I THE CHARLOTTE NEWS JANUARY 10, 1919. LOCAL .,nf;!Y: Keith Vaudeville and Ple iiHrffc Malnee, 3 l M. NtSht, 7 and Musical Comedy n,i :30 PHYiO . -k T I i - . . . m A. - . 1 I'.IU r-0VAY: High-class Pictures, 10:3 M. to 11 1 m: S'3 l- o.. a t ii r vy ' T1!.M)t Hifth-clasa Pi cl arts, 10:30 r ji. to 11 P. M. ,.rOM: lUsh-oIass Pictures, 10:30 4. to 11 P. M. jDEAL: Hlsrh-class Pictures, 10:30 A. 1. TO At the Broadway. tpw drama 'brimful of 1 aeeC-if character Peggy HvIh v ssie' acted by lovS Sy S d Wh0 follows her two ReTcr0ssFranCe and enlists in the brfneK fUd stirring' vicissitudes' S Ij e? together In No hniti v' and later at the base hospital, where Bonnie Annie Is 1 hn to make laddiP L Te ,betwee the Scotch A.- ? aid the American boy. Her decision is not the obvious one how ever, and can best be found out by seeing this play at the same theate? At the Academy of Music. This afternoon and tonight at the 3 o clock matinee and the evening shows at 7:15 and 9 o'clock-will offer mm!i J"""M"1Mai"aaaaanBnaaaMm yitfy(-jf.i; Coming to The Edisonia Monday of each wppI fr. Eighteen Veeks, beginning January 20th. rrt 11 e. .. - ... ...,r w tM. h -aai 1 rv. .1 Ji ,7?'. I w- the last opportunity to see the pro gram of Keith vaudeville at the Academy of Music during, the latter half of the week, a program which nas produced more laughs in the audience perhaps than any show that has appeared here in a long while. The great blackface . comedy act of La France and Kennedy is responsible for more laughs perhaps than any other one of the five acts, though the comedy sketch entitled "A Regular Business Man" runs it a close second in this respect. The singing of Louis London, tbe cowboy minstrel, and the acrobatic comedy act of Hill and Bertina con tribute much to the enjoyment of the program. Princess Kalami, a princess of the Hawaiian. Islands, likewise contributes much to the act by her clever interpretation of Hawaiian songs and dances, In which she is ably assisted by a fellow-Hawaiian. The picture program contains " a great Mack Sennett comedy and a Pathe Film feature of much interest. Heat Your Entire House From One Register SIMPLE WARM COMFORTABLE Just this one large register. The hot air comes up through the center circle and the cold air goes down the other compartment between the circle and the border. It's right over the Quaker Pipeless Furnace, , Mere heat and just where y&u want it always ready. To warm tnat coia room, just open tne aoor. i he ua .ker Pipeless Furnace has no pipes, no bulky cold air returns. Your walls are not torn up. no cellar is too small. Will burn any futL Particularly adapted to soft coaV Special humidifier keeps the air always moist. The furnace is built of heavy boiler plate steel, no cemented joints to leak gas. dust or soot. Fire pot lined with high-test fire brick, capable of withstanding 3400 degrees of neat. An abundance of clean, pure warm air sent to every room. Simpler than a stove to operate, cleaner, more saving oi fuel, and much more healthful. Sends heat to every room in the house. Ventilates as well as heats. Changes and purifies the air to every room. Keeps the cellar cool for fruit and vegetable storage. R. S. GARMON & BRO. 32-36 Howell Arcade. Phone 992 Arrotrm tftow direction - of air current At the Strand. . It Is a wonderful tiring for a man to be a master of many trades and it is even .more -so when a young woman is found possessing this good fortune. Ruth Roland, star of "Hands Up," the new Pathe serial, shown at the Strand theater on Saturday, could readily abandon her dramatic career which, of course she never will do and se cure a position In an architect's office: There are no "sets" In any of the productions with which she has been identified that she has not assisted in the direction or construction thereof. Many of the novel devices used in "Hands Up" are her brain children. Whenever the script calls for a scene to create a" big thrilling effect and there, Is a problem as to effectively arranging the "props," Miss Roland is always drafted into service and usu ally she has a ready solution to offer which carries with it a big "punch.": Her work in this great serial is marked by splendid daring and the perilous feats she performs seem al- ' ' ' - ,...3 1 . : . in rr. -., rr ..- - y i j most impossible to accomplish with out injury to herself. Mr. Gilson Willets.-the author, when called upon to write this unusual story said that if he could have Miss Roland as the star that he would snbmlt a script which never before had been equalled. Judging from the popular reception it- is receiving throughout the country, he has entirely made good. ' GRANDMOTHER KNEW There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard . But the old-fashioned mustard-plaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the ; plaster and without the blister Musterole does it. It is a clean, white ointment, made .with oil of mustard. It is scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders, and yet does not blister the tenderest skin. Just massage Musterole in with the finger-tips' gently. See how quickly it bring3 relief how speedily the pain disappears. Use Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 20c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. At The Academy of Music. Do you remem&er the "My Hero" song in the famous "Chocolate Sol dier' not so many years ago, and the sensation it caused all over the coun try. "It was a hard sciag to sing and a thorough test of artistic ability to im press it properly o nan audience. "Well, the girl who first sang "My Hero" in "The Chocolate Soldier" was Frances Kennedy, who is booked to play at the Academy Theatre in this city be ginning Jan.- 13th, 1919. Since the day of the great old Inusical comedy Miss Kennedy has rounded into, a vaude ville headliner, and now 13 regarded as one of the stellar attractions co both the Keith and Orpheum circuits. She still retains , the glorious voice that first won her fame, but to it has added a vein of comedy which makes her even more welcome. tion, escapes from restraint and spiritualistic seance. It is claimed that no exhibition of its multiple character has ever been shown in Charlotte. LARGE ATTENDANCE AT CHAPEL HILL AtThe Auditorium. The Great Blackstone arrived in the city early today from Norfolk, Va., and will figure in two events that are attracting genuine interest and pub lic attention. Primarily the superman of mysti cism and master mind of magic comes here to play an engageent at the Au ditorium theatre tonight. Incidentally this wonder worker, ad vertised as possessing the cleverest hands in the world, will give this af ternoon at 5 o'clock a public demon stration of the powers of mental tele pathy. His test is styled a postoffice chase and it will take him on a dead run all over the downtown- section, starting from the square. The superman will be blindfolded by a committee of business men and will be sent out to locate hidden keys and to deliver letters. Not being able to see, but not once halting in his onward dash, Blackstone will be directed men tally by thought transmission by the thoughts on- the minds of the mem-i bers ,of the committee. Blackstcne will not know where the keys are located -or the routes to be ! taken. The committee does. By keep ing these locations and routes on their minds and one at a time clasping the superman's hand, the committeemen I through mental telepatny will direct the steps of the runner. Tonight ' at the Auditorium, the Grat ffllackstone and his company will in 150 minutes present 100 feats and i features having to do with magic, illu sion, legerdemain, card manipulation, hypnotism, levitation. and dismtegra- Chapel Hill, Jan. 11. A rousing welcome was given to both the old and new students of the University of North Carolina at a well attended mass meeting of the" student body held in Gerrard Hall Thursday, night. The regular pre-war schedule has again been adopted at the University and things have been started all over. The majority of the men have discarded their uniforms, the only remaining evi dence of the S. A. T. C. regime. JVlany new men have entered the University while the large number of former students returning is gratifying to the University authorities. Registra tion has not yet been completed. TO BE UNDER HER MANAGEMENT Monroe, Jan. , 10. Miss ' Marietta Cain of Salisbury has bought an interest-in the Strand theatre and will at tend to the management of same. She owns interest in several "movies' among them being one in Durham and one in Salisbury. YOU CAN'T WORK WELL WITH A COLD Relieve it with Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey and enjoy your job. Gliarlotte's Greatest AUTOMOBILE E SALE We offer below a list of the famous General, Cord and Fabric Tires, in odd sizes, in a limited number; also a number of Firestone and J. & D. make tires. These tires are all guaranteed "FIRST." 37 by 5 36 bv 4 1- 36 by 4 37 by 4 1 35 by 5 33 by 4 1- 34 by 4 33 by 4 32 by 31 28 by 3 30 by 3 30 by 3 One lot 0. D. C. Plain and Non-Skid 2 Q. D., C. Plain and Non-Skid Straight Side, Non-Skid only 2 Straight Side, Non-Skid only Q. D. C. Plain and Non-Skid 2 Straight Side, Non-Skid only Straight Side, and Plain only Q. D. C. Plain and Non-Skid -2 Q. D. C, 1 Non-Skid only Clincher " Non-Skid Firestone Plain ' J. & D. ' ofFirestones and J. & D. Tubes 21 OFF for SPOT CASH This Sale is for lO Days Only -ALSO- 500 Springfield Pumps, regular $4.00 pump. . . . . .... . . 50 sets Firestone demountable rim Ford wheels,, $25 wheel. . 500 boxes cementless tube patches, regular 50c... .. ..... .. .....$2.50 .. ....$14.00 .... ...15c Hook on Boots Fan Belts Reliners Cement Tire Tape Valves Tire Covers Oils Auto Soaps Jacks Radiator Hose Blow-out Patches Horns Chains Light Bulbs Tire Gages Spark Plugs Cup Greases Wonder Mist Duck Gum Bicycle Tires Baby Carriage Tires Grim Visaged War! Combat fn the Trenches Feud in No Man's Land Peggy Hyland ii: ; ' in r ' " oniiie Annie Constant coughing, wheezing, sniff ling keep you from 'thinking clearly. Don't feel heavy-headed, grippy. Swing into action with Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey and free yourself of cold-discomfort. It is composed of ingredients that soothe the tickling -throat,' 'help to ease the uncomfortable inflammation, loosen the phlegm and congestion and ease the breathing. Relieve? grippe, bronchitis, asthma, hoarseness, too. Economical, satisfying. Druggists ev erywhere. 30c, 60c. $1.20. j I ! An Exceptional Value at $8.00 We would like you to: see this Black Kid lace Boot with French heels which we are offering at only $8.00. It is a real value in a ; good dressy boot. Let v us show you. " DeLane Shoe Company 36 East Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. 2? LaiiF Direction, Harry Mil larde - A Clean, Wholesome Tale ( of -Love and Honor pROADWAy TODAY itorium TONIGHT The- Great Blackstone Master Mind of Magic Superman of Mysticism Record-Breaking Sale Looks Like Auditorium CAPACITY Ask the Hand of Death! Charlotte's ' Most Modern Movie Theatre TODAY ert Lytell In "Hitting the a a DDOtS llgl Also Ruth Roland "Hands Up" NO. 9 Warm the ColdCorners With a renecno ft 17 Tf Heater r There is nothing so handy as one of these dandy (smokeless) Oil Heaters. Stick it in the Bathroom a few minutes before your bath. Or it will take the chill off your bed room while dressing . Or carry it to some of the cold -corners of your heated homel ' . .Prices $6.50 to $8.50 (lartoii Hardware Co. BIG OPPORTUNITIES NEW TODAY "THE HUMAN TIGER" With' Eileen Sedgwick and Fred Church. It is a great jungle drama. The latest "L-KO" come dy. Full of laughs. Buggy Tires And hundreds of accessories for the automobile owner will be included in this sale at greatly reduced prices. . ' . . ' Now is your chance to pick up the best automobile tires sold m Charlotte, af the sizes are what you want, at a big saving. First Come First Served. )X " ' ; ' Our stock on these are very limited. STROUP E & SON 20Q W T?mU Cfvopf. Phone 2283 TODAY Alice Brady In - - e Ordeal of Rosetta" mm TO : The Mecca of Discriminating-, Amusement Lovers. . f FIVE EXTRAORDINARY ACTS OF KEITH VAUDEVILLE MATINEE 3 P. M. Night 7:30 and 9:00 ; LA FRANCE AND KENNEDY Premier Delineators of Black face Comedy in . ; "After the Battle" PRINCESS KALAMI & CO. Presenting the "Echoes From Kilauea," HILL AND BERTINA Eccentric - Comedy Presentations A REGULAR BUSINESS MAN A remarkable sketch of modern life executed by four people. LOUIS LONDON "The Cowboy ' ' Minstrels." MACK SENNET COMEDY Pathe News. ! "BEST BY TEST" DOMING. NEXT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRANCES KENNEDY, "THE MERRIEST. COMEDIENNE by the thousands are bidding strong for young men and women efficiently trained in banking, bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting and modern bus iness methods. Make 1919 the epochal year of you r life by training for. a successful bus iness career. ' Your prospects are very propitious. . :. ' Our courses are approved Jy banks. Chambers of Commerce, State Offi cials and the United States Bureau of Education. Call or request ,. Catalog and Journal. . . . . Charlotte, Tf. C. ' Ralefjrh.- Tf. C. Business Directory Firms and Indlvld'wals classified under this headlac are known, bf The News, to he reUable. Thoy . ask your - patronagre. ; ; , . Call on the Advertlslna; Department for ratett tot classification mder this headlnc Phono 115 ana solleltor wlU call. ACCOUNTANTS, PUBLIC TODD & McCOL-LOUGH Certified. Phone 2361. 207 Piedmont Bids:. AUTO DEALERS ANDERSON MOTOR SALES CO. Anderson Cars and Truxtun Trucks. Phone 2337. 322 N. Try on. SEHORN AND HIPP ' Successors to Hutchison, Sehorn & Hipp. ; "Chevrolet" Automobiles and' Trucks Phone 203. . - 211 N; . College. BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS THE NEWS PRINTING HOUSE Phone 1530. 36 3. Church. CHIROPODIST JAS. F. HAMILTON . Chiropodist and Podiatrist PJiono 1111-y Basement Realty. Bldg. OASRIES KIRKWOOD J)A1RY Pasteurized Milk. Dairy Products. H. D. - Klrkpa trick. Phone 836 DENTISTS DR. FRANK K. HAYNES Room 208 Xatta Arcade. Phone 3S93. DR. S. LETT 7 East Trade St. , Phone 1336 HARNESS AND SADDLES SEHORN AND HIPP Phone 205 211 N. College. JUNK DEALERS PB3DMONT IRON & METAL CO. s Cash Buyers. Eighth & Railroad. Phone 886 NOTARY S PUBLIC: W. M. BELL News Building. Phone US OPTOMETRIST y F..C. ROBERTS Eyes' Examined Glasses Fitted. 24 S. Tryon St.. .OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SPECIALTY CO. Rubber Stamps. Notary Seals. Phone 1617. ; 112 Latta Arcade. PAINT AND GLASS 1 EZELL-MYERS CO. Phoae 755." 12-14 W. Fifth. PLUMBING & HEATING ' V . H. G. McAULEY ' . Contractor and Repair "Worjr. 318 N. Trade, Phone 143 PIANO TUNING MOVING CHAS. M. STIEFF, Inc. Established here more than 20 years.' Phone 196. 219 S. Tryon. STAMPS AND SEALS OFFICE SPECIALTY CO. , Rubber Stamps. Notary Seals. Phone 1517. 112 Latta Arcade. TOOLS SHARPENfcD-REPAIRED - R. L. DUVAL 32 West Fourth St. (Upstairs.) TRANSFER AND STORAGE COCHRANE-ROSS CO. Llrery, Moving, Packing, Storing. Horsee, Moles, Heavy Hauling. t Phone 52. 215 West Fourth VULCANIZING QUEEN CITT IRON & METAL CO. Phone 199. 617 S. MlnL KODAK FINISHING GEO. DOUMAR PHOTO CO. Kodak Finishing for Dealers. 17 1-2 W. 4th SL Charlotte, N. C. CHARLOTTE VULCANIZING CO. Phone 1596. 37 W. Fourth. HUNTLEY BROS. VULC. CO. We Sell All Standard Make TIrei. Phone 1139. 11 S. Church. SHAW VULCANIZING CO. Phone 3593. ,. 210 N. College, W V :t'