Mll Wiii l- cAVnCj. 1-9 III- rtAA i I charlotte. -CHARLOTTE &EYS. :J Largest circulate n ;:Cl)8r!ott t MECKLENBURG TIMES.". Largest circulation y inj Mecklei burg. Put vour advertisement where it will reach the mostac$ ' your customers, - . Ln n ' k 1 1" - -! Lx . - .1 I Vili Oi T ; , A-V 4 fvill- K ' ' ,ro0Mnoy e. .ter iD? ';iD, ,v.,i i Co- H .nil' a r t Kill ml; ex It-15 11.- i QppV 01 i ia ilton, Prop. RE A D V KIMONO v.v CO. ertv. ' optrty T,y: A ry c. isee J (.-an kk-27- Kerch: Ik r COLUMN V ,,. c .i Char- rvJii -troet. U'-tf :UTf A i situ from l-4t ,r women to i n.Hl house M'riifS. En v, ...,.0. The :.".-lOt. L-no(i iarsre ,,rse-Kobt. i'-4t. ;i k Minor 11 -Jt-w-lt t forset U' lmu 1 " 1 , r.lll will R i Clurbtte for ,j eit Trade street. p TO DATE Lie of Charlotte have nf our Hist ciass siore u , .11 u: ean stx or. hu miugs died by .druggists. juanvot tne best ram- be pleased to have you ime storeroom. 26 South i ryon st. cof Personal Prop- lOii, I will re idence, ning to the . o nesting of r;.::ure farm - ; :ttoUt 100 TAYLOR, Lt t' r heirs. CHARLOTTE N. C. THURSDAY. NY 19 186 dfc NO. 411f. ROBBER-lRECKERSr bSyAHToIECTDRE. DESPERATE SPAIN. "TE lS5T 8UFSff lyfSAll!" T0 HER ARMIES MEETING ONE DEFEAT THE WARiN CUBA TO BE DECIDED CRISIS AT HAND. CAMPAIGN CASH. First Class and Baggage Caijs Thrown Over art Embankment. Blood Hounds on the Track of the Wreck Montgomery, Ihe train from mcrm A 1 Kbv. 13. Louisiillft t. h 5 a iiing, bound for New! Orleans was wrecked f nor miles from this plaee in a very wild section of coun try, by supposed train robbers. The engineer saw an obstruction on the track too late to stop the train. A rail.had been torn' up and nailed down again three inches out of the way. Two mail coaches, the baggage cars and two first class coaches are completely wrecked, going over the high enbankment. John Thwath, of Atlanta, and V. G. McGovey, of Monroe, Ala., are seriously hurt. Two other passen gers who were pinned under the smoking car after two honrs work were taken out. They were from Louisville, Blood hounds have been put on the track of the wreckers by the railway detectives. There is no clue to the miscreants except a negro track-walker who was captured near the place who claims to have been posted there by the company to watch for train wreckers. First Lecture wwimcicu III Ai Ianta in December. --All the Ar rangements Have Been Completed. Lincoln. Neb , Nov. 17. It has been definitely arranged that Wm. . -yan is to take the lecture nlar.- r AFTER ANOTHER IN CUBA. She Lays All Her Ills at Our Door and May Force a War With the United States -Tension Growing Greater Every Day. WITHIN A FEW WEEKS. To TEST The Value ERTTSING ice, to all ; er to us, :ht at our r"J -j and up. and up. 25 cts. CASHMERE SHAWLS. $1.25. es for $1.75. EUCH&.CO. CASE AGAINST M 6INH DISMISSED. Prosecution for Forcible Trespass and Assault. Grew Out of an Election Arrest. Squire Maxwell Saturday tried a case growing out of the election. William McGinn, of Sharon town ship, was indicted for forcible tres pass and assuult. On the night before the election Mr. McGinn, who was a special de puty appointed by Justice of the Peace Pharr, went to the house of Frank Ross, colored, for whom he had a warrant, and arrested him. Ross had him prosecuted for for cible trespass on his premises and assaulting the inmates of his house. He charged Mr. McGinn with break ing down the door of his house. The case was tried before 'Squire Maxwell Saturday morning. 'Lawyer Leary represented the State, and E. T. Cansler, Esq., the defendant. Mr. Maxwell decided the prosecu tion was frivolous and dismissed the case, taxing Ross with the costs. Big Battle in the Foot-Hills. Havana, Nov. 19. General Moncada while reconnoitering in the hills engaged the rebels in a f 01 titled position in the Grillo hills and dislodged them, fighting under a sweeping fire for three hours. Moyano lost two lieutenants and thirtv-six soldiers wounded. Al- mansa lost six privates. . Hann to Pocket the Treasury. .Washington, Nov. 18. Cabinet gossips seem to have settled down to the conviction that Hon. Mark Hanna is to be Secretary of the Treasury. livered at Atlanta. Ga.. earlv i TT- ' ' J ' v,ciuurr. his route as arranged will be after leaving At lanta, Jacksonville, Savannah, Charleston, Augusta, Birmingham and New Orleans. After leaving the latter place, Mr. Bryan will go through Texas, men on to Califor nia and Oregon and will not reach cities of the East before the latter part of February, 1897. The man behind the enterprise is WE. Mc Bee, of Norfolk, Va., the Superin tendent of the Seaboard Air Line. On election night Mr. McBee, who had been a hard worker for Bryan, wired to this city offering Mr. Bryan a very large amount for a series of lectures in case the election should turn against him. No attention was paid to the matter at that time by Mr. Bryan, but after the defeat of the Democratic ticket, Mr. McBee once more renewed his offers, nego tiations were begun and the result has been that Mr. Bryan has signed contracts for a series of lectures un der the management of Alexander Conistock, who is the representative and associate of Mr. McBee in the enterprise. The terms of the agree ment from a financial standpoint have not been made public, but it is reliably asserted that what Mr. Bryau will receive will exceed the salary he would haye received as President Arrangements are already under wav to have the deliverv of Mr Brvan's first lecture in Atlanta, made the occasion of a great demon stration which will be in ths nature of a monster reception. The lec tures to be delivered by Mr. Bryan will be uon partisan in their charac ter and will for the most part be upon governmental and social topics as it is expressly stipulated in tbe contract that thev shall be not of a political nature. TO KEEP IT UP. W a SHr ngton, Nov. 16. In spite nf all flpniala nn iha rarf nf ornrom. I u Brooklyn navy yard and all u-itub uluijci a auu si l, ia hid i.n 1111 i, 1 ; r-; i in De- Dart of the Snaniah. United Statps tions are that the vessels ;i. u i x : jt : r . i iiirin unn ria t-..n4. .1 .1 -ii "10 umi auuress will De dp- rr.- flRM A u x 1 1,11 u 111111 jr- n 1111 i.iitiiiiK i.i'tr Strained Relations Between the Unit ed States and Spain Our Navy Be ing Held in Readiness for Action. New York, Nov. 14. Unusual activity prevails at present in the indica of the beim,- WHAT CANDIDATES PAID OUT (Nf THE CAMPAIGN. g betweeihls coMtrjSp-pv;. footing.- WOrKli fSSnsSS b-:,S bein, hurried-as fast possible and event of thlTiieatPof Weylef' there Governor-elect Russell's Expense Ac count. Several Mecklenburg flag istrates Failed to Certify to Ex penses and Forfeit Their Offices. Fjiday was the iaet day of th& period m which candidates are re quired to file an itemized account ot their election expenses. All the county officers had filed their afrll- minor' as possil officers ponred in one after another Many magistrates and some con stables testified that jtheir election didn't cost them a ceht. In some of the others there were i :. i - . ' . . .1 "j . will be a still greater tension. tc TCWC1Baic iU1 auJ and certified to what they had paid mi r 9 l 1 ii v i ii I I I - i i-: . . . i ne opamsn people attriDUte tne euiergenuy. iuto eiguiuuauw iauu . .h . Sfnkknx. firUi- m r. A si V,. V, PnUnn I 1 mL J -L 1 1 I I JTO omwuviu ugub mauc uj iuc Kjuuaua are. x. mat tne iiiau uave ueeii solely to the interference of Ameri- working night and day during the cans. In their characteristic pride agfcfew k 2 Th unuguai and conceit they demand that these Pa8ttew weeKS ; m lbe unusual imaginary wrongs be avenged by amount of ammunition placed on their government. Strioned of half the boats. 3. The orders issued by items for "refreshments" and 'litera- " - r - . I -I ....... . I . . ... her power abroad, with revolutions the navy department to have several ture 7 .and all the other things that ... . . -1 . i I I - staring ner m the tace, war witn tne vesgel3 read within tw0 weeks caiPaiin ca!P 18 f1 for United States seems to these people the onlv alternative, unless by some anrt r.,Ka their expense accounts, with the ex unexpected move the Spanish army w CTTTXrrxnv Vn -, Thtl ception of some ten or a dozen magis succeeds in crushing the Cuban pa- . washingto, inov. i. me t,ate8 who nave failed to come to triOtS. Bltuauuu iu uuua io av a vxioia I time. E very report shows the Cubans those familiar with the condition of Of course unless these file their are fast ffaininor crronnd. With an affairs in thp island eav the time is accounts by sun-down they forfeit army of not more than 35.000 thev Lf onA cnmt rifinifp oHnn their offices. are errad nail v drivi ntr the Snanish . , . , . iJ Every man who was & Candidate' . o j - o mnsr.-np ratrpn ' tnac in eip-nr weess i . , forrps to thp wall. ' tor any omce in tnis county must ALEXANDER'S OLUTION SALE i near. Such prices as reign there have no equal ry collars worth of goods sacrificed and goinz at way ti., wool, 20c. Best Elkin Jeans 23c. Elkin BIankets Capet'. Capes!! Cacs!!! Any kind you want, $1 up. r J, all wool, 2oc. r i Woolen Flannel in the might sile. uu'L-.nce at a single puichase. La lies' all wool Oloves loc. gloves. Come to the sale. : early; take your tarn. Towels &c. Crash 7c up. 2jc Alexander, Son & Co., in progress. Cowed and demoralized the Snan ish army in Cuba is meeting defeat side or the other practically defeated after defeat . Meantime the relations between the The latest news is that Weyler is TTnited States and Spain are so i.:n-r- li-r- i .rj.T I sun in nnar aei ruo, ana one oi me cf . , nTlp h r. h wnnl(1 fitart into r . y M 1 ,-1 ic VI L uvv4, w a-a - " uercest oatries since ine Deginning i . . . , , , , , , of the revolution is said to be still me the spark of war that has been smouldering for months, ihis ten sion is recognized by foreign powers THIS IS A "SECOND CROP" YEAR. Already England has come forward, hoping to meditate between the two Cherries, Strawberries and Grapes countries and bring about an ami "Come Again," and Cotton Makes nabie settlement. an Attempt by Blooming. The Times sometime ago printed the fact that several farmers in the county were eating cherries of the second crop from their trees. This seems to be a "second crop" year along with its other phenome- the war will be either ended, or one make a simiar affidavit to the clerk. When one considers that there were 118 candidates for magistrates alone he can get some idea of hoir many affidavits will have- to b& filed. The election law, chapter 15 9 section 7Z, requires all canaiaatef including presidential electors, gov ernor, lieutenant-governor, secre tary of suite, treasures, superinten dent of public instruction, attorney- general, auditor, members,, ot con gress, justices of the Supreme court,. I i r ii a : i. . 1 It is not believed this can be done judges or. me superior couri, juu-ts. iL. ot Unminai court, solicitors, men- bers of the general assembly, county- revolutionary spirit tnat nas lauen treasurer reffister of deeds, coroner, root in Spain. sheriff, surveyor, township constable. TVua fpplinor nf the Snanish people I county commissioners, justices ot -A- A--' X I 1 11 gainst; the United btate3 is outer, tne peace, uix uoiiect'jia, auu and while war may not be expecteu otner omcers votea ior at wuis clo nal oualities. I ..... , i I.. , ni . 1 P 1.1 Oil. ,1 Cotton has in many places bloom- bv omcial3 they ao not aeny every uon, are to nie Deiore me iolu uav ed again since the larger part of the thing is in readiness. of November, isyb, an itemizea i - I I . 1 . 1 - ' . . l.: - .4- L fron was n r.kpd nt. A farmer statement snowing in uetan an me r t . iTiirnTni I vnciiu Dt outn I -1,1 i-j t living a few mile3 from Charlotte Hintmun uiutum uuiuilu. monies contnoutea or expenuea uy him directly or indirectly by torn- Fridav brought LEADING PARTIES TO HAVE PER MANENT HEADQUARTERS. Republicans, Democrats and Populists to Retain Central Organizations at the Nation's Capital. By Telegraph to The News Washington. Nov. 10. From the present outlook it seems that po litical agitation will not only not cease with the election, but will be kent uo briskly for the next four X i years. Chairman Mark Hanna, of the Republican national committee, an nounced a week ago that he intend ed to maintain the organization of his committee for the next four years, and that the committee would act as political advisers to the Presi dent, all the while using every mean3 in its power to crush out what he terms "the free silver heresy." Mr. Bryan's address, urging all silver clubs and other Democratic organizations to maintain their or ganization and keep up the fight, showed the temper of the Democrats. Today it is announced on the highest authority that the Republi cans, Democrats and Populists will each establish permanent headquar ters here, and will soon begin the contest for the oontrol of the Con gress to be elected in 1898, and for u. oleirm vf hp Prppulpnt in to the Times a double handful of cotton blooms he had gathered frcm the fields; he said in many places the fields were almost white with the blooms. Saturday Mr. S. A. Cathcart, of Steel Creek township, bought a bunch or two of grapes, a second crop that has just ripened on his grape vines Firemen Could Not Get Water to the Building.Caught Fire Early This Morning. The Atherton Lyceum, in Dil- worth, near the Atherton Mills, was burned early Monday morning. The building was built by the Ath erton Co. for a general amusement hall for their employes; the upper floor was occupied bv a hall and And Mr. George W. Caldwell, of reaciriff room and in the lower floor OAn I 1 . 1 . . A- A I I t ' 5V5 .Last iievenm street, gae me was tne gtore of Vaughan & Co. ews today some very hne speci- q;he building caught fire in the mens oi ripe btrawoemes tae fceuuuu roof ahout three o clock that morn- crop he has had from year. his vines this mgr. Trying to Keep Dwn War Talk. Washington, Xov. 18. The ad ministration is doirg everything possible to discountenance the war talk regarding Spain and the prep arations of the war and navy depart ment for contingencies arising, and is doiDg everything in its power to continue the present status quo. Ccn A policeman in tne city saw A. the blaze and turned in the alarm The fire engines responded. But the building was nearly - half a mile out of the city limits and it was impossible to lay so long a line of hose. self or through any other person in the aid of his election. Such state ment shall give the names of the various persons who used the money, the specific nature of each item, and the pose for which it was contribued There shall be attached to such statement an affidavit sworn to by such candidates setting forth in submstance that the statements in, the paper are in all respects true and thar the same is a true and de- contributed or expended by him- di rectly or indirectly either by himself or through any other person. Candidates for offices to be filled by the electors of the entire State qt any subdivision or district greater than a county shall file their state I i. i.u f XI, , C r 1 The building is a total loss. It "i m uue"e,ul ocwt nraa wnrrh Komprmntr ovpr z. n . - -o and is said to have been insured. The stock of Vaugnan & Co. is also a total Ios3. At the time of the fire Airs. Chis- i Candidates for house of represen- tatives, sheriff, register of deeds constable, treasurer, county com mistioners, coroner, surveyor, justice ot peace, tax collector anu city or .nl General Lee has been cautioned olm.was co.dncting a day school in Q-" oicefi most file 'their . . , .. ... fhA hnild no-. The comnanv this otner county omcers, muat me tneir the election 1900. Bryan's Carried South Dakota by 191. By Tele&raph to The News. Aberdeen, South Dakota, Nov. 19. The official canvass of the vote of this State was completed today. The plurality of the Bryan electors over the McKinley electors is one hundred and ninety-one. Cold Wave Coming Tonight. By Telegraph to The News. New Yobk, Nov. 19. The cold wave is moving rapidly toward the South and East. The weather de partment predicts "a fall of thirty degrees for the Atlantic Coast to night net to talk about the situation. Gold Democrat Will Not Enter Caucus. By Telegraph to The News. Washington, Nov. 18. It is the belief of a large number of prominent gold Democrats who have just arrived here that their separa tion from the silver wing of the party mu3t continue. They say the two divisions of the party will .not meet together in caucus at the coming session of Congress. Cuban Farmers Must Move to Cities. By Telegraph to The News. Havana, Nov. 18. Weyler has ordered farmers, who have no funds and are barely able to produce a living on the their farms, to move to the citie3, where famine threateas and even thos with money are suf fering. Armenian Bishop Sentenced to Death. By Telegraph to The News. Constantinople, Nov. 18. The Turkish special tribunal has sentenced the Armenian Bishop at TTassekein to death because during the late riots a loaded revolver was i. t : .Li. m r rn , i. . . xi 1 ,1 ,1 BiaieineniB m tne uuiue ui vierj. uj. morning prumpuy icuucicu ua uuc , . . . of their vacant houses, and the the Superior Court in the county in wHl rWinnP without inter- wmuu lucJ lcaiUC' . bUV AM WW w f oun4 in his bouse, ruption. The Presbyterians have also con ducted a Sunday school in the build ing. The cause of the hre is unknown. HAS HIS CAMPAIGN FAILED? Report That Weyler Will at Once Re turn to Havana. By Telegraph to The News. Key West, Fla., Nov. 19. Pas sengers by the last steamer from Havana say that a report is current that Captain General Weyler will re turn to Havana immediately. Span ish merchants and others on Muralla street are very indignant over the report, for. if Weyler returns to the city without winning a decisive vic tory over the Insurgents his cam paign in the Island will have failed. Weyler Asked to Resign. By Telegraph to The News. Havana, Nov. 19. It appears positively true that Captain General Weyler ha3 been asked to resign be cause of the failure of his campaign at Maceo. General Prando J will probably succeed: him. SIMS PLEADS GUILTY. To Robbing the Mails on the Pinevillc acd Lancaster Route. Thomas M. Sims, mail carrier on the starroute between Pineville, N.C.,. and Lancaster, S. C, was arraigned before U. S. Commissi Tier Maxwell Wednsday moaning, charged with robbing the mails He plead guilty, was bound over to court, and in de fault of $500 bond, wa3 sent to jail. Fost Umce Inspector u. uex- ter conducted the prosecution for the government. Sim3 robbed the mails Uctober 7, 1896, and secured nve registered packages, containing about $25 in money. MUes's Same Old Tone. Washington, Nov. 18. The Ordnance Board, headed by Gener al Miles, favors continued prepara tions for coast defences. in anticipa- lion oi war, auu iu icn wi w ec- lious aspect of European political affairs.