THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, DECEMBER 13, 1914. THECA50LINE1 TO BE EI WITH STRICTNESS "This gasoline ordinance is one of special importance' to the people of Charlotte. " remarked Mayor Charles A Bland, to a , representative of the Charlotte News yesterday. - ' . Tn this? connection it is recalled that the board of alderman at its meeting , lcct Monday night, directed . City liJOiLlBBS ORCED : liM his West Haven, Conn., May 6, f274 14. Imperial Potentate Frederick R. Smith of the Mystic Shrine Will Probably Visit Charlotte Early in the Com ing Year. Ceremonial Officials Are Ap sain aii that a violation thereof would j pointed by the New Poten- . . - I 1 tate ot the iiortn uaronna Temple, Who Declares His Policy for Coming Year. Oasis Temple adopted the- recom- :!., Viq hanrts nr The: mean piiniu-m' - " - j itv recorder. - i It is considered entirely, probable! that there are many people m uie cuj . of Charlotte Avno are not itiimimi The provisions of this new ordinance and for that reason the entire ordin ance if herewith presented: mendations of Retiring Potentate 'The Board of Aldermen of the .City of Charlotte, do Ordain: '1 It shall be unlawful for any per son" firm or corporation to keep or tove more than five gallons of gaso Vn in anv part of the city: provided, however, that more than five gallons, and not exceeding two hundred and hf iv gallons of gasoline may be kept, it contained in a tank or suitable recep- The Peruna Co, Colxtmlms; Ohio . Gentlemen: . 4 The doctors limbs ache a joints, i Chase P. Ambler at the regular mid winter session here this week, and there are several matters of unusual importance to the Shrine in these re commendations," said Illustrious Pot entate John L. Pabbs yesterday . when asked what his policy would be, "and it is my intention to see that these ; recommendations together with all the j laws of th loved temple and of the ; Imperial Council are strictly adhered j to during .my administration. 1 tacie Placed under tre ground, anai w m., , .. lv covered, .and that the said j datum concerning the purchase ot h- j My toLCh toPublesJeWraMly. i i r a .1.1. lilUrhematim. v . heA arfr3Rr h T1' Qerunahejs) iiJUach-aWnce, s that I can eat and in KJJPI". rt lie-Jp 30 my m id THIS WEEK pIEBMQNI wry FIRST HALF have tank or receptacle be provided with a pump for drawing out tne gabuum-, provided that this shall not apply to ascline contained in an automobile or other machine of any kind; and provided further that dealers in gaso Mne mar bandie or keep stored gaso line outside of that portion of the city known as the -Fire Limits' when saia material is stored in iron or steel ranks separated from any building used tor anv other purpose, or when said material -Is stored in a building con-'-tructed of brick or stone, covered with an iron roof or an arched roof of fctone brick or concrete with no openings ' except the doors which shall be covered with iron or steel, and pro vided further, that wherever any gas ?e i.-ont i nanv Quantity, there (Ml kkT, lO v I-' - quor by the Temple io apply to all in toxicants and declares that none shall ! be bought with Temple money. Mr- Dabbs calls? especial attention to the edict of the Imperial Council relative to what is generally known as "street work." The highest author ity in the Shrines has decreed that nothing shall be done on the streets which is calculated to embarrass the candidate or humiliate him in any way. At the ceremonial session here last week the street work was elimi nated entirely and Mr. Pabbs declares that while he is potentate nothing of ! this sort shall be permitted. i "Iii fact," says he, '"the entire Impe-1 rial law will be enforced to the letter while I am in office." Big Shriner Coming. . , ; ihc rprentflcle.l " ls interesting to aanners to Know T1 W,XkariKfteVord !t!'at it is entirely probable that Dr. a clear, legible sign faring J 'fs. Frederick R. Smith, of Rochester, N. th. r, that any f J"? early part of the coming year Dr. or nnhittSralth is well known in this city as any Quanuty fihall p "Just a moment, Smith." When Da- of the fire departoient. "n maseus Temple of Rochester was en the amount ordinarily to be kept, ana to of the exact lcationthereor. , Impel.ial Council meeting, the Nobles "2. And P;. Srement stopped, off in Charlotte and were en violating any provi: urn or JSf; tertained by the local Nobility. Dr. seems to help the pains fave been disappoint eel so :h other remedies, and re- ' - times .with Peruna, that I ito "believe, that there is no other Qbrnedy for me. I thank you for your kind letters of advice. They have come to me in times of great discourage ment and always "been a consolation. I -shall never forget your kindness and the help received from Peruns Very sincerely-. Engagement Extraordinary EMOMEI A Riot Of Fun. Carlotta --St. Elmo ' GALLON Comedienne. Comedy Juggler. Gene & Arthlir That Piedmont OrcheirT In A The Latest "Contrast in Sweethearts." New York Musical Hits. EXTRA: Wedoesday Night, Amateurs, Fie Contests, Riot Of Fun. T. P. A. Officials Visit Posts Work of T. P. A. ot this smith, who wa anr snaupaj -irrtl abban, was w On Thursday evening. State Presi dent A. L. Byrd of this city, started for Statesville, where he was to meet s the state chairman of membership, J. j J. Norman of Winston -Salem, and to-1 gether make a round of calls on the j s then Imperial Chief !Psts in Western North-Carolina. j ith them and he made! iile Pst at statesville , was visited Thursday night and Y riday morning, i The post at Hickory was inspected on! 1ISS AHPY BOYD BROUGHT BACK TO HIO TIE ,1""""J r . n-,-J3j in rrm.r Ji&t 01 ineuus in iiiariotie. uie that " "it, tT.d he a en- date ot" h5s official visitation to Char tinue shall constitute and he a sep hag;uot been determined t but arate and distinct otfense. . ....he has signified his willinimA t. eonnict aerenu y- - j aiiu. a uoiu win buuii ue HtJt illlU jthe Nobility notified in ample time so mat tney may arrange to do homage to the big chief. Dabbs' Appointments. Potentate Dabbs has announced the appointment of the ceremonial officers FYtprwinn P,h3Dtei--p- eominS year, as follows: : - txiension uiapiei , E B Grallam; Captain Arab Patrol CI T .'JJn t" , n . , . o. iiuue-u, uirector or tne worK. Li. D. Sutherland, Meeting director. Av u. McCausland, Alchemist. 'All ordinances m are hereby repealed. . "pproved, raitified and adopted m regular meeting duly assembled this 30th day of July, 1914.'.' Books Wanted by Th Extension Chapter of the Y. W.J C . in its good work of teaching in j N'orih Charlotte needs the following j t.oLs. and as'is some one, or ones, to onRtf them: Tsliine?.' Intermediate Arithmetics,! nines' Standard Arithmetics, Web-: Blue Back Speller, McLorKies the follmv Ex-Sheriff T. J. Center, of Waldr,en, Friday afternoon and night. Saturday Scott county, Ark., acting in the ca-and- Sunday were to be spent with pacity of sheriff for the sheriff of that Post F., at Asheville. A Dutch lunch was held Saturday afternoon at - the Langren hotel and Saturday night, a very elegant dinner . was served at the Swannoa hotel, the post and its friends being the guests of the Swan nanoa. ..,..- Monday and Tuesday are to be giv en to the posts at Gastonia and Shel by.' As the wnole board of state di rectors was recently in Charlotte the i local post will not be called oh by the .Stories of the Old North State, Wood's j Second and .Third Readers, Stories or Great Americans for Little Americans, The Mother Tongue Books, One and Two. R- H. Ramsey, Alchemist. 'officials at this time George A.. Page, Scenic director. An item of interest regarding T. P. T. E. Austin, Electrical .director. 1 A. is that for every minute during R. L. Keesler, Musical director. '. the working hours of 1913, $2.16 was Potentate Dabbs has also appointed ' Paid out in claims for injury. tand a lug committees to serve the total oi $0,040,004.43 nas oeen pam A RUSSIAN CASSSIANCA. coming administration: during the 25 years of. T. P. A. life. Railroad committee J. E. McIllwain i Insurance and Other Matters, chairman ; J. W- Cuthbertson. O. x T. P. A. does a most efficient and Robinson. . 'low, cost insurance, for the traveler, Finance committee William" Ander- i having; paid out during the. past three son, chairman; W. W. Grier, J. A. Yar-j months over $120,000 in claims for in- uiougn lury and death. When one runs Punlifitv rnmmiltoo T Ani- - (Richmond Times-Dispatch.) way. Chairmail w nVtn. C A dispatch in the inaon Morning and others sp1prtlf, h. tM rf? Post contam, news the from tlni, s enormous class of interesting it reqUjre true." , It recounts that an unnamed It be noted 1that M D Russian soldier was assigned to sentry j erland has been named meeting direc duty by anvofficer who - J fpd n tor. Mr. Sutherland has been a direc short time afterwards. As the rule of trr hf th0 -nv v. v . , , 4. 1 1 "viiv uciciuiuie uut tne the Russian army is that a sentinel last meeting of the Temnle Drovided can only be relieved from duty by the for the election or appointaiS? of I nnctor him rr hv the Czar JS L avvyt-tMivm. ui a. meeting director who shall go to the city where a v ceremonial session is to be held some days , prior to the date of the meeting, as the represen tative of the potentate, and to assist and advise the local committee to the end that the. arrangements are uni farm. The Temple did not elect, this director, leaving his appointment to Mr. Dabbs, and in view of the most emcient work Mr. Sutherland has done officer who posted him or by the Czar :his Muscovite edition of Spanish casa ianca refused to be relieved for six heroic days, at the end of which pe riod a telegram .came from his emper or, taking him off the burning deck, that is to say, the frozen ground. This story may be true. Fifty years ago one would want it to be true, as indicating devotion to duty. In these analytical days it is only the unso phisticated who would see anything in the episodo except a wooden subjec tion to circumstances. Under like con ditions an American soldier would ac-: cept relief as soon as relief arrived. He would realize that if he. remained on watch ttoo long he would inevitably fall asleep, or at best into that coma tose condition between sleeping and,atizing and controlling publicity con 'i waking, when a man is quite useless ; cerning the North Carolina Temple as a sentry. "Faithful unto death" is From time to time other Nobles will doubtless high praise both in peaee ; be placed on this committee the v?- ! and war. But '-'Faithful unto stupidity" j rious cities where ceremonials are to ' i9 not. . j be held,' getting the appointments. 1 against a T. P. A. for information, it is items of "doing good" along other lines that are first mentioned, and with pardonable pride. . The T. P. A. has committees to look after hotels, the press, legislation, railroads, good roads, public utilities and employment, for the benefit and welfare of its members. -"Every piece of ; interchangeable mileage in use today is directly the results of the T. P. A. , The excess baggage rate reguiatidn by law in many states is the result of the untiring efforts of 1. P. A The chair in. the president of the United States' cabinet, styled "the de- county, arrived here yesterday at 10 o'clock, having, in his custody Miss Arpy Boyd, daughter of Mr. Thomas Boyd, a citizen of Lower Steel Creek township, and three-year-old X.eanna Wilson, daughter of Mr: Lewis Wil son, also of Lower Steel Creek. . Miss Boyd is , charged with kidnapping the child and Seeing with 'it to Arkansas, after the father of the child had In stituted habeas corpus proceedings on the 14th of September to recover possession of it from the keeping of Mr. Boyd's family, in whose keep ing it hadbeen since it was a few weeks old and who took it ; at that time at . the request of the child's mother, . while she w'as on her death bed; ; 1 " : . . History of Case. It will be recalled that Mr. Wilson, having . failed to convince a judge who was presiding at a term of court here over a year ago that he was able to take care of his child and should have it back, appeared before. Judge Shaw here in the early vpart of last September in habeus corpus proceedings again, with the purpose of getting possession of his child. Judge Shaw instructed Mr. Boyd to appear before him with the child on Saturday, September 14, and show cause- why he should not return the child to its parent. On Saturday Mr. Boyd appeared in court but without thee hild, saying his daughter, Miss Arpy Boyd, about 19 years of age, had disappeared and ' the child with her. - Judne Shaw again ordered Mr. its father, whom Mr. Boyd and mem-f bers of his family have, contended was not capable of taking care of the child as it should be taken care of. She traveled over sixteen hundred miles to Arkansas and back, making the trip all the way to the Western country alone with the child, this constituting her first extended trip on a railroad train. Mr. F. M. Redd represents Mr. Boyd and his daughter and Mr. J. D. Mc Call represents Mr. JLewis Wilson, the petitioner for the custody of his child. The case has attracted a . great deal of attention because of its human in terest features and also for the in teresting points of law involved. MAXIMGQRKY OFFERS MS SERVICES EPIDEMIC OF FLEET TO BE LKHI ITS CONCENTRATED 10UISI1S F0R1IEIE Shreveport. La., Dec. 12 Reports! Washington, Dec. 12. The most r. from the southwestern portion of Cad- midable armada ever assembled unci do parish today brought positive in- the American flag will be seen at formation that Watkins Lewis, a ne- naval station at. Guanatanaino in Jj gro. taken from jail last night by a nary. Secretary of the Navy Danit mob of white men was burned at the announced tonight he had issued stake near the scene, where ten days aers l0r concentrating the Atlad ago Charles M. Hicks, merchant and fleet there on January 15 for mancd postmaster, was murdered and robbed eis- and his store burned. ! The fleet will be composed of t0 Hove r,rn thr. r,oce' battleships, nine of them of th mj ro in,i T,oa.. ovivor ?n, powerful type ot superureaduaui " """O" v,u.i x . vou. ii rril, i. l...J. . . 1 a 11c Lwu l.fL muiioici s ui lilt; nal the Texas and the New York, will ,. .1Tnf. . 1. 1 i diiiLiig tiieiu. jiau oiiif 1 Miidiii fipfctincv oraft M-ill tnl.c bing and murdering Hicks. Lewis wras in jail charged with complicity in thc- pan in A fighting iwo negroes were lyncneu near movement. IfnnrinO'Cnni't T o loot nicrllf J 1 1 L:v 1iqt7: . . , , . ifciji xi. . Afimirai h iprpnpr rerenr v ani.nii ing confessed to the killing of Cyrus pd oommander of the Atlntio flppt S IMotchkm. an oil field worker, near ,onnn;Knn i,;c. c w.- .,f v. Patvno-r'iil vist A-mstorrlnm Hnl ann 1 mi . a "" . " ' T n- lual J.iie msiucs eie Laiveii CruZi ieae New y0vk iietWei JLec. j,a lviaxuii uomy, oue . 01 from an officer who was attentotms i m a 1: ..o,.., direct the maneuvers. sia's most noted novelists, today vol- to remove them to Mansfield for safe unteered for service, as an . attendant keeping. v in the Moscow military hospital. ; Vith ' the lynchings of lastfnight eignt illegal nangmgs nave taKen piace Maxim Gnrkv is one. of the most, in Caddo parish within 12 months, five commanding figures of Russia as an having occurred in the pasOen days, author. He was a painter of ikons, a peddler, scullery boy, watchman and .There was never yet a truly great gardener before attracting attention man that was not at the same time as a writer. He is 46 years old. . truly virtuous. -Benjamin Franklin. - Secretary -Daniels sam the res? would be stationed at Guantanamo til . they .were ready to start on voyage through the Panama canal the Panama Pacific; Exposition as cort to President Wilson. It is in great dangers that v.e great courage Regnard. partment of commerce and labor" was , goyd tQ pr0duce the child and appear atiYrfnefnl n n A rivnociO Q CJ 11 rnoOO "Fill ... . nM suggested and pressed to a successful issue by the T. P. A. The T. P. A. is a business organiza tion, a national chamber of commerce, n JStl! xS, ? the I ranking with the foremost organiza new position, Mr. Liddell remaining di- t 0nn!r rector nf tlno -r,.i- : Liuiia 111 uuo v.juih.ij w . ttnj ttUlil ;with the many perplexing problems pf TWO Of Ihft orcmTi-iifttcit: SenfomSkJf? ' ?. R A.' strives to de good, and to iSLence ror man? years but the com- j makfe ood mittee on publicity has been created ! - lU b ear ior the purpose of system-1 inmk i - : WANT MUSSELS IS iPR m THE BRAINS OF A BANK Of two men having ecjual money,- one may go forward and the other stand still. They differ in ability. Now a bank is merely an aggregation of men- Therefore banks rnust differ in financial ability as men differ. Ability is known by its results. Judge' the ability of the following men by the success they have individually achieved. . . ' D H. ANDERSON W. S. ALEXANDER A.feG. BRENIZER .JOHN BASS BROWN WILLIS BROWN .1. W.-CANNON, Jr. STUART W. CRAMER A. DUNN - .1. A. DURHAM R. L. GIBBON A. J. HAGQOD DIRECTORS: THOMAS H. HAUGHTON P. M. HINSON WM. E. HOLT C. W. JOHNSTON F. D. LETHCO D. E. RHYNE L, W. SANDERS . A. T. SUMMEY -! SI B. TANNER GEO. P. WADSWORTH J. A. C. WADSWORTH Eomffleraal s Qf Charlotte, M. G. Capita!, Surplus and Profits. . $925,000 ' Washington, Dec. 12. President Wilson today received 100 delegates representing the Alabama and Ten nessee commercial clubs who demand that congress continue the work ot improving Mussels Shoals in the Ten nessee river. The delegates were pre sented to the president by Senator Bankhead and Senator-elect Oscar Underwood; Senator Shields, of Ten nessee, and Senator Fletcher, of Flor ida. Previously the delegation appear ed before the river and harbors com mittee of the house and urged that body-to include a liberal appropria tion in any rivers and harbors bin that is prepared at the present ses sion, v The president tola the delegation that he was -glad to meet it but did not discuss the subject of their visit to Washington. It is the policy ot thep re'sident to take no sides on any of the units proposed for inclusion in the rivers and harbors bill. He has explained that, inasmuch as- the bill when it finally is shaped, will come to him for approval, he must "retain an open mind On all of its suggested provisions. i There is no person who is nov dan r gerous-for some one. Madame de I gavigne. with it in court. On Monday Mr Boyd himself failed to appear, as did also the child. A. telephone message that Mr. Boyd's wife tried' to get through to her husband s attorney, Mr F. M. Redd, went astray. Sherift Wallace and Deputy Sheriff Fesper man arrested Boyd a few days later and brought him before Judge Shaw, who sent him to jail for contempt oi court. After several days Judge Shaw consented to his release on bond because of his physical condition The bond was made at $350 to cover .the contempt case and case charging him with being an accessory to the kidnapping of the Wilson child. Several days ago a telegram reach ed Sheriff Wallace's office, saying Miss Boyd was unwell but that as soon as she was able to travel he would start for Charlotte with her and the child. They arrived here at 10 o'clock yesterday - morning and Miss Boyd was taken to the home of Dep uty Sheriff Fespermah at the coun ty jail where she will remain until Tuesday when the - original habeus corpus argument brought by Mr. Wil son for the possession ot his child will be heard before Judge Shaw., Warrants. ' Miss Boyd will be charged with kidnapping the child and her father will be charged with being an acces sory to the act. ' Miss Boyd had gone to Oklahoma where two half brothers of her fath er formerly resided, but they had moved on to a point near Waldren, Ark., and she went on there. She was Willing to come back to North Caro lina writhoutv requisition papers, hav ing signed a waiver before she lett -Arkansas expressing her willingness to go back with the child to North Carolina. Traveled Sixteen Hundred Miles. Miss Boyd had become very much attached to the child during its stay with her father's family and when the second habeus corpus proceed ings were instituted by Its father she became uneasy lest - the court should award it to the custody ot ve a For :Hp0siefe Christmas This Year The Hoosier saves miles of steps. It will save steps in your home. It saves supplies; it saves waste; it saves time and energy. Nothing you could put in your home will do so much for your wife or mother as this ' wonderful new Hoosier Cabinet 40 Labor-Saving Features 17 En tirely New This Hoosier has all the practical conveniences that have been sug gested by thousands of owners. Not a single practical suggestion ' for its improvement has been made since we have had it on the floor. 20,000 Hoosier Cabinets were given for Christmas last year.' This year the demand will be greater, and our supply will undoubted ly be exhausted. Come early. Make your se lection while our stock is complete. If your wife isn't delighted with your -choice, we will refund the money. ' . - - . . . N- v ' Call k" White Beauty AiMrtued m Uading Magazine .Pav Qnly Then, after (hat, a dollar a," week until you have completed the small cash price fixed by' the Hoosier Company. No extra fees; no in terest. ' . . Until you have examined the Hoosier Cabi net, you can't appreciate its beautiful finish, its frigid construction, and its wonderful con venience." But the mere fact that 700,000 peo- ; pie already have bought Hoosiers, and are de- LAWIMG-R0B 24 South College Street; lighted with them, is your safeguara. one of them Notj one money. Hoosier 1 I 4-U nmn PFP Ul liau tiic " Dieage their money back if they were , her ised- .-no home r.nmck in to-morrow and let us what the Hoosier will mean in J'"r fore it is too lateHo get it for Chroma yea be- BINS FURNITURE SO CHAR LOTTE N. C -