THE? CHARLOTTE NEWS JUNE 19, 1915. Dainty, Cool, Attractive Summer fabrics tor rretty Dresses The style's the thing of most importance in selecting ma terials for a frock then comes the price. With these two facts in mind We invite your attention Tomorrow to our snowing or new summer dress materials. A Waist Season I ar Tin 1 rfTarl H-i ? I 3 . J 9 A -M s is a ume wnen me ae- rr.and for Shirt Waists is great er than it has been for years. Everv one Is buying pretty Blouse Waists. y-s You'll probably be looking for i flaying some excellent styles at 9c in Voiles and Lawns and at $2.50 and $3.50 some beautiful Silks and Crepes. soe TOMORROW. On our 2nd floor we are dis- Ms V it MAY WE SHOW YOU? Your Summer GOSSARD It's really a fact that so many women are wearing this front laced corset that the question now, always is, not what kind of a corset will I buy but what kind of a Gossard Corset will I buy. Just naturally in thinking of Corsets women think of The Gossard. There's a very natural reason for this too. The Gossard gives so . much genuine satisfaction in comfort, wear and chief est of all looks and - style. Because this original front laced is so good don't think the prices are out of reach. They are not. A new Sum mer model with all the Gossard goodness can be bought at from $2.00 to $5.00. Ask our corsetiere. OUR STRIPED VOILES AT 25c A YARD (Just Come In)-0ur pretty Seed Voiles and Fancy Voiles in all whites, at 19c, 25c and 35c Yard. Our Good Looking Printed Crepes, in all colors, at 37c Yard. IVEY'S IVEY'S IVEY'S 9 IVEY'S SOCIAL FORGET IT. Nth "Old G!ory,? and Stack of Blue Prints Mr. Clarkson is Off v- Fe-:o: Clarkson, one of the mov- 3g spirits in tiie progressive develop :t"of Little Switzerland, now reck- 4 as cze ot the most attractive icc:ain resorts in the Carolina hills, Ktiis morning for western North VG'.xa. bearing with him a large s!:gi c "Old Glory," safely furled Tie: his arm, and also a heavy roll i ;l:e-p:ints representing further tori aid improvements for Little SXrkson will spend several days irie auntains in and about Little Sii2fi:d and it is expected that 5as return he will have some in ifsiig announcements to make con zg contemplated changes and ad Se3 at little Switzerland. With the coming of the month of ."iv the exodus of tourists and of iarlorre citizens towards the cool and ieslthful mountain region is expected '0 become quite general. Manv Char ge people have homes not onlv at Ltie Switzerland but at the other retain resorts and not a few of ":ese ar? already established in their loistain residences rcr the summer Hiica. Daughters of America and J. 0. U. A. M. Here Will Be Addressed by Rev. J. C. Hughes The Daughters of America and Jr. Order United American Mechanics of the. city, and county are invited to at tend a special service at Pegram street Presbyterian church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock June 20. The sermon will be a special one for their benefit and will be preached by Rev. J. C. Hughes, the pastor. The Daughters of America and Juniors will assemble at the hall of Park Council, Jr. O. U. A. M. in Belmont at 7:30 o'clock, and march to the church in a body. All Juniors and Daughters of Rev. Dr. A. A. McGeachy Will Be Speaker at Broadway . Theater To-morrow The speaker at the meeting for men at the Y. M. C. A. service Sun day afternoon at 5 o'clock at the Broadway theatre will be Rev. Dr. A. A McGeachy, pastor of the Second Pres byterian church. These meetings have been of unus ual interest and have been largely at tended. It is expected that the meet ing Sunday afternoon will be no ex ception as Dr. McGeachy is one of the most attractive speakers to men that the city affords. The musicwill be of special inter est the soloist being Mr. E. C. Spring er, jr., -and the" association-orchestra America are fnvited to attend. Mr. i will render special numbers vas well along the lines advocated by these orders. Union Meeting for Juniors. Next Friday night in the hall of Park Council No. 90, Jr. O. U. A. M. in Belmont, there will be held a most interesting union meeting of the Jun iors of the city and county. Every member of this order is urged to be present, as matters 01 importance win be discussed. A complete program of the meeting will be announced JUSX 'j-Jr"' i. I'.' of the Summer Comfort a Few Dollars Will Buy. Cool Sanitary Rag Rugs, 27x54 90c, 36x72, $1.25; 8x10 feet size, $7.00 to $10.00, 9x12 sizes $8.50 to $12.50, and w.e have the pret tiest colors and patterns and the '4 best quality in Rag Rugs that we have ever shown. Heavy rca and smooth weave "Waite" Grass Rugs for Summer living perch, 27x54 sizes. $1.00. 26x72 sizes $1.50 and S1.75: 6x9 ' -xl si2es $.50, 9x12 sizes $8.50 to $10.00. Heavy substan--e mapie porch rockers, $2.50 up, old reliable Rustic Hickory rSaCrl Rckers $2.50 to $7.50. Solid oak porch swings complete 3.Ti:i nut on tr . -r -. -r i at fa a up o.uu; ljuxunous uouca nammocKs $.ou iu hymns. Lakewood Park Company Receives a Chartei If you see a tall fellow ahead of the crowd, A leader of men, marching fearless and proud, And you know of a tale whose mere telling aloud Might cause his proud head to in an guish be bowed, It's a pretty good plan to for . get it. If you know of a skeleton hidden away In a closet guarded and kept from the day In the dark, whose showing, whose sudden display, Might cause grief and anguish and ltfe-long dismay, It's a pretty good plan to for get it. If you know of a thing that would lessen the joy Of a, man or a woman, a girl or 'a boy, That would wipe out a smile or the least way annoy A fellow, or cause any gladness to cloy, It's a pretty good plan to- for get it. rrSelected. BRIDE WELL KNOWN IN THIS CITY A marriage of interest to her many Charlotte friends was that in Atlanta, Georgia Thursday evening of Miss Maud Gulledge, formerly of Wades boro, and Dr. J. W. Roberts, Jr., a prominent Atlanta surgeon. The wedding announcement was re ceived in Charlotte today by friends of the bride, Miss Gulledge, having been a visitor here on several occas ions in the past. She has been in At lanta for about six years as superin tendent of a hospital there until some three months ago, when she resigned on account of her health. The bride is a sister of Mr. D. B. Gulledge of this city, and has a number of relatives in Wladesborp and Anson county. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR LITTLE FOLKS. Dorothy Carson, the little daugh ter of Rev. E. G. Carson, of Villa Heights, celebrated her fifth birthday yesterday by inviting a number of her little friends to spend the hours from four to six with her. Games were played, stories told and songs sung and then the little ones march ed with Dorothy leading, to the din ing room where ice cream and cake were served. The table was decorat ed with flowers and crepe paper festoons to the light above. The little girl was made happy by many pret ty gifts. . Those present were: Ruth Willis, Mildred Moseley, Helen McCorkle, Mary White, Sarah Hasty, Bessie May Hasty, Daisy Woodside, Norma Key, Master Erskine Carson and Miss Sadie Bell Miller, who assisted Mrs. Carson with " the , games and songs. The Lakewood Park Company, a new Charlotte corporation, organized for the purpose of developing and operating Lakewood, to the west of the city, . as a summer outing place and amusement park, has been grant ed a charter bv the secretary of state, a copy of the charter being now on file in the office of the clerk of the court. The authorized capital stock of is $50,000 and the incorpora tors are Messrs. J. R. Cherry, Z. V Taylor, E. C. Marshall and the South, em Public Utilities Company. The company is authorized to build and operate theaters, and oth er places of amusement, to operate roller-coasters, merry-go-rounds, chute the-chutes, Ferris wheels,etc. DEATH OF A CHILD. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Morris, jr., of 1209 South Tryon street, died last night at the home of its parents. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 5 o'clock and inter ment will be iri Elmwood cemetery immediately afterward. "Aero Porch Srades 6 to 10 feet sizes $3.00 to $5.75 the With patent no-whip attachment the best. Purita.n Refrig ll0rs in all izcs. W. T. M of 4. r cCOY&CO. Mr. Floyd Gresham, Now at Hotel Mariana, is in City. Mr. Floyd Gresham, who is now managing the Hotel Mariana at Marion, N. C, is spending today in the city with friends. Mr. Gresham is one of the leading hotel men of the Carolinas and has had wide exper ience in the hotel business both in Charlotte and other points. The hotel at Marion, where Mr. Gresham is at present located, is looked upon by tourists and traveling men as one of the best in that section of the state. Mr. Chapman Will Go to Wadesboro. Mr.' W. S. Chapman, who has tor some time been connected with the Southern Public Utilities Company, has resigned his position with that company to go to Wadesboro, where he will take charge of the office of tie J. H. Clark Lumber Company. He will leave Monday to take up his new duties. Would Christen the Arizona, With Plain Wate KITCHEN SHOWER FOR MISS HYNDMAN. Miss Faye Stearns was hostess yes terday afternoon at her home on East avenue in pnmnlimpnt. to Miss Mattie Hyndtnan, whose marriage to Dr. Pat-1 TT-rTi i-aTrcia nlapo .rm Tune SO Thfi 1 house and porch were prettily decorat ed with sweet peas, lilies, ferns and magnolias,. The color scheme being pink and white. The guests were in vited into the living room, where ribbons of pink and white were tied to the table and entwined around the chandelier. Miss Hyndman was then asked to untie the ribbon and find the other end of it. The ribbons led to all parts of the room, where, hid den away, were useful utensils of all kinds for the kitchen. hTe packages were opened and a receipt was found in each one of them. Delicious punch was served and Miss Eva Avant gave a very appro priate toast to the bride-to-be. Re turning to the porch each guest was riven a cuo towel to hem. A beautiful linen towel was given as a prize for the prettiest work. Miss tiynaman won the prize. Delicious pink and white cream and cakes were served. Miss Hyndman wore a pretty .lingerie dress with pink sash and corsage of pink and white sweet peas. Miss Stearns wore a be coming dress of chiffon voile and cor sage of white sweet peas. The guests were: Misses Eva and Margaret Warlick, Mary Payne, Susie Bobbitt, Mattie Hyndman, Kate Smith; Mesdames E. N. Clemence, E. C. Hood, L. W. Petree, D. B. Stearns, D. A. McLaughlin, E. J. Caton, W. C Hancock RETURN FROM ' ASHEVILLE. Mr. B. F. Roark, Miss Hattie Roark, Master B. F. Roark. Jr.. and .Miss Mary McClain of Rome, Ga., a guest at the Roark home, returned Friday morning from Asheville. Mr. Roark attended the Merchants Convention there. Lincolnton Contracts For 20,000 Square Yards of Permanent Street Paving Special to The News. , Lincolnton, June 19. At the special meeting, the board of aldermen voted unanimously in favor of letting a con tract for permanent street paving. The portion of the city to be paved is about one mile in length, including the court house, two blocks west of court house and six blocks east of court house, about 20,000 square yards in all. The pavement will be asphaltic concrete. S. W. Thompson, vice pres ident of the Noll Construction Com pany of Chattanooga, Tenn., was the successful bidder. The attorney for the contractors and the city attorney drew the con tract today and the same has been signed. Mr. Thompson, the contractor says the work on the streets will begin within two weeks and that he expects to complete the contract in about three months or by the first of Octo ber. The rumor is that the board will consider later the proposition of pav ing other streets. The citizens of the town are determined also to have a "wliite-way" for the city; this is being considered seriously and the rumor is that the lights will be installed immediately. "Pop, Venice is half water, isn't it?" "Yes, my son." "Then would it be cor rect to refer to its large floating pop ulation? Baltimore American, For Dainty Women ODOR - O - NO The Anti-Dress Shield Toilet Water Keeps the armpits fresh, dry and nat ural. Makes Dress Shields absolutely unnecessary. Pre vents excessive perspiration and destroys perspira tion odor. Harmless and - ' Guaranteed. Sold in Charlotte by SHEPPARD DRUG CO. 7 West Trade. Phone 1217 i or the June Bride at our fetters Hi, store services. and your selection will h port Wa harm Riir bean- Stprllnor nil... J3 - , . . m "s, onvcr nai ware inciuaing an vxe iancy pieces. beautiful bowls, sandwich trays, bread trays. Ditch- coinports. vnsoa j oK " " mtuijr smaller yieco. Q Cut Glass m., . . ' . . .' . v-ua ana uiocfcg In all the reliable makes. JEWELER, SILVERSMITH AND DIAMOND MERCHANT. 10 N. Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. F ROARK, By Associated Press. . Chicago, June 19 Anne A. Gordon, president of the .National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, tel egraphed Secretary Daniels at Washington, saying the temperance union, "with 500,000 members, believes you will eert all possible ' influence against the use of alcoholic liquor in the chirstening of the Arizona," the new battleship to be launohed today at the New York navy yard. As Arizona is a prohibition state, various other protests have been made against the use of champagne in the chistenlng. The navy department an nounced yesterday , that .the question would be left to Governor Hunt to decide. He "I'd like to propose a little toast " She "Nothin' doin', kid; I want a regular meal." Michigan Gargoyle. Thomas to Supervise Making of War Contracts By Associated Press. London, June 19, 10:27 a. m. Da vid A. Thomas, the Welsh coal mag nate, the Exchange Telegraph Com pany says, has accepted an appoint ment from David Lloyd George, minis ter of munitions, to go to the United States and Canada to supervise the making of munitions contracts. See Our Big U JJ I EM A man may be likened to a lobster if he turns red when he finds himself in hot water. soothes and refreshes after exercise, overcomes redness and flush instantly. Beautifies ' your complexion and keeps the shin soft, smooth and delicate. WHITE. PINK. ROS-RED COLORS. 75 cent per bottle at Druggists or mailed by us. Send for FREE SAMPLE. LYON MFG. CO., 42 South 5th St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1 1 Window Display The Great Play Shoe. Look better, wear bet ter and more comfortable. Sizes to fit all the family. Trot Moc catalog sent free. GILMER-MOORE COMPANY; 16 S. Tryon St. You have tried the rest Now Buy tMe Best White House Tea India Ceylon, Orange Peko, only in net weight sealed sanitary cans. AH first class grocers. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Phone Us Your Orders. MRS. H. S. BRYAN & CO. The Florist. . Phone 653. ART PHOTOGRAPHER. COOKE'S STUDIO S24 No. Tryon SL 'Phone 1511. Only $1.00 500 Pair ChHdren's Pumps and Ox. fords White Tan and Black y On Sale at $1;00 iPair Many In This Lot Worth $2.00 and $2.50. All sizes i up to size - 2. On Sale in Oup Children's De partment Saturday and C . ;v Monday. : ' Phone 23. mm 1 homo sons fl "Artist Model" EVERETT GRAND PIANO Made For Musicians Who KNOW. Write for prices and terms or call at our factory warerooms. The John Church Company MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE PIANOS. 1805 Main Street, Columbia, S. C P. M. AS BURY, Mgr. 1 VACATION FANCY WORK Stamped materials of all kinds, Crochet Threads. Take your supply with you. THE QUALITY SHOP. 14 S. Tryon Street . In 62,884 Quarts May. During the month of May we sold in the city of Charlotte 62,884 quarts, an average of 2,096 quarts per day of clarified "The Only Clean Milk" and pasteurized "The Only Safe Milk.' ft Are we supplying you? If not call phone 3100 or 3101. c. p DAIRY CO 19 W. 5th Street. COW 13 . What it w32 doIt fceeps off ffles, prevents Hoe cm cows and. horses, soothes cows and horses, prevents the dreaded tick, -srSIl not injure the most sensitive eMq, lasts longer in the sun. aaui KBind, materially increases the flow of milk, give jdws a chance to leed In peace, makes horses good natures!. Hutchison, Sehom & Hipp, Phone 205. 211213 N College St. June Weddings Our arrangement of .wedding flowers and decorative work embod ies the latest ideas in floral craft Our flowers the best to be "had" in the markets. SCHOLTZ, The Florist Inc. Phone 1443. 306 N. Tryon 25 c Oxfords And Pumps Cut this ad out and bring it to our store Saturday and we will give you choice of two hundred pair ladies' and children's pumps and oxf ords Ladies' sizes, '2 to 4. .,.' Children's sizes, 9 to 13. At 25 Cents Si Hi DeLane Shoe Phone 1233. 36 East Trade Street