, 1 - 1 ! - 1 -v V- .... j.. .. .... .j.. .111 VOL VI!T. State Uib'arj charlotte: n. c Thursday, apkii, 22 w N0.4S6 - '. . - ' - - - i ftffriliT --fl til it The Value of Constancy. "Tlieconstn.nt drop of ater Wears 11 way the- hardest stone;' Th-" constaiar jjnawof Towner Masticates ti:e touphftst bono; Tno constant cooiic lover Carries off the 'olii-him; maM; And the constant julvertiser Is the one who jjrets ihc trade." FARMERS' COLUMN 5f Afv TOITNrw Wool wanted nt HUj?Vs ' H;de;uv Fur 5tor Cturlotte. N. C. MOTTCE-I forbid any one from ; hiring or cmpioyi n a rn rur it, as i nave iuru taim for the ve-r 1m7. Ifaiy one hires him In the st ite I will eollei t liis wages until his time is out with me iiusi 1st lMV. t. v. Mann, Mint Hi!!. S. C. x'.Vtf - IOR S LE-One po d rertl mule, for rah. ? at mo 'eratf ifire, or win seii on time until ovembr 1st ';', at ner cent Interest. Apply R t-t News oiliee. 5-dw FOX M SA LE-chattel . MnrtMffpo. DeeilR. jl juuriiiyi; iwe'i, i incites ieea- sun t - . T". . .i . it . other lejral bhuiks at News A: Times Hriiitmg' House, 25 s Tryon street. 25-6t-d&w. SIX months course in Char o'te Commerelal ooiiee tor v.my o if taken at once. You can bepin he course when you like. all or address thisoi?ke. : 8-2tw&d For sALTE-rron liens printed and for sale at the N kws A; Times oihce. djew- WANTEO-Aeopvor the MECKT.KNnrHG Times containing a sketch of JSiiiiar Creek Church, with cut of hu Uiin.-, publibhed haie one1Jrfb" 'tt0tnc TlMKS ol5ice VtfU . THE Merchants and Farmers National Bank, OF CHARLOTTE. Accounts both larize and sratll solicited Interest paid on time deposits. We want yonr patronage. J. H. 31c ADEN, President. JNO M. MILLED, Jr., Cashier. Famrs Attention! H' u ; t i : .1 nun iu iuwu uu uiii-iuts liiiu want a nrst-cJass "mncr, come to j th.j Mode Restaurant, 2J1 W Trade i Mree;. Fresh fish always on hand, Link & H ami ' tori. nARDNKKS . LIGHT MJNti FLUA . T.-.a ,u .,.. ,.... I ARDXF.R'S LIGHTNING FLUX rr';3 is ihc, oul- redely kii"a tint tias never failed to cuie anv case of tl ix, dv-eutery cholera morhu, &c. Fo- siW; by. R H Jordan & C . and he Cau'Ijtfce ruir Co Prerared by J. F. GARl'NEIi. apl 1 Hornet., N. C Great Southern Detective Agency, CHARLOTTE N.O. All legitimate de'ectUe work done well at i etttoL.abie iaies. Best of refer ences. 2-18-6'm T WANT Employment. WANT a vacancy tilled WANT Information. WANT ! Send 5 cent' in stamps and we will tell you how to get it. Addre-s, Southera Employment and Intelli gence Bureau, liOi Fayetteville S reet, Raleigh, JS. C. - Lamson Br thers & Co BROKFRS, bbicago, III. Charlotte offi .-e: 8 N. Tryon St. , 2nd floor. COTTON, SHOCKS. GR IN AND PROVISIONS Private wires to Chic o, New York, and ail points 8outh. Prompt service guaranteed. All contracts made through the Exchange. JNO. C. MALLONEE, Manager ('harloite Office. Alexander's Specials are new, pretty, and . goods for at once use. 3000 yards fine colored 10c Lawns at 6c yard. - 0 New Shrunk Grah1 Suiting 15c yard. 300 yards Curtain Swiss 12c. Bright Beautiful Tinsel Drapory 10c. Sivoral hundred pairs Imported ' Black Hose, Ladies size3 15c pair. Others 25c up. Children's Tan and Black Hosiery, 444 Our Special Corsets 50c eacn. Foulards 'for Waists 7c. Percals 51 10c yard. All Trade SOLICITED. t i 3 oVorm whether Pr.ces quoted, Goods charm whether , 3 jou are only looking," or wanting to buy. CASH ONLY. 11 WEST TfiADE ST. 10 HOT FIGHTING TODAY. GREEKS AND TURKS BOTH REPORT . V.GTORiSS. The War Being Pushed in Every Quarter--Tur; s Drive Greeks Over the Border, and Occupy Several Villages. . By Telegraph to The News. . ART A, April 21. Ine ninth reg- . mient of the Greek armv advanced . . . this morning across the Ara tos ,1 -, . , . river, the boundary line, an'i attack 1 i- c n -r . - , . etl a line Of Small 1 urklSll forts 1Q flip frirpsl; ;infl P'irrip! tKi-pp hv : lant bayonet Charffyd. rr, ... - I he village of ISieochoris was , , , . , , , .. strongly cleienaed by Albanians. T, , , . j -b orty-tive held one house when it ; was stormed by Greeks and refused j J it0 surrender All but one died fio-hrino- vliAntlv , D5nUU6 valiantly. j - Two nun(ired Greek cavalrymen F , i i scoureu tlie open plain ana came within a hundred yards of the Turk ish village, when AH Bey, with a strong cavalry force, suddenly appeared, drew up in line in front of the Greeks, and a long Hash of lightning and clouds of smoke belched forth. In the face of a fearful fire, the Greeks withdrew to the plain of Neochori3. LOSSES OF TURKISH TROOPS. Constantinople, April 21. TV Tnrkish authorities admit that tin losses of the Ottoman troops since the outbreak has been considerable. Jzzoi ley, the confidential!ihiser of the Sultan, has been disgraced . , . . . . . 1 1 anJ ,is action proposing to theSul- tan to : egotiaiteidiivctiy with Gieece fu t!,o jiurpose of bringing about a Maic:;bU' settlement of matters . n 1 1 rV 1 :-t:no:iii t:;-- Greeks and lurks Wi'ilv France is protecting the (.m-eKStsnd Catholics in the Turkish Empire, England ha3 undertaken to protect the orthodox Greeks during the suspension of diplomatic rela tions between Greece anil Turkey. TUCKISII VICTORIES REPORTED J5a lonioa, April 21. It is rumor ed here that Turkey has captured Larissa. The report must be ac cepted with reserve, a3 no news has been received tending to confirm it. London, April 21. A despatch has, been received at the Turkish legation which announced that the village of Kriechora, in Greek terri tory, haa been occupied by a Turkish division commanded by Nechat Pasha, which overturning against Tyrnavo and Larissa, has carried all positions commanding the plain of Larrissa, Kritchora and Badji. The Turks captured many prisoners and quantities of arms and ammunition. The Greeks were defeated and fled in a Westerly direction toward Lar rissa. London, April 21. A dispatch from Constantinople says the Greeks have occupied Mitylene and Scio after a" sha'p engagement. TURKS DEFEATED IN ARTA. Arta, April 21. Tomorrow the Greek artillery will advance and at tack the villages on the plain where a reconnoitre took place today. The plan is to turn the Turkish wing into the open road of Janina. The Turks, protected by cannon on the hills, attempted to cross the bridge into Arta. The spiendid work of the Greek sharpshooters prevented this. The Turks, were forced to charge across the open space where they were exposed ...iiniurniia firp The Greek j LU cm ui ui ui.i rvi " success continues in spite of German officers on the Turkish side. Trying to Defeat Greater Nf w York. New York, April 19 A large gathering of New York citizens was at the Grand Central depot shortly after eight o'clock tnia morning, I who aDDeared today belore Governor Black at the executive mansion, Al Qppoe tbQ Greater New XOrK KJDaTlCL lix xio hcu ivhu. All the aixtv three delegates appoint td will attend the hearing and are aboard the special train tnat lew a 8:30 o Clock. I GONDU TOR KILLED IN A WRECK ON THE F. G. AND P. THIS MORNING. Freight Train Backing Into a Switch When Cars Were D;;raifed.- Con duct r, Thomas Smiley Ki!kd. Thi re was a disastrous wreck on the Fiprida Central and Pt j.inui in road Tuesd-iy at Cayce's, a sma!! station just across the Congaiee river from Columbia. Tne wrecrved train wys a through vegetable t rain. Conductor Thomas Smiley was in stantly killed and flagman Wylie was badly injured. The freight train was backing into a swi'.ch when several of thf ears were derailed. Conductor femilev was standiug on oue of the cars when it toppled over. He was caught beneath the wheels antl his body was cut in two. Flagman Wylie was also on top of the train and" Lis injuries were caused by jumping. The wrecked train was clearing the Avay for the Florioa train that reach s Uharlotte at 8:80 o'clock a. m. Tuesday morning this train w:ss about two hours late on account of the disaster STATE OF THE WAR: GREEKS HOLD THEIR OWN IN THE FIGHTING Situation in Thessaly Critical. Fear ed That Greeks May Not be AbJe to Mo!d Their Own Against Turkish Onslaughts. By I'eit-iiraph to The News. Pa Rife, April 22. The situation on the Thecal ian frontier according to. a despatch from Athens, is con sidered highly critical. It is feared the Greek troops, exhausted by three days hard hrhtiog. will not be i'b!e to resist much -longer the furious attacks ot the Turks. MASSACRE OF GREEKS. London, April 22. According to a special despatch from Athens , a massacre of Greek citizens has oc curred near Pivveza. The Greeks have stomied five villages occupied by the Turks. Athens, April 22 An official dispatch from Larissa says the Greeks continue to defend Mati Pass Delyanuis has received tele grams from Greek Deputies in Laris a, who declare that, according to the opinion of officers, the situa tion is not yet compromised, as the positions occupied by the Turks are secondary importance. A disp itch from Arta says the Greeks have captured the villages at Aghia, Tsaprasli, Kirnikala, Alimbei and Jenicari, all of which the Turks have abandoned Dispatches from Commodore Kriezis, in command of the Greek squadron which bombarded Pla tomona, says five hundred Turks were wounded during the bombard ment but the Greeks sustained no losses. The squadron has started fcr Katerina. The government has received dis patches from Larissa which says the exact situation in Damas is not known here, but the rumor of its recapture by the Turks is inaccu rater. Washington. April 22. An k. official dispatch is given out at the Turkish legation that the village of Kriechora has been occupied by Turkish troops. Niched Pasha fought until half past eleven o'clock aud captured all points command ing the plains of Larissa except the Hill. The Greeks defeated iu Milouna pass fled to Larissa. BIGGS LE EE BREAKS. Feared That Millions of Dollars Prop erty will be Destroyed. By Telegraph to The News. Vick.-burg, Miss., April 17. The Biggs levee iu Madison Parish, broke this morning. At this hour the crevasse is a hundred and nfty feet wide, and hourly spreading. A gang of convicts were put to work strengthening the levees at this weak point, but all their efforts were in vain. The waters are rushing out over the rich plantations of this region, and is sweeping away a prosperous section. ' It is feared tht damage will run into Uie millions.. - BIG BATTLE TODAY. TURKS A?'D GREEKS FIGHTING IN NORTHERN LARISSA. 20,000 Killed in the Pass Milouna. Turkish Army Advances. King George of Greece to the Front. Greeks Repulsed from a Bridge. Three Turkish" Batteries Reduced. By Telet-'iaph to The News. Athens, April 20. The firing at Arta ha3 been incessant since last night. The Turkish artillery re sumed with increased vigor, but the i Greek defenders of the place receiv ed only slight damage. The Greek squadron resumed the ; bombardment of Perveza his morn- ;mg. lne lurkisn batteries stil repy tofhe fire of the Greek guns. The Greek ironclads left Piraeus today, sailing under sealed orders. Athens, April 20. Fighting be tween Greeks arid Turks was resum ed thi3 morning at Ravanni, , not far from Tunavo, in North-west Laris fa. A big battle is in progress today. The Turks are attacking in greater force than yesterday, but the Greeks are fighiirg with stubborn resist ance. TURKS REPORT VICTORIOUS. Salonica, . April 20. Edhera Pasha has eaptjred the town' of Bounaii. Ahmed Pasha has occu pied Kirtspe, Hnd Hussein Pasha has captured Tan to. All reports indi cate that the Turkish advance is fiiSt breaking down the Greed op position. TURKISH BATTERIES DESTROYED. I ondon, April 20. According to the latest telegram the Greece ad vance guard is close to the Turkish forces at Damassi. They destroyed the .Turkish u.-.ttery at Tafei, Vrysei and Merexe. The crown prince has returned to Larissa from Tvrnano Hot;orsea?y on frontier. On the western bound ary the bombardment of Pievtsa continues The town should be cap tured by the Greeks. v KING GEORGE TO THE FRONT. Rome, April 20. A dispatch from Athens announces that King George leaves the capital for the frontier today. Ciown Prince Con stantine assumes supr me command of the Greek forces, which are ex pected to engage the Turks in a decisive-battle today. LOSSES AGGREGATE 20,000. Athens, April 20. The all-night battle in the pass of Milouna was attended with gieat losses on both the Turkish and Grecian sides. The total loss is said to aggregate twenty thousand men. TURKISH ARMY ADVANCES. Glassona, April 20. It is ex pected that a general advance of the Turkish army will take place to day. CHICAGO GREEKS VOLUNTEER Chicago, III., April 20. A hun dred Greeks leave Chi6ago tomor row for New York and sail Saturday for their native land to join the army. At a meeting last night in the Greek church a hundred men signed the roll a3 volunteers. Oth era leave before the end of the week. j NO CIPHER IN TURKEY. New York, April 20 The Com mercial Cable Company announces today that all cablegrams to Turkey must be written in plain language as Greek ministers and consuls in Tur key are forbidden to use secret lan guage. Code cipher will net be ad mitted. REPULSED AT EPIRUS. Athens, April 20 It is report ed here that tne Greek force which was trjing to cross the bridge "over the river Arachthos, on the frontier of Epirus were driven off by Turks Several merchantmen have been hastily armed and detaqhments of Greek troops hurried aboard them. Old Davis Hoineatrud Flooded. Natchez, Miss., Aprii l 6. It was thought ail the people on Davis Is land had escaped after the break in the levee occurred but fifteen persons have been found floating around on the Brier Field plantation, which was Jtfferson Davis' homestead. The surviving inhabitants are huddled in tents on top of the levee. The present appearances of plan tations is worse than has ever before been known here. TRUE BILLS FOUND. FRCM.'NENT KENTUCKIANS CHRG ED WITH BRIBERY. The Grand Jury Tlade Out Indictments For Them Today. Governor Brad ley Will Push the Investigation By Telegraph to The News. Frankfort, Ky., April 17. The Franklin bounty grand jury return ed true indictments today 'against Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter, Republican nominee for the United States Serr ate; Ex Representative John Henry Wilson, E. T. Fronts, Capt. Neil Gaines and Thomas Tanner, all Re publicans except Gaines and Tan ner. They are charged with bribery in connection with the election of a United States Senator. The charges created quite a sen sation when they were made a few days ago, and the issuance of true bills by the grand jury brings the matter to a head. ' It is said Governor Brad lev, who is opposed to Hunter's candidacy, is pushing the charges and the inquiry will "be prosecuted. - HIS MOTHER DEAD. SENATOR HANNA EN ROUTE TO ASHEVILLE. Mrs. Hanna Died at the Battery Park This Morning An Interview With the Ohio Senator. I3y Telegrrniyr to Trie News. Salisbury, N. C, April 16. Col. Marcus .Aurelius Hanna, 'the noted Mark of t!ic last campaign, was here this moniing. He is better looking than lie pictures Daven port drew of him, and is very pleas ant in manner His mother, M;s Hanna, is very iil with pneumonia at the Battery Park -hotel, Asheville, where she h;i been spending the winter, and he is on his way to her bedside. He wasasked about the municipal elections in Chicago, Cleveland, Can 'on and other western cities; he said he did not rpgard the returns as significant, because the Democrats won through local causes. Speaking of the work of Congress, he said he -hought the extra session would end about June loth.. DEATH OF MRS. HANNA. Cleveland, Ohio, April 16. Telegrams received this morning from Asheville, North Carolina, state that the mother of Senator Hanna died there this morning of pneumonia. She was eighty-four years of age. NEW YORK INFIRMARY BURNED. College Portion Destroyed by Fire Loss $75 000. By TelegTaph to The News. New York, April 22 The college portion- of the New York infirmary for women and children was burned this morning. The flimes did not spread to the infirmary where the patients were sleeping. The coolness of the doctors and good work of the firemen prevented excitement among the inmates. The loss is $75,000. The cause was spontaneous com bustion of the rubbish in the base ment. KILLED IN A PRIZE-FIGHT. William Vernon Dies After a Fight With Leslie PearceJ ' By Telegraph to The News. Philadelphia, April 22 Wil liam Vernon, who fainted in the ring at the OUmpic athletic club at Athens, Tue diy night, died here this morning ib the Presby&rian hospital. Hewas fighting & fifteen round bout with Leslie Pearce, oi Camden. Pearce was deeply affected over Vernon's mishap. Tie said he at no time struck him a hard blow over the heart. Tried to K 11 Kfftg Humbert. Rome, April 22. A political fanatic attempted to stab King Humbert while the latter was pro ceeding to the race court this after noon. " GOES TO GREECE. GENERAL R1IL-S TO WATCH WAR IN THE EAST. Representative Holmart Sinking- Harsliaw Postmaster at Lenoir'-At, the National Capital. By Telegraph to The News..: Washington, April 22. General Miles, commander of the army, 19' going to Europe to watch the opera tions of the Turks and the Greeks. . He went to the white bouse with. Secretary Alger today, and convinced the president it would be a wise move. Washington, April 22. Eepre- sentative Holman, of Indiana, who is suffering from spinal meningitis, is decidedly worse this morning. Hq lost consciousness during the morn- ing and is sinking rapidly. Senator Allen has introduced a resolution - extending sympathy to Greece and advocated its passage in a speech bitterly d counting Tur key. He also attacks Spain. On suggestion of Senator Pavis, Senator -Allen's resolution was referred to the committee on foreign relations. Speedy action action was promised. - H. F. Sewall, of Maine, ha3 been appointed Minister to Hawaii. Moses N. Harsbaw was today nominated postmaster at Lenoir N. C. Washington, April 22. A good many ah.rurd rumors, set afloat for stock jobbing purposes, hive b?erv sent out that the United States might be drawn into pending troublesr abroad. The State department states that the most timid citizen need give hinuelf no uneasiness on this score. ,l The administration is "not greatly perplexed by tha outbreak of war between Greece and Turkey. Wo, . have" iittie cunimvrcc with tlies-. w countries, and very slight interests. - Id is believed one or the otiier, as the present rate of ' progress, will scon terminate hostilities. Washington, April 22 The Republican members of th financa. committee of the Senate hu,ve reach ed an agreement either to strike out the retroacti-ve clause of the Dingley bill or to amend it so as to practical- ly to do so. . SPECIAL AMBASSADOR TO BE SENT To Athens to Settle the Trouble Bet ween Greece and Turkey. By Telegraph to Th News. , Paris, April 17. A dispatch from Athens says it is reported the Sultan is about to send Karatheo dora, Pasha, as an extraordinary embassador to Athens to negotiate directly with King George for tlja settlement of the Graceo-Turkish question. Salonica, April "17 The bat talions station d at TTskub, in readi ness to start for the Greek frontier, have been suddenly sent in ha,ste to Verna on the 'Montenegrin frontier. Another battalion, now in coarse of? formation, will fullow soon. Thia unexpected movement of the Turk- ish troops has given rise to the report that serious danger is apprehended in that direction. MRS. U. S. GRANT4LL flay Not be Able to. Atten trio Dcdi cation of the Grant Ma By Telegraph to The Ne : Washington, April v S. Grant is iil, and may be able to attend the v the monument erected t u. ynofe of orr ex uenerat urant. pected to arrive in N ; lat'er part of the week. New York. Great c the Grant mausoleum e the placing of hi3 body cophasus. One of the la New York ha3 ever seeM at the dedication. Seats at all the larg stands are being sold prices are pafd for pr and windows on the stre route of the parade.. Tried to Aasasat nate Druien- Montevideo, April i tempt has been made to the- Presideni of Uru Idiarte Boria. ' He was the ballet missed. His . been arrested. ; i ; H f i : e 'I