THE CHARLOTTE NEW S, DECEMBER 17, 1914. ! ti i tf. JfT SUA CLAUS LETTERS Charlotte, Dec. 14. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl and go to school. I want you to bring me a big doll that will go to sleep, some stick candy and some raisins. I nave one Dig di-ulucx, but he don't want you to come to see him. Be sure and remember my two little brothers. Your friend, Frances Boyd. No. 1003 West Fourth street K. Dear Santa: My papa is dead. I am 10 years old. !"' I want union suits and a pair of ball bearing- skates and something for ma . ma, and some nuts, candy, oranges " and apples. Clyde N. Wylie. 1001 E. 8th street. . Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 14 years old and in the 7th grade in school. I hava a been a very good boy this year, so do 0 not forget me. Please bring me a drum, a bicycle and some nuts and ft candy. Yours truly, Jno. M. Farrell. 205 W. 2nd St., City. 1 Charlotte, N. C. - Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl almost 4 years old, as Christmas is getting near I thought I would let you know what I want you to bring me. Please bring me a r, doll, a go-cart, a piano, a locket and some candy, fruit and nuts- I have a little brother 11 months old, please n don't forget him, he has been a nice lit- tie fellow. From your little friend, Rachel Frye. 10 West Liddell St. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I want a picture book, a train and , cars and also a pair of gloves. I am V a nice little boy and will be 6 Christ mas. Your friend, Lee Graham. ' 903 W. Fifth St Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 13. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 10 years old, I go " to school and am in the third grade. ' I want you to bring me a magic lan tern and a good story book and some nuts and candy and fruit. Good bye, Ector Bagwell. 1005 ouise Ave. Charlotte, N. C. t- Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me an Erector, and some sparklers, nuts and candy. Your friend,' Charles Brooks. 612 N. Caldwell St. Dear Santa Claus: I am three years old and I want a great big doll, a piano, a watch to wear on my arm and all kinds of nuts and oranges, and please don't forget my little brother, he wants a little doll and a drum with blocks and other toys. I hope I haven't asked too much, so the rest of the little folks can't have something too. With love, Martha Louise Lambeth. 1116 S. Tryon St Charlotte, Dec. 12. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 10 years old, and go to school. Please bring me a baby doll, and a little set of dishes to play with, and don't forget little Clifford, bring him a horn to play with. Bring me some candy and fruits. Your little girl. Quanita Severs. Seersville. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 5 years old, I stay at home with mamma and little broth er. I want you to please bring me a Indian suit and cap pistol and a horn, please don't forget little brother, he is 3 years old and wants you to bring him a red wagon and horse and some good things to eat. Your little friends. Boyce . and C. J. Gantt 804 N. C. St Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa: I am a little girl 7 ypears old, I haven't missed a day in school this year and I want you to bring me a doll in long dress and a set of little dishes and some nuts and fruit of all kinds- I will close, hoping you will be sure to come Xmas night. Your lit tle friend, Louise Gault. 804 No. C. St US. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau Chre r Marvin. Chief DAILY WEATHER MAP VtUJ . . . ... ACT . - - - , .4g ! Fair tonight and Friday:' - fr yrAif much Chang. n f.p., lAXT BXPL.ANATORY NOTES. Idian time. Air pressure reduced to sea level. Isobar! t Hues) pass through points of equal temperature; O clear; Q partly cloudy: Q cloudy; (r) rain: snow; report missing. Arrows fly with the wind. Observations taken at 8 a. m., 75tb meridian time. Air pressure reduced to sea level. Isobars (continuous lines) pass tbrotirt points! Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I have been reading the wants that all the children have wrote to you, and I will write one for myself to tell you what I want. I want a cowboy suit a cap pistol and some oranges! and apples, nuts and candy, so good by, James Pate. R. F. D- 4, Box 10. Charlotte, Dec. 13, 1914. My dear Santa: I am a little boy six years old. I don't go to school but I do lots of things to help mamma. I want you to bring me a pop gun and a drum and a dog that will turn over, please bring me some nuts and fruit, candy and anything else you think a little boy would like to have. "Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year, I am your little friend, Edward Bagwell. 1005 Louise Ave., Charlotte. THE WEATHER , a I Weather Conditions. The high pressure area has moved slowly eastward, its center being to day located over the Ohio Valley. Temperatures continue below normal over most sections east of the Rocky Mountains, but there has been a change to warmer in the 'states along the Gulf and over the eastern Rocky Mountain slope. Temperatures in the far northwest continue below zero. Rain is reported from Florida, southern Texas and the south Pacific section, and snow from Kansas and the upper Lakes. The indications are for continued fair weather in this vicinity tonight and Friday rthe lowest temperature last night was 20 degrees, and the min imum tonight will probably be almost as low. O. O. ATTO, Local Forecaster. Kings Mountain, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 11 years old and I go to school. I am in the fourth - grade. ,1 will tell you what I want you to bring me. I want a 500 shot air rifle and a cap pistol and some caps and candies, nuts, oranges, apples. That is all want this Christmas. Good by Santa Claus- Yours truly, Dewell Lockman. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 12. Dear Santa: Pl?ase don't forget me. I am a little boy and am 3 years old. I want a tricycle, a train of cars and candy, nuts and fruit of all kinds. Your friend, John Clifford Gill. 903 W. 5th St Charlotte, Dec. 13. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl aged 3. I'll tell you what I want if you won't tell any body. I want a doll, a picture book and a pair cl mitten. And wishing you a merry Xmas. Your friend, Grace Graham. 903 W. 5th St P. S. Please don't forget my little sister, 1 1-2 years old, she wants a doll. Charlotte, N. O. ' Dear Santa Claus: How do you feel this year? I am go '. ing to tell you what I want I want . a box of paints, a kimona and bed . room slippers, and also a pair of . gloves. I am 10 years old and am t- in the fifth grade. Your friend, Harriet Gill. 903 W. 5th St Monroe, Dec. 15. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl five years old. 1 am a crippled girl. -1 want you to pleas remember me Christmas. Please bring me a bracelet a large doll, a doll bed and cradle, some pic ture books, and candy, nuts apples and oranges. Please don't, forget my brother, Howard, he is two years old, bring him a harp and horn. By by. Your little friend, Mary Frances Redwine. I Charlotte, Dec. 12. I Dear Santa Claus: I am -a little girl 8 years old. 1 Please send me a doll and a gocart ' and a bed and some candy and or t anges and nuts, apples. Yours truly, Maggie Jordan. 1 No. 208 Short street. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy nine years old, I am in the 4th grade at school. And I want you to bring me a bicycle if you can and if you can't bring it bring met a set of boxing gloves and some fire crackers and sparklers, candy, fruits and nuts- Your little friend, Marshall Montgomery. Seversville, City. STATIONS fi? ."Sal ! CO Q 0 U 00 Ki2 . I Don't Persecute your Bowels 17. Iiy r Cat oat cathartic tmi rnrgattre. TWmknfe harsh CARTER'S LIVER Pi Purely TtgetaMe. radr ob the fii tkndnatc bile. MOtb the delicate cabraa eftbbw4. CaraCM- ftiaatiaa, LLS ynK y and r mk to y4c3 'Brittle . - W.T IE ATMs m m I El KILL. I Skk Baaaackaaai baWiaa, at miffi know. Small Pill, Small Dsr Small Prioa " Genuine mtbeat Signature It You Eat Something Jha disaFees don't " UPiAACiiixiig letlt Work its own way throueh: its a slow process and makes you feel bad. Get rid of it quickly by taking a pinch or two of SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) It drives out impurities and badly digested food in the stomach and bowels; stimulates the torpid liver and restores regular bowel movements. It is a fine tonic and system purifier that puts the vital organs in sound, healthy condition. Sold by Dealers. Price, Large Package, Sl.OO. Ask for the eenuine with the Red 2 on the label. If yoo cannot cet it, remit to at, we will tend it by mail postpaid. Simmons Liver Regulator is put up also in liquid form for those who prefer it. Price S1.00 per bottle. Look for the Red Z label. J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. Proprietors. St. Loots. Missouri Atlanta 28 38 26 0 Augusta ... .. 22 36 22 0 Birmingham . . 24 40 20 0 Charlotte .... 20 33 20 0 Columbia .... 20 . . 20 0 ; Fort Smith.. ..26 .. 24 0 ' Galveston .... 46 48 -44 .01 Houston 38 . . 38 0 Louisville .... 10 24 10 0 Macon ....... 22 . . 20 0 Memphis .... 20 32 20 0 Meridian . . . . 24 . . 22 0 New Orleans... 36 46 34 0 Palestine .... 34 46 34 0 Raleigh 22 32 20 0 Savannah .... 28 34 26 0 Taylor . . 38 . . 38 0 Thomasville .. 28 .. 28 0 3-!n-0ne has been for 18 years tie OH Reliable, largesfceellfB home and office o!L rf""" yti-u, uwT y caouga vo 011 s law n mower, via u eoic ctoxn 1l jiiMri ua&ca jiuu vj. cuccse uma ue Best un cacspesc uusfiess uusttng Uictn. And .JluAn. 'KPn1..AL k... A. X ' 1- 11 ... . . . in any TimateT v " u&tctu"U5a'"1 BU uicu-1 suuaccs, isaoors ana om. tree a-in-t yon. 3-in-One 4UolIarJ. aw i k av D t ifaa av m m a . m rftt 1 J. 42 D A Broadway nkw Yokk citv L CHECKS CROUP INSTANTLY. You know croup is dangerous. And you should also know the sense of se curity that comes from always having Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in the house. It cuts the thick mucus and clears away the phlegm, stops the strangling cough and gives easy breathing and quiet sleep. Take it for coughs, colds, tickling throat, hoarseness and for bronchial and la grippe coughs. Contains no opiates. Every user is a friend. For sale by all druggists. MAKE SHOPPING EASY By making your selections NOW and have your purchases nicely cased and put aside for Xmas. Larger assortments and better dis played is our line of GOLD JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, SILVER and ART GOODS than ever before. $100.00 WORTH OF GOODS GIVEN AWAY DECEMBER 25TH. GARIBALDI, BRUNS & DIXON, LEADING JEWELERS Mail Orders given prompt Attention. FOR JOB PRINTING PHONE 1S30 All signs point to a "white" Christmas. -Better be positioned to laugh at snow and ice Better have your Buck's Base Burner goir? rT pensing warmth and cheer and consequent 0od and merriment to alL u BUCK'S Kills the Chill Of Winter in the House Does it easily, economically, effectually, from start to "finish," 'til the last bit of fuel is consumed. Delivers double the heat with a given amount of fuel, or as much heat with half the fuel, having a base heating capacity twice the size of any other stove. Buck's Double Base Burners are $50.00 to S75.00. We, exclusively, sell them in Charlotte. On terms, if you wish. Parker - Gardner Co. Dear Santa Clans: I Please hring me a bicycle, f. trombone, rain coat, some sparklers, f candy, nuts and oranges. Please don't I forget me and I'll be a good boy. I I am 6 years old and go to kindergar t.ten. Good bye. A happy Christmas to fyou. Your friend. f Bill Holland. 421 North College street. Charlotte, Dec. 12. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 2 years old. (?Please bring me a. little drum and ''twagon and some oranges and raisins ;and nuts. Please don't forget my little '. sister,' Katherine, she wants a baby idolL I hope you don't think I am ask ing too much. I remain your little iboy. William Edward Cook, Jr., 806 South Brevard street. ; Charlotte, Dec. 15, 1914. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 9 years old. I go ' to school every day. I am In the third grade. I want you to please bring me n rnwhnv Knit. Air rifle and some fruits and nuts and candy. Thanking you in ! advance, I remain, your little inend, n Gaithel Brown. ! 1027 1-2 7th street. Colonial Tea Servi c e Are Ideal Gifts We show many different designs at varying prices, consisting of kettle, tea and coffee pots, sugar, creamer and waste with salver to match if you wish. Among them is an attrac tive line of tea and coffee "services by Gorham, as choice as one could imagine. Prices $100 to $500. STERLING Jeweler, Silversmith and Diamone Merchant B. F. ROARK, 10 North Tryon St. (SEE OUR CRYSTAL ROOM.) During the holiday rush you will find our store open at night. Here you will find gifts suitable for any member of the family, such as Pocket' Knives, Razors, Safety Razors, Shaving Brushes, Shears, Scissors, Manicure Sets, Silverware, O'cedar Mops, Carpet Sweepers, Carving Sets, Percolators, Chafing Dishes, Casseroles, Baking Dishes, Brass Goods, Icy Hot Bottles, Roller Skates, Foot Balls, Boxing Gloves, Flash Lights, Daisy Air Rifles, Tool Chests, Express Wagons, Coaster Wagons, Velocipedes, Tricycles, Autocy cles, Automobiles, Engines, Wheel Barrows, Irish Mails, Scooters, and various other things suitable for Gifts. We are alvavs glad to show you and help you make your selections. Smith-Wadsworth Hardware Co., "The Quality Hardware Store." 29 East Trade Street. Phones 64, 65, 66 YOU WILL NEED A PLENTIFUL SUPPL) of clean laundry for the fiuz vitations come thick and td&i be the joyous season and ou dij,? prepared to dress icy-,viment your laundry to us all garding the-matter is etoWJgJ sati do perfect work and guarani faction. Model Steam Laundry 'J" Phones 110 and '1

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