si Hp HS ;p gy VOL VI J J CHARLOTTE. N, C THURSDAY. MAY (1 i8'7 JW. 4jB . '.IIS 9 "iLlts a. The Valu of Cimsl inu y . "The oonsirintjrc'p irr Wears way the hnrcU si sione; The eoneuuu tfttawof 'ImssiT Masticates the toughest bone; Tue constant cooirg lover Carrion .- Die Muh!ui: mul l; And the consiruit aiivrrtl. cr ' Is the one who getb the trarta." FAILMlvRS' COLUMN rAv I KP - An onlinnry avpeftter to pu t, nj S'dc Hurro v in shop lv pii'tcn, ri,hi. away. W. O. Bailed P.ncvi le, N. :. ;Vdlt wit. "G?(11 SAT.E--1 have riisfovcred s" m! prom- - isinsr irukl yimi'S v my phu'e mul nspo"t on iUMi will il at reasonable price. Kor tii!ther i n forma t i iii.ddress W. D Pe;i'tv, Sand if er. X. (i. 12t-w2t I'('N'!S wy-ol wanted at Blum's -J vU Hi.i- .nil Km- More. Mi-irlotte. X. ( 12 It POK SA I.F.- battel Morraapest Deeds. 1 Mortfjatre Li'l- Tru'tfes Deed mi.: therletfal blanks at Vevs& Timfs r'rlntinur Hoiij-e, -"' n Ti on street. -5-tt-d:w. F ifns iriiifed and for sale "i m - s odiee. ilocw at tne N ws the Merchants and Farmers National Bnk, ;F CHARLOTTE. , Aceoums bo h large and small solicited Intere-t paid on time deposits. AVe want your patronage. J. II. McADEN, President JNO. M. M1LLEK, Jr., Cashier. FaTmors Attention! When in town on business and want a fii st-elass umoer, come to the Model Restauiant, 21 AV Trade Street. Fresh fish always on hand. Link & Haroiltori. GARDNER'S LTGIITNINCt FLUX Drops is ihc only reme iy known th it has never failed to cuie any &c. Fy sale by R H Jordan & C , and he Charlotte run Co Prepared by J. F. GaUPNER. apl 1 Flornec, N. C. 6 re at Southern Detective o ( J 7 CHARLOTTE N. C. All legitimate detective work done well at reasonable rales. Best 1" refer ences. 2-'-8-0m T A TT WANT Emplovment. V 1 1 WANT a vacancy filled I H WAN T Information. 1 U WANT ! Send 5 cent? in stamps and we will tell you how to get it. Address, Southern Employment and Intelli gence Bureau, lxO Fayetteville S reet, Raleigh, iN. C. Alexander's "NEW CASH STORE" does away with time profits, time prices and all risks Bird in the hand worth two in the bush One $ cash worth two promised when the harvest comes and cotton is sold. Make3 y our heart glad to se suc'a se lect iroods at such very moderate prices. One special value of many is 3000 yd elegant corded .'awn, value 10c, our price Gc yard. Hundreds asking for MU STAPH A PLAIDS, it's 5c; wider than Alamance, heavi er, better colors and nicer every way for shirts and dresses. i We are strictly Ladies' Goods House. Have Shirtings and S aplos of every kind. 13 AVe-t Trade Street. No Tick House. The Wheel Business is OURSPECI&LTY and we claim to do the best, repair work in the State. Have ycu seen the '97 Aetna? It is a good one. $75. 00. Full line of sundries. J". 1VC. HEIZBE' waTTTmTnr Anril 30 It is Washington, April 30. w . What About Gen, towlei? unofficially announced this morning that the President has decided to appoint Isaac F. Hopkins, of Geor gia, minister to Greece, IS THE WAR ENDED T Cont;uihies Array Kefrcat After the Bi- Battle. Both bides Claim the Victory in Yes terday's Battle1, the Most Hotly -Fought Contest of the War. By Telegraph to The News. Athens, May G The Greek army vbi?h was engaged with the Turkish forces about Pharsala yes terday, retreated last night, and has taken up a position at Domoko, ten miles southwest of Pharsala, London, May 6. News today of the situation in Pharsala is hope lessly conflicting. Both sides claim the victory in yesterday's battle, which is described as the greatest that has yet been fought since the beginning of the war. A dispatch from Athens dated 1:40 o'clock this afternoon confirms the report of the retreat of the Greek arm v. It says the whole ami v. led by Pi-nice Constauiine, retired in 1 good ordr-r during the nK'ht. This ! is a decisive suoke of war and prac tical iy puts an end to the struggle HIGH PRAISE INDEED. The Spectators and the Entertain ments are Both Remarkable at the Circus. We have the exceTent Authority of the New York Sun for the state ment whic'a follo-.vs about the won derful show of -Barnuin & Ji.iiiey which will exhibit here on Wednes day, May "12 ih. The spectators are a brilliant part of the Harnum & Bailey show at Madison Square Gar den. No gathering iu that great, not even at the horse or doo- exhibition, have brought to gether assemblages -more positively fashionable. The boxes are nearly ail tilled at every performance by circus uanie.J, children predominat ing in liie afternoons, while tinely clothed aud mannered adults com pose the eei2ing groups The enter tainment is as good us auy that the Barn urn-Bailey firm has ever pre sented, and in smoothness and cele rity it is an improvement on former seasons. From the opening of the doors until 8 o'clock the crowds pass through the menageries, which is an excellent collection, contaiuing not only the hardier beasts common to the show, but a number of crea tures such as the rhinoceios, hippopotamus, and the giraffe not often seen in captivity. Tlk iCmi modations of the Garden suit them selves admirably to the requirements, for the stall served for a good inci dental display tf circus horses and ponies. The arena diversion begins at 8 o'clock with three rings and three platforms, and not a moment is lost in the very rapid succession oi feats in gymnastics, equestrianism, and the training of animals which ha3 been described in the Sun as a big affair. The new, clean attractive interior of the Garden gives to this huge entertainment an air of gentil ity and refinement quite in keeping with the character of the audience. Johanna, the famous gorilla, is the only creatuie of its kind in captivity in the world, and is startlingly human like in everything. Tne 70 trained horses which perform many marvelous feats at the same time in the same ring, the three herds of educated elephants, and the new en tertainment with its picturesque features are all most meritorious. MEMORIAL DAY NEXT MONDAY- Charlotte WiU Commemorate the Virtues of the Dead Heroes. Next Monday is Memorial Day, the day we pay tribute to those who died in defence of our southland. It is the usual custom in Chariotte to Vmvp suitable exercises on that dav. Mr. J. M. Sims, on the part of trie j Confederate Veterans, and Dr. C. A. ; Bland for the sons of Confederate 1 ' , i :..,! ' Vpfprfitis. nave Deeii auneuuieu iu , ! net a sneaker for the occasion. Hon. Tnomas W. xMason has been asked to be present and deliver an address, but owing to the recent death of his wife, it is not sure he will attend. A good speaker, however, will be on hand and the ceremonies in every respect be fitting to the occasion. Since the above was written the News has been informed by Squire R John chalmers will deliver the memorial address. There is not a single prisoner in Cleveland county jail. WILL NOT RETREAT. GREEKS Will FIGHT THE CONTEST OUT. Turks Wanted an Armistice so as to Bury Their Dead. Grave Charge Agiinst King George. tsy Telegraph to The Nw. v, Athens, May 4. Good authori ties say the Powers have made over tures to Greece on the subject of peace, but the Government declines to invoke the meditation of Europe. The King has decided Athens. to remain in It appears the Turks have . asked an armistice in order to bury " their dead. Ths request was referred to Commander in Chief, from whom a definite reply was forthcoming, but the armistice will be tacitly ob served. The Greeks speak with emoiion of their enemy's gallantry. When General Smolenski starts f Pharsala to assume his duties as chiti of staff, General Jannikosta will probably succeed him in com mand of the second brigade. KING CH AHO ED WITH SPECULATING. Paiims, May -i Gil Bias says the King of Greece has used the crisis in the affairs of his country to spec ulate in the bonds of Greece atd Turkey, as a result of which he has cleared from 30,l00,000 to 35,000, 000 francs. EMPIiESS FREDERICK PROTESTS. Berlin, May 4. Tne Empress Frederick h '. cempla ned to the Kaiser for alio-ving German ollicers to be sent from Tier to assist the Turk?, esp-daily in the artillery service. P. is cia:med the Emperor replied thai th" Greeks had scouted the idea of bem assisted hv the Germ .ins. Th. Greek-', he a: id, VJ excellent arlilk . and with German llicers diiecung tue guns, would be superior to i h- Turks. LONDON' MARKETS FIRM. London, May 4 Stock exchange markets continue lirm acel British consuls have advanced further. Paris advices quote French rates as unchanged and the Bourse steady. The money market is a shade easier today. There is almost absolute stagna tion in the American department, prices being tdiade below New York parity, but the figures are really without signification. MORALE OF THE AHMY GOOD. Athens, May 4. Colonel Tsa maios, minister of war and Theotoki minister of the interior, have re turned from a tour of inspection of the Greek forces in the vicinity of Pharsala. They immediately had a long in terview with Premier Ktlli, who decided that the government never, entertained amy idea of the Greeks retreating to Domoko orLarnia. The morale of the army at Pharsala is pronounced. WHOSE HAND IS ITP A Man's Hand Found on Brevard Street This Horning. The neighborhood of Brevard street between Eighth and Ninth was very much exercised over the finding of's hand Friday morn ing. Some one passing along that wTay ! was attracted by a peculiar odor and j upon investigating from whence it I i come, euscovereet tne memoer iving ; near tne siuewaiK. ueeomposinon was to such, an extent that those who saw it could not tell whether it was the hand of a white or colored man It is supposed that it was buried somewhere near the place' whf-reit was found and was unearth- j ed by dogs A News reporter en ! quireu among cue pny.ic.ans wneui- : er they had amputated a hand late- 1 rr Thpc thpv hnvp nnr Thp .1 1.11 1 have not. The v -"-" J nero workman at the diver Oil mill that lost a hand several weeks ago was the only unfortunate one and that member is in the possession j of a physician. So the mysteti- ous find still remains a myteiy. Anarchists Sentenced to Death. Barcelona, April 30. Five more Anarchists convicted last De cember of complicity in the bomb throwing which occurred last June, were sentenced to deaih today. The proceedings of the trial were con ducted with the strictest secrecy. THE PARIS DISASTER aiOST FATAL OH THE CONTINENT SINGE 1831. President Faure Visited the' Scene This Morning' -67 Bodies Identified, 44 Still L'nclaimed--Alany More Still in the Ruins. By Telegraph to Th Newi. Paris, May 5. The details of the bui ling of the Grand Bazaar de Charite yesterday are slowly filtering out. It is now plain that it is more terrible than any catastrophe on the continent siuce !the burning of the King theatre at Vienna in 1881, where eight hunure'd persons were burned. i The bodies of sixty-seven have been identified, and forty four are still unclaimed. Still there are a number of bodies in the ruins, and the number of those killed will never be known. Many of the bodies were com pletely dismembered. Workmen are busy excavating the ruins in search of bodies. President Faure visited the in jured this morning, rendering every measure of assistance possible. WILD GRIEF IN PARIS. Bodies of the Unidentified to be Buried With a Public Funeral Saturday. By Teiefeiaph to The Newt. Paris, May C. The excitement and grief are as wild this morning as yesterday. Pelafives move from one charred ti unk in the Palais de L'lndustrie to another this morning, hunting hopelessly for some mark of identity that will permit them to choose one of the cf-arred bodies to take home and weep over, and bury it. Since the Duehcsse D'Alencon wss identified by htr teeth, hus-1 amis and wives have been sending to tin ir family dentists hoping they will find some tangible clew, even though the body be but a hideous mass of burned flesh and bones. The unidentified bodies, it was announced this morning, will be buried with a public funeral and services from Notre Dame Saturday. The whole nation will mourn. Pres ident Faure and his Cabinet, Royal ists and Republicans, will be present. Pere Richaud will officiate. More than one hundred and forty two of the eiead have been accounted this morning. Terrible Dlsssteriu Paris. Paris, May 4. Fire broke out at four o'clock this afternoon in the Charitable Bazaar, crowded with well-known people, and many were burned to death. There was a ter rific panic. Thirty bodies have been recovered and many more are miss ing. TARIFF BILL HELD UP. Jones Intimates That General Debate Will Not Begin on the 18th. By Telegraph to the News. Washington, May 6. Senator Jones of Arkansas, today made a speech in the senate announcing that the tariff bill debate cannot even commence May 18tb, unless comparative statements promised for today are promptly furnished. Senator AJiison repiieel they cannot be jeady before Saturday. Senator Jones publicly intimated that the bill won! el not be taken up at the date fixed. Iu the house ,a resolution was reported from the committee on rules to adjourn every Monday and'ihurs day until further notice. It will be adopted. Bailey opposed the rule on the ground that it meant nn in definite postponement of the Nelson bankruptcy bill. Married In South Carolina. Correspondency of the News. Pineville, N. C, May 5. Mr. W. T. Wallis and Miss Lenora Slater, and J. L. Kiser and JVliss Rosa Jordan, all of Charlotte, were married Sunday, May 2nd, by W. O. Bailes, the notary public in South Carolina. There were many friends out to see them married and all had a very pleasant time. ' TURKS REPELLED. 6R' EKS BLOW U? A RAILROAD TUN NEL. Member of tbe Former Greek Cabi net Fomenting the Peeling Against King George. By Telegraph to The News Athens, M-.-v I rJei'u'ditiir the battle of Velec r 1,0. Piime Me:i-ter Ralli sav.-: 'General Smoletiiz tele graphed that h repel! eel a desperate attack by Turks whoe loss is very great, and that the morale cf the Greek forces is unimpaired. "The new cabinet has not had time to frame a programme. Reports from the front addressed to my pred ecessor lacked clearness.'' He has decided it will be wise to send two members of the cabinet to Pharsala in order to encourage the army, which is fighting valiantly, and investigate the condition of af fairs. Ralli is not aware of a y. act or proposal of febe Powers looking to intervention. FOMENTING REVOLUTIONARY FEEL ING. Athens, May 1. Certain mem bers of the late cabinet are indus triously fomenting the anti-royalist feeling by statements in the press calculated to reflect upon King George. Queen Olga and Crown Princess Sophia are working day and night like Sisters of Mercy. The queen's health still leaves much to be desired. BOMBARDED BY GREEKS. Athens, May .1 A dispatch from Santa Mura, the capital of the islam, 011 the west coast of Greece, araioutuvs that the Greek gunboat flotilda in the gulf bom barded the Turkish coast near Nicop oils and Santa Petra. The Turks lied. BLEW UP A TUNNEL. Slonioa, ? 1. Four :y'n sand Gieks !;; tided at- Keauinoti and blew up the rail way runnel near Okajilar. A strong band of insurgents appeared at Neviesa with the intention of cutting elf communication with, Troops have been has tily sent to Monastir as an atrack there is feared. YOUNG A3! ERICA FOR GREECE. New York. May 1. Twexity American boys started for Greece on French liner La Gascogne this morning. They range from 17 to 22 years old. conference of the powers. London, May 1. Lord Salisbury proposes that a conference of the Powers be held in Paris for the pur pose of settling affairs in the East. TOWNSHIP TJRUSTEES MEET. Officers Re-elected--Co-operate With , Convict Board to Finish Sugar Creek Road. The township trustees met Tues day morning in the court house. The following officers were elected: 1). P. Hutchison, chairman; W. W. Phifer, clerk. Messrs C. H. Wolfe, M. C. Mayer and D. P. Hutchison elected road committee. There was no other business before the meeting and at noon they adjourned. . The report of D, T. Ritch, super visor, was read and approved. ' The new act passed by the last Legisla ture was read, but was so complicat ed and mixed that the trustees re fused to take action on it. Chairman Hutchison stated that he had left on hand $998 left over from the taxes of 1895, the 1896 taxes not having yet coaie in. Road Commissioner McDonald appeared before the board, and they agreed to co operate , with the new road commissioners iu completing the Sugar Creek road. BURYING THEIR DEAD. Fighting Between Greeks and Turks at Volo Suspended. Volo, May 5. The fighting has been stopped here, in order to bury the dead The Turkish advance guard which attacked General Smolenitz's division at Velestino has retired. Its loss in the recent fierce struggle i3 estimated at one thous and. The Greeks held their posi tions. WAITING FOR DEFINITE NEWS. London, May 5 Stock exchange markets are firm and somewhat quiet because of the lack of definite news as to the progress of peace negotiations in southeastern Europe. $3,000,000 FIRE. IN THE HEART OF PlTTGOtEUrS BUSINESS CENTRE. Occurred Before Day This McrnfirgJ Duaucsne Theatre Burped Fia Alvin J'iay house Destroyed. By Te!rr&ih to The News. "1 'iTTsnuii.r,, Pi. Mav 3.- -12 in.- The liie was c nfined to the UlocJfca bounded by Fifth and Sixth street Liberty and Pennsylvania avenues The loss will greatly exceed the first estimates and will probably amount to three millions. The firemen injured are: 2!i!ca Daly, Elmer Crocow, George Meek in. William Irwin, and Robert Badgers The principal losers are: Herns s Co, dry goods; T. C. Jenkins; Du quesne theatre; Mayer's glove hous W. P. Giier & (Co; SeTamans; t2i Methodist Bood Concern and tenants There are about fifty others xrboib losses range from $2,000 to $25,CC$ each. Pittsburg, May 3. Fire wiisdia covered before day this morning in the general merchandise and produce store of T. C. Jenkins, on Liberty street, near Fifth avenue, in thQj business centre of the city. . WitJU. the arrival of the first engi.iea it; was seen that the fire was likely to spread to the surrounding property and a second alarm was sent, oirfe. It wac quick-iy followeel byi ifneral call for all the fiie apparatus in th$ city and-Allegheny's fire depa?;meiiti was calied upon. When all the engines had reached the fire it. lad t-pn-Ml until the square bound d by V ih. aenue Liberty street, P. n S i aaia civenuQ) and Sixth avenue vas in a blaze. Streams were put on k from every side, but it suadjly gained on th& firemen and at Una hour it threat-'-ens to 6.tep tiLt entire part of lira city. ' . Heme'. big . ",: le.k'alo and retail dry goods hoii.v, the Duquesno thca tre, several luge office buildinga and a number of retail shps anci, . wholesale stor- 3 are burvrg. Tha Hotel Audeitouu, one 1 .it, chiedt; hotels in the city, occupies, the cor- ner of Pennsylvania aud Fifta are nues It is crowd.! with guests but none of them are in any danger and they will huve sufficient time to escape. The costly Alvin theatre, said t& be the most e pensive playhousa outside of New Vork, and th3 Bijou theatre, controlled by the same mar agement which conducts the Stajf theatre in New Yen k, are in th&fe block. In about iwo hours $2,500,-. 000 worth of property went up in fire. Jenkins, the wholesale grocer suffers a loss of $ 00,000; Jos. Qorn5 & Co.; retail dry goods, loss $500, 000 Other firni3 are damas'eei. from $50,000 to $100,000. The. building in which the Methodist;' Book concern is located was destroy ed. It is reported that one fireman hat been killed. DEATH OF MISS HOLOBQUGtf. The Remains Taken to Rowan C ty for Burial. Mi33 Amanda Holobough died at the residence cf her brother, Mr. Gv M. Holobough on East Moreheacl street Friday night at 11:45 o'clock She had been in bad " health for many months and had been rapidly declining for the past two weeks. Her end was peaceful ael khe dieel - clinging to the Cbrii-Uun hop Miss Holobough was 'in ,5tnU. year. She has been r years a consistent GVi: eoiinec'ee i heisclf with church at this p ace t. cv. The remains were number c haying; 1j vtt her ail . :l 1; iuf'm- t.-Uii to Sfev John's church, rive m, bury, for burial. t In ) 3 1 - 1 S.;lia u-nj.jnce of . Dr. 'Bowman Re v. H. L. At L ins con ducted the services at :nca Situ diy. Dr. Bo wm . t will at tend the funeral that tu-kos place on tomorrow and will conduct the ser- yice3 at the grave. m- ' Rumor That Tariff Hill .Vill Fail. Washington, May 1. The Pres ident today ordered a suspension four days of the sentence of Joseph R. Dunlap, editor of the Chicaga Dispatch. A rumor was started today to tha effect that the tariff bill would ' not pass, but it seems to have no. other purpose than to affect the New York: stock market.

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