 0 on Fourth Street. THRl Don'i I i is&he t hiii- fit solid c 'Ti. ; r. -than out i ;ir,-x foot at anv-' M j n' .re talking 1 square 1 1 1 n ggeration kv t he 1 ' ,h.it phenomenal economy Lis1"11 ,tri)f ' . . ,)T1 11 k use. wont Try .VJ stock Vwhr0M will do more til I L 1 l fO1 Handbairs. A- Charlotte, N. C. . 'sr