v 4 EIGHT THE CHARLOTTE NEWS NOVEMBER 9, 1919. TED - ALE - NT - LOST - FOI tm WAN FOR 1' I 0 ' 1 V F 4 c i u i p I f I . E 1 The Pullin'est WANTED HELP WANTED First class plumber at once. Write W. G. Grice, Shelby, N. C. 10-lt WANTED r.y manufacturer, young man to flic letters and look after mail. State ace and experience. Manufac turer. P. O. Pox 175. 10-2t SIIOKMAKERS WANTED GOOD OPENING FOIl SEVERAL FIRST CLASS MEN. C. M. ROBERTS. HON 953, CHARLOTTE. 9-3t WANTED Printer in Charlotte week ly publication office. Day job. all round work. Steady. $25 per week, advancement probable. Address P. O. Pox 715. Charlotte. 9-lt WANTED Young lady stenographer. Must be rapid typewriter operator. Permanent position. Apply Mana ger. Hotel Supply Co.. 21-23 E. 6th. 9-lt WANTED GIKI, IS OR 17 YEARS OF AGE TO ANSWER PHONE AND COLLECT. APPLY 6 S. CHURCH ST. 9-lt W ANTED Young lady stenographer. , . x.T,r ; Must bo rapid on typewriter. Apply ANTED To rent bungalow five to Hotel Supply Co., 23 East Sixth St. evenr room- n God locality; pre- 9.lt fer Myers Park. Address Renter, care News. 9-tf-sun WANTED An experienced dairyman. 77777777 TJ T-; ; " A good job for the man that knows ' tb" hab' Pa' lien- how. Please, mention reference. tate price- Address Baby Pen, care Occoneechee Farm, Durham, N. C. . ,ews- 9-lt ?lt WANTED To rent good two horse WANTED Typist owning typewriter (arm Write or see w- H- Pnarr, R. to take work home; can be done in 9-lt evening. Address "Typist," caro W ANTED Extra set of book or office News. 9-lt work nights. Address "Nights," care WANTED A maid. Franklin's Studio, . ' m : No. 302 N. Tryon St. 8-3t WANTED To communicate with some ' : ' one who can weave rag rugs. Phone WANTED Good carrier for News 2182-W. 9-lt route, beginning at 13th St. and S. ROOM WANTED by two gentlemen. Hn iw xwray- APP y CirC,,a; Must b cIose to business center turn Dept.. News. S-3t Hght clean and airy and steam WANTED Colored boy for News furnace heat, not over $30 a month. route in Groveton. Good pay. Apply Address "S." care News. 9-lt Circulation Dept.. News. 8-3t WA NTED Nursing. Phono 40297 WANTED Several bovs with wheels Mrs" Jh"nie Hudson. practical for Ncwh routes. Apply Circulation n"e. References furnished. WANTED Firemen, brakemen, $150 $200 monthly. Experience unneces sary: write Railway Association, care News. 5-St-sun-mo WANTED Experienced machine hands. Charlotte Duck Clothing Co. S-2t WANTED Firemen, brakemen. $150 $200 monthly, experience unneces sary. Write (addressed stamped en velope) Railway Association, care News. 2-4t-sun WANTED Sewing machine opera tives. Charlotte Duck Clothing Co. S-2t WANTED Reliable house servant. Apply with references. 302 South Tryon. 8-3t WANTED TEN BRIGHT GIRLS FOR TOPPING AND KNITTING HALF HOSE. NICE CLEAN WORK, GOOD WAGES' PAID WHILE LEARNING, CONVENIENTLY LO CATED ON CAR LINE IN DIL WORTII. APPLY TO. J. P. PRIMM. Si:PT. CHARLOTTE KNITTING CO- 7-4t WANTRn-r.rri hnv fw fT route. Good salarv and commission Apply Charlotte News. Circulation 1 Department. 7-tf WANTED Salesladies. Previous ex perience not necessary. Must have a fair common school education to qual-ify- S. H. Kress & Co. 5-tf WANTED CARPENTERS CARPENTERS' HELPERS AND LABORERS. E. H. CLEMENT CO. Loray Mills, Gastonia, N. C. 9-lt WANTED A junior drug clerk, one not afraid of work does not watch th dock too closely has the inter est of the firm at heart as well as his own, and a young man who does not know it all, but wants to learn. Druggist, ram News. 9-2t WANTED Millinery saleslady, either with or without experience. Apply to Mr. Bradshaw, II. C. Long Co., 33 East. Trade St. 9.it V ANTED Carrier boy for route in Dilworth. good pay. Apply Charlotte News. Circulation Dept. 9-3t WANTED First class plumber at once. Call W. G. Grtce, Clayton Ho tel today only. 9.H WANTED Immediately, women, 18 or over. Government positions at Washington. $1140-$1840 year. Write without delay, for list positions open' Franklin Institute, Dept. 690 W Ro chenter. N. V. 9-5t-sun CENSUS CLERKS Clerk Operatives (Men. women) 4000 needed. $1140 yearly. Ago 18 upward. Examina tions Charlotte, N. C. Nov. 15, Dec. 10. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, write Rpymond Ter ry (former Civil Service Examiner) 228 Continental Bldg., Washington. 5-6t WANTED Soda boy. Independence Dnif? Store. 2-tf LADY past 24 for Sunday school and Bible work; free to travel; weekly check, liberal guarantee and commis sion. Subscription experience desir able. Write for interview. W., car News. Att. WANTED Two or three good cabinet wood workers, working conditions exceptionally good and wages as good as any shop will pay. Cotton States Wagon Co.. 517-19 Wpst 4th St. 4-tf WANTED 150 laborers for wrecking purposes at Camp Greene. Apply at office, near Dowd House. F. J. LoW. In Mfg. Co. sp.tf WANTED WHITE GIRLS LIGHT PERMANENT WORK. APPLY CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY. 15-tf I IS. WANTED A j-oung man who has had two or three years' experience in set ting type and running job presses. Have a good steady job with good pay to right man. Small town near Charlotte. Address Printer, care News. 30-tf WANTED LABORERS. BASE HOS PITAL. CAMP GREENE. 9-tf WANTED A FEW GOOD WHITE GIRLS FOR MARKING AND AS SORTING DEPARTMENT. EXPE RIENCE NOT NECESSARY. MOD EL LAUNDRY. 18-tf WANTED Brick masons in Charlotte. 211 1-2 N. Tryon St. J. A, Gard ner. 16-tf "Want" Ad Page Published. Not A Boast A Fact. Be Convinced. TW Fm Vwr-.. A , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED December 1st, by couple, two heated unfurnished rooms with private bath. Must beVlean and best location. Address Business Man, care News. 9-2t WANTED Names men, IS to 35, wish ing to become IT. S. Government Railway Mail Clerks. $1100 to $1800 year. Full information free. Apply immediately, this office. 9-5t-sun WANTED To do your cleaning and pressing. Ladies' suits sponged and pressed 75 cents, dry cleaned $1.75 and $2.00. Skirts sponged and pressed 50 cents, dry cleaned $1.00. Ladies' top coats sponged and press ed 50 c?nts. dry cleaned $1.75. Lib erty Pressing Club. Phone 516. 9-2t WANTED To rent two or three furn ished rooms, modern conveniences. Phone 499-W. 9-lt WANTED False teeth. We pay high as $6.00 for full sets, don't matter if broken. Satisfaction or teeth re turned. Western Metal Co., Bloom- WANTED To buy any amount of sec ond hand furniture. College St. Furn iture Co. Phone 388. 8-7t FEATHERS WANTED Will buy or trade for all kinds of feathers. Cat phone 214. 31 S. College St. Parties outside Charlotte mail sample for prices. J. T. A. Lawing. 9-3t WANTED High chair beater. Phone 3192-.J and laundry 9 It WANTED Three or four unfurnished rooms by young couple with one child. Phone 3212. 5-3t-eod WANTED Nursing. Phone 2975. Mrs. Johnnie Hudson. practical nurse. References furnished. ' 10-19-8t-sun WANTED You to call Kee & Eaker. Autos for hire, day or night. Safe, sure service. Phone 1716. 7-6t WANTED Nickel instantaneous water heater. Phone 1116-J. S-tf WANTED TEAMS FOR STEADY WORK ALL WINTER. PPLY rl?. ""LNli CO., CAMP WANTED Every resident of Myers Park to know that we have for their convenience, installed a gasoline ser vice station at our store. Call on us and place your order for your "eats" and feed the auto while here The Quality Store, Myers Park. Rhone 811. o o. 11- A -mriT. - . 1 vvAiMju invalid nursing by expe iit-iicea. capable nurse. Address iNurse. care News. 4-2t-tu?sun WANTED Names ambitious women, 18 or over, wishing government census positions. 4,000 needed. $1 -000 year. Reply "Census." care News- 10-9t-sun WANTED Five or six-room unfurn ished rooms or cottage. P. O. Box 202. Charlotte. g 3 1 WANTED! To rent small house, five or six rooms three in family, adults. Either in citv or suburbs. Will lease for year Ad dress, T. A. McADOO 227 South Cecil Street. 8-3t WANTED To buy 6 or 7 room modern home in Elizabeth or Dilwcrth, direct from owner. State size, location and price. If reasonable, address M. J v.. care ivews. o? V ANTED Table boarders, new servl .lust started. Phone 1709-.T . TIT Xff 1 -1 x m Ai 1 ilu 1 o hear, rom owner cf gjol b'iness for sale. C. C Shep ard. :i:meapolv. Minn. MOc-sun WANTED Your family wash, 5c per pound; starch work, 6c per pound; omits and single blankets, 15c each: douole blankets, 30c. Modern Damp . Laurdry. Phone 3763. 9.tf WANTED To buy at once. 50 second nana organs. Phone . 477, 233 East f-SL$tm Charltte Stove Cc. 4-7t WANTED To buy second hand furn iture of all kinds. Phone 477, 233 East Trade. Charlotte Stove Co. 4-7t WANTED Furnished room on or near Morehead street by single man. Ad dress "Room." care Charlotte News. Waivu to buy your goose feath-ers- Highest market price paid for good'grades. Box 60. Phone 364. Charlotte. 3(j.tf WANTED POSITION SPECIALTY SALESMAN desires a po sition, top notch man; worked gro cery trade several years. Address Work, this office. - g.it POSITION WANTED Young woman, college graduate, wants position as expert cleariner h dress C. H. C. care News. 9-2t WANTED Position as bookkeeper or assistant by experienced young man. Salary no object, where hard wont W-Air,?.romotion- Best references. "Mitchell," care News. c WANTED Painting and calsomininir" Phone 3062. J. S. McCall bmmmft- WANTED-Young man 19 years old of good character and habits, desires position in office or anything with chance for promotion. Anything con sidered and appreciated. Address . Character, care News. g.j FOR SALE FOR SALE Two nice Norway maple trees, suitable for transplanting Phone 1539. 8-2t FOR SALE Boston Phone 1116-J. sword ferns. 8-tf FOR SALE Bissell's "Cyco" ball-bearing carpet sweeper. Phone 1227-W. 7-3t FOR SALE Horses and wagons. Quick sale. C. Valaer Bottling Works. 24-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Good fresh milch cow at a bargain to quick buyer. Apply 641 E- 5th. - g.lt FOR SALE Boys' bicycle, cheap. 315 Wesf Palmer. Phone 333-J. 9-tf FOR SALE New Perfection oil stove, 3 burner with oven, $10.00. Phoho 3535. ' - , 9.2t FOR SALE Ponies. Shetland and Welsh. All sizes and colors. Send a dime for booklet. M. E. Chattin Co., "Winchester, Tenn. 9-7-8t-sun FOR SALE, Fine assortment irrcii,. ious books and periodicals and the latest song books for church, Sun day school and religious meetings: A. M. E. Zion Publishing House. Phone, 213. 7-lt-tf-sun FOR SALE Electric lighting systems and electric water systems. Sehorn and Hipp. ' 7-7t-eod FOR SALE Rock Island in the Ca tawba river, six miles below Bel mont, N. C. comprising 53 acres fer tile land. C. H. Sloan. Belmont, N. 19-4t-sun-wed FOR SALE Slightly used 1920 model Ford touring car with starter and other extras. Pyramid Motor Co. 7-3t FOR SALE Home Comfort cooking range and heater, 11 Statesville Ave. ?-3t FOR SALE South Tryon street residence of 8 rooms and two baths, "slate roof. A real fine home investment in a very high class residence section, $900b. Fourth AVard home 8 rooms and bath located on paved street and car line, in fine neighborhood, house in good condition. $5000. ' p South Boulevard home 7 rooms and bath, slate roof, large lot, '$5850. House of 4 rooms and bath East 4th street, large lot, $1850, $200 cash, balance very easy. 5-room cottages Bland street and Wilmore. Drive, $2750. One very special bargain m a fine Central avenue corner, lot 66x150 $1850. See me early Monday and act quick if you want this. F. S. CONRAD Basement Trust Building. Phone 3682, Residence 2970-W. The Best Bargains m Real Estate. Notary Public. ' Slt FOR SALE Studebaker and Birdseil Farm Wagons in the old standard wide 60 inch track with the regular old standard wide and deep bed. Deal ers should write us for wholesale prices. Sehorn and Hipp, Charlotte . 7-7t-eod bALE Good grocery business with store house, doing 40 thousand a year; one 7-room house, one 5-room house. Will make price interesting to party who will buy all. Good rea son for selling. Phone 3824. 2 5 -tf FOR SALE New Oliver No. 9 type witers, were $100, now $57. Paya ble $3 monthly or less 10 per cent for cash. Office Specialty Co., 112 Lattar Arcade. Phone 1517. FOR SALE Two good 1000 lbs. horses. vvorK anywnere, $125.00 each. Phone FOR SALE; Fertilizer Dags, all kinds of bags, new nd second hand. Dry Ground Rljod, Acid Phcs. Potash, hish grade Tankage, Cotton Seed Meal, all grades Fertilizer mate rial, car lots up from responsible buyers, wire or write us for prices. Southern Brokerage Co., Sumter, S. C- 10-12-tf FOR SALE Fox terrier puppies, Buff Cochin bantams. prize winners Phone 3692-J. g.4t LUMBER FOR SALE All varities. Also window sash and frames, panel doors, glazed doors, bea ver board, wire screening, etc. J. S. RUST, Base Hospital. Camp Greene. P. O. Box 118. Charlotte, N. C. 1 5 -tf -mo-wed-f r i-sun FOR SALE Two fumed oak ers. One mahogany revolving chair. Phone 3630-W. ' rock office 31-tf tuti bALE Horses and wagons. Quic sale. C. Valaer Bottling Works. 9i..t FOR SALE Will rln5A nut ctnoir n lu ou uozen riverside Overalls at old price. H. C. Long Co. - jt FOR SALE Mattresses, springs, pil lows, blankets, comforts, bed spreads, druggets, rugs. Ou,r stock is very complete. We save you money. We also carry trunks and suit cases. A few bargains in f eaters 'and cook stoves still left. You will do well to see us before buying anything in the furniture line. Charlotte Bedding & Furniture Co. (Lawing-Robbins old FOR SALE Small good, location. Phone 1557-J. ? rf LENHARDTS COTTON Heaviest fruiting and fastest yielding of big boll varieties. Record three bales rer acre. Write for facts and proofs from your own state. Special prices on early orders for seed. Write me today. R. g. Lenhardt,. Carnesville. VTct. 1 A 11 FOR SALE Detroit .Tawii 011 overhead oven. Good condition. j-none jLH7-vv. 9.21; FOR SALE Little Gem Ear Phone een used- Thls instrument witn all attachments was bought at Local Drug Store two or three years ago. .Cost $35.- First $10 gets it. Telephone 996 or call at 1000 West a e. a x OR SALE 1918 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, new tires, machine good as new. Dick Erwin. Phone 1934. " y 9-lt FOR SALE Ine chestnut colored mare ,10 or 12 years old. Qualities and condition could not be better. Work anywhere. Child can drive her over Charlotte.. Can be seen at J. P Brock's, Newell. N. C. 8-2t FOR SALE Four strong chairs, Oliver typewriter and Victrola with 100 rec ords. A bargain. 604 E. 4th street. FOR SALE Home-grown pecans, 8de licious flavor. Phone 189? o 9-11 PI,GS K?R SALK 4-00 each, or eighi for S30.00. D. Y. Timrric Tir.-.Lv?nl c ri w imisooro, b'OU SALE westingbouse 30 horse power motor, 60-cycle," 550 volts 11 0 r p. m. and starting box for same All in perfect condition. Phone ,7" ... , iUi charlotte, FOR sA-aasB burnep, $25. medium size, good condition. 1708 Lyndhi F(?R SALE Stove and nrewood uv ered to buyer. Pho,, 2nl ' g i nt 8-6t l u" oii Davonte ranee hot mnnooHnn Ti not water connection. Price $30.00. 313 West oiu 01, 8-4t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED To exchange several nice lots for good automobile. C. S. C, cafe News. 9 It BOR SALE 88 1-2 acre farm on good sand clay road, 9 miles from center 91 -narlotte, 5 minutes walk to P. & N. btation, about 50 acres under cul tivation, land lies well, has good two story 6 -room residence, tenant houses, barn, poultry houses, other outbuild ings, plenty of wood, fine spring, pas ture With running water, would make fine stock and poultry farm, near church and school. Price $125.00 per acre. J. E. Alurphy & Company. 9-3t-eod lOR SALE Farm of thirty-six acres, C 1-2 miles of Charlotte, good road, tenant house and barn. Price $2,500. C. S. C, care News. 9-lt FOR SALE Six-room modern bunga ow cose in on car ine. Large cor ner lot. Cash payment, balance like rent. Will make close price for quick sale. J. W., care News. . 9-2t FOR SALE 62 1-2 acres farm '6 miles from Charlotte, ncar railroad station, has 6 room residence, outbuildings, near good school and churches, land lies well, good pasture with running water, plenty of fire wood, price $6500.00 for tract. J. E. Murphy & C: 9-3t-eod FOR SALE House of 9 rooms and bath, lot 50x150. Elizabeth Avenue.. . Price $6,250. C. S. C. care News. 9-lt FOR SALE 6-room bungalow in Eliza beth, house new, never occupied, has hardwood floors, modern in every re spect, conveniently arranged, screen ed throughout. Price $5000.00. J. E. Murphy & Co. 9-3t-eod FOR SALE House of 7 rooms and, bath, ot 66x225 feet. Piedmont, a real bargain. Price $5,000. C. S. C, care News. 9-it SALE OF VALUABLE LAND AT AUCTION! The M. A. Bass Farm. 'near Barnes ville, Robeson county, N. C, will be sold at auction to the highest bidder on the premises, at noon SATURDAY, NOV. 22, 1919. This farm of about 200 acres will be subdivided into small farms and sold separately, right reserved to sell as a whole. The land is near church and school. There are two good dwellings, two tobacco barns and other buildings. Pump of good drinking water, Uiree wells for tenant houses and cattle, large, pecan grove, fruits of all kinds, grapes in abundance. Located one and half miles from "Princess Ann" famous fish ing and picnic grounds on Lumber riv er, where fishing is good and game plentiful the year round. Ideal place for hunting and fishing lodge. All good land, about 100 acres cleared. Don't forget the date. Be on hand if you want a bargain in good farm land. For further information address C. C. Bass, 6 N. Fox St., Charlotte, N. C. Phcne 1539. 9-6t-end FOR SALE Pretty bungalow of 6 rooms and bath, modern, lot 50x150, Dilworth. Price $5,600.. C. S. C, care News. 9-lt FOR SALE 8-room residence in Colo nial Heights, house in splendid condi tion, comparatively new. hardwood floors, hot air heating plant, rooms nicely, furnished, large lot fronting 155 feet, two garages. Price 8900.00. J. E. Murphy & Co. 9-3t-eod FOR SALE Cottage of five rooms and bath, Worthington Avenue, Dilworth, lot 50x150. Price $3,750. C. S. C, care News. 2-lt FOR SALE Small four-room nouse, close in. Will take vacant lot as part payment. Price $2,000. W. L. B., care News. 8-4t FOR SALEBungalow of 6 rooms and bath, lot 60x100, Crescent Heights. Price $4,500. C. S. C, care News. J! 9-lt FOR SALE 6-room residence in Pied mont, 1 block from car line, house in good condition, electric lights throughout, gas in kitchen, nice bath room, nice mantles, large lot. Price ' 9-3t-eod'PO? RENT To business girl, furnish - . 1 en rnnms xv it Vi hoat K-n tf ; 1 hkju. bALJii Bungalow of five rooms ahd bath, lot 61x200 feet. East Boule vard, Dilworth. Price $4,650. C. S. C, care News. 9.1 1 OK SALE 7-room bungalow with hardwood floors, pi actically new, nice ly furnished,, conveniently arranged, modern conveniences, located in Myers Park section, has 2 ' acres in lot,, fruit trees, garden, and garage on lot. Price $8500.00. J. E. Murphy & Co- 9-3t-eod FOR SALE Bungalow of 6 rooms and bath, Cecil Avenue, lot 60x125. Price $3.500. C. S. C'T care News. 9-lt FOR SALE 7 room house in Elizabeth section. Good garage and barn; excellent neighborhood, shady side of street. For quick sale $6750.00. 6-room home in Fourth Ward, excellent neighborhood, house in good' condi tion, ten minutes walk from square, shady side of street, large shade trees. House can't be built for price asked. A good investment in close in first class residential property, pays 10 per cent on what you can buy it for. Beautiful corner lot for residence on Central Ave., can be had at a bargain. E. S. DeDANEY . Real Estate. No. 2 Law Bldg. ' Phone 1218 8-5t FOR SALE Corner house of 9 reoms and bath, close in, lot 50x150. A bar gain. -nce $5,750. C. S. C., care News. 9-lt FOR SALE 6-room bungalow in Eliz abeth section, house in very good con dition, would cost to build house with- ' out lot today $5500.00, house has nice bath room, electric fixtures, cement porch. This house must be sold Mon- ( day. Price $4750.00. J. E. Murphy & CO. O.'lt.onrf OR SALE House of 7 rooms and bath, slate roof, lot . 50x190, nicely located in Dilworth, a bargain. Price $6.750. C. S. C, care News. 9-lt FOR SALE Bungalow of five rooms and bath, Elizabeth, lot 50x147. Price $4,000. C. S, C, care News. 9-lt FOR SALE See house 607 North Pine and if interested call 2755. 7-4t i?OR SALE Farm of fifteen acres, 4 1-2 miles of Charlotte, fine road, good land, tenant house and barn. Price $3,000. C. S. C, care News. 9-lt FOR SALE Very desirable lot West side eleven hundred block North Col lege. If interested call 2755. 7-fit FOR SALE Two of the prettiest lots on the Plaza, Chatham Estates, 66x 1 0 feet, a real bargain. C. S. C . care News. g.jt FOR SALE $4000.00. , Good 5, 6, 7 room houses, two to 4 blocks South ern depot. Bitulithic streets, easy tertns. Possession quick. N., care News...,.,. .. , . - 9.lt FOR SALEREAL ESTATE FOR SALE Dandy Piedmont lot, 1-2 block car line. $750.00 on terms. Piedmont, News. 9-lt FOR SALE One good four room house on easy terms at a bargain. Cathey Bros. 7-tf FOR SALE Beautiful modern home of 7 rooms and bath, garage, servants' house, furnace heat, hardwood floors, lot 135x190. Price $8,500. C. S. C, care News. g.jt FOR SALE Cheap and on terms, mod ern 9 -room house, 2 baths, corner Ce dar and 3rd streets. Three 6-room . houses, Wilmoore, No. 4, 6 and 8 Worthington Ave. One 4-room house Villa Heights. $1150.00. 66 1-2 acres land 6 1-2 miles of city, fronting on macadam road for $50.00 per acre E L. Propst, No. 28 West 5th St. Phone No- 2122, 5 FOR SALE Cottage of five rooms and , bath, close in on East Tenth street Price $2,500. C. S. C, care News. 9-lt FOR RENT I1 OR RENT Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished, all modern conveniences, In good neighborhood, with private family. Use of bath, lights and gas. Address Piedmont, care News. FOR UiUNT Unfurnished, thrTe" rooms and kitchenette, to couple Phone 2895. -2t FOR RENT Furnished room close in". Phone 2841 -W. qt I OR RENT Three room apartment with private hall, ' completely furn ished. Phone 2699-.I. 9.2t FOR RENT One furnished room to one or two gentlemen. Apply to 203 East 5th St. o if FOR RENT Furnished room to cou- pie or young men.' Good location. Kir?n? house next door- Hoom 508 EV Ave. 9.2t FOR RENT Furnished room to gen- "cmc" 'y, iu im. uraham. 9-2t FOR RENT Desk space Phone 2103 9-lt aiter a a. m FOR RENT 'ihfPP fl 7 m ioliA1 a - , v niontu ji UU- furnished rooms, heated, convenient tu meais. Jnone 3675-J. 9-lt WANTED To rent modern bungalow or small house, or strictly modern three rooms and bath by business man and wife before November il. Do not reply unless you hae something nice. Address "Business Man," care Jvews- 2-2t-sun-wcd FOR RENT To gentlemen only, dou ble room adjoining bath, senafate beds, hot water heat, walking dis tance. 209 S. Qedar. Phone 3064. -tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room and sleeping porch, to one or two gentlemen, near good board. Also a suite of two rooms and private bath, furnace heat: Phone 2473-W 8-3t FOR RENT Offices, desirable location; one block from square, reasonable price. ' Groce & Company, 205 W. Tradg- ' 8-2t FOR RENT 1 Two 11 n f 11 m ifihorl -r - VA VlVll' necting rooms, water and lights furn ished, close in. 408 East 9th. Phone 3056-L-2. 8-2t t'OR RENT To a desirable gentleraah or lady, a room with" running water and house steam heated. Must give references. 128 N. McDowell St 8-2t FOR RENT Newly room, jso. t07 South Tryon street. 8-3t FOR RENT ONE FURNISHED ROOJ CLOSE IN. LADIES PRE FERRED. PHONE 3209. 1-t FOR RENT Two unfurnished up-stair8 rdoms; light and water; 204. Grade street, near south Graded school. 7-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, all conveniences, including steam heat for the winter. Good loca tion. Prefer gentlemen only. Apply 1010 So. Boulevard, or see F. B. Pe- gram, at Keese-Stowe .Co. 7-2t ed rooms with heat, beard if desired. .rnone ziss. 25-tf LOST OR FOUNlTIZ LOST In business part of townl50.00 Liberty bond. Finder return to 211 N. Tryon St. Phone 3579. Liberal re ward. 00 FOUND THE PLACE TO GET YOUR ELECTRICAL WORK AND RE PAIRS IS 22 WEST 5TH. PHONE 4003. AUTEN ELECTRIC CO. 9-lt LOST Light brown and white bull dog, wearing collar and llcen.se No. 638, return to 316 North Erevard. Phone 34R2. 0.1, I STRAYED OR STOLEN One white anad yellow Scotch collie pup. male, Reward if returned to 609 N. Bre vard. Phone 1856-J. 9-it x c LOST Gold cuff liua .engraved M. B. M. Reward return to News. 30-tf-sun LOST Small loose leaf booklet, black cover, name C. L. Brookshire written inside cover. Finder please return to News offlc. 8-tf FOUND Ladies silver handle umbrel- la. R. L. Fox Dancing School. 8-2t LOST Friday between Belmont bridge and rock crusher, purse containing three ten and two five-dollar bills. Reward for return to News office or H. W. Medlin. R. F. D. No. 6, Box No. 1, Monroe, N. C. 8-2t LOST Ford badge No. 48. Return to News, Reward. . 8-3t FOUND Lady's silver handle umbrel la, left at R. D. Fox's dancing school about a week .go. 7-3t LOST A black and tan male Airdale terrier, answers to the name Pax. Re ward of $5 if returned to 500 Park Ave, or 'phone 1234. 4-tf FOUND The place to have your old furniture repaired and upholstered. Expert workmanship. Prompt ser vice. B. H. Johnson,, 28 Howell Ar cade. Phone 1186. 31-tf SPECIAL NOTICES GET READY for the Quality Poultry fcnow or the South, Thanksgiving week, 1919, at Bishopville, S. C. The largest list of prize!, sweepstakes, etc., ever offered. Write to C. E. McLendon, Bishopville, S. C, for premium list. Two of the best judges in the country have been employed, Chas. Nixon, of New Jersey, and R. L. Simmons, of Charlotte, N.. C. Don't forget the dates, Thanksgiving week, beginning Tuesday morning, Nov. 9-2t-sun-wed SUGGS & NORMAN Meat Market, 1106 S. Tryon. Native and Western .Meats at lowest prices. Phone us your order. We deliver. Phone 3938. - 6-tf WE DO first-class wet wash work. Our delivery service is good. Call us early in the week. Crowell's Laun dry. .Phone 3008. 8-4t AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Ford speedster, three-passenger, good tires, demountable rims. Car in fine shape, $400. Can be seen at 400 S. Myers. Phone 1846. T. P Fowler. g.jj FOR SALE 1917 model Ford roadster first-class condition, $425. Can be seen at 400 S. Myers.. Phone 1846. T P. Fowler. x g.tf FOR SALE Ford sedan, slightly us-d Or will trade for Ford car. Cali 2268 J- 10-lt WJ?.SVE THE FOLLOWING USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT VERY AT T?'IVB PRICES. ALL IN GOOD HSHANICAL CONDITION: ONE 2-TON REPUBLIC WITH PLAT FORM BODY; ONE COLE 8 TOUR ING CAR. DRIVEN ABOUT ELEV EN THOUSANDS MILES. TWO 1 TON INTERNATIONALS WITH PLATFORM BODIES; ONE 5-TQN WHITE WITH PLATFORM BODY. THE WHITE COMPANY, 206 SOUTH POPLAR STREET, CHAR LOTTE. N. C. 9.2t FOR SALE ONE FORD TOURING ONE BUICK TOURING, ONE SAX TOURING, ONE DODGE BROTHERS TOURING CAR. USED CAR DEPARTMENT, CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR CO. g.t FOR SALE SEVERAL NEW FORD TOURING CARS WITH ' AND WITHOUT STARTER. 33 W. 4TH ST. PHONE 2117. ' g.lt FOR SALEl NEW FORD COM PLETE. NEVER RUN. PHONE 2117 OR 3209. 9.lt FOR SALE FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! and other standard makes for sale or exchange at PAYNE S AUTO W'ORKS Charlotte's only used car market 26 East 6th St. - 6-tf SEE V. M. STINE, he will pay you cash for your automobile. 16-tf LEARN RETREADING AND VULCANIZING Wanted Operators in every Carolina town to represent us. We have the otV,BEST VULCANIZING EQUIPMENT. Don't fail to see us be fore buying. New Process Tire & Sup- S!?ttJS?V 209 W- Trade st- BIG SCHOOL IN CONNECTION. 27-tf YOU CAN GET CASH for your auto mobiles at Payne's Auto Works. 26 E. 6th St. - g.f CHANDLER ROADSTER, perfect con ditlon, very cheap. Phone J. H. Howell. 1892. c r-rv baljKj rora touring car. 1917 model. Bargain. Charlotte Storage Battery Co., 1208 W. 4th St. 8-2t OUR POLICY insures your automobile against fire anywhere in United States. Rates reasonable. . Write Forest City Loan & Insurance Co., ' - "-j . - v.. z-zu-tr-sun x vii naimers roadster, jut ?Leihauled' flrst class condition. 59OOT00. Can be seen at 609 E. 5th St- 8-2t CITY GARAGE On Fourth St. Allev Rear Stlne's Barber Shop z s. Tryon St. J. A. LAWING & H. T. WILLIS, Props. Phone 3163 EXPERT MACHINISTS Dealers in Second Hand Cars. 8-tf 1920 xsew FORD touring cars for sale. wmi starter suu; without starter $725. Carey W. Teal, McFarlan, N. . C- . ... ll-4-30t SELL TIRES 30x3 1-2, $11.70. How many non-skid 30x3 1-2 tires Good year Goodrich, U. S.. Kelly, Fisk, ere., could you sell at $11.70? Other sizes just as cheap. Special proposition no other like it. Devote spare or full time. Tires sell themselves. No samples, no experience, no invest ment necessary. Earn $10 to $100 a day. Write for this attractive prop osition. Famous Tires Corporation, 136 Babcock St., Buffalo, N. Y. . "-" 19-3t-sun ;rut sal,is 1918 Chalmers touring car, used as demonstrator. Will give reasonable reduction for use. Bur-well-Walker Co. Phone 834. 7-7t FOR SALE 1918 Oldsmobile five pas senger touring car in fine condition Chas S. Andrews, Phone 834. 7-7t FOR SALE Chalmers roadster in good condition, at a bargain. C. H. Gar mon. Phone 834. 77t FOR SALE 1918 Chandler club road ster, in good condition throughout New tires, good paint, good motor! Run 4000 miles. Chas. S. Andrews, Phone 834. 7 1 V, bALE Bargain, slightly used Ford sedan. Perfect condition in ev ery way. Pyramid Motor Co. 7-3t FR SALE Bargain, slightly used ord sedan. Perfect condition in ev ery way. Pyramid Motor Co. 7.st WANTED Two late model Fnrrt ,h' sis at once. Pyramid Motor Co. 7-3t WANT TO EXCHANGE good Mitchell 6 seven-passenger, -newly painted, for Ford sedan. H. D. Lindsay. Tav lorsville, N. C. 7 5 f WANTED Two late model Ford chas aisea ai once. Jfyramid Motor Co. 7-3t FOR SALE Slightly used 1920 model Ford touring car with starter and other extras. Pyramid Motor rn 71 - w. O , rui oAuiu if'ora aelivery truck Phone 2791. y FOR SALE Hudson speedster '18 model, extreme lines, newly painted. Car in A-l condition nHoi ., "8,mo5eI' Perfect condition, $750.0ol FOR SALE Ruick Four, five passen RoVoTA r P noscn magneto. Bargain for quick sale. Call at 1001 North Graham. 5.5t FOR SALE Light five-passenger Car motor in good condition, new top lu? and tubes- extr- wheel! chains and bumper. Real bargain for immediate sale. 1400 Elizabeth -Ave. r At- CIT1 GARAGE US?3' 55$? STINE'S BARBER cIr?" Tnw TOURING Sm Wl PHONE 3168. J. LAWING. H. T. WILLIS. 13-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ETl easily made- Something to t7 l Lome-' We pay S3.50 to ?7.50 each and expenses when three to eight months old. Fur Farm lng and Home Manufacture of Furs book 10 cents. Sunset Fur Co., 507 . Lankershim Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. - - .- - - - .... .- 9.it -cin.-i-i-YyoiH MlSCELLAXEOrs AUTEN ET-WTnio ,. OIH- PHONE 4003. IRONS. UJ' i'Mp -""v, y-ij.. "SWEETHEA RT DAYuTT I'RKSH M Eat s.HFrelmrfr-- iiii Vegetaoies. Fish. FiT ery day. Phone fi7 t :A 1 - -uujwn irom Tufsdnvv- v- - Phone 67 school bovs n,i .rr - v nursams. Try our mo,ni ment Crayons. Largo TV. -holder and sharpner. oariV,' I""r':1 all for 25c in coin (' , r. Assortments eraser sh.Wn Piedmont Supply, Dept." 'li.rJ t , " f-;nN. i KODAKS We Fel7t7ir films on hand. We do dr-vc-ir.,..-. printing of quality. uVl J " ture Factory, 115 Latu ' Ik. 1 J c "SWEETHEART "DAY1-ThVI coupon from Tuesday's , FOR ELECI'RICA L WORK 4003. 22 WEST 5TH ELECTRIC CO. MVE Bi 1'R L'CK A n v t h i erything. Pianos a speci-W drews Music Store. Phon- V" The best the world affords. Mad rir tho vb 0 1 - . - ) " -Hce. i a.t. TrAc St. -If -SI! "SU'PPTUL' 4 n . .. UAl Lli(j'-f nAiinnvi - . ' T YPE WRITER REPAI RINGO- cihties are unexcelled. Facu chanics and best equipment '"i; , Z your old machine rebuilt aj, ???r! its life- J- E- Cravu.i, lV O, 217 S. Tryon. Phone 304. i WRITE PHOTOPLAYS-j25.$F-7Tn anyone for suitable ideas. E...-J, ;'J unnecessary; complete outlin- - ,0 Producers Leasrue. St. UHKJKENS-All sizes, aiive or hundred. Phone 67. Lillvcron " "SWEETHEART DAY" Tuesday Tv: coupon from Tuesday's Nw ' u-'. UUUHRAN & ROSS CO. willTl your rugs and tapestry for v Phone No. 52. 24-tf-sun-v.Vfri FOR FRESH EGGS. Chickens anTwT duce call A. M. Hetland. ih,.rt 155 1 -J. Wholesale and retail. Proirv dehvery. 10-13-;'.t LAWNS Beautiful lawns are an asset tu an. home a true sign of refinement. We have in stock Evergreen an l the famous Oriole lawn grass. AMERICAN 8EED CO. 511 East Trade. Phone 3961. NATIVE PORK. BeeT Veal Ed Lamb. Lillycrop's Market. rhc- 67. "SWEETHEART DAY" Tuesday. ;m coupon from Tuesdav's News. '..it j MULTI GRAPH and Mimeograph M lers quickly executed. Trv us wit "a your next rush order. J. E. Cravt-n & Co., 217 S. Tryon. Phone 304. KEYS FITTED Trunks. Cmbr-!hs repaired. Myers Hdw. and Sportin? Goods Co. Phone 9$2. li t! "SWEETHEART DAY" Tuesday. ;.i coupon from Tuesday's News. -::: CONNELLY SPRINGS HOTEL, Cou- . nelly Springs, N. C. This hoiel while open the year round to t;;a traveling public, is now open ior summer guests. Finest mineral v:o .ter good hotel, modern colt-;:: lences, medium elevation, ca tfe main line of the Southern 11 il from Salisbury to Asheville. atd at the foot of the South Mounai:i, and at a moderate price. Write for folder and prices to W..Je!f Dni-. OwnPir and Proprietor. 6-2'l?ai HEAR the November Edison lfC ations at Crayton's. 217 S. Trv --. St. S.ia-.,J "SWEETHEART DAY" Tuesday. : coupon from Tuesday's News. 5 DHLcSKD POULTRY ali tho tin;,, wholesale and retail. Phone CT. Poultry Headquarters, Lilhcro?'--Market. MATERNITY SANITARIUM fT vate, refined, homelike. Homes 1 vided for infants. "i.Irs. Mitels".. Windsor. Atlanta. Ga. 11 "SWEETHEART DAY" Tuesday. M - coupon from TupsrtavV ' '.::: LEVY'S EYEGLASSES fit all o-. None better. 7 East Trade Si. l stairs. 2:' THE NOVEMBER Edison Record r.r here. Come in and hear tli-sn phone your order to 304. J. E. Cr.iv ton & Co.. 217 S. Trvon. 30 t - J "SWEETHEART DAY" Tuesday coupon from Tuesday's News. KENDRICK'S DRUG STORF. South Church St. Prescriptic: 1 specialty. Phone 240-241. WE ARE PREPARED to clean y.cr rugs and tapestries. Cochra:i L Ross Co. Phone 52. 24 tf- A ' in PIANO TUNING W. E. Serin, ( n r. lotte, N. C. Phone 1569. ld-R'-f WOOD wo- A good thing for YOU to buy a ' loads of wood. A load cr two of oak and hickory blocks will mak t high price coal last longer. $7.50 a Delivered to any part of the city. Phone 3724 or 3278. DIXON WOOD CO. 19 "SWEETHEART D.UT Tuesday. coupon from Tuesday's New. '' :2 LET COCHRAN & ROSS get moth eggs out of your.ru?s. P!.o:. No. 52. -24-ltf-sun-wod-fn I REPAIR SEWIX'fi MAfHIVKS '"-V. ln 'l 5. lit- . ?4t r..l .v. iJ: .... An- rert. Call me. Phone 2462. Pr-V-guaranteed work. 10-21 ni TYPEWRITERS are scarce. New chines cannot be had. Have your 0 one repaired or rebuilt by best n c!anics. All our work guarai.nJ J. E. Cray ton & Co., 217 S. Tryorr "Phone 304; - 30-St-cod 1