THE CHARLOTTE NEWS JUNE is, tro - -A Hats Off to our Soda "SPOONY DELIGHT." - a k. -A .a 'vw ... aH mmm. m 1 . ; i i : ' 1 f r- 5 NOTICE'-TO WANT ADVERTISERS. If your name appears Sn the telephone directory your advertise ment yfin be charged ;-nd bill cen. lot J -.I-' ' Bins ut THE NEWS any time ot day and'rec&ivo prompt and care ful attention- THE NEWS cannot guarantee accvray or assume responsibility for errors of any kind occurring in telephoned advertisements. THE NEWS will not be respon sible for more than one incorrect inse-tion of any advertisement or dered for more than one time. Advertisements for daily classi fication -will be received up to i o'clock. For Sunday, 11 P- m-. St trduy night. - PHONE 115. WANTED .WANTED Two gentlemen or couple J for room and board. Nice front room. Phone 1164-J. 19-2t WANTED Four men for room and ; board, 4 blocks of square. Phone 1633-L. 17-tf WANTED A couple for 2 light house ' keeping rooms, close in. Phone ! 1930-L. 19-2t i WANTED Roomers and boarders, 5 i-2 South Church St. Mrs. r . a. ! Richardson 14-7t WANTED A reliable woman to sleep ! in the house for protection. Will give , furnished room free for summer months. Phone 657-L. 19-2t .WANTED Boarders. 500 East Ave-15-5t nue. Phone 204. WANTED Two gentlemen of couple i for nice room and board. Private family, close. - Phone 1954-L. 19-3t WANTED Dressmaking and tailor ing. Positively first class work guar- anteed, 904 West Trade St. Phone 1 2123-J. 16-tf hVAXTED Couple for beautiful front j room, four windows and private I bath. Excellent meals. 406 W. Trade St Phone 223-J. 19-2t WANTED Live wild rats. Will pay f cash. Charlotte Sanatorium. 17-tf IWANTED To rent or will buy from t owner, a good work horse or mule, t Address D., care News. 19-lt "WANTED An opportunity to submit samples and prices on your printing. Let us design your stationery, book let, folder, etc. The kind that will keep you busy. News Printing House, News Bldg., Phone 1530. 5-tf :.W ANTED Position by married man. r Will take anything honorable. Ad- dress R H. M. care News, or phone f 419. 19-4t "WANTED Everybody to know that I we have a private parlor for chil I dre's hair cutting. Hancock's Bar 1 ber Shop. The best in the city. Basement Realty Building. 7-tf VANTED Piano graduate desires po ' sition to teach music, session 1915 - 16. Address Graduate, care of News. 19-2t WANTED Boarders and . roomers, i Rates reasonable. 213 E. 5th. Phone 470-J. 12-tf RANTED Gentlemen for nicely fur r nished rooms. Every convenience. ? Phone 69 6-J. 6-tf .WANTED You to read Elliott & : 'Barnes (City Pressing Club) ad ap ' pearing in this proper daily. 9-tf WANTED To do your painting and ; kaisomining. Prices reasonable. Phone S219-L. - 12-8t WANTED Four men for room and board, 4 blocks of square. Phone 2475-L. 17-tf WANTED To exchange nice resi : denc.e lots, all improvements in, for improved property cash value. Will assume mortgage. G. M. H., care News. : .- 18-2 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE Quartered oak roll top ; desk, slightly used, low price. Lu ; bin Furniture Co. Phone 173. 19-2t FOR SALE If you want to buy a home, or real estate of any kind, call H or see Brown & Company, 3G W. 5th ": St. . ll-10t FOR SALE New bungalow at big dis ; count and easy, terms for quick sale. "Quick," care News. i9-3t FOR SALE The cry of hard times has thrown on the market several good amusement investments. Any onewlth from $1000 to $5000.00 cash . can make some gilt edge invest : ments. 1 Dividends certain. I ' have : bought "every dollar's worth of the same stock . that I can possible han dle at this time. R. D. Craver, P. O. 60x1033, phone 2345 for full particulars. 17-tf FOR SALE Very desirable homes, 5 to 12 rooms, modern and plain, ex cellent locations, terms easy. If you hariarttttle money now is the time to buy a home.. Also some 10 to 15 peif"cen' city, investments. Don't .wait; till they are all taken. J. Arthur Henderson. 19-lt TOR SALE; Building, lots, at bargain prices rwjffierent ctions ; of city on easy terras;; 'Phone- 2122. TOR SALE Or trade, half interest in Charlotte amusement proposition, paying 20 per cent net. Price $750. Wlliv trade for auto, roadster pre ferred. "Auto," care News, , 19-lt pntf SALT? CheaD. rubber tire top; buggy. Phone 3151. 16-4t - ' FOR SALE All kinds of commercial I and society stationery, calling cards, wedding invitations, booklets, I folders, etc. The kind that will keep I you busy. News Printing House, . News Bldg. Phone. 1530. 5-tf FOR SALE One white enamel child's bed, practically new. Address Bed, care News. 19-lt FOR SALE Lumber and roofing in Chapman-Alexander tabernacle, on ground. Cathey Bros. 14-tf FOR SALE i, 5 and 6-room houses on easy terms.- 'Phone. 2122. 19-3t FOR SALE $500 cash nice house five rooms and bath, nicely located on Chadwick avenue, lot 50x220 feet, balance payable five dollars per week for five hundred weeks, a bargain. G. M. H., care News. 18-2t FOR SALE 5-year-old horse sound, good condition, weight 1000 lbs., $160.00. Will exchange for Ford touring car and pay difference. C. E. Kellam, Biscoe, N. C. 19-2t FOR SALE Flat top chairs. Phone 173 8-J. desk, three 18-2t FOR SALE High-class combination saddle and driving horse. Goes all the gaits, high style, perfect condi tion, no fault with saddle, buggy, and harness, or without. Phone 1221. 18-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT urnlsnea and un furnished flats and houses. Mrs. O. A. Robbins. Phoni .382. . tf poR RENT Four unfurnished rooms au conveniences, price reasonable. Phone 1411-L. 19-2t FOR RENT Furnished house No. 6 East Morehead St., for the months of July and August. McAlister Car son, Independence Trust Co. 17-3t-eod FOR RENT One seven-room house No. 5 East First St. Apply Traders' Land Co. 19-2t FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms over Yorke Bros. & Rogers' store, modern conveniences. G. W. Bryan. 16-7t FOR RENT In Dilworth, one or two connecting rooms, furnished or un furnished, board if desired. Private home. Phone 2140. 19-2t FOR RENT Large cool furnished front room, four large windows, 10 West 7th St - 17-tf FOR RENT One six-room cottage, . furnished or unfurnished. Apply Mrs. B. B. Rhyne. 222 S. Cedar. 19-tf FOR RENT Nice flat 500 E. 9th Ave. 15-tf FOR RENT Nice rooms for house keeping. Modern. Phone 1481-J. 19-2t r un Kttrsi t d . unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping. 608 E. 5th. 15-tf FOR RENT Close in rooms, Tryon street. Suitable for offices or room ers. C. E. Mason. Phone 818. - - 19-ot FOR RENT If you want to rent a house, store or apartment phone or see Brown & Company, No. 36 W oth St. ll-10t FOR RENT 4, 5 and 6-room houses irom $y to ?9 per month. E. L. Propst 'Phone 2122. 19-3t FOR RENT Modern six rooms, 317 AVest Palmer. -W..S. Clanton. 19-rt FOR RENT one 5-room cottage, moaern, sos Jackson Ave., $18.00 per mo. H. C. Long. Phone 901. 29-tf FOR RENT Four connecting rooms over 217 North Tryon. W. J. Harty . 19-7t FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 319 N McDowell. Water, electric lights on car line, cement sidewalk. Bit ulthic, $12.00 month. Phone Smith 115. , 24-tT TOR RENT Five room modern cot tage, 208 North Church. W. J Har ty. 19-7t FOR RENT 5-room cottage $14.00 per month. 1411 East Fifth street Same distance as 400 block Eliza beth. ' House newly painted and neatly papered. 7-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished or un rurnished room, Elmore Ant. two yo'.mg ladies. Phone 2537-J. 19-4t FOR RENT Rooms furnished com plete for housekeeping. First floor. Private home. 501 North Popiar . street. ' c-tf FOR RENT Large airy well furnish ed room, 310 N. Church St Phone 1283-L. 8-tf 200 PAIR ladies' and children's ox foVds and pumps Saturday, 25c pair. . DeLane Shoe Co. 18-2t FOR RENT Office and sleeping rooms in . Carson building. C. M. Carson. 18-2t FOR RENT Furnished cottage in Woodlawn for summer -months or longer. Phone 1435-J. - 18-5t . .-J MISCELLANEOUS. - PlXNfOaNo: " "W. " E- SennTChax lotte, N. C. Phone 1569. 5-tf OLD NORTH STATE - Ointment n a household necessity; It is a friend for suffering tiumanity. 27tf-eod LEAVE - EM "r AT HAWLEY'S Dull razors and safety razor blades. Get 'em at Hawley's "better than-new." Saw Edge Sanitary Sharpening Co. 2-tf-eodjLi; ICE CREAM for picnics, excursions, banquets, etc. Get our "Quantity Price." Phone 1707 or come to see us. Purity Ice Cream Co., 520 W. Fifth St. . 27-tf-eod AUTOS FOR HIRE r -and 7-passen-ger cars. Phone 298. 26-tf SOME SHOE SHOPS charge you more but none do .better work than the Champion Shoe Shop, 217 North Tryon. Phone 2881. Why not try us" e-ti MRS. DR. MOOKIL Painless Tooth Extractor, 23 W. Trade. Phone' 1741. SMITH'S BOOK STORE is framing lots of photographs, diplomas, ana pictures of every description. Why not let us frame yours? 211 W. Trade St. 8-3t LADIES' small sizes oxfords, worth up to $2.00 at 25c. DeDane Shoe Co. 18-2t SPECIAL , 60.-CENT SALE Cabbage, 60 cents crate; Deans, ou cents crate, squash, 60 cents crate; cucumbers, 60 cents crate. J. E. Morris, corner 5th and College. Phone 695. 18-2t NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC There is a report that I am not acting as a Justice of the Peace and have re signed my magisterial duties. I am ; still doing business but am at No. 31 East Fourth street instead of . basement of Court House and will be glad if my friends will bear this in mind and call at above address or 'phone me, as I have the same 'phone number No. 2421. I am not, nor am I 'going,1 in the Drug busi- ness. J. L. Brown, J. P. 18-3t LOST & FOUND LOST Bunch of keys, one keys mark I. N. S.-7. Finder please phone 90. 19-2t LOST Pair nose glasses in case. Re turn to News. 19-4t LOST Bunch of keys. Finder please 17-2t phone 90. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES FOR ELKS' CONVENTION, CHAR LOTTE, JUNE 24-25, 1915. VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Southern Railway announces very low round trip fares from all points to Charlotte account State ConvniK n B. P. O. Elks, Charlotte. June 24th and 25th. Tickets on sale June 23rd, 24th and 25th, final return limit June 27r.t. Ask your nearest agent for fares from your station, or write, R. H. DeBUTTS, D. P, A.. 24-td Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of authority conferredr on me by that certain deed of trust dated November 1, 1912,and recorded in Book 304, of Deeds, on page 566, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg County, default having been made in the performance of the obligations secured by said deed of trust, and demand having been made upon me by the owner and holder of the bond evidencing said obligations to exercise the power of sale contain ed therein, I will on the 19th day of July, 1915, the same being the third Monday in said month, at the hour of 12 o'clock M., sell to the highest bid der for cash the following described real estate: Situated in Square No. 11, Ward No. 3, of said City of Charlotte, adjoining the lands oi Frank Johnston, Thomas Garibaldi, -W. C. Dowd and W. F. Dowd, and bounded as follows: Begin ning at . a stake on South Church street, the southwest corner of the lot conveyed to Tom Garibaldi by the late James H. Carson, now owned -by said Garibaldi, and running with South Church street, toward Third street, forty-nine and one-half (49 1-2) feet more or less, to a stake at corner of Frank Johnston's lot; thence back with his line toward Tryon Street Ninety-nine (99) feet to a stake, a corner of lot conveyed by J. Ed Car son and others to W. C. Dowd and'W. F. Dowd by deed duly registered; thence with the line of that lot toward Fourth Street, and parallel with Church Street forty-nine and one-half (49 1-2) feet, more or less, to Tom Garibaldi's corner; thence with his line Ninety-nine (99) feet to the Begin ning; Being the same lot of land con veyed to Nettie B. Goode by E. C. Griffith (unmarried) by deed dated September 9, 1911, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County aforesaid, in book 276, page 394, being the same lot of land conveyed to Julian L. Lummus by Nettie B. Goode and husband, U. S. Goode, by deed dated Feb. 15, 1912, which has been duly filed for record. GEORGE STEPHENS, 6-19-4t-oaw. Trustee. CLYDE LINE Between Georgetown - Wilmington and New York City. Direct weekly passenger service to and from the above cities oh steamers "Cherokee . and, "Seminole" with through tickets to all interior points. Comfortable outside staterooms, ex cellent cusine, spacious social halls and broad decks. ONLY DIRECT LINE WITHOUT CHANGE Steamers leave Wilmington for Georgetown every . Monday, arriving Tuesday. Returning leave George town Thursday, arriving Wilmington Saturday. Leave Wilmington for New York every Saturday, arriving Tues day. Returning leave New York Fri day, arriving Wilmington Monday. Through bills of lading and lowest rates to and from all points in North and South Carolina. C. J. BECKER, Agent, Wilmington, N. C. H. KAMINSKI & CO., Agents, . Georgetown.Sr C - Amusements Extra Attractions at the Piedmont Theatre Today. The Piedmont theatre will today present at all shows in addition to the regular show the inauguration of President Graham, at Chapel Hill, N. C. Secretary of the Navy Daniels was there, also other great notables and there are also shown 96 presidents of 96 different- colleges of the South, pro fessors and students. This1 is ."one of the greatest pictures of its kind ever taken and the Universal-Picture Com pany has shown a part ' of this same picture all over the world. The first matinee today starts at 2 p. m., and the second show at 3:30 p. m.' The Black Box is also shown at all shows. STATESVILLE WON. Lenoir, June 19. Featured by home runs and errors, Lenoir yesterday, lost the first game played in the' Western North Carolina League when ' the State3ville Invincible s won from them by the score of 8 to" 7. Watliias, for the locals, worked out a great game but nine healthy boots by, th'a . locais sent the big end of the score glim mering the other way. The locals' eight hits were aided materially by seven Statesville errors but this combination found them one run shy. Booe, Brouthers and i3ruce secured a single homer while. Yount of the visi tors secured two. Score : Statesville Lenoir . . R. H. E. . 8 5 7 .7 89 Batteries: :Kanipe, Booe and Bird; Watkins and Stuart WON THE' LAST ONE. Raeford, June 19. Fairmont made it one in three from Raeford here yes terday . afternoon when three bunched hits in the eighth netted them three runs and giving thm the deciding tal lies in a 4 to 3 win. The onslaught chased McKeithan from the mound and Newton who relieved him held the heavy hitting visitors without a hit. Floyd for the visitors pitched a steady game. Washington, June 19. F. W. Bruce, an outfielder, was released yesterday by the Washington American League Club to NorfoRof the Virginia League under optional agreement He prob ably will be recalled at the end of the minor league season. Bruce former ly played "with the Virginia Poly tech nic Institute. GROCERS LISTEN! Ripe cantaloupes corn, bkra, cucum bers, tomatoes, carrots, squash, head lettuce, celery, bell peppers, beets, grape fruit, oranges, bananas, large ripe peaches 25c, basket, raspberries, huckleberries, blackberries, pineap piss, etc SIGMON-KLUEPPELBERG CO. PHONE 2375. Your doctor says give the baby Fa rina. We have it. Also barley and a fresh shipment of Graham and Jireh Flour. MILLER-VAN NESS CO, 27 No. Tryon St, SLICED BREAKFAST BACON, Chipped Beef, Boiled Ham and Ox Tongue; These goods are all fresh and sliced on the machine when or dered and there is nothing better to be had when on a picnic or outing. S. 5. XENTZ Phone 101. Fred Cochrane, Mgr. CHEON! The best 50c Tea for Cold Tea in America. Kenny's "Special" blend of Coffee 25c, the cup favorite. We have an unusual fancy head rice 5 lbs. 40c CD. KENNY CO. Sugars, Coffees, Teas. Phone 1551-1552. JUST RECEIVED a fresh supply of Hotel Astor Coffee and Rice. Pure wholesome groceries. Full weight Quality. W. M. BURKHZAD. Phone 732. 323 E. Trade. CASH ONLY , Best cuts chuck steak, 15 cents. Fancy pot roast 12 1-2 to 15. Best cuts steak 10. Tender round steak, 22. Tenderloin and sirloin, western or native, 25. Pork chops, 20. Veal chops, 18, 2 lbs. 35. Ask for hams and breakfast bacon cut on new ma chine, 30 cents. Quality guaranteed. FOWLER'S MARKET. Phone 553. REFRIGERATORS Ice Boxes, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Porch Goods, Swings, etc. Prices right Bellinger Furniture Co. 13-15 W. 5th. Phone 3146 Herring Furniture Company 16 - Nor College -St.- S. 0. S. FROM INTS, me b y that certain deed of trust dated ; Harrisburg, Pa., June 19. This city today raised the guarantee needed to have the Newark baseball team of the International League transferred to Harrisburg. SURE Meet the 5 a.m. Trains. Phe us. "We'll be there" for you. Phone 1095. JTNEY RAPID TRANSIT CO. Fine Work Is the foundation of our repu tation. Cleaning, pressing and repair ing clothes is our . business. CAN WE SERVE YOU? City Pressing Club Phones 573-574. 223 N. Tryon St USED CARS FOR SALE. Touring cars and roadster in first class condition at a very low price. If interested it will certainly pay you to see us. ' 12 N. Church St. WOODSIDE MOTOR CO. 'Phone 341. YOUR INTEREST IS OUR INTEREST Our business is to study your in terests, and meet your demands. Phone us your orders early Saturday morning for quick delivery. We can offer you the season's choicest vegetables at the most reasonable prices, and will get them to you in time for dinner, too. Fresh Country, Eggs. ' Coop nice Spring Chickens. Kingan's Reliable Hams and ' Sliced Breakfast Bacon. Finest Country Hams in the city. Good ' selection. Sunny South Lard, all sizes. Snowdrift Lard, 10 lbs. $1.00. Normana Brand Kippered Herring. Just try one. You'll order it again, and only 15c per can. 3 cans Argo Red Salmon, 50c. We have the very best assortment of Canned Goods. Small Spanish Peanuts, 7c quart. Whippoorwill Peas, $2.00 bu., 55c pk. We have one good bay horse for sale. Inquire of us. CULP BROS. Phone 1194. 225 E. Trade St. BEST POTATOES, 25c Peck. Smaller size 17c or 65c bushel. Fresh Country Eggs .... 20c Large Fat Mackerel 12 1-2c Prunes .... ........ 5c Best large Prunes 3 lbs. for.... ..25c Hams. 17 1-2c Country Hams 20c Breakfast Bacon 16 and 21c Sliced .... .... 28c Real good Tea 35c Best: ... . . .. . . 60c Salmon. . .......... . .?. ..... 90c Salmon ........ .... .... 90c dozen Bridgers & Co., Phone 151. 33 N. College St Garment Germs May Cause Disease Our scientific method of press ing clothes kills all germ mat ter, restores life and luster to the cloth and positively pro duces in every garment The Natural Body Shape. CLEANING, ALTERING, REPAIRING Southern Pressing Club Phone 1878. UPHOLSTERING, REFINISHING and Repairing an grades of Furniture. Dealer in Antiques. E. R. McGINN, 712 E. 7th St Phone 2232-J. We are selling better furniture than has ever been sold at the prices for which we are offering it. You really furnish your home at about half of what it would cost In ordinary times to furnish it. For instance, look at this bed! It has two-inch posts, and five large fill- ers. You get this for $12.50. Others equally as good. Phone 1223 Sodas, Shakes -and Egg Drinks pleases and served in a way Bowen's, 21 South Tryon Street. Palm Beach Suits Cleaned 50c. FINK'S PRESSING CLUB D. W. Fnk, Prop. 36 E. 5th St Phone 977 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY AND TIME BY LETTING US SAVE YOUR SOLES. We use tie Goodyear weit system, SHU-FIXERY 203 WEST TRADE STREET PHOHC 2082 The State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. June 5, 1915. In the matter of DRAINAGE OF LITTLE SUGAR CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 2. Notice to:' James Deal, W. H. David- W. F. Baker 75.11 son, W. E. Mcllwaine, J. W. Elliott, J. M. Kirkpatrick heirs; C P. Elliott, Walter Alexander, T. L. J. Watt Kirkpatrick heirs 10 0.1)1 Kirkpatrick, J. Moore Kirkpatrick, J. E. & J. H. Bolick loo.rt) DeArmond Kirkpatrick Miss Lila Heirs of J. J. Sims 100.00 Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Zelma TerrMI, Sterling Graydon Sterling Graydon, R. C. Collins, H. K. Reid James Howard, PIneville Loan & R. G. White Savings Bank, Daisy Sutton, M. C. R. C. Collins Hare, Mrs. M. L. Roane, Lee Downs, James Howard ' George Graves, W. B. Meacham, Pineville Loan & Savings Bank William Boatwright, Chadwick-Hos- W. M. Morrow kins Co. (Dover Yarn Mills), John Daisy Sutton Osborne, Re,v. Taylor, Zeb. M. M. G. Hare Johnston, Mrs. Mcllie Scott, C. M. Mrs. M. L. Roane Pickens, Mrs. Nannie Gilson, J. A. Mrs. A. L. Stough Thrower, Mrs. Bettie Thrower, Mrs. W. J. Taylor Elia Parks, W. M. Ross, Mrs. Daisy W. H. Bell Barringer, Mrs. Sallie Younts, J. E. Lee Downs McClure. Mrs. J. L. Weeks. Mrs. George Graves Eliza Ardrey, J. S. Miller. ' w The persons above-named will take notice that, the Board of Arbitrators, John Qsborne .... uomposeQ oi inaries ti. uaiaweii, Hi. E. Niven, H. G. L. Rea, Joe H. Rob inson and W. R. Alexander, to whose arbitrament and award was submitted the matters in controversy existing between the Mecklenburg Drainage Commission and certain land owners in said Drainage District, did, on the 18th day of March, A. D., 1915 sub mit to the Mecklenburg Drainage Com mission their written report and award in accordance with the arbitration agreement theretofore entered into, as follows: "TO THE MECKLENBURG DRAIN AGE COMMISSION: The undersigned, Chas. H. Caldwell, E. E. Niven, H. G. L. Rae, Jos. H. Rob inson and W. R. Alexander, having been designated by a joint committee of six selected by the Mecklenburg Drain aeg Commission and the land owners in Drainage ' District No. 2 of Little Sugar Creek, to whose arbitrament and award was submitted the matters in controversy existing between the Mecklenburg Drainage Commission and the land owners in said Drainage District respectfully report as fol lows: ' Pursuant to the terms of. a written agreement entered into between the Mecklenburg Drainage Commission and the persons owning land in the drainage district above referred to, which said agreement bears date the 27th day of February, 1914, having been first duly sworn to faithfully, ef ficiently and impartially discharge the duties of our appointment without fear or favor, and after due notlcfi to each of the persons owning lands said district, we went upon the prem ises of the several property owners located in the said district and ascer tained and determined what, in our opinion, was necessary to be done for the purpose of completing the canal, so as to make it drain the property and water shed in the district to the best possible advantage; and we also reported what, in our. opinion, was ne cessary to be done by the Commission in order to protect the property through which the canal runs, and to prevent water running through the canal and overflowing the lands; said written report having been duly filed with the Mecklenburg Drainage Com mission. " After the Commission had duly per formed the things ascertained and reported by us, and after five (5) days' notice to each of the persons owning lands in the said .district, we again went upon the several pieces of land located in the said district, to gether with the land owners, for the purpose of ascertaining and determ ining the special benefits each piece of land in the said drainage district has received by reason of the construc tion of the canal in said district. v In ascertaining the special benefits above mentioned, we did not take Into con sideration any fact, matter or thing except such evidence as tended to show the difference in the market val ue of the land before the canal was constructed, its market value after wards, and arising on account of the construction1 of the canal; and we were not governed by, nor did we take into consideration, any classification made by . any jury heretofore appoint ed for that; purpose, nor did we take into consideration any cost of the construction. of t&e saidcajaaL We of finest materials with the flayer that you like. The best to be had ah-, . the 203 Phones 459 have also, after due notice to a'l jnrc,iu anO e.1TK;;rt ered all the evidence offered b- th land owners and the Drainage 'VoSf iwiijuiwii tvj-Lx Liicii clllui iicys. Havinsr in all rpenonto n , ement owners, dated Februarv 27 im :ZA lloroiTlllofnrQ yr,f J A . d"(l hereinbefore referred to, we r?n make, puDiisn ana declare ttiis award in writing, as follows: We rind that drainage district No. 2 Little" sr Creek have received special benefit' on account of the construction of 'said canal in names and amounts as to' lows : R. A. Miller and J. S. Miller.. 8 400 00 -1 ames irarKS James Deal J. . S. Miller T. P. Morrow Mrs. Mary M. Poole ... Mrs. Nancy Sharpe W. H. Davidson J. P. Ardrey Mrs. Susan Hartgrove . . . G. E. Maynard S. W. and J. M. Porter. Stokes & Shannonhouse Dr. A. M. Whisnant .. Miss Anna Porter B. "E. Wolfe W. E. Mcllwaine W. M. Garrison Matthew Wallace Parks Kirkpatrick Mrs. Lula Bigham 50.09 50.00 1 30.00 ".loo 273.00 IOi'i.UO 50.00 270.00 250.00 130.00 1:10.00 375.00 looo.oe 500.00, 230.0C 230.0C T 0O.OC 26.0C -if to.or so.or J. W. Elliott 13.01; C. P. Elliott S. K. Bennett 30.0c Walter Alexander 40.00 Jim Alexander 4.". or Abraham Davidson fiO.Of "'V..:l Mrs. Cynthia K. Brown W.- H. Lambeth 15.01 110.00 10.1.00 100.00 7.50 15.00 30.00 S.0U 15.01 50.00 1 0.0 20.00 I'O.fCl 5.i!0 20.0C W. B. Meacham William Boatwright 12. . 1S0.01 5;?i 5J)0 . 500" . 35.0c 40.00 . 50.00 170.00 , 5.00 , 15.00 23.00 40.00 20.0) 30.00 ' 20.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 50.00 20.00 35.00 35.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 12.00 15.00 Rev. Taylor J. S. Miller Zeb Johnston Mrs. Mollie Scott . Dr. E. H. Hand S. L. Manson Evan Yandle C. M. Pickens W. C. Barnett W. E. Younts Mrs. Nannie Gilson . Miss . Beulah Younts H. M. Stroup W.' B. Bailes W. G. Johnston J. A. Thrower Mrs. Bette Thrower W. B. Warwick Mrs. Ella Parks ... W. M. Ross Mrs. Daisy Barringer Mrs. Walker Mrs. Sallie Younts . Mrs. Eliza Ardrey . . . W. A. Rogers R. B. Johnston S. L. Hoover J. E. McClure Mrs. J. L. Weeks .. Total And, in addition to above, eaw 0. the tracts of land shall be assessed in terest from and after the first daj 0 January, 1913, on the above amount at six per cent per annum, r.n u And this is in full of all maitf submitted to us. , n Witness our hands, this lsth da March, 1915. C. H. CALDWELL. W. B. ALEXANDER. JOSEPH H. ROBIN fcON, H. G. L. REA, E. E. NIVEN." . The above-named persons and J inj ana au oiuer pciau ; , t0 the arbitration agreement rr"e:f t0 owning or claiming any luv. ; in any of the" above-mentioned J.;1. Little Sugar Creek Drainage E.- No. 2; and against wmch bp- d eilLS UrtVO uccu ov -- C&l ion the Mecklenburg Drainage " ,he will meet in the Court uj-- kt 3rd day of July, at x par. A. M when any land or- men. ties to the arbitration agretuK . tioned may be heard, in 4 of a2 with the provisions of zee. 101 Act of the General Assc. j;Ied thA 2nH dav of March, thA 2nd day of 3 a-' s "An ACl IO auitsuu - f-ou; Place, to drainage in MecKi.- Pub!ic same being Chapter &o ) 01 - q ;ve Laws of 1911, and Chsr' ,f Public Local Laws or l- otrner3 The above-mentioned & iiat will further take notice ifcb and showing the location ot r j , raCl5 of the boundaries of the v,pnrionea land within the c their Drainage District, &ccolr vM several owners, is on nit. shan. inspection, in the office or r. ;IrC-Klen-nonhouse, attorney JJ -?m, U burg Drainage Commj; Building," Charlotte, a. p" This the 4th day 01 June' MECKLENBURG DRAlMlSSlO- ; 'By JR. Alexander. Chairman. W. S. Pharr, Secretary .. v-19-10t