t Pi ll , u V THE CHARLOTTE NEWS FEBRUARY 11, 1919 9 White Lenox Ladies' Fine White Lenox Cloth Boots Spanish and Cuban White Leather Heels and Soles. $5.85 These are Ideal for Early Spring A Very' Popular - Shoe Where White Shoes Are Desired. Thompson's Phone 23. Houbigant's Quelques Heurs Extract (Kel-Kuh-Flur) We have this exquisite perfume in stock now j "" 1 - I !mrs.henry cohn DIED YESTERDAY Was from Baton Rouge, La., and Had Been Taking Treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Mrs. Henry Cohn of Baton Rouge, La.; died yesterday at Tranquil Park Sanatorium after an illness of only two days, the cause of death being influenza. The remains were taken to Baton Rouse this mornins. They were accompanied by Mr. Cohn and by Mrs. Conn s brother and sister, tney aiso being from Baton Rouge. , Mrs. Cohn had been to Johns Hop kins hospital at Baltimore recently undergoing treatment for nervous trouble: Mr. Cohn had been with her and had been advised to bring her to Charlotte. Mrs.' Conn's brother and sister ioined Mr. and Mrs. Cohn here on their arrival from Baltimore but left after a day for trip to New York intending to stay ten days. They were recalled on account of Mrs. Cohn's condition, however, and were here when the end came. The deceased was 52 years of age and was a native of Baton Rouge. She is survived by her husband and one son. The funeral and interment will take place in Baton Rouge. ON INCOME RETURNS Dobbs & Go's. Celebrated Hats for fcadies New Shapes In Straws : (Second-Floor) The Tate-Brown Co, Odd Size "Ajaxandlmperir CASINGS At Less Than Cost Here's a chance to fix up your old car and save some money. Just a few of these so hurry. 32"x3 1-2"" "Ajax" non skid or plain . . $19.50 35x4" "Imperial" non-skid at.. .. ....$22.00 33"x4" "Imperial" plain at.. ....$22.00 s Charlotte Hardware Co. Internal Revenue Commissioner Roper has instructed Collector Watts that no general extension of time be yond March 15 for filing income and excess profits returns by individuals; firms and corporations and the pay ment of the first quarterly payment of the tax due on or before that date will be granted. This is necessitated by the condition of the treasury. There are treasury certificates of in debtedness approximating ?800,000,000 maturing March 15, and the first quarterly payment of income and ex cess profits taxes is needed to take up these certificates. Blanks will be sent out as soon as the revenue bill becomes law, and deputy collectors and other revenue officers will go to every, county to as sist taxpayers with their returns. Notice of the times and places will be published in the papers. DR. LITTLE ASSISTS IN FLORIDA REVIVAL Dr. Luther Little, pastor of the First Baptist church, left Charlotte Monday for Jacksonville, Fla., where he will be associated with his friend, Dr. . W. B. Riley, in an evangelistic campaign. Dr. Little will conduct a .revival of ten days at the Phoenix Baptist church, 01 which Dr. E. C. Sheridan is pastor. Dr. Riley will hold a series of services at another of the Jackson ville churches. Dr. Livingston T. Mays, correspond ing secretary of the Baptist assembly a.t Ridgecrest, will fill Dr. Little's pulpit next Sunday morning, and Dr. J. T. Mangum will preach at the night service. DOCTORS PASS RESOLUTIONS Pay Tribute to the Memory of Dr. Geo. H. Sadelson at Meeting Monday. At a called meeting of the "Meck lenburg County Medical society Mon day the following resolutions were un animously adopted. "First. Whereas Jt .has pleased Almighty God to call our esteemed friend and fellow member of this so ciety, Geo. H. Sadelson,. from our midst to that other life we all .look for beyond the grave, we desire to acknowledge our appreciation of the privilege it was to have had such a companion, friend and fellow member of our society. Dr. Sadelson although for many years not strong of body, was at all times bright and hopeful. By nature cheerful, indus trious and energetic. Not once did he" ever give up his deep interest in his work, notwithstanding the many trying ordeals he was called upon to face in his professional labors. Due to ill health he twice moved his place of residence and after being more than thirty years in general practice of medicine he took up special work to avoids night work. In all these changes 'and vicissitudes he was for his bright nature, and cheerful man ners, a most courageous soul, .a real sermon In life to all who truly knew this Christian gentleman, well inform ed and beloved physician. "Second. That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this society, sent to the family ancij: to the daily papers of this city. ! "Committee: i "JOHN HILL TUCKER "I. W. FAISON "O, J. HOUSER "J. E. S. DAVIDSON." "Mother's Tender Flowers" - Watch the tongue o'f your young! v" . Children droop and wither if you permit constipation ' V poison to be absorbed into their delicate systems. Hurry! Give Cascarets to clean the little clogged-up liver and bowels. Children love harmless Cascarets because Cascarets taste like-candy only 10 cents a box! Grand! - cL- Vn 1 j r 1 When a child's tonfue turns white, breath feverish, stomach sour, mothers can always depend upon safe old "Cascarets" to gently, yet thor oughly clean the little liver ancL bowels. Cascarets are just dandy for children. They taste like candy and no child need be coaxed to take their even when cross, bilious and sick. Each 10 cent box contains direc tions and dose for children aged one year old and upwards j Easy to Make This f Pine' Cough Remedy j Thousands of families swear by Its prompt results. IexpenslTe and saves about 2. You know that pine is used in nearly all prescriptions and remedies for coughs. The reason is that pine contains -several peculiar elements that have a remark able effect in soothing and healinc the membranes of the throat and chest. Pine is famous for this purpose. Pine cough syrups are combinations of pine and svrup. The "syrup" part is usually plain granulated sugar syrup. To make the best pine cough remedy that money can buy, put ounces of Pinex in a pint bottle, and fill up with home-made sugar svrup. Or you can use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, you make a full pint more than you can buy ready-made for three times the money. It is pure, Rood and very pleasant children take it eagerlv. You can feel this take hold' of a cough or cold in a way that means business. The cough may be dry. hoarse and tight, or mav be persistently loose from the formation of phlegm. The cause is the pame inflamed membranes ana this Pinex and Syrup combination will stop it usually in 24 hours or less. Splen did, too, for bronchial aathma, hoarse ness, or any ordinary throat ailment. Pinex is a hijrhlv concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine extract, and is famous the world over for its , prompt effect .upon coughs. 1 Beware of substitutes. Ask your drue 1 pist for "2 ounces of Pinex" with directions, and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to pive absolute sat isfaction or money promptly reiunaea. The Pinex Co., Ft, Wayne, Ind. NOBLE NOBLE IS NEW POTENTATE Dr. R. J. Noble Elevated to Highest Office Within Gift of Oasis Temple. As predicted in The News of yester day, the election of a potentate for Oasis Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shricie, to succeed Potentate James O. Walker, resulted in the general moving lup of all officers of the divan. Noble, Dr. J. R. Noble, or fcelma, rormejriy chief rabban, was elevated to the vank of illustrious potentate to succeed No ble Walker. " ' Other officers elected were Julian Price, of Greensboro, to be chief rab ban; J. W. Grimes, of Asheville, to oe assistant rabban. Dr. C. P. Ambler, of Asheville, remains high priest and prophet ; Thomas . Griffith, unanotte, recorder, and W. L. McDonald, of Charlotte, treasurer, while C. V. York, of Raleigh, becomes oriental guide. A ttilo tmD olon tho fom nl a plppted L. lillJ LtUlW fc&AMW v..vj . , Past Potentate Hugh A. Murrill to be imperial representative or tne tem ple to the imperial council, which meets at Indianapolis in June. Immediately after the election, Il lustrious Potentate-Elect Noble au nounced the appointment of the other officers of the temple as follows: A. G. Myers, of Gastonia, first ceremonial master; J. D. Elliott, of Jlickory, sec ond ceremonial master; L. D. Suther land marshal: LeGrand Eve.-v.tt, of Rockingham. caiHa&i. of the guard, rind C. M. Vanstory, of Greensboro, outer guard. Capt. E. B. Graham, who has commanded the Arab patrol for the past three years, was reap pointed to this position, and in com niitmro wit a resolution of tho tem ple, adopted at the December meet ing providing for the appointment of a deputy recorder, who will handle ihn rmhlieitv of the temple, the po tentate-elect named Leake Carraway, of this city, ' to the new ottice. l nib appointment is for the purpose of rec ognizing the member of the temple upon whom this duty is laid and to give him the prestige of membership ia the divan. For five years he has handled the publicity work of the temple, as chairman of a 1 committee. Immediately after these appoint ments were announced, Imperial po tentate Jacoby installed -all officers, elective and appointive, and the tem ple was closed. Imperial Potentate Elias J. Jacoby who was here upon hia official visita tion, installed the officers and was shown many courtesies. At noon yes terday a luncheca was served fn his honor and again at 6 o'clock a ban quet was served at the Selwyn hotel. The business session occurred at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the temple. . w 34 South Tryon Street The Store of Young . Men . We will offer you val ues, that can't be beat. One lot of $2, $2.50 and Get - Rid - Of - Sale Winter Odds and Ends Some money-saving specials as long as they last. It will be a good investment to buy for next year's needs. 15 FINE WINTER COATS Handsome Bolivias, Velours, Pom Poms, etc. Q.7) with fur collars. Values $35 to $45, for D JLc 10 EXTRA QUALITY SWEATERS Seme are heavy coat style. All belted models and good colors. Values $10 to (gfT.OO and K1 fl.00 $25. for PO tPiU LOT CREPE KIMON AS These are dandy for Spring and Summer wear.tfjo 50 Values $3.00 to $3.50 for . . . J)i 15 BLANKET BATH ROBES You can always use one 'of these. Well assorted patterns. Values $5.00 to $7.50 for. $3 .50 mm Abacas Apparel MSf $3.00 SHIRTS at $1.65 See our window, all ... i sizes 13 1-2 'to 18. BIG OPPORTUNITIES by the fhouiamli are bidding: strong for. young men and women einelently trained in bankingr, bookkeeping, ah orthand. -typewriting and modern bui- ,nes smeth oass. cpoeh&i ye9LV Df y0Ur life by training for a successful bus iness career. Your prospects are verr propitious. Our courses are approved ty banks. Chambers of Commerce, state Offl. cials and the United States Bureau of Education, Call or request Catales and Journal., Charlotte, N. C. Ralelsh, IT. C, BE PRETTY! ATTRACTIVE! Have Soft, Smooth Skla! Vac Black and White Olntmeat Bleachea Dark or Sallow Skin - Removea Pimple. Sent By Mall 23c Lota of Colored Folka Uae It to Lighten Their Skin A very defightful ointment called "Black and White Ointment," applied to your face, neck, arms and hands, has the wonderful effect of bleaching your dark, sallow or blotctby skin as well as remove freckles, wrinkles, bumps, pimples or risings. Colored folks are reported as using it in great quantities, as Black and White Oint ment gives them that soft, bright, light, smooth, beautiful complexion such as they desire, with light, heal thy skin, making them the envy of members of their race. Two sizes, 25c and 50c, (large size 3 times of smaller size), sent by mail. FREE If you send $i for four bottles of Black and White Ointment, a 25c cake of Black' and White Soap included free. Agents make an easy living rep resenting "us. Address Plough Chem ical Co., Memphis. Tenn. Black and White Ointment sold everywhere. ; THE BOY SCOUTS AFTER LEADERS Every Man They Meet Upon the Streets Will be Asked to be Scoutmaster. February 11, today, has been set aside by tne local council of Boy Scouts as a day to campaign for scout masters. The scouts will be on the streets today in full force and will ask! every man that they meet to become a scoutmaster. The organization is growing so rap idly that they, are in need of mcfe scoutmasters and leaders to carry on the work. "Help boost your city and. lend your assistance to one of the greatest j movements of the present day for boys," said a scout official. "Ail that is necessary to organize a- troop .is a scout leader, a group of boys and the big outdoors. The only .requirement of a scoutmaster to be is that he must be twenty-one years of age and an American citizen of good moral char acter. The Boy Scouts of America "was incorporated by congress of the United States in June, 1916. Ever? red-blooded American who has spare time, and a hankering for the great outdoors should become a leader in this great organization for boys." To Cure Habitual Constipation "' Take "LAXiFOS WITH PEPSIN" for two or three weeks. A Liquid Tonic Laxative, Pleasant; to ; Take. 50c. It Regulates: 'v - IFjo Openiig up a lot of new. Wear-Ever Aluminum CLAUDE BROWN, INC. 34 S. Tryon We Sell for Cash Hence Cheaper TFPTH We are practicing Dentistry from a personal comfort stand point, giving our pajtients as much real service as any one we Know of and sticking to the methods we know best, and do ing those things for our pa tients which are best for them. Carolina Dental Offices Sir. L. S. Vox, Mgr. 38 W. Trade St. Phone 3396. Lok for the Bl Tooth nf ior and allow case on wall. Next to Selwyn Hotel. Anything a'nd everything you might "possibly want. In our. Home Furnishings department; second floor. , Smith- Wadswoith Hardware Company "The Quality Hardware Store." 29 E. Trade St. J Phonei 64-65 BLAKE'S COLD and GRIPPE TABLETS The quickest, safest and surest method to break a cold. Can be taken any time. 25c a Box at John S Blake Drug "Co. On the Square. Phone 41-300 ' Repair promptly 4oe. All work trletly gnxUe. QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO. Corner 5th a - CUS Street. fir.. . .. Mi -':'. i'i-ii. l l' H' if,' ft-!- if f. ' ,i- H

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