THE CHARLOTTE MEWS, DECEMBER 5, 1914. 10 . il Is a Powerful Influence in Blood - i i Works With a Definite Pur pose and Is a Known Antidote. There are some things in medicine that lire certain and definite. They do tho work. S S. S. is one of theee reliable and is a known antidote tor: all blood troubles. More than that, it . is harm less, for It does not hurt the stomach, does not 'affect the bones and joints, nor does it alter the integrity of the nerves and spine. -But it does sweep through the blood, a. powerful, searching, cleans ing influence, remarkable for results and a tremendous' relief to those who suffer the humiliation of skin eruptions. Nearly all sickness is due to slugglsa blood. And if you let S. S. S. bathe your System with its wonderful influence your nervous troubles, your wan, weary, faded, listless, lifeless body will revive and be come so renewed with, the sense of enjoy able health you will scarcely know your self Try S. S. S. today. Get a bottle jit any drug store. It will put you on your -feet; keep you going all day and enable you to sleep sound and restful. S S. S. is not a "dope," not 'a physic, but a fine, bracing, purifying medicine that is sure to do you a world of good. It is just what you need. S. S. S. is prepared by The Swift Specific Co., 60 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., and if you are troubled with any stubborn blood disease their medical department will guide you safely to health. Write them. ment that tiiey -will have on board. " 'In addition to the above there are being manufactured at the gov ernment works at" Newport and the Bliss ' works at Brooklyn a sufficient number to provide all of the battle ships of the United States navy with the long-range torpedo. - " 'All of the armored cruisers ex cept four and all of the older de stroyers are provided with 19-inch tubes. All of the cruisers and all of the destroyers subsequent to destroy er No. 28 are provided with torpedoes that were up to date in range and speed one . year ago. Since then a scheme has been developed for in creasing the range of the 18-inch tor pedo, and there now are in process of construction 18-inch torpedoes of the newer type, which will outfit all de stroyers from No. 28 with the long range weapon. " 'Long- torpedoes neither are re quired nor desired for submarines. Submarine warfare is of such a char acter as to make it advisable to use short range, high-speed torpedoes, and that is the class that submarines are being furnished with. The Aboukir, Cressy and Hogue were torpedoed re cently, it will be recalled, at a range of 500 yards.'" NIELS DEFE EQUIPMENT IF TIE ill Washington, Dec. 5. What officials regard as popular exaggeration of ad mitted defects in the American navy's torpedo equipment was the subject of a statement issued last night by Sec retary Daniels embodying a special report from Rear Admiral Strauss, chief of the bureau of ordnance. Spe cifically the statement was prepared to prove misleading a declaration that ;"of long range torpedoes there are only 58 in the navy," quoted from a speech by Representative Gardner of Massachusetts, who is urging the ad ministration to support his resolution for an investigation of the nation's military preparedness. , While the recent discussion of the subject has dealt only with the equip ment of battleships and cruisers, Ad miral Strauss took occasion to point out that long range torpedoes are neither required nor desired for sub marines. He recalled that the Brit ish armored cruisers Aboukir, Cressy and Hogue were torpedoed and de stroyed by a German submarine at a range of 500 yards. "This statement standing by itself is calculated to leave a false im pression," said Mr. Daniels. "In view of repeated statements that the navy has only 58 long range torpedoes, the chief of the bureau of ordnance has been asked to furnish a statement concerning the torpedo situation and has complied as follows: "The 1 8 long-range torpedoes so of ten referred to as the only ones the navy possesses are of the 21-inch 21 foot type, and there is no ship in the United States navy yet in commis sion that is prepared to take them. They were manufactured for new con struction, beginning with the Nevada and the Oklahoma, and these two ships will not go into commission un til about the end of next year. Their long range is obtained by an increase in length over existing types, and no ship prior to the Nevada and Okla homa is constructed for torpedoes of this length. So far as the bureau of ordnance can ascertain these . torpe does have as high a range, or higher, than any torpedoes manufactured abroad. 'Beginning with the Virginia class, which went into commission princi pally -in 1906, and up to and including the Texas, which went into commis sion this year, all the battleships are provided with 21-inch 17-foot tubes. Within the last two years it was found possible to so improve the 21 inch 17-foot torpedo as to practically double its range, and steps were tak ?n at once to construct new torpedoes having the increased range. We al ready have a sufficient number of these longer range torpedoes to out fit the eight most recent dreadnaughts Jn commission, and that is the equip- ESS LETTERS TOO LONG VIDE! Special to The News. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 5. "Tne average business man's letters are too long winded," said an efficiency expert lec turing here before a business men's club." They are too full of super fluous phrases. They fail to come to the point, say what they mean and quit. "The average letter writer could profit by taking lessons from a good newspaper man, who knows how to write tersely, .put it all in a few words and then come to a full stop. I think the tendency toward long let ters is induced by the dictating habit. A man likes to hear the-sound of his own voice, and he finds dt easy to keep traveling on, talking around in a circle, while the poor girl does all the work. If he had to use an old fashioned pen, or hammer the keys himself, he would learn brevity." The expert suggested the entire omissions of such phrases as "Dear Sir," "Awaiting your early reply," and "Yours very truly." "Nobody reads them, anyway, so why kills space and time," suggested the efficiency man. Make the Liver Do its Duty t$ne time in ten when the liver Is right thm tomach and bowcii are ngnu CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly pel a lazy 1WT oo ks duty. Cures Con etipation, Indiges tion, e- 1- Headache, and Distress after Eating. Small Pill, Small Dew, Small Price Genuine miutu&t Signature a. I f I Carters! jt :.'V -, I HI . .mm U OVER BABY'S HEADJIJODY Scurf on Scalp. Grew Worse. Very Restless. Formed Crust. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Trouble Disappeared. 1341 Parkwood PI.. N. W., "Washington; D. C. "When my babe was about two weeks old I noticed a scurf on her scalp which gradually grew worse. It started with a fine rash over head and body and made her very restless at night. The rash left the thick scurf on her head. We used , , a well-known anti septic, and other remedies recommended by friends, but nothing seemed to do any good. This continued until she was three months old and by that time it formed sort of a crust, so that her scalp never looked clean. It was 'especially bad on the soft part of the head. Nothing helped until we used the Cuticura Soap to bathe her and Cuticura Ointment to anoint her. They acted like magic, clearing the scalp entirely. The trouble disappeared." (Signed) Mrs. H. L. Ander son, Mar. 20, 1914. Samples Free by Mail Care for your hair with Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. They keep the scalp clean and free from dandruff, allay itching and irritation and promote natural hair-growing conditions when all else fails. Although Cuticura Soap (25c.) and Cuti cura Ointment (50c.) are sold by druggists everywhere, a sample of each with 32-p. Skin Book will be sent free upon request. Address: "Cuticura. Dept. T. Boston.'! For Rent Eight-room house, 1004 West Second street. Large rooms, all conveniences, cement walks, close in, $20 Per Month J.H.McAden 200 South Cedar St. Phone 350. IN 'TZj Drompt relief fc3 . i REVS BLADDER C ' in umiiaM laiWIIfl f-m ill 3 i u The great indoor fur nace the incomparable MONITOR RADIATOR with its Five Front Flues, thus doubling the radiating surface of the stove. MOSTs HEAT, LEAST FUEL. See them at J. N. McCausland & Company 221 S. Tryon St. lime l 4 ml e firast ml pendenc Capital and Profjts over $650,000. We don't know what your business is but we do know it is your business to have an account with the INDEPENDENCE TRUST COMPANY. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits and Time Certificates of Deposits. W. A. WATSON, Vice President. W. M. LONG, Vice. President t OFFICERS J. H. W EARN, Chairman. J. H. LITTLE, Presiden E. O. ANDERSON. Cashier E. E. JONES, Asst. Cashier Stores and Offices OR RENT IN THE ARCADE (Opposite Law Building South Tryon Street.) Second floor offices $12-50, $15.00 and $25.00 per month, including running water in each office, light, heat, and janitor service. , Elegant stores in the Arcade on first floor $25.00 per month, In cluding heat and water. Phone us for reservations. , Charlotte Consolidated Construction Co Suite 221-224 Piedmont Bldg. Telephone 155. In Selecting A Christmas Why not stop to consider what you can get for 33 1-3 cents a day. That is all it takes to buy a Hallet & Davis Piano, 75 years in the lead, on my easy monthly payment plan. Write for special Christmas Terms and Prices. W. H. Bass Factory Distributor Phone 2476. Charlotte, N. C. A Fine Suburban Purchase. 56-acre tract just one mile from the City Limit Derita Road. Has 1200 to 1400 feet front on macad road, and also about same frontage on belt road hznt to North Charlotte, . Good six-room cottage situated in fine Oak grove Two tenant houses and barn on premises. Also brick store-room. We consider this the best purchase in a suburban tract anywhere around Charlotte. Owner's reason for selling is that he is desirous of purchasing a larger trat in another County and wants to make quick sale. Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Co, The Burning Question ' Genuine Gas Coke will prove economical, particularly so for users of Pocahontas Coal for furnaces. , Standard Blue Gem is always good and deliveries are made from weather protected bins, assuring good dry coal when loaded. Pocahontas Coal, prepared sizes, for those who have failed to economize by burning gas coke. Anthracite from Susquehanna mines in nut, stove and egg sizes. Standard Ice & Fuel Company PHONE 19 8-Rooms, Modern, 803 No. Church street: $35.00 per month 6 rooms, modern, Park Court, Elizabeth $25.00 per month 6-Rooms, Modern, Baldwin Avenue, Elizabeth.... $22.50 per-month 5- Rooms, Modern Bungalow, 314 Polk Avenue, Elizabeth. .$20.00 per month 8-Rooms, Modern, 302 West Sixth street '. $22.50 per month 4- Room Apartment, No. Brevard street.. $18.50 per month 6- Room Bungalow, Modern, 317 West Bland street $16.50 per month 6-Room Bungalow, Modern, 315 West Bland street $16.50 per month 5- Room Bungalow, Modern, 305 West Bland street.. ....$15.00 per month Several 5-Room heated Apartments close in, enquire for prices. ( INSURANCE. . Phone or call to see us for rates on all kinds of insurance, fires are much more prevalent at this season of the year than any other, and to all those who think rates are too high to carry insurance, would be pleased to furnish any information that we could to help in getting rates reduced. But do not be without insurance when the fire comes. mii 11 ITU Tliw O ii mes-amim jeaincy company EAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE ; Builders of Characteristic Homes. hterestiig, Mary An this Saturday business, with the Mutual B. & L. All day long yesterday we issued checks to happy men and women who had matured shares in the 48th July series. When told that we had beat the standard time and thus saved each one of them a little more money, all were pleased, but no one greatly surprised, and one young lady to whom we paid a thous and dollars said: "Why, Mr. Keesler, we expect good and great things at the hands of the 'best association on earth, and from the stunts of the secy, and He's never disappointed us yet!" BY GRABS, SIS, THAT GAL . .. . sure did get next to me, for I saw a diplomat, a business woman, an ideal economist, an anti-suffragette, and I a married man! Ge Whiz! Bill Johnson, think of that! YES, THE NEW SERIES opens Dec. 5th, and Girls, take the advice of this old blister, who loves a good and pure and attractive woman above all things else on earth: Be modest, be truthful, be energetic, love the home and love little ones, be as onuiant as a star, if possible, and just as beautiful as you can make yourself, and you will be the greatest wik i tho Creator, and the most po i - 'tfr in molding the acts of mripn. You can carry chares in this Building & Loan Association and me all of those beautiful things, and you can do them, each and every one, without the ballot. ; E. L. KEESLER, Sec. & Treas. PHONE 344. 25 S. TRYON ST. FOR RENT Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern " i i Modern 10-room house, with garage, very desirable. Modern 5-room Apartment, 15 West 6th . Modern 9-room house 313 N. College "up-town". . . . . Modern 7-room house, 1103 East 7th street Modern 6-room apartment, 10 West 7th Modern 9-room houe 414 East 7th street. .'. . .... Modern 9-room house 309 Park Avenue modern 7-room house No. 9 N. Fox St.... .... .. house 614 N. Graham street house, 707 N. Graham street. house 715 N. Graham . . . . . . cottage, 207 N. Seigle house. 613 East 9th.. .... ... 7-room house No. 10 S. Davidson.... . 6-room house 1014 N. Tryon ... 6-room house 606 N. Poplar .; ; .. 6-room hnnsA K08 Rast 5th.'. . ' Modern 6-room house, 1118 S. Boulevard .. Modern 5-room cottage, 1013 East 4 th street Two 5-room houses 16-18 West Palmer, each. . . modern 5-room cottage 408 West 12th street. . . . ........ ;. . . . J. ArtlhiTuir Hendeirson 7-room 6- room 7- room 5- room 6- room $30.00 35.00 40.00 22.50 30.00 . 30.00 25.00 22.50 25.00 20.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 20.00 16.00 12.50 10.00 17.00 DOLLAR OR TWO SAVED weekly isn't much at the start, but keep it up for one year, and you'll have quite a sum to your credit'. Fortunes have had their start from such savings isn't it time for you to begin? 4 per cent interest compounded quarterly. SOUTHERN LOAN & SAVINGS BANK JNO. M. SCOTT, Pres. W. S. ALEXANDER, V. P W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. A. M.' McDONALD, V. P. ' "pan For Sale. Modern 6-Room HouseClose In All Improvements. I have a combination offer a little cash, the usualy monthly rent, and weekly B. & I dues to make on this house that should interest the man unable to pay in full for a home. Within a very short time business conditions will be back and above former it's fast improving and the man who buys now will not make, a mistake.. Let us talk this proposition over with you. J. H. McAden COO SOUTH CEDAR ST. PHONE 353 VIndemnity Facts There are nearly 100,000 people killed by accident in this country ev ery year. There are 11,000,000 people injured in this country. One person in eight each year meets with an ac6ident. You cannot prevent accidents, but you should ' provide for your depend ents. Consult with us today about a Royal policy and be fully protected Garollsia Reality Company . W. D. Wilkinson, Pres., J. D. Hall, Mgr. Ins. Dept., B. R. Lee, Sec. He Easiest fay to pay all bills or send a remittance by mail is to forward a check. Besides it's safer and less expensive than sending the cash or money order. We invite your account subject to check. erctnamts .& Farmers atiomal Easiife. S5 EAST TRADE STREET. Capital, $200,000.00 Surplus, $250,000.00 "OFFICERS:"' Geo. E. Wilson, President, Jno. B. Ross, Vice presioen W. C. Wllk'nson, Cashier. H. W. Moore, Asst. Casnie'. HOUSES FOR RENT South Tryon street, 10 rooms. .$75.00 East 7th, fine new furnished home, 9 rooms .... '. . . . . . . . .... .$60.00 West 12th street, 7 rooms.. ..$20.00 North Poplar street, 6 rooms. .$22.50 North Caldwell street, 7 rooms $30.00 Elizabeth Heights. 7 rooms. . . .$40.00 North Church street, 8 rooms. .$40.00 Mortn Brevard street, 8 rooms. .$27.50 East 5th street. 7 rooms. 99sn East Morehead street, fi rooms sps'nn Colonial Heights, 7 rooms., w.. $20.00 South Tryon street, 7 rooms. . . .$25.00 East 2nd street: 10 rooms - Qnnn Elizabeth HHeights, bungalow. .$25.00 JNortn uranam street, 8 rooms. .$22.50 Elizabeth Heights, fine furDis.erdJt room home with furnace, wlI14r-o0 for this winter at L-'o0 Soith Tryon street, 9 rooms. APARTMENTS FOR RENTS3250 North Davidson, 5 rooms 'o0 North Tryon street, Z rooms.. West 7th street, 5 rooms vriia and water. ... heat South Mint street, 5 rooms llfl$300o .... . . 45 00 South Tryon street, 5 rooms-.-- t Morehead street, 9 rooms wiw o0 . STORES FOR RENT. OFFICES FOR RENT. WAREHOUSES FOR R- MILL BUILDING FOR BJr F. Abbott Ifflifflaif MEvearthjn In Real Estate.'1 1002 Comm. V1 "FIRE INSURANCE"