THE CHARLOTTE NEWS JUNE 19, 1915. f - , J - -- - - - - - ' - - - - - : &sr7rr niiPPlIlM 1AA D Your Liver is Clogged up Tlt' WkyYor Tir4 Out of CARTER'S LITTLE X J Thrjdo their Care buaeu, Indkertw, 4 Skk Headack. ,' SHALL FILL, SMALL OOffi. SHALL FHCI v Genuine ntii-Signature ales are reasonable at luxurious rove Park INN' bt) Summer Comfort Hotel OFFICE REVIEWS THE SITUAT1 N By Associated Press. Petrograd, via London, June 19. Ail official review of recent opera tions on the Russo-Austrian front, giv en out here says: "The development of the battle laong the Tismenitza Svika front, along the Tismenitza Sxika front, DRY SCALY TETTER COVERED All Won't cost you a fortune to enjoy the ck light of this won derful resort the walks and drives, golf, tennis, autoing, an old fcshioned, home-like Inn and a sumptuous hotel, all in one. Write for booklets and terms and then come where you'll b happy. GROVE PARK INN Sunset Mountain, Asheville, N. C. Absolutely Fireproof. Open All Year. Began on Fingersin Watery Pimples. Itched and Burned Severely. Eyes Began to Swell. Used Cuticura. Hand, Arm and Face Smooth. . R. F. D. No. 2, Moore. S. C "When the trouble first began my fingers -were cov ered with fine watery pimples which itched and burned very . severely. Finally my arm was covered and after a while my eyes began to swell. It was very hard to find my way for a while. My hand and arm would often crack open and bleed. The more I would . ii it v XX ruD mem me more iney N would itch. The tetter. I looked dry and scaly. I could not put my hands in water for if I did they would crack open and bleed, after drying. "I was treated' for quite a while but its did not do me any good. I tried all kinds of fine salves but found no relief in them. Finally someone told me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I did and now all the scales are gone and my hand, arm and face are as smooth as ever. I owe all my cure to . Cuticura Soap and Ointment.'! (Signed) Charlie Floyd, October 5, 1914. Sample Each Free by Mail "With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura. Dept. T, Bos ton." Sold throughout the world. YOUR COUGH CAN BE STOPPED 4 Using care to avoid draughts, expos ure, sudden changes, and taking a treatment of Dr. King's New Discov ery, "will positively relieve, and in time will surely rid you of .your Cough. The first dose soothes the irritation, checks your Cough, which stops in a short time. Dr. King's New Discovery has heen used- successfully for 45 years and is guaranteed to cure you. Money back if it fails. Get a bottle from your Druggist; it costs only a lit tle and will help you so much. FIGSEN A gentle laxative confection, composed of cascara, figs and Senna, For the relief of constipation ind the many every day ail ments due to the torpidity of the bowels. Takes the place of Calomel and tastes like candy. Prices 10c, 25c and 50c the box. TRYON DRUG CO. Phone 21 and 22. 200 N. Tryon. Palm Beach Suits Cleaned Men's SOcts Ladie's 75cts SEND WITH YOUR LAUNDRY. Wednesday Is Visitors Day Come. CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY. 444 Pho nes 445. Oldest Largest Best ifa.j.,y-..i m mm,,,.. There is No Lurking Place for Germs , r1 1! i iff : il :' 'ft rv iM --pi in the Notasem STONE-LINED Refrigerator. The round corners enable it to be as easi ly cleaned as a- china plate. LET US SHOW YOU. X-N. McCausland & Co. 221 S. Tryon Street. tackinsr our forces in Galicia is oper ating, will serve to give : some idea of the magnitude of the actions in this region. The significance of the oper ations in the vicinity of Stry is found in the fact that-they were an endeav or to turn our-front opposed to the phalanxes under General--' von Mack ensen. The eventual success of the en emy in the direction of Stry and Lem berg would have been of great help to the offensive of General Macken sen. Failure, on the other hand, would have meant that Mackensen's opera tions were merly a series of -fruitless frontal attacks. . "The above mentioned sector on the Dneister river, however, was not the scene of the principal fighting, even with regard to the numbers of troops engaged. On May 15 the enemy closely following our troops, retiring from the Carpathians., met our oppo sition in the region of Drohobycz, northwest of Stry and in the vicinity of Belachow. On the 19th the enemy brought all his forces into action, but at the end of two days he was compell ed to quit this offensive, having lost tens of thousands of men. "His only success in eight days' fighting was the turning of our. right wing near Stonsko, with the threat of a possible outflanking movement. During this week " we " remained pas sive, confining our operations to ex terminating the enemy as he approach ed our trenches. The next four days were devoted by the enemy to bring ing together heavy artillery and sup porting detachments. May 25 saw the beginning of the decisive attack, and the fihgting. A powerful force, com posed of three German divisions, suc ceeded at the price of incredible sac rifices in carrying Stry. -Perceiving the exhaustion of the Austrians attack ing us they constituted the right wing of the opposing army we took the offensive and drove them back. "For three days, May 30, 31 and June 1, we were undecided whether to attempt to turn the Germans, who had broken through our front' near Stry, or to fall back on the Dneister. The general situation in' Galicia fi nally caused us to adopt the latter course. The night of June 2 the ene my demonstrated against our bridge steads in the direction of Mikalajow, losing several thousand men. "The principal attack was delivered by the army under General Bothmer at a point more to the east. The .at tack against Zidaczow was repulsed, but on June 6 General von Bothmer crossed the Dneister near Juravno and on June 8 occupied the left bank for a distance of 15 miles. "June 8 and June 9 the bulk of the German forces were decisively defeat ed and thrown back across the Dneis ter. Nevertheless, on June 13, the German commander, beginning a gen eral offensive, delivered a new at tack with the remains of his regiments The principal German forces moved along the right bank of the Stry, and attacked our bridge head near Zid aczow. "Toward the 15th of June the time came for another reverse of the ene my. At Berezina and Krutevska alone we killed with the bayonet and buried 1,000 Germans who" had abused the white flag. "Between May 29 and June "15 we captured in this sector 40,000 prison ers, including , 860 officers p over 100 machine gunes and two dozen can non. "The total losses of the enemy on a front of 38 miles were between 120, 000 and 150,000 men. "Dense additional columns descend ed the slopes of the Carpathian moun tains daily and reinforced the enemy. Many supplementary detachments originally destined for eastern Prus sia, met their final fate in the .val ley of the Stry. , ... : ,t The addition of considerable rein forcements brought into the scene of operations the German army under the command of General von Boehm Ermolli. , "We have noted, serious symptoms of demoralization which are begin ning to show themselves in the' ranks of the enemy in the vicinity of Mic kolajow. "It has been interesting - to trace the reflection of events on the Dneis ter in the official military announce ments of the enemy. Every step, before it has been completed by the Germans has been reported in their announce ments as a German victory and a dis orderly flight on the part of the Rus sians. The following Iay the announce ments would say that the German army was successfully resisting the pressure of the Rusians, and on the third day that the Rusians had great forces at their disposal in the region in qeustion. Such a sequence and method of reporting has been noticed in the German announcements on three different occasions during dur ing the 30 days fighting on the Dneister." WIT. CAftMEL HEAV ILY ENTREHGHE! Jerusalem,, May 2. (Correspond ence of the Associated Press.) Mount Carmel, whose lower slopes have al ready been under French shell fire, is heavily entrenched by the Turks, although the mountain is sacred alike to Christian , and Moslem. On the low er slopes is situated the town of Hai fa. The German consulate in the town, was bombarded Uy the French in re taliation for the - Germans desecrat ing the graves of the soldiers of Na poleon. Carmel is a hill, or rather a group of hills, bounded on two sides by- the Mediterranean and overlooking . the ! plain of Kishon. Above the town stands the famous Carmelite monas tery. On the summit of the Mount, the German colony of Haifa, which came there sixty years ago to' await the second coming of Christ, has erected a monument to commemorate the visit of the Kaiser. Haifa is an important point, as it i3 the terminus of a branch- of rail way tapping the Hedjaz line, which crosses the desert regions between Damascus and Medina. This railway, spanning the Jordan river, is used by the Turks to transport, Arab troops. Biobbs Bjones is the most unlucky fellow at-cards I ever met ' - Slobbs Then I suppose he is lucky in love. Biobbs I suppose so. At any rate he has never been married. Philadel phia Recgrd. M iss r 4 OWN a m.OU3E& Customers Received from t A. M. t P. 2CS W, SIXTH ST. J A Palm Beach Suit ' ' " For These Hot Days , - Porous It brings s(the breezes. Shapely It promises style. : Dust-Proof It rejects dirt and. grit. Washable It leaves the tub as smart as new. Durable It will yield sturdy wear the Summer through. Inexpensive It costs much less than serge or worsted, -Cool, comfortable and clean fitting. In Pongee shades; in Greys, Blues and in Fancy Stripes and Plains. Beware of imitations ! There's only one Palm Beach. The name is trademarked. $7.50 to $12.50 ED. MELLON CO. Beginning June 5th we close Saturdays at 9 p. m. "You Can Always Get It at Mellon's. What Stove Shall I Buy? A new Perfection Oil Cook Stove. Then you can work in a cool, comfortable kitchen, your cooking will be done better, you will find your work pleasant, you will be saving money. It will operate year in and year out with continuous sat isfaction and great economy, it is great for bak ing, roasting, broiling or toasting. It is our belief that the new Perfection is the best oil stove on earth. Try one and have gas stove comfort with kerosene oil. SMITH-WADSW0RTH HARDWARE CO. "The Quality Hardware Store.' 29 East Trade St. Phones 64-65 - ; v STATEMENT United Firemen Insurance Co. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Condition December 31, 1914, as Shown By Statement Filed. Amount of Capital paid up in cash.... .. .. ........ ..$ 400,000.00 Amount of Ledger Asset's December 31st of previous year, . $ , ; Increase of paid-up capital, $.. ; Total, 1,800,732.90 Incomes From Policyholders, $369,247.14; Miscellaneous, Total: .. .. Total, 100,217.25 Disbursements To Policyholders, $226,887.39; Miscellaneous, $248,791.12; Total .-Total, 478,678.51 Fire Risks Written or renewed during year, $53,519,571.00; In force'.. .. .. .. .. .. .-. 66,831,258.00 ASSETS Value of real estate .. $ 97,741.80 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 155,850.00 Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks, or other collateral, 1,000.00 Value of Bonds and Ctocks .. .. .... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 1,345,941.00 Cash in Company's Office .. ..- .. .. 5,131.74 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest 125,167.37 Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent . to October 1, 1914 .. .. 63,472.54 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to Octo- .. 214.33 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22,207.71 ber 1, 1914 .. .. ....... Interest- and rents due and accrued. Total .. Less Assets not admitted ..$1,816,726.49 90,131.13 ..$1,726,595.36 Total admitted assets . LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims . . . .$ 43,474.74 Unearned Premiums ...... 349,225.71 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, etc., due or accrued 183.53 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and mu nicipal taxes due or accrued .......... .... .. 1. , ' 6,000.00 Total amount of all Liabilities except capital .. .. .. ..$1,198,398.58 Capital actually paid up in cash ..$400,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilities ... 128,196.28 Surplus as regards Policyholders 28,196.78 Total Liabilities .. $1,726,595.36 ' v BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1914. Fire Risks written . . '..$280,754.00 Premiums received $4,457.54 Losses incurred Fire. . . . 4,054.96 Paid . . . . .... ." . . . . . 3,909.73 President, Wm. H. Clark; Secretary, H. T. AUegy; Home Office, 3rd and Walnut St, Philadelphia, Pa.; Attorney for service, Insurance Commission er, Raleigh, N. C; Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department, "iv-v , r ;- - . Raleigh, Feb. 26, 1915. - I, James R. ; Young, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true , and correct abstract of the United Firemen's Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, Pa., filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1914. . Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. " - - J. R. YOUNG Insurance Commissioner, GEORGE G. SCOTT. C P. A. D.'H. McCOl i rMi.. SCOTT & McCOLLOUGH CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. No. 201 Realty Building. 7 INVILLE - Is now accessible via the C. C. & O. Ry. The route is vi Clinchfield road to Johnson City, Tenn., and thence 0vPr ' tS Narrow Gauge Railroad to Montezuma, N. C, which is tha t tion for Linville. . ' a' There is parlor car service from Johnson City to Montezuma without change. Automobiles or carriages give quick transtortatn f Montezuma to Linville. n Lom SUMMER GOLF IN AN AUTUMN CLIMATE ESEEOLA IN Offer to it guests, golf, tennis, bathing, riding, dancing and trm Rates are moderate, and incidental expenses small. For booklets or information, write to JAMES P. VINING, Linville, North Carolina. N STATEMENT Royal Exchange Assu ranee Insurance Co. - LON DON Condition December 31, 1914, as Shown By Statement Filed Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year, ' $ ' Increase of paid-up capital, $ ; Total, ' $3,083 476 r Income From Policyholders, $1,909,721.29; v Miscellaneous, ' $289,963.61 .. .. .. .. Total, 2,199,684 10 Disbursements To Policyholders, $1,087,153.96; Miscellaneous, $1,091,757.52 Total, 2,178 9114$ Fire Risks Written or renewed during year, $275,966,844: In force .. .... .. . .... 300 711309 no Marine and Inland Risks Written or renewed during vear, ' ' $120,755,255; In force .... .. .". . 10,256,468.00 ASSETS Value of Bonds and Stocks .. 4. $2,552 35175 Cash in Company's Office ' ' 50 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest 234.0S7 03 Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 19 1 4 .. .. .. 309 73723 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to Octo ber 1, 1914 .. ... 16073s: Interest and Rents due and accrued 34,025.38 Total .. .. .. .. $3,144,275.27 Less Assets not admitted .. .... .. .. .... .. ... .. .. 196,700.10 Total admitted Assets $2,947,575.17 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 227,849.92 Unearned Premiums . . . . . . 1,595,487.74 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or ac crued '...'-. - 4,774.62 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and mu nicipal taxes due or accrued 43.SS7.4S Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued .. .. 8,267.(tf All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement $1,880,266.52 Deposit .. .. .'. ..$400,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilties .. . . i $667,308.35 Surplus as regards Policyholders" .... .. $1,067,308.31 Total Liabilities . . ....... ' . : $2,9 4 7,575.17 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1914. Fire Risks written . . ..$2,184,931.00 Premiums received $19,182.35 Losses incurred Fire 22,130.11 Paid 17,298.81 R. D. Harvey, U. S. Manager; Home Office 98 Wm. St., New York; At torney for service, Insurance Commissioner; Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. ; State of North Carolina, - ; ; Insurance Department, , Raleieh. Feb. 27, 1915 I, James R. Young, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that th above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Royal change Assurance Company, of London, filed with this Department, show ing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1914. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. J. R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT Camden Fire Insurance Co. CAMDEN, N. J. Condition December 31, 1914, as Shown by Statement Filed. Amount of Capital paid up in cash $ 700,000.x Amount of Ledger Assets , December 31st of previous year, .oos $3,107,826.98; Increase of paid-up capital, $100,000.00; Total, 3,20 , 826 income i?Tom foncynoiaers, ?i,t)OZ,Dbi.S8; Misceuaneuus, ... 11 $354,765.53 Total, 2,09 .,431.41 Disbursements To Policyholders, $1,053,759.65; Miscellaneous, ,.-, $854,973.88; .. Total, 1.908,31.oJ ASSETS . n. r,,l5 Value of real estate . . $ iviurisago j-ioans on .eai instate ci "O''0 Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks, or other collateral J)''! Value of Bonds and Stocks ..... J92J"?Ao56 Cash in Company's Office -''55 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest .... -l '-3 DpnnsitArl in TVncf rnmnoniac onJ Vtonlrc mn interest . .. .. 140,0'- Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to ...ji October 1, 1914 . . .. 292, A L t 1 . ... 1 -i. Agems Daiances, representing Dusiness written prior tu v- .-oi trthftT- 1 1011 ... ifiti-ll Bills receivable, taken ' for fire risks , interest ana nents aue and accrued ssnoo All 4.1. . A - .i.M. j a , . 60V-JV utuer Assaeis, as uetaiiea in statement ..$3,340,310-1? Less Assets not admitted " ' ' to otr S'0.88 Total admitted Assets $3,.b- LIABILITIES ,10 789 4? Net amount of unpaid losses and claims , "i.'n'4.86 unearned Premiums . . . . o-'sl30 "S uin u ixi .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or &c- 702 cruea . . Estimated amount payable for Federal," State, county and rauni- oo00.oo . cipal taxes due or accrued i'n7s5 11 U T IAS J - i . . . . . . ah uiMvi i-iauiiintjb, as uetaiiea in statement ' - ' ' -& 970.45 i-jiai diuuuui 01 an i-iaDiiiiies except capital - t Capital actually paid up in Cash... .... $700,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilities 811,6o0.a Surplus as regards Policyholders .... ..' ti.i.)i!. $3.20,-' luuu xiauiiiues v BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 19- JlS 5iS.54 Fire Risks written . . $2,827,560.00 Premiums received ,'5g.:j Losses incurred Fire .. 4.648.73 Paid ' t K. . Presidet, E. E. Reld, Sr.; Secretary, J. K. Sharpe; Treasury, Shame: Hnmn Offir-o Pomon -vr t . a nr. aervice. Insure'' missioner, Raleigh, N. C; Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. " fe. ' State of North Carolina, : Insurance Department ' " ' ( Raleigh, March er that . I, James R. Young, Insurance Commissioner, do hereb , Camde8 the aboVP la a i.o. 3 2: x- i i it. f,toTTipnt Oi lur -nt Fire Insurance Company, of Camden, N. J., filed with "Jin showing condition. of said Company on the 31st day of DeCjf.ritten. i -mess my nana and official seal the day and aate ,-ioner. . ; J.; R. YOUNG, Insjirance co51- " -" . . '. y-7 ; 11